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Iraqi Dinar Video Update Thursday Evening 5-23-24

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Thursday Evening 5-23-24

PM Of Iraq Announced New Rate – 3:10

Chase Bank Announced About IQD RV - 4:14

Iraqi Dinar International Revaluation   - 4:56

Iraq Currency Printed New Notes IQD RV – 4:32

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Thursday Evening 5-23-24

PM Of Iraq Announced New Rate – 3:10

Chase Bank Announced About IQD RV - 4:14

Iraqi Dinar International Revaluation   - 4:56

Iraq Currency Printed New Notes IQD RV – 4:32

PM Of Iraq Announced New Rate – 3:10


Chase Bank Announced About IQD RV – 4:14


Iraqi Dinar International Revaluation – 4:56


Iraq Currency Printed New Notes IQD RV – 4:43


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VELOCITY OF MONEY From Recaps Archives

Occasionally Dinar Recaps will be posting Exchange Tips and information from our archives for our newest readers that may be helpful for you at our exchange appointments and Post RV. Not all information may apply to you and your personal situation…..Take what you like and leave the rest:  Some you may want to save for your own personal records! We hope all our dreams come true very soon ~ Your Dinar Recaps Team

VELOCITY OF MONEY - From Virginia Gentleman

I know I don’t have to state the obvious …GO HAVE FUN WITH SOME OF YOUR NEW FOUND WEALTH. However, I would like to pass on some words of wisdom.

As we get ready to punch it in, please remember to act like you’ve been in the End Zone before. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly as you collect yourself with the full intentions of acting with class and integrity.

Respectful treatment of others will be an inherent responsibility of your new status, as well as respectful treatment of your money and assets. You owe this to yourself, your family, your neighbors, and your heirs.

Occasionally Dinar Recaps will be posting Exchange Tips and information from our archives for our newest readers that may be helpful for you at our exchange appointments and Post RV. Not all information may apply to you and your personal situation…..Take what you like and leave the rest:  Some you may want to save for your own personal records! We hope all our dreams come true very soon ~ Your Dinar Recaps Team

VELOCITY OF MONEY - From Virginia Gentleman

I know I don’t have to state the obvious …GO HAVE FUN WITH SOME OF YOUR NEW FOUND WEALTH. However, I would like to pass on some words of wisdom.

As we get ready to punch it in, please remember to act like you’ve been in the End Zone before. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly as you collect yourself with the full intentions of acting with class and integrity.

Respectful treatment of others will be an inherent responsibility of your new status, as well as respectful treatment of your money and assets. You owe this to yourself, your family, your neighbors, and your heirs.

Don’t hoard it, and on the other hand, don’t waste it or give it all away. Save, invest, and spend wisely.

 One of the single best things you can do with a small portion, and in effect a very small portion, is to be more generous over at least the next 18-24 months (or the longer) spending your money locally. What do I mean? The answer is the ‘VELOCITY OF MONEY’.

The Velocity of Money is a fairly simple financial concept where a ‘community’ can be positively impacted by the way a group of individuals increase the spending of their money in their economy, and in turn, the ripple effect of that spending as it accelerates throughout that same economy.

It can be local, regional, national, and even global. Velocity of money is most effective in a smaller market with the smaller more predictive population of a local economy, and it isn’t just effective, it is fun for the people spending their increased earnings, or in this case, significant returns on an investment. Yep, that is you!

Anyone who has ever lived in a small town or Suburban area where a new large company has come in and opened a large facility and hired a large amount of employees has witnessed this phenomenon.

Money gets pumped in and spending from increased disposable income begins to spread out through the entire community finding its way into the wallets of all the inhabitants.

The goal is to spend your money at local establishments on services, appliances, home improvements, food, entertainment, and such.

More precisely on things like tipping an extra 5-15 percent, using a valet to park at the local steakhouse (tipping extra), go hear a local band (put money in the tip jar), buy cheese or pork or beef at a farmers market instead of 2 month old shrink wrapped processed cheese from a Big Box store or grocer, get an extra manicure or haircut (tipping extra!), get your car repaired at the mechanic down that side road instead of Walmart or the Dealer, buy those nicer hiking boots ‘Made In America’.

Get your computer cleaned up by that geek in the shop she set up in the old 7-11 building, buy your lumber from the local milled lumber supplier not the National Chain hardware store, deal with a local community bank or credit union with a substantial portion of your money… you get it now right.

Think about it. You may be spending either the same amount or perhaps an extra 10-20%, and you’re getting the same things… OFTEN WITH THE BONUS OF MUCH HIGHER QUALITY PRODUCTS WHILE GETTING TO KNOW YOUR NEIGHBORS ON MAIN STREET!!!

I personally look forward to trying some of the world’s best Craft Breweries in Richmond (tipping generously) and touring some of Virginia’s wineries (tipping generously)… jealous of you Kentucky folks that can tour the best ‘Bourbon’ distilleries on the planet, or you ‘Whiskey’ lovers in Tennessee just outside of Fayetteville down the Admiral Frank B Kelso highway or those in Nashville who can wander in a restaurant and catch a ‘local’ band like Kenny Chesney, lol. Believe it!

By doing this the dominoes of positive change begin to fall within your local community. The ripple effect is that the waiters, mechanics, manicurists, hairstylists, valet, carpenter, plumber, artisan cheesemaker, farmer, and others in your community begin to make more money.

And what do they do? They go out and spend more, tip more, consume more. Your local tax authority makes more sales tax revenue and spends it on improvements.

 I’m in America, but the Velocity of Money is true in Canada, Great Britain, Iraq, Vietnam, or anywhere. And guess what? Since this is fun stuff you’ll be doing while spending your hard earned money, you will also be wearing a BIG smile.

There is nothing more infectious and quick to spread goodwill than passing on your smile accompanied by kind words. So be wise with your prosperity and have some fun …LOCALLY.

Even pay attention to those companies being loyal corporate citizens to us through the new incentives to stay and manufacture here, and be loyal to them.

The fruit you bear will fall from your tree and spread its seeds…

Live and grow in the nine fruits of the Spirit and you will sow the nine fruits…

Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Faithfulness, and Self-Control.

Take care –Virginia Gentleman

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Possible Bank Perks to ask for at your Exchange Appointment .

Occasionally Dinar Recaps will be posting Exchange Tips and information from our archives for our newest readers that may be helpful for you at our exchange appointments and Post RV. Not all information may apply to you and your personal situation…..Take what you like and leave the rest:  Some you may want to save for your own personal records! We hope all our dreams come true very soon ~ Your Dinar Recaps Team

From Recaps Archives:

Possible Bank Perks to ask for at your Exchange Appointment .
AUM - Assets Under Management

1. No fees ever for foreign currency exchanges

2. Provide a Private Banker/Wealth Manager at the time of exchange to initially park the funds in an non-interest-bearing account overnight and sweep those funds into other non-interest bearing accounts within your bank the following day; until I meet with bank advisers and other financial professionals and make some general guidelines for the management of these funds and the distribution of a portion of these funds through your bank, trust, and LLCs.

Occasionally Dinar Recaps will be posting Exchange Tips and information from our archives for our newest readers that may be helpful for you at our exchange appointments and Post RV. Not all information may apply to you and your personal situation…..Take what you like and leave the rest:  Some you may want to save for your own personal records! We hope all our dreams come true very soon ~ Your Dinar Recaps Team

From Recaps Archives:

Possible Bank Perks to ask for at your Exchange Appointment .
AUM - Assets Under Management

1. No fees ever for foreign currency exchanges

2. Provide a Private Banker/Wealth Manager at the time of exchange to initially park the funds in an non-interest-bearing account overnight and sweep those funds into other non-interest bearing accounts within your bank the following day; until I meet with bank advisers and other financial professionals and make some general guidelines for the management of these funds and the distribution of a portion of these funds through your bank, trust, and LLCs.

3. Family Office Services


4. Perks can be based on AUM (Assets Under Management) in a tier grid

5. Discounts on AUM fees

6. No fees ever - no fee to deposit/wire transfer money

7. No Broker fees ever

8. Free Safe Deposit Box, Certified Checks, Notarized, Courier Services

9.Provide Excess Deposit Insurance (i.e. Lloyds of London and/or Travelers) or Abbott Downing

10.Provide Senior Wealth Managers/Investment Bankers for selection

11.Tax/Business/Estate Attorney & CPA

12. Private transactions representation –assistance in buying a house/car/anything ( my trustee will purchase through my bank) 13.

Free Due Diligence Services provided for outside investment opportunities(research on any person or service) they will get it

14.100% funding availability (immediate Funds) before we leave

15. Unlimited Platinum or Black Visa Signature Debit & Credit Card with no ATM fees

16. Line of Credit available

17. Group Health Insurance - to cover the signers and families of depositors

18. Guarantee 12-15% interest per year on deposits

19. Bank Trading Platforms & Repurchase Agreement Sweep Accounts

20. Short Term/High Yield Interest Rates

21. Assist in opening an offshore bank account with affiliate bank for foreign investments

22. Access to information on great investment opportunities

23. Pre-IPO deals

24. Provide free Executive Privacy Plus subscription with Reputation.com

25. Sports tickets in suites and on the floor (Football, Basketball, Baseball, Boxing, Tennis, Golf, NASCAR & etc.) Also, special events like the Super Bowl, NBA Finals, College Bowls, NCAA Final Four, World Series &the Olympics. Based on AUM in a tier grid

26. Entertainment & Concert tickets in suites and on the floor (Music Concerts, Entertainment Awards Shows, Premier Movie Screenings, TV Show tickets & etc.) Based on AUM in a tier grid

27. Limousine & VIP transportation based on AUM in a tier grid

28. Private Jet Travel (5-25 flight hrs. per mo.) based on AUM in atier grid on flight hours per month

29. First Class seats/commercial airlines based on AUM in a tier grid

30. Private Yacht access/usage (40 hrs. annually) based on AUM in a tier grid on access/usage hours per year

31. Donations to our favorite charities (Banks matching a certain percentage)

32. Prime seats at charity events

33. Suites at Luxury Hotels & VIP Dinners at Restaurants based on AUM

34. Membership fee & Annual fees to Inspirato Core resorts & residences

35. Membership fee & Annual fees to Exclusive Resorts & Residences for 60 days with Priority Holiday Access annually


36. ClubCorp Private Membership based on AUM

37. Spa & Massage Club Membership based on AUM in a tier grid

38. Concierge Services 24/7 based on AUM

39. Provide a free cell phone & concierge subscription service for  members with $1 million and over AUM

40. Free Family Financial Education provided for group family members

41. Provide any and all other perks that was not mentioned

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Example of an Exchange Appointment Checklist and Tips For the Big Day

Occasionally Dinar Recaps will be posting Exchange Tips and information from our archives for our newest readers that may be helpful for you at our exchange appointments and Post RV. Not all information may apply to you and your personal situation…..Take what you like and leave the rest:  Some you may want to save for your own personal records! We hope all our dreams come true very soon ~ Your Dinar Recaps Team

Bank appointment for Currency EXCHANGE Instructions/Checklist

Bank Name_________________________________________

Bank 800#__________________________________________

“I am calling to schedule a foreign currency exchange”

My name is___________________________________________

My zipcode is__________________

My e-mail address is (If they ask for it)________________________________

Occasionally Dinar Recaps will be posting Exchange Tips and information from our archives for our newest readers that may be helpful for you at our exchange appointments and Post RV. Not all information may apply to you and your personal situation…..Take what you like and leave the rest:  Some you may want to save for your own personal records! We hope all our dreams come true very soon ~ Your Dinar Recaps Team

Bank appointment for Currency EXCHANGE Instructions/Checklist

Bank Name_________________________________________

Bank 800#__________________________________________

“I am calling to schedule a foreign currency exchange”

My name is___________________________________________

My zipcode is__________________

My e-mail address is (If they ask for it)________________________________

For your own information or at your exchange appointment : No one is supposed to ask how much currency you have until you are at the exchange appointment.

I have________________________ IQN (Iraqi) currency

I have________________________VNN (Vietnamese) currency

I have________________________ IDN (Indonesian) currency

I have_________100Trillion,________50Trillion,_______20Trillionand_______10Trillion
2008AA notes of ZWN (Zimbabwe) currency

FILL IN THE BLANKS for EXCHANGE appointment information that you get from the call
center representative:

Your appointment Information:



The Location____________________


The Day of Your Appointment- Things To Do

1. Make sure you know where you are going. Arrive early so you can “get yourself together, take a deep breath”.

Do not loiter. If you are too early, stay SECURELY in the general area but not in the bank parking lot!

2. Remember to get in and get the EXCHANGE done, there a lot of other people behind you in line so be thoughtful of their time as well.

You will have time for questions at your second appointment with your new Private Banker/Wealth Manager.

3. Be discrete, be professional, and be alert and aware of your surroundings. BREATHE! Seriously consider hiring security to accompany you to your appointment or bring a trusted friend.

4. Collect business cards from everyone or take their name and phone numbers as well as the location of their regular branch office.

5. Read and Sign the NDA. If it is simple and states you cannot tell anyone except your spouse, lawyer, or CPA (These are the people that need to know how you came about your money for tax purposes) how you came about all of your new found wealth, sign it and move forward with your exchange.

Be prepared to uphold it!

If you break the terms, you could lose your newfound wealth.

If the NDA is more complex and you are not comfortable with it, simply let them know you would like to explore your options with another banking institution. They may or may not waive the NDA.



The Day of Your Appointment Things NOT To Do

Do not demand anything while at the bank or act like a lunatic, you will be escorted out.

Remember the Golden Rule “Treat others the way you wish to be Treated”!!!

Items to Bring to the EXCHANGE Appointment

(Check off the list as you put all items needed together to make sure you remember everything)

“Driver’s License

“Second form of ID (accredit card or passport)

“Your most recent utility bill (Water, power, etc.) to confirm residency in case you have never held an account with the bank you will be exchanging with or for another form of ID

“Power of Attorney Paperwork (If you are exchanging for someone else)

“A pad, pen to take notes, calculator

“Receipts for all currency purchased or gifting letter if they were a gift in case they are needed (Do not offer them, only do so if they are requested)

“IQD / VNN / IDN / ZWN currency

“Have your TOD designees (Transferable on Death) full legal names, phone numbers, addresses and Social Security Numbers written down that you want listed on your accounts.

You can have multiple TOD designations per account (Wife/Husband, Children, Grandchildren, Nieces/Nephews, etc.)

“Have a list of Cashier’s Checks you will need, if any, along with the exact amounts and who they need to be Payable to

“Decide in advance if you will be requesting cash for “Pocket Money” beforehand and how much……if allowed

New Account Numbers for each Currency EXCHANGED (If You decide to have separate accounts) For your own records. At one time it was suggested to use separate accounts for each currency in case of different tax liabilities……That may no longer be the case

Name of Bank Exchanger____________________________________________



IQD Checking Account Number__________________________________________

IQD Checking Routing Number__________________________________________

IQD Savings Account Number (Deposit 50% of your Exchange for Taxes just in case and do not touch until Tax Time)_________________________________________

Add TOD (Transferable on Death) Names to Accounts (Checking and Savings)

“Make sure you receive copies of the deposit slips and all account information

“Get Clean and Clear Certificates – at least 10 or more (Documentation that your money is not tied to anything illegal)

“Get starter checks if needed until your checks arrive

“Get ATM card if you want one

“Set up Online Banking if wanted

“Inquire about Extra Insurance for your funds __________

 (Use the same format for VND, Rupiah, Zim and Rial or other currencies if they are also exchangeable at this time)


Set second appointment with a Private Banker or Wealth  Manager  (The bank will guide as to who you need to speak with based on your EXCHANGE/deposit amount

This appointment will be the one in which you discuss all of your options for investment and
your “perks”. Also Trusts and all other questions you may have.

Private Banker Name__________________________
Telephone Number____________________________

Appointment time______________


Notes:  ___________________________________________________________________



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"We're All In This Together"  by Dr. Dinar

From Recaps Archives………

We're All In This Together    by Dr. Dinar

So, here we are, new Month of a new year…….And we're still broke and waiting.

How can that be. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

For those of you that have been around for a good number of years I'm sure you'll remember the feeling of praying that your IQD order would arrive in time.

After all, we only had a couple few short days before the RV was gonna "pop" and you'd hate to miss out on such a "once in a lifetime, too good to be true" event simply because the Fed Ex driver threw your package on the wrong porch.

From Recaps Archives………

We're All In This Together    by Dr. Dinar

So, here we are, new Month of a new year…….And we're still broke and waiting.

How can that be. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

For those of you that have been around for a good number of years I'm sure you'll remember the feeling of praying that your IQD order would arrive in time.

After all, we only had a couple few short days before the RV was gonna "pop" and you'd hate to miss out on such a "once in a lifetime, too good to be true" event simply because the Fed Ex driver threw your package on the wrong porch.

Even worse, some of the rumors floating around back then painted a horrifying picture of a convoy of Fed Ex drivers pullin' a mutiny, driving their trucks overflowing with dinar deliveries straight down the Overseas Highway to Key West, grabbin' hold of their Pirate's Booty shortly before scramblin' aboard a fast boat to the Bahamas, never to be seen nor heard from again.

Fortunately for all of us, that super scary scenario never materialized.

Just as the "this RV is gonna pop in the next two weeks" rumor window never came true. Just another rumor.

Was this our formal introduction to the RV Rumormill? Looking back, as it turns out I guess you could say it was.

Did we recognize it at the time? Nope. We just thought it was someone's way too overactive imagination, once again, running away with them. Or with our IQD as it were.

Which, for the most apart, was easily understandable.

I mean, there we were. A bunch of regular everyday folks from all walks of life, perhaps 1% of us at most having any prior experience dealing with foreign currency at any level, expecting to turn a thousand dollars into millions.

Talk about insane, we were pretty much the default Poster Children for insanity.

In fact, back then I'll bet you could check the internet for the definition of the word lunatic and chances are you'd see a photo of a typical Dinarian.

Or as we were so affectionately known to the higher-ups back then, a Toothless Crackhead.

 Sure, you could  say we were totally gullible but we couldn't avoid being lured in by people that claimed to know someone high up that we didn't know nor had any hopes of knowing.

Someone that supposedly knew someone who really knew something secret about something we'd never know anything about.

But it's not like we were waiting outside a Casino in Reno, hoping to get invited in to join an exclusively elusive Group. Now THAT would be insane.

Okay, so yeah, we were pretty much fish in a barrel, waiting for the gun to go off.

Add to that most of us being completely surrounded by a sea of naysaying Wives, Brother in Law's, Cousins, Barbers, Gardeners, Hairdressers, Baristas, you name it, all of them thinking we should be locked up in a nearby random Rubber Room because we'd obviously lost our minds.

Therefore it was easily understandable that an inmate or two had flown the Cuckoo's Nest and somehow managed to get such an unbelievable rumor bouncing around in Dinarland.

However, what we didn't know was just how prevalent the rumors would come to be.

Not to mention each one out to outdo the current level of insanity, taking the extreme to new and never before seen heights.

In the beginning it was all Iraq, all the time. And so you'd think they'd eventually run out of "stuff" to blab about. But oh how wrong you'd be in thinking such a thing.

From Maliki's relentlessly moronic monkey business to Talibani's having a heart attack and being flown to Germany one day, only to be spotted playing a quick 18 holes with Allawi, Barzani and Shabibi at Baghdad Country Club the next day, it was easy to see there was nowhere these Rumorians were afraid to tread.

Nothing was off limits for them. After all, they had a ready-made audience starving for camel crumbs, ready, willing, and able to devour what few nuggets came floating their way.

Again, easily understandable because for the majority of us Iraq was like the lost city of Atlantis.

A place we'd all heard of, hoping it existed, but for 98% of us a place that only existed on our computer monitors and TV screens.

What we did have was hope. Faith. Believing that as ridiculous as some of the rumors were, we still had to believe that Iraq was real.

Therefore the RV was real as well.

And based on our research (since we had plenty of time to do lots of research), Iraq was indeed real.

Even if most of the "stories" emanating from the Green Zone weren't.

As time went on, the GCR digging in and getting some traction, they continually turned up the rumor wick, creating some of the most "off the wall" rumors you can imagine.

It was almost as if they'd hired a team of Hollywood screenwriters (which, come to think of it, was another rumor floating around at the time) to constantly keep the World of Confusium well fed.

With each new Country and currency added to the "baskets", along came a fresh supply of hopium to keep all of Dinarleand overflowing with insanity.

Just when you thought it couldn't get any crazier, there was an Alien Clone Prepper wearing a gold tie holding a fringeless New Republic flag waiting just around the next corner, anxious to prove you wrong.

That has been the one constant in all of this. The constant rumors.

We've always been told that as we near the end of this journey we'd see a decrease in the amount of currency available for purchase.

We'll never really know if that's true or not. And to be honest, it would take an awful lot for me to believe it anyway.

But one thing we'll never see is any decrease in the creative minds constantly conjuring up more rumors for us to run on.

Why would they stop. It's the fool... oops, I mean "fuel" of Dinarland.

Continually keeping everyone looking over here, while the real going's-on will always remain over there.

Behind the curtain, never to be known by us regular folks.

And if it's in the news, it's only because it's either already happened or it's what they want you to believe is happening.

Nothing whatsoever to do with what we want to know.

Regardless of who or what you believe, as crazy as it may seem, at the end of the day the one "dependable" we can all depend on is our belief in the RV/GCR scenario and its eventually fruitful outcome.

While we may not know the rate or date, nor the "how" it's all going to play out, one thing we do know is that there's someone else out there that shares our thoughts and beliefs, as well as our perseverance. Which is huge.

And they're willing to go the distance, just as we are.

Isn't it somehow strangely comforting to know there's another 5 million or so people in the world heading in the same direction, equally as insane as you are.

It is for me, that's for sure.

I'd hate to think I'm gonna be alone in that Rubber Room.

Hang in there folks, we're all in this together and we're almost there.


Dr. Dinar

Disclaimer; I'm not a Wealth Manager, Financial Advisor, CPA, Tax Attorney, RV/GCR Committee member, nor am I a time traveler from the Twilight Zone. I'm simply someone that chooses to believe in the power of positive thinking and on the odd chance this thing truly is real, I want to make sure I'm there at the finish line to enjoy it.

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Dinar Recaps Archives, Humor Dinar Recaps 20 Dinar Recaps Archives, Humor Dinar Recaps 20

"Humor While We Wait" Chuckles from Sabickford and Recaps Archives

Sabickford:  One year, I decided to buy my mother-in-law a cemetery plot as a Christmas gift... l The next year, I didn't buy her a gift. When she asked me why, I replied, "Well, you still haven't used the gift I bought you last year!" And that's how the fight started.....

I took my wife to a restaurant. The waiter, for some reason, took my order first. "I'll have the rump steak, rare, please." He said, "Aren't you worried about the mad cow?" "Nah, she can order for herself." And that's when the fight started.....

My wife and I were at her high school reunion. She kept staring at a drunk swigging his drink at a nearby table. I asked her, "Do you know him?" "Yes", she sighed, "He's my old boyfriend. I understand he took to drinking right after we split up years ago. I hear he hasn't been sober since." "My God!" I said, "Who would think a person could go on celebrating that long?" And then the fight started...

Our lawn mower broke. My wife kept hinting that I should get it fixed. Somehow I always had something to do first, always important to me. She thought of a way to make her point. I came home from work to find her seated in the grass, snipping with a tiny pair of scissors. I watched then went into the house. I came out and handed her a toothbrush. I said, "When you finish cutting the grass, you might as well sweep the driveway." The doctors say I will walk again, but always with a limp.

Sabickford:  One year, I decided to buy my mother-in-law a cemetery plot as a Christmas gift... l The next year, I didn't buy her a gift. When she asked me why, I replied, "Well, you still haven't used the gift I bought you last year!" And that's how the fight started.....

I took my wife to a restaurant. The waiter, for some reason, took my order first. "I'll have the rump steak, rare, please." He said, "Aren't you worried about the mad cow?" "Nah, she can order for herself." And that's when the fight started.....

My wife and I were at her high school reunion. She kept staring at a drunk swigging his drink at a nearby table. I asked her, "Do you know him?" "Yes", she sighed, "He's my old boyfriend. I understand he took to drinking right after we split up years ago. I hear he hasn't been sober since." "My God!" I said, "Who would think a person could go on celebrating that long?" And then the fight started...

Our lawn mower broke. My wife kept hinting that I should get it fixed. Somehow I always had something to do first, always important to me. She thought of a way to make her point. I came home from work to find her seated in the grass, snipping with a tiny pair of scissors. I watched then went into the house. I came out and handed her a toothbrush. I said, "When you finish cutting the grass, you might as well sweep the driveway." The doctors say I will walk again, but always with a limp.

My wife sat down next to me as I was flipping channels. She asked, "What's on TV?" I said, "Dust." And then the fight started...

My wife was hinting about what she wanted for our upcoming anniversary. She said, "I want something shiny that goes from 0 to 150 in about 3 seconds." I bought her a bathroom scale. And then the fight started......

Saturday morning I got up early and slipped quietly into the garage. I hooked up the boat and proceeded to back out into a torrential downpour. I turned on the radio. It said the weather would be bad all day. I went back into the house and slipped back into bed. I cuddled up to my wife's back and whispered, "The weather out there is terrible." My loving wife replied, "And, can you believe my stupid husband is out fishing in that?" That's how the fight started...

I went to the Social Security office to apply. The lady behind the counter asked me for my ID. I realized I had left my wallet at home. I said I'll have to come back later. The Lady said, 'Open your shirt'. I showed my silver hair. She said, 'That's is proof enough for me' and processed application. When I got home, I told my wife what happened. She said, 'Next Time drop your pants. You would have gotten disability too.' And then the fight started...

My wife was standing nude, looking in the bedroom mirror. She was not happy with what she saw and said to me, "I feel horrible; I look old, fat and ugly. I really need you to pay me a compliment.' I replied, "Your eyesight's darn near perfect." And then the fight started........

I rear-ended a car this morning...the start of a REALLY bad day! The driver got out of the other car, and he was a DWARF!! He looked up at me and said 'I am NOT Happy!' So I said, 'Well, which one ARE you then?' That's how the fight started

The man who invented autocorrect has died. Restaurant in peace

When you are dead, you don't know that you are dead. It is difficult only for others. It is the same if you are stupid.

I'm just waiting to see if my coffee chooses to use it's power for good or evil today.

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those that matter don't mind," Dr Seuss

Her: You never listen to me. You only hear what you want to hear!" Me. " Yes I would like a Beer"

My Dentist said I need a crown. I was like "I know right?"

I need a vacation. And by "Vacation" I mean I need to move away, find a new job on a beach with rum.

I never called you stupid but when I asked you how you spelled Mississippi and you asked me it I was talking about the state or the river, you kind of caught me off guard.

Way too many of my stories end up with " and That's why I'm not allowed to go back there anymore"

I'm so broke my nervous breakdown is on layaway

Wife came in from shopping. Husband was holding a fly swatter. Did you get them? she asked. Yup. 3 males and 2 females. How do you know that? 3 were on the beer can and 2 were on the phone!

I tried cooking supper with wine tonight-- Didn't go so well. After 5 glasses I forgot why I was even in the kitchen.

Don't forget to buy a bottle for Mom (Mother's Day) Remember you are the reason she drinks.

The secret of enjoying a good wine - 1. Open bottle to allow it to breathe. 2. If it does not look like it's breathing, give it mouth to mouth

Attention All Drama Queens - Auditions have been canceled for today!

You can tell a lot about a woman's mood just by her hands. If they are holding a gun, she's probably very unhappy.

You know that tingly little feeling you get when you really like someone you've just met? That's common sense leaving your body.

I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

I want to start juicing but I'm hesitant to start. I don't know how to juice Tacos.

I changed my password to "incorrect" so whenever I forget it the computer screen will say, "Your password is incorrect."

I'm great at multi-tasking - I can waste time, be unproductive, and procrastinate all at once.

Tomorrow is "National Take Your Flask To Work Day!" I just made that up. Tell the Others,

I hate it when people use big words just to make themselves sound perspicacious.

Women spend more time wondering what men are thinking than men spend thinking

I had My Wife Begging to me the other night - She was on her knees Begging - She Said Please come out from under the Bed and Fight Like A Man

For the first time in forever, I decided to go shoot some pool tonight. You should have seen the look on the face of those swimmers.

I've finally lost my mind. If found Don't bother to return it. It wasn't working properly anyway.

I'm Living in a drama free bubble today. Respect the bubble people, Respect it!

I have zero tolerance for racism, Turkey Bacon, decaf Coffee, and Non-Alcoholic Beer

If your Significant other is mad at you, put a cape on them and say "Now You're Super Mad!". If they Laugh, Marry Them

Why Weigh yourself? You could set yourself on Fire and then roll in Broken glass and still feel the same way.

Chocolate comes from cocoa, which comes from a tree. That makes it a plant, therefore , Chocolate counts as a salad. You're Welcome.

When you see my head tilt to the right and I start to stare into space, I would RUN! The voices inside my head gave me a brilliant idea. Be very Afraid!

Never ask a woman eating ice cream straight from the carton if she is OK

Today I bought a doughnut without the sprinkles. Diets are hard.

You may not have lost all your marbles, but there's definitely a hole in your bag.

Life is too short to worry about what others say about you. So have fun and give them something to talk about.

Some say that their body it a temple…Mine is a bouncy castle

Instead of a sign that says "Do Not Disturb" I need one that says 'Already Disturbed, Proceed with Caution".

Now, If you'll excuse me, Tonight's bad decision isn't going to make itself.

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"Is the Dinar a Scam?" From Recaps Archives

For the "Negative Nellies" who told us the Dinar is a Scam

Re-posted for our newest members

Do you have anyone in your life that told you investing in Dinar is a scam?  Just show them this!

We've all heard from someone that investing in the dinar is a scam:

If there is a scam going on, it is the dream stealers trying to rob you of hope. In actuality, they are missing out on the blessings that come with dream building with one's spouse. That alone is very rewarding, and very telling, into how well two soulmates are really thinking on the same page.

If there is a scam going on, it's the US govt, Iragi govt and UN holding back info ... delaying ... the invitable. But post RV/RI you'll be praised for your insite into this investment by the nay-sayers. (Hindsite investors).

For the "Negative Nellies" who told us the Dinar is a Scam

Re-posted for our newest members

Do you have anyone in your life that told you investing in Dinar is a scam?  Just show them this!

We've all heard from someone that investing in the dinar is a scam:

If there is a scam going on, it is the dream stealers trying to rob you of hope. In actuality, they are missing out on the blessings that come with dream building with one's spouse. That alone is very rewarding, and very telling, into how well two soulmates are really thinking on the same page.

If there is a scam going on, it's the US govt, Iragi govt and UN holding back info ... delaying ... the invitable. But post RV/RI you'll be praised for your insite into this investment by the nay-sayers. (Hindsite investors).

You want an example of a scam? Play the lottery.

The odds of winning are astronomically against you. That scam plays on the hopes of the un-informed, or desperate, seeking great rewards without understanding the odds. Governments make unimaginable dollars preying on lottery ticket buyers.

Whereas investing in the dinar, we can attempt to track international politics and become somewhat educated on our investment. We are talking the currency of a resource rich country torn by a former dictatorship, war and civil unrest.

In time, this RV/ RI will happen. Maybe not when we expect it, and maybe not in the manner we expect it, but the value of the Iraqi dinar will rise.

And eventually, we will see our financial rewards. But with the lottery, as those little balls keep tumbling, the odds of winning never get any better, and you never gain any additional insight on what numbers to pick, and you have to keep buying more tickets for a fresh "chance to win."

We've all heard it's risky:

Bunk. The most you can lose in dollars, is the amount invested, and that is only if you actually lose your dinar. That is right ... if you misplace the currency. After all, dinar dealers have a buy-back policy, right?

Does your financial planner or 401K manager have such a policy? 'Fraid not.

You want to talk risky? Buy into the stock market, without educating yourself. And what can you really learn from a prospectus? And remember, most financial planners are commissioned salespersons. Ask them if they make their living on their commissions, or on the results of the products they invest their clients money into. You'll be shocked by this scam.

Let's say you timed the market well, and bought General Dynamics a year ago at about $35/share. And now it is about double that. Forget trading fees, ... you doubled. So if you had purchased 5 shares, for $175, you would now have ~$350. Remember these numbers. Double your money in the stock market ... but limited realization in terms of dollars gained, but the limited number of dollars invested initially. 100% rate of return in one year.

How about SSI?  (Social Security Insurance)

Counting on this for retirement supplement, now that's another risky government scam. 'Nuff said.

How about Real Estate?

Let's compare it to purchasing dinar. Build a spec-house for 200,000 and try to market it for 300,000. That is a 2:1 ratio. Or buy a foreclosure house. Say EFMV $150,000 purchased at auction for $100,000, plus holding costs and closing costs, so max realized gain is maybe $50,000 - again a 2:1 ratio.

But you may hold longer than anticipated, (more expense) and lower your selling price and only make $25,000 - now you’re at a ratio of say 5:1. That is saying that for every $5 invested, you only made $1.

If in the example, you are upside down in real estate, you've invested 150,000 and got out at 125,000. Now you have lost $25,000. Now compare that to the dinar. In the dinar, you only risk what you invest, and to that I take you back to Dinar Dealers buy-back policy. Further, you did not have to start with a $100,000 investment to try to gain $50,000.

How about buying an estate property below EFMV, and needing to sit on it for three years before reselling it. Even if a profit is gained, the rate of return annualized needs to be divided by three. And was there a positive or a negative cashflow on that property for the three years you held it?

Again, compare that to the dinar. The only argument against the dinar here is that the amount invested was stagnant while you held it.

And if you had the amount of your dinar purchase in a CD right now, could you get 2% return? I doubt it. And to get 2% you're probably looking at a 5 year hold. 'Nuff said.

We've all heard negative news soundbites:

The few soundbites I've heard were so trite, they were laughable. That's not journalism ... it's sensationalism, not credible research. It's been the blind leading the blind.

What about how long we have to wait for the RI to exchange.

If you are in an employer based retirement system, how long do you have to work, in terms of years, before you become retirement eligible? And what kind of return do you get? Do you know how to track it? Have you done your homework there? Now that might be a risky investment ... a lifetime

Oh, you don't have an employer based retirement system? Okay. Then look into your Roth or traditional IRA or other "paper assets" in your portfolio. What did you say? You don't have a portfolio? Or did I just hear you say your portfolio was cut in half in the past two years, as well as your annual earnings? Wow. That was a risky investment, ... very risky.

We've all heard it's an pyramid scheme:

 Go to work tomorrow to your JOB (just over broke). I'm all for capitalism. I believe in rewarding those that take the calculated risks, those that create jobs for others, those that stabilize local economies. But when you look at the company ladder, well, there is your pyramid at it's best.

There are the nay-sayers that say the only ones making money on the dinar are the sellers, such as CBI and dinar dealers. Well, time will reveal the truth on that point of contention.

So let's talk dinar.

100,000 dinar mailed overnight from dinar dealers  is approximately $140, + 24 UPS fee, + $1 for the money order = $165 invested. This is a relatively small amount to invest in anything.

 Presently the rate is $1=1170 IQD, or $0.0008547/dinar (less than 1/10th cent per dinar). But with shipping, etc, ~= $0.000165 (a trifle above 1/10th cent per dinar.) So we'll call it $0.001 = 1/10th cent per dinar.

If/when there is an Re-V/I/D, look at the numbers. We've heard lows of 1IQD at $0.86 to highs of $3.86.( or much higher)  For easy math, I'm just using RV at 1 IQD = $1. That means you $165 investment is now worth $100,000, pretax.

Okay, you'll have some expense to exchange ... minimal in big scheme, but may take your total investment to say $500. So you turn $500 into $99,500 (pretax).
You did not have to risk investing 1,000,000 to make a potential 100,000, or $125,000 to make $25,000.

Better yet, you were not excluded from the opportunity to make this $100,000 because you lacked the $1,000,000 in cash or credit to invest.

And if the increase in the dinar on the currency exchange boards is a gradual float, and not a spike from an RI (not saying this is likely) you will have to decide for yourself when to cash in. But in this scenario, all it needs to do is increase to 1 IQD = 1 penny, and you have a ten fold return on investment, grossing $1000 on a $165 investment. Have your financial planner or realtor or banker deliver that return! Not gonna happen.

Still skeptical? Stay with the gradual float. At a dime, cash in on 25,000 dinar note. Gross $2500 - $165 + fees and tax so say you clear $2000 How is that for a rate of return? Initial investment of $165, net $2000, but n0pot done yet ... still holding 75,000 IQD and you're "playing with house money." The rate of return calculated on any gain, is infinite ... because you already made more than your initial investment on the first cashout.

Now who cares if you have to wait a few years for a float to reach $3.00+. So $3.22 x 75,000IGD = $241,500 (pretax) is pure profit. Understand i am not an advocate of a gradual float, and favor an RI, but wanted to include it in this post, for the negative nellies to chew on as a worst case scenario. I'll take that return!

Compare the dinar to CDs. No comparison.

Compare the dinar to IRAs/MFs/stocks/bonds, etc. No comparison

Compare the dinar to the lottery. No comparison. How can I say that? In the lottery, the numbers predicate the number of winners, typically one, if any per drawing. But with the dinar, all that exchange are winners. Thus, again I say, no comparison.

Compare the dinar to real estate. I've had great returns and can even mathematically show you infinite rates of return, but for the vast majority of people, real estate transactions returns vs the returns on the dinar investment, well ... no comparison. Further, how many across the globe are in trouble financially as we speak, because they thought their home was their biggest asset, only to now realize that their mortgage and over-leveraging is eating them up, both financially, and emotionally.

Compare the dinar to pension plans. Took you 20, 25, 30, 35, etc years of your life, and you can only receive pension payments as alloted, under someone elses discression. So, ... no comparison.

I'll conclude with these thoughts.

For the negative nellies that say you were scammed when you bought into the dinar investment, with the $165 they did not invest, they may have purchased them something else. Lets say they bought dinner and a movie for two, or some clothes they'll only wear a few times .

So when your investment is eventually worth (Example only) $99,500 pretax, I hope they enjoyed the dinner, movie and clothes that now cost them ~ $99,500.

And I'm not done yet. Let's say you pay your taxes and tithes, and then pay off your remaining mortgage, freeing up that $650/mo payment for the next 180 months of your life. Look at how much "not buying dinar" now cost the negative nellies.

So I'm willing to give up a night out with my wife and new shoes. In fact, the reward potential in my household said ... what else can we postpone pre RV/RI, ... to not have to postpone life any longer?

If you followed all the way through this post, thanks for reading. I needed to vent. I needed to take the frustrations of listening to negative vibes and multiply that with negative reasoning, to produce a positive outcome.

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Enough Talk... Let's See Some Action! by Dr. Dinar (From Recaps Archives)

Thank you Dr. Dinar!!!

Enough Talk... Let's See Some Action! by Dr. Dinar

I don't know about you but I'm pretty much done.

To the point where I'm done hearing it's done.

As in everything's done.

Done... duh duh duh DONE!

Like, really done.

Done to the point where there's nothing left to do.

Nothing left to do because it truly is done.

Thank you Dr. Dinar!!!

Enough Talk... Let's See Some Action! by Dr. Dinar

I don't know about you but I'm pretty much done.

To the point where I'm done hearing it's done.

As in everything's done.

Done... duh duh duh DONE!

Like, really done.

Done to the point where there's nothing left to do.

Nothing left to do because it truly is done.

That's definitely closer to my definition of the word done.

Admittedly, I like everything I eat to be well done.

Even to the point of refusing to eat Sushi unless it's well done.

So, perhaps I'm a bit more demanding when it comes to the true definition of the word done.

Nevertheless, it shouldn't be all that difficult to determine the difference between done and close to done but not actually done, therefore it's not done.

First place to start might be with the persistent rumors continually permeating all throughout Dinarland.

Rumors of everything being done.

How long have we been hearing that.

Seems to me, according to my Dinarland calendar, it's been done for at least the last two years.

And yet, here we are.

Not done.

Would we be hearing all these rumors if indeed everything truly were done?

Not likely.

On second thought, we might still be drowning in rumors but chances are they'd have a more post-process, after the GCR kind of feel to them as opposed to the same ol' this is our week or it's gonna pop this Saturday night or we're only expecting to do one more call, our Celebration call kinda rumors.

So please, don't get me wrong.

I'm not expecting Dinarland to go completely rumorless overnight.

i mean, let's not get crazy here.

But wouldn't it be nice to hear a different batch of rumors for a change.

An extremely welcome change to say the least.

Well, I for one would certainly love it anyway.

Even better yet, I'd enjoy seeing that it's done based solely on the number of zero's in my bank account.

That's the kind of proof I'd enjoy seeing.

As it is now I'm still unable to make a trip through the In-N-Out drive thru and order a Double Double with grilled onions, well done, and have any means of paying for it when it's done cookin', all wrapped up and ready for release.

Until that day comes, it's still not done.

And while I'm on the subject of phrases I can hardly wait to never hear again, let's start with it CAN happen today.

Sheesh, give it a rest.

As far as I'm concerned it could've happened any day over the past one thousand days.

Yes, I'm more than aware that they needed to reinvent the current banking system to accept the GCR formula as well as numerous other changes required to release the GCR.

But you get my drift.

Enough with the talk.

I'm ready for some action.

I want to know it WILL happen!

As in today.

Or any other day ending in "y".

Even better yet, I'd love to hear that IT HAS HAPPENED!

As in past tense, check your emails, make your appointment, grab your "To Go" bag and get to the Exchange Center ASAP!

Is that too much to ask.

Just a factual confirmation of completion, in whatever form it comes.

Be it an email, a barrage of posts all throughout Dinarland or a Piper Cub draggin' a giant banner across the sky with a 1-800-CALLNOW number plastered on it.

At this point, I'm not about to be picky.

I'm open to most any form of communication.

Make it a fortune cookie.

Why not a clever saying on a Starbucks cup.

Heck, at this point I'll settle for a homing pigeon with a Post-it note taped to its leg.

What I'm trying to say is I'm flexible.

Whatever it takes, just send me a for real signal of this thing having reached the end of the line.

Of actually reaching a conclusion.

Actually being concluded.

As in DONE.

Talk is cheap.

No more rumors.

We don't need any more stinkin' rumors, regardless of whose super secret source supplies 'em.

We need action.

Action, leading to results.

Results resulting in our receiving our exchange instructions.

I've pretty much had enough of the boy crying wolf.

To the point where I'm ready to sic the wolf on him and let him eat, just to get the kid to shut up.

As I mentioned earlier, enough already.

We've lived through the rumor stage of this adventure for far too long.

It's time to begin the action phase.

As we've always been told, actions speak louder than rumors.

And after all, isn't that exactly what a rumor is.

A bunch of words lined up in the form of a sentence, completely void of all action.

In other words, just words.

And words don't pay the bills.

So to whomever it may be that's supposedly working feverishly on completing the GCR, forever claiming we're close, please feel free to call it "close enough" and dispatch the "GO" email ASAP!

And to those out there rumored to still be throwin' wrenches, please feel free to close the lid on your toolboxes and call it a day.

You have to know when enough is enough.

And let's face it, enough is enough.

We all know this GCR thing is going to happen eventually, the rest of the world has committed to it.

Why not do the right thing by all involved and go ahead and release it.

Then we can all move on to something much more interesting.

Like life beyond Dinarland.

Hang in there folks.

According to the latest rumors, we're right on top of this thing and it has to happen soon.

If not, the entire global economy will crash.

And supposedly they don't want that to happen.

Or do they.

Who knows what they want.

Who even knows who "they" are.

Chances are they don't even know who they are, nor what they want.

Maybe that's why they can't seem to get anything accomplished.

They have no idea what it is they're supposed to be doing.

This thing is so compartmentalized that they forgot to create the "GO Signal"  Department.

At this point, anything's possible.

Anyway, don't let the rumors get you down.

Just do your best to hang in there, no matter what it takes.


Dr. Dinar

Disclaimer; I'm not a Wealth Manager, Financial Advisor, CPA, Tax Attorney, RV/GCR Committee member, a Federale of the Spanish Mounted Police, nor am I in search of the treasure of the Sierra Madre. I'm simply someone that chooses to believe in the power of positive thinking and on the odd chance this thing truly is real, I want to make sure I'm there at the finish line to enjoy it.

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We're All In This Together by Dr. Dinar (From Recaps Archives)

We're All In This Together

by Dr. Dinar

So, here we are, nearing the end of another year ….Yes, you read that correctly. another year! And we're still broke and waiting.

How can that be. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

For those of you that have been around for a good number of years I'm sure you'll remember the feeling of praying that your IQD order would arrive in time.

After all, we only had a couple few short days before the RV was gonna "pop" and you'd hate to miss out on such a "once in a lifetime, too good to be true" event simply because the Fed Ex driver threw your package on the wrong porch.

We're All In This Together by Dr. Dinar

So, here we are, nearing the end of another year ….Yes, you read that correctly. another year! And we're still broke and waiting.

How can that be. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

For those of you that have been around for a good number of years I'm sure you'll remember the feeling of praying that your IQD order would arrive in time.

After all, we only had a couple few short days before the RV was gonna "pop" and you'd hate to miss out on such a "once in a lifetime, too good to be true" event simply because the Fed Ex driver threw your package on the wrong porch.

Even worse, some of the rumors floating around back then painted a horrifying picture of a convoy of Fed Ex drivers pullin' a mutiny, driving their trucks overflowing with dinar deliveries straight down the Overseas Highway to Key West, grabbin' hold of their Pirate's Booty shortly before scramblin' aboard a fast boat to the Bahamas, never to be seen nor heard from again.

Fortunately for all of us, that super scary scenario never materialized.

Just as the "this RV is gonna pop in the next two weeks" rumor window never came true. Just another rumor.

Was this our formal introduction to the RV Rumormill? Looking back, as it turns out I guess you could say it was.

Did we recognize it at the time? Nope. We just thought it was someone's way too overactive imagination, once again, running away with them. Or with our IQD as it were.

Which, for the most apart, was easily understandable.

I mean, there we were. A bunch of regular everyday folks from all walks of life, perhaps 1% of us at most having any prior experience dealing with foreign currency at any level, expecting to turn a thousand dollars into millions.

Talk about insane, we were pretty much the default Poster Children for insanity.

In fact, back then I'll bet you could check the internet for the definition of the word lunatic and chances are you'd see a photo of a typical Dinarian.

Or as we were so affectionately known to the higher-ups back then, a Toothless Crackhead.

 Sure, you could say we were totally gullible but we couldn't avoid being lured in by people that claimed to know someone high up that we didn't know nor had any hopes of knowing.

Someone that supposedly knew someone who really knew something secret about something we'd never know anything about.

But it's not like we were waiting outside a Casino in Reno, hoping to get invited in to join an exclusively elusive Group. Now THAT would be insane.

Okay, so yeah, we were pretty much fish in a barrel, waiting for the gun to go off.

Add to that most of us being completely surrounded by a sea of naysaying Wives, Brother in Law's, Cousins, Barbers, Gardeners, Hairdressers, Baristas, you name it, all of them thinking we should be locked up in a nearby random Rubber Room because we'd obviously lost our minds.

Therefore it was easily understandable that an inmate or two had flown the Cuckoo's Nest and somehow managed to get such an unbelievable rumor bouncing around in Dinarland.

However, what we didn't know was just how prevalent the rumors would come to be.

Not to mention each one out to outdo the current level of insanity, taking the extreme to new and never before seen heights.

In the beginning it was all Iraq, all the time. And so you'd think they'd eventually run out of "stuff" to blab about. But oh how wrong you'd be in thinking such a thing.

From Maliki's relentlessly moronic monkey business to Talibani's having a heart attack and being flown to Germany one day, only to be spotted playing a quick 18 holes with Allawi, Barzani and Shabibi at Baghdad Country Club the next day, it was easy to see there was nowhere these Rumorians were afraid to tread.

Nothing was off limits for them. After all, they had a ready-made audience starving for camelcrumbs, ready, willing, and able to devour what few nuggets came floating their way.

Again, easily understandable because for the majority of us Iraq was like the lost city of Atlantis.

A place we'd all heard of, hoping it existed, but for 98% of us a place that only existed on our computer monitors and TV screens.

What we did have was hope. Faith. Believing that as ridiculous as some of the rumors were, we still had to believe that Iraq was real.

Therefore the RV was real as well.

And based on our research (since we had plenty of time to do lots of research), Iraq was indeed real.

Even if most of the "stories" emanating from the Green Zone weren't.

As time went on, the GCR digging in and getting some traction, they continually turned up the rumor wick, creating some of the most "off the wall" rumors you can imagine.

It was almost as if they'd hired a team of Hollywood screenwriters (which, come to think of it, was another rumor floating around at the time) to constantly keep the World of Confusium well fed.

With each new Country and currency added to the "baskets", along came a fresh supply of hopium to keep all of Dinarleand overflowing with insanity.

Just when you thought it couldn't get any crazier, there was an Alien Clone Prepper wearing a gold tie holding a fringeless New Republic flag waiting just around the next corner, anxious to prove you wrong.

That has been the one constant in all of this. The constant rumors.

We've always been told that as we near the end of this journey we'd see a decrease in the amount of currency available for purchase.

We'll never really know if that's true or not. And to be honest, it would take an awful lot for me to believe it anyway.

But one thing we'll never see is any decrease in the creative minds constantly conjuring up more rumors for us to run on.

Why would they stop. It's the fool... oops, I mean "fuel" of Dinarland.

Continually keeping everyone looking over here, while the real going's-on will always remain over there.

Behind the curtain, never to be known by us regular folks.

And if it's in the news, it's only because it's either already happened or it's what they want you to believe is happening.

Nothing whatsoever to do with what we want to know.

Regardless of who or what you believe, as crazy as it may seem, at the end of the day the one "dependable" we can all depend on is our belief in the RV/GCR scenario and its eventually fruitful outcome.

While we may not know the rate or date, nor the "how" it's all going to play out, one thing we do know is that there's someone else out there that shares our thoughts and beliefs, as well as our perseverance. Which is huge.

And they're willing to go the distance, just as we are.

Isn't it somehow strangely comforting to know there's another 5 million or so people in the world heading in the same direction, equally as insane as you are.

It is for me, that's for sure.

I'd hate to think I'm gonna be alone in that Rubber Room.

Hang in there folks, we're all in this together and we're almost there.


Dr. Dinar

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"Don't Let This Happen To You! " From Dinar Recaps Archives

Occasionally Dinar Recaps will be posting Exchange Tips and information from our archives for our newest readers that may be helpful for you at our exchange appointments and Post RV. Not all information may apply to you and your personal situation…..Take what you like and leave the rest:  Some you may want to save for your own personal records! We hope all our dreams come true very soon ~ Your Dinar Recaps Team

Note: All Dinarians should read this.....So it will NOT happen to you!

From InvestorChick at TNT

 Lotto Winner Loses It All

I had the pleasure of meeting a very charming senior in the last few weeks.  It's my friends mother and this lady is in her 70's.  

She won 5 million dollars in the year 2000.  I saw a copy of the cheque on the fridge at her son's house.  I did a double take because I've never seen a cheque that large.  

Of course me being a Dinarian and riding this crazy ride along with all of the others, I have been fortunate enough over the past 5 years to have been educated by people like Tony etc and I have done my research about this kind of thing

Occasionally Dinar Recaps will be posting Exchange Tips and information from our archives for our newest readers that may be helpful for you at our exchange appointments and Post RV. Not all information may apply to you and your personal situation…..Take what you like and leave the rest:  Some you may want to save for your own personal records! We hope all our dreams come true very soon ~ Your Dinar Recaps Team

Note: All Dinarians should read this.....So it will NOT happen to you!

From InvestorChick at TNT

 Lotto Winner Loses It All

I had the pleasure of meeting a very charming senior in the last few weeks.  It's my friends mother and this lady is in her 70's.  

She won 5 million dollars in the year 2000.  I saw a copy of the cheque on the fridge at her son's house.  I did a double take because I've never seen a cheque that large.  

Of course me being a Dinarian and riding this crazy ride along with all of the others, I have been fortunate enough over the past 5 years to have been educated by people like Tony etc and I have done my research about this kind of thing

All of us have been told the statistics and I do realize that all of this waiting has been hard, although the real challenge comes after our blessing arrives.  

My friend told me the story of how his mother had won the lottery and how she had come to "lose it all".  

I was fascinated because although we hear about it, I had never met someone in this unique situation.  This is her story in a nutshell.  

She won 5 million dollars and was not financially educated in any formal way.  She made her decisions quickly and without professional help.  Her son told me she wanted to "show them all" who she was and rub it in their face, whoever "they" are.  

She gave $500,000 to her sister and then $600,000 to each son.  She was down 1.7 million to start and it gets dramatically worse from there.

Her sons accepted the gift and my friend was in a not great marriage and of course since he had just received $600,000 from his mother that was not his own lotto winning or an inheritance, his wife when she divorced him was entitled to half.  

The other son burned through his quickly as he also had no formal education or did not seek professional help.

My friend however did the wise thing and invested his remaining $300,000, he still has it 15 years later and it's making him money daily.  

I repeat, it's invested professionally and it makes him a return daily!  

This lady bought a brand new house, hired an interior designer and of course the new performance car, fully loaded.  She spent 30-40 THOUSAND per month at the casino because they were "so nice to her", no kidding!  

She brought her sister for company and of course her sister didn't spend any of her $500,000. She had an addiction to scratch tickets and lotto tickets even though she had already won.

She handed out $50 tips at the grocery store to the cashiers etc.  She had the life she always wanted and she sure made a big splash doing it.  

It didn't take long for the money to run out and her to be in a worse situation then when she won the money.  

I sat and listened in sheer amazement!  I gave her a ride home that night because the battery on her car was going and she didn't have the money for a new one, imagine!  

Her son was taking it to be fixed the next day for her and footing the bill.

I drove her home and she went on and on about her house etc.  I drove up and although it's a beautiful place it was overgrown and unkept, no money for maintenance, the neighbours must be thrilled.  

She invited me in and was proud to show me all of her treasures.  My heart truly went out to her as there she was and now it's all gone and the house will be going soon too.  

I looked at her and gently asked if she had to do it all over, what would she do different?  She looked down and thought about it, looked up at me and said she would have got some help.  

Everyone was my friend, she said, until the money ran out.  I wished her good night and got in my car and thanked God for that experience in person and up close.

It's real, it happens and it will happen to some of you. 

I told her son about this investment and he has some currency, I know she will be looked after but it sure makes you think.

How many shots at wealth does a person generally get in their lifetime?

I'm thinking not too many.  

The sad thing about it, is how much she gambled away looking for money and "the win" again.  

Folks, when this blessing arrives, your ship came in and this for most of us will be the one shot you get at wealth.  Don't waste it!  

There are several lessons to be learned from this story.

Be wise, move with caution and be deliberate with your actions.  I truly hope by sharing this story, it can help at least one person, my eyes have sure been opened!

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Possible Bank Perks to ask for at your Exchange Appointment . From Recaps Archives

Possible Bank Perks to ask for at your Exchange Appointment .
AUM - Assets Under Management

1. No fees ever for foreign currency exchanges

2. Provide a Private Banker/Wealth Manager at the time of exchange to initially park the funds in an non-interest-bearing account overnight and sweep those funds into other non-interest bearing accounts within your bank the following day; until I meet with bank advisers and other financial professionals and make some general guidelines for the management of these funds and the distribution of a portion of these funds through your bank, trust, and LLCs.

3. Family Office Services

4. Perks can be based on AUM (Assets Under Management) in a tier grid

Possible Bank Perks to ask for at your Exchange Appointment .
AUM - Assets Under Management

1. No fees ever for foreign currency exchanges

2. Provide a Private Banker/Wealth Manager at the time of exchange to initially park the funds in an non-interest-bearing account overnight and sweep those funds into other non-interest bearing accounts within your bank the following day; until I meet with bank advisers and other financial professionals and make some general guidelines for the management of these funds and the distribution of a portion of these funds through your bank, trust, and LLCs.

3. Family Office Services

4. Perks can be based on AUM (Assets Under Management) in a tier grid

5. Discounts on AUM fees

6. No fees ever - no fee to deposit/wire transfer money

7. No Broker fees ever

8. Free Safe Deposit Box, Certified Checks, Notarized, Courier Services

9.Provide Excess Deposit Insurance (i.e. Lloyds of London and/or Travelers) or Abbott Downing

10.Provide Senior Wealth Managers/Investment Bankers for selection

11.Tax/Business/Estate Attorney & CPA

12. Private transactions representation –assistance in buying a house/car/anything ( my trustee will purchase through my bank) 13.

Free Due Diligence Services provided for outside investment opportunities(research on any person or service) they will get it

14.100% funding availability (immediate Funds) before we leave

15. Unlimited Platinum or Black Visa Signature Debit & Credit Card with no ATM fees

16. Line of Credit available

17. Group Health Insurance - to cover the signers and families of depositors

18. Guarantee 12-15% interest per year on deposits

19. Bank Trading Platforms & Repurchase Agreement Sweep Accounts

20. Short Term/High Yield Interest Rates

21. Assist in opening an offshore bank account with affiliate bank for foreign investments

22. Access to information on great investment opportunities

23. Pre-IPO deals

24. Provide free Executive Privacy Plus subscription with Reputation.com

25. Sports tickets in suites and on the floor (Football, Basketball, Baseball, Boxing, Tennis, Golf, NASCAR & etc.) Also, special events like the Super Bowl, NBA Finals, College Bowls, NCAA Final Four, World Series &the Olympics. Based on AUM in a tier grid

26. Entertainment & Concert tickets in suites and on the floor (Music Concerts, Entertainment Awards Shows, Premier Movie Screenings, TV Show tickets & etc.) Based on AUM in a tier grid

27. Limousine & VIP transportation based on AUM in a tier grid

28. Private Jet Travel (5-25 flight hrs. per mo.) based on AUM in atier grid on flight hours per month

29. First Class seats/commercial airlines based on AUM in a tier grid

30. Private Yacht access/usage (40 hrs. annually) based on AUM in a tier grid on access/usage hours per year

31. Donations to our favorite charities (Banks matching a certain percentage)

32. Prime seats at charity events

33. Suites at Luxury Hotels & VIP Dinners at Restaurants based on AUM

34. Membership fee & Annual fees to Inspirato Core resorts & residences

35. Membership fee & Annual fees to Exclusive Resorts & Residences for 60 days with Priority Holiday Access annually

36. ClubCorp Private Membership based on AUM

37. Spa & Massage Club Membership based on AUM in a tier grid

38. Concierge Services 24/7 based on AUM

39. Provide a free Vertu Ti cell phone & concierge subscription service for  members with $1 million and over AUM

40. Free Family Financial Education provided for group family members

41. Provide any and all other perks that was not mentioned

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