Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8 Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-25-25 

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-25-25 

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, March 25th  and you're listening to the big call. Thanks everybody for tuning in, wherever you're located all over the globe. Thank you Sat team for getting the signal out all over the place, all over the globe, in so many different languages. We appreciate you. So let's go ahead before we go to sue for teaching another beautiful teaching that she found for us tonight. Let's go ahead and pray the call in.

Let's get into the Intel tonight and see where we stand. I know that we're getting a lot of good information in the last two or three days especially. And let's talk for a minute about rates on screens -Now the rates on the bank screens are tied to the Forex, and the rates have been blinking. They started blinking very quickly on forex and bank screens and redemption center screens too.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-25-25 

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, March 25th  and you're listening to the big call. Thanks everybody for tuning in, wherever you're located all over the globe. Thank you Sat team for getting the signal out all over the place, all over the globe, in so many different languages. We appreciate you. So let's go ahead before we go to sue for teaching another beautiful teaching that she found for us tonight. Let's go ahead and pray the call in.

Let's get into the Intel tonight and see where we stand. I know that we're getting a lot of good information in the last two or three days especially. And let's talk for a minute about rates on screens -Now the rates on the bank screens are tied to the Forex, and the rates have been blinking. They started blinking very quickly on forex and bank screens and redemption center screens too.

Now redemption  center screens are not tied to Forex. They're tied to something that's different. They can be, they can be put at whatever rate needs to be there for that particular currency, for us and for others  too. So we look at this and say, okay, the rates are all blinking very quickly.

 Now, what about more recently, like, let's say, starting Friday or Saturday. Did they slow down? Yes, they slowed down. And when the rates that were blinking get slowed down to its very slowly blinking, pretty soon, you're going to have the rates stabilized. The rates will settle in a given rate, and they'll be they'll be there. And that's what we wanted to see.

We thought that might happen by Friday, you know when it actually occurred, was Monday, yesterday, at just a few minutes after 10 pm. So they settled in  that's good for us. That's very good. That means the rates are there on the redemption center screens, and that's a good thing for us to move forward.

As of tonight, I'm hearing very good things about everything moving forward for us, I'm hearing that we should be getting good news we are liber toll free number, and we're also looking to get emails from Wells Fargo, and I think we're looking very closely at what will happen tomorrow for us, and it could be a Wednesday, Thursday type thing, or we might actually end up getting notified on Wednesday and yesterday, but we don't know that absolutely, and we may end up, You know, on Charlie Ward’s Thursday realistically, everything is moving forward –

It’s in the situation now,  from what I understand this has moved through the various chambers, and I'm sure Department of Defense, for example, is looking at this from a security point of view, making sure everything is all set. All the P's are crossed in the eyes are dotted before the green light and Treasury gets the green to release those emails from Wells Fargo to all the currency holders that we know up here in let's just call it North America for sure, the US and probably Canada.

But all that is being positioned for release, and I think that that's going to be very much welcome for all of us to receive that and to know that we can record our exchanges with the redemptions in and go forward with pre destruct with tier three and tier four, tier three being the bond holders, and they get their access to funds pretty much with an email to tell them they have access.

And then we should be getting our notifications telling us that we can set our appointments and begin setting appointments for the redemption centers and going in for our exchanges.

So I think to the extent that the shotgun start is those two things, you know, the bondholders getting access to their liquidity in their accounts, and us getting access to the toll free numbers to set our appointments for our exchanges, seem to me that's pretty much the term shot gun start with a plan in that sense. Other than that, it looks like everything is moving in the direction we want it to be in.

I think today being Tuesday, it's hard to say for sure, but maybe Thursday, we have these numbers and we have our appointments set, and hopefully we can do a celebrate call on Thursday. And if that is the case, then it might not be a long call. It could be a 20 to 30 minute celebration call.

But I'm excited about that. I'm excited about the potential that we have to move forward with this and help level the playing field around the globe. And, you know, help give back to humanity for everything that God's given us. But we look at this blessing as an opportunity to help in rebuild America, which my number one project, rebuild America.

Number two, rebuild  inational we were talking about starting with the Bahamas and the Dominican Republic Haiti, and working in three areas to start with. And then, of course, we'll take it from there beyond that, but to work with rebuild America.

And I know that we're not going to be saying the new infrastructure, per se, that's something the NESARA was going to be over, just like internationally GESARA is going to take that in in South America and Latin America and Africa and other parts of the world, but we'll concentrate on homes, rebuilding homes that are in need of it. I want to see community gardens in these rebuild America, cities and towns.

I'm excited about where we are. I think we're extremely close release of everything. And at least from what I'm hearing, things are really moving forward, and we should, we should get this. I would think pretty soon, this couple of days, is what I'm hearing. So we'll see about that.

April Trump has a lot on his plate. He's got a lot of things to bring out on April 2. So I believe we're going to get started with what we have prior to that, at least that's what I'm hearing that we still have to get that done. I really believe our Social Security increase and our dose checks will come out for the peak of April. That's the latest update I had since our last fall, Thursday night.

 And I think that we're going to get the restitution reconciliation allowance, the R and R, as I call it, I think that is there for us that it changed. It will be at the redemption center, and they'll either volunteer or do us a little asset.

Otherwise, you guys know the drill on the quantum financial system and how the funds will go into that quantum account, and you'll move a certain amount of funds into your primary wells account or secondary wells account, if you have those set up, and it's going to be that'll have to hold you for 60 days, and then you'll be up for 60 days, you'll be able to move freely into one or more of those accounts.

So I think it's really interesting everything that's happened out behind the scenes, and I'm looking forward to a new update on that, and maybe tomorrow I'll have that. But in meantime, everybody will look forward to seeing what happens now on Thursday, and hopefully we have numbers, and we'll put those on the website, our homepage on big and we will send out a we'll send out an email with the number to those that have registered for that purpose on the site.

Okay, read your email. There's no cost. I'll send that out and email last number, but last but the numbers come out and we put them up. I say numbers. I expect one 800 number. After that comes out, we'll put it on the home page of the website, and then everybody just go to big call and see it okay and take it I appreciate everybody out there. We thank you for calling.

Want to give a special thanks out to the satellite team for getting a call all over the globe. And thank you big call universe for listening to me for almost 14 years here. Thank you for everything that you've done, and thank you Bob and thank you Sue for CO hosting the call with me. And also thank you Jeannie and everyone else that had input to the big call   Thank you everybody.  Thank you and the loyalty for the big call. Thank you for everything you've done and all out. And then we'll look forward to to talk guys.

Well, good night, everybody. We'll talk to you. Keep an eye on your emails, and sometime maybe tomorrow, check it out. Let's see. Let's see if we get this before the next call. All right. All right, everybody. Good night.


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-25-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:11:11

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-20-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel begins   1:18:00

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-18-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:00:10

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-13-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel begins   1:17:17

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-11-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:01:01

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-27-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel begins   1:14:34

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-25-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   36:36

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-27-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel begins   1:02:22

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-25-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:27:27

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-20-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel begins   1:18:12

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-18-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:00:00

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-13-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel begins   1:19:20

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-11-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:07:37

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-6-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel begins   1:19:4O

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-4-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   44:24

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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

Wednesday Coffee with MarkZ. 03/26/2025

Wednesday Coffee with MarkZ. 03/26/2025

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good morning Mark, Mods and Z family

Member: Anybody just ready for RV to happen…. phew this is been exhausting

Member: I’m thinking of changing my middle name to “Waiting”!

Wednesday Coffee with MarkZ. 03/26/2025

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good morning Mark, Mods and Z family

Member: Anybody just ready for RV to happen…. phew this is been exhausting

Member: I’m thinking of changing my middle name to “Waiting”!

Member: So ready to go to the bank….What are you hearing Mark?

MZ: Not much of a bond update. People are still traveling and we are waiting for individual bond holders to start moving. Some bond contacts have travel dollars but have not been told to move yet. This is kinda frustrating.

MZ: They are still staffing groups. The Groups are “Currency groups”  I find this exciting.

Member: Are redemption folks working this weekend? We need this to come to fruition

Member: Rumor is T1 and T2 is liquid? got confirmation from platform some whales got paid and waiting for liquidity in t3, hope this is accurate?

Member: Is it true that Tier 3 has to be 30 percent funded before 4b goes ? Or do I have that backwards? Or 70 percent funded ? I guess it's all a guessing game! !!

Member: What if the tariffs starting on April 2 are really the rv? probably wouldn't know the difference in the economy. Think April 2nd...

Member: I think the tariffs could eliminate the IRS

Member: Eid is March 31-Apr 2. Liberation Day is April 2. That is way too much coincidence. If it doesn't go then I'm gonna lose my mind...just sayin'

Member: Hey Mark do you feel like we might RV this weekend before EID begins?

Member: Reno RV Show April 3rd-5th, "RV Show"??? hmmm could be a simple comm

Member: Maybe the Dinar/Dong might go alone without GCR RV????? I am hoping they go alone if the rest of the world keeps dragging their feet.

Member: When we get the rate for any currency please Thank God, because it will be more money than you had the day before.

Member: My WF bank keeps sending me wealth management emails. What do they know?!? LOL!

Member: I have been getting wealth management emails from my banks where I keep in avg $20 in each account..crazy

MZ: In Vietnam: “ Ho Chi Minh city metro line is among world’s greatest places in 2025 –From time Magazine” this cost 1.72 billion….and its finished and working. 

MZ: “ He received Tehrans blessing “Framework” agreement to protect US interests and ban military support “ in other words all the militias that Iran have been funding throughout Iraq are being disbanded. The others are being folded into the proper Iraqi forces .

MZ: this has been an enormous sticking point in moving forward

Member: "The Tehran agreement also included refraining from attacking US interests in Iraq and halting operations outside the country's borders."

Member: "high-level US delegation visits Iraq. Iraq will soon receive a high-level delegation including representatives from major American companies to discuss investment opportunities"

MZ: “Sudani sponsors the signing ceremony and the contract for the development and production of the Kirkuk oil fields”  This will be another 420 thousand barrels a day.

MZ: “New Iraqi request from oil extraction companies to solve gas crisis”  it’s now a requirement from all the oil countries to now start capturing the natural gas to power natural gas power plants throughout the country. .

MZ: “Nearly 30 million Iraqis eligible to vote in 2025 elections”  They are currently working on their voter integrity laws.

MZ: We are still waiting for the Iraq budget tables. And I hear they are working on those today. Many still believe there is a new rate hidden in there.

Member: I would sure like to see less talk and more action on this reset. I was sure hoping the new Trump administration would see the economy as a priority. Mot much seems to be happening

Member: Maybe we are waiting for the audits of the Fed reserve, the UST, and Ft. Knox before we see anything big?

Member: I bet there is a lot happening “behind the scenes” and big things will happen suddenly. Hang in there

Member: Mark, i watched a video of you this morning from about 5 years ago explaining the difference between money and currency. Great knowledge that most people don't realize

Member: Never quit…..and everyone have a good day.



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.




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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday 3-26-2025

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 26 March 2025

Compiled Wed. 26 March 2025 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Possible Timing:

Wed. 2 April 2025: President Trump Has Declared Wed. 2 April 2025 Liberation Day For America! This Historic Date Will Be Known As The Day America Started Taking Back The Vast Wealth

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 26 March 2025

Compiled Wed. 26 March 2025 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Possible Timing:

Wed. 2 April 2025: President Trump Has Declared Wed. 2 April 2025 Liberation Day For America! This Historic Date Will Be Known As The Day America Started Taking Back The Vast Wealth That Was Stolen and Looted By The Robber Barron, Globalist, Neo-Feudalist Empire That Has Been Hell Bent On Destroying Western Civilization! Something Big is Coming on April 2nd as Trump Plans ‘Liberation Day in America’ ~ Redacted News 2025 | Prophecy | Before It’s News

Mon. 24 March 2025 Mr. Pool: The clock you are watching is a decoy. The real countdown began years ago and it just hit Zero: (1) Mr. Pool on X: “THE CLOCK YOU’RE WATCHING IS A DECOY. THE REAL COUNTDOWN BEGAN YEARS AGO. AND IT JUST HIT ZERO. SYSTEM OVERRIDE SIGNAL ACQUISITION IDENTITY DISRUPTION YOU’VE ENTERED THE FIELD. NOW… PLAY YOUR PART.” / X


Global Currency Reset:

Tues. 25 March 2025 Bruce: Rates on bank screens are tied to the Forex and have been blinking. Starting Fri-Sat the blinking started to slow down and then stabilized Mon. night 24 March. We should be getting some news perhaps tomorrow Wed. 26 March or by Thurs. 27 March.

Tues. 25 March 2025 Mr. Pool: Reports from Reno suggest that the first batches of ZIM holders have been escorted under military guard to classified exchange points. This isn’t theory. This is protocol. QFS mirrors activated. All ZIM redemption classified as “Special Sovereign Handling.” Each individual is being treated as a transitional asset holder – part of the bridge into the New Earth economy. We’re not exchanging currency. We’re transferring power.

Read full post here:


Ariel:  The Gold Standard:

A Return to Real Wealth America re-adopting the gold standard means every dollar is backed by tangible gold, not just government promises.

Historically, the U.S. abandoned the gold standard in 1971 under Nixon, leading to decades of inflation $1 in 1971 is worth about $7.50 today.

Now, with gold backing the dollar, your money holds real value. Imagine walking into a store knowing the $100 in your pocket won’t lose purchasing power overnight.

 For families, this means savings grow, not shrink. Businesses can plan long-term without fearing currency devaluation.

Globally, the dollar regains trust nations like China and Russia, who’ve hoarded gold (China with 2,200 tons, Russia with 2,300 tons as of 2024), will trade with the U.S. on equal footing, stabilizing markets and reducing economic warfare.

Do you all see what is happening right in front of your eyes?

Watcher Guru:  JUST IN: President Trump signs executive order enabling the US Treasury to modernize its payments system to reduce fraud, waste, and abuse.


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Walkingstick  Why so many meetings?  Why so many times have they met with the Secretary Treasury under Trump's office?  Not once did they meet with Biden's Secretary of Treasury.  So many meetings.

Mnt Goat  Will cash paper dinar coincide with the digital dinar?  Article: “RAFIDAIN BANK DEPLOYS ATMS AT 5 STATIONS IN BAGHDAD”  Why would they deploy yet more ATMs now. Don’t forget also the hundreds of ATMs deployed throughout Iraq in the past. Why would they do this if not still expecting to use cash at some level.  Article Quote:  “Rafidain Bank announced the deployment of automated teller machines (ATMs) at a number of stations, allowing customers to conduct withdrawals and deposits easily and safely..." So, now we see the ATMs would only be needed if there is still a need for cash.

The Next 2008 Is HAPPENING NOW… and Nobody’s Ready for It

Taylor Kenny:  3-25-2025

The next 2008 is already unfolding—only this time, it’s not the banks at risk… it’s your savings. Retail bankruptcies are exploding, but that’s just the beginning.

Behind the scenes, private equity is using a dangerous debt strategy that could wipe out 401(k)s, pensions, and retirement accounts across the country.

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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

Tuesday Evening Chat With MarkZ

Tuesday Evening Chat With MarkZ

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good evening one and all            

Member: Bring us some good news Mark!

Tuesday Evening Chat With MarkZ

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good evening one and all            

Member: Bring us some good news Mark!

MZ: “Sudanese: Iraq is witnessing a state of recovery, growth, progress and prosperity”  they are talking about peace and also how they are folding the militias into the military. This is an important piece for the US.

MZ: “Iraq is entering a new trade era and is approaching the path of development”  They are working on floating gas platforms and the development road…..and all of Iraq’s future potential. This development road might well make the Suez canal unimportant.

Member: Frank is excited for this week.

Member: Frank said he is wearing his CHAMPAIGNE suit this Friday for the 1st ever.

MZ: I am still hearing from different groups that they are still moving people and getting them into place. But there is a concerted effort to squash leaks so it doesn’t hurt the timing. I will respect that.

MZ: We do not know the timing but from the movement of people-things appear to be very close.

MZ: I am still waiting for some of the bigger bond holders to have spendable dollars. Not from a flipper. These are friends of mine in “real-life” and I think this could happen at any moment.  Some have meetings late this week where they expect to be fully funded…..we will see. .

Member: There is many rumors about Wednesday -Thursday we could expect notifications? Let's hope so !!!

Member: how about rates on Indonesian rupee?? ANYBODY know anything on that one?

Member: Its been surmised to be at the same rate for many years $1.47 per each USD

Member: Everyone have a good evening. Sweet dreams and maybe more good news in the morning




Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.




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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

Tuesday Coffee with MarkZ. 03/25/2025

Tuesday Coffee with MarkZ. 03/25/2025

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Happy Tuesday Morning

Member: I hope all of you know how delightful you are and how much you brighten my day!

Tuesday Coffee with MarkZ. 03/25/2025

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Happy Tuesday Morning

Member: I hope all of you know how delightful you are and how much you brighten my day!

Member: Lots of rumors that things are moving in Columbia.

MZ: On the bond side. Lots of back and forth. Some are very excited and believe they are getting their final contracts…Some say they are seeing dollars move. Then others saying no…..they are just going to flip theirs. (Sell to a bond flipper for much less then final price would have given them- Then the flipper resells them)  

MZ: Not all bond contacts are MIA…some are just refusing to speak. Some go straight to voice mail…..some are expecting final contracts.

Member: How does this work…the very wealthy get their monies and the rest-whenever???

Member: Wish there were currency flippers so many of us could sell some . Even at a low rate it would sure help me hold on till RV finally happens.

MZ: There were some rumors it was going overnight last night …but I wasn’t seeing key people where they were supposed to be yet. Many are still in transit. So I wasn’t expecting it last night.

Member: I was bummed that Mr. C doesn’t think we will see the RV until later in the year.

MZ: I think it will be a lot sooner than that. Mr. C likes to think “further out” as it helps him deal with the roller coaster.

Member: And if its earlier than he expect it’s a nice “surprise”

Member: I used to like roller coaster…..Now, I never want to ride another one…..

Member: I just don’t understand how the bondholders are in the process of getting paid and we would be so far out. It just wouldn’t make sense.

Member: there are many good bank stories out there

MZ: And from banks….it seems like all of them are expecting foreign currency exchanges.

Member:  Mark Z and crew .is it true that the flip of the switch could come any time of day not just overnight….. curious

Member: So is the big excitement about April 2nd another groundhog day letdown?

Member: I think it’s just about US tariffs starting….nothing to do with currencies. Not expecting anything then.

MZ: “ To discuss investment opportunities- American delegation to Iraq soon”   Big business leaders will be coming….They want to discuss business and long term cooperation throughout the region. They also want to discuss the new security and stability in Iraq.

MZ: Lots of ping pong news coming out of Iraq today .

Member: What ever happened to the budget tables?

Member: Still not passed…and still not done.

Member:  Parliamentary confirmation of the resumption of parliamentary sessions and calling on the government to expedite the submission of budget schedules."

MZ: From a former parliament member “ Parliament finance excludes sending budget tables within 2 months. That’s its value” In other words they are still hiding that value in the budget.   This is similar to what we saw in Kuwait just before they RV’d. So I am hopeful this is not a delay and just them putting a smoke screen in front of our eyes.

Member: Mark all this talk about the 31st and Iraq starting  over ?  It could that just mean Iraq has to pay a penalty on new oil contracts-IMO

MZ: “ Iraq rolls out TIR –An historic step toward boosting international trade and reducing  transport costs”  this is important as it deals with the financial borders they had to control. I was told this is a key step as they lock down and control their financial borders . This begins next week….more fees, tariffs and tax income.

Member: Is Venezuelan Bolivar in the first basket?

Member: supposed to be… I;m taking mine- just in case

MZ: I’m hopeful it will be…just not 100%

​​Member: If only the iqd an vnd go first….. I wonder what will stop people from going to get more ?????

Member: I hope they have a deadline when they want to wrap this up by?  And I hope its soon.

Member: Hopefully this is the week!!

Member: How do you manage to keep strength to keep on doing this Mark? After all these years of doing this is phenomenal! You must get intel we do t to keep your faith up.

Member: thanks for always feeling positive Mark….We appreciate you.

There is a health guest on “Red Light Therapy” on stream today. Please listen to replay for their information.



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.




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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday 3-25-2025

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 25 March 2025

Compiled Tues. 25 March 2025 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:  (Rumors)

Mon. 24 March 2025 Wolverine:
I just received news from a group saying that payments are approved and it’s on it’s way. This is our week everyone (allegedly) . God bless you all. Your friend and servant Wolverine

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 25 March 2025

Compiled Tues. 25 March 2025 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:  (Rumors)

Mon. 24 March 2025 Wolverine:
I just received news from a group saying that payments are approved and it’s on it’s way. This is our week everyone (allegedly) . God bless you all. Your friend and servant Wolverine

Mon. 24 March Mr. Pool: Tier4b activation has begun. Final execution (allegedly) underway. The wait is over. The first notifications will be given today Mon. 24 March and tomorrow Tues. 25 March.

The global financial system is in the midst of transition. Major banking institutions in Zurich, Reno, and Hong Kong have entered their final liquidity phase. Key sources confirm that notifications are being sent right now. This is not speculation, IT IS HAPPENING NOW!

BREAKING NEWS: HISTORIC MOVES UNDERWAY! Multiple sources report that high-value transactions are being cleared through the QFS, ensuring large-scale liquidity deployment across multiple levels. Private banking sources confirm that funds are being transferred to designated accounts. This is the (allegedly) FINAL STAGE before public launch!



Military and government agents have arrived in Reno and Hong Kong. Elite banking officials are being escorted under security protocols; something historic is happening.

THE NEXT 6-12 HOURS ARE CRUCIAL! The Deepstate Cabal has lost control: desperate moves are being halted in real time. The new gold-backed financial system IS (allegedly) HERE. This is global economic liberation in ACTION. THE FINAL SWITCH IS FLIPPING! BE PREPARED! Keep an eye on your inbox. Once this process is complete, NOTHING CAN STOP IT. (allegedly) …MR. Pool

Sun. 23 March 2025 Mr. Pool on Telegram: Military oversight active! IQD: $10.21, VND: $6.42, ZIM: special handling. Early Tier 5 reports indicate full accessibility within hours! Public trade screens (allegedly) go live tonight. Tier 4B confirmations now trickling into secure drop zones. Screens are going black. Then green. The final sequence has initiated – emails, calls & appointments being quietly issued to pre-cleared participants. Citibank, HSBC, Wells Fargo, and Bank of America have moved into isolated mode – all Tier 1 branches now under elevated comms lockdown. No public-facing alerts. No press releases. Only silence. Why? Because this isn’t about the public anymore. It’s about precision. Everything is unfolding exactly as planned.

Sat. 22 March 2025 Wolverine: “It’s official. That’s all I’m allowed to say.

Sun. 23 March 2025 Digital Dinar on X: “Tier 1 + 2 are fully liquid Tier 3 funds have all been moved and are ready to be processed. Many have been paid. Some are still on stand-by, but are fully funded. 4A + 4B will move at the same time. Very quickly.

Mon. 24 March 2025: The Federal Reserve was under the U.S. Treasury in 2017. At that point, the FED was (allegedly) GONE. Also at that point, the I.R.S., (the strong arm of the FED, also NOT even located inside the U.S. (listed as being in Puerto Rico), was also (allegedly) dismantled. ALL MONIES have been stored securely to be re-distributed to the US taxpayers. Why do you think D.O.G.E. is *REALLY* here? It’s “Routing out the corruption”. They HAVE to SET THE STAGE for HOW WE GET OUR FINANCES RETURNED BACK TO US… It’s already(allegedly)  done. We are just tyin’ up loose ends at this point as it all plays out on the REALM STAGE …Anon on Telegram

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Walkingstick  Before EID you don’t want to do anything.  Because before EID is Ramadan.  Ramadan is holy time but during EID or just before EID, wow!  That would give them something to celebrate about don’t you think!?  You don’t celebrate during the holy days, during Ramadan.

Clare  Article:  “Sistani’s office: Monday, March 31, is likely to be Eid al-Fitr”  Quote: “The office of the highest religious authority, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, announced on Sunday that Monday, March 31, is expected to be the first day of Eid al-Fitr.”

Frank26   Security and stability.  How do we get that?  You got to control those that are stealing the currency, the exchange rate.  You got to control those auctions…They gave us a punished sanctioned rate.  We can get our rate back, this is an RI, it’ll be reinstated but we need security and stability that’s all there is to it.  You can ask me a bunch of questions says Dr. Shabibi, rest his soul, you can ask me a billion questions but every one of them will have the same answer – I need security and stability…The only way to get it is to get rid of the stupidity inside of Iraq…

COMEX Gold Squeeze: Unprecedented Deliveries Threaten the System – Mike Maloney


Wondering why the COMEX (Chicago Mercantile Exchange) is feeling the heat?

In this video, Mike Maloney dives into the soaring gold deliveries that could break all-time records—and how margin hikes signal a system under stress.

 Discover why heavy physical demand for gold could threaten the fractional reserve framework, as mutual funds, ETFs, and Swiss refiners scramble to supply the U.S. and the UK.

Plus, get an inside scoop on Mike’s upcoming appearance at Jason Hartman’s Empowered Investor Live (April 4–6 in Irvine, CA), where he’ll explore what these unfolding events mean for you and your portfolio.


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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

More News, Rumors and Opinions Monday PM 3-24-2025

Ariel : The Gold Standard, a Return to Real Wealth


The Gold Standard: A Return to Real Wealth

America re-adopting the gold standard means every dollar is backed by tangible gold, not just government promises. Historically, the U.S. abandoned the gold standard in 1971 under Nixon, leading to decades of inflation $1 in 1971 is worth about $7.50 today.

Now, with gold backing the dollar, your money holds real value. Imagine walking into a store knowing the $100 in your pocket won’t lose purchasing power overnight.

Ariel : The Gold Standard, a Return to Real Wealth


The Gold Standard: A Return to Real Wealth

America re-adopting the gold standard means every dollar is backed by tangible gold, not just government promises. Historically, the U.S. abandoned the gold standard in 1971 under Nixon, leading to decades of inflation $1 in 1971 is worth about $7.50 today.

Now, with gold backing the dollar, your money holds real value. Imagine walking into a store knowing the $100 in your pocket won’t lose purchasing power overnight.

For families, this means savings grow, not shrink. Businesses can plan long-term without fearing currency devaluation.

Globally, the dollar regains trust nations like China and Russia, who’ve hoarded gold (China with 2,200 tons, Russia with 2,300 tons as of 2024), will trade with the U.S. on equal footing, stabilizing markets and reducing economic warfare.

Picture this people. Our dollar buys more, gas is cheap, and jobs are plentiful. A family of four in Ohio, earning $75,000 a year, now has an extra $5,000 annually from lower costs and tax breaks tied to Trump’s policies.

You’re driving to work in a new American-made car tariffs incentivized Ford to build locally, dropping prices 10%. Your kids’ school has new tech, funded by transparent blockchain taxes.

 You’re planning a vacation to Europe, paying with XRP at a fraction of the cost, while the dollar’s gold-backed strength makes everything cheaper abroad. Small businesses thrive Joe’s Diner in your town doubles its staff because people have more to spend.

The world follows America’s lead. Nations like Brazil and India, inspired by the U.S. gold standard, start backing their currencies with assets, stabilizing their economies.

Oil-rich countries like Iraq and Venezuela, forced to compete with U.S. production, lower prices and invest in their people Iraq’s revalued dinar could lift millions out of poverty, with citizens buying American goods in a booming trade loop.

Blockchain adoption spreads: the EU launches a digital euro on Ripple’s tech by 2026, cutting remittance costs for 450 million people. Global wealth gaps narrow as corruption becomes harder to hide, and trade becomes fairer America’s Liberation Day sparks a global renaissance.

April 2nd, 2025, isn’t just a date it’s the start of a golden age. Americans live with financial security, energy abundance, and technological empowerment. Our dollar is king again, your job is secure, and your family thrives in a world where wealth flows to the people, not the elites.

Globally, nations align with this new system, creating a web of prosperity that lifts billions. This is the real wealth Trump spoke of not just money, but a life of dignity, opportunity, and freedom, reclaimed from decades of mismanagement. The future is bright, bold, and ours to seize. Expect big things in the future.




Clare:  Parliamentary confirmation of the resumption of parliamentary sessions and calling on the government to expedite the submission of budget schedules.

3/24/2025 - Baghdad

Member of the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee, Ali Al-Bandawi, confirmed that Parliament's sessions have been disrupted recently, particularly this month, due to political disagreements. He noted that some blocs had objections related to the Popular Mobilization Forces Law, which affected the parliament's agenda.

Al-Bandawi explained that "the delay in holding the sessions prompted a group of MPs to collect signatures demanding that they be held in order to complete the enactment of important laws," stressing that "most political blocs are moving towards resuming the sessions to read and vote on the laws, given their direct impact on citizens and on pushing the government towards implementing its program."

He pointed out that "there is significant parliamentary pressure on the government to send the budget schedules to parliament for a vote," noting that "the delay in approving the budget has caused the suspension of many development and service projects, which has negatively impacted the conditions of citizens." 

 Al-Bandawi stressed the "need to expedite the approval of the budget to complete strategic projects and ensure the implementation of development plans."   LINK

Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26  [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  FIREFLY: Mr Sammy says that in his opinion all of these recent meetings we have been seeing, especially with Donald Trump and Sudani in the IMF, World Bank, with your USA Treasury and with all of these oil companies that have signed with Sudani and with Erbil.  The last meeting was Sudani and the USA Secretary...All of this points to a new exchange rate coming.  If not, none of these meetings would have been needed.  FRANK:  We're both on the same page...

Fnu Lnu  Article: "Iraq's Council of Ministers has endorsed the Joint Management Committee's decision on Artawi [Ratawi] oil field, awarding the contract for crude gas pipelines to China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering (CPP), with part of the work assigned to the State Company for Oil Projects (SCOP)."   Article 2:   "Iraq's Council of Ministers has approved the awarding of the Third Offshore Pipeline Completion Project tender to an Italian-Turkish consortium."   Iraq is wasting no time getting the country hitting on all cylinders. There are so many projects opening it is hard to imagine them using a three zero note. The RI must be right around the corner.



Greg Mannarino:  3-24-2025


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MarkZ, Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20 MarkZ, Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20

Monday Coffee with MarkZ. 03/24/2025

Monday Coffee with MarkZ. 03/24/2025

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good morning Mark and mods and everyone!

Member: Dear God let this be the week we are waiting for!!!!!

Member: GM everyone! is it time to break out some laxative to give the powers that control RV so things will get " moving" along?

Monday Coffee with MarkZ. 03/24/2025

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good morning Mark and mods and everyone!

Member: Dear God let this be the week we are waiting for!!!!!

Member: GM everyone! is it time to break out some laxative to give the powers that control RV so things will get " moving" along?

Member: The anniversary of Kuwait revaluation was today.

MZ: I am hearing interesting things on the bond side but they have not fully pulled the trigger yet. No individual bond holders running around with lots of money…..yet.

MZ: There are a couple of bond “flippers” who are offering exponentially more than they have ever offered before. They are offering roughly half of what the bonds are actually thought to be worth.  Flippers would not do this if they thought they would be out that money for a long time. I find that encouraging that we are close .

MZ: The folks working with the treasuries and Central banks….they  have gone silent…Zip. The only people willing to talk are the flippers.

MZ: Group leaders continue to work on the travel arrangements . These group leaders will process the groups as they go through. It doesn’t tell us when…just that we are getting closer.

MZ: Many are already in transit and others are leaving soon. Remember not all bonds have to be paid for us to get notifications to go.

MZ: Remember I was told that 90% of Americans will have an exchange center less than 50 miles from their house.

Member: Is anyone getting paid at all?

MZ: How do I answer that without getting into trouble? I think that is all I need to say.

Member: What is your gut telling you Mark about timing?

MZ: My gut feeling is telling me in the next few days to weeks we should have already been to the banks. But I have not been told a firm date from anyone.

Member: Do you think that when the RV phone number comes out there will be a lot of people getting a busy signal the first time they call the number?

Member: It would make sense to have a large call center for us….for at least the first month.

Member: Mark, WHAT are we actually waiting for? What other processes need to be completed by Iraq?

Member: MM dropped a good one last night. Looks like Sudani is pushing to wrap things up.

MZ: ”After a break of more than a month- the Parliamentary confirmation of the convening parliamentary session is today”   They are back at it in Iraq and seem to be pushing forward on key pieces. .

MZ: “All indications indicate that today’s session will be held and the Polpular Mobilization law will be read”  This is one of the big sticking points of the US and World Bank to give the “GO” and it may be squared away today.

MZ: “Officially voter registration to begin tomorrow”  There are upcoming elections in Iraq. They are updating all of their voter registration logs. And they are using new biometric ID’s.

Member: Sure as heck hope Sudani and Alaq get the RV done before their elections……or we may never get the RV

MmZ: “The Ministry of oil announces the establishment of a fixed platform for the important export of gas to Basra”  They are adding another floating dock to move away from Iranian gas imports.

Member: So are we still signing an NDA at our exchange?

MZ: We have no idea what it’s going to look like or even if it’s going to exist. Most of my banking contacts are telling me there will only be an NDA on our projects funds on the Zim.

Member: I’m prepared in case. Loose lips sink ships.

Member: On Telegram, there is a rumor of tier 4B being paid out this week.

Member: Still praying the RV happens before Tax day on April 15th.

Member: There is always the rumor of the St Germaine trust opening at Easter time….but hope things don’t take that long.

Member: Another rumor of March 31 is deadline for RV start

Member: March 31st is end of 1st Qtr; does that mean anything?

Member: We are locked and loaded…Come on RV let’s go!!!!

Member: Everyone have a great day today.

Mod: Remember no podcasts on Monday and Friday Nights now. See everyone in the morning



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.





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Economics, Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Monday 3-24-2025

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 24 March 2025

Compiled Mon. 24 March 2025 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:  (Rumors)

Sun. 23 March 2025 Mr. Pool on Telegram: Military oversight active! IQD: $10.21, VND: $6.42, ZIM: special handling. Early Tier 5 reports indicate full accessibility within hours! Public trade screens go live tonight. Tier 4B confirmations now trickling into secure drop zones. Screens are going black. Then green.

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 24 March 2025

Compiled Mon. 24 March 2025 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:  (Rumors)

Sun. 23 March 2025 Mr. Pool on Telegram: Military oversight active! IQD: $10.21, VND: $6.42, ZIM: special handling. Early Tier 5 reports indicate full accessibility within hours! Public trade screens go live tonight. Tier 4B confirmations now trickling into secure drop zones. Screens are going black. Then green.

Mr. Pool cont…..The final sequence has initiated – emails, calls & appointments being quietly issued to pre-cleared participants. Citibank, HSBC, Wells Fargo, and Bank of America have moved into isolated mode – all Tier 1 branches now under elevated comms lockdown. No public-facing alerts. No press releases. Only silence. Why? Because this isn’t about the public anymore. It’s about precision. Everything is unfolding exactly as planned.

Sat. 22 March 2025 Wolverine: “It’s official. That’s all I’m allowed to say.

Sun. 23 March 2025 Digital Dinar on X: “Tier 1 + 2 are fully liquid Tier 3 funds have all been moved and are ready to be processed. Many have been paid. Some are still on stand-by, but are fully funded. 4A + 4B will move at the same time. Very quickly.

Sat. 22 March 2025 Continuation. System goes live. High Alert: The Banking System Is Transitioning! …The 47th on Telegram (1) Elon Musk ( Parody ) on X: “CONTINUATION SYSTEM GOES LIVE HIGH ALERT: The Banking System Is Transitioning Massive financial activity is now visible across the entire global infrastructure. Inside sources report that Tier 4B final releases are activating in synchronized” / X

Massive financial activity is now visible across the entire global infrastructure. Inside sources report that Tier 4B final releases are activating in synchronized phases. The IMF and BIS have been forced to acknowledge the transition, and attempts to stall the inevitable have FAILED!

Global Reset in Motion! Banks are transitioning to the Quantum Financial System as we speak. Insider chatter confirms full compliance from major financial institutions. The old system is FADING-the future is HERE.

All Eyes On Final Execution Phase: This is the moment where history is being rewritten. The biggest financial event in modern history is UNFOLDING IN REAL TIME.

The next 12 hours are everything! (posted at 10:04 am MST Sat. 22 March 2025)

Fri. 21 March 2025: (1) Digital Dinar on X: “RV IQD / VND Reported Confirmed Intel Friday 21st March 18:00 EST Significant news suggests major developments are imminent. Flights being tracked and monitored manually (line of sight) from reno airport – cross-referenced” / X

Various Tier3 holders (not known to each other in USA, EU, Asia) fully liquid as of yesterday Thurs. 20 March.

Apts. started today for some contacts in other groups.

Substantial movement in Reno and Zurich on bonds. Payments for bonds activated in Colombia a few days ago. (bond payouts separate from RV).

Rumors of potential events occurring tonight, possible Military operation.

Trillions of dollars in some accounts primarily held by humanitarian focused individuals.

Tier 2 and Tier 3 liquidity beginning to flow, ancient claims paid out.

Optimism for new Iraqi rate announcement this weekend, followed by exchanges within days.

Higher rates are more likely at a Redemption Center.

Expect process will conclude within a week.

Zim Bonds: 20% for humanitarian efforts, 80% to Bond Holders with options to designate projects from pre-planned list.

April 2 2025 speculated start of Tier 5 (public) tied to US gold-backed dollar.

March 31 2025 midnight deadline for Iraq liquidity agreement from Aug. 2024, pushing the RV timeline.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Walkingstick  Trump is getting Iraq to repay America in the same way he's getting every nation that has abused us to repay us back, from NATO countries to Iraq...Trump has always wanted a fair deal whether it be with him selling his buildings or him as a president with our American dollar.  Iran and Iraq owe the United States of America a lot of money...I can see it in Trump's actions, the monetary reform is the #1 thing for him right now.  How else is America going to get repaid?

Frank26  The oil, the blood in the veins of the monetary reform of Iraq, these [railroad] tracks, these ports, these mega ships like this one coming in from South Korea, they are going to explode Iraq.  Everything that is in position to coming in to Iraq is amazing.  This is a country on steroids very soon.  The problem is, they got the steroids, they bought them, they paid for them, they're all set, they got them on the little table, got a glass of water right next to it, you want to inject them, got syringes, everything's all ready to go...but you're not going to have it until the doctor shows up in order to apply it.  The same thing with this.  Not until Al-Sudani decides, yeah I am ready.  He's in charge...Donald Trump is pushing, pushing, pushing for the oil to flow because once it starts to flow it exposes everything...

US Households are on the Verge of Bankruptcy Right Now

Heresy Financial:  3-24-2025


0:00 US Households on the Verge

 1:30 $18 Trillion Total

3:00 $13T in Housing vs. $5T in Other Debts

4:00 Real Income Trends & Inflation’s Impact

5:00 Rising Delinquency Rates & Falling Consumption

 6:00 Trade Wars & Recession Risks

8:00 Debt, Defaults & Affordability

9:00 Action Plan Part 1: Boost Your Income

10:00 Action Plan Part 2: Aggressively Pay Off Debt

11:00 Action Plan Part 3: Stockpile Assets & Avoid Lifestyle Upgrades

12:00 Economic Rotation & Final Observations


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Economics, Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday 3-23-2025


Clare:  Sistani's office: Monday, March 31, is likely to be Eid al-Fitr


The office of the highest religious authority, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, announced on Sunday that Monday, March 31, is expected to be the first day of Eid al-Fitr.

 The office of the Supreme Authority had set Sunday, March 2, as the start date for Ramadan and expected it to end on the 30th of the same month.

According to the calendar published by the office, the month of fasting will not be complete for 29 days.


Clare:  Sistani's office: Monday, March 31, is likely to be Eid al-Fitr


The office of the highest religious authority, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, announced on Sunday that Monday, March 31, is expected to be the first day of Eid al-Fitr.

 The office of the Supreme Authority had set Sunday, March 2, as the start date for Ramadan and expected it to end on the 30th of the same month.

According to the calendar published by the office, the month of fasting will not be complete for 29 days.


Clare: A government advisor reveals an electronic system that will transform company registration from weeks to minutes.

3/23/2025 - Baghdad

On Sunday, the Prime Minister's advisor, Mazhar Mohammed Saleh, revealed the importance of a single window for company registration, noting seven exceptional advantages, including reducing the time required to register companies from weeks to minutes. 

"Establishing a unified electronic system for company registration is an important step to support commercial activity and stimulate investment in Iraq," Saleh said in a statement reported by the official news agency and seen by Al-Eqtisad News. "It not only facilitates procedures but also enhances business efficiency and creates a strong, more advanced and innovative economic environment, driven by several fundamental factors, most notably: accelerating procedures and reducing red tape."

He pointed out that "this digital system reduces the time required to register companies, which used to take weeks or months, and turns it into hours or minutes, allowing entrepreneurs and investors to quickly start their businesses without having to travel between multiple government agencies."

He added that "this system reduces operational and administrative costs, as it also contributes to reducing reliance on paper transactions, thus reducing costs for investors; avoiding many fees associated with paper documents, transportation, and other additional expenses."

Saleh explained that "the digital system enhances the research topic to a high degree of transparency, as the electronic company registration system is an important part of the government's philosophy of digital transformation and e-governance, due to its high credibility.

The aforementioned electronic system enables immediate verification of data and reduces the chances of manipulation or errors, which enhances trust between investors and government agencies, ultimately improving the business environment. It is one of the most important standards adopted by the World Bank for emerging economies in this regard, as it attracts investment and enhances competitiveness."

He continued, "The electronic system achieves a high degree of connectivity and network integration between relevant entities digitally, such as the General Tax Authority, investment authorities in the governorates, banks, in addition to the company registrar itself, with the relevant departments of the Ministry of Commerce, with extreme speed, accuracy, and high efficiency, which helps in making the right investment and production decisions."

He added, "It contributes to supporting entrepreneurship and small projects, as it encourages the removal of bureaucratic obstacles facing emerging business owners, which contributes to increasing the number of small and medium-sized enterprises, which constitute the backbone and main pillar of the national economy within the government program's strategy and its applications, and are in line with the comprehensive national development plan 2024-2028."  LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Yada  Folks, we are in the best of places for the rate change. The super ships are arriving at the port of Faw (S Korea), their salaries are to be paid Monday into Tuesday, the oil is flowing through the pipeline into Turkey, the border payments for tariffs and taxes, the banks of Iraq are equipped to exchange the currencies digitally, and...billionaires from around the world have started to do business with Iraq...All with the rate change to trigger the country.

Frank26  When someone says to you, 'Give me your dinars because I belong to a group that's going to be able to pay you a higher rate than what the CBI can pay you.' Run!  They're connivers... thieves...liars. What they do is they take your dinar and they put it in a bank account in Iraq that draws interest.  They're making money off of it.  If I was you I would say to  them, 'Give me back my dinar, give me back my dongs.'  ...How many times have these tiers happened? ...It's impossible they can  give you $5/$6 for every dinar.  There are no dual exchange rates.  It's illegal.  It's called money laundering.  Be careful what  you do...I feel bad for you people... [Dinar Guru Note:  Your dinar is a currency.  Treat them just like you would dollars or euros.   If you wouldn't do, whatever it is, with your dollars or euros then think twice about doing that same thing with your dinar.]  

ALERT! USA Secretly Prepares for Collaspe! Here's How Silver Becomes the NEW KING!

(Bix Weir)  3-22-2025

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

“Bits and Pieces” in Dinarland Saturday PM 3-22-2025

Gold Telegraph: It’s Happening Now, in Full Force

Friday, 21 March 2025

China plans to add to its strategic reserves this year.

What is on that list?

1. Copper.
2. Cobalt.
3. Nickel.
4. Lithium.

Gold Telegraph: It’s Happening Now, in Full Force

Friday, 21 March 2025

China plans to add to its strategic reserves this year.

What is on that list?

1. Copper.
2. Cobalt.
3. Nickel.
4. Lithium.

The world is scrambling to secure its future and many investors are sleeping at the wheel.

I called this years ago. Nations would increasingly turn to domestic gold production as a potential strategic move to safeguard their reserves from the erosion of fiat currency. That shift is no longer coming.. it’s happening now, in full force.

Yesterday, the United States announced plans to dramatically accelerate the speed and scale of mineral production on public lands, including: GOLD. For years, many in the United States dismissed gold as a “barbarous relic.” Talk about awkward…

I found this comment from Dr. Ron Paul — former three-time U.S. presidential candidate — especially powerful during our conversation:

“I think the biggest issue for the Federal Reserve is what they do in international finance… I think there are more bailouts than people realize. It’s all credit, it’s all digits. If you were on a gold standard, you couldn’t have all that mischief.”

One of the things I asked @RonPaul was if the United States still had all its gold reserves? Since the conversation… it looks like we are actually going to find out.

Watch the full conversation, here:

GOLD TELEGRAPH CONVERSATION #5: DR. RON PAUL "I think the country would thrive tremendously if we see it in moral terms and don’t have some Federal Reserve being the chief counterfeiter. It’s fraud." – @RonPaul Three-time U.S. presidential candidate Dr. Ron Paul joins me for Show more


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Walkingstick  Trump is getting a delegation to go to Iraq to deal and talk about the oil and rare mineral earth minerals right  IMO...probably next week.  

Militia Man  The Central Bank confirms they're ready to launch a digital currency.  The central bank in my view has that infrastructure in place at the bank.  It sounds like successes are already in place, allows them the ability to say things like, 'We're ready to launch digital currency.' And that's dinar...It's a big deal.

Tsunami of Homes about to Flood the Markets

Liberty and Finance:

In a recent appearance on Liberty and Finance, economist Michael Pento delivered a stark warning about the detrimental role central banks, particularly the Federal Reserve, are playing in fueling inflation and ballooning government debt.

Pento argues that the Fed’s policies, driven by the government’s insatiable spending habits, are not only exacerbating current economic woes but are also setting the stage for a significant crisis.

Pento’s core argument revolves around the idea that central banks, through their policies of expanding the money supply, are essentially enabling unsustainable government spending.

He contends that the Fed’s practice of monetizing debt – essentially buying government bonds – is a direct response to the government’s inability to fund its expenditures through legitimate means like taxation.

This, he claims, is not driven by a desire to serve the public good, but rather to ensure the government’s continued solvency.

Furthermore, Pento challenges the long-held belief in the “Fed put,” the notion that the Federal Reserve can and will intervene to prevent significant economic downturns.

He dismisses this as a fallacy, arguing that the Fed’s tools are limited and that their continued use is only delaying the inevitable reckoning. By artificially propping up the market, the Fed is merely creating larger imbalances that will ultimately lead to a more severe correction.

Looking ahead to 2025, Pento paints a grim picture. He predicts a period of anemic GDP growth, potentially tipping into a recession. This slowdown, he believes, will be compounded by factors such as rising tariffs, which will stifle international trade and further depress economic activity, and the decline of liquidity in the market.

Pento emphasizes that these conditions pose significant risks to asset prices. He cautions investors to be wary, suggesting that the market’s current valuation may be unsustainable in the face of tightening monetary policy and a weakening economy.

The potential for a sharp correction, he argues, is amplified by the very policies that were initially intended to prevent one.

In conclusion, Michael Pento’s analysis paints a concerning picture of the current economic landscape. He believes that central bank policies, designed to support unsustainable government spending, are ultimately creating greater economic instability and risk. His forecast for 2025 highlights the potential for a significant economic slowdown, urging investors to exercise caution and prepare for a potentially turbulent period ahead.

The key takeaway is that reliance on artificial monetary policy has its limits, and the chickens of uncontrolled government spending and inflated money supply are poised to come home to roost.


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