Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-9-25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-9-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, January 9TH and you're listening to the big call. Welcome everybody that's within the sound of my voice. Thank you. Big call universe for tuning in again, all over the place, literally, in countries that the United States does not own or control. Yet, who knows, right? Still early – ha ha just teasing. Well, thank you guys for tuning in, yet again, let's, let's open up the call with a word of prayer.
All right, let us get into the so called Intel segment. So this is, this is where we are today. You know, we did Tuesday nights call, and I got a little information. I put Intel out that I really thought was pretty solid for Wednesday or Thursday. Then we heard that we would have notifications today or tomorrow. So I'll get back into that in a minute. But what was going on?
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-9-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, January 9TH and you're listening to the big call. Welcome everybody that's within the sound of my voice. Thank you. Big call universe for tuning in again, all over the place, literally, in countries that the United States does not own or control. Yet, who knows, right? Still early – ha ha just teasing. Well, thank you guys for tuning in, yet again, let's, let's open up the call with a word of prayer.
All right, let us get into the so called Intel segment. So this is, this is where we are today. You know, we did Tuesday nights call, and I got a little information. I put Intel out that I really thought was pretty solid for Wednesday or Thursday. Then we heard that we would have notifications today or tomorrow. So I'll get back into that in a minute. But what was going on?
Let's call it Wednesday morning. -Yesterday morning – hold on -- was it was going on Tuesday, starting in the morning, they were starting to ping between redemption centers banks, using the Starlink satellite system in conjunction with the QFS, the quantum financial system.
All of that was happening, not only here, but around the world, all banks, all redemption centers, pinging through the Starlink system and touch and connecting through the quantum financial system -that was to occur and in at about 10 o'clock at night, last night, which was Wednesday night, and it ended up going four hours longer, which we put at 2am in the morning.
So they wrapped all that up at 2am in the morning, this morning, Thursday morning. And then the point was when those banks and redemption centers had completed all of the pinging around the world, the rates on the screens would become live.
Now that's in banks, on bank screens, and in redemption centers, the rates on their screens would all be live as of 2am in the morning this morning.
Now it's been a little tough to get detailed information on this. It’s probably just as well -- we did understand that there was a conference call yesterday from noon to Eastern that would have incorporated all of the redemption centers, leaders and bank managers, at least bank managers throughout the country, the US.
And then what was interesting was that there were two main, main things that they discuss, from what we've heard on this conference call, one of which was that these currencies which we're exchanging, they are not a taxable event.
Now, how long have I been on doing a big call? 13 years. We've known that forever, but some people did not know that it was a non taxable event and it was designed to be way on purpose.
Well, certain people in the deep state would like to say differently, some of the bankers and so on on the call, thought that they had heard that it was taxable. Well, it doesn't matter what they heard. It's just not true. It's a non taxable event.
Now, the income that you earn from interest being paid on your account in the bank that interest is called passive income, and it will be taxed, but the event itself, the exchange of currencies and the redemption of Zim is not taxable, okay, so that's important.
And the other thing that was brought out was they went back and forth, I guess, and discussed this in a way that was definitive. Finally, remember, I've been telling you guys to ask for the contract rate on dinar, if you have Iraqi dinar, and that would be substantially higher.
I know roughly what it is. It's much higher. And I was told that they discussed this on their conference call, and it was determined previously that everyone with the Din would be offered the contract rate.
So that's a win right there. Not the front screen rate, not the bank front screen rate, but the contract rate for dinar. And so that should be the case.
Now here's the caveat. Let's say you go into a reception center, but you have dinar and they don't offer you the contract rate, then ask them for it. I believe they will. But in case something fell through the cracks, you go ahead and ask them. Or if they don't offer to you first, okay, that's the way I'm going to handle it? Okay? That takes us through conference call.
Now what we had heard yesterday was that there was going to be a possibility to get the toll free numbers either late this afternoon or early tomorrow morning?
Well, guess what? It wasn't late this afternoon. Was it? What does that mean? That makes early tomorrow morning look pretty strong right now, and the chances that the theory is that we would set appointments Friday tomorrow, Friday the 10th and exchange. If we don't get started exchanging tomorrow, it would be Saturday the 11th of January.
Now let's talk about R and R. I just heard this evening that restitution and reconciliation allowance would occur after the inauguration of January, 20 of President Trump. We had heard in the first 10 days of January.
Today, the ninth, I don't think so, we got new information that said it would be sometime this month, but it would be after the 20th, which is Inauguration Day. Now that's referring to R, and R, I can't speak to Social Security. That was supposed to happen in the month of January, and still could, the increase could still occur.
But realize what we are talking about - as that has nothing to do with the RV, some people have conflated those two subjects, and we believe, based on our sources, that we are ready to get started with numbers coming out to us tomorrow With the emails from Wells Fargo.
I know that yesterday, funds were moving globally from the Rodriguez Trust, which is humongous and never seems to have a bottom to it. Funds were moving for NESARA and GESARA globally, and we'll just have to see what what occurs with that and when that occurs.
But it should be after Inauguration Day, and I don't know how soon, but it should be between then and the 31st which is the last day of January. So we'll keep an eye on that, although we really are more important, what's most important to us right now in for our exchanges and our redemption of zoom at the redemption centers, setting our appointments, Lord willing tomorrow -and then going, if not tomorrow, then Saturday, for our exchanges.
And if we do that, and we do start Saturday, we would they would be open Sunday, and you go by the weekend, but that's what the plan is, as as it stood tonight, a half an hour before the big call.
But we're just going to have to kind of watch that and see how it all goes now. I don't think there's anything related to the exchanges or anything else that is coming to mind right now that we don't already know, but this is the latest and most up to date that we have.
And I love to be up to date and give you the latest thing I've heard, and we've got some pretty good sources that that do still try to talk to us, not everybody that we want to hear from is able to, but I guess we have just enough to give you an Intel segment that is the best that we can do.
Okay, all right, you guys, that's what I wanted to say tonight. I got to thank Sue for a wonderful job. It's really strong tonight. And Bob, excellent. Too great to hear the sale is continuing until sometime Monday it looks like and thank you for sharing with us about your projects, about the electricity and about the water project, fantastic, and thanks for continuing to stay a little bit longer.
So let's go ahead. I want to thank GCK. I want to thank Pastor Scott for hanging in there continued healing for you, Brother, let this be the last we hear of a stroke. Let you be completely, totally healed. And in Jesus name and and thank you, Jeannie, for continued support setting in your prayer requests or your prayer and your praise reports and all things to come with. Thank you sat team for getting the call out again, all that.
And thank you big call universe for every week that has participated in listening to the big call for many years, 13 years now, so let's just go ahead and pray the call out. We'll say good night,
Have a great night. We should have a great weekend. We'll see what happens, and we'll be in touch by email. So stay in touch with us by email. Make sure you're registered on big call, and you'll get, you'll get an email when we get to set it out, and we'll take it from there. We'll be in touch with you. Thanks, everybody. Good night. God bless you all.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-9-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:14:34
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-7-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:00:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-2-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:14:54
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-31-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 54:44
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-26-24 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:07:27
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-24-24 REPLAY LINK NO CALL
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-19-24 REPLAY LINK NO TRANSCRIPTION
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-17-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:33
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-12-24 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 56:16
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-10-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:18:18
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-5-24 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:08:50
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-3-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:16:12
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-28-24 REPLAY LINK NO CALL
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-26-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:16:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-2124 REPLAYLINK Intel begins 1:10:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-19-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:12: 21
More News, Rumors and Opinions Friday Afternoon 1-10-2025
Clare: Including the budget, intelligence, and minorities... Learn about the laws included in the parliament session on Sunday
The media department of the House of Representatives announced, on Thursday, the agenda of the parliament session next Sunday, including voting and reading of draft laws, including the 2025 budget schedules and others related to minorities and security.
According to the agenda, which was received by Shafaq News Agency, the parliament session next Sunday, January 13, includes 10 paragraphs, distributed between voting on draft laws, including the National Intelligence Service Law and mental health.
Clare: Including the budget, intelligence, and minorities... Learn about the laws included in the parliament session on Sunday
The media department of the House of Representatives announced, on Thursday, the agenda of the parliament session next Sunday, including voting and reading of draft laws, including the 2025 budget schedules and others related to minorities and security.
According to the agenda, which was received by Shafaq News Agency, the parliament session next Sunday, January 13, includes 10 paragraphs, distributed between voting on draft laws, including the National Intelligence Service Law and mental health.
The session will also include reading draft laws, including the Yazidi genocide, the protection of minorities, and the federal budget schedules for 2025 LINK
Clare: Among them is the Iraqi Elina Habba.. Trump honors his supporters from the leaders of the Arab and Muslim community
US President-elect Donald Trump is scheduled to meet with leaders of the Arab and Muslim community in the United States and honor them, including the Iraqi Elina Habba, the lawyer who was known for being one of Trump's defenders and one of his most prominent supporters in the elections.
Leaders of the Arab and Muslim American community revealed that a meeting will be held between President-elect Donald Trump and his Vice President, Geddy Vance, with community leaders in Washington, DC, two days before the inauguration of the president-elect for a new term on January 20.
The leaders explained to the "Erem News" website that "this meeting is an embodiment of the commitment that Trump made to the community during his election campaign in Michigan last fall."
They pointed out that "the meeting will be a celebration of Trump's success in winning the elections, in addition to renewing the emphasis on the special relationship that has linked Arab and Muslim American voters to the Republican Party in recent years."
The leaders revealed that the list of invitees to this meeting will include, in addition to officials of Arab and Muslim origins who were appointed to the new Trump administration, community leaders who were in the front lines of supporting Trump’s campaign in an attempt to win the votes of the Arab and Muslim community in Michigan and the rest of the US states.
After announcing his victory in the elections, President Trump took the initiative to appoint Americans of Arab and Muslim origins to senior positions in his new administration.
Leaders explained to "Erem News" that there are other appointments on the way for more Arab Americans in the Trump administration in the days and weeks that will follow the president's swearing-in.
Among the names to be honored at the meeting are Trump's senior Middle East adviser, Massad Boulos, ambassador-designate to Turkey Tom Barrack, Iraqi-born lawyer Elina Habba, adviser to the president, and the appointed "Doctor of the Nation" of Jordanian origin, Janet Nesheiwat, in addition to Muslim physician Mehmet Oz and Egyptian-born physician Martha McCary, who was appointed director of the Food and Drug Administration. LINK
Courtesy of Dinar Guru:
Jeff Iraq's '25 budget still in the works with the government expected to send the budget tables to the council representatives in early February. The rate needs to change before that guys. That's why I've been telling you you're in red-hot January. January is a critical our investment.
Mnt Goat Article: “NO FEAR FOR THE REGIME IN IRAQ AS LONG AS AMERICA AND THE RELIGIOUS AUTHORITY ARE “SATISFIED”… THE GOVERNMENT IS HEADING TOWARDS “INDEPENDENCE” ...Iraq must gain their independence not just on paper but inpractical terms. Now that the Chapter VII sanctions are released for over 2 years already it is time...The next stage is full sovereignty promised to the Iraqi people during the second invasion in 2003. Yes, they still are not a free country until they get back their currency, which means to control their own wealth...Also I want to mention...the CBI reserves are in the bank in New York JP Morgan/Chase DFI fund amounting to over $120 billion dollars. And so Iraq will also have to recover these funds too. The UN already decreed these funds should be returned to Iraq...we are watching this closely.
INFLATION Has COMPLETELY Devalued The Dollar...
Lynette Zang: 1-10-2025
Greg Mannarino: 1-10-2025
Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 01/10/2025
Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 01/10/2025
MarkZ Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim
MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions
Member: Good Morning and happy Friday
Member: Another week bites the dust…..
Member: It’s cold all over…… Give us some Hot News to heat things up!!
Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 01/10/2025
MarkZ Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim
MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions
Member: Good Morning and happy Friday
Member: Another week bites the dust…..
Member: It’s cold all over…… Give us some Hot News to heat things up!!
Member: Everything looks good - let's kick this RV off. Go ahead and tell them it's ok to start Mark !
Member: Is this our week?
MZ: I’m hearing mixed signals on that. Some say it is our week and some say –not till after the 21st.
Member: if the rv happens around the's STILL far sooner than the 35 YEARS that Mr C has been has suffered through. Cool your jets will happen!!
Member: Inauguration day is Jan 20th, Jan 20th is also Martin Luther King Day = markets closed, banks closed, govt offices closed etc. coincidence?? NOPE
MZ: “Using their heavy machinery –Basra Contractors Union threatens government with angry demonstrations and road blockages” And they are threatening to bring their heavy equipment to Baghdad in a week or two and block the streets. And who is helping them organize these things? Maliki.
Member: Why isnt Maliki in prison? I thought they were cleaning up corruption??
Member: Maliki's name says it all: MAL means BAD.
Member: Seems to me the Iraqi people would benefit most from an RV, what is the hold up!!!!
MZ: I believe the RV is “event driven. And they have to have enough events done before they pull the switch.
MZ: HCL is supposed to again be discussed Sunday in Parliament
Member: MARK Z. why is the HCL so important? Could there be a rate in it.??
Member: I believe The HCL Hydrocarbon Law and Article 140 is profit sharing for all Iraqi citizens to get a part of the oil proceeds. That’s one reason they needed the census a few months ago.
Member: I think the battle over HCL is misdirection
MZ: I agree…it absolutely feels like misdirection…..It feels like theatre.
Member: Maybe they are stalling until after the inauguration on the 20th?
MZ: I have talked to a couple Iraqi sources and they still believe this is it. They have contractors that they are in contact with that are suddenly being called in. I have one who will not tell me what the re-negotiated rate is on their contracts. One of them mentioned $3.91 but I do not know for certain if that is really it. Its from a contact I don’t know really well.
Member: $3.91 would be amazing…..fingers crossed.
Member: If we're going to gold based currency-I wonder how long does that take to switch over?
Member: Nixon took us off the gold standard with a stroke of his pen…..just sayin
Member: Bruce last night stated phone numbers are coming out today. He said he is absolutely calling it and that's was it. He also stated there was a big 2 hour meeting on Wednesday with all Bank and Redemption centers
Member: Pompey Peter said the RV date has been set and things seem to be slowing down after speeding up for a while because they're aiming events at the set date.
Member: Buddy Carter just introduced the Fair Tax act which abolishes the IRS and federal income tax and introduces a consumption tax!! Nesara!!
MZ: I have a call in for redemption center/redeeming bank contacts…to find out if they are working this weekend. They are “on call”
MZ: Silence from bond folks right now.
Member: Stay positive……I feel great things are coming!!
Member: I just got into dinar w/o any knowledge of it , I’m glad I didn’t have to wait as long as most. But the opportunity is definitely a blessing. It opened my mind to a whole new perspective
Member: Let’s get this party started Folks!
Membr: Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Stay warm and safe.
Mr. Cottrell joins the stream today….Please listen to replay for his opinions and information.
Mod: MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )
Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.
News, Rumors and Opinions Friday AM 1-10-2025
Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.
RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 10 Jan. 2025
Compiled Fri. 10 Jan. 2025 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington
Global Currency Reset:
Wed. 8 Jan. 2025 MarkZ: Four banker contacts said they expect something to happen on Fri. 10 Jan. 2025. One banker heard Iraq was supposed to have the new Dinar rate on Sat. 11 Jan. 2025.
Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.
RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 10 Jan. 2025
Compiled Fri. 10 Jan. 2025 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington
Global Currency Reset:
Wed. 8 Jan. 2025 MarkZ: Four banker contacts said they expect something to happen on Fri. 10 Jan. 2025. One banker heard Iraq was supposed to have the new Dinar rate on Sat. 11 Jan. 2025.
Tues. 7 2025 TNT: The RV will be on Forex this Friday 10 Jan. for the general public.
Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025 Bruce:
On Tues. 7 Jan. Redemption Centers and banks were pinging each other on the Starlink System around the world – that ended Thurs. morning 9 Jan. The new currency rates were supposed to be live after that.
The exchanges and redemptions are a non taxable event. The interest earned is taxable.
Everyone with Dinar will be offered the higher Contract Rate. If it is not offered to you, ask for it.
It is possible to receive the toll free numbers in emails from Wells Fargo early tomorrow morning Fri. 10 Jan.
It is possible to start exchange appointments Sat. 11 Jan.
R&R will be paid out after Inauguration Day Mon. 20 Jan.
SS increases could still occur in January.
Nesara/Gesara funds were moving globally and should be paid out between Jan. 20 and the end of the month.
Global Financial Crisis:
Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025: The Great Taking of 2025: How to Shield Your Wealth from the Global Elite’s Ultimate Heist – Gazetteller
Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025: CRITICAL! Banks Are Desperate to Keep You From the Redemption Centers: Iraqi Dinar, ZIM, QFS, and the New Gold Standard Signal the Death of the Fiat Dollar! – Gazetteller
Read full post here:
Courtesy of Dinar Guru:
Militia Man There's some people out there that talk about the fact that the dollar auctions haven't changed. That's should already know this by now, it's called the new reinforcement mechanism. Articles specifically tell you the dollar auctions...are no longer, at all. Everybody that is going to get a dollar from anywhere in Iraq is going to come from this new mechanism and that's a fact.
Frank26 The auctions have metamorphosed, they have evolved...they have progressed to what is now called international foreign currency transfers and it's being done by private banks...You think the currency auctions that once existed that Iran was taking advantage of are still active? ...You're wrong. You're ignorant...Transfers, no longer auctions. This is not taking a currency and converting it into any other currency. This is moving a currency in and out of the country they could never do before. Don't you understand the value of that? Don't you understand how important that is for the monetary reform? Ain't got nothing to do with the CBI. It has to do with the private banks exchanging between each other and across the borders.
My Bubble Meter Is at an All-Time High: Black Swans to Watch for in 2025 – Steve Hanke
Daniela Cambone: 1-9-2024
"The stock market is in bubble territory... and that signals danger," warns Steve Hanke, a renowned economist and professor of Applied Economics at Johns Hopkins University.
In this episode of the 2025 Outlook Series, Hanke sits down with Daniela Cambone to discuss the global economy, trade policies, and the key risks shaping the year ahead.
Prof. Hanke predicts a significant slowdown in the U.S. economy in 2025, citing the contraction of the money supply and the pace at which it grew as key factors. He also critiques President-elect Donald Trump's mercantilist trade policies, arguing that viewing trade as a "zero-sum game" will ultimately harm the U.S. economy.
“It’s immoral for the government to be interfering with you and I who are voluntarily agreeing to you sell,” he states. Turning his attention to Europe, Hanke highlights serious concerns about Germany's faltering economy, calling it "in the tank big time" and cautioning about its potential to destabilize the broader European economy.
0:00 U.S. economic slowdown
6:42 Recession
9:39 Tariffs
15:05 Trump's trade policy
18:10 Trudeau
18:40 Enhancing government efficiency
25:05 The issues in the EU
30:51 Italy’s SpaceX security deal
35:35 Red flags for 2025
Evening News with MarkZ and Dr. Scott Young. 01/09/2025
Evening News with MarkZ and Dr. Scott Young. 01/09/2025
MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions
Evening News with MarkZ and Dr. Scott Young. 01/09/2025
MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions
Mod: MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )
News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday PM 1-9-2025
Clare: Rafidain: 1395 departments have started activating electronic collection
1/9/2025 Baghdad
Rafidain Bank announced today, Thursday, that 1,395 departments have started activating electronic collection.
The bank said in a brief statement received by "Al-Eqtisad News", "The departments that have started activating electronic collection and collecting amounts electronically have reached 1,395 departments."
Clare: Rafidain: 1395 departments have started activating electronic collection
1/9/2025 Baghdad
Rafidain Bank announced today, Thursday, that 1,395 departments have started activating electronic collection.
The bank said in a brief statement received by "Al-Eqtisad News", "The departments that have started activating electronic collection and collecting amounts electronically have reached 1,395 departments." LINK
Clare: Al-Nusairi: Explains the new mechanism for external transfers after the platform is closed
1/9/2025 Baghdad
Economic and banking advisor Samir Al-Nusairi explained that closing the electronic platform on 12/31/2024, which was used by the Central Bank for prior auditing and controlling the transparency of foreign transfers and ensuring their arrival to the final beneficiary and overcoming suspicions of money laundering and terrorist financing, is not, as some believe, closing the platform is a closure of foreign transfers, but rather a change in the mechanisms to achieve fluidity and speed by reducing the links.
Al-Nusairi said in a televised interview that it is not normal for the Central Bank or the US Federal Reserve to carry out executive procedures, but rather the task of central banks is supervision and control, and the electronic platform was a stage in this direction, and now we have reached the stage that is practiced in the countries of the world according to international banking standards through the direct relationship between local banks and correspondent banks.
He added that transfers in other currencies will enable Iraqi banks that do not have correspondents in American banks to conduct their transfers through correspondent banks in other countries such as China, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, India, Europe, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. This will lead to expanding the number of Iraqi banks that participate in foreign transfers and reduce pressure on other banks.
He stressed that the exchange rate announced as the parallel rate does not reflect the price reality, firstly because Iraq does not have the parallel market situation, which is only achieved when it has sources of dollars and currencies other than the Central Bank, such as private sector exports, remittances from residents abroad, tourism, etc., so it has exchange rates that correspond to the official exchange rate at the Central Bank, and that speculation in dollars on the black market is punishable by law.
Secondly, limiting the sale of cash dollars to travelers and through a strict mechanism has made cash dollar sales at a minimum level, and therefore what is in circulation is what remains with travelers. We should look at the price at which the Central Bank covers all external operations, including imports and personal transfers for the purposes of study and treatment abroad and legitimate purposes, which explains the stability of prices in light of the current inflation rate, which is about 3.1% less than the inflation rates in Arab, regional and neighboring countries. This means that the Central Bank has achieved a basic objective of monetary policy.
Al-Nusairi expressed his surprise that some people calculate the banks’ revenues from selling the dollar by measuring the difference between the market price and the official price, which is a big mistake because the banks do not transfer at the market price but at the official price monitored by the Central Bank
. He explained that the foreign currency selling window is dedicated to securing the Iraqi dinar for the purposes of the Ministry of Finance’s operating budget and to enhance the banks’ balances in foreign currencies for external transfers and to cover the cash dollar for travelers and for other legitimate needs of citizens. LINK
Courtesy of Dinar Guru:
Jeff Up Until, through the end of September...was the government's busiest time period for having and holding sessions of parliament, getting record steps done, all in preparation for them to revalue. Since September they only got a few odds and ends done. Why so little? Because they have a rate change date and they are working around that date...awaiting the revaluation...In this month of January you're witnessing them on a small level starting to implement their banking reforms via what they're doing through the currency auctions. That's another critical preparation step for them to revalue the currency...
PompeyPeter They won't carry on until they have something out on Forex. Let's not forget the importance of that because that's attached to WTO. I think that's an enormous indicator of where we're at. They've got to pull the plug. They've got to show that rate internationally on Forex even if they show 1310, which they won't because they'll implode economically, but they've got to put something up on that board. They've got to show the international world the currency...It's got to be up there.
NEW FIGURES REVEAL: Dollar Reserves Crash to 30-Year Low as Banks Stockpile Gold
Taylor Kenny: 1-9-2024
The U.S. dollar’s global reserve share has hit a 30-year low, signaling declining confidence in its stability. Central banks worldwide are diversifying into gold as the risks of hyperinflation and a currency reset loom.
This video explores the rapid de-dollarization trend, its historical parallels, and what steps you can take today to safeguard your financial future.
00:00 The Dollar’s Global Reserve Share Hits a 30-Year Low
00:31 The Vicious Cycle of Inflation and De-Dollarization
01:33 How Quickly Could the Dollar’s Dominance Collapse?
03:15 Lessons from the 1970s: Inflation and Reserve Decline
05:34 Alternatives to the Dollar: CBDCs and Geopolitical Shifts
07:46 Central Banks Move to Gold: The Safe Haven Asset
09:37 The “Frog in Boiling Water” Analogy
Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman. 01/09/2025
Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman. 01/09/2025
MarkZ Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim
MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions
Member: Good morning everyone. Great day for an RV!
Member: if Iraq is increasing her foreign reserves through correspondent banks, isn't that international trade?????
MZ: Yes and that is why some are getting excited
Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman. 01/09/2025
MarkZ Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim
MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions
Member: Good morning everyone. Great day for an RV!
Member: if Iraq is increasing her foreign reserves through correspondent banks, isn't that international trade?????
MZ: Yes and that is why some are getting excited
Member: Rumor is Iraq has to have an international rate by Friday in compliance with WTO
MZ: “Foreign remittances constitute about 94% of Iraq sales” They are showing us in articles how they are handling things internationally. Links or posted in my daily links .
Member: What about HCL and sanctions?
MZ: Rumor is HCL hits the floor of parliament this morning as they go back to work on it in the coming days.
Member: why don't they just RV instead of all these extra steps jumping through different processes to get by until they RV. Just RV
Member: Tonight would be great. The stock market is shut down tomorrow so there wouldn't be any impact to that if they go live tonight imo
Member: A friend says it could go on the 20th – and it would be a 3 day weekend.
MZ: I was told a 3 day weekend is the easiest…I do have some bond contacts now saying their funds won’t release until the 21st…after the inauguration. We will see
Member: Just thinking out loud here, is it possible to get the REER, on Sat and get paid on the 21st?
MZ: It is absolutely possible. Similar to how Kuwait did theirs….In a nutshell….Kuwait got a REER (Real Effective Exchange rate) and within 10 days we started exchanging.
MZ: I am getting some very yo-yoish news. There are still a number of banks expecting and being prepped for a rate between now and Saturday. I hope that happens.
MZ: It is confusing though because I have a couple of bond contacts who were informed by their paymasters that they would not distribute funds until after the 21st because they do not want the credit to go to the currency administration. That is what they are hearing.
Member: That makes sense to me…..less than 2 weeks away now.
MZ: But the banking side still believes its earlier….Groups have been silent for the last day or so. I believe its very close and the yo yo news means they are still doing their best to cloud the timing
MZ: What we do know is they are doing the preparations right now to make this happen.
Member: Hey Mark, please explain what Mr. C has to do with the Denar revaluation?
MZ: Mr. C has nothing to do with the dinar revaluation. His role is in the re-funding of the US dollar from fiat to asset backed . Those events appear to be tied together and should happen about the same time. He will be here tomorrow if you want to quiz him on that .
Member: Wife and I went to Chase discussed currency they accept and 2 weeks later getting emailed by their private banker to meet with him.
Member: I talked to my friend who works at fidelity. she said she think the market is going to crash but she's been instructed to tell ppl not to pull out.
Member: we're so ready for this movie to be over it's longest movie I've ever watched
Member: Thanks Mark and Andy…..everyone have a good day and say warm
Andy Schectman from Miles Franklin joins the stream today . Please listen to the replay for his information and opinions.
Mod: MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )
Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.
News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday 1-9-2025
Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.
RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025
Compiled Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington
Judy Note:
Worldwide Banking System Restructuring
Stock Markets Poised for Historic Reset
QFS Takes Control by Gold/asset Backing World Currencies
Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.
RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025
Compiled Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington
Judy Note:
Worldwide Banking System Restructuring
Stock Markets Poised for Historic Reset
QFS Takes Control by Gold/asset Backing World Currencies
Worldwide Gesara/Nesara Implementation Underway
Global Currency Reset:
Wed. 8 Jan. 2025 MarkZ: Four banker contacts said they expect something to happen on Fri. 10 Jan. 2025. One banker heard Iraq was supposed to have the new Dinar rate on Sat. 11 Jan. 2025.
Tues. 7 Jan. 2025 Bruce: “By Wed. 8 Jan. 2025 every bank and Redemption Center will be connected on the StarLink Satellite System for the first time. Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) notifications could come on Thurs. 9 Jan, with appointments beginning on Thurs. 9 Jan. according to sources. The R&R, Social Security increases and NESARA funds were supposed to begin this month.”
Mon. 6 Jan. 2025 TNT Call: Tony said he is 99.9% sure the RV will happen by Thurs. 9 Jan. There is a meeting going on right now discussing when to release the authorization codes. Tony was told that Tuesday or Wednesday the RV will start for us. The RV will be on Forex this Friday 10 Jan. for the general public.
Wed. 8 Jan. 2025: BREAKING: Epic Boom! The National Quantum Initiative, XRP, NESARA GESARA, and QFS 3.0! [MUST WATCH] – – American Media Group
Wed. 1 Jan. 2025: Iraq’s foreign minister was in DC to settle with the new US Treasury using the new Dinar Rate. The US, having been paid in full, lifted the remaining sanctions on the Iraqi Banks. … Frank26 and WalkingStick
Mon. 6 Jan. 2025: The Quantum Financial System (QFS)(allegedly) activated Worldwide – (meaning the new gold-backed US Treasury Note replaced the fiat Federal Reserve Dollar). US Treasury (allegedly) sent out schedule for immediate payout of Bonds. “This secure, transparent and decentralized system will replace the old banking structure, ensuring fairness and equality for all.” With the new Iraqi Dinar Rate stabilized, the CBI has (allegedly) stopped their auctions on the fiat US Dollar: Iraqi Dinar Iraqi Dinar Rate Stability and RV Done Now Iraqi Dinar Latest News Iraqi Dinar Today …Nesara/Gesara on Telegram 5 Dec. 2024
On Tues. 7 Jan. 2025 “The CBI will be back on Tues. 7 Jan. 2025 after the reevaluation happens to manage liquidity for the currency after being on Forex like India and Egypt. They already adjusted the payroll and started paying salaries at the new rate on Sun. 5 Jan. 2025.” Majeedsaid.
Wed. 15 Jan. 2025: **“The Shocking Truth About Gold: Jim Rickards Exposes the Hidden Forces Changing the Market FOREVER!”** | Economics and Politics | Before It’s News
Possible Timing:
Wed. 15 Jan. 2025 48 hour Wealth Redistribution Blackout Event begins(allegedly) . Starlink’s Q-Grid is now(allegedly) fully operational, capable of broadcasting emergency information directly to devices globally. This will be vital during the 48-hour blackout starting (allegedly) January 15, 2025, ensuring a seamless flow of critical updates.
Fri. 17 Jan. Banks Zero out personal debt: Banks to begin zeroing out mortgage, credit cards and other forms of personal debt(allegedly) starting Fri. 17 Jan. 2025 with the national debt already taken care of by (allegedly) switching to the QFS, all other debt would begin to be fully paid off by the end of Jan 2025. …Gesara DurPreusse on Twitter Sun. 12 Jan. 2025.
On Sat. 25 Jan. 2025 the first phase of the Worldwide Wealth Redistribution to the general public will officially(allegedly) commence, directly benefiting millions and marking the start of real community rebuilding efforts.
End of March 2025: The outdated US Fiat Dollar will (allegedly) cease to exist, replaced by a new standard rooted in transparency and equity.
Read full post here:
Courtesy of Dinar Guru:
Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY:
TV talked about how we have now gone from the dollar auction to now transfers in our banks. No more auctions. These transfers are linked to international banks...No more being done by auctions of the CBI but by this new system in our banks. FRANK: This is fantastic because these are the preparations. FIREFLY: We are linked to the world!
Jeff What they're doing is selling US dollars to pay for and fund imports coming into Iraq...What they've done with this new transfer system is they've made backend changes that are not visual...What they've transition so that they can allow their banks to do these international transfers...There's only so much they can do with banking reforms at this time until the rate physically changes. Again, what they're doing is they're positioning the banks foreign transfers with the US instead of that money being sent directly from the central bank it's being routed and sent from the local banks within Iraq. That prepares Iraq to be ready towards going international...
What Does Afghanistan Know That Iraq Doesn't; Afghan Currency Top Three Currencies in World!
Edu Matrix: 1-8-2025
What Does Afghanistan Know That Iraq Doesn't - Afghan Currency Top Three Currencies in World! IQD Exchange Rate. Discover the surprising story behind the Afghani currency's rise to stability in our latest video!
Despite facing significant Western sanctions, including frozen assets, the Afghani has emerged as one of the top three stable currencies globally. But how did this happen, especially when other nations like Vietnam and Iraq struggled?
We delve into key factors such as strict currency controls, humanitarian aid inflows, and a managed money supply that have all contributed to this remarkable achievement. With insights from credible sources like Bloomberg, we analyze Afghanistan's unique economic landscape amidst global currency fluctuations. Join us as we explore this intriguing topic!
Wednesday Evening Chat With MarkZ 1-8-2024
Wednesday Evening News With MarkZ
MarkZ Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim
MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions
Member: GE Mark Z , Mods & everyone!
Member: Mark- what have you heard today? Anything good?
MZ: Things are looking good and there has been a lot of activity today.
Wednesday Evening News With MarkZ
MarkZ Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim
MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions
Member: GE Mark Z , Mods & everyone!
Member: Mark- what have you heard today? Anything good?
MZ: Things are looking good and there has been a lot of activity today.
MZ: Suddenly a lot of banking contacts have been checking in. Which is exciting. I have had 4 confirmations today from banking contacts that I have known for years….they are telling me now to prepare for new rates.
MZ: One of them said “It looks like that thing you are expecting is happening by Saturday….New rates by or on Saturday” Stay calm though.
Member: Mike Bara just posted....before the 10th
Member: Just saw the Dinar on Forex Mark... It's there and my Banker from Chase called me and let me know to be prepared.
Member: Anything new on the Zim?
MZ: Rates are still expected to be between $33 million to $50 million per 100T note. Still hearing $330K per $1 billion on Agros…..I hope Its correct.
MZ: “Sudanese directs to finance the Kurdistan region with more than 176 Billion Dinars” Sudani keeps sending it but rumor is the Maliki crew is causing problems . But it will not cause any delays for us I was told. Expect a lot of craziness on the boards in the coming hours that its Sudanis fault. But I was told quite clearly by contacts I trust that Sudani is not the issue.
Member: so will Maliki be the excuse when we are entering February...he has been for numerous years…
MZ: “There is no fear for the regime in Iraq as long as America and the Marjuryas are satisfied. Government towards independence” They are telling you things are great as long as Sudani and Trump stay on the same page
Member: Thanks Mark and Mods…..have a wonderful evening to everyone.
Mod: MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )
Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-7-25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-7-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, January 7th and you're listening to the big call. Welcome everybody, all around the globe, wherever you're located. We're glad you joined us – we’re going to have a good call tonight and looking forward to it. I've got some pretty good intel to give you guys, but before we get into that, I would like to go ahead and pray to call in, like we do every Tuesday and Thursday night
You know, guys, I want to pray in a request now that is fairly recent since 10:30 Pacific time this morning, we heard that there were major fires in Southern California in the Palisades area. They think they call it Pacific Palisades, but they're referring to it as Palisades, and these are hurricane force type winds, Santa Ana winds that are fueling this fire.
All right, let's cut into Intel, and let's see what we have to talk about tonight. What's very interesting to me is that we are hearing we heard from Iraq yesterday that President Trump had spoken with President sudani of Iraq
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-7-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, January 7th and you're listening to the big call. Welcome everybody, all around the globe, wherever you're located. We're glad you joined us – we’re going to have a good call tonight and looking forward to it. I've got some pretty good intel to give you guys, but before we get into that, I would like to go ahead and pray to call in, like we do every Tuesday and Thursday night
You know, guys, I want to pray in a request now that is fairly recent since 10:30 Pacific time this morning, we heard that there were major fires in Southern California in the Palisades area. They think they call it Pacific Palisades, but they're referring to it as Palisades, and these are hurricane force type winds, Santa Ana winds that are fueling this fire.
All right, let's cut into Intel, and let's see what we have to talk about tonight. What's very interesting to me is that we are hearing we heard from Iraq yesterday that President Trump had spoken with President sudani of Iraq
Now let's cut to the banks and redemption centers for a moment, banks today are getting rates on their screens that are fluctuating. That means they're trading. They're moving up and down, whatever is going on with those currencies and trading.
The Redemption centers today, however, are not seeing rates on the screen. And that's okay, because the rates that are going to show up, and it should be tomorrow, should be tomorrow are going to reflect new values, higher values, and I believe the Iraqi dinar is one that will show a higher than what was on the screens the last couple of days.
Now we've heard it has RV, 1 -2-3-4, times already, or whatever, already, and maybe it did, but this is a way that Iraq is going to put out their rate internationally, and so that we can see it too here in the United States, sometimes we're blocked on it.
Now, the other thing is, when it comes to the Forex, the Forex rates, affect the Bank screens, the bank rates on the screens, the redemption center screens are not coming off of the Forex. They're being I don't want to use the term manipulated, but they're being controlled by other aspects, and I think that's really going to be good. Really good.
So what we're hearing from several sources today was that we will have, tomorrow will be a day of releases, which I believe we're talking about financial releases to the banks globally.
And I'll come back and finish that statement in a minute.
What's been happening since early this morning? Like o Dark 30, early this morning is that all of the banks and redemption centers around the globe have been pinging back and forth through the Starlink satellite system, which is directly connected to the quantum financial system, so StarLink / QFs.
And this is happening, and should be happening until possibly as late as 4am tomorrow morning. That was supposed to be complete by around 10 o'clock tonight, which it's just past that now Eastern time.
But I think really, it could be done now, or it could be done early morning tomorrow, morning, and I continue my statement before about what is happening beyond that, those paying things that are happening. Why do we need that? This is the first time every bank and redemption Center have been interconnected on the StarLink system, okay? And that's how it's all going to fly.
So it's really good that that's happening now, and that should be the last thing that we have happen in the way of readiness prior to us getting notified
Now, I said we were supposed to be getting releases tomorrow. That's referring to finances going to the banks, to wherever that needs to go around the globe tomorrow, and we may get our notifications either tomorrow or Thursday.
It looks like we could get them tomorrow and start exchanges on Thursday. It's possible we can get them if we get our numbers early enough tomorrow that we could exchange tomorrow afternoon.
But right now, my guess is based on the information so far, today and tonight, as late as eight o'clock Eastern tonight, the information is pointing toward us getting notified tomorrow, or, I don't like the or or Thursday, and exchanging on Thursday.
And I know you're thinking, Charlie Ward’sThursday. That's true, but realize this, Tomorrow is Wednesday, January, 8, and the eighth, remember, is a key number for China and the Chinese elders, I think they would like to have us to be notified, at least notified, if not started our exchanges on tomorrow, the eighth of January.
So that's that is really where we are right now. Now we always wonder, what about our R and R and our social security and all of that stuff and the NESARA - Well, it's like Bob mentioned, tomorrow is the second Wednesday. We had one on the first, and then we've got one tomorrow on the eighth.
And I, I do not know whether we're going to see an increase in Social Security tomorrow. It's supposed, according to our social security source, we're supposed to have it this month of January, but we don't necessarily get the increase on the first, second, third or fourth Wednesday of the month.
So let's see what happens on that - R and R is supposed to occur this month. I don't know for sure when it occur and whether we see it at the redemption center like we’ve heard before, that may have changed, but we'll have to stay tuned and see what happens on that. But as far as everything else is concerned, we are moving through --
President Trump made a wonderful speech today with some questions for the press for about an hour and 6 minutes, and he talked about, you know, Canada. He talked about Greenland. He talked about the Panama Canal, and maybe getting it back and getting it out of the hands of China that's got two ports on either side of the Panama Canal and the fact that we're paying way more than anyone else is for our US ships and our Navy
But we are in a very good place right now. I would hope that we get notified tomorrow, and whether we start exchanges Wednesday afternoon or Thursday. Thursday is looking very good right now. Saying that to you guys like, I get this information, I go through it, I vet it, and we just do the best we can to bring you what I'm hearing. That's what I'm hearing. So we'll see where this goes.
Okay. The other thing is this, I wanted to get into this briefly about the med beds, because we did talk about the med bed one hundreds - people are just loving that. and I got this information day to confirm there are 26,450 med bed centers in United States does not include what's in Canada doesn't include what's in Mexico doesn't include what's around the globe. They have it positioned where med bed centers are all over the world now,
26,450 med bed centers in the United States - and the cool thing about that is each center has two med beds in it, two of the holographic med beds. That's the way to go, and I'm looking forward to getting in there post haste. So I just wanted you guys to know that's a lot of med bed centers, and we've got plenty and we've got them - they're strategically placed around the country, and I'm excited to begin that ride shortly after we begin our exchanges - very shortly, and I'm sure many of you are as well , and I think that's everything I wanted to say.
Three, about the new class that Sue has starting, but not a question about anything else. No RV flags. You know this and that I'm having problems with my PayPal account. None of that for that, you go right to PayPal, call them up and ask them to help you. That's what their customer service is for.
Okay, so that's what I wanted to say tonight,
If we have another call Thursday, which we should and the reason I say we should is because I want to do a celebration call. We get our numbers tomorrow or Thursday. I want to do a celebration call, and that then I think that what we should do will be a long call, just be a short call, 20 minutes, probably for Sue and Bob and I to get on our thank you’s and our goodbyes.
So thank you Bob. Thank you. GCK, thank you Jeannie. Thank you Pastor Scott. Thank you everyone the Sat team. Thanks everyone who has contributed to Paul. Let's all stay in faith and believe for this to manifest for us tomorrow where we get our toll free numbers and can call and set our appointments.
So let's pray the call out,
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-7-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:00:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-2-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:14:54
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-31-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 54:44
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-26-24 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:07:27
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-24-24 REPLAY LINK NO CALL
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-19-24 REPLAY LINK NO TRANSCRIPTION
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-17-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:33
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-12-24 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 56:16
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-10-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:18:18
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-5-24 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:08:50
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-3-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:16:12
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-28-24 REPLAY LINK NO CALL
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-26-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:16:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-2124 REPLAYLINK Intel begins 1:10:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-19-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:12: 21
More News, Rumors and Opinions Wed. Afternoon 1-8-2025
Toyvp: Vietnam Closely Watching FX Market After Dong Fell to Record
(Bloomberg) -- Vietnam’s central bank said it’s keeping a close eye on the local currency which fell to a record low last week, with Deputy Governor Dao Minh Tu pledging to stabilize the dong while keeping inflation on an even keel.
The State Bank of Vietnam will “closely monitor the market situation to manage exchange rates flexibly and appropriately, while synchronously coordinating it with other monetary policy tools to control inflation and ensure macroeconomic stability,” according to a statement issued Tuesday as SBV officials held a briefing.
Toyvp: Vietnam Closely Watching FX Market After Dong Fell to Record
(Bloomberg) -- Vietnam’s central bank said it’s keeping a close eye on the local currency which fell to a record low last week, with Deputy Governor Dao Minh Tu pledging to stabilize the dong while keeping inflation on an even keel.
The State Bank of Vietnam will “closely monitor the market situation to manage exchange rates flexibly and appropriately, while synchronously coordinating it with other monetary policy tools to control inflation and ensure macroeconomic stability,” according to a statement issued Tuesday as SBV officials held a briefing.
The SBV will maintain a flexible monetary policy, according to the statement. Earlier in the briefing, Tu described the policy stance to be appropriate amid recent calls for some tightening to steady the dong. The strength of the US dollar after Donald Trump won the US presidency is impacting global currency markets including Vietnam, according to Pham Chi Quang, the head of SBV’s monetary policy department, at the same event.
The dong rose to 25,378 per dollar after the SBV remarks, poised to extend gains for a four straight day. It fell about 5% in 2024, hitting a record low in the last two days of the previous year.
The outperformance of Vietnam’s economy last year, along with manageable inflation, gives the monetary authority scope to consider policy tightening. In 2023, the SBV delivered among the region’s early monetary easing when it cut the refinancing rate, one of the key levers used by the central bank to guide borrowing costs, three times to 4.5% from a peak of 6%.
While the base case is for Vietnam to maintain monetary policy steady this year, “we do not rule out the risk the SBV could be forced to hike policy rates or devalue the currency, in the event of persistent US dollar strength,” Malayan Banking Bhd analysts Brian Lee Shun Rong and Chua Hak Bin wrote in a note on Monday.
Maybank estimates that with repeated intervention, Vietnam’s foreign currency reserves plunged to about $80 billion by the end of 2024 from peak of $109.6 billion in January 2022. Vietnam doesn’t give updates on its FX reserves.
Asia’s growth star posted a 7.09% economic expansion in 2024, putting it in a strong position to achieve growth of at least 8% this year. Still, officials remain wary of the impact from Trump’s threat to impose broad tariffs.
Story Continues
Clare: Exclusive: Iraq signs 8 memoranda of understanding with Iran covering 3 areas
Government sources revealed on Wednesday that Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani will sign about 8 memoranda of understanding with Iran in the security, economic and tourism fields.
The sources told Shafaq News Agency, "The visit of Al-Sudani and his accompanying delegation was not limited to discussing the latest developments and changes in the region and its security only, but it is hoped that memoranda of understanding (security, economic and tourism) will be signed according to controls and paragraphs agreed upon between the two sides."
The sources explained that "the memoranda of understanding will be signed by members of the delegation accompanying the Iraqi Prime Minister with their counterparts from the Iranian side."
Earlier today, Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani reiterated his respect for the will of the Syrian people and support for any political framework they choose, while stressing Baghdad's keenness to establish balanced relations with all regional and international parties.
Al-Sudani said, in a joint conference with Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian, which was followed by Shafaq News, that "the visit to Tehran comes to strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries and the meeting with Pezeshkian, discussed this file and at the level of all common areas," indicating that "the meeting also witnessed a discussion of the file of supplying Iraq with gas and energy."
Al-Sudani added, "The coming days will witness ministerial-level meetings between the two countries to discuss strengthening joint relations between Baghdad and Tehran," stressing at the same time "following up on joint projects with Iran, especially the railway and housing sectors."
During his current visit to Tehran, Al-Sudani discussed with the Speaker of the Iranian Islamic Shura Council, Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, "bilateral relations between Iraq and the Islamic Republic of Iran, and ways to enhance them in a way that serves mutual interests, and emphasized the enhancement of cooperation in common files, as well as supporting cooperation between the legislative authorities in Iraq and Iran, in a way that contributes to consolidating the interests of the two countries."
The meeting also discussed, according to a statement by Al-Sudani's office received by Shafaq News Agency, "developments in Syria, where the unity of Syrian territory was emphasized, support for security and stability in it, and the necessity for the new political system to guarantee the rights of all Syrian components and spectrums, as well as joint work to reduce tensions and double efforts to establish regional and international peace and security."
Al-Sudani arrived in the capital, Tehran, on Wednesday morning, on an official visit in response to an invitation extended to him by Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian. LINK
Courtesy of Dinar Guru:
Militia Man Article Quote: "The Central Bank of Iraq and the US Federal Reserve are moving towards authorizing Iraqi banks to contract with international auditing companies." Why is the world would you be doing that if you weren't going international? You wouldn't...We're not talking about the central bank or the state banks, we're talking about [private] Iraqi banks... Quote: "This step is a turning point that contributes to drawing a clear map for the work of Iraqi banks on the global stage as they deal with international correspondence and financial guarantees in addition to instant transfers."
Walkingstick The fact that Sudani is talking so much about the purchasing power to the Iraqi citizens is amazing...It puts us exactly where we need to be with this monetary reform education...IOO no prime minister has ever made such bold promises to the citizens of his nation. These conversations of giving purchasing power to the citizens have never been seen in the Middle East nor said by a prime minister of the Middle East.
Fed Insider Warns of 2025 Stock Market Crash
George Gammon: 1-8-2025
BRICS Major Expansion 2025: Indonesia Joins BRICS as Full Member Amid Tensions in Southeast Asia
Lena Petrova: 1-8-2025