Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

More News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday Afternoon 12-1-2024

Gold Telegraph: Today Marks a Historic Shift



Here we go…

The financial storm has arrived. Nobody is laughing now.

Forcing nations into a corner may seem like power—until you realize the corner holds the world’s wealth in minerals. When those nations decide to act, what do you think will happen? All roads lead to gold.

Gold Telegraph: Today Marks a Historic Shift



Here we go…

The financial storm has arrived. Nobody is laughing now.

Forcing nations into a corner may seem like power—until you realize the corner holds the world’s wealth in minerals. When those nations decide to act, what do you think will happen? All roads lead to gold.

Bullying does not work. Eventually that quiet kid in the back stands up and fights back. Typically, wins.

For years, people scoffed at me for highlighting BRICS and their push for true sovereignty.

Fast forward: the U.S. is now threatening 100% tariffs on BRICS nations daring to move away from the dollar.

A “free market” you say? The world needs gold now more than ever. Reset.

It is easier to defend a system already in existence than to accept the one coming. That is where we are today in the international monetary system. Embrace it or get left behind. Leaders better get smart right now.

If the U.S. wants a commitment from BRICS nations, it should issue long-term, gold-backed Treasury securities redeemable at maturity. Start there. Who else agrees?

Read:  Is The US Considering A Gold-Backed Treasury Instrument?

Audit the Federal Reserve.

BRICS includes major U.S. trading partners like India and China. The United States threatened to put 100% tariffs on both countries if they circumvent the dollar. Both countries have been focused more on local currencies for trade in recent years. They both are stockpiling gold.

• U.S. and China Trade: Totaled approximately $758.4 billion in goods and services.

• U.S. and India Trade: Totaled approximately $191.8 billion in goods and services.

Back in 2016, President-Elect Donald Trump said: “Bringing back the gold standard would be very hard to do, but boy, would it be wonderful.” You are reading this right.

Today marks a historic shift. The United States, drowning in $36 trillion of debt and a nearly 7% GDP deficit, threatens nations to uphold its debt-based currency. Meanwhile, BRICS moves to reset and rebuild hard assets. The U.S. needs to leverage gold to retain dominance.


ArielIraq is Getting Ready to Launch

Does it matter?

No because the only thing that would warrant a post of this type given what Iraq is getting ready to launch hours from now concerning those bonds. I do not see any other major event that is on schedule for tomorrow.

Listen, regardless of what happens tomorrow Iraq stated on an official basis that they only have 5% left for their monetary reform. So regardless we are on track for anything to happen at this point.


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Militia Man  We have a couple members that speak fluent Arabic...They come in on occasion and talk to me...or I reach out to see if they can reach out to the tribal people or people that they know that are working on the ground...What I learned was...He gave an example if you're taking a credit/debit card from a country A to country B and it works, meaning you have the ability to transfer money from one country to another on your card, can swipe your card into an ATM and get money, let's say you're [Iraqi], if you're in a different country and you can swipe your card and get dinar or convert [Iraqi dinar] to Jordanian dinar or you can go to Saudi Arabia...the United States... Europe, if the card works in those counties, it's going to be reflective exchange rate... [Post 1 of 2....stay tuned]

Militia Man  Article: "Trade Bank launches first experimental Visa card."  Quote "...the Visa includes features for use in online shopping as well as for use in purchases..."   When we go online, we're international in the World Wide Web.  It sounds like you're going to be able to use a new electronic card across borders.  If this is an international card, showtime is about to being.  Because once they have experimented, if it works, everybody's going to get one.  [Post 2 of 2]

Iraq Heist of the Century Haiti Path to Recovery - HTG Currency Investment

Edu Matrix:  12-1-2024

Iraq Heist of the Century Haiti Path to Recovery— HTG Currency Investment Iraqi Courts Sentence Thieves of the Heist of the Century—Tourism progress—Oil Exports—Haiti Currency Investment Opportunity. News updates from Iraq's tourism industry.

 Huge gift from the United States to Iraq. Haiti's long road to recovery. Haiti's natural resources and the Western world. Exchange rates for the Iraqi Dinar and the Haitian Gorge. Investment recommendation for the HTG.


Greg Mannarino:  12-1-2024

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumor and Opinions Sunday AM 12-1-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 1 Dec. 2024

Compiled Sun. 1 Dec. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

The Role of the Military …Julian Assange on Telegram

The Deepstate’s financial empire will crumble. The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is set to officially take over, ushering in the greatest transfer of wealth in human history. The elite-controlled banks, stock markets, and fiat currencies will be obliterated and replaced with a fair, transparent financial system designed to serve the people, not the oppressors.

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 1 Dec. 2024

Compiled Sun. 1 Dec. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

The Role of the Military …Julian Assange on Telegram

The Deepstate’s financial empire will crumble. The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is set to officially take over, ushering in the greatest transfer of wealth in human history. The elite-controlled banks, stock markets, and fiat currencies will be obliterated and replaced with a fair, transparent financial system designed to serve the people, not the oppressors.

Prepare yourselves—this is the storm you’ve been waiting for. Nothing can stop what is coming.

Global Currency Reset:

Sat. 30 Nov. 2024 Mark Z: A number of my sources that are involved with groups and historic bonds are now back in place and prepared (according to them) for a very eventful two weeks. They expect to be very busy over the next two weeks. This probably means things are starting soon.  I have to agree with them.

Sat. 30 Nov. 2024 Wolverine: Zim Bonds are not currencies as they are on a contract rate. They are going to be worth HUGE.

Sat. 30 Nov. 2024: The Central Bank of Iraq will be holding a remittance auction for banks and exchange companies inside Iraq on Sun. 1 Dec. 2024. That means the Iraqi Dinar will be on the Forex inside Iraq on Sun. 1 Dec. 2024 and go live internationally on Monday 2 Dec. 2024. …Majeed KSA (in Iraq) on Telegram


Please consider the following as RUMORS:

Here are the latest updates that demonstrate the unparalleled strength and integration of QFS, proving it to be the ultimate tool for humanity’s financial liberation.

Tues. 15 Oct. 204 Major Rollout: Asset-Backed Digital Currencies Activated in Key Nations: On October 15, 2024, the White Hats officially launched asset-backed digital currencies in several strategic nations, including Russia, India, Brazil, and Hungary. Unlike the central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) being pushed by globalists, these currencies are 100% backed by gold, silver, and other tangible assets, rendering them immune to inflation and manipulation.

India: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) announced a shift from the fiat rupee to a Quantum Gold-Backed Rupee, facilitated by the QFS. The move has already stabilized the economy, with inflation dropping by 7% in just one month.

Brazil: Brazil’s government revealed that its new Quantum Real has attracted billions in foreign investment, thanks to its transparency and incorruptibility.

Mon. 28 Oct. 2024 Military Integration: Securing Global Financial Freedom. On October 28, 2024, leaked documents confirmed that the U.S. Space Force has deployed quantum satellites to secure QFS operations worldwide. These satellites, equipped with cutting-edge encryption, ensure that QFS transactions are immune to hacking or interference. This military integration demonstrates that QFS is not just a financial tool but a critical element of global sovereignty.

In addition, Special Operations Forces in alliance with the White Hats have successfully dismantled several deepstate-controlled data centers that were key to implementing the Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI). These operations, conducted in Switzerland, Belgium, and Canada, have crippled the globalists’ ability to spy on QFS transactions.

On Fri. 1 Nov. 2024: Russia’s Quantum Ruble was activated, bypassing Western sanctions and integrating seamlessly into the global QFS network. This integration is part of a larger plan to neutralize the fiat-based global financial system, which has enslaved nations under debt and corruption for decades.

Sun. 3 Nov. 2024 Integration with Global Trade: Quantum Nodes Deployed. These nodes highlight the global reach of QFS and its ability to bypass corrupt banking systems controlled by the Deepstate. A groundbreaking development occurred on November 3, 2024, when Quantum Trade Nodes were activated in Dubai, Singapore, and Frankfurt. These nodes act as transactional gateways, allowing nations to trade securely without reliance on traditional banking systems like SWIFT. The Quantum Trade Nodes provide instantaneous, transparent settlement of transactions, cutting out the need for intermediaries.

Dubai: The Dubai Trade Council reported that 60% of its exports and imports are now settled using QFS protocols, eliminating transaction delays and corruption.

Singapore: Singapore’s integration of Quantum Nodes has made it the fastest-growing hub for global trade, processing over $100 billion in QFS-backed transactions in just two weeks.

Frankfurt: Germany’s trade systems have seamlessly linked with QFS, reducing cross-border payment times from days to seconds.

Australia: The Australian government has announced plans to phase out fiat currency entirely by 2025 in favor of QFS integration.

September 2024 The Fall of the Globalists’ CBDCs: The Deepstate’s dream of controlling humanity through Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) is collapsing under the pressure of QFS. The exodus from CBDCs underscores the growing recognition that QFS offers a secure, incorruptible alternative to the deepstate’s financial schemes. Since September 2024, several nations have abandoned their plans for CBDC adoption after seeing the transparency and fairness of QFS.

Italy: The Italian government scrapped its CBDC pilot on October 20, 2024, citing public opposition and the superior performance of QFS-backed alternatives.

South Africa: On November 5, 2024, South Africa announced its withdrawal from the globalist-controlled CBDC initiative, opting to explore QFS integration instead.

Argentina: The Argentine Central Bank admitted on November 12, 2024, that its CBDC trials had failed to gain public trust, paving the way for a QFS-backed system.

Fri. 15 Nov. 2024: QFS and the End of Debt Slavery. This debt reset is part of a broader effort to free nations and individuals from the financial shackles imposed by the globalists. One of QFS’s most profound impacts is its ability to erase national and personal debt by exposing the fraudulent practices of central banks and their fractional reserve systems. On November 15, 2024, leaked reports revealed that the White Hats have been using QFS to conduct forensic audits of central banks in the UK, France, and Japan, uncovering trillions of dollars in fraudulent debt.

France: The French government is now under pressure to annul illegitimate debts imposed on its citizens, thanks to QFS-backed audits.

Japan: Japan has already announced plans to forgive $500 billion in public debt, crediting QFS for revealing the fraud.

UK: The UK’s central bank faces growing scrutiny, with insiders revealing plans to transition entirely to QFS by 2026.

Nov. 2024 Evidence of Mass Awakening: As of November 2024, a global awakening is underway, driven by the transparency and empowerment provided by QFS. Across social media platforms and encrypted communication channels, millions are sharing testimonials of how QFS is revolutionizing their financial lives.

Farmers in India are bypassing corrupt middlemen and receiving fair prices for their crops directly through QFS transactions.

Small businesses in Brazil are thriving as they gain access to QFS-backed loans with zero interest.

Activists in Europe are using QFS to fund grassroots movements without fear of government crackdowns.

The Road Ahead: The power of QFS is undeniable, and its integration into global systems is accelerating. The White Hats are not just fighting back—they are winning. The Quantum Financial System is proving itself to be the ultimate weapon against the deepstate’s agenda of mass control, and surveillance.

As of November 17, 2024, the future is no longer uncertain. With QFS, humanity is reclaiming its sovereignty, dismantling the corrupt systems of the past, and building a future of freedom, fairness, and transparency. The message is clear: the globalists’ reign of terror is crumbling, and the Quantum Age has begun.

Read full post here:

Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Sandy Ingram  Although things appear to be on a downward slope, the truth is that things are looking up in a big way for Vietnam.  Vietnam Pictorial Article "Foreign investors flock to invest in southern provinces and cities" ...Over 40 German enterprises recently explored investment opportunities...Investors from South Korea, Japan and India have also visited leading to plans for major projects...  

Militia Man  Article quote: "...Fundamental channels to transfer process we find no room for there to be two price for the dollar."  Realize that's article VIII compliance with the IMF.  They don't want multi currency practices...You got to read these articles...and you have to paint a picture.  It's not easy to see.  It's really not, but you know what?  We can and we're seeing it...


Expect Freefalling Markets; COVID Crash "On Steroids" | David Hunter

Liberty and Finance:  11-30-2024

David Hunter, a veteran contrarian macro strategist, is forecasting a major "melt-up" in financial markets followed by a dramatic collapse.

He predicts that stock markets will continue to surge, with the S&P 500 possibly reaching 7,500 and the NASDAQ hitting 25,000 before this parabolic rally culminates.

However, Hunter warns that this final stage will be followed by a global economic bust, driven by decades of overspending, over borrowing, and central bank policy errors. In terms of precious metals, he has a bullish pre-bust outlook, forecasting gold to rise to $3,400 and silver to reach $75 in the near term, boosted by a weakening dollar and falling interest rates.

He then sees a crash in prices. After the bust, Hunter sees both metals continuing their upward trajectory, with gold potentially reaching $20,000 and silver soaring to $500 as part of a broader commodity-driven recovery.

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

More News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday PM 11-30-2024


Clare:  Iraq suspends official work on Tuesday, December 10 - Urgent



The General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers announced today, Saturday (November 30, 2024), that official work will be suspended in the country on Tuesday, December 10, on the occasion of Victory Day over ISIS.

A government source told Baghdad Today, “It was decided to suspend official work on Tuesday, December 10, on the occasion of the anniversary of the liberation of Iraq from the terrorist ISIS gangs (Victory Day).”

It is noteworthy that Iraq announced on December 10, 2017, victory over ISIS and the liberation of all cities that were controlled by the organization.   LINK


Clare:  Iraq suspends official work on Tuesday, December 10 - Urgent



The General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers announced today, Saturday (November 30, 2024), that official work will be suspended in the country on Tuesday, December 10, on the occasion of Victory Day over ISIS.

A government source told Baghdad Today, “It was decided to suspend official work on Tuesday, December 10, on the occasion of the anniversary of the liberation of Iraq from the terrorist ISIS gangs (Victory Day).”

It is noteworthy that Iraq announced on December 10, 2017, victory over ISIS and the liberation of all cities that were controlled by the organization.   LINK

Clare:  Sunday’s House of Representatives session agenda

Baghdad – WAA

The House of Representatives announced its agenda for tomorrow’s session, Sunday.

The media department of the Council of Representatives stated in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “The agenda of tomorrow’s session, Sunday, included voting on the proposed Personal Status Law, the draft law on returning real estate to its owners, the draft law on the second amendment to the General Amnesty Law, as well as the report and discussion (second reading) of the draft law on the fifth amendment to the Civil Aviation Law, and the report and discussion (second reading) of the draft law on the first amendment to the Industrial Cities Law.”

It added that “the session will begin at one o’clock in the afternoon.”  LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Bruce  [via WiserNow]  …our rate should be better at the redemption center…dinar and Dong and I know they’re gonna be a lot better on dinar  especially because we know there’s a contract rate on Dinar that will be offered to us that is extremely high… Okay, not at the bank but at the redemption centers. Just so you know. 

Militia Man  These guys are in a stage of getting ramped up for production for the construction and reconstruction efforts of the country like they’ve never seen in modern history…The new era…is coming upon Iraq.  Let’s hope they have a previous era takeoff in a real effective exchange rate to help boost that private sector and industrial capacities that they have going…

Why the Real Recession Data Is Only Coming Out Now | Danielle DiMartino Booth

Kitco News:  11-30-2024

Is the U.S. in the heat of a recession right now?

A recent jump in bankruptcies resembles that of the Great Financial Crisis, Danielle DiMartino Booth, CEO and Chief Strategist for QI Research, tells Jeremy Szafron, Kitco News anchor, on the sidelines of the New Orleans Investment Conference.

Booth discusses a range of topics, including the state of the U.S. economy, revisions in job market data, government versus private sector employment, and the impact of political shifts on economic policies. She also shares her latest take on recession timelines, the role of Elon Musk in government efficiency, and the challenges facing the Federal Reserve.

00:00 Introduction: Economic Data Overview

03:55 Recession and Economic Outlook

04:33 Corporate Layoffs and Attrition

05:28 Musk's Government Efficiency Initiative

07:58 Bankruptcies and Personal Debt

 09:57 Federal Reserve and Interest Rates

18:33 Bitcoin, Gold, and Investment Strategies

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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

Weekend News With MarkZ 11-30-2024

Weekend News With MarkZ

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

MZ: The last day of the month and we start with Matt and Lucas for the first 45 minutes, then dive into the news of the day

MZ: A number of my sources that are involved with groups and historic bonds are now back in place and prepared (according to them) for a very eventful two weeks. They expect to be very busy over the next two weeks. This probably means things are starting soon.  I have to agree with them.

Weekend News With MarkZ

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

MZ: The last day of the month and we start with Matt and Lucas for the first 45 minutes, then dive into the news of the day

MZ: A number of my sources that are involved with groups and historic bonds are now back in place and prepared (according to them) for a very eventful two weeks. They expect to be very busy over the next two weeks. This probably means things are starting soon.  I have to agree with them.

Member; those poor bond folks……let’s hope it’s true this time!!!

MZ: This is coming from group leaders and bond facilitators……

MZ: Iraq is preparing to vote on a number of very “Key” laws…tomorrow at 1 pm their time….. New budget tables going to parliament on Sunday or Monday so they can settle the HCL. Things are looking good.

MZ: “Parliament is likely to pass Personal Status Law during Sunday’s Session” This is one of the controversial laws they need to finish up. This along with the HCL are some of the last changes they wanted for their economic reforms or “White Papers” . In those reforms are Raising the value of the dinar !

Member: So basically before the 10th is looking good

MZ: “ Nearly 3 billion dinars recovered from the “Theft of the Century” in Diyala. “ and “In 5 days Central Bank of Iraq sales  are one billion dollars.” They sold one billion in USD and bought Iraqi dinars. These are big stories. They have been very clear they are ending these auction this calendar year….2024.

MZ: “Warning against canceling the electronic platform –It may end the banking system in Iraq” A number of contacts have said that the only way this doesn’t hurt the banking system is IF THEY HAVE A HIGHER VALUE FOR THE DINAR!  That would fix their problems.

MZ: “Dollar falls against dong” the Vietnamese dong is rising. Many currencies are rising against the dollar in the last few days…including the Indonisian Rupiah and the Venezuelan bolivar. .

Member: Lynette Zang said last week that the US fiat dollar is only worth about .3 cents now.

Member: Mark- are you seeing $3.90 as a rate for the dong?

MZ: We have seen as high as $3.90…and as low as .39 cents. We don’t know for certain what the rate is going to be. These are from banking contacts who told me what they are seeing fluctuating on bank screens

​​Member: if I could exchange at .39 on dong right now would awesome

Member: I heard $4.22 Dinar, $2.57 Dong, and $.83 Bolivar. Not my numbers and not verified. Just what I heard.

Member: Hope its true

Member: To keep my sanity I expect a lower rate and be pleasantly ecstatic if higher.

Member: is Iraq now international?

MZ: They are just waiting for the last few restrictions to be removed- this will happen at the same time the value of the dinar is increased.

Member: Mark, I’ve been in this since 2012 and I’ve never seen so much coming out positively confirming this RV being a reality. They just keep turning up the heat the closer that we get to 2025.

Member: I wanted to tell yal my debits, including over 80 thousand (interest was compounded daily on original 15 grand) my credit check showed 0 on past debts!) NESARA?

Member: It has been a wild and crazy ride~ It's an exciting time to be alive!

Member: Have a wonderful afternoon and weekend everyone……

Member: Thank you Mark and Mods... have a great weekend, friends. Much love and positive vibes sent to you all. We are all ready as ready can be.



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.




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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday AM 11-30-2024

Ariel :  When Iraq Releases their New Exchange Rate Nothing will ever be the Same

When Iraq releases their new exchange rate you all are going to literally be crossing over. Nothing will never be the same afterwards.

“The Storm” will be the end result of a long process that will initiate “The New Republic” on a public official level.

And we are potentially days away if what is coming out if Iraq remains on schedule.

Ariel :  When Iraq Releases their New Exchange Rate Nothing will ever be the Same

When Iraq releases their new exchange rate you all are going to literally be crossing over. Nothing will never be the same afterwards.

“The Storm” will be the end result of a long process that will initiate “The New Republic” on a public official level.

And we are potentially days away if what is coming out if Iraq remains on schedule.

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 30 Nov. 2024

Compiled Sat. 30 Nov. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Thurs. 28 Nov. 2024 Wolverine: “I’m under an NDA so can’t say much, but we are going to have a wonderful Christmas. Check your emails at hourly.”

Thurs. 28 Nov. 2024 TNT Call: The IMF and UN had a meeting last Thurs where the currencies that were green lighted to go were the Iraqi Dinar, Zim, Venezuela Bolivar, Dong and Zimbabwe Zim. They were told it’s imminent.

Fri. 29 Nov. 2024: Masters of GCR/RV: An In-Depth Exploration of Tiered Redemption, QFS, and the Influence of the Zimbabwe Dollar, Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong, Tier 4B, Tier 5, and the NESARA GESARA Act – – American Media Group

Fri. 29 Nov. 2024: Breaking! Starlink and Trump’s Military Operation Unleash the Tier 4 B Internet Group: NESARA Wealth Redistribution, $100K Payouts, and the American Monetary Fund Revolution Begin Now! – Gazetteller

Fri. 29 Nov. 2024 Edward Griffin succinctly explains what the Federal Reserve System actually is: …Son of JFK on Telegram;

“It’s a cartel. It’s not a government agency, it has the appearance of it being a government agency. They went to great lengths to give it that façade In it’s essence, It’s a cartel… They got together. They drew up the rules and regulations for their own industry.

To self regulate their own industry. It’s what cartels do. And then they sent it to congress and they took off the label off the top that said ‘banking cartel’ and they erased that and they said ‘Federal Reserve Act.’ Congress passed it into law. And that’s why we think it’s a government agency it’s because if you don’t obey the rules that they set down for their own industry you go to prison.”

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26  If any bank broke your heart, if any bank made you feel like a complete imbecile, if any bank is giving you a hard time, if any bank here in America says to you, 'You can sign up but we're not going to take care of you until 6 months from now,' you're going to have options...

Militia Man  Article quote: "Foreign transfers for trade purposes are proceeding smoothly after the implementation of the new system they have in place...The central bank will launch a new mechanism for travel or treatment transfers next year...there are agreements with four companies to launch a new mechanism..."  They are going to have things changing through the future.  Doesn't mean we're waiting until next year, just means they're going to have changes and because of maybe a major change, they're going to have a need for it even more...

The Big Banks About To TANK The Market | Todd "Bubba" Horwitz

Liberty and Finance:  11-29-2024

Todd "Bubba" Horwitz discusses the current state of the stock market, expressing concerns about potential topping patterns and an impending economic crash. ------


0:00 Intro

1:20 Stock market topping

4:31 Banking system

6:00 Treasury Secretary pick

 7:40 Not business as usual

9:20 Gold and silver outlook

 12:30 Stock market outlook

15:37 Can Trump turn the ship around?

17:47 Dollar & the BRICS

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Friday Afternoon 11-29-2024

Gold Telegraph: The World is Catching up

Nov. 28, 2024

The Czech Republic’s central bank aims to double its gold reserves to 100 metric tons within three years.

He says: “We need to reduce volatility; we need an asset with zero correlation to stocks, and that asset is gold.”

Gold is the foundation of the monetary system.

What do the 1930s and today represent in the United States? The net worth of the top 0.1% of the population is roughly equal to that of the bottom 90% combined. So, what happened in the 1930s?

Those dismissing the record pace of insider stock dumping overlook clear historical patterns. Meanwhile, central banks face massive unrealized losses, limiting their ability to print endlessly in the next major crisis. Now is the time for outside-the-box thinking.

Gold Telegraph: The World is Catching up

Nov. 28, 2024

The Czech Republic’s central bank aims to double its gold reserves to 100 metric tons within three years.

He says: “We need to reduce volatility; we need an asset with zero correlation to stocks, and that asset is gold.”

Gold is the foundation of the monetary system.

What do the 1930s and today represent in the United States? The net worth of the top 0.1% of the population is roughly equal to that of the bottom 90% combined. So, what happened in the 1930s?

Those dismissing the record pace of insider stock dumping overlook clear historical patterns. Meanwhile, central banks face massive unrealized losses, limiting their ability to print endlessly in the next major crisis. Now is the time for outside-the-box thinking.

To all the American readers and viewers, I would not be able to do what I love without you all.

Happy Thanksgiving. I hope it’s golden.

Buy now, pay later is surging in the United States. I warned about it years ago. Now, many people cling to it just to survive. This will end in tears. How this program is even allowed still baffles me.


The world is catching up.

“Lord Lamont of Lerwick warned that a rival payments system would be a major threat to the Western-led financial system if it ever came to pass…”


Testifying before Congress as Fed chairman in 2015, Janet Yellen tersely informed the House Financial Services Committee “I don’t believe that the Fed should chain itself to any mechanical rule.” Unchained from rules—now that’s tyranny. – @judyshel

In my conversation with @judyshel, she shared a powerful story involving Janet Yellen, the current U.S. Treasury Secretary:

In a July 1996 Federal Reserve meeting, Janet Yellen argued for a 2% inflation target, citing a Keynesian perspective tied to “money illusion.”

She explained that giving workers a nominal 1% raise during 2% inflation effectively cuts real wages without them noticing. This perspective was met with laughter around the table. However, the laughter was clearly at the expense of regular Americans, whose purchasing power would be eroded.


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Militia Man  What is expected from Iraq is a real effective exchange rate.  I think that is what's coming.  I think everybody has that expectation and they're openly telling them that expectation is real.  They're doing it through media.  That's happening.  TV outlets have been describing the on goings in Iraq and also the neighboring countries and the trading partners.  To me the expectations are amazing.

Militia Man  They're talking about "financial risks".  They weren't talking in that way when they were moving forward into an international world with the 1310.  They're talking about preparedness for a change...They're focusing in on their banking sector.  Article quote "These days there's growing interest in the banking sector in general both government and private sectors... The banking sector is looking to be in good shape for this new stage.  That's what they're presenting...


Reviving the Gold Standard: Judy Shelton’s Proposal for a Gold-Convertible Treasury Bond

25 November 2024

Gold prices are significantly down on Monday morning. As the U.S. enters a shortened trading week due to the Thanksgiving holiday, the general market sentiment appears more optimistic, which is unfavorable for precious metals typically seen as safe-haven assets.

This improved risk appetite can be partially attributed to President-elect Trump’s selection of hedge fund manager Scott Bessent for the position of Treasury Secretary. The appointment of a financial industry insider to this key economic role has seemingly boosted investor confidence in the incoming administration’s economic policies. The price of gold is trading at $2642.39, down $73.80. The price of silver is trading at $30.39, down 95 cents.

Judy Shelton, a long-time advocate for sound money, has proposed an innovative approach to reintroduce a gold standard for the US dollar. Her plan involves issuing a 50-year Treasury bond that would be convertible into gold, potentially to be initiated by President Trump on July 4, 2026. This proposal aims to address the current monetary system’s shortcomings and restore stability to the dollar by tying it back to a tangible asset.

The concept of a gold-convertible Treasury bond serves multiple purposes. Firstly, it provides a mechanism for discovering the appropriate price for gold convertibility without the need to abolish the Federal Reserve or make drastic changes to the current monetary system.

Secondly, it would effectively utilize the United States’ substantial gold reserves, which are currently undervalued on government ledgers. By offering gold redeemability, the government could potentially issue extremely long-dated debt at lower interest rates, as the risk of future dollar devaluation would be mitigated. This approach aligns with Shelton’s view that currency should be a standardized measure for public use rather than a policy instrument for managing the economy.

Read Full article here:

Stock Market Highs, Consumer Lows: Adam Taggart on America’s Economic Divide

Kitco News : 11-29-2024

With U.S. debt surpassing $36 trillion and a debt-to-GDP ratio at 120%, Adam Taggart, host of Thoughtful Money, breaks down the alarming implications for the economy and investors.

 In this in-depth conversation, Taggart examines the growing divide between Wall Street and Main Street, inflation’s impact on purchasing power, and the challenges of navigating an overvalued market driven by narrative and exuberance.

Taggart also delves into the Federal Reserve’s unusual rate-cut strategy amidst record debt, Trump’s pro-growth policies, and what it will take to transition to a stronger economy.

From the rise of gold and Bitcoin to the debate over fiat currency, sound money, and central bank digital currencies, this is a must-watch for anyone seeking clarity in a confusing economic landscape. Don’t miss it!

00:00 Introduction

 02:04 Consumer Behavior and Economic Indicators

 03:51 Market Sentiment and Investment Trends

05:26 Bitcoin and the FOMO Effect

 07:37 Stock Market Valuations and Investor Expectations

 11:30 The Divide Between Wall Street and Main Street

14:11 Trump's Economic Policies and Future Outlook

18:51 Federal Reserve and Interest Rate Predictions

 21:35 Conclusion


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MarkZ, Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20 MarkZ, Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20

Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell  11/29/2024

Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell  11/29/2024

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Morning to all….Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day.

Member: I hope everyone had a great family day yesterday and that there is some great RV news today!

Member: Today would be a great day for an RV

Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell  11/29/2024

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Morning to all….Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day.

Member: I hope everyone had a great family day yesterday and that there is some great RV news today!

Member: Today would be a great day for an RV

MZ: I really thought we might be across the finish line before thanksgiving.

Member: With Thanksgiving behind us, I would think they could announce this anytime now.

MZ: On the groups, historic bonds and contact side…. Most of my sources are traveling to get back in position today. If there is any updates I will share them …but, probably nothing until tomorrow morning.

Member: What tier would we be considered to be in? Also, how would we be notified when and where to exchange our currency?

MZ: We are in tier 4…..4a is where they have already turned in their currency and have SKR’s (safe keeping receipts) ….We are considered 4B  because we are still holding our currency

Member: There are 5 Tiers of folks Exchanging. Tier 1-governments and royalty Tier 2-whales-elite with platforms of currency, corporations, etc. Tier 3-Admirals Group, American Indians, CMKX, large church groups (like the Mormons), etc. Tier 4-all the hundreds of thousands paying attention to intel - internet groups(all of us). Tier 5- those who never paid attn - the general public.

MZ: “After the decision to cancel the platform –Will we see a crazy rise in dollar prices in Iraq?  If they support the value of the dinar they are going to be just fine. If they raise the value of the dinar- they don’t have to worry about it anymore.

Member: MARK, how does IRAQ even run their government at such a junk rate? They are building ports, buildings, etc., How do they do all this with crappy rate?

Member: If they already know that activating the new Rate would kill the Black market rate then what the heck are they waiting for. They've been saying this since last summer...

Member: if they stop the auctions in December like they say they are…They have to RV at that time…imo

MZ: “ Electronic Payment: 18 million cards used in Iraq” A third of the population now use traditional banking cards.

MZ: “How does the United Nation view the Sudanese governments steps in the economic file?”  in short- they love it. Sudani has gotten more done in his term than anytime in the 15-20-years. Even Fitch has moved Iraq up to a “B” credit rating.

Member: (From Dinar Guru) Mnt Goat  ...The news from Iraq is all still very good. There is so much progress. The BIG event of course, will be the ending of the current currency auction process and use of the new system already to implement. The CBI has told us that nearly 95% of the current payments needed for imports is covered by the four (4) correspondent banks for this purpose... remember that the clock is ticking and other outside banking relationships must take place but will most probably never take place unless the IQD is valuable again and most importantly on these terms it must also be reinstated back on FOREX for investors to “legally” use this currency in their portfolios of investments for their clients. This is the key. Yes, this is really just where we are right now...

MZ: Yes they were 95% done with the new system and should be finished in the next week.

Member: And Sudani wanted the monetary reform done by victory Day on Dec 10th.

MZ: Yes- all my contacts are saying between and Dec. 10th.  

MZ: Cycles tell us we will reset to a commodity based world. It is not a question of “if” it’s just “when”

Member: Fiat currency systems usually last 35-50 years…this one lasted 54 now.

MZ This fiat system is well past its expiration date.

Member: Does the system have to crash before we see the RV?

MZ: was told the Fed will fold into the US Treasury and USTN’s (United States Treasury Notes) are released at the same time.

Member: Why cant we just go to any bank to exchange instead of redemption centers?

Member: Go ahead, run out to banks, get a low ball rate, and don’t get any of the perks! Security is already in place at the banks, ie redemption centers

Member: it’s a free country – do what you want….But I am going to a redemption center/redeeming bank and get the best rates, best security and best perks.

Member: Some people think the Dinar will go international on Forex on Monday morning when the Sydney exchange opens.

Member: This RV is teaching us patience.

Member: My epitaph will read “and she waited” lol

Member: Please let this be our last week to wait!!!

Member: Mods you are always appreciated for what you do for the community!!!

Member: Thanks Mark and Mr. C…..Hope everyone stays safe this Black Friday


Mr. Cottrell joins the stream today. Please listen to replay for his information and opinions.



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.






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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

“Bits and Pieces” In Dinarland Friday AM 11-29-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 29 Nov. 2024

Compiled Fri. 29 Nov. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Thurs. 28 Nov. 2024 Wolverine: “I’m under an NDA so can’t say much, but we are going to have a wonderful Christmas. Check your emails at hourly.”

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 29 Nov. 2024

Compiled Fri. 29 Nov. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Thurs. 28 Nov. 2024 Wolverine: “I’m under an NDA so can’t say much, but we are going to have a wonderful Christmas. Check your emails at hourly.”

Thurs. 28 Nov. 2024 TNT Call:

We got a call from the committee guy. He said the IMF and UN just had a meeting and I was told to call and tell you the currencies that have been green lighted to go are the Iraqi Dinar, Zim, Venezuela Bolivar, Dong and Zimbabwe Zim.

The rest of the 4-5 countries currencies are being renegotiated.

Janet Yellen is gone. She resigned this past Sun. morning.

They are all afraid of the new administration.

They are supposed to vote on Friday in Parliament.

They were told it’s imminent. Be ready. No time set. They are on call right now.

Dinar $4.21, VND $2.47, Bolivar $.83, Zim $.30

A guy said a bank memo said to get your people ready for Friday after 2 pm, or the weekend.

So enjoy your holiday and get ready at a moment’s notice to get to the banks.


Thurs. 28 Nov. 2024 Jon Dowling: “Wells Fargo is ready to go with the QFS and the US Debt Clock is Gold! 62,000 wealth managers nationwide ready to go! Get your affairs in order. Early Christmas thus year! Iraq finishing all the important laws this week.”

Thurs. 28 Nov. 2024: Russia and Iran have completely abandoned the US dollar in bilateral trade, shifting entirely to national currencies. “We have entered into a currency agreement with Russia and abandoned the dollar. Now we only trade in rubles and rials.”


Judy Note:

The Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA) is dismantling the power structures that have enslaved humanity for centuries. With the full deployment of military operations and the quantum infrastructure of the Quantum Financial System (QFS), the Cabal’s grip on wealth and power is crumbling daily.

Possible Timing: Wed. 7 Nov. 2024: GESARA: The Largest Wealth Transfer in History – Secret Military Operations, Strikes, and Redemption Centers That Have Already Changed the World – Gazetteller

As of November 27, 2024, the world finds itself amid the greatest shift in modern history. The Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA) is no longer a whisper among the informed; it is a seismic wave dismantling the power structures that have enslaved humanity for centuries.

With the full deployment of military operations and the quantum infrastructure of the Quantum Financial System (QFS), the Cabal’s grip on wealth and power is crumbling daily.

GESARA’s Historic Wealth Transfer: November Updates November 15–20, 2024: The Foundation is Laid

Asset Seizures Intensify: Global military coalitions launched synchronized raids  in Switzerland, Singapore, and the Caribbean, seizing over $12 trillion in hidden accounts. These funds, tied to human trafficking rings and illigal arms trades, are being funneled into GESARA projects, including debt forgiveness, infrastructure rebuilding, and clean energy programs.

Silent Wealth Disbursements Begin: In Brazil, India, and parts of Africa, locals began reporting sudden cancellations of long-standing debts without explanation. By November 20, an estimated 2.7 million individuals in these regions had their financial burdens lifted, a direct result of GESARA’s redistribution process.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Mnt Goat  ...The news from Iraq is all still very good. There is so much progress. The BIG event of course, will be the ending of the current currency auction process and use of the new system already to implement. The CBI has told us that nearly 95% of the current payments needed for imports is covered by the four (4) correspondent banks for this purpose... remember that the clock is ticking and other outside banking relationships must take place but will most probably never take place unless the IQD is valuable again and most importantly on these terms it must also be reinstated back on FOREX for investors to “legally” use this currency in their portfolios of investments for their clients. This is the key. Yes, this is really just where we are right now...

Militia Man  They're talking about "financial risks".  They weren't talking in that way when they were moving forward into an international world with the 1310.  They're talking about preparedness for a change...They're focusing in on their banking sector.  Article quote "These days there's growing interest in the banking sector in general both government and private sectors... The banking sector is looking to be in good shape for this new stage.  That's what they're presenting...

Sudani in Spain… economic talk

Nader:  11-28-2024

Vietnam Dong Exchange Rate Economic Forecast Foreign Investors

Edu Matrix:  11-29-2024

Vietnam Dong Exchange Rate Economic Forecast #vnd Foreign investors are showing strong interest in southern Vietnam, focusing on cities like Dong Nai, Binh Duong, HCM City, and Long An.

The video shares the USD / VND Exchange Rate and explains why the VND keeps fluctuating against the US dollar.

High levels of foreign investments will decrease Vietnam's unemployment rate, which could quickly help the VND value increase—the video shares major foreign investments in Southern Vietnam in the coming year.



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Economics, Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20

More News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday PM 11-28-2024


Tishwash:  Al-Tawki: Agreement on the region’s dues paves the way for broader understandings on the oil and gas law

Member of the Parliamentary Oil and Gas Committee, Kazem Al-Tawki, revealed an agreement that paves the way for broader understandings regarding the oil and gas law.

Al-Tawki told {Euphrates News} that: “The recent agreement with the Kurdistan region is considered a good initiative because the point of contention in the law was the issue of dues and the costs of extracting the region’s oil.”

He added, “It set a high ceiling for financial costs estimated at $22 to extract one barrel, although the costs of extracting oil in the south and the central government contracts do not exceed $12 as the highest cost.”


Tishwash:  Al-Tawki: Agreement on the region’s dues paves the way for broader understandings on the oil and gas law

Member of the Parliamentary Oil and Gas Committee, Kazem Al-Tawki, revealed an agreement that paves the way for broader understandings regarding the oil and gas law.

Al-Tawki told {Euphrates News} that: “The recent agreement with the Kurdistan region is considered a good initiative because the point of contention in the law was the issue of dues and the costs of extracting the region’s oil.”

He added, “It set a high ceiling for financial costs estimated at $22 to extract one barrel, although the costs of extracting oil in the south and the central government contracts do not exceed $12 as the highest cost.”

Al-Tawki expected that this agreement would lead to broader understandings regarding the oil and gas law.  link

Ariel:  Trump makes it real plain in this video

Donald Trump makes it real plain in this video. The goal is for currency like the Iraqi Dinar to reach parity with USD.

Iranian Rial
Vietnamese Dong
Zimbabwe Notes

Level playing field. But in the process makes yourself very financially well off.

Nathan Weldon @WeldonNath21356

Watch Currency holders! IQD and VND   X Link


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Mnt Goat   In the study of the recent Iraqi census can clearly see the recent census was a national census taken with the help of the United Nations (UN). The UN every so many decades takes a global census to determine the world’s population and demographics.  Iraq is also going to use this census as part of the Article 140 distribution of the Kurdistan monthly payments of oil revenues to the region from the GOI.  It will also help resolve part of the Oil and Gas law...Note, I did not say excess oil revenues or oil wealth distribution...This census taking has VERY LITTLE to do with the HCL individual Oil revenue sharing/distribution...   [Post 1 of 2]

Mnt Goat  So, now since the census is taken, the GOI can legally compensate and prove why they are compensating the amounts to the Kurds. This is really WOW! news for us can see how this census results would also be useful in rebuilding the Iraqi economy besides Article 140 and HCl disputes. It was way overdue. This is yet another sign to us investors that Iraq is now serious about moving ahead.[Post 2 of 2]

The REAL Value Of The Dollar (They Don't Want You To Know)

Lynette Zang:  11-28-2024

Today's video is answering the question of what the REAL value of the dollar is and why your purchasing power feels less and less everyday

FREEDOM ALERT! Texas Congressman Proposing Gold Backed Crypto for TEXAS! CAN IT WORK?!

(Bix Weir)  11-22-2024

Cody Harris, a Republican Party member of the Texas State House of Representatives, is proposing a State Currency for Texas consisting of physical gold backing a crypto currency. Of course the problem is 3rd party custody BUT it's a Start!



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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

Happy Thanksgiving with MarkZ and Zester. 11/28/2024

Happy Thanksgiving with MarkZ and Zester. 11/28/2024

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

MZ: Spending some time with friends this Thanksgiving.


Happy Thanksgiving with MarkZ and Zester. 11/28/2024

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

MZ: Spending some time with friends this Thanksgiving.



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )




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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday AM 11-28-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 28 Nov. 2024

Compiled Thurs. 28 Nov. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Wed. 27 Nov. 2024: Dr. Charlie Ward said that the EBS would sound in two days, while all indications were that the Global Currency Reset and RV were imminent, but no one knew when. The actual procedure for exchange appointments has not yet been announced.

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 28 Nov. 2024

Compiled Thurs. 28 Nov. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Wed. 27 Nov. 2024: Dr. Charlie Ward said that the EBS would sound in two days, while all indications were that the Global Currency Reset and RV were imminent, but no one knew when. The actual procedure for exchange appointments has not yet been announced.

Possible Timing: Dr. Charlie Ward on Telegram:

The EBS is about to 9allegedly) begin in just two days!

Buckle Up. Massive Shifts are coming and temporary Martial Law could be on the table.

As the White Hats pull the plug on the Deepstate’s corrupt banking system and transition us to the Quantum Financial System (QFS), chaos is imminent.

Riots, false flags, and turmoil in major cities are expected.

A market crash could be days away.

Total Communication failure is coming.

The EBS will transmit loud emergency alerts directly to mobile phones worldwide via the Starlink satellite system.

During this blackout, there will be (allegedly) NO internet, NO cell service, NOTHING. ATMs, credit, and debit card systems will also go down—they run on the internet. Think about it. This is not a drill.

Wells Fargo, JP Morgan Chase and Bank of America have (allegedly) declared Bankruptcy. More banks are following suit.

This time, there will be NO ONE to bail them out. Depositors could lose everything. Yes, a bank run is not only possible—it’s inevitable. The global financial collapse is here, and the United States is cornered: transition to the new system or perish. There is no other way.

Are you ready? The clock is ticking. The storm we’ve been warning you about is now overhead. Nothing can stop what is coming. EVERYTHING will change. Spread the word.


Global Currency Reset:

Judy Note: All indications were that the Global Currency Reset and RV were imminent, but no one knew when the green light would light up.

Wed. 27 Nov. 2024: GESARA: The Largest Wealth Transfer in History – Secret Military Operations, Strikes, and Redemption Centers That Have Already Changed the World – Gazetteller

Tues. 26 Nov. 2024: BREAKING: Donald Trump Jr. Drops Bombshells! NESARA GESARA Brings No Income Tax, No Property Tax, and Flat 14% Tax Revolution! – – American Media Group

Tues. 26 Nov. 2024: QFS News! Security and Verification: Protecting Your QFS Account, Universal Basic Income, Account Consolidation, Quantum Encryption, Biometric Data, Age Requirements (young adults) and Identity Verification – – American Media Group


Global Financial Crisis:

Wed. 27 Nov. 2024: The Federal Reserve Is Destroying America: Trapping You in Debt Slavery, Starving Your Family, Forcing Homelessness, and Profiting from Your Death Through Medical Tyranny! – Gazetteller

Wed. 27 Nov. 2024: The Bank of Russia announced on Wednesday that it will suspend foreign currency purchases until the end of the year to reduce the volatility in the financial market. The central bank said in the statement that the regulator will continue conducting currency sales operations linked to the National Welfare Fund on the domestic market, while deferred currency purchases are scheduled for next year. This year, the Russian central bank engaged in limited purchases of foreign currencies to stabilize the ruble. Earlier today, the Russian currency dropped to its lowest level against the dollar and the euro since March 2022 following Washington’s sanctions targeting Gazprom bank, Russia’s third-largest bank.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  FIREFLY:
Sudani on television again this afternoon saying the CBI has progressed in the 77 past years and they they have dealt with all the challenges and the reforms...Alaq on television talking about the CBI...the more we listen the more it sounds like he's telling us they're going to be giving us our purchasing power very soon.  FRANK:  They're telling you your is exploding.  That's impossible at a program rate...It's their way of telling you what they promised you...purchasing power in your currency.  It is coming.  

Fnu Lnu  We are hearing a constant drone of how the GOI is trying to combat the parallel market /black market. Once again, I am calling B.S.!  Any thinking person can understand and realize, the way you put an instant end to the black market is to revalue the currency (IQD) to a rate higher / more valuable than the Dollar. I maintain that this is nothing more than a stall tactic to hold off the RV / RI of the IQD.  Occam's Razor is almost always the correct answer, but why are they doing this?

Confirmed: China is the 'Secret' Gold Buyer

Arcadia Economics:  11-27-2024

After 18 months of consecutive additions to China's gold holdings, they have now gone several months without reporting any additional purchases.

 Yet there's been dispute about whether they are buying gold that they're not reporting, and in this morning's show Vince Lanci confirms that they are indeed the 'secret' gold buyer.

To find out more, click to watch the video now!

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