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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-27-23   

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-27-23   

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody is a Big Call tonight is Thursday, April 27th and you're listening to the Big Call. Welcome from wherever you're listening all over the globe, whether it's live or whether it's on a replay link or the replay number, we're glad to have you. Glad you could make it here tonight. And we're looking forward to having a really, really good call tonight.

Yeah, this is uh, this is really good. What I'm sad about is that some of my intel from Tuesday night just did not pan out for us. There were some things that came through. as far as the bondholders were concerned - they are moving forward to the point where now, even though they did not get their emails that gave them access to funds on Wednesday morning - They should have new emails that will come out either tonight or tomorrow, that will give them access to their funds.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-27-23   

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody is a Big Call tonight is Thursday, April 27th and you're listening to the Big Call. Welcome from wherever you're listening all over the globe, whether it's live or whether it's on a replay link or the replay number, we're glad to have you. Glad you could make it here tonight. And we're looking forward to having a really, really good call tonight.

Yeah, this is uh, this is really good. What I'm sad about is that some of my intel from Tuesday night just did not pan out for us. There were some things that came through. as far as the bondholders were concerned - they are moving forward to the point where now, even though they did not get their emails that gave them access to funds on Wednesday morning - They should have new emails that will come out either tonight or tomorrow, that will give them access to their funds.

Well, that's the very latest on the bond holders from one of their paymasters.

Now, what I've disappointed about and I imagine you guys are too is that we did not get our notifications for tier 4B after 10:30 In the morning, yesterday, even though we were ready for it to come to us.

And it's hard to say exactly what happened. I've got some information that I'll share with you now as to maybe why it didn't go for us yet.

We know that some exchanges were done. Some people did get started which that doesn't help us at all, because we didn't get the notifications to call and set our appointments. These could have been whales. These could have been  - who knows  who they were - it doesn't matter - what really matters to us is just getting the toll free number so that we can set our appointments - make a phone call - set our appointments – and start –

Okay, so what could be holding us up?  Or what at least  am I being told it could be holding us up.

Now the first thing is Iraq. Oh, yeah, here we go again, we need Iraq to do one thing, and that is to put their new dinar rate, which would be their CBI rate or their international rates into the printed Gazette, which comes out Saturday - Saturdays and Wednesdays. Well, here it is Thursday. We're talking about this happening on Saturday.

Okay, day and a half from now let's call it - right. So that should come out. And that should clear us far as Iraq is concerned.

The other thing that is interesting to me that I've been told that is we still need to be done – we still have  seven more countries that need to declare that they have an asset backed currency, or a gold or asset backed currency. And we're one of those countries I think, because we haven't declared that yet.

Now we should  ---  my thinking -  over the weekend.  We should be there.

So the seven countries and one of which, maybe us because I mean a lot of people know we have a USN and that's gold back. It's being traded digitally, all that stuff, but it's not -I guess it's not public knowledge - Let's put it that way.

So anyway, seven countries need to declare that and we don't know which ones they are.   Yet at this point, I don't. I may get that later tonight. You never know how that works on Tuesday or Thursday night after the call.

So those two items I don't think I think the dinar being published in the Gazette for Iraq is a sort of a setup complete. I don't see it as any kind of a big deal. They should do it Saturday, okay. That should take Iraq completely out of the way because they've been exchanging there for over two weeks in country - in the country of Iraq.

So I think the rate will be good. The rate will be very strong. And dong rate is going to be very strong also. Don't worry about it. It's going to be great.

Now. The other thing is regarding us.

What we're hearing is  one of the sources that we talked to told us today, that what we were supposed to get Wednesday, which was yesterday - We will get on Saturday.

Now if that's as simple as it is that what we were supposed to get, which was our notifications by email yesterday, right? And the Intel did not prove to be true as you guys know.

It should occur for us on Saturday. Great!  Boom! There we go. We get notified Saturday, more than likely we're setting appointments  and starting on Monday, in the redemption centers.

That's gonna be a little strange. If we get it Saturday, we set our appointments and then we go to church on Sunday. We go to the redemption center. You get redemption at church on Sunday, and redemption at the redemption center on your zim on Monday. Now, that's the long and the short of it.

The other thing we heard from very, very high up source, said that April's showers will bring May dollars - which is clever. It's a clever thing to say. And I believe that we're going to get a lot including our exchanges, and redemption of zim, possibly either Monday or Tuesday. I am gonna bring Tuesday in - I've been told Monday or Tuesday and if that's the case, we should also in that first week, get some disclosure - We should get some information about NESARA.

We should get an announcement about our new asset backed USN  - and we should also get something in that first week of May about our restitution allowance.

Okay, I don't know if it'll happen on that Wednesday, which would be the 3rd  which is possible -  when it happens - I'm just saying. I've been told something about the first week. So we are really kind of at a crossroads now. Even for possible political change here. And there's a lot going on.

There was a lot behind the scenes and still is that maybe we don't know about yet in its entirety but we are about to find out. So be prepared for stepping forward a little bit into the known and a little into the unknown - as we move forward.

 It's going to be going to be a really good ride for us and I know you guys want to get off the ride we’re on.  Me too - Hey, guys, 19 years - ok I'm ready to get off the ride now. I've been in the front car of that roller coaster for a long time – hands up in the air. But you know, I'm ready to get on to a different ride. Like we all are.  We're just gonna have to see what happens. What I'm hearing is we should be getting notified Saturday.  And I think based on that we should start Monday or at the very latest. So I think we're just we're just out there.

We'll also have it on the on the front page of our Web page. Because the will have it there. So you should get it. I'm sure it'll be online, you know, very quickly after it comes out. So be prepared at this point. I'm going to say be prepared to look at it for it on Saturday. Let's hope that's when it comes through.

So if we set our appointments on Saturday, then we can start on Monday. Let's hope that's the case. All right. That's what we'd love to hear. Now. Sorry the information was incorrect last Tuesday. It is a moving target, that's for sure.

I want this thing to go just like you do. We've been praying for it that way. So let's pray the call out.

So let's pray the call out and thanks everybody again for listening.  All right, everybody. Good night. Everybody. Keep your eyes open. Let's have a great weekend, and we'll see how this comes to fruition.


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-27-23   REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins   1:07:40

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-25-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:03:15

 Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-20-23   REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins   1:16:16

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-18-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:11:30

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-13-23   REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins   1:00:30

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-11-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:06:06

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-6-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:26:10

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-4-23   REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins   1:12:45

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Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8 Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-25-23 

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-25-23 

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, again, everybody to the Big Call. It is Tuesday, April 25TH and you're tuned in and listening to the Big Call. Thank you everybody, for being here and being so faithful to tune in again, whether it's live or whether you're listening on a replay number, replay link, or however you're getting us through all kinds of cool software that puts it in your own language all over the globe. I know. Last Thursday, we were in 174 countries with the Big Call - and then we got blocked out of eight additional countries. We don't even know what those countries were I can't find out. But anyway, we were getting the word out and getting the message out and so if you're tuned in good for you.

All right, Intel wise - Let's talk about where we stand - And I think this is really a significant night for us.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-25-23 

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, again, everybody to the Big Call. It is Tuesday, April 25TH and you're tuned in and listening to the Big Call. Thank you everybody, for being here and being so faithful to tune in again, whether it's live or whether you're listening on a replay number, replay link, or however you're getting us through all kinds of cool software that puts it in your own language all over the globe. I know. Last Thursday, we were in 174 countries with the Big Call - and then we got blocked out of eight additional countries. We don't even know what those countries were I can't find out. But anyway, we were getting the word out and getting the message out and so if you're tuned in good for you.

All right, Intel wise - Let's talk about where we stand - And I think this is really a significant night for us.

What's been happening this week, and yesterday which was Monday - was the day of phase one, liquidity.  Phase one liquidity was when the Treasury sentt the major banks  a number followed by 64 zeros - a huge number - and those funds went into our major banks for two reasons –

 One They went for the bondholders liquidity, so that they would have access to funds and have liquidity in their accounts for their bonds. So that went out and that actually completed at 3am this morning. There were a couple setbacks yesterday. And there was resumption a couple hours later -  by 10, or midnight,  they actually finished up about 3 am this morning, which is fine, no problem. No harm, no foul  - all good.

The other portion of funds that were sent from that first phase of liquidity yesterday was to  states treasuries, and that was for NESARA. So then those NESARA  funds went to the States treasuries yesterday and also today.

 So the second phase of liquidity from our treasury – went out today, that 11 to 1:30 a m. And to my way of thinking, probably finish up sometime later tonight - it could be done but might not be done till later.

The first phase finished at 3 am this morning, - that started yesterday  at 11:30 -  and  today started at 1131 and it's probably wrapping up - we're just about to wrap up tonight.

So, the first phase to the banks - here's where the rubber meets the road, so to speak. From a very strong connected source to the principles in this whole thing - We have that tomorrow at 4am. bondholders are to start getting their emails which will give them access to funds - access to their 1% of their funds in their accounts, from their bond deal. Okay, the bond sellers get that tomorrow morning - Starting at 4am.  That's on Wednesday - tomorrow.

We in tier 4B are to receive our email notifications anytime after 10:30am tomorrow morning. That would be Eastern Daylight Time. And it meant I've been told my theory was correct, that we would get those notifications at the same time in each time zone.

So the theory is 10:30 Let's say East Coast time, it would be 10:30 Central 10:30, Mountain Time, 10:30 Pacific, etc, etc. So that's really exciting and something we're really looking forward to.

Then we would ostensibly once having received those emails, we would set our appointments through the call centers with the 800 number. Tomorrow,  for appointments to start Thursday.

Tomorrow would be an appointment setting  day with the call centers and redemption centers. And then the physical appointments themselves will take place on Thursday. Start on Thursday, and Power  right through  the rest of the week. And weekend. Well, well into next week.

That is what we've heard and  in our prayer tonight - Especially when we close in prayer tonight - our prayer is for this intel to be true to stand up and be what actually happens  - that it actually manifests in this way, tomorrow for us.

I was told by two other sources that tomorrow would be a very interesting day for us. We were told tomorrow has a lot going on, which it does. So I was also told remember we've talked to some weeks ago about restitution allowance coming out on the fourth Wednesday, which is tomorrow. I Found out today they don't want that to happen - because of everything else that's going along tomorrow -  ie our notifications and the bondholders, emails and liquidity tomorrow.

But the restitution allowance would start in the first week of May - and I don't know what day exactly - It won't really matter for us that are in these currencies and that have the appointments that are set for our exchanges that are redemption of zim, but it will be some very significant for other people that may not be invested in any way in the currencies like we are. Okay.

So that is the very crux of what we've been looking for and searching for for quite a long time.

They don't want us to get there more than 10 minutes  prior to our appointment time.

So if you're an early bird kind of guy that think it's cool to be early for an appointment  - Forget it – be on time - on time is respectful - earliest not being respectful of other people's time. But no more than 10 minutes  or less early for your own appointments.

Also redemption center staff has been receiving more of the Qphones and more of the laptop certificates which are good for Android and other certificates for Apple laptops - and the theory is that each certificate theory is about up to $1,000 that can be used in eight different retail locations such as Best Buy - staples, etc.

Okay, so that's something to keep in mind. You'll get that as well as a I'm going to call it a packet of information that those were being combined with the phones and certificates. So that in the redemption center and I think this is the last step in the redemption center process that you'll receive the phone.

They're not gonna have time to activate it for you. They're not gonna have time to talk about setting up your laptop, but you don't even have at the  appointment. You get that later at  the Best Buy and so whatever. Okay,

But it might be instructions on how to set that up. For you  - Why are you getting these - why are you getting a satellite phone? Are you getting a laptop anyway? Why do they care? Why do they care at the redemption center while you're getting that? Why are they giving it to you?

You can buy it, why are they giving it to you? Because we're going to be able to do fund transfers from our quantum accounts to our primary or secondary bank accounts. Okay, by the laptop or by your Q phones using your Qcard or your quantum access card. A cue card is going to have your biometric fingerprint on it.

See, that's what you get when you get it. You're gonna get that ostensibly you get that on day one. Get that and you'll get the coordinates and so on of what to enter to move funds and I believe that idea activate that card – and move some funds on day one at the redemption center - If you choose to move it from the Quantum account, or all of the funds from your exchanges and redemption go in to the quantum account and then you move funds from that quantum account into your primary Wells account I’m calling it primary.

Some people use the term master account, put it in your primary and then you can move those funds into a secondary account as you set up those secondary accounts. Like I mentioned, I'm doing for my LLCs for my projects.

Okay. And so, you know, all of that is going to be a lot clearer for us and hopefully it's in the instructions that they give you and it probably has further instructions on your quantum account, and so on. I don't know how big a little packet that's going to be or how big those instructions are going to be. But I believe that's what they've been doing yesterday and today is assembling those for us  at the redemption center.

And beyond that. - Obviously, when the numbers come out, we're going to send those out via email from the Big Call Universe -

And that's going to be a way for you to see get the number if you don't get it on your own email – remember they've got a basically all the any email they've got on you is from when you purchase currency from a bonafide currency dealer.

They should have it they've cross referencing cross checks all these emails and hopefully they've got an accurate Hey, listen, there's gonna be some people that drop through the cracks. There's people that have been gifted zim, for example, they don't even know what day it is. They don't have a clue about the zim. They don't know anything about it or the value of it really. They've been gifted in a way in my opinion was not responsible

Because when you give something that has such intrinsic value - you should explain that and explain in detail what to do with it and how to find out what to do with it when the time comes. Well the time is about to come and a lot of people they don't have emails or because they were gifted zimm. These are the people that I'm supposed to get to - And that I've been taught that I was supposed to supposed to put a toll free number out to them when I got it. They were gonna get it and we'll put it out in those emails. And we'll also be on the homepage of our website.

Now, this is all subject to, you know, NDAs and instructions and so on, which I have none have yet but I'm looking forward to getting that and find it out. So hopefully we get all that squared away. We get it out tomorrow, as we're indicated. We set our appointments tomorrow and enjoy the ride on Thursday. Okay, that's gonna be cool. So beyond that, that's all I've really got to say that I can think of that’s pertinent  into right now.

So I'm gonna leave it at that and say thank you. I'm hoping this is our last call. We never know. This is the plan anyway. Based on information we have, our goal is to pray it in and believe for that which we're playing. That's the way and when I say hope it'd be patient. That's what we're expecting.

So I want to thank everybody that's been a listener to the big call for these 12 years. And thank you so much for everybody that's been part of the call Thank you very much for your involvement with the call.

Thank you, national zucchini day. Everything else is so valuable guys. And thank you everybody that's been listening and is listening. That might be new listeners. You know, there's probably people out there that this is the first call they've ever heard. And they have no clue what I'm talking about. And hopefully they're gonna get some information and glean a little bit out of it. I hope so. But those that have been with somebody you guys have not ever missed a call. You go way back, you go way back even before the big call to to the midnight think tank where I was a moderator for a year. Andsome of you guys go back from there.

So thanks, everybody for listening. We appreciate you. I'm going to be in touch with you how by email. After this goes, we'll send we'll be doing a short podcast type call. Maybe we'll send it out. I know we will. And we'll send it out in the form of a link in your email. So if I don't have your email, there'll be no way we can communicate with you. So we really appreciate everything that everybody has done to support the big call. And hopefully you've gotten a lot out of this. So this is a big thank you and a big time for us to get together and pray this call out and look forward with great anticipation to what we're expecting to see tomorrow. So let’s look for that


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-25-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:03:15


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-20-23   REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins   1:16:16

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-18-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:11:30

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-13-23   REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins   1:00:30

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-11-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:06:06

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-6-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:26:10

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-4-23   REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins   1:12:45

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Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8 Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-20-23  

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-20-23  

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the Big Call tonight. It's Thursday, April 20th and you're listening to the big call. We're glad that you're joining us from all over the globe. I know Last Tuesday's call, I believe we had 87 countries that we broadcast to and it looked like our audience was well over 20 million. So glad you could join us, everybody all over the globe

Now, we'll talk a little bit because we didn't have much intel - As you guys remember on Tuesday night, right? It was kind of lacking because we had very little information on Tuesday, and a little bit on Monday but not much – Really we were hurting for intel on Tuesday. Now we got a load of it – remember I told you guys I bet you dollar to a glazed doughnut - That's just an expression you know, -that I get it Tuesday night after the call and Wednesday and I did.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-20-23  

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the Big Call tonight. It's Thursday, April 20th and you're listening to the big call. We're glad that you're joining us from all over the globe. I know Last Tuesday's call, I believe we had 87 countries that we broadcast to and it looked like our audience was well over 20 million. So glad you could join us, everybody all over the globe

Now, we'll talk a little bit because we didn't have much intel - As you guys remember on Tuesday night, right? It was kind of lacking because we had very little information on Tuesday, and a little bit on Monday but not much – Really we were hurting for intel on Tuesday. Now we got a load of it – remember I told you guys I bet you dollar to a glazed doughnut - That's just an expression you know, -that I get it Tuesday night after the call and Wednesday and I did.

It just is like clockwork, on Tuesday nights after the Big Call. That's when the information starts pouring in. And it did yesterday and a little bit today too. So we're in pretty good shape.

Here's what happened on Tuesday.

I told you on Tuesday that there was the President Trump looks like he had made a move to a trip to Reno- right. Well guess who was in Reno to help get this thing started for us? S Mnuchin – Judy Shelton -She was the appointee by Trump to get this RV underway and stay with it till it's done.

You had the Chinese elders there.

You had a delegation of five delegates plus or security staff fron Iraq.

You had at least one representative of 29 different countries. I told you we had five from Iraq. That's an exception, but at least one from 29 Different countries that are all going up in value globally, for this GCR Global Currency Reset.

All of those representatives were there along with the elders, along with our team.

And guess what? Yes, the Chinese elders released the codes so that the bondholders in tier three and tier four and tier three primarily would be able to be paid out. And that was something that we had to have had. And that occurred Tuesday night.

First we didn't have that or know that until Wednesday.

So there was a great compilation of individuals there to set this thing in motion for us.

Now, let's talk about Iraq for a minute. Remember we talked about Iraq already doing exchanges of large three zero dinar notes like we have into lower denomination dinar at a factor of whatever that rate was - That was done and they have been exchanging dinar for the last 14 days or two weeks.

Now what happened Tuesday morning was that the ATM machines which were loaded with new Iraqi dinar, lower denominations, you know the kind of notes that we would have in our US Treasury dollars, you know, fives, 10s 20s 50s and hundreds in that.

The I don't think they're all of those different notes are in the ATMs but I'm sure 20s are maybe 10s are not quite sure but but the ATMs that have been loaded with lower denominations were activated Tuesday morning, about an hour after morning prayer - and so they had that they've been able to use those ATM machines in Iraq. and I'm telling you by now, Thursday the 20th, it's pretty much business as usual now –

 Iraq opened their budget, the rates visible in the budget. Can we see it yet. No, we can't see it if they're not gonna show it to us yet. But everything else is hunky dory and moving forward in Iraq.

Look who's been paid. The military - the contractors, retirees, and the Public Works people are people that are involved in utilities. They've all been paid in new Iraqi revalued dinar.

So everything's rolling really rolling nicely over there now.

So that's, that's really what's happening in Iraq

Coming back to us. Remember, we were looking for the quantum cards which I'm calling Q-cards -, the quantum cards. We were looking for those to finally be sent by Federal Express to the bondholders  in tier three -

And we heard one of our people that we are in touch with the bond owner or a bond seller received their Q card yesterday and the other one was told that they would receive theirs by FedEx today, and they got it today right after lunch. So what are they waiting for for liquidity is an email to tell them when to get access to those funds.

Now, at least in one case, of the card that was delivered today they were able to go to Wells Fargo and get that card activated with a biometric fingerprint reader with you know, passwords and username and password and Starlink data. They were able to get it activated so it's ready to go.

Now all they need is an email that says go because you have access to funds and it's gonna be through their 1% but it's still a lot quite a bit for the 1% for the first immediate future. and then they'll have access to more as time goes on, eventually access to all of it.

Now, some of the people that have gone quiet are under all new 30 Day NDA. And that's why I think we were so quiet on Tuesday. We just didn't have much at all because everybody was just so so quiet. You know, we're in a position now where pretty much the cats out of the bag in terms of getting the information out regarding Iraq.

And regarding the launch that took place out of Reno. So I'm looking forward for us to get started as small bond deals are being done in small would be in 10s of billions 50,000,000, - 70  - 100 billion. It's not small potatoes - but in terms of the scope of things - it's not the end of the quadrillions yet. Okay,

So these bond deals have taken place in Brazil, and Venezuela, and Salvador, and one other country I can think of.

So, these things are happening. And yet, we are waiting - but not much longer. We've got it from two separate sources - The same basic information that we are looking for us to get notified either tomorrow or Saturday.

Based on how early we get notified  in each day – would  say whether or not we start exchanging two hours to three hours later. So if we're a morning thing, we probably be able to go in the afternoon. If we got an afternoon - say on a Friday and we'd probably be starting on Saturday for exchanges and redemption of zim

Now, that is the long and short of it - In terms of our timing - bondholder timing on seller timing and the fact that everything was basically was released, and now it's a matter of us being notified. That's really what it comes down to.

Because everything is on go. And I think we're they're ready for us. Really, they're ready for us. We know that they have certificates that we can use were valued at up to $1,000 to buy new laptops at Staples or Best Buy or six other retailers. They those are certificates that they have this at the redemption center.

And they also have Q phones. They're the physical phone that they'll give us - the zim owners will get those at the redemption centers, and they will activate that type thing. I think we'll do that outside of the redemption center -the next step. I don't think there's any time to mess with that at all in redemption center - that's why it's coming last.

And you'll get a list of some type of perks PERKS - which are like special deals, incentives, whatever to continue to bank with Wells Fargo or Chase or whatever. They're all basically every bank has very similar perks. It could be some cool stuff in there. But and we do have the new US Treasury dollars in the redemption centers and little probably shrink wrapped around $2,500 and they have them differently too. but we heard some of them are shrink wrapped at $2,500 a pack.

Now you'll get maybe a couple of packs, maybe three. The idea is not to load up on cash right away. You'll get your credit debit card, instead of your one account probably your master accounts or your primary account as I call it with Wells Fargo and set that up to get a credit/debit card should be able to be used that day or get access to 1% of your total exchange That includes your redemption of zim

So total that up whatever that total is for the first day you'll get 1%  - And if you want more, you can add up to 9% more from your quantum account - that's where you'd be moving the funds from quantum into primary or secondary Wells account, for example.

Okay, so in10 days time  on day one day of exchange, Nine days later is day 10 on day 10 you get nine more percent If you want it from your quantum account into your primary secondary Wells  account. Now you got one, plus nine equals 10% of your total.

That's what you have access to - doesn't mean you have to put that much in. But if you want you can do that and move it into your primary Wells account. I don't think we're gonna have time to set up any additional accounts in the redemption center. I just they want us in and out of there and 40 -45 minutes. That's it. That's tops. You got a five to eight minutes to do your presentation about your humanitarian project or projects.

And that's going to be your time to let them know what it is you want to do with your zim. How you're going to help humanity How are you going to raise the level of level people's ability around the globe – here in the US  sure but also in other countries?

That's why we're doing rebuild international as one of our projects, so that we can help rebuild areas other than United States  - we are starting for rebuilding international in the Bahamas, and in Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

Those are our three initial start countries  - we want to do something good work in there, but but we're going to begin with rebuild America. Let's talk let's see what needs to be done still in Florida to rebuild Florida

I mean, I've been told from two very strong sources and probably others that Friday and Saturday - We should notify either Friday or Saturday. So let's see what happens when I say notified. I mean that's when we get the toll free numbers and then we will send an email from  Big Call universe out to everybody who has registered for email -

We will let you have the number in an email. But we'll also use your address your email address to stay in touch with you about future podcasts and products that we're gonna do as a call. Because we won't do any more live shows up as your Thursday night. Lower the ways that we are doing it now.

But we'll be sending these podcast links to people who we have the email so you'll be getting what about the toll free numbers to call dial and then getting some future emails from us about podcasts that we're going to do everything about what's coming along with our projects, as we're building out our new websites. Blah, blah, blah.

I mean, it's a whole lot of things - it will probably take us two to three weeks to get some of that underway, won't be finished but will be underway will probably give you a probably record something and give you a podcast or a link that you can click on to hear what our progress is - when where we're going.

So this is Thursday night, the 20th  We do not normally have till next Tuesday, Tuesday and Thursday night, but we're gonna have to see what happens If everything comes through like we think and so the our last call. So, as always, we never know until we actually have the physical numbers to enter, and we'll see what happens in the next couple days.

And I want to thank everybody again, who has made the big call what it is and that's Sue and Bob and GCK and Pastor Scott, and Jean, and all of the listeners that have tuned in over the last 12 years, listening to us faithfully every Tuesday and Thursday night.

So we're going to just pray the call out and I want to keep everybody in mind that this is this is they really don't want to sit over when but we know that we're super close. We know why we're close because of what has occurred, Primarily what occurred Tuesday night. And here we are.

Bondholders are ready to go and we’re next to go. We should be receiving these notifications very shortly. So let's pray the call out and then we'll just look forward to this coming in.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-20-23   REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins   1:16:16

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-18-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:11:30

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-13-23   REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins   1:00:30

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-11-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:06:06

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-6-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:26:10

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-4-23   REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins   1:12:45

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-30-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:06:26

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-28-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:17:47

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Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8 Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-18-23

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-18-23  

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight, it is Tuesday, April 18th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in everybody all around. Glad to have you back. And we're looking forward to having a good call tonight - so thank you for being there.

Okay, so let's talk a little bit about the Intel in the next few minutes.  Yesterday some information came in as Sue was referring to it a little bit.  We had heard from a source that one of our sources pretty good sources, and where the source talked about the release, sequential release of basically everybody, the bondholders getting  their activation on their cue cards, and those - cash all those intermediaries that we've talked about in the past, all those going - everything we can think of really including our notifications would be sometime today. But to our knowledge, none of that happened.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-18-23  

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight, it is Tuesday, April 18th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in everybody all around. Glad to have you back. And we're looking forward to having a good call tonight - so thank you for being there.

Okay, so let's talk a little bit about the Intel in the next few minutes.  Yesterday some information came in as Sue was referring to it a little bit.  We had heard from a source that one of our sources pretty good sources, and where the source talked about the release, sequential release of basically everybody, the bondholders getting  their activation on their cue cards, and those - cash all those intermediaries that we've talked about in the past, all those going - everything we can think of really including our notifications would be sometime today. But to our knowledge, none of that happened.

None of that happened. Now what was significant about yesterday –the 17th was, it was the day that all the banks around the globe were to be completely connected, interconnected to the quantum financial system. And actually, Saturday was actually called Quantum day. So just yesterday, was the day that all banks were gonna be interconnected, or they were just so well they were not able to, to be part of the, the new global currency reset

And also, yesterday, we understood that we would see the asset backed - Let's  call it the gold back asset backed United States Treasury dollar acknowledged – announced - and all that yesterday, to our knowledge, we never saw that. We never saw the announcement or acknowledgement of it. Not in the United States, in all 50 states and not globally.

So are we there ready with a digital digital version of our USN? Yes. Is the currency our new and it's not rainbow currency by the way. by any stretch, but our new US Treasury dollar -  Is it at the banks? Yes. Is it in the redemption centers? Oh, yeah, it's been there - we've reported about that before.

So why don't we have this? where is it? Where is it? Sue always ask me, where is it? Well, we're trying to figure that out - Because everything appears from the redemption center point of view, to be complete. Everything appears to be ready.

They've got their Q phones in the barn, so to speak at the redemption centers. They've got the laptop certificates, up to $1,000 You'll be able to take this certificate and turn it into a Best Buy, or a Staples about total of eight different retailers. You'll be able to go on and either get a laptop, or an Apple laptop, or a the other kind of laptop. You'll be able to get that up to $1,000 - Anything over 1000 I guess you just pick it up and pay for yourself. But that would probably buy a pretty good laptop these days. $1000 I would think so. So those are there. They've got those in the redemption centers ready to go for us.

And the irony of this whole thing is Iraq has been exchanging their dinar in the country of Iraq for about over 10 days now, up to about 12 days.

And we know people that have done the exchanges there that are Iraqi that have taken the high three zero notes and exchanged them at a new rate and gotten the equivalent in Iraqi dinar, new Iraqi dinar, which are the lower denominations of the currency kind of like we have, you know, basically fives 10s 20s 50s Hundreds. Now they have some variation on that. But it's it's lower denominations.

So, you know, that's been happening now for 12 days in Iraq. And they kept this from us - knowing about it because even their budget has been opened. Gosh, it's been like four or five days ago, their budget was open. And if you looked into the budget, you could determine what the rate of the dinar was that they use to calculate the budget - in Iraq the 2023 budget

Now - That all happened -That was done - but they still don't want us to see it yet here - or know the rate on the Iraqi dinar until we get started for exchanges. I mean, it's just it's hidden from us – it’s kept from us

Now – it’s good to know that exchanges are happening there and everything's hunky dory and I think it's business as usual in Iraq  - but what about us?

Are we waiting for anything else? That we don't know? We don't know of anything else. That tells us – when it’s this quiet, like people that we're supposed to have heard from did not communicate with us by text or call - Neither one - that tells me we're in this quiet before the storm. We're in the quiet before the release of everything  - the intermediaries - farm claims remaining farm claims - Indian claims the remainder of those also ranch claims land claims – CMKX  - fines and penalties.

Well, what else? Everything we can think of these are intermediaries, and we have not yet heard, but we thought that the prosperity packages would be released also.

We thought it would be released yesterday and or today at the latest and we haven't gotten anything on it. So that tells us we're extremely close.

We heard that President Trump might be in a certain Western location to release this.

And that may be the case we can't verify that yet. But it looks like everything is set to start

Now, maybe it's literally a day or two away - maybe it's notifications tomorrow - Startup exchanges Thursday.  I don't know. I don't have that.

But  we don't know. We know that there's always continuing arrests of the bad guys. We know that's continuing. It's not completed yet. But they've got enough of them. From what we understand that they've mean that they intended to pick up to where the DoD a long time ago gave the green light for us to go forward.

And the Treasury gave a green light for us to go forward. So unless something happened and those were rescinded, we should still be ready to go.

If you guys can tell I'm frustrated because I think from what I've been hearing - and it came in very strongly yesterday, Monday and even over the weekend. We do get information through the weekend. And then here we sit. So I'm gonna say this is the thing that we need to do. We need to move boldly with our faith to continue to be press in and pray this out, pray it forward and believe that this is actually coming to us in short order. Because I really think from days ago, we heard this could - This could occur at any minute.

Any minute now the release could happen as we expected it early morning this morning. But yet, if something was released, we don't know about it. We're not aware of it. So maybe it was a little pump fake. Maybe there was something else they had to get right. I know this is coming out and we believe it's coming out in short order. So that's really what I wanted to bring out to you guys tonight.

This thing you guys. They don't want us to know when this is happening. They don't want us to know the rates – I know the rates. They don't want us to know the where or when. But we know a lot of it already. We've talked a lot about this on the call - But you know, this thing is may sneak up and bite us - right on the back. It might just be right there. We can't tell right now. But I'll bet you $1 to a glazed doughnut that tonight after the call I'll get something or get something tomorrow. It'll show that we're moving along like we thought. All right. So that's what I'm going to say tonight.

I'm also going to thank everybody that was part of the call tonight of course -- for everybody out there in big call universe that has, you know, been with us for these 12 years. Many of you guys have been on these calls for 12 years now - and, which is, which is excellent

Let's see what happens. And then we'll see if see what happens. And based on that - We'll either have a call Thursday or we won't. We'll see what happens. All right, everybody, have a great night tonight. Keep the faith and stay with me as we pray this call out.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-18-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:11:30

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-13-23   REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins   1:00:30

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-11-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:06:06

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-6-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:26:10

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-4-23   REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins   1:12:45

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-30-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:06:26

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-28-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:17:47

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Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8 Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-13-23

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-13-23

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight - it is Thursday, April 13th - Yes, and you're listening to the Big Call ha Ha I got the day right.  Just had to think for a minute. But if you're listening in the big call, thanks for tuning in everybody all around the globe. I know I got word that last Tuesday - where they were using new software to get the big call out in 97 countries with a possibility of 5 million listeners for each country. So that would be a Max - So five times 97 would be what 47/ 48 million listeners. So we don't know how many people yet caught it, but we know it was sent out. And so that was new software. It probably doubled or almost tripled our audience – so that was big- and we’re excited

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-13-23

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight - it is Thursday, April 13th - Yes, and you're listening to the Big Call ha Ha I got the day right.  Just had to think for a minute. But if you're listening in the big call, thanks for tuning in everybody all around the globe. I know I got word that last Tuesday - where they were using new software to get the big call out in 97 countries with a possibility of 5 million listeners for each country. So that would be a Max - So five times 97 would be what 47/ 48 million listeners. So we don't know how many people yet caught it, but we know it was sent out. And so that was new software. It probably doubled or almost tripled our audience – so that was big- and we’re excited

Okay, so let's talk a little bit about where we are from an intel point of view you guys. There's a little bit that I was thinking that I did not tell you Tuesday night that I would like to mention tonight, because I think it's pretty significant. Remember in the old days we used to hear about the St. Germain trust and when it  was to be to be opened, either at Christmas or at Easter time .

Well, it's never been opened before until last Saturday, which was the day before Easter Sunday. And it's never been opened before, but it was opened by certain individuals that we all know for the first time in history, and the trust - it was about  800 years old.

Now, this is the cool part about it - two, it was open and the funds in I - Okay, remember we talked about with zeros following a one or another number 1000 is 3 zeros - a million is six. – a billion is 9 zeros – a trillion is 12 zeros - The quadrillions is 15  - quintillion is 18 - you get my drift, right?  That’s a lot of zeros – quadrillion - quintillion – sextillion – septillion - blah, blah, blah, okay.

But guess how many zeros following a number - I don't remember what the lead number was  following the number taken when it could have been 3 – 5 - 8 Even more than once. So whatever that is, it was followed by 3600 zeros  - 3600  zeros.

That’s such a big number  That's it. I don't know if there's a word for it – (Sue:  I got financial research. It didn't go up them.) I know there's no way there's no way we can describe it other than by the number of zeros. In other words –it’s a humongous amount of funds that were in this St. Germain trust.

And it was emptied out completely last Saturday and put  into secure sovereign accounts around the globe ready to used for  NESARA – GESARA - it could be for everything else that you know the RV for exchanges. It's just an amazing thing - Just look at it this way. Everything that we're waiting to happen with our redemption of zim - exchange of currencies, none of that could have really happened until the St. Germain trust was opened.

That's the point I'm trying to make. That was highly, highly significant. Other people that opened it, we know where it occurred. And it was a big, big deal.

Now, in addition to that, as if that wasn't enough, a fund called  Dubai 2 was also open and released. I don't know how large amount that was, but it was significant. And then on Tuesday afternoon, the Rodriguez Trust  in the Philippines was opened. At that trust, I believe had 80 zeros in it which is still a ton of money. So many tons - So the funds have been moved around into the various sovereign accounts for us and for the world.

I’m just going to hit this with what comes to my mind, in no specific order, usually I have an order. There's just so much information. I'm gonna do my best to bring it all out. If I can remember it –

Recently just today I heard two pieces of information that were really cool. One was that student loans are in a position of being forgiven a little bit after noon today Eastern Time that started - Now I cannot tell you if it's all absolutely all student loans. But I do know it's over $6 billion of debt relief for student loans. And I believe the number was between 200 000 loans to be forgiven starting after noon today -  

Guess what, guys? That part of NESARA we've been getting little bits and pieces of NESARA along the way with no announcement about it. Other than what maybe we've talked about on the big calls, and maybe you've read some things on line - So that's a very positive thing.

And then I heard on a short blip earlier this evening, that in Canada, not in the United States yet, but in Canada Chase banks were forgiving credit card debt -  Now again, don't misconstrue this, this is only a something I’ve heard - I don't have it verified with resources. Like we try to get on everything. But it's interesting that that is occurring in Canada. Okay.

Oh Canada ….. You got a head start on us  - you sure did on that one.

So let's see what else we can talk about. All right. You go well Bruce  - why didn’t this go yesterday . Why I thought you said…. oh Boy, I thought you said ----  you know guys its Thursday  -we had an indication that it could have gone Wednesday or Thursday or Friday. We had like a three day window that we noticed change. Now it was Thursday, Friday or Saturday. And I think we can pretty much throw Thursday out for us as notifications as Thursday is almost over but Friday and Saturday are a different animal entirely.

So let's go back to why it didn't go. At least yesterday.

There were a number of transactions with Mexican bonds. In fact 1460 boxes of Mexican bonds that were today handled yesterday in Reno, and we they had some issues with certain buyers and sellers and so on. And it didn't go and it didn't go because people were trying to take advantage of others of this situation. Let's just say it that way.

That was kind of a monkey wrench in the system. And it stopped us from going yesterday and possibly it stopped us from going today.

But let's talk now - that happened yesterday in Reno. Let's talk about where we are now though, in terms of our friends in Iraq.

Now – Iraq has opend their budget - They have already as of yesterday, I believe was the start date yesterday. They already started paying out their military, their contractors and their public works people that said utilities right? Public public works, they started paying those three groups out yesterday in newly revalued Iraqi dinar.  That's a big deal. That took place starting yesterday.

What else is significant  about Iraq?  And you guys know that Iraq's high holy day is Friday.

You know, kind of like our major day is Sunday - We go to church – some of us -

Iraq's special day. sacred day is Friday. Kind of a thing on Saturday too - well guess what? According to our Iraqi sources, Iraq is opening their banks tomorrow on their high holy day – Friday right after - an hour after morning prayer in the morning. Tomorrow.  Which is only a few hours away.

So why would they be doing this? I understand that bringing in a new rate for the dinar in country – not for us – but in country - tomorrow. About an hour after the bank open tomorrow in Iraq, in Iraq. So whatever time that is, I don't know if it's 830 or nine in the morning when they open banks. They're gonna have a new rate in country tomorrow.  A new higher rate.

Now what's really cool is we're getting pretty good information about what happened here yesterday with delegations from Iraq that were here and negotiating with some of our key people. You know who they are - Mnuchin – Judy Shelton and others in certain locations and they were able to finalize negotiations on the Iraqi dinar that we will see on our bank screens, including the one that is considered the contract rate.

They may offer us the contract rate - I've heard that they will - at the redemption centers is what I'm talking about. But if for some reason they don't offer that to you. You know enough about the fact that it's a very high rate on the dinar and you can ask for it

I've been told they should offer it to us. And we'll see how that flies right. At the redemption center -  I'm not talking about your bank at the corner of the street. No, I'm talking about with a fixed appointment at a specific time that you call in the call center and they set you up an appointment at a redemption center, especially if you’re a Zim holder  you're going to be redeeming your zim like a bearer bond at the redemption center that’s why we call the redemption centers.

When you do that You will also be able to get a contract rate on the dinar - In other words, you're not precluded from getting that contract rate if you have zim - that's my point.

So - the dignitaries with that Iraq last night, flew back out. Everything's cool. I think it's basically business as usual Iraq. It's just terrific to see them move forward and that we are as well.

So where did the bondholders stand? Well, we've got some information today that’s new - the bond holders for some reason are going have access to their funds at 4am in the morning on Tuesday morning.

So they'll only get another email that will tell them that and maybe that is when it comes out – by the way – is at 4 am Tuesday  - this coming - So you know they're looking to get access to their funds after they receive that email getting those balances – a total -  that they have in their account. And in their quantum account that they can move – into their primary bank account - which will be Wells -  for the most part because it  could be Bank America, America and German bonds because HSBC handled all 12 Different Chinese bonds. It's almost like pick a color any color - 12 designating 12 Different colors  designating 12 different types of Chinese bonds,

So  what's interesting about that is it looks like they get access to their funds, or spend availability next Tuesday - now we believe that ours are going to be more immediate than that - what we're hearing at least three, maybe four sources is that we’re down to receiving our  notifications  either Friday or Saturday.

I'm doing my very best to not “call it” – what I’m hearing  that either tomorrow or Saturday  we will be notified with our emails and would be able to set our appointments. Let's just say for example, there were to come in tomorrow morning  - whenever that happened, if it happened, we would be able to set appointments and go in for exchanges 3 hours after we were  notified  that is taking a random time – a random time – lets say 10 am -  lets say we were lucky enough  and were blessed enough to be notified at 10 in the morning – and I’m using Eastern time -

We would literally be able to set our appointments and early people had  gotten emails and responding with call centers. With a toll free number would be able to go into appointments as early as 10 plus three is 1 PM – as early as 1 in the afternoon  - so that is how they positioned it at the redemption center

Now we know that redemption center staff was not going in today on Thursday -

However, tomorrow and Saturday they go in with their full staff - I believe everybody's on and all on all day Saturday - Sunday is always a question mark, but I think if we were to get started on Friday or Saturday we would probably power through Sunday as well – and that would be a day available for exchanges

Now what is really interesting is we have information about the new rates from Iraq – we have coming in tomorrow - Remember that's for them in country -  our rates here I believe were set yesterday -

By the way,  they’re very good - very high  contact rate is above and beyond everything we could ask for – and I understand aa rate that I had three days ago, on the dong – three days old -  real is very, very high as well. Now it is not where the contract rate is – There is NO contract rate on the dong - .

But if that rate I heard  is still there. When we go in it’s going to blow us away - some people's do it. It's going to blow up. It's way more than we have. It’s way more that we thought it would be -

Let's see what happens on that. That's  enough about rates. I don't do rates, l just kinda did them  but I didn't really know

Alright lets talk a little about what Jeannie was talking about - kind of about earlier prayer requests. All right.  I might still need further examination –

What I believe they're going to do with Social Security dates. Remember, based on what your birthday is - that is when you get paid – If your birthday is towards the end  of the month need to pay at the end of the month. You get your social security on the last Wednesday of the month.

If your birthday is early in the month you might be a first or second Wednesday - you get my drift? My understanding is that they're going to take the first and second Wednesday for Social Security, combined those and pay those off on the second Wednesday.

My understanding is they're gonna take the third Wednesday, and the fourth Wednesday of the month and combine those to be paid on a third Wednesday of the month  - so if you understood what I said -

Social Security - and it might not occur  this month - will be paid on the second and third Wednesday of the month At least maybe in the month of May. It could still happen for those that are getting paid on the sixth which is the third and fourth Wednesday of this month of April -

I've been told it will – so we’ll see – I say let’s see what happens on that one -

We are also supposed to  get an increase in Social Security of at least $1,000 Unless you're butting right up against the peak which is supposedly $4,955 the peak amount not to exceed per month and that would be for people that signed up for Social Security when they hit  70 years old. People that signed up earlier with that would get a lower amount but still getting better than what they were getting

None of that is  gonna really matter very much for u -  After all this goes  but why are they moving the Soc Sec dates like we talked about – to the second or third Wednesday of the month -  because that leaves the third and fourth Wednesdays to be available for restitutional allowance –

 And it is possible that we get that restitution for people  62 and older on that fourth Wednesday of April  which is the 26th and it’s going to be a substantial piece of change

Because this is your birth certificate money – the money you paid in interest on loans and mortgages and credit cards and possibly I just don't see the return of income taxes.

There's too much in flux in that right now. If they come to us in a separate reimbursement to us, I just don't know.

But - what I am hearing restitutional allowance is gonna be substantial. Because if you're looking to over I believe it might be 60 and older  or 62 and older -people and they're gonna pay it lump sum to go to the bank account that you are already getting social security by direct deposit  so this will be via direct deposit to your social security bank account - into your bank account that you have with Social Security.

All right – and it could be really substantial  - It's hard for me to say how much it's gonna be – its going to vary, lots of variables - but very, very significant.

And if you're younger than that, there's an age of 48 to 60 or 62 that age group will receive  I believe over  a ten year period you're getting so much per month – its not universal income and Anybody in that age group or younger -  with signing something that they agree to not stop working, not to quit their job if they have one – not to stop  because we need the work force  to continue

 And even though we're older maybe the 62 70 year age group, we're not going to stop either - we are not going to buy each other jobs – that’s not the goal here - going to do  do a webinar and charter job. That's the goal here. We're founding these projects – we are founding them.

We're creating leadership teams that can take our project ideas and running with them - Make them reality, create projects and bring them into fruition.

Now younger people I believe you have to be working 15 years before you would receive restitutional allowance so if you start at 16 – that would be 31  - if you started at 18 you would be 33 – you have to have worked 15 years  then you're open to receive restitution. I believe it will also be payable over 10 years I believe paid monthly  -

Now listen, guys, I'm getting this third hand. I don't have any proof for it. This is just what we're hearing from people that are in Social Security in that position. And we just see what happens this month. See what happens. The rest of the month. This won't make a Hill of beans to us that are involved with our currencies that have zim and other currencies and we'll think it'll be nice. All right, yeah, who's going to turn away money but it's not going to make much of a difference? I don’t think.

Now, especially if the rates are what I say they are, and the Zim is on par with the United States dollar –

 Now let’s talk about the USD. Remember the USD the fiat money that's backed by nothing is dead internationally. It's only good in Canada, the US and Mexico. Right? As I said Tuesday, that's it - those three countries –

Now we're going to be using fiat money for maybe three, maybe four more months and it will all be called back in -. It'll all be when we spend it.

Will it'll be taken and eventually when it gets back to the banks, the banks will shred it and it will be fun to have it shredded –

But our new money -  the US Treasury dollar, or what we used to call the USTN United States Treasury notes, that Treasury dollar is supposed to be out and announced on or before Monday, the 17th of April. That's  this coming Monday

They were supposed to have it announced in all 50 states – we still have 50 states believe it or not - And that I'm looking forward to as part of NESARA -  that new asset backed currency, primarily gold asset backed currency is part of NESARA, and it's also a part of  GESARA our global economic strategic and Recovery Act.

So it's happening guys - We're going to see that announcement should be on or before Monday.

So we know we have US Treasury dollars already shrink wrapped in little bundles in redemption centers for us. When we go in. If we haven't been fortunate enough to start tomorrow we'll be able to get oh, I would say they want to keep us at around $5,000 of the new money I'm not even sure if I want that much. but whatever We're gonna have access to that that redemption centers it’s in the  banks already either in the vaults - not  the teller drawers but vaults ready to be utilized, that I'm thinking probably Monday maybe Saturday.

Is there a possibility of tomorrow? I think its possible - tomorrow if we go I think it's possible to banks have it in their drawers. And it's possible if we start Saturday, it should be in their drawers. I don't think the banks will be lagging too much redemption centers - In other words -  I think it'll go quickly, but that that is really good information to know that that is happening and is actually taking because we'll be able to be extremely strong US Treasury dollars again, because we have a we all will be backed by primarily by gold but other assets

And with St. Germain trust being open, and Dubai 2 understand the Rodriquez Trust - You guys have no idea. It's gonna be amazing. So that's primarily what I wanted to say.

As far as I can remember that everything I wanted to bring up you guys  think I got it all   because I think we're finally moving forward.  So let's do this. Let's pray the call out 


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-13-23   REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins   1:00:30

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-11-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:06:06

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-6-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:26:10

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-4-23   REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins   1:12:45

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-30-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:06:26

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-28-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:17:47

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-23-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:20:15

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Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8 Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-11-23 

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-11-23 

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It is today's Tuesday  April 10th . Yeah, got it Tuesday, April 10th . Welcome to the Big Call everybody. Glad that you're there tuned in. And I hope everybody had a wonderful Resurrection Sunday and a great weekend and we're looking forward to a great call tonight. Got some really fun, good intel for us. I think that'll be good. I can't wait to hear what Sue's gonna bring tonight. And what Bob's gonna bring - all going to be good. And thanks for listening all over the globe.

So let's do this. Thank you, Bob so much. Let's  segue into the Intel segment. I told you guys at the outset that we have some good stuff to talk about, and we do.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-11-23 

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It is today's Tuesday  April 10th . Yeah, got it Tuesday, April 10th . Welcome to the Big Call everybody. Glad that you're there tuned in. And I hope everybody had a wonderful Resurrection Sunday and a great weekend and we're looking forward to a great call tonight. Got some really fun, good intel for us. I think that'll be good. I can't wait to hear what Sue's gonna bring tonight. And what Bob's gonna bring - all going to be good. And thanks for listening all over the globe.

So let's do this. Thank you, Bob so much. Let's  segue into the Intel segment. I told you guys at the outset that we have some good stuff to talk about, and we do.

So let's go through what it is that we're hearing.

Now, last Thursday, I don't remember whether we have information about the bondholders receiving their Q- Cards, that's their access card to the quantum financial system that we're coming from HSBC. We know some Q-cards came out a couple of weeks ago, from Bank of America, for bonds that were the German bonds. But these were the various and they're like oh my gosh, any different 12 maybe - your versions of Chinese – they’re quite a few. And again, they are generally different colors.

Yellow, gold, red, green, blue, brown, etc. All these different colors in the spectrum of different types. of Chinese bonds. Well, the bank that was handling the payouts for the Chinese bonds is HSBC.

They're the ones that remember I told you guys, they needed to get out half a half a million Q-cards to get those out, delivered - and delivered how -  FedEx - that’s right – Federal Express

Now, what we heard - I can't remember if I brought this out on Thursday's call, but I know by Friday, at least if I didn't hear it Thursday night, probably. I got it Thursday night after the call that these Chinese bondholders would be receiving - they got an email - that said that they would be receiving their Q-cards from HSBC, on Saturday before 930 in the morning - Saturday morning by FedEx, and guess what?

They got them - check that -  check that -  they got them Monday. That was only yesterday – seems like  days ago, forgiving guys. Alright, so they got their Q- cards yesterday morning, Monday morning – before 9:30.

The good news is that they're now waiting for an email that will come back to let them know how much they can have access to and when they can access it. Now the timeframe that we heard from paymasters today was it would be between now Tuesday and Friday 14th -  that they receive those emails  and have access to their funds on their Q-cards

They already can get on and they already have the access code. The email to put in the Starlink system code, the things that need to activate that they can do, they can get in and activate it. So they're looking forward to getting that email that will give them access to those funds. And the good news is the bondholders will get access to 1% of their total bond exchange when that happens, now also get more as time goes on.

Let's compare that to where we are but we were expecting is to receive our notifications. I'll tell you more about that moment. Once we get notification, we set our appointments  for exchanges, we should have access to 1% of our total exchange on day one - and then nine days later, which would be day 10 of our exchange. They can we receive an additional 9% One plus nine is 10 - so that by the 10th day, we could have access to 10% of our total exchange, and that would include zim - now if you have you don't have zim and you just have Dong or you just have dinar, or other currencies - my understanding is you'll get immediate access to all of that on day one.

If you haven't in conjunction with the zim, you'll get the combination of the total of the Zim redemption but the total of your currency redemption, and you'll be able to access the 1% of the total - and then nine days later on the 10th day, you would be able to get an additional 9% - One plus nine is 10%.

You'd be able to get 10% at that point of your Total Redemption of Zim and your exchange of currency . So that's how that's gonna work. Now, our NDA are supposed to be 30 to 45 days - 30 to 45 days, and we're supposed to get more of our exchange from our quantum account - Because that's where it's going to be residing.

 It's going to be sitting in that quantum account, until we call for it until we essentially move it from our Q account with our Q-cards to our primary bank account with wells or whatever bank you want to go with.

So I think, you know, to move some money is going to be really cool. You know, 1% is going to be a lot. 10% is going to be a whole lot but you'll get access to the remaining amount, probably in 90 to 120 days.

They want to see how you do with these numbers and what your spending habits are. And they want to sort of monitor that through the quantum financial system and make sure nobody is sending money in the wrong direction.

Okay, they’r going to keep an eye on that - so don't violate your NDA, even if it's only 30 -45 days long. don't violate it. Or you could they could freeze your account and take back your funds if they needed to. So it's a major responsibility on us to do the right thing with the funds. Doesn't mean we can't spend what we want to but it just means that we have to be careful.

And remember I told you that was a 55 page book or booklet that we're gonna get as to who was not to send money to – I forgot about that. Yeah, we're supposed to get that to redemption center too. So I was like, Okay, Who am I'm not gonna send money to Well, here's your book. That's your starting point right there. Keep aware of it - Stay aware of it  where that  we don't want anyone to have their funds frozen of money. And have their money taken back

All right, so let's go back to where we are for us. We know the bondholders we told they should have access to funds between now and Friday the 14th which is this coming Friday.

Right today is the 10th - is it? Is it the 10th? Or the 11th? It’s the 10th - And what we're looking at is – today is the 11th - Okay, here's what we're what we're doing. We are expecting from one of our top sources relayed this late this afternoon – that even though we would look at pretty good likelihood that we're going to track along with the bondholders who get access to funds between now and the 14th.

What we heard late this afternoon was – they are going to do their very best to get this out to us tomorrow - which is Wednesday, Wednesday.

Today is Tuesday - Right? They're going to do their level best to get it out tomorrow that's talking about us getting notified that's talking about bondholders getting those emails. It's also the intermediate groups, so called intermediaries like the farm claims, the Indian claims - ranch land claims, the adjudicated  settlements – CMKX – fines and penalties -prosperity packages should be coming out starting  tomorrow – everything - is supposed to be released.

Now if that happens, which I hope it does, just like you guys, if that it happens we will set appointments tomorrow and begin our exchanges on Thursday.

And the follow up comment was we would be really, really l- not going to use the term “rich” - wealthy on Thursday – the theory is if everything goes as we have indicated today, and they are able to get out tomorrow, that we should be able to set our appointments with the toll free numbers and start our days on Thursday. Boom shaka laka boom, That is the intel that we're looking for.

Now - It doesn't mean it's absolute does it. It means that that's what they're going to try their level best to do. Let's keep an eye on it. Let's pray it in with speaking into existence and let’s believe that is what the result will be.

In addition to that, we do believe that this will be an increase in Social Security won't matter to us. But it'll make a big difference to a lot of other people that aren't in currency - And we believe the fourth Wednesday, social security people will have their Social Security move up a week to the third week, which is the 19th which is the third Wednesday of the month.

So the 26th  Social Security recipients would be moved to 19th  and we believe there'll be an increase in their social on the 19th - There may also be an increase to the Wednesday - tomorrow, the 12th for those Social Security that are second week of the month. And I understand that maybe the first week of April may get theirs tomorrow on Wednesday, the 12th. So it's kind of like fourth week moves the third this is for Social Security now, fourth week moves to third and first week moves to second week.

All right. Now why is that? Why are they doing it? That way the fourth week, which is 26th would be available for restitution allowance.

And it would also avail the first Wednesday of the month, next month for restitutional allowance to kick in. And this would be just a uber uber month - reminder for us to have the RV - our exchanges -additional social and restitution allowance In the month of April

That's what we're hearing this to take place. And we'll see how that all comes about. And what happens to make that happen. They're working like crazy behind the scenes. They are still doing cleanup on aisle three.

They did finish up Last week they finish up South America and Central America with all the arrest that they were doing down there with everybody.  And it was over 100,000. 

And it was over 100,000 - so quite a few arrests. So that's - that's really the main part that now the question is what are you going to do with this information? Besides pray it in like we're gonna pray it in when we pray the call out

But we'll see you know, we've been duped before we've been faked out before. That. It looks like they're gonna do their very level best to get it out tomorrow. So we'll see what happens. I'm just saying what I'm hearing. I have given you what I'm getting almost verbatim but Okay, so that's what I wanted to say tonight

 I'm glad we're getting good information and we’re getting ready to move forward. This is a big month guys. This is huge. Post resurrection day Sunday - Today's Tuesday the 11th and we are moving - getting on with it.  Yep. So let’s pray the call out.  And let’s believe for everything we have heard and let’s stand in the gap for this to come through for us


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-11-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:06:06

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-6-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:26:10

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-4-23   REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins   1:12:45

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-30-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:06:26

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-28-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:17:47

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-23-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:20:15

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Calls, Economics, Gold and Silver Dinar Recaps 20 Calls, Economics, Gold and Silver Dinar Recaps 20

Alert!! US Congressmen Proposes GOLD STANDARD

ALERT** U.S. Congressman proposes GOLD STANDARD: How it Could Affect Your Silver & Gold Price

Ron’s Basement:  4-9-2023

In this video, we'll be discussing proposed legislation by Representative Alex Mooney of West Virginia to return the United States to the gold standard.

 This legislation, if passed, would require full backing of the US currency with gold - a practice that has been common throughout much of the country's history.

Interestingly, the founding fathers even included references to silver and gold as the only forms of real money in the United States Constitution. But why is this important for investors?

Well, if the US were to return to the gold standard, it could have a significant impact on the price of precious metals such as gold and silver. In fact, many experts believe that such a move could send these prices soaring.

ALERT** U.S. Congressman proposes GOLD STANDARD: How it Could Affect Your Silver & Gold Price

Ron’s Basement:  4-9-2023

In this video, we'll be discussing proposed legislation by Representative Alex Mooney of West Virginia to return the United States to the gold standard.

 This legislation, if passed, would require full backing of the US currency with gold - a practice that has been common throughout much of the country's history.

Interestingly, the founding fathers even included references to silver and gold as the only forms of real money in the United States Constitution. But why is this important for investors?

Well, if the US were to return to the gold standard, it could have a significant impact on the price of precious metals such as gold and silver. In fact, many experts believe that such a move could send these prices soaring.

And it's not just the US that is showing renewed interest in gold.

 Central banks around the world are buying record amounts of gold, and even individual states are taking matters into their own hands. More than 20 states have forwarded legislation to allow their citizens to reclaim their right to use silver and gold as legal tender.

 Plus, there's even more exciting news coming out of Texas, where the state is proposing a digital currency completely backed by gold.

With all of these developments happening, it's no wonder that the price of gold and silver has been steadily rising in recent months.

So, if you're an investor interested in precious metals, it's definitely worth keeping an eye on these developments.

Tune in to this video to learn more about proposed legislation to return the US to the gold standard, and what it could mean for the future of gold and silver prices.

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Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8 Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-6-23  

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-6-23  

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, April 6th and you're listening to the Big Call. Thanks for tuning in wherever you are, if you're live, if you're on a recording, you may be one of millions that are getting this call simultaneously translated in your own language. So I always get the numbers on that after the call. We've been getting between 11 and 17 million people tuning into the Big Call in foreign countries. And most of that, of course, most of that is international outside the US, but about 600,000 on one call listening from the United States. So you never know how big of a group we got to talk to everybody and we’re glad to have the call out there.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-6-23  

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, April 6th and you're listening to the Big Call. Thanks for tuning in wherever you are, if you're live, if you're on a recording, you may be one of millions that are getting this call simultaneously translated in your own language. So I always get the numbers on that after the call. We've been getting between 11 and 17 million people tuning into the Big Call in foreign countries. And most of that, of course, most of that is international outside the US, but about 600,000 on one call listening from the United States. So you never know how big of a group we got to talk to everybody and we’re glad to have the call out there.

Let's talk where we are. I want to first address a couple things that Jeannie (Spelling?) had in her prayer requests today - Because, like many of you, I was kind of disturbed to hear that President Trump was being indicted for all those different things that really amounted to just coming out of one thing that might have been considered a misdemeanor if it even happened. And my understanding is that and this has not come out of mainstream media, nor will it for a while, but that's an appellate court in New York has already ruled and basically vacated those charges.

Now, I can't say where I'm hearing that from, but I've got two really good sources that are confirming that that happened. But let's see what happens with those. I'm saying that the charges are null and void. So let's see how it comes out. You're not going to find it on mainstream news. Forget that. But sooner or later, the truth will come out - it always does

Now - Also.  We would like to see obviously, things that are happening – happen for us - We've talked in the past about additional social security. My understanding has been that this would occur in this month of April. I've also understand that when you start getting up to 62 an older 65 you're getting Social Security now. You either get it on the first, second, third or fourth Wednesday of every month  that’s the way it is set up - based on your birthday, you're given a day - a Wednesday, for second or third or fourth Wednesday in the month to receive it.

Everybody on Social Security – If you don’t know it – you know it now - Now, if what I'm hearing is and we'll see if that happens in this month of April. What I'm hearing is that instead of four Wednesdays, of social security, that would be compressed into the first three Wednesdays. So if you're getting social in the last Wednesday, which is the 26th of April, it will be moved up to the 19th of April.

Now I'm going to make a disclaimer. I can prove any of this - this is what I'm being told – we’ll see if that happens -  Why would they be moving from fourth Wednesdays to three? First – second and third – Why would they be doing that? So that the fourth Wednesday is available for restitution allowance.

We've talked about that for months on the Big Call - restitution allowance that's supposed to come out the fourth Wednesday  of April. And I'm hearing it could be a pretty good chunk of change. for anybody 60 - 62 and older that is if you're currently getting Social Security and your direct deposit, which they all are with your bank the theory is  you'll get this restitution allowance the same way that you get your Social Security on that account as a direct deposit. Let's see if it happens, this month.

Don't blame me if it does’nt, but this is what I'm hearing is supposed to happen. Which is great, great news.

Now prior to that, what about the timing for this RV? Alright, yesterday Wednesday, we found out that not only China, but  all the BRICS nations, essentially, let's just say the US D our fiat currency that we currently have was no longer valid internationally, anywhere except where three countries, Canada,  United States and Mexico.

Canada, US, Mexico. Those three countries make up what North America?  That's right Mexico is in North America

The three countries including the US will use our fiat currency for up to about three or four more months, sometime in June is supposed to be no longer valid here so if you've got 10s of 1000s of dollars under your mattress, or in cans out in the yard, you might want to consider spending that or putting it into the bank

Now, here's the thinking of why - because the new USN or let's call it the United States Treasury dollars - No longer a Federal Reserve Note - The United States Treasury dollars have already been printed up and are continually being printed now in very secure special locations. These are our assets that are our asset backed currency  - primarily gold their asset back there value of the US Treasury dollar – where as the fiat dollar - the USD currency that we currently have now is only backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government – in other words it’s not backed by “nothing Honey” -there's nothing backing our currency

now. The future currency which is already in the banks – in the redemption centers - waiting for the go light to be to be put out - That's there and it’s asset backed. That's  the good news. Will they tell us about the new currency or just one day have it at the banks – I don’t know why they wouldn't tell us about it, but it's part of NESARA and in a large part  GESARA

Because all countries will have currencies and they are already out that are being printed and they are ALL asset backed  based on each individual countries’ assets.

Assets it could be gold, silver, palladium, platinum, other precious metals, oil, natural gas, all kinds of things - it could be emeralds, diamonds, other jewels, precious jewels, all of that is backing the  currency for each country

Okay. Now this has been in play for a long time, and it's finally coming to a crescendo and the good news is that this is happening the new US Treasury notes or USN - US Treasury dollars are in the redemption centers  - ready for us to take some  a part of our accounts, I think they want to keep us  somewhere between 5000 - 6500 in the new  cash if you want it  - you do not have to take any of it if you don’t want it – if you are not a cash person – never use cash – you don’t have to start now -

If you are a virtual person and just everything on your debit card or within your budget or there's a problem staying with that

All of our accounts that we currently have on deposit are mirrored by the quantum financial system now, and in a very real sense, they're already asset backed - already protected. They're already asset backed and mirrored by the quantum financial system.

All right, so don't worry about your current accounts. People have said what about the stock market? Is it going to crash?  We’ve been reading about that, blah, blah, blah. You know what - President Trump did not want the stock market to crash because it would affect the everyday person in the United States - Every man every woman that has money in the market.

He did not want for this transition  through the quantum financial system through to the new currency that we got all that happening. He didn't want that to affect everyday man and woman – because it would affect 401K’s IRAs would affect pension plans, SEP IRAs, all that stuff - President Trump doesn't want that to be diminished and it hasn't been and the market hasn't crashed. So I would say don't look for it – don’t look for it.

Now, what else is going on?

Regarding what we're all waiting for, which is the toll free number to come out in the emails.

First, let me say that the bond holders are also waiting for emails and Q-cards, the card that gives them access to their quantum account

They're still waiting on both - some of the emails will be telling them hey, your Q-card will arrive on such a day through FedEx, whatever it will be informational - that's what they'll get – there’s still much that’s not out. They shouldn be coming out Pretty soon. and I would think by Monday –

Now we've got Easter weekend coming up. What is the major trust that opens every Christmas and Easter and supposedly only opens at Christmas and Easter.

That's right, the St Germain Trust  - The St. Germain Trust should be over this weekend. And the funds deposited  - not just in the US banks but globally into the proper banks, and they should be there - Funds will be there on Monday - In those accounts for whatever purpose those funds are called to be for.

The other accounts - major account this opening this weekend is the Dubia by two accounts - Dubia by two (?spelling) I understand that particular accounts as 18 zeros, which is not a whole lot is a quintillion – it’s a lot of money, but it's not enough money for a major major thing – it might be used  for prosperity packages  or farm claims something like that.

And on Monday, or at least I understand today that the Farm Claims because they still have some to go on the farm claims  which claims Indian claims for our Native American resident and CMKX - adjudicated settlements, fines and penalties - and prosperity packages - should all start going out Monday, This Monday coming. That would be the 10th of April. So let's hope that that takes place as indicated.

Now what else is going on? The Redemption Center staff are on call Friday - tomorrow and Saturday.

I think Sunday is a true day off for Easter – it better be - But Monday has real potential for notifications – and there's always a possibility that we could get them overnight Sunday and wake up to them on Monday the 10th

If that happens, we know that the redemption center staff are going in on Monday. Why would they be there Monday? Because it would be helping us to set our appointments for our exchanges and redemption of zim.

Okay, they could start as early as Tuesday. I don't know if they would start on Monday but I'm gonna say more likely to be Tuesday, which will be the 11th –

So there's a lot happening between now and the weekend.  Iraq is going to make their additional increase in the Iraqi dinar rate. It's substantial, and this would be an in country dinar rate -. Meaning in country of Iraq and this will be their official increase in the rate of the dinar.

And I believe that will take place Sunday our Easter Sunday, which in Iraq is their first business day of the week  now that would reflect on our bank screens – Forex – probably Sunday night or Monday

Right so there's a lot going on. Will we get anything while the staff is on call tomorrow and Saturday its  possible – its possible - that's why they’re on call  - whether or not going in until they are called to come in - alright.

So based on that though, we look pretty solid for Monday into Tuesday - right now, So I want us all enjoy this Easter Week and this Easter weekend. It's also Masters week for anybody that's a golf fan out there like me, it started today with the first round and then play through Sunday if they were able to play through the rain that they're expecting. So this is a great time to just get ready, for what's, what's coming.

We get the Social Security thing moved  - we could have possible increases in the base Social Security I've heard $1,000 increase.

We know  the restitution allowance gotta be big - those two things alone happen this month, it's gonna be a big month of April, not to mention getting started with our exchanges. Hopefully, I'm saying Monday or Tuesday  That's the latest information that we have so far.

But I think people would put it out a month isn't going  until after Easter - it basically. I say I think they are right -  I think it is going after Easter -  but we there's a lot happening right now - A lot of things, still arrests  going on big time. That it's there's a lot going on behind the scenes, that you and I don't really see - I hear about it. I don’t hear everything but I hear a lot of it - anyway.

And it's really, it's a great, it's great what we’re living through – guys - it's not easy sometimes. It's you know, God is strengthening us through this process. It's something that's helping us think that you know, by going through it not around it God makes us stronger, we learn, we gain wisdom in it, and we move through it for a better finish. And I'm telling you we're that's what we're doing right now.

And I think God is going to reward all of us for being patient for being diligent hanging in there – so to speak - we are continually praying this in and believing you know -  God is is a God of faith. You know without faith tha it's impossible to please God.

That's what  turns God on is our faith because I think if we stay faithful and faithful you know, inlittle he will reward us in much - So I that is what’s happening for us you guys – it’s going to be the most fun you ever had it really is – so let’s pray the call out –

Everything is coming together – The redemption centers have our new Q-phones and they have plenty Q-phones for the Zim holders and probably some for other currency holders.

And they have certificates for laptops you go to Best Buy or Staples. They've got Oh, you might have a couple hundred heard it might be Android laptop certificate, and maybe 100 Or so it could be for Apple laptops, and then you just go to the Best Buy  turn in the certificate I guess. So that's pretty cool. So they're not going to be in / at the redemption centers, but the certificates are already there. Abd they have the currency, the new US Treasury dollars, we'll be able to get some of that if we want it – at the redemption center. So that's what I wanted to bring to you guys. So let’s pray the call out


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-6-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:26:10

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-4-23   REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins   1:12:45

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-30-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:06:26

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-28-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:17:47

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-23-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:20:15

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Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8 Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-4-23

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-4-23

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight.  It's Tuesday, April the 4TH and you're tuned in and listening to the Big Call.  Many, many, many of you hopefully are catching this in your own language simultaneously translated in 1.2 seconds - from the time I speak it into your own language. Hopefully that's going out into 80 to 90 plus languages like it has been, and you're getting it in your native mother tongue - So, thanks for joining us tonight.

Let's get into the Intel segment and thank you so much for everything that you brought tonight, appreciate that.  Okay guys, here we go.  April 4th

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-4-23

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight.  It's Tuesday, April the 4TH and you're tuned in and listening to the Big Call.  Many, many, many of you hopefully are catching this in your own language simultaneously translated in 1.2 seconds - from the time I speak it into your own language. Hopefully that's going out into 80 to 90 plus languages like it has been, and you're getting it in your native mother tongue - So, thanks for joining us tonight.

Let's get into the Intel segment and thank you so much for everything that you brought tonight, appreciate that.  Okay guys, here we go.  April 4th

What's, interesting is we're not getting much new today at all. We had a little bit last night - a little bit overnight, but not things are tight things are clammed up - people are under NDAs and they're under almost gag orders - pretty much - it's that tight  which is usually a good thing for us.

What did we learn about redemption center?  We knew that staff was on call yesterday, like 40 minute response time, we believe but we don't know if they went in today, which listen - We didn't get a notification today. So it didn't really matter for us. However, redemption centers all across our country have received boxes and boxes of the new Q-phones.

And typically, a redemption center might have four or 500 phones ready for us - zim holders holders first. And I think other people come after all zim holders have been satisfied with that phone.

Now remember, I told you - you would not be getting a laptop as redemption center. but I said there might be certificates. Well, that is the case. They have certificates that have a certain number for Android laptops. and a smaller number for Apple laptops that could be used at  oh gosh, let's see staples and maybe another other more or less audio store.  

Audio video store. So those are there. They have the certificates. They also have a lot of USN Treasury dollars, our new currency - all denominations except maybe the one single - got hundreds 50s 20s and 10s and fives in good quantities.

 And my understanding is when we can ask for a certain amount of the new money, but it should be probably around 5000 or 5000 or less  - I’ve heard  6500. I'm going to stick with 5000 in cash and if you're not cash user at all, maybe you don't want to walk out with any any of it.

You're gonna have a credit debit card, on your Wells account that you'll be able to access immediately. And of course, your Q-card is what I'm calling your quantum access card now, the Q-card is what ties you to the quantum financial system where your quantum account is lodged and where you'll be able to move monies from your quantum account into your primary or secondary bank accounts. And you can use your new Q phone to do that, or your laptop to do that - and move that obviously you could have it at the bank as well -but theory is you're the only person that can see your quantum account - If you want it to be that way.

You'll get access to it - and if you want somebody else to look at it with you, they can do that, but you don’t have to let a banker see your account - that's the point. Now the banker will see your primary secondary bank accounts, but they won't see your quantum account, which is where all the proceeds from our exchanges, and our zim redemption go into.

But remember, the quantum accounts are not interest bearing.  They're simply a holding account that has asset backed currency in the US Treasury to back our deposit into the quantum account.

Of course we move whatever funds you want to use for our projects, or homes. whatever it is, we're doing it into our primary Wells account, or our secondary Wells account or other bank accounts.

Once you get your quantum account set up if you want to move funds into another bank certainly you can do it. Initially  I am going to put  my eggs in one basket with Wells, and then move funds as I need it into other banks as needed.

I'm gonna go with Wells initially with the primary and then set up my four LLC accounts for my projects into  Wells secondary accounts, and then being able to move funds from the primary account to a secondary  should I choose to do that as simply a ledger to ledger transfer within the bank.

But the main thing is us being able to get access to quite a bit of our funds. Now, I have heard about our non disclosure agreements that most of us will be under a 60 day - 60 days and depending on how well we behave with not talking about the exchanges not talking about rates or any of that stuff - we'll get let out. It will not have to be under NDA after that.

But remember that first tranche of funds that we move from our quantum account into our primary or secondary bank account with wells that is a move that we can move approximately 1.5 to 1.8 billion into each so called business account. I'm using the structure of an LLC, a limited liability corporation, an LLC for all four of my projects.

That's what my attorney has recommended that he's been teaching this for 35 years. So I trust what he knows about it, and we set it up that way. And all of that's under a master trust. So once you set it up the way that you and your attorneys or your people have determined would be the best for you. Then you can go from there.

And 1.5 / 1.8 should be a good way a good start for rebuild America for the veterans retreat network of pastoral retreat network. as well as for the rebuild International. but I'm doing 4 LLC’s for each one of those projects has one LLC and will have its own account and its own debit card for that project - with debit / credit cards. I don't really get to use the debit side probably use the credit side. Okay, that's just how I'm setting it up.

Now, what we're hearing about where we are, is they're not quite determined, and I'm talking about the Chinese elders, ones that are letting this whole thing go. We've been hearing about a green light for the Treasury, a green light from DOD. We had them lit up two weeks ago. I don't know what the status is right now. It's difficult to say.

Are we so close as to where we could get notified Wednesday and go Thursday? I've heard that as a possibility from one of our bond paymasters it may be correct, we don't know so it's not confirmed.

And we're just gonna have to literally wait to see now. I'll bet you $1 to a glazed donut  that tonight after the call in a little bit now. I'll get more information, but it'll have to wait till Thursday, unless we get our numbers of course, before then - which is always a possibility.

This is typically what happens on a slow Intel day is it starts pouring in either later that night or the next day. And I'm hoping that's the case. I'm hoping we get something very positive

Today was a travesty of justice. We don't have a fair and just judicial system - obvious to all of us now. They've been watching anything at all on this but President Trump made a nice speech at 815 Eastern tonight. He mentioned a few things I did not hear NESARA mentioned as I hoped it would be mentioned, but I do believe that things are going to get better and get better soon.

 We are going to make America great again. And we're going to make earth great again. Mega - so I want to say that I saw something this morning on the 700 club and I want you guys to check it out and look it up.

So, bondholders are still expecting their emails and some are expecting their Q-cards to be delivered by FedEx, they have not all gone out.

But that is the process where they are and along with that we of course, are looking for our toll free number so that we can set appointments and get started with our exchanges, and take project ideas. take them into full manifestation.

And that really, guys is what I want to say that night. I wish I had more current information to give you but as it is right now.

They're still trying to determine to determine our start when our story is going to be I hope it's this week, which is a Holy Week. as JR said it's Easter Week this weekend Easter receive No, but we'll see what happened and Lord willing we'll have a call on Thursday. And maybe we'll have a call with a better information that may be worth it. We'll see what we get. Alright, so thanks for hanging in there everybody, and let's just stay patient and watch this thing come to us.


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-4-23   REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins   1:12:45

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-30-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:06:26

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-28-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:17:47

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-23-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:20:15

 Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-21-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:20:20

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Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8 Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-30-23

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-30-23

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the Big Call tonight. It is Thursday, March 30TH and you're listening to the Big Call. Thanks, everybody for tuning in, literally all over the globe - As we had over 17 million listeners on Tuesday night, God only knows how many people will be listening and tuning in tonight.  So thank you, everybody, wherever you are, if you're getting this call, translated simultaneously in your own language. Thank you for the people and the software that has put that all together. Thank you for listening in - wherever you are - -

Well, it won’t take too long you guys because Intel is a little bit tight. I'm a little bit restricted on it, but I'll let you know we had word yesterday from a very strong source that the toll free numbers that we're looking for could come out anytime after markets close today.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-30-23

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the Big Call tonight. It is Thursday, March 30TH and you're listening to the Big Call. Thanks, everybody for tuning in, literally all over the globe - As we had over 17 million listeners on Tuesday night, God only knows how many people will be listening and tuning in tonight.  So thank you, everybody, wherever you are, if you're getting this call, translated simultaneously in your own language. Thank you for the people and the software that has put that all together. Thank you for listening in - wherever you are - -

Well, it won’t take too long you guys because Intel is a little bit tight. I'm a little bit restricted on it, but I'll let you know we had word yesterday from a very strong source that the toll free numbers that we're looking for could come out anytime after markets close today.

Now that's Thursday market closed four o'clock Eastern. And when I heard that, I said to myself – hum -it makes a little more sense to me if it were after markets closed Friday, and the reason I say that -meaning tomorrow - is because we have information from another source - That's very strong - That says that Saturday, yes, April 1st  is the day that all the funds start flowing.

That would be to bondholders - that would be CMKX - to fines and penalties - to adjudicated settlements - to the remainder of the farm claims and Indian claims - to quite possibly prosperity package is starting to officially go out.

Okay, so, if that's the first if that's supposed to be the day the money start flowing to us. Does that mean we go in for an exchange on Saturday? And for that to happen, when would we get notified? Could it be tomorrow? Since it wasn't today yet.

I don't expect it to be now but it could be overnight. We could get emails that we wake up to - so that's quite possible.

And the reason I say that - why is this timing? Why now - or the proverbial question that’s band from the Big Call -  call what makes this time different?

How many times have I heard that question? It's a legitimate question. It really is. Because what makes this time different is that Iraq finally made their way onto the Forex yesterday, Wednesday, the 29th  of March, Wednesday, for the first time in I don't know how many years - I'm going to say almost 20 years on the Forex -not evident - Not as a an exotic currency but as a real bonafide currency that's been revalued and has a new value that is probably being traded up as we speak

We know roughly what the in country rate was, you know roughly where it is. I'm not on forex, but so I can't tell you, but I know our rates will be terrific On our redemption center screens.

And I've mentioned that to you alluded to those before on the Big Call. So here's  where it goes. If Iraq is trading now, we have two confirmations of that. On Forex, internationally. They are a sovereign  nation again - With all the sanctions lifted by us  the War Powers Act removed.

They are free as in free and the Bible says he has been set free, is free indeed, and Iraq is a free and sovereign country and they are doing their thing

Now so what does that mean for us? Do you realize when Iraq printed their so called new Iraqi dinar it was the three zero notes the 25k notes to 10k to 5k or 1k notes, they also had a change and they were five they had a 250 which I have one have a 50 dinar note they had a 25 dinar coin And I believe the other coin was 100 dinar - that all something like that.

I can’t find the two coins. I wonder why. So but all of those three zero notes especially the 1000 to 5000 the 10,000 25,000 all of those currencies were newly printed starting in 2003. What year is it?2023.

That was 20 years ago. I followed it for 20 years now. Since those were printed, I've been invested in it for 19 years - on the Big Call for 12 years. So this is new. That's what makes this different.

I think the Forex is a big deal because we've been waiting for that to show up. We've been waiting for somebody to give us evidence of that. And now we had it as of yesterday, Wednesday. That's good news

I don't think we’re doing anything that’s  holding up Iraq at this point. And they're not doing anything to hold us up. We're moving forward - and now we've got to see how that manifests.

What does it look like?

Bond holders still do not have access to funds - They are still waiting some of them are waiting for their quantum account cards or let's just call them Q-cards -  which are those really thick, three chip cards that give them access to the quantum account?

And I've heard three different numbers on this - 1 million, 5 million 10 million. The last number was 5 million. If you have an exchange that's going to yield you $5 million or more. You will get a quantum card, a Qcard which is the card to access your quantum account which is in the Quantum Financial System.

Okay, and that's what you'll use to go on and get those get your ID your balance. Remember, you're the only one see it nobody else unless you want them to can see your quantum account.

Okay, nobody – you can use your card on your laptop- - if its properly coded. To see your balance you can actually do it on your brand spanking new Q phones that you will get at the redemption center. You will not get a laptop at the redemption center. But you will get - if you are a zim holder, you will get a free Qphone - it's a satellite phone. It works on the Starlink satellite system.

It basically is a phone that can be used anywhere on Earth. Let's say that way - with a global satellite phone. And it's way faster on searches internet or whatever. It's maybe 100 times faster than what we have now. It’s really quick - so that you'll be given. I don't know if there's a monthly service charge for it or what it is or how much it is, but it's not going to be a big deal to us. of course, if there is one –

Man I can't wait to get a satphone. That'd be really cool. And one thing that's cool about his phone is it is designed so that we can use it to go to our quantum account and move funds into our bank account or accounts from the Q phone - You can do it on a laptop at home or whatever but these are designed to be able to use the Q phone to move those funds. Alright. that's really exciting.

So what's happened today? What about redemption centers?

I think the staff is going to be on call. Maybe over the next few days. That's necessary. That's okay. They may be they'll get a call to come in. If we get numbers they will get called to come in and help book appointments and what's cool is that redemption centers everywhere have been receiving these satellite Q phones and they've been receiving new USN currency or what we call United States Treasury dollars. in all the denominations that matter. Hundreds 50s 20s 10s fives I don't think the singles are worth messing with yet.

Okay.  The rest of the denominations of our new currency are  there, they're there. and they've been there and some of them are there some redemption centers are getting more as needed. That's really cool.

Now it appears that the kickoff day for this could be some where around the weekend, Saturday, Sunday, Monday. It could be if we don't get started on Saturday, for example - It may defer to Monday - but this weekend, especially a day weekend, and I'm including tomorrow as a possibility for us to receive these emails from Wells Fargo giving us the toll free number.

Okay, but money is really supposed to really be flowing on Saturday, April 1st - that's going to be interesting.

By the way, don't worry too much about what you might have seen or heard about President Trump's indictment.  That will open up the possibility for the tables to be turned. That's all I'm going to say about it.  So let's see what develops from that.

I think we're in a really good place you guys. You know I can't get the number tonight I wish I could.

No this is not a celebration call – wish it were.  But the information is looking very strong for this to come - any time – and I like the possibility of between Friday and Monday. I like it –

So let's just consider it the weekend and see what happens.

So that's what I want to share tonight. Intel wise. I wouldn't be surprised if something happened over the weekend and keep an eye on April 1st. Let's see what actually manifests on there. Let's see what happens. All right  and  congratulations to Iraq on your sovereignty and your new rates. Congratulations on something that's going to be beautiful going into our future. And thank you for everything you’ve done to make this happen -

 All countries coming together  with brand new agreed upon rates last Monday at 11am in the morning Eastern thank you for that. Thank you That is all settled and ready now to go.

Obviously there is probably still pick up and drop off going on around the globe. That's okay. We knew that was still going to take place. But we think we had everything point now where it's able to move forward with security and proceed.

So be prepared for that be prepared with a toll free numbers come out when they come out. And we will hopefully not have to do another call unless we choose to do a celebration call.

But as it is right now, we're looking forward to having these numbers come through and we appreciate anything that you're doing. So thanks everybody so much - thank you listeners all over the globe. We appreciate you. And with any success, this will go through for us as we anticipate, and we're gonna pray that way and pray the call out.


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-30-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:06:26

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-28-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:17:47

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-23-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:20:15

 Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-21-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:20:20

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-16-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins  1:25:35

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-14-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:17:00

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Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8 Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-28-23 

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-28-23 

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday, March 28th and you're listening to the Big Call and yes, I am back. We are back. And we didn't have our ”last” call as we thought we would on Thursday. So here we are back on Tuesday. Welcome everybody the call glad you're all tuned in from all over the globe wherever you are.  Let's see if we can get some intel out there for everybody now.

Obviously, we had a call tonight. We didn't take her to have one on last Thursday because we were told that that would take care of it that it was done. Now what has happened is, this is just preliminary stuff. First of all, regarding Iraq, last week, Congress voted to end sanctions on Iraq. Well, that was nice of us, they finally did that. And then a matter of whether it was yesterday, or today, our Congress US voted to end the War Powers Act.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-28-23 

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday, March 28th and you're listening to the Big Call and yes, I am back. We are back. And we didn't have our ”last” call as we thought we would on Thursday. So here we are back on Tuesday. Welcome everybody the call glad you're all tuned in from all over the globe wherever you are.  Let's see if we can get some intel out there for everybody now.

Obviously, we had a call tonight. We didn't take her to have one on last Thursday because we were told that that would take care of it that it was done. Now what has happened is, this is just preliminary stuff. First of all, regarding Iraq, last week, Congress voted to end sanctions on Iraq. Well, that was nice of us, they finally did that. And then a matter of whether it was yesterday, or today, our Congress US voted to end the War Powers Act.

In other words, they cancelled the war with Iraq. That's nice. So that seems like those are two moot points, but evidently, there were some things that needed to be done. So thank you for getting those done.

And now it puts Iraq in a position where they've been exchanging three zero notes in country of Iraq for lower denominations times the rate that they're giving the dinar in country, and it's varied and it continues to go up even in country. And so we're really pleased that that's taken place and people are getting exchanged through the banks into the ATMs and also through vehicles that are circulating around Baghdad, that are helping people to get their the rest of their three zero notes in before it’s too late.

Now the other thing for us is we are in a window that looks like according to one of our good sources - It looks like we're in position to get this thing started for us between Wednesday and Friday - so that’s tomorrow to Friday, is what we're getting from one of our best sources.

That's what he's able to determine for us. So I feel really good about that. And there's a few people out there that are talking about Friday into Saturday. And that may be the case right now but I've got Wednesday into Friday. It’s looking very solid for us - So I'm gonna say that and go with that. We'll see what happens - if Friday great so what. It's great. We can make it.

The other thing is the information has been out on the so called nine stations of the redemption and exchange process. I don't use that term stations  because I believe when we go in we will be put in a situation where we basically stay put, we stay put and the people in the redemption center  - the staff will rotate and come to us is what my understanding is.

 It's not like we get up and move. Then we get up and move again - and then we gotta move. It's not like that - it's like we're gonna be seated. They're gonna be doing the KYC - Know who your customers are, first of all, they know who the zim holders are  unless you've been gifted zim and they don't know you. So you're gonna have to prove who you are. That's not a big deal. One or two photo ID’s, and then a bill showing where you live, which is a utility bill, cell phone bill, something like that. You want to bring that in.

And then after that, it's a matter of them getting your currency, you let them know how much of each currency you have. I've got that printed out so they know what I think I have and then through and they run it through the Delarue machine.  We're talking about rates after they found out how much we have in each currency. We get that going.

The concept of when we're doing our presentation I think is sooner than what was indicated online. I believe it's more like in the middle of the process. Remember they want it in and out of there in 35 to 40 minutes - That's what they want. Obviously, if you've got a suitcase full, five different currencies, they can work the currencies through pretty quickly but it might take a little longer. And we're going to be setting up in ones I'm going to call them segments.

Now the idea of you bringing in Fiat dollars and exchanging it - forget that - that's not happening. That's something you do later at your own bank later. You don't tie them up in the redemption center with that - that's ridiculous. You don't do that. You have the so don't worry about bringing fiat money in.

You’ve got your presentation in five to eight minutes to do. Yes, you will get a quantum account card or quantum access card that's that they'll have for you. You'll do a biometric fingerprint a thumb print and get that set up. They'll give you a password you use an email password, and another code from the  StarLink Satellite System to activate that card.

You get that activated after you've done your total of your currencies. And then as you get that you’re setting up, probably just one account with Wells Fargo because they are over all redemption centers, but I'm going to use Wells and set up master accounts with them and move funds and it's not $100,000 By the way, as somebody put out, you can move up to 1.5 to 1.8 billion with a “B” into each quote unquote business account.

 And by that I mean an LLC account or a trust account, or however you want to set your project accounts up. Okay, you're gonna be doing that. So I'm using four different LLC accounts. And I may not be able to have time to set up all four separate bank accounts for that. So I may just have to put whatever I can put in my master account and then come back at another time in a day or so after that and put in so much in each LLC account - maybe a day or two later - let's see - So we get that initiated - we've got our presentation.

If you have projects, it helps if you have them - if you don't have projects and you’re a zim holder, they're going to encourage you to do a project from their list of projects. And when you do that, you'll be subject to the oversight of the wealth management division of the bank. And it might leave - you may want that - you may not want that. They're going to try to get you to take one of their 600 projects off their list and make that work for you and your money.

Personally, I’ve got enough projects. I don't need any additional from the bank. I'm happy to do the projects that I've talked about on the call and then that's what I'm gonna concentrate on. Remember whose money this is - your money - God's money - you're just good facilitators of it and stewards of that of the funds of this blessing.

Alright - So you're gonna get through - I think the phone comes at the end. Like you get it as your last thing and then you go out from there. They may give you a certificate for the phones - we think they have been shipped already to the redemption centers there for zim holders - now. They may give you a certificate -  for  - like we need it right  -- for a laptop – to take to Best Buy or another place we would find your laptops - we'll see how that works. I heard about that - I don’t know too much about it but basically that's how that's going to be structured.

It's going to be good. It's gonna go quickly. I would just say try to pay attention and breathe and enjoy the experience as much as you can. And we'll see where it goes from there. But you know, we're looking good, I believe for anywhere from tomorrow through Friday and maybe it is this Friday.

And then good things should be happening this week for Social Security recipients are supposed to get an announcements on some sort of this week, that talks about an increase in Social Security for the month of April of $1,000 or more for each Social Security holder. So that'll be an additional thing that we're not really going to need. But that's also going to come for help to those who are receiving Social Security

We’re looking for NESARA announced somewhere around the first, President Trump said to keep an eye on the first that might be significant for us in terms of a political change. And it also could be significant for NESARA because I believe it's Kevin McCarthy that's supposed to announce as speaker of the House announced NESARA. I'm looking for that either Saturday or Sunday - Hopefully it is on Saturday, the first

So a lot of things are going to be happening the rest of this week we hope, and next week. It'd be very interesting for us - As far as any disclosure goes. I think some of that could start with NESARA because there's a lot of things that come with NESARA.

And I know that there are countries that are jumping at the bit to get this thing started, like Vietnam and Indonesia, and obviously a Venezuela and also Iraq, but we're doing a lot of things right now to get ready for it. I don't think any countries are going to go before we all go together.

And we got a number of countries going up in value and some going down in value. So you know, they finally agreed on all the rates. Let's see what's today – Tuesday they agreed on it on Saturday at 11 in the morning, all those rates were agreed upon and at 2pm in the afternoon, the admiral began downloading access codes to the pay masters for the admirals groups. And so that is in process.

 And I think a lot of things with bondholders are predicated on them still getting their quantum access cards. There's still quite a few that need to go out. There were half a million that needed to go out internationally, all around the globe a few days ago and they have not been received yet. So they should be receiving shortly and bondholders should get access to their funds. I hope its tomorrow. I think it could be tomorrow - and if that is that bodes well for us starting tomorrow. Okay, so let's see.

We'll see how this goes. There's a lot happening. There's major, major pick up /drop off going on all over the world right now, especially in the continent of South America. I think quite a bit of activity going on down here. I'm not going to get into the specifics of it. But I think that we're really looking in good shape for that.

So that's what I wanted to bring to you tonight. I hope you guys appreciate the fact that we're still in this thing and we're gonna stay in it till it's over. And I'm looking forward to the end of it as much as you are, but we'll see where it goes for the rest of the week. And then we'll take it we should have a very interesting April Fool's Day, coming up Saturday. So we'll see what that looks like for us.

In the meantime, I want to thank everybody that's listening to the big call. So thank you for everybody out there in the sound of my voice. Don't forget Jersey Mike's tomorrow for lunch. They donate 100% of tomorrow's receipts to local charities that look up and find a Jersey Mike's sub shop in your area of the country of the US. And hopefully you can go just like I am tomorrow. Everybody have a blessed night as praying to call out.


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-28-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:17:47

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-23-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:20:15

 Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-21-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:20:20

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-16-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins  1:25:35

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-14-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:17:00

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