Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 2-2-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 2-2-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday February 2nd and you’re tuned into and listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in again - we’re glad to have you here –

Ok let’s talk about some intel – Let’s see where we are – One thing that was interesting – I found out about today – and Sue was the one who told me about this – I guess we’ve arrived – cause we made a mention on Charlie Ward’s call - I think it was at the very end of that month – the end of January – he did a call – where one of his guests referenced Bruce – did not mention the Big Call – just mentioned “me” – in regards to toll free numbers and the exchange process - I want to clarify a couple of things – just to make sure that everybody kinda gets that whole idea of the toll free numbers – especially if you’re new – everybody needs to come up to speed based on the time we have before this goes - and thank you whoever did reference that on Charlie Wards call –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 2-2-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday February 2nd and you’re tuned into and listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in again - we’re glad to have you here –

Ok let’s talk  about some intel – Let’s see where we are – One thing that was interesting – I found out about today – and Sue was the one who told me about this – I guess we’ve arrived – cause we made a mention on Charlie Ward’s call - I think it was at the very end of that month – the end of January – he did a call – where one of his guests referenced Bruce – did not mention the Big Call – just mentioned “me” – in regards to toll free numbers and the exchange process - I want to clarify a couple of things – just to make sure that everybody kinda gets that whole idea of the toll free numbers – especially if you’re new – everybody needs to come up to speed based on the time we have before this goes -  and thank you whoever did reference that on Charlie Wards call –

What is important is in talking with our wealth management from Wells Fargo for example – their wealth managers are going to be at the redemption centers all over the country -  there will be other bank representatives there from other tier 1 banks – where this comes in handy for us is the toll free numbers that we get – whether you get them in the Wells Fargo emails that are going out – and they should be going out – let’s clarify this -- the Wells Fargo emails – remember the number 527,000+ and then we had some that were disqualified - well the last time we talked about them the number was UP -  to about 1.4 million – people that they have email addresses for – it could be higher – or slightly lower -  but whatever that number is – the Wells Fargo servers are designed to release those – my understanding is – in four separate releases – based on the time zones  that they occur in which I think is kind of hard to know – to be honest with you

But they have tested all of these emails – they have done – and we’ve talked about that a couple of weeks ago – they have done testing where they have been bounced back to the servers – where they can tell if it is a real email address – if active – shared by more than one person – that type of thing –

So let’s just suffice it to say we understand they are going out based on time zones -  and in four separate releases – so that  is what I have been told – we’ll see if that is what happens –

So what do you do with the toll free number – remember we talked about 2 numbers – right? – One is for Zim holders and zim holders that may also have other currency - and a second number would be for people who have no Zim – but do have other currencies –

So the 2 numbers – you choose one of the two – based on which currency you have – simple –

Now where I come in – and there may be one or two others – that will get the numbers – so to speak – to put out – this is what I’ve been told – even though they have 1.4 million emails there are people whose email has changed - who have been gifted currency – that I am supposed to help by getting the number out – the estimate has been as high as 20 – 24 % of the people out there may not be contacted by email – so that puts a situation together where I can get out a certain amount 2 ways – posting the numbers on the website – and secondly – if we are able to - we will forward those numbers to the emails we have on our system –

Whether you get the numbers – and they should be the same – you are going to know when you call – because the theory is - there are 6 main call centers – regional – across the United States – that will handle incoming calls and zim holders as I understand it -  will be routed from the call center directly to the redemption center – based on their zip code  - they will get routed to the redemption center that is closest to and they may have 2-3 choices to have one that is closest to the one indicated with your zip code –

This is all subject to change but that is the understanding that I have – is that it could be a two part call – it could be that you’re transferred to that redemption center and the person that helps you on the other end of the phone – if you are a zim holder will actually be someone that will be working with you at the redemption center – on handling your zim –

Now it may be in some areas and some states that you will be given another toll free number to call – could be that way as well -  you could be routed there – or transferred to it or you could get another number to call –

It should be a pretty simple thing – they want to try to set your appointments in a couple minutes or less – once you set your appointment you do not want to get there too early and you do not want to be late -  the idea is to get there no more than 10 minutes before your actual appointment time

Don’t be late!! You could lose your appointment slot – and have to re schedule – I do not know how easy that would be able to do by the way - so be on time –

Si I wanted to let you know that was the situation on the toll free numbers – I call them toll free because I don’t know if they are 800 – but I think they are – some are 888 – 877 – or whatever -  but they will be sent out in those emails – coming from secure servers – and may be a separate protocol

Timing? Where are we? I can tell you this – we talked to people that have affiliations  with Abbott Downing  - Tier 1 banks – Wells – Chase – Redemption Centers – personnel  - the redemption center personnel for the most part are on standby – 35 minute call time -  to be at their desk read to go -  the lowest time we have ever had -  that’s pretty quick –

Could we have gone today? The theory was that we were but the snow that hit -  I think set us back at least one day – and we did hear that from one of our top sources – that we should be looking very strongly at tomorrow – and this may or not be taking in consideration – additional snow fall or not but I think it was a definite factor not to be able to go today – we could be in the clear for tomorrow though –

I don’t have 800 numbers yet – I have been told as early as early as Saturday that I would get them Sunday or Monday -  well that did not happen – so that time frame has changed – can they come on the day of our exchanges? Yes – they could come – in the morning – it is hard to say – I had hoped they would come before we did our exchanges – because that way we could get the numbers out – make sure everyone could set their appointments and have a little more time to really prepare –

We are I believe very close – we know that bond holders becoming bond sellers have been notified by paymasters and senior paymasters and they have returned notifications and communicated back by email and have been told they will have access to  funds / liquidity  to those funds in 24 hours -  which makes tomorrow looking pretty good –

We know there is still a lot of activity going on out west – we know that paymasters have – it appears that they have paid into accounts on some of the groups – downstream – but there may be some people in those groups that have already seen their accounts and seen that they have funds in them but for the most part – tier 4A and 4B are to go together – in that so called shotgun start so I believe that is still going to be the case – 4A which is the Admirals groups / Core group  etc will go in concert with us 4B / Internet group –

So…. That is what I’m expecting to happen so we’ll see if that happens - timing is very good – very close and I have the feeling that that we are on the precipice of this thing – just about ready to get started but obviously we’ve been in a position close like this before – we certainly thought so – so we’ll see how this one manifests - we will see if this one does come through – I would be prepared -  to go at any moment  

We are I think in a very good place to get this blessing – we believe that we are at the very beginnings of NESARA being revealed – GESARA will be waiting – probably about a month or so – there are things happening globally with various governments to align them where the concept of GESARA – however – NESARA is dealing without situation here – we have some things in place whether they have been announced yet or not is another thing –

You know we are going to an asset backed currency – all countries are  going to some form of asset backed currency and most people think in terms of Gold backed -  yes there is a certain percentage of the US dollar which is the USN – or USTN  that is backed by gold by silver – by palladium – platinum and other precious metals and by properties and oil and even other resources by other assets -  and every country has that and that is what determines and has already been determined as to what that country’s rate will be – initially  in the global currency reset -  GCR - 

I know some of the rates will come out high and they will settle in settle down a little – and we could be on par with a lot of other countries’ currencies  - I believe sooner or later the level playing field is created with currency that are more and more aligned / on par – meaning the same – the US dollar might be equivalent to one Canadian dollar – or one Euro – or one swiss frank – so all of that getting on par takes a little time to get there – but I think that is the goal to get us there –

I think we are in good shape – like I said I was notified to be ready by  anytime from Sunday to Monday – and I think the snow storm took us out of that timing -  and today as well – maybe we are good for tomorrow = we will see – stay ready – get prepared – I think we are moving along nicely and I am excited


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK      Intel Begins 49:15

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 1-28-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 1-28-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it is Thursday Jan 28th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in again - here we are towards the end of January – and – still here – after all these years – isn’t there a song like that? Still here after all these years – in our 10th year of The Big Call

Let’s talk about the intel tonight – I’ve got several things I want to bring out tonight and let’s start it off as a slow day – and then turned into a really good intel day today – I am very pleased with what we were getting –as the day progressed – especially into mid to late afternoon –

First of all I am going to try to remember everything I missed to bring – First of all I’m going to talk about Iraq – Irag did do the three readings and all of that – they did that last Saturday – but what we are looking for them to do is to do a final vote – a final vote of the budget - AND….. the HCL – now I have not talked about the HCL in probably 5 or 6 years – if then

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 1-28-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it is Thursday Jan 28th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in again  - here we are towards the end of January – and – still here – after all these years – isn’t there a song like that?  Still here after all these years – in our 10th year of The Big Call

Let’s talk about the intel tonight – I’ve got several things I want to bring out tonight and let’s start it off as a slow day – and then turned into a really good intel day today – I am very pleased with what we were getting –as the day progressed – especially into mid to late afternoon –

First of all I am going to try to remember everything I missed to bring – First of all I’m going to talk about Iraq – Irag did do the three readings and all of that – they did that last Saturday – but what we are looking for them to do is to do a final vote – a final vote of the budget - AND…..  the HCL – now I have not talked about the HCL in probably 5 or 6 years – if then

The HCL is the Hydro Carbon Law - it’s the Oil and Gas Law – and that is the law that takes percentages and attributes the percentages to the region of Kurdistan and the rest of Iraq and Baghdad - and there is probably a lot more to the HCL than that – however but they are going to vote on is a final vote on 2021 budget and the HCL on Monday  - but to be able to do that they have to have a new rate on the Iraqi Dinar before the vote-

So …. What we’re hearing and this is coming out of Mosul – one of our individuals that lives in Mosul and he said that has to happen before Monday – well guess what ??  The first business day for Iraq is Sunday – my gut is they will have that new rate on Sunday –

Remember they are 8 hour ahead of the East Coast under Eastern Standard Time – so we should have that new rate – and the vote and be available to be published in the gazette whenever they choose – But the timing is interesting as far as the vote on Monday – Remember – we do have a group of people over there in Iraq to help them finish this – and give them any additional help they need regarding the reevaluation of their currency –

What is it going to come out at?  I don’t know exactly – I know it should be really good – along the lines of what Dr Shabbibi  said it would be – back in 2012 – I can’t believe that was 12 years ago that we heard that – (ha ha ) and our friend Blue Star made the inquiry to Dr Shabbibi – at the International Chamber of Commerce in Washington DC -  and got the answer that I have told you many times -  on this call before as to what the Iraqi Dinar could support in US dollars – So… it’s a really good thing – we’re moving in that direction –

Let’s see what else is going on – Let’s talk about bonds – Bond paymasters – these are people handling the payouts of the bonds transactions to the former bond “holders” that are now the bond “sellers” of the bonds – that have been taking place both in Miami and Reno – For a while we thought it was only Miami but came to find out both cities – and not to mention but also Zurich Switzerland and Hong Kong – so those areas are hot and heavy – and we have heard we have over 900 paymasters in Reno and they are busy transferring funds down streaming funds from their accounts to the recipients accounts for the groups we refer to occasionally as the groups “out west”

Now…. Those accounts are being hydrated but I have a theory – and this comes from the fact banks - talking Wells Fargo – Chase etc  - they do not see tier 4A and 4B as two separate things – they think of it as one group – one entity – even though we see it as  two -  4A & 4B –

So…. That tells me if there is a shotgun start to be had – what it means is that 4A – those funds – those accounts  from those paymasters are going into accounts – guess what – if you’re part of one of those groups out west – you don’t have the coordinance yet – if you’re a recipient you don’t have those accounts – you don’t have the number for them  - a way to get into them -  to check them – you don’t have anything yet – UNTIL you get notified – tier 4B – the internet group – we don’t have anything yet until we get notified – do you see the parallel?

Tier 4A has already ponied up all of their currency – years ago - years ago – they have a rate and know what it will be – for the most part – there is some discussion about a change maybe – but they have ponied up their currency – they have already done their exchanges – but they have NOT been paid – they might have had a little emergency fund – some case   little bit of a so called healing fund – but for the most part most members of the group have received NADA – ZILCH – nothing – so bottom line is they are in the same boat as us pretty much –

We are waiting on notification just like they are – and my feeling is they are going to get that notification when we do – hence – the shotgun start – those of  you that do not play golf do not know what that is – but this is the thing – it makes perfect sense to me – their accounts are being paid into – paymasters to recipient but they can’t see it until notified – and really until not only get their account  number information but they are also going to need probably – I don’t know this absolutely – but they may need bio print reader – to make sure they are who they say they are – and they are going to need to use a key card – a special card that is NOT a debit card – it’s just an ACCESS CARD – to access their account – at the Wells Fargo bank – or another bank of their choosing – another tier 1 bank – but right now it is my understanding that all of those transactions are being done through Wells Fargo out west – and the bonds down in Miami are being done through Wells Fargo – Simple as that –

So….. what are we hearing about bonds – we are hearing that at 4 PM today we had 28% of the bonds which are many varieties -  German – Yellow - Railroad – Dragon – this color – that color – I bet there are 15 different types of bonds – as I heard from one of our bankers is hearing 28% of the bonds had been completed – and I have been instructed that the bond payouts – the liquidity – the access to funds – should probably takes us all the way through Saturday – completed by  Saturday night – and they will have access to a small percentage of those funds -  not that much of it – a small percentage -  but the bond payout amounts are so large that a small percentage is still a lot of money – a LOT of money  -

Okay that takes care of the bonds --- let’s talk about the redemption centers – staffing – the staffing went in at 10 am this morning -  had a short meeting – after having the 5+ hr meeting Tuesday  - were sent home at 4:15pm – going in tomorrow at noon – just in case – until about 4:30 pm – they are on a 35 min call time notice -  meaning  they get the call to come in and then be there sitting at their desk ready to go within 35 minutes – that is the shortest response time they have ever had to utilize – that is a good sign –

We are near the end of the month – it’s the 28th – we have heard that the 31st  which is Sunday – is a special day for us – and should be a new freedom day – it’s being called “Freedom Day” – brought out a couple days ago – maybe some of you read about that – I think it has a very valid meaning for us - not regarding so much the GCR but maybe regarding things with our government  - could be regarding the beginnings of NESARA – and could be a very interesting day on Sunday – for some pretty cool announcements -  

Is it possible that the EBS gets turned on then?? For some reason??  Maybe - could be – We’ll see what happens – just beware that the freedom day that’s been termed – may turn into something for us –

Now as a result of that – I am hearing very good things about early next week – as in Monday / Tuesday – that is the first of February  - Monday – I would not be surprised if we get our surprise on the first for notifications and the second for exchanges – that is what I’ve been getting today – this comes from a very strong couple of sources – and is from the lead bank and not HSBC –

There may be more but that is pretty much what I wanted to bring out – 

Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins 1:09:20

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 1-26-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 1-26-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight - it is Tuesday Jan 26th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks everybody for tuning in again – So let’s talk a little bit about where we are from an intel point of view – This being Tuesday – you think yeah a lot of stuff between last Thursday and Tuesday – 5 days in between and there are some things that have come in – I would not say this has been an absolute crazy amount of intel come in the last couple of days – but – what we do have I think is very good –

Let’s talk first about Iraq – because Iraq is a player in this as you can tell – Iraq finally did their third reading of the budget last Saturday – but we don’t believe that the budget has been put out – yet – they have held it back – the thinking is – to come out either today – which does not make any sense to me – but tomorrow does –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 1-26-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight - it is Tuesday Jan 26th  and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks everybody for tuning in again – So let’s talk a little bit about where we are from an intel point of view – This being Tuesday – you think yeah a lot of stuff between last Thursday and Tuesday – 5 days in between and there are some things that have come in – I would not say this has been an absolute crazy amount of intel come in the last couple of days – but – what we do have I think is very good –

Let’s talk first about Iraq – because Iraq is a player in this as you can tell – Iraq finally did their third reading of the budget last Saturday – but we don’t believe that the budget has been put out – yet – they have held it back – the thinking is – to come out either today – which does not make any sense to me – but tomorrow does –

Wednesday and Saturday are the two days that Iraq prints out their official record called the Gazette – and so it’s quite possible – if the timing is right for it – that they put that out tomorrow - 

You see – the problem is if they passed their budget and the budget is printed – or even if it’s available on line – on the digital version – of the gazette – the people will see it and be able to see the rate of the Dinar relative to the budget for 2021 – ok – so it’s sort of a dead giveaway - what makes it interesting is – they have held it back – obviously withholding  it from us – we have a team over there that was helping them go through the final aspects of the re-evaluation of their currency – there are several theories of how it will come out  -

I am not as concerned about that – I do know that the rates are supposed to be high – and higher than we thought - which is pretty good for us but – I am really not that concerned about it - but we do know that step in this process is important and that step is something we would look forward to having out hopefully tomorrow -  that does occur – it would sort of make sense on the face of it would occur – tomorrow - We will tie in some other things in the next minute or so that would also lend credence to that possibility –

The other thing we find about Iraq finally evidently agreed on (I don’t remember the name of it) it’s been so far back – it’s a matter of the sharing of revenue between lower Iraq Baghdad – and the Kurdistan Region – which is north part of Iraq -  and they have evidently settled on a percentage of revenue that would go to Kurdistan –

My understanding in the old days it was supposed to be around 17% my later understanding today is it might be closer to 12 ½ % - but whatever it is – and I don’t know that for sure – evidently Kurdistan is happy with it – That’s what really matters – is there appears to be a win / win situation between  (1:13:33) Kurdistan and lower provinces of Iraq -  so that is good - They’ve got some agreement and are moving forward from there

So Iraq is important and should be in a good position with the budget having been read three times it can be put into law and then of course it can be revealed in the gazette maybe tomorrow – which is a printable day -  We will see if that comes out –

So going beyond that – and we looked to where we are – we know that the redemption center staff had about a 5+ hour video conference meeting today  - Can you imagine everything that could be covered in over 5 hours on a video conference?? I don’t know if this was just one bank or all the major tier 1 banks – I don’t know that -  how staffed it was – but I know it was a long process and that took place today –

And we know that there is a ???  what is it called?  (Gag order?) When everything is quiet – there is sort of a lock jaw – there is sort of a situation where they are not allowed to speak – well that is the situation both in Iraq – wait let me check that -- in Miami and also in Reno – they have that Gag Order – that is what I was looking for  - there is what would be considered a standard gag order in effect in Miami and Reno up until later tonight or early tomorrow morning –

Somewhere between tonight and tomorrow morning why would a gag order come out? Why would a standard gag order in those 2 areas come out now? It should indicate something – it should indicate freedom of movement –

Now we do know there are people that have been waiting – I’ve talked about it before – we know people that have sold bonds – very valuable bonds – and had willing buyers – in these table top meetings – we know they have agreed upon the total pricing that they would receive for it – and we also know that those funds have not been made available to the sellers – yet – But that looks like finally is about to change – we understand tomorrow – by 11 am these former owners now sellers – of these bonds should be in a position to receive confirming emails which would tell them that they have those funds available and accessible in their accounts –

Now once those emails are signed and sent back then a confirming email will come to say – ok you have the amount that was pre agreed upon available in your account and you are good to go – That is supposed to happen tomorrow –

Now if we are running parallel with that - I am talking tier 4B us – the internet group – and possibly tier 4A which are the groups based out west - If we are running on a parallel track the theory is the banks do not even distinguish between 4A and 4B – they just call us tier 4 – where we tend to make a slight distinction

If tier 4 is to go together as a shotgun start – is it not possible that we also go on a parallel track with the bond sellers that when they get access to funds theoretically - tomorrow – unless it changes – should we not at least get numbers to set appointments possibly tomorrow –

I know all of this is conditional language – I know it is an “if” statement – basically – but to me that is making sense – based on what we know – what the redemption centers have gone through today – what we know of certain people helping at redemption centers - the whole thing has to work together – it has to work together in some form or fashion that makes some  

I am not going to get political - but -- and here’s the but - this election process is not over - yet – and what’s interesting is you find certain things like the blackout at the white House at between 3 and 6 in the morning Sat or Sunday morning – you learn about blackout on the east coast  today between 11 am and 3:34 this afternoon from Boston all the way to Washington DC – I have a theory about it but not going to share it with you on the call –

You know – there are things happening behind the scenes – just so you know – I don’t know how many of you are following it – or try to spend some time learning and finding out what you can – but I am very encouraged – by sometimes what we don’t know – we’ve talked about and I’ve given a couple ideas on the Emergency Broadcasting System – EBS – and when it was to be utilized – we were wrong about it coming out on inauguration day – ad we were wrong about thinking it might happen last Monday – so there is no way to predict it – 

There are 2 individuals that are in charge of it – that have their finger on the pulse of when to release the EBS – I know who they are and I don’t feel it is wise to put that out – that will be utilized when appropriate – you’ll know exactly when that is because we do not know the full plan – I think if we are able to stay in faith confidently – waiting - patience is being tested – and we are still in the fire – if you will – to be tested

Alright – 2 other things right now –

One – regarding your redemption center experience – this is primarily for zim holders – it may apply to other currency holders – besides the zim – remember we talked about the bank – and the role of the bank - 

If you keep at least 10% of your funds in your mother lode account with the bank  you did your exchange with – if you allow them to utilize 10% of your funds to make loans from that money – to make normal bank loans -  my understanding – remember I am just the messenger – the banks  will offer you a 10% APR – Annual Percentage Rate against your account –

I understand it’s not just the 10% - I am talking the mother lode – you know I plan to take interest payments that the banks make based on my mother lode account every quarter – every 3 months – that is the plan I like the most - I see how much is coming – I know that ahead of time – for the next 3 months and I know that I have that amount I can put into projects – give away – use for ministry – all those things that we intend to do as philanthropist to humanitarians –

So obviously a 10% return per year is 2 ½ % per quarter and you can calculate how much that would be – and then you set your sites on and feed it into people’s lives -  We’ll see what happens in the next couple of days – as far as we know everything is set and ready to go  - we’re not going to know “exactly” until it happens -  we also will not get an advance notice on the EBS it’s just going to happen – and we’re going to find out about it

Thanks for listening – all over the globe


Bruce’s Big Call   Replay LINK    Intel Begins  1:09:13

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 1-21-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 1-21-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight - it is Thursday Jan 21st and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks everybody for tuning in again – we’re excited to do another call

Let’s talk a little bit about where we are – we are not under the EBS yet – in some ways that is good – I do believe it is coming – I have a theory on the “when” and will talk about that in a second –

As far as where we are – what’s interesting is – we found out where we thought we could be ready to go this past Tuesday – I was informed that we could not go for this re-evaluation in the middle of an election – in the middle of government changeover - and so I thought – ok – and what I was pointed to was not the day before yesterday but possibly this coming Tuesday - so let’s see where we are now –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 1-21-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight - it is Thursday Jan 21st and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks everybody for tuning in again – we’re excited to do another call

Let’s talk a little bit about where we are – we are not under the EBS yet – in some ways that is good – I do believe it is coming – I have a theory on the “when” and will talk about that in a second –

As far as where we are – what’s interesting is – we found out where we thought we could be ready to go this past Tuesday – I was informed that we could not go for this re-evaluation in the middle of an election – in the middle of government changeover - and so I thought – ok – and what I was pointed to was not the day before yesterday but possibly this coming Tuesday - so let’s see where we are now –

We know that everybody dealing as paymasters for the admirals group were summoned to Reno – we know that all the sub accounts have been funded and are ready to go from that perspective and I think that they are waiting on a signal to come - and I think will come from Iraq - because again – Iraq has been waiting to make their rate change “known” and my understanding is to be made known as early as Sunday – Monday or Tuesday -  of this coming week – and we should have hat new rate finally established and everything else along with that complete as far as Iraq is concerned –

So we are going to have to wait and watch to see how that unfolds and when that unfolds exactly – we know that they do publish in their official gazette Saturdays and Wednesdays – I don’t know if that would happen on Saturday quite yet but we can keep an eye out for that - they did evidently read their budget and pass that but they are not making the particulars of that known to us yet -

I did also find out that the currencies for a lot of the countries – like there are 4 countries that have Dinar as their currency – Iraq – Kuwait -  Jordan – and one other that  use that name/term like we u se “dollar” and my understanding today is that Iraq is going to be the strongest currency and the strongest financial nation in the middle east and not too long from now – so what it tells me is the other countries may have to change their currency from “Dinar” to something else because if they only want one country in the region to have the name “Dinar” it would be Iraq – so we will see what happens with that – we’ll see what the other countries change those currencies names –

We know for example like the Chinese Yuan – the Chinese Renminbi – one may be the physical currency and one might be the digital currency – same thing is true with a number of other countries – there is the digital - which is our USN version – United States New – ok and the currency itself money as we call it  and spend we call it the US dollar – but it should have United States Treasury  Note on the top of it –NO reference to the Federal Reserve – that is what our new money will have – USTN but call it USN on the screen just 3 letter designation will be ours for the new dollar

So in terms of the timing for this there are still things happening with the government to move this forward and I think we will see a lot of additional activity happen over the weekend – don’t know much about what to expect for tomorrow but I think Saturday and Sunday could be very interesting – and then what we’re hearing is that we could very well get notification either Monday or Tuesday and I would think try to start Tuesday hopefully not Wednesday but hopefully this coming Tuesday we will actually get started – not only setting appointments  but going in for exchanges  and redeeming zim

Now I was told – and I don’t normally bring rates up to you – but I was told that the rates both front screen and back screen or contract rates – are going to be higher that we even thought they were – which is pretty high – so you’re not to worry about the rates don’t sweat it – they are going to be very - very good

If you have a project or projects and yo have them prepared and present them well that is what is going to allow you to take the rate of the zim to a higher level – it is based on the longevity – job creation capability – are they sustainable projects – lasting more than just 2-3 years –

We are up to about 1.4 million emails – been vetted and tested – system complete ready to go - Things are happening behind the scenes - things are completing – with Iraq and getting ready to move forward and I think we have a weekend hopefully to look forward to and possibly getting notified anytime from Monday – Tuesday hopefully not as late as Wednesday - but we’ll take it if that is when it comes – right? –

So – we’re looking really strong I believe for Monday or Tuesday – that is what we’re hearing

Be excited – be ready – pray – do not give up – I am excited -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins  1:11:25

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 1-19-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 1-19-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call - it is Tuesday Jan 19th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks everybody for tuning in again –

Ok so let’s see where we are right now – I believe last Thursday we may have talked about Iraq – I don’t normally focus on too much but I’ll say this much – We were under the impression that Iraq had read their budget – and you know that sometimes when they pass a law – and the budget would be sort of a law - the Parliament would pass - every year – they read it - 3 times – after – they are usually separated by a day – then they read it the next day - a day – and then read it the next day

This was to have been done a week ago tomorrow which would have been last Wednesday – right - so they did that – our understanding is they did read the budget 3 times and then it did appear in their gazette to their official government record –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 1-19-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call - it is Tuesday Jan 19th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks everybody for tuning in again –

Ok so let’s see where we are right now – I believe last Thursday we may have talked about Iraq – I don’t normally focus on too much but I’ll say this much – We were under the impression that Iraq had read their budget – and you know that sometimes when they pass a law – and the budget would be sort of a law - the Parliament would pass - every year – they read it - 3 times – after – they are usually separated by  a day –  then they read it the next day - a day – and then read it the next day

This was to have been done a week ago tomorrow   which would have been last Wednesday – right - so they did that – our understanding is they did read the budget 3 times and then it did appear in their gazette  to their official government record –

We did not get confirmed whether that made it into the “official” record or it may have made it into the official record and just held back so we did not see it - because if we had seen it  - it would release the actual value of the Iraqi Dinar – and that is something they held back from us for quite a while – even though they are operating on different rates on Q-cards – for Iraqi citizens and dual citizens – and so on –

So bottom line is – it looks like the budget was passed – it looks like they have a new rate - was supposed to go up on Sunday night to be traded internationally – I cannot tell you absolutely that happened – but it was supposed to –

The other thing we heard in the last couple of days was that China no longer is accepting fiat currency – especially the USD – because our dollar – our new dollar – USN – our asset backed dollar – is supposed to be traded or to have been traded on the forex between banks as of last Sunday night at about 9 PM – by that time –

China does not want  anybody’s fiat currency - they only want to work with asset backed currencies – so the understanding I had was that was to happen last Sunday night – before the markets opened in China at approximately 9 Easter time – would have been 9 am Monday morning in china –

So that’s occurring now and my  understanding is we have 209 countries that have made changes to their governments structures so they are compliant with GESARA – because our continuous understanding is that we are embarking on NESARA in the United States and GESARA globally -  

If you have done much reading and research on that there’s quite a bit to that – and we really don’t want to go into too much depth tonight but it is really a good study - to find out what this law includes – not only for NESARA here in the United States but GESARA globally – we’re embarking on that and we’re looking really for something major to occur as early as 8 o’clock tomorrow morning -  regarding – we think – at least based on some information I received from 3-4 different sources that tomorrow at 8 eastern could very well be going to an EBS – Emergency Broadcasting System

This would be something that would be a part of Martial law and also related to the Insurrection Act we believe the President has already signed and enacted – a week from last Saturday –

So there are things that are happening which could dramatically change – if those come true – could dramatically change what happens tomorrow at noon – so we will see how that manifests – especially if President Trump supposedly does his send off – final send off speech at 8 eastern – tomorrow morning – we will see if that leads us into an EBS scenario which is supposed to go for up to 72 hours or 3 days - with a lot of video testimony and different things that you’re going to want to  sit and watch – it is going to be every 8 hours and repeat itself - so 3 times a day for 3 days – that would be 9 complete – 8 hour segments –

So let’s see it that manifests - and along with that – we’ve already been through our 10 days of darkness – and you probably didn’t realize it – but those were referring to President Trump’s inability to use twitter and communicate with the American people - 

Now let’s go beyond that and say – where are we NOW?  With what we know? Today we

Re drilling an important day for  us – because we hear that when I talk about everything out west -  the groups that are based out west – our understanding is - that paymasters for those groups were all notified today to get to Reno right away – by mid afternoon tomorrow – at the latest –

We can think of only one reason why they needed to be summoned to Reno was to be there for the beginning of the groups being paid out – which we are still waiting for that – along those same lines – people that had bonds and boxes of bonds whether they were yellow dragon or railroad bonds – etc – all of those – even though they have been sold to the willing buyer  - the funds for those have not been placed – let me put it this way -- they may have been placed in the seller’s account – but seller has not been able to access those funds yet –

That – today when President Trump made his farewell 20 minute speech - one minute into that farewell speech – the first time it was played – money was moving for the bond people – moving to their accounts -

Now prior to that – let’s go back to Friday – this past Friday – we understood that 2 things had happened – there were 12 tranches of 60 zero were sent out to our Treasury  - I do not know which accounts they came from – this time – but those funds were received by the treasury and then subsequently  the next day or so were to be sent out for us – for our tier 4B exchanging and redemption of zim -

So those funds have been sent out and I believe received already by those larger banks – so everything is sitting and ready for it /us – it would appear –

The other thing is – remember how we talked about 525,000 emails on the Wells Fargo server – that would be going out for tier 4B – well they have subsequently added more emails to that list – and they have been doing testing - but the total number now – after they have vetted out – disqualified some – we are up to about 1.4 million emails -  and that makes a lot more sense in the terms of tier 4B - some of these emails may be to bond holders as well - and may be why the number has gone up so much - over doubled from the 527,000

So the testing that was to start Friday night at midnight was to conclude by noon Saturday – 12 hours of testing – and this was sending emails out as a test to see if email was authentic and what would be called a bounce back message – this would be a “dummy” email that was designed to just ping the address and bounce back –

One hour into that test – the test was supposed to test so many every hour on the hour for 12 hours – starting at midnight so at 1 am – one hour after the start – there was a problem – they figured out what it was and remedied it – and that was to resume testing at midnight Saturday night – that test was supposed to go through and complete everything by 8PM Sunday night and it ended up completing at 1:10 in the morning on Monday –

So the testing was ongoing – I’m sure they ran into some snags – and get it all done but was completed and my understanding is everything is hunky dory and ready to go –That was as of yesterday morning at 1:10 am 

So we’ve got this additional movement that we’ve talked about – with the funds – we’ve got the paymasters being summoned to Reno – we have the bond holders that have been told they are to receive their access to their funds – meaning get to the funds that has been put into their accounts as early as tomorrow or hopefully no later than Thursday –

So there is a two day window there – which we may parallel  because they’re going to receive an email notification – veri - sign on computer and send back and then get a confirming email that will tell them you have the funds – everything is good to go and you can begin to access the percentage of those funds -  

We’re sort of running parallel to that – we could be getting our notification and then we process that by setting appointment and we get some access to our funds when we go in for our appointment and exchange currency and or redeem our zim

I think they are trying to do this as something we would call a shotgun start – so we’re parallel with that group of former bond holders / bond sale recipients – and the groups out west – those groups may also parallel what we’re doing as well as with tier 4A and 4B – So we’re just going to have to see how that shakes out -

 Now bank contacts we have with one of the major banks and with people we get to talk to occasionally  are over redemption centers – what we’re hearing from that individual who is getting information from a corporate person – is saying stay tuned for anything for us -  talking about us – 4B – to go between now and Saturday –

I don’t like the idea of Saturday or Friday – but we have to be willing to say it could take until those days – we have to really see what may happen tomorrow – what might happen Thursday – Friday or Saturday – but this is what I’m being told that everything is good to go and it seems like they finally have everything ready and there is activity now where there wasn’t before –

When bond holders get access – when bond sellers get access to their funds tomorrow it looks good for us if they get access on Thursday - it still looks good for us – and it says we are just right there – in the heart of everything again – and it’s a very important time and let me tell you if you are up at 8am on the east coast let’s see if the EBS gets activated after the President speaks - that is what I am being told by 3-4 different sources – so we’ll see

I think that is pretty much everything I wanted to bring to you tonight -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins  1:09:12

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 1-14-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 1-14-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call - it is Thursday Jan 14th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks everybody for tuning in again –

Well guys let’s do this – let’s talk about not only where we are but where we’re going – I think I have somewhat of a time line for us - let’s talk first about where Iraq is – you know – we do not focus on Iraq that much but we know that they are sort of a trigger point for this all to go –

We knew yesterday (Wednesday) was supposed to be the day for the 3rd reading of the budget was accomplished – I have not heard whether they did the 3rd reading – and the theory is in that 3rd reading is that they need 3 readings for any law to go through to be voted on – in Parliament - to let that law stand – and to be enacted – and usually something goes into the official record of the Parliament in Iraq – in the Gazette - on Wednesdays and Saturdays – In a physical printed paper and they also have a digital version – which could show items any day – not just Wed or Sat –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 1-14-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call - it is Thursday Jan 14th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks everybody for tuning in again –

Well guys let’s do this – let’s talk about not only where we are but where we’re going – I think I have somewhat of a time line for us - let’s talk first about where Iraq is – you know – we do not focus on Iraq that much but we know that they are sort of a trigger point for this all to go –

We knew yesterday (Wednesday)  was supposed to be the day for the 3rd reading of the budget was accomplished – I have not heard whether they did the 3rd reading – and the theory is in that 3rd reading is that they need 3 readings  for any law to go through to be voted on – in Parliament  - to let that law stand – and to be enacted – and usually something goes into the official record of the Parliament in Iraq – in the Gazette -  on Wednesdays and Saturdays –  In a physical printed paper and they also have a digital version – which could show items any day – not just Wed or Sat –

Now I do not know – It has not been confirmed to me whether that did occur yesterday – but the reason it is significant is because of the rate – for the budget to be accurate – the rate for the dinar needs to be in that budget – so that is why it is significant – because we can “see” the rate – in their budget –

Now – here’s the thing – we understand that Iraq’s rate will be adjusted – even if they did do that and the rate is in the budget – which it should be – and they read it  yesterday – and it’s passed – we’re supposed to see it new – I think they will probably increase the rate but I don’t absolutely know it – I believe they will do that – either Friday or Saturday – Tomorrow is the 15th or Saturday the 16th is when the Iraqi Dinar rate is supposed to be increased – or “changed”

So that kind of brings us up to speed in as far as what’s going on in Iraq – We know that we’re going to have a Iraqi Dinar and Dong preferred rate – for us – Tier 4B for approximately 8-10 days and then after that time – rates will probably be adjusted downward for the so call general public – what we call tier 5 – and we don’t have a clue at this point when Tier 5 will get started – my gut reaction on it would probably be starting in February – because I think the date of the 15th  anything that happens for us will probably take us through the end of the month of January -  that is projecting it out a little bit – you get the reason –

Now – there has been an additional – try to open your mind and pick up this number – there are 12 additional tranches – or transfers of funds from some of the larger Trusts -  who knows where its coming from – but these 12 tranches each – have 60 zeros – behind 1 – so 1, zero zero zero – and keep going - write it out – 60 zeros – that’s a bunch – I don’t know what that number is – but it is big number – and there are 12 of them – it will take a few days for those funds transferred  and that by the way is for  us – Those fun ds are going to our Treasury  which is wild -

That is there for us - for our exchanges – for our zim redemption haven’t we already had big numbers sent? Yes – and this is probably what they need for us to go forward with our group tier 4B –

Alright – so let’s talk about everything else that is supposed to happen before us -  we’ve got the bond recipients – originally bond holders – and they transacted their bonds and hired a seller they are no longer holder of the bonds but recipient of those funds of the sale – those are still going on but for the most part have been completed – However – there are some large players that are involved in funding projects – I would put in tier 3 or just VIP’s out there - these guys are Whales – but  humanitarian  in nature –

So we know of some that are still doing their –  bonds – boxes of bonds – etc  other certificates tomorrow evening – so that is an ongoing practice that should be wrapped up through the weekend - and that is a really good thing – so it comes down to where are we now?

You know these bond holders and the bonds needed to be done and my understanding is that the majority of those have been done but guess what?  They have not been allowed to have that liquidity available to them yet –

I know this has gone on for weeks – many weeks – some of these bonds have been transacted a long time ago - but yet those funds have not been released – my understanding is that we would start Friday the 15th - Friday evening-  and into the weekend – I think we are going to see some movement – quite possibly when those bond holders accounts see the liquidity and access this weekend -  tomorrow – Saturday – Sunday

So then where do we put ourselves Tier 4B? The latest information I have received today – and it was from very high up bank sources with our lead bank -  not HSBC by the way -  the lead bank on the east coast – and this is really good communication that’s pointing toward notifications for us most likely – although it’s possible Sunday – most likely Tuesday  with exchanges either Tuesday or Wednesday –

That is the latest most updated information I’ve received today – so yes we’re pushed off again – today – this Thursday  - Tuesday is 5 days away -  right now that’s what we’re pointing to  and we need to pray that in and believe that is what is going to occur –

They have been sort of monitoring things that are happening in the political arena – yes but yet I am told that is NOT something that is holding us back – I think it’s more about to do with security to an extent again – we have a lot of troop movement taking place – I think tomorrow is a big day for that and I believe we’re moving into an area where we won’t have security issues so we’re just going to hope if we have any kind of mini uprisings that they get squelched quickly – and I believe that will be the case –

I think we’re looking at the possibility of some blackouts – and some communication blackouts maybe tv channels going down – shouldn’t be that long of a period and I told you last time I think it is a good idea to prepare for anything that could take place – make sure you have plenty of food and water – stored up – and we’ll see

This is a day by day environment that we’re witnessing right now – stuff that we’ll look back on and shake our heads -  and go “wow” -  can you believe what we went through to strengthen ourselves and to deal with the perseverance  and the long suffering – and everything that we needed to be able to make it all the way to the end of this race

I feel like the end is near -  we can see the tape in the distance – hopefully only about 5 days off – so we’ll see let’s see what happens – but there is a lot of money moving and these tranches need to be settled and finished in the Treasury  and then go to the banks – go out so they can be utilized for our exchanges – and I think we are transitioning into NESARA and the USN – as our currency – We are just going to take it one day at a time


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel    Begins  1:13: 36

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 1-12-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 1-12-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call we are live and it’s Tuesday January 12th - Glad everybody could come and join us tonight – we’ve been looking at the possibility of going to a broadcast on Newsmax but I just found out a little bit ago but it looks like that broadcast was not going to be a new speech from the President but rather a replay from one he did from Alamo Texas – down by the border wall –

Now we are in a position – talking about intel that – I don’t know how to describe it – but it is as if we’re in a state of calm before the storm – because you know there is a lot going on – politically – a lot of things being said that are true – there are a lot of things being said that we are waiting to come out - - but the bottom line is – for us – those bond pay outs from bond holders that have traded their bonds into willing buyers – they are waiting – still to be paid – not that they have not done their transaction – they have – for the most part – but they are waiting to have access to those funds – they are waiting on an email from the bond paymasters to let them know that their funds are in the account and they can have access to them

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 1-12-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call we are live and it’s Tuesday January 12th - Glad everybody could come and join us tonight – we’ve been looking at the possibility of going to a broadcast on Newsmax but I just found out a little bit ago but it looks like that broadcast was not going to be a new speech from the President but rather a replay from one he did from Alamo Texas – down by the border wall –

Now we are in a position – talking about intel that – I don’t know how to describe it – but it is as if we’re in a state of calm before the storm – because you know there is a lot going on – politically – a lot of things being said that are true – there are a lot of things being said that we are waiting to come out -  - but the bottom line is – for us – those bond pay outs from bond holders that have traded their bonds into willing buyers – they are waiting – still to be paid – not that they have not done their transaction – they have – for the most part – but they are waiting to have access to those funds – they are waiting on an email from the bond paymasters to let them know that their funds are in the account and they can have access to them

This has been going on for at least 2-3 weeks now - there were some other things - what has slowed us down from my understanding – is the genealogy – and what do I mean by that – here’s what it is –

This is true of bond holders - recipients now – they are going to be the recipients of those bonds and it refers to  us – the zim holders – they know who we are – They may not know everyone that has been gifted but they  know some of the people that have been gifted –

What is interesting is – they have been checking because they do not want any of these bonds … and remember the Zim is going to be worth quite a bit – as we know –

They are checking our own situation and our first incumbent Generation 1 then going up to our parents to see who they were – what they did – if they were involved in any way in communism – in anything that might be considered a nefarious type activity – and then going above that generation to what would be our grandparents – to check to see what they might have been involved in - They are checking 3 generations - us – parents – grandparents –

They do not want anyone with a nefarious background being able to exchange – or redeem the zim – or be paid out on these bonds that people have transacted –

So  that has taken us up until 2 nights ago at midnight in our genealogies were complete – So now that has happened they’ve got a lot of things cleared out – they’ve got  a lot of the bankers cleared out -  the military has moved into place -  in about 400 cities -  could be considered hot spots –

We’re waiting – we’re in position – from the perspective of the redemption centers – they are pretty much set on “go” – they have had additional meetings – security meetings – even as late as last night –

There are things happening to prepare us for our ability to start – there may be one additional thing from the President that we’re looking for but I am not sure what it is – have not been told or given any specific clue about that – I put that up to my own imagination - I really think that we’re in a position right now where something could happen very soon – but I do not know exactly when – we think the redemption center staff is supposed to be in and  at their desk ready to go at 9 am in the morning – so is that for any particular reason? Is it possible for numbers to be sent out – we hope so but we do not know that – that is not something that we know

Some things have to play out – regarding President Trump – I know there is more to come from our President – I know that there are things that are planned and will manifest in the next week or so - 

The story is not over – let me put it that way – This story is not over yet – we are waiting – we are ready – most of us are really ready - we are on our tenth year of the Big Call – Many people are listening in groups – many people are getting the call and simultaneously transcribing it in another language that they understand better than English - I can see this in my mind’s eye this thing happening all over the globe –

Some people transcribe our call – and it’s getting out there all over the globe - and we thank people for listening here in our second week of our tenth year – I wish I would have had a little more to give you but that is really about all there is that I can remember and is pertinent to us -

I do hear things about readiness – preparedness – about the military – what to expect – We do have the Insurrection Act getting put into activation – Sunday Morning - there are really high – high meetings – that have gone on over the weekend - I think we are as prepared as we can be but there are always things that we don’t know and may be happening behind the scenes –  I am excited about where we are -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins  1:09:09

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 1-7-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 1-7-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – its Thursday January 7th and you’re listening to the Big Call - Thanks for tuning in again

Ok let’s go right into our all-important intel segment – and I will try to describe where we are - Last Tuesday we talked about the bonds that were being paid out - we knew Wednesday - yesterday – would be a big day – bonds – when we said to be paid out – we really mean funds would be available –

We know today – Thursday – that we’re still – I hate to say waiting – but I believe the bond holders are still waiting for their funds to be available to them – even though they have been transacted already with buyers and sellers - what I am hearing this afternoon is that some of the larger bond holders are supposed to be paid overnight tonight – such that they would have access to funds tomorrow morning –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 1-7-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – its Thursday January 7th and you’re listening to the Big Call - Thanks for tuning in again

Ok let’s go right into our all-important intel segment – and I will try to describe where we are - Last Tuesday we talked about the bonds that were being paid out - we knew Wednesday - yesterday – would be a big day – bonds – when we said to be paid out – we really mean funds would be available –

We know today – Thursday – that we’re still – I hate to say waiting – but I believe the bond holders are still waiting for their funds to be available to them – even though they have been transacted already with buyers and sellers - what I am hearing this afternoon is that some of the larger bond holders are supposed to be paid overnight tonight – such that they would have access to funds tomorrow morning –

Access to funds – that’s the name of the game – it’s one thing to have funds in your account – and another thing to have them available and have access to them – that’s what’s happening now

They were still going through today – tonight and maybe into tomorrow (Fri) as well as far as bond transactions – making those liquid and available out of the transactions occurring in Miami and that is ongoing as we speak – there were still bonds and boxes of bonds to be hypothecated today and tomorrow –

So - where does that put us? It should put us in a position where we are available – initially we thought Tuesday /Wednesday – of this week – for notifications – Now we’re hearing more like Saturday for notifications – maybe getting notifications to us Saturday and starting Saturday –

Or…..we could get pushed to early next week – we have heard both things from a couple different sources – and we know that this is what we are looking for – we’re looking to be notified and to get started –

We also believe that the funds that will be available to the bond holders – to the SKR holders – in tier 3 should all have acceptability approximately the same time – which could be – I don’t know about tomorrow (Fri)  but I am going to say tomorrow (Fri) or Saturday – if we are all going together as a shotgun start – This is what we heard in the last several days – that all of the liquidity from bond holders to group members – group members out west – to  us in tier 4B should occur at the same time -

So obviously for us to get started we need to be notified – we need for those secure email servers from Wells Fargo to send us emails which will include the toll free numbers to call and for those who do not have emails – or they do not have your email – for some reason you’ve changed – that is where I come in and I put out the number –

Now who is getting it first? Am I getting it first – are you getting it first? It’s hard to say - we had approximately 527,000 emails coming from the Wells Fargo servers – we had 6,000+ that were disqualified and pulled from those and so the number might be closer to 521,000 – whatever the number is - they are supposed to go out – we heard originally in 4 batches – that may have changed -

We know that the redemption center people went in today and we do not know what their schedule is quite  yet for the remaining days and into next week –

You know as well as I do they keep pushing this back – this is a very slow release – I think they are releasing it very slowly so the economy does not overheat – but obviously we are getting a little bit anxious and we’re looking for the notifications to happen for us to start - 

So that is still the case – that is still what is going on – and other than bond holders having access to funds we believe overnight or in the morning – we should be there right behind them - Once the bondholders are done there may or may not have to be an audit – I am hearing one is not necessary and we can go ahead and get started –

I know it’s not a whole lot but today was one of those days that was very very quiet -  now watch what happens after the call and tomorrow – maybe we will get more but for right now this is telling us to continue to listen in – continue in patience – and prayer and perseverance -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:  1:08:13

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 1-5-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 1-5-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – Happy New Year to everyone - It is Tuesday January 5th and you’re listening to the Big Call - Tonight could be a little bit different cause we’re expecting the possibility of tuning into the broadcast where the president could be explaining something different – something new - something we could be interested in listening to - that is supposed to be brought to me not too far from the top of the hour – so we’ll see where that goes – we will interrupt our call at that time – otherwise we will just continue on – unless and until that happens -

Ok folks it’s that all important time where we talk about where we stand in this process – what is the latest intel? What am I hearing? What am I getting? This is really something because we were in the position to receive our notifications according to one source a few days ago – we’re talking about Tuesday – which is tonight – Wednesday in that era to get started for us –

 Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 1-5-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – Happy New Year to everyone - It is Tuesday January 5th and you’re listening to the Big Call - Tonight could be a little bit different cause we’re expecting the possibility of tuning into the broadcast where the president could be explaining something different – something new  - something we could be interested in listening to - that is supposed to be brought to me not too far from the top of the hour – so we’ll see where that goes – we will interrupt our call at that time – otherwise we will just continue on – unless and until that happens -

Ok folks it’s that all important time where we talk about where we stand in this process – what is the latest intel? What am I hearing? What am I getting? This is really something because we were in the position to receive our notifications according to one source a few days ago – we’re talking about Tuesday – which is tonight – Wednesday in that era to get started for us –

Now – we have heard that and yet we know that certain bonds for example the Railroad Bonds - were to payout today – and some of the other bonds – they’ve all basically been completed ok – the transactions to buy / sell on all of these various – and there are a bunch of different types of bonds – yellow dragon – etc all of these different colored dragon bonds etc –

It’s just amazing how many different types there are – and these have all been traded with buyers and sellers and now it is a matter of those funds being paid out – by that I mean – they are in the accounts for the people that are the “owners”  ok – those owners accounts are hydrated in some cases they’re being seen in other cases they’re not fully seen yet  - but my understanding was that tomorrow (Wed) that hydration of those bonds – the liquidity of those bonds – is to be made available to the bond holders –

In other words they are being paid and given access to funds – It’s one thing to have money in an account and having pending notification or another date by it – it is NOT available – we want to know when the funds are to be “available”

My understanding is that tomorrow is a major day – it could be overnight tonight – or sometime tomorrow – that these bond payments are supposed to go out – to the point where they are accessible – and receivable – they are going to pay out tomorrow though out tomorrow night – so that’s interesting for us – who are kinda on the side lines – waiting to step up and get started ourselves –

Other information that we’ve had alongside that bond information talking about us in tier 4B receiving notifications and one particular transmission had us receiving notification on Thursday - a couple days away – so that goes in line and corresponds with another banks interpretation of our timing as a couple of days after the bonds are paid out - two days later would be Friday –

We could get notified Thursday and start Friday – and if I remember right Friday is the 8th of January – is there something to that? Does the 8th show up – for example – the Far East in China – 12 hours earlier than us here - yes – so I think there may be something to that – however it would not surprise me if we were notified Thursday morning and got started and appointments set - and started on that day – so we’re just going to have to wait it out and see – and you know as well as I do that after this call tonight and tomorrow I will get more information –

So – we will either have it I think – on Thursday – or beyond meaning Friday – or we won’t and we will have a call – and we will talk about it – okay – when I do get the numbers and we do receive those 527,000 plus or minus – emails – from Wells Fargo – with the toll free numbers – then we’ll know

In the meantime – while we wait – which is hopefully not more than a couple more days 2-3 – this is a great opportunity to fine tune your presentation – to get things down on paper – instead of back end of napkin kind of notes - this is the time to get some things down – in bullet point outline form –

We know that the value of the zim currency is going to increase if we do a good job – a really stellar job presenting the projects – it will affect the rates that we get – so if you are serious about projects and want to do the best you can for humanity you want to put your very best foot forward – and get all of the availability you can get for your funds so you can then put those across the globe in our project

I know we thought it was going to be here months ago – I know that – there is something to the fact that it has drawn out – it has slowed down for several reasons - one if which is the bond holders need to be paid and get access to their funds  - it’s sort of a shotgun approach  but I have a feeling that if we go this week it should be Thursday or Friday – and things are looking like that’s where it is right now – possibly the activity going on in Washington DC - especially tomorrow (Wed) needed to happen first – I don’t know that though – that is not an absolute – but in my mind maybe that just needed to happen before we started –

I can tell you we are ready to go – redemption centers have been ready – they have been having conference calls -  more meetings – they have been getting together - to go through everything –

\We did have word today that we have our gold backed USN dollar – if you will – our United States Dollar – US Treasury Note effective digitally since the 1st of January  - Now we understand that not only I think in the United States our asset backed currency is calculated by above ground – in ground assets - silver – other precious metals – would include oil and gas in the US - all currencies will have value you base on these various in ground and above ground assets – and resources they have in these assets and all of the currency values are being set according to those values –

We know that Iraq is ready to go and not waiting much longer – I can tell you and I think we’re going to be all set with everything –

I cannot really get into the rates – they are changing – constantly updated – and traded – and something we’re going to know when we get in there – but I want everybody to be confident and going in knowing that you are absolutely a game changer for the projects that you have in mind to execute –

 So everybody – thank you for being patient – I am only giving you information that I’m getting – sometimes it’s right on the money and sometimes they miss it – or I miss it but we are there for  you till this goes –

So hang in there – be patient – I hope everybody got through Christmas and the New Year okay – and we’re going to move forward together – thank you everybody for listening -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins   1:06:35

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 12-29-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 12-29-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight - it is Tuesday December 29th and you’re listening to the Big Call - welcome all that are here – and to what is the start tonight of our 10th year of The Big Call – We hit 9 years completion yesterday – and so here we go ….. we’re starting our 10th year – I hope it’s short one and I think it will be –

The intel tonight – I actually knew a lot of this after last Thursdays call – which you remember we did a very short call for Christmas Eve – it is amazing after a call I can get information that I wish I had been able to bring on the call – but that’s what happens - it may even happen tonight –

So what I am going to tell you is where we are and what I’m hearing about us and when we’re going to start – Now what happened yesterday and today – was the so called Friends & Family - people that had done exchanges with various banks throughout the country – SKR’s – safe keeping receipts – probably picking up very little to no amounts at the time of their exchange – but they ARE in a situation NOW to be receiving what’s called – healing / emergency funds yesterday and today from those exchanges / SKR’s – but the total amount that they should receive will not happen until we get started with our exchanges

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 12-29-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight - it is Tuesday December 29th   and you’re listening to the Big Call - welcome all that are here – and to what is the start tonight of our 10th year of The Big Call – We hit 9 years completion yesterday – and so here we go ….. we’re starting our 10th year – I hope it’s short one and I think it will be –

The intel tonight – I actually knew a lot of this after last Thursdays call – which you remember we did a very short call for Christmas Eve – it is amazing after a call I can get information that I wish I had been able to bring on the call – but that’s what happens - it may even happen tonight –

So what I am going to tell you is where we are and what I’m hearing about us and when we’re going to start – Now what happened yesterday and today – was the so called Friends & Family - people that had done exchanges with various banks throughout the country – SKR’s – safe keeping receipts – probably picking up very little  to no amounts at the time of their exchange – but they ARE in a situation NOW to be receiving what’s called – healing / emergency funds yesterday and today from those exchanges / SKR’s – but the total amount that they should receive will not happen until we get started with our exchanges

So it is a bit of an “emergency liquidity” that the friends and family – individuals – not Whales or VIP’s – just people that were notified by the bank a while back and some did exchanges maybe a year back

So that is one little thing – for Monday and Tuesday – what additionally is happening now is the bond holders for numerous different bonds are being divided into 2 basic groups – meaning that their paymasters are paying them out this week - with one group – the first group being paid what we understand is overnight tonight or overnight tomorrow – I have heard it both ways – and they would theoretically have access to about 1-2% of those bonds – either Wed or Thurs –

The second group of bond holders – is to be paid out what we understand is – Thursday night and would have access to funds 1-2%  on Thursday or Friday – and the theory is the bond holders get paid out this week – in their entirety

Now – beyond that – and I hate to be the person that puts this out further than anyone else – cause you know I don’t like that people do that to me – but I am saying that the information that I had as long ago as last Thursday night – 5 days ago – was talking about us going – tier 4B – somewhere in the Monday the 4th or Tuesday 5th of January and possibly into Wednesday –

That means we’ve got a week possibly from tonight before we actually do something with have our numbers and we set our appointments or we get our numbers Monday night and start Tuesday – there’s a possibility and we had it from an extremely high source – as high as you can get – in the banking world – that - that was the Monday/Tuesday thing – that was 5 days ago –

Now – what about the possibility of Mon/Tues – or Tues/Wed? I think it looks very good we should be there by then and hopefully – and I’m not calling it – but that is what I’m hearing – passing on what it is that I’m getting –

Also – I have reason to believe that certain exchanges that will be done with Arabic speaking interpreters and translators are to start next week as well – and that is another good sign – that is when we are supposed to start – they’ve been notified and given a schedule – and I’m looking forward to that happening –

As far as Iraq is concerned – they are expecting to have another new rate – over the weekend – could start them on Sunday – their first business day – with a new budget – with a rate in the budget –

We know the rate that we saw – the rate we were actually notified about was very strong – and just slightly below what Dr Shabbibi had predicted that the value of the Dinar to hold back in the National chamber of United States Chamber of Commerce Meeting - where Blue Star attended and asked him that value question – back in 2012 –

So we are really – in a position I think to move forward through New Year’s Eve and to New Year’s Day – and into the first week of January having had a 4 day banking holiday – where no wires were transmitted from last Thurs – Fri – Sat – Sun – globally – from my understanding - 

Now everything is totally interconnected – with the QFS – banks are completely on line – Central banks should be totally on line – and Central banks should under the auspices of the Treasury for each country in the world – no longer under a central bank – hum how do I say it -- that might be controlled by the Rothschild’s or another cabal type group of people

So ……I believe we are in a good place to move forward and I’m excited because I think we’re finally coming to the end but you know how this thing is – this is a moving target – and you know intel does change – even the idea of the bonds being paid out tonight could be moved to tomorrow night –

Look how we’ve heard we’re looking at $600 stimulus payment and then we heard about a $2000 payment – now it looks like we might get the $600 payment in a matter of hours to a few days followed by possibly a week later maybe the more like the $2000 more - we will see – do not hold me to that – but I believe we could see that  - and of course the election is far from being over – not even close to being over – Lots of things are going to be happening –

Well that’s the information I have for tonight – I’m excited and thrilled for everyone to be here – Thank you again for tuning in – our next call if we have one will be on Tuesday January 5th  -  everyone have a safe New Year -  I look forward to a great 2021 -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins 1:13:50

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 12-24-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 12-24-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight - it is Thursday December 24th and this is a special Christmas Eve version of the Big Call - welcome all that are here – we’re not going to do a very long call – we do have a little information to bring you so I think you will enjoy it - thanks for tuning in –

So let’s talk a little about where we are – in terms of since Tuesday – what have we learned if anything since Tuesday that tells us roughly where we are – I can tell you in the terms of intel that between 1:15 and 1:30 PM today (Thursday) Eastern Stand Time – all the banks were beginning to transition from the old system - completely over to the new Quantum Financial System –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 12-24-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight - it is Thursday December 24th  and this is a special Christmas Eve version of the Big Call  - welcome all that are here – we’re not going to do a very long call – we do have a little information to bring you so I think you will enjoy it - thanks for tuning in –

So let’s talk a little about where we are – in terms of since Tuesday – what have we learned if anything since Tuesday that tells us roughly where we are –  I can tell you in the terms of intel that between 1:15 and 1:30 PM today (Thursday)  Eastern Stand Time – all the banks were beginning to transition from the old system - completely over to the new Quantum Financial System –

This is globally – this also meant all bank wires would go out today after that time today globally -  because we are transitioning into the QFS – the gold backed dollar – which we call the USN – and also this is sort of the start today of a 4 day bank holiday – 24th 25th 26th 27th – and as much as I would have loved to deliver this blessing – to you by having it happen before Christmas -  unfortunately that was not going to be the case – and I told you that on Tuesday –

I have an idea of when we are supposed to go  but as much as Pres Trump wanted this to be for our Christmas – it is not -  now – the bond holders – yes they are supposed to have liquidity and access to their funds on Sunday and Monday – coming -  that means they have Friday – Sat – Sun and Mon to receive liquidity – that is in their account – that can be seen by their wealth manager – but bond holders do not have the coordinance  to see those funds in their accounts yet

They will get those on Monday and I understand have access to the funds either Monday or Tuesday – that’s when they will “be paid” if you will – that is when the liquidity in their accounts can be seen and accessed up to approximately 1 – 1 ½ %  of that total –

You’ve got to realize that those bond holders totals are very very high – and some are in the trillions of dollars – or more even – so getting 1%  of that is still a bunch of money – and it will be paid in USN – our gold backed currency –

That is fine for the bond holders – most of us are not – by the way if you have bonds that are legit – and you can prove provenance on those bonds – when you set your appointment – tell them that you have xyz bonds – and they will set up and make sure that a representative of the bank is qualified to handle bonds will be there at the redemption center to work with you at the time of your appointment –

That is what we have been told to say as to what will happen if  you have bonds – I am NOT talking about zim -  I am talking about railroad bonds – yellow dragon bonds - etc  you believe you will be able to exchange – “redeem”

So what else is happening? I told you the start of everything – really with the QFS – banks on holiday around the globe – that should takes us all the way through Sunday – Some of the redemption center staff in fact are off Sunday and Monday –

They are off today – tomorrow - they go in Saturday for 4 hrs – not sure why – maybe to update or fax things to do with the QFS - the USN maybe - and they are off Sunday – and Monday - going back in Tuesday – that leads us to believe for us tier 4B we could get notified Tuesday and start Tuesday - or we could get notified Tuesday and start Wednesday –

I would love to see us get this started this year because it would give us one good thing – and I know there are more -  but one really good thing that will have happened before the end of 2020 - It sets us up for a beautiful 2021

Our hope is that we get this thing started with numbers and appointments – that start Tues/Wed – and takes us all the way through to Jan 4 th – and then the public would start – the latest I have – the public / tier 4 – would start Jan 5th –

Those dates could change as you know – they tend to get pushed back – but that is what I had as of yesterday on that –

NESARA is beginning and taking place tomorrow – the St Germaine Trust and the Rodriquez Trust - are both set to pay out in major tranches tomorrow - Christmas Day – They are supposed to pay out and those will go – in my opinion – to the central banks that are tied to various countries around the globe – and they may also go to global collateral accounts – that are trusted - account holders – that can monitor the safe movement of funds in and out of those global collateral accounts –

We don’t know exactly whether the tranches that are going to come from the Rodriquez Trust and St Germaine Trust are going into global collateral accounts or in to the global central bank accounts – they should be independent from any global banking cartel – let’s call it – and truly independently owned and oversee by the individual countries treasury – and if that is the case then that would be a safe destination for these funds to arrive in –

Obviously they are going to u se the QFS – to transmit these which is a very secure system and that is a way they can monitor all transactions from now through the end of whenever – to make sure they go to where they are supposed to go – no that is with NESARA starting over this weekend –

Pres Trump is supposed to make some form of announcement tomorrow (Friday)  after lunch is how it was put to me – I don’t know exactly what time that is – I think it is going to be shown on Breitbart – Newsmax – I hope Fox or FoxBusiness carries this –

What is it going to be about?  I hope it is about our new gold backed dollar and returning to the gold standard and possibly something about NESARA – I do not think the Pres will use that terminology – I don’t think GESARA is going to be mentioned either - but maybe something in terms of debt forgiveness – we know that is a major part of it – there is a lot that we know is a part of GESARA – and NESARA - but how much gets discussed over this weekend we don’t know –

But we do know that when it is announced – or discussed – we have probably from 70 – 90% of it in activation mode – that is going to be interesting to hear – there is quite a bit to it if you have looked into that over the past little while – it starts with the gold backed dollar and we are going to be the first country to announce a gold backed currency – it is up to us to lead the world in that -  and my  understanding is that we will – to be the first country to recognize and talk about that –

All the rest of the countries will be asset backed which could include gold – precious metals – gems – oil – natural gas – other assets – in ground assets and above ground assets –

Be prepared for that possibility – over the next 2-3 days -  I am going to be keeping an eye out for an announcement by the President tomorrow afternoon –

With that being said – what are we hearing about when “WE” could start?  “WE” being tier 4B – I’ve heard from 2 major bank contacts that are letting us believe that more than likely it will be a Tuesday to Wednesday start for us – if in fact we are going before the end of the year - which I hope we are – and I believe we are –

We’ve been told by major bank sources next week – they have not said exactly what day - but “next week”  - I believe that everything is lined up – we have a rate on the Iraqi Dinar already – and we talked about that on Tuesday – everything should be ready to move forward -  the bonds – are wrapped up today I believe – in a number of cities but primarily in Miami – and my understanding is bond holders will have access to liquidity of 1-1 ½% on Monday in to Tuesday –

Otherwise we have the weekend – Christmas tomorrow – and no we did not get the blessing essentially for Christmas – but let’s believe our Christmas is coming just a bit later but before the end of 2020 – and the next year would be a terrific year for all of us – and for us helping to level the playing field around the globe with our humanitarian projects and everything that we plan to do –

That is really all the intel I’ve received since Tuesday in a very short concise form – So I’m excited still - disappointed that we didn’t have this before Christmas – and I don’t like hearing things like I’ve heard but I have to tell you what I get – and even though I’m not thrilled by the timing of this – the timing is what it is

Thanks everyone for listening tonight – our Christmas Eve Call – Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins 27:40

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