Friday Night X22 Reports 9-25-2020
.IMF & The Global Elite Just Fell Into The Trap, Watch What Happens Next - Episode 2286a
X22 Report: Sep 25, 2020
The globalist are moving ahead with their plan, Gov Newsom has now placed a ban on gas powered vehicle which will be effective 2035.
Their plan will fail, the economy continues to improve, durable goods move higher.
The global economy is imploding, the countries that are under the their rule have no way out.
The US is different, the patriots have been preparing for this and has now trapped the [CB].
IMF & The Global Elite Just Fell Into The Trap, Watch What Happens Next - Episode 2286a
X22 Report: Sep 25, 2020
The globalist are moving ahead with their plan, Gov Newsom has now placed a ban on gas powered vehicle which will be effective 2035.
Their plan will fail, the economy continues to improve, durable goods move higher.
The global economy is imploding, the countries that are under the their rule have no way out.
The US is different, the patriots have been preparing for this and has now trapped the [CB].
Operators Are Standing By, Some Will Exit Early, Judgement Day Is Coming - Episode 2286b
X22 Report: Sep 25, 2020
The walls are closing in on the [DS] players, more information has been declassified and the world is getting a sneak peak into the real corruption.
As soon as the data was released there were major outages across the country.
The information that was dropped shows it was an orchestrated plan and the FBI, CIA, DOJ had no predicate to start the investigation.
Judgement is coming, operators are standing by some will exit early.
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 9-24-20
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 9-24-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Tuesday September 22nd and you’re listening to The Big Call - Thanks for tuning in everyone – I’m excited to get this call going and we will have a good call tonight –
As far as the intel goes this is really an interesting time for us because we have information no from 3 different sources pointing to something going down between now and tomorrow – We’ve got 2 sources in Hong Kong that are different – unrelated sources that are coming back with a very very close – and something should be happening with a release for the change over from the USD to the USN – digitally as a world tradeable currency – it could happen overnight –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 9-24-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Tuesday September 22nd and you’re listening to The Big Call - Thanks for tuning in everyone – I’m excited to get this call going and we will have a good call tonight –
As far as the intel goes this is really an interesting time for us because we have information no from 3 different sources pointing to something going down between now and tomorrow – We’ve got 2 sources in Hong Kong that are different – unrelated sources that are coming back with a very very close – and something should be happening with a release for the change over from the USD to the USN – digitally as a world tradeable currency – it could happen overnight –
It may happen before the forex updates between 2:00 and 2:30 am – Eastern – and with that change all the currency that we use dollar going from a fiat dollar to a gold backed / asset backed dollar – which is the USN – or USTN - going back to that – is what we are looking for – and that should occur and then almost immediately we can look forward to the groups that are based out west being funded in their account and should also give them access to funds probably within 24 hours of that happening –
It might be even more instant than that – but it’s a good thing right now we are sort of looking for that change over to take place – that is something we are looking for tonight – or overnight
If that occurs what will it do for tier 4B? I think it puts us to where we should be notified within 24-48 hours –so we’ll see how that shakes out – it’s hard to say – the timing sometimes when you’re coming up on a weekend you don’t know whether it will go for us on a Fri/Sat – or whether it puts Monday into play – Right now we have to just go one day at a time – that is really the way we have to look at this –
We are on an hour by hour basis – for the release to take place – it’s really what we are looking at – so that is quite possible – Beyond that – we get the impression that I am saying we are very very close – but…….
Let’s talk just a second about the NESARA Universal Basic Income – remember we had the $1200 check – I think we just got one didn’t we – or the direct deposit into your account – or some of you received a debit card through the mail – that was loaded with the funds for you and your family – those three ways –
My understanding over the last couple of days is – and this came from 2 different sources – was that the Universal Basic Income might follow the same pattern that they are going to do in Germany – which is - we had it that we were going to get the $1200 - $1500 per month and it seems that what I’m hearing is the amount may have settled at $1400 per month - every month – for 3 years – Universal Basic Income –
Now – that is what I have heard a few days ago and I heard it again today – so we look forward to that – that is going to be gas money for us – it’s not that big of a deal – but – it’s nice to know that it’s out there - when does it start? Good question – we’re coming up on the end of the fiscal year for the government – I don’t know –
I would assume that our new Restored Republic Government maybe on the same fiscal year – which actually starts October 1st so we could be in a situation where that starts – the UBI which is similar to the stimulus – not quite the same – but similar – could start after the first of Oct
Now – the interesting thing is in a way it is an incentive to work – in some parts of the country what that would pay per month with 2 adults that is $2800 - without kids – so can you live on that? Yeah – in some parts of the country you can - if you are on Social Security – yeah - but is it really what is going to incentivize someone to go back to work or continue to work? So that is the real question – So let’s see how that goes –
With the projects that we are going to be doing – we are going to be hiring and creating jobs for a lot of people – of course those jobs would pay well - we know that – but we also have to be aware that the work force that’s out there - hopefully is well trained – may or may not be as available as we think – with a Universal Basic Income like that – so we are going to have to see how that works –
I don’t believe there is whole lot else to share – we are very very close – we are looking for this to pop – we thought it was going to go between last Tuesday and today – it hasn’t gone yet tonight and tonight is almost over – but will it go through??
If we get something tonight or overnight that indicates the change over from USD to USN – we are looking for it – so maybe that will occur – and maybe the adjustment will be made on the Forex – and maybe we can get this thing started –
I will say this – anecdotally we have a lot of information about some smaller groups of VIP or private groups that have gone and exchanged over the last 2 weeks – that are receiving some liquidity - not all of it – but they’re getting access to funds – either same day or the next – with a percentage – somewhere in the 1 – 1 ½ % of their total and you know if you are a Zim holder that turns into real money –and they’re getting that –
Obviously we are all sitting here waiting for our turn – these would be groups considered Whales or maybe VIP’s or private that are between tier 3 and tier 4 starting - We are staying patient for our turn which is coming very very soon -
There was not much to report on tonight because we are that close -
Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link Intel Begins: 56:35
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 9-22-20
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 9-22-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Tuesday September 22nd and you’re listening to The Big Call - Thanks for tuning in everyone – I’m excited to get this call going and we will have a good call tonight –
Let’s do a little intel and bring everybody as up to speed as we can – I did learn something new today that I didn’t know and I thought I should have known it but it came across as new to me -
There are meetings happening in the White House at 11 am and 11 pm every day – That is interesting to me because this is a (notice they are 12 hrs apart) way to monitor the progress of the “process” – See something that needs to be done –tweak the process – in other words it’s a way for them to keep up with everything that’s going on globally – in this process – and I am encouraged by that – it tells us that they are on it - basically 24 x 7 –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 9-22-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Tuesday September 22nd and you’re listening to The Big Call - Thanks for tuning in everyone – I’m excited to get this call going and we will have a good call tonight –
Let’s do a little intel and bring everybody as up to speed as we can – I did learn something new today that I didn’t know and I thought I should have known it but it came across as new to me -
There are meetings happening in the White House at 11 am and 11 pm every day – That is interesting to me because this is a (notice they are 12 hrs apart) way to monitor the progress of the “process” – See something that needs to be done –tweak the process – in other words it’s a way for them to keep up with everything that’s going on globally – in this process – and I am encouraged by that – it tells us that they are on it - basically 24 x 7 –
This is going to be the most amazing change in the way the financial system is working for us primarily I am going to say – due to the QF System – all the technology that’s there – the satellites that went up to support it – are still there - I mean – this is a huge change – using technology to correct a lot of wrong things that have been in the system and have been perpetrated by the cabal – for as far back as we can remember –
I have learned some new things about this whole plan – which I think is fascinating - and where we are is I am going to say – very – very close because we heard today from several sources that we were expecting it to go today for us – tier 4B – internet group - but it wasn’t to be – at least not yet – it’s amazing because I was prepared to receive it today but at the same time we know that certain things have already happened – certain things with the System have already moved forward – and no unfortunately the loss of R B Ginsburg– as Supreme Court Justice had nothing to do with the delay – was not true
This is something that is moving forward with – I’m going to tell you something that I believe is important – we know that we’ve got groups that are based out west - we all know about that – we also know that we are looking for a new gold backed United States treasury Note (USN) – which needs to surface – in other words the gold backed dollar needs to be acknowledged at least throughout the financial system as the new dollar before the groups that are based out west are paid –
Here’s the scenario – that is contractually put together with the leader of the groups – that gold backed USN – the new gold backed currency for the United States is in place – we know all the transactions are digital – we know they can make a digital change over from USD to USN with just a few key strokes – I may be exaggerating but I think it’s something they obviously know how to do - but the transactions that will be taking place will affect the currency in USN
Now – when will the new currency that we are looking for be available – to us they have already printed up sheets and sheets and sheets and sheets of 100 dollar bills 50 dollar bills and 20 dollar bills – they have them in spades –
Those monies – have already been delivered to the redemption centers – on pallets - they are in the vaults but they’re also in the redemption center rooms and they have been delivered bookoo amounts of the new currency – and they have packaged the 100’s 50’s and 20’s like this: 50 /100 dollar bills = ($5,000) 50/50 dollar bills = ($2,500) and 50/20 dollar bills = ($1,000)
So those are pre packed in those amounts for us – remember we’ve heard that we could max out at $14000 cash at the redemption center should we ask for some cash – do we want some ash? Maybe – this is the new money – the US Treasury Note – USTN – they have them pre packed – so boom boom – there’s a lot of it and it may be that we are not limited to just $14,000 – we will see – I don’t know of anybody that really needs to take much more than that – or that much in cash money – because we are going to have credit cards – debit cards – tied to our accounts – if we choose – I personally do not want a debit card tied to any large account – for security purposes – however – those monies are there in a big way – that is a very good thing –
Now – what about when that currency is going to be in the teller drawer at the banks? We believe the new currency – the USTN will be in the teller drawers starting Oct 1st – give or take – that is the day that we believe the public will start –
Today is the 22nd we better get moving huh – They may push that date back to the 5th of Oct - which is the full week – the first full week of Monday through for the banks to operate and take on tier 5 – the public – that could be when it actually begins for the public – which means we may have more than the end of the month to go to at the redemption center – we may not need it - you know they want the Zim in in 4-5 days – most of it 85 – 90 – 95 % they want in and I think they can get it in – certain areas like Florida has the largest number of Zim holders in the country -
I think I told you 3300 was the approximate number – that’s a lot - Florida is going to be busy – and I think the people that live there are amazing we have a lot of listeners of the Big Call in Florida - quite a few out of Texas – California –
So where is this – we did not go today – I’ve heard from 5 different sources today – and I’m not calling it – however – I’m hearing very good things about tomorrow – wouldn’t be right for me to try to call it – I’m just going to say – I like what I’m hearing about tomorrow –
You know when you get down and you’re pretty much at the end of the ride – you pull in on that roller coaster and it slowly comes up to a stop and all of a sudden – automatically – that bar goes from where you’re grabbing on to it – to where it pulls back up so you can get out – I believe the bar is just about ready to be raised - I believe this is where we are – We need that USN to be live and available before the groups move forward with being paid –
Could this happen tonight? Late or overnight? Maybe - I believe it could – If that happens tonight late – or overnight – I think we’re lined up for success - I think we’re almost home –
I believe there is one other little thing – remember a couple weeks ago when we weren’t getting change – and restaurants - stores etc did not have change ? Places would up your amount to the closest dollar – there is a reason for that – I don’t think I have told you this – What they have been doing is taking back our 50 cent pieces – quarters – dimes and melting them down – pulling the silver out and minting new coins – with the proper amount of silver in them - I don’t know about silver dollars – not sure they will be out or not – Silver dollars for sure – half dollars - quarters – and dimes - Nickels are nickel and will be continued to be made nickel - pennies ?? question mark ?? Don’t know about the penny – May continue and maybe not – I am not going to sweat a penny - but that is what has been happening with our coinage and why the shortage – That is fine with me bring on the new coins
So we are looking somewhere between October 1st and October 5th - somewhere in that time frame – for the new currency to come out – At some point we believe we will have a gold coin – don’t know the denominations or wort exactly - I think it will be pretty valuable though so be prepared for that – I do feel really good about what I’ve heard about tomorrow – so let’s see – it is so hard but I can’t call it – look how many times I would have been wrong – I feel good about this – it’s not absolute but I think it’s so approximate – with all the other things that I’ve heard that are happening – I believe it’s very – very close - let’s just leave it that way - very very close – Thanks everybody for listening in tonight
Bruce’s Big Call Reply Link Intel Begins: 1:02:55
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 9-17-20
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 9-17-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Tuesday September 17th and you’re listening to The Big Call - Thanks for tuning in everyone – We hope to have a very good call for you tonight -
Well – Let’s see – it’s Thursday night – Tuesday we did have some pretty good information and we got more yesterday of course - and we got a little bit today – that kinda gets us to the point where we’re moving forward but it seems like molasses – we’re moving slowly but we are moving forward –
The boxes of bonds – primarily the Zim – other assets are being hypothecated –being cleared in the Zim platform - not only in the US – NY - Miami – Dallas – Reno but also in London – Zurich – and also Singapore – so that was 7 locations around the world that is taking place - and that is important – that is happening with those platforms and groups – that’s happening so that they can establish the rate for the Zim – but it’s in the process now and we’re not too far away – from where we should be –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 9-17-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Tuesday September 17th and you’re listening to The Big Call - Thanks for tuning in everyone – We hope to have a very good call for you tonight -
Well – Let’s see – it’s Thursday night – Tuesday we did have some pretty good information and we got more yesterday of course - and we got a little bit today – that kinda gets us to the point where we’re moving forward but it seems like molasses – we’re moving slowly but we are moving forward –
The boxes of bonds – primarily the Zim – other assets are being hypothecated –being cleared in the Zim platform - not only in the US – NY - Miami – Dallas – Reno but also in London – Zurich – and also Singapore – so that was 7 locations around the world that is taking place - and that is important – that is happening with those platforms and groups – that’s happening so that they can establish the rate for the Zim – but it’s in the process now and we’re not too far away – from where we should be –
(Hypothecation is the practice where (usually through a letter of hypothecation) a debtor pledges collateral to secure a debt or as a condition precedent to the debt, or a third party pledges collateral for the debtor.)
We are also looking to get notification on the USN – being a tradeable reality – digitally – that will be – I believe a fairly simple thing when the USD accounts are transferred to USN - cause it is a digital thing we’re talking about happening – within the QF System – There is obviously a protocol for that – and we’re just about to the point where we could have that transition take place – It has to do with collateral accounts being in the position to pay out in that USN currency –
We talked about clean up on Isle 3 on Tuesday night – that did take place again Wednesday – and this was in about a 15 hour period – with a little over 2100 pickups – if you will – that was globally - something that needed to be done – my understanding is that aspect of it – the arrests are done –
And then we’ve got another group of course that is still in process – a much smaller number but are key individuals that need to be cleaned up – if you will – should take place by Saturday or Sunday – So it’s moving forward –
We know that the redemption center staff are on a part time basis going in for about 3 hrs a day – today – tomorrow – Saturday – possibly Monday 10:30 – 1:30 – now if something pops while they are there - they will add reinforcements and we will be good to go - Everything will be moving forward – and that’s what we want –
So there is sort of that activity going on at redemption centers and we also have the possibility of when is it going to be our turn? From what I have heard yesterday and today – we ae sort of in the window from anytime now to Tuesday morning – and it could pop anytime within that except Sunday – probably not – because the redemption center staff is off on Sunday - but don’t write off the fact that it’s Thursday night – we are not necessarily deferred to next Tuesday – Something could pop for us anytime between now and Tuesday morning – we think – that’s what we have –
Now one treasury source said that we should be in the banks / redemption centers – by Monday – actually they said before Monday – well – ok – I’ll receive that – that would point to Friday and Saturday – that is ONE Treasury source – doesn’t mean it’s absolute - we have major banks telling us that the possibility is there to go between now and Tuesday – and we know that Tuesday morning the staff is going to be available from 9 am – until sometime at night pretty much straight through to the end of the month – so they are going to be prepared –
I am just going to say it this way – if we were to start Tuesday – not saying we will – could be before then - who knows - but IF we were to start Tuesday – that would only give us 9 days including Tuesday to exchange and redeem Zim by the end of the month - Which is their goal –
Their goal is to get tier 4B in and out by the end of this month so John Q Public can start on the 1st of October - So that gives us a pretty tight little window - Can we do it in 9 days? Oh yeah – sure – do they want the Zim in 4-5 days? Sure they do - probably 90 % will be in easy by that time – and they do not want us coming back with second appointments in that time frame either – because they need to keep the redemption center available for people doing original exchanges and redemption of Zim - and they want access to wealth managers to be there during that time - where they’re not dealing with other issues
So we are going to be trying to get in and get out – we know certain people in tier 3 that have gone in and have been paid a small percentage of their exchange and are going to get another small percentage of their totals on Tuesday –
We understand Landa China Global is to get access to funds tomorrow to begin going and doing their projects – if that comes through for them – they have been waiting a very long time to get access to funds – and we know that we are moving forward into the adjudicated and groups but we still need for the Cores to be paid – in which I believe in order for them to be paid we need to have the USN currency or US Treasury Notes – gold backed currency there to transact for the Core – that is part of their contract – that is my understanding that it would be done in gold backed currency –
So – everything is coming together and just about ready to move in the direction of what we wanted it in – I believe the core is somewhat separate from tier 4A – has something going before tier 4A and tier 4B go together – but we could get surprised with some activity as early as overnight tonight to through this weekend
I think we are looking very good for these activities to come forward for us and take us exactly where we need to be – last time I talked about the NDA a little bit – we talked about the exemption that you would have with primary contacts in an addendum - hopefully you’ve got that written and printed out – ready to present in your presentation –
We are looking for the Dinar to come up as an international rate on the screens Sunday morning 9AM Iraq time – that is going to end up being Saturday night about 1 am on the east coast and you can use your time zone accordingly – That is going to be good – that is big -
Beyond that – it is a matter of them moving through - you know the cleanup has got to be done far enough along where they are comfortable with our going – and you also know that the financial system – the QFS – they’ve got it all done and the countries that were hesitate to come in now have come in to the new system - we know the SWIFT is on its last legs and is there primarily right now to catch the bad guys which is working
So this transition that we’re about to come into is going to be a major paradigm shift for the country – for us – and really for the people that we influence globally – that we are able to touch with our blessing – I’m very excited about it More excited than I’ve ever been and I think we are just about there –
Now will it take all the way to Tuesday? Maybe – could – but the same time we do have that possibility of going like the one treasury source said - be in the banks before Monday –
So let’s keep that positive spirit working with us and keep the faith for this strong and then do the most that you can do to be prepared - I know I’m going to hear more – what I’m hearing now is good - it seems a lot of people we talk to are coming together with similar information that seems to be confirming - and that’s what we want
Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK Intel Begins: 1:02:32
Zig’s Place Chat Room Discussion and News Friday 9-18-20
.Zig’s Place Chat Room Discussion and News Friday 9-18-20
Zig Dinar Perspective Round table Conference Call recording....9/17 LINK
Xyz The first move of the new Iraqi central bank governor
The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mustafa Ghaleb Al-Kitab, announced, on Thursday, the development of a studied banking plan to develop the bank’s work and strengthen the national currency.
The bank said in a statement, "Nass" received a copy of it, (September 17, 2020), that "the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mustafa Ghaleb Al-Kitab, met with the President of the Supreme Judicial Council, Judge Dr. Faiq Zaidan."
"During the meeting, the governor of the Central Bank confirmed that a deliberate banking plan had been developed that would develop the work of the central bank, strengthen the national currency and deal with negatives, in cooperation with the courts specialized in joint work with the central bank," Al-Baya added.
Zig’s Place Chat Room Discussion and News Friday 9-18-20
Zig Dinar Perspective Round table Conference Call recording....9/17 LINK
Xyz The first move of the new Iraqi central bank governor
The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mustafa Ghaleb Al-Kitab, announced, on Thursday, the development of a studied banking plan to develop the bank’s work and strengthen the national currency.
The bank said in a statement, "Nass" received a copy of it, (September 17, 2020), that "the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mustafa Ghaleb Al-Kitab, met with the President of the Supreme Judicial Council, Judge Dr. Faiq Zaidan."
"During the meeting, the governor of the Central Bank confirmed that a deliberate banking plan had been developed that would develop the work of the central bank, strengthen the national currency and deal with negatives, in cooperation with the courts specialized in joint work with the central bank," Al-Baya added.
During the meeting, the President of the Supreme Judicial Council stressed, according to the statement, that "the selection of independent personalities from among the employees of state institutions to manage these institutions gives an indication of the government's seriousness in pursuing the professional institutional approach in building the state as well as emphasizing the importance of preserving the independence of the Central Bank in accordance with the constitution and the Central Bank of Iraq law."
Zidan stressed "the necessity of adhering to banking laws, the anti-money laundering and terrorist financing law, and the instructions issued pursuant to them, to build a solid banking sector capable of facing financial and economic challenges and providing real opportunities for development."
On Monday, Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi made changes to a number of important positions, which included 16 personalities in senior positions.
xyz The new central bank governor: We have put in place a deliberate plan to develop work and strengthen the dinar
The new Central Bank Governor, Mustafa Al-Kuttab, revealed, on Thursday, that a "deliberate banking plan" has been developed to develop the bank’s work, strengthen the national currency and address negatives, while the President of the Supreme Judicial Council, Judge Faik Zaidan, stressed the need to adhere to banking laws and the anti-money laundering and terrorist financing law.
The media office of the Central Bank said in a statement that Alsumaria News received a copy of, that "the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mustafa Ghaleb Al-Kitab, met with the President of the Supreme Judicial Council, Judge Faik Zaidan."
The statement quoted the book as saying that "a deliberate banking plan has been developed that will develop the central bank's work, strengthen the national currency and address negatives in cooperation with the courts specialized in joint work with the central bank."
For his part, Zaidan said, "The selection of independent personalities from among the affiliates of state institutions to manage these institutions gives an indication of the government's seriousness in pursuing the professional institutional approach in building the state, as well as emphasizing the importance of preserving the independence of the Central Bank in accordance with the constitution and the Iraqi Central Bank Law." LINK
Xyz Parliament will proceed to include borrowing in the General Budget Law 2020
Baghdad / The Parliamentary Finance Committee disclosed that the House of Representatives has proceeded to include borrowing in the Federal Budget Law 2020, which was recently approved by the Council of Ministers.
The committee's rapporteur, Ahmad al-Saffar, stated in a statement to the Iraqi National News Agency -, that "the House of Representatives decided to stop external borrowing in the 2019 budget, but the Finance Committee was forced to pass a law on domestic and external borrowing for the purpose of paying salaries, and we stipulated not to agree again to borrowing."
He added that "there are trends with the inclusion of borrowing in the general budget law 2020, within the limits of the necessary expenditures related to the payment of salaries, ration card items and medical drugs only," indicating that "the only issue that may delay discussions to approve the general budget law is the rate of internal and external loans that the government wants."
He explained that "the authority of the House of Representatives, according to the constitution, is to reduce the total amount of the budget or the transfer between the chapters, except for the increase that should be in coordination with the government and its approval."
During its extraordinary session held last Monday, the Council of Ministers voted on the Federal Budget Law of the Republic of Iraq for the fiscal year / 2020, and referred it to the House of Representatives based on the provisions of Articles (61 / Clause First and 80 / Clause Second) of the Constitution.
Xyz Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq meets with the President of the Supreme Judicial Council
His Excellency the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mr. Mustafa Ghaleb Al-Kitab, met with the President of the Supreme Judicial Council, Judge Dr. Faiq Zidan.
During the meeting, His Excellency the Governor of the Central Bank affirmed that a thoughtful banking plan had been developed that would develop the work of the Central Bank, strengthen the national currency and address negatives in cooperation with Courts concerned with joint work with the Central Bank.
In turn, the President of the Supreme Judicial Council stressed during the meeting that choosing independent personalities from among the employees of state institutions to manage these institutions gives an indication of the government's seriousness in
Following the professional institutional approach in building the state as well as emphasizing the importance of preserving the independence of the Central Bank in accordance with the constitution and the Central Bank of Iraq law, stressing the need to adhere to banking laws, the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Law and the instructions issued accordingly to build a solid banking sector capable of facing challenges
Financial, economic, and real opportunities for development.
xyz Parliamentary Finance pledges the country's economic reform with a paper to be presented within weeks
Shafaq News / The Parliamentary Finance Committee pledged today, Thursday, to reform the financial system and address the problems of unequal salaries for state employees and retirees, on the implementation of the economic reform paper to be presented by it in the coming weeks.
Committee member Jamal Ahmed Cougar said to Shafaq News, "The contents of the economic reform paper agreed upon and decided by Parliament and the Ministry of Finance include amending the salary scale, ending the differences and discrepancies between the salaries of state employees, organizing retired payrolls and the Federal Service Law," noting that "Parliament and the Committee Finance has not yet seen the economic reform paper due to be presented on the fifteenth of next month.
Cougar pledged "the application of the reform paper to the extent of the government's seriousness in implementing it and within the 2021 budget or the 2022 budget at the farthest borders," considering that "the reform paper is an end to the financial problems in the country and the problems of employees' salaries that take over a large part of the federal budget . "
He added, "Failure to implement the reform paper is a threat to the country's financial system and exacerbate new problems in the coming years ." LINK
Xyz Central Bank of Iraq (CBI). Mustafa Ghaleb has been named the CBI’s new governor after long service as its head of legal affairs. A nonpartisan figure with a history of resisting political pressure, he will now take the lead on implementing bank reforms and protecting the dollar auction process against interference from Iran, militias, and other corrupt actors.
Xyz 100 US dollars is equivalent to 100 Iraqi dinars .. Is it possible? An economic expert answers.
Baghdad / Obelisk: The economic expert, Salam Sumaisem, said that the government is now obliged to reduce the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar in order to obtain greater quantities of Iraqi money against the dollar without printing more, and thus preserving the currency from collapse.
In an interview with the "obelisk", Sumaisem said that the printing of the currency in the pre-2003 era was done without cover and in large quantities, and it was reduced without a balance. Today, it can be reduced with a balance, indicating that this reduction increases the amount of exports because it pays people who They import from abroad to the demand for domestic goods, which will lead to a devaluation of the currency and the demand for it becomes more.
Several countries resorted to writing off zeros of their currency, with the aim of restoring some confidence in the national currency by trying to absorb inflation represented by high prices and the erosion of purchasing value.
Sumaisem indicated that the time is not appropriate to manipulate zeros or the currency because its value will change, and with regard to removing zeros, this requires monetary stability and that was decided during the era of Sinan al-Shabibi administration of the Central Bank.
The economic expert called for improving the status of the dinar so that every 100 dinars would be equal to 100,000 Iraqis, and thus raising the zeros so that every 100 dollars equal to 100 Iraqi dinars, and thus the dinar would be equal to the dollar.
But Sumaisem believes that raising the zeros is not possible at the present time, due to the monetary and economic crisis that Iraq suffers from.
And deleting zeros from the currency is the process of replacing the old currency with a new one whose price is less than the old currency by the number of zeros that will be deleted, for example d
xyz And deleting zeros from the currency is the process of replacing the old currency with a new one whose price is less than the old currency by the number of zeros that will be deleted, for example deleting three zeros from the Iraqi currency means that one dinar from the new currency is equivalent to 1000 dinars from the old currency.
The Iraqi Finance Minister suggested reducing the price of the Iraqi dinar as a measure to confront the financial crisis, as Sumaisem believes that this proposal will be the closest scenario .. and will prevent compromising the storage in the central bank. LINK
xyz Is that float?
Zig No, would be great!!.... :Yes:
Xyz Iraqi political parties on Wedneaday rejected the new changes brought by Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi to senior positions in the security, economic, administrative and financial government bodies.
In separate statements, the Sairoon Alliance, the Al-Fatah coalition and State of Law Coalition rejected Al-Kadhimi’s government reshuffle saying they were surprised by the new appointments.
The Sairoon Alliance, supported by Shia cleric Muqtada Al-Sadr, said in a statement that the new appointments are dominated by party and political frameworks which “represents a setback in the reform project”.
Hadi Al-Ameri, the head of Al-Fatah coalition, which includes most of the Popular Mobilisation Forces, also rejected Al-Kadhimi’s changes, saying they represent “a return to the quota system”.
The State of Law Coalition said the new changes radicalise the quota system, adding that it had warned of such changes since the inception of the current government.
Al-Kadhimi announced on Monday changes to 15 high-ranking positions, including the governor of the central bank, the head of the Shia endowment office and the head of the Public Integrity Commission.
Xyz Trump campaign plots winning maps without Florida (but insists they won’t be needed)
Xyz Republican Senator Ron Johnson, who was due to join President Donald Trump in Wisconsin on Thursday, has instead entered quarantine after being exposed to someone who tested positive for the coronavirus, his office said in a statement.
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Zig I may try something new soon but it will be short lived the VERY FIRST TIME that it leads to anyone could sabotage it easily...but I like experimenting...and remember that if someone comes in here to cause trouble, name-call, insult me, etc., he/she will be quickly denied access...and I am good at recognizing people, their posting style,
I have an email that I created when I opened this chat...I may make it available soon to anyone wishing to become an ACTIVE member here...don't bother if you don't intend to post much....he/she would send me the name and password they desire...I would register them and then they could post...but I have a feeling that it would lead to tuned....
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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 9-15-20
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 9-15-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Tuesday September 15th and you’re listening to The Big Call - Thanks for tuning in everyone –
We’ve got some things that we can bring that may be helpful for everybody – I am going to try to remember everything I want to give you tonight So let’s start off with where are we ???? Where the heck are we?? Laughing – We are waiting
A friend of mine gave me an analogy today that I could use if I wanted – and I like it – this is like being in a tournament – and everyone has a tee time in a golf tournament - you can hit on the practice range – you can hit some putts on the putting practice green – but you cannot tee off until it is your time to tee off –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 9-15-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Tuesday September 15th and you’re listening to The Big Call - Thanks for tuning in everyone –
We’ve got some things that we can bring that may be helpful for everybody – I am going to try to remember everything I want to give you tonight So let’s start off with where are we ???? Where the heck are we?? Laughing – We are waiting
A friend of mine gave me an analogy today that I could use if I wanted – and I like it – this is like being in a tournament – and everyone has a tee time in a golf tournament - you can hit on the practice range – you can hit some putts on the putting practice green – but you cannot tee off until it is your time to tee off –
That is where we are – we are practicing on the putting green - hitting some balls on the driving range – we are getting warmed up - working on our projects – fine tuning what it is we’re doing – gathering intel – all of that - until our tee time is called – and it is our time to go and exchange – That’s about what it’s like - and we have to stay lose – and relaxed – confident – calm – be patient – until it’s our time to step up to the first tee – So take that analogy and see what applies and I think it applies to us - I like it -
Now – when is our tee time?? When are we going to do our exchange? I can tell you this – we were looking for something to happen for us as soon as today – from a major bank – it did not come through for us today but we do know some things are happening and definitely happening behind the scenes that we can sort of talk about –
So here’s the thing – we know that the Native Americans are partially paid last week – what I call walking around money - $50,000 each and they were to get a larger amount today – my understanding is – the confirmation I received was they received the larger amount which was in the hundreds of millions of dollars - yesterday we got a confirmation - the that it had occurred - so we believe based on what we have the Native Americans have been taken care of and there was an issue with that – there was a contract issue where they were not properly – whoever was working with those tribes thought that one or two could handle the payouts to each of those tribes which was not in the contracts – Contracts spelled it out differently and had to go back and readjust and do a lot of things to make sure they had everyone accounted for that was part of that process before they could be paid out – That could have slowed us down
I understood it was a month or more it could have slowed us down that much – it is all done now - its behind us and we’re moving forward and now we are in a situation where we have the Core group – which is sort of one of the admirals group – sort of part from 4A – I consider it more a part of tier 4A – and that is supposed to go very quickly & very soon – we thought was going to happen overnight last night or today - did not happen – but we know that there is a lot of activity going on out west - right now - there is a lot of stuff happening –
So – maybe - we were told we were looking good for today and we were also told consider Wednesday – Thursday and Friday - and possibly into the weekend –
We had one of the individuals that works for a major bank said he was positive that this was going to go - sometime this week but we didn’t have a specific date – that’s ok – they don’t want us to know when – they don’t even want the bankers to know - so they are sort of out there in the dark just like we are sometime –
We know the redemption staff went home around noon today at least in some parts of the country and that’s ok that means it wasn’t going to happen today for us –
Now we believe that the other thing that is a factor in this is that 2 other things right now - one - no dinar rate up on the screen today or this morning - I don’t know why that is – but obviously needs to be on the screens – for us to move forward - that is one issue - the other issue is – you know what I mean clean up on isle 3 – I think you understand that terminology - we’ve got about 53 situations that need to be cleaned up on isle 3 - that means individuals – that also was something that probably moved us off of today and moving us forward - whether it’s tomorrow or Thursday or Friday - whatever – it is probably moving us in that direction – taking care of those individuals –
Now – other than that and that is in a fluid state – you know – we are just going to have to see when it’s going to be our turn to tee off -
Now the other point – I want to do a disclaimer – Bruce is not an attorney – does not play one on TV or the Big Call – but I can give you some information that I’ve received that I think is important for us to look into individually from a legal point of view – so this means you can do this with your attorney – legal adviser – on your own – but this is some information I got and putting into effect for myself – and that is – we are going to have a non disclosure agreement when we do our exchange and zim redemption –
That non disclosure could be as short as 30 days or it could go as long as 120 days – (4months) or possibly 6 months – So how are they going to determine that? A lot of that is going to be determined by how sharp they think you are – Do you have it together?? Do you have confidence? Are you fairly intelligent about this entire process? If you are and you come across really sharp your NDA will be shorter – If you are a little scattered – laughing – nervous you end up getting a longer NDA process
Now let’s talk a little bit about – we don’t know exactly what’s in the NDA – we know we are not going to be talking about rates - or interest rates - length of term for structured payout – all of these things that are personal part of your own individual exchanging – are not to be shared – you are to shut the front door and keep it closed –
Further to that – I was given the advice to use what would be called an addendum – to your own NDA – you write out – type out and print out this addendum – this would have a list of y our primary contacts – if you are doing projects and so on – primary contacts are people that you might need to talk with or share some information with after the exchange –
Primary contacts would be your close family members – and any one else that you need to share information – not the “specifics” I just mentioned not rates – etc - but general information – because in some cases people that ae doing sort of VIP exchanges even now – as we speak are held to complete secrecy and privacy for at least 15 days – They are not supposed to talk to anyone - so to be able to overcome that – by having your own addendum as a typed out list – I would just use cursory language like – these primary contacts are people that should be exempted from my NDA – something very simple and list their names
You could put if you want their relationship to you – especially if family – you could bring that a couple copies - when it is time to talk about the NDA you could add this addendum to it – my understanding is it is allowed –
Now beyond that we know that there is some difference of opinion as to how we’re going to be notified – we understand that there is a safe link website system – that may be used to get information from you that will be used to verify as to who you are - we also know that the people get the toll free number and use it will do some of that verification process either on the phone or when they get to their appointment – as part of the KYC – know your customer information –
So my understanding is maybe both ways to actually set your appointment at the redemption center – maybe using the safelink website system and it may include using the toll free number that we’ve talked about – we know there are at least 527,000 emails on the Wells Fargo servers - my understanding – it would give you in that email the toll free 800 number – if it doesn’t and gives you a safelink website to use then you’ll go that way – and find that out –
My understanding from people as recently as the last couple of weeks this is where we get our toll free number – in addition to when I get the number – I’ll put it out on our website Big Call –
So that is just a couple of little things I wanted to bring to you to make you aware of how this thing is going – My understanding is once that Core Group is paid out by the paymasters that we are next to receive our emails pretty soon – I don’t think there is any long wait or thing that has to take place between the Core Group and our notification –
That is really what I wanted to bring – I don’t know why there’s no dinar rate on the screen today – obviously we need to have it – let’s tell you another thing too – anyone that’s been gifted Zim – needs to use the toll free number to get in and set appointment – just like all of us are doing that purchased our currency – were not gifted –
Here’s the thing – let’s say we do get started this week – we will go through to the end of this month with our exchanges and yes they do want the Zim in there in the first 4-5 days – but what about John Q Public? What about tier 5? Some people believe they are out of the loop on this – I will tell you this much – the rates will change dramatically especially on the Zim and the other currencies as well – they will come down to new rates that will be on the screens – the back screen rates are gone – if you’re the public that has not kept up with this – if you find out and go in after Oct 1 which is when the public is supposed to go - when you do that you will only receive a little over $600 for a 100T note –
So in other words the true value of the zim bond will not be what it is when we go – which will be vastly huge - so if you have gifted someone you need to keep up with them and bring them up to speed – or you have done them a dis service
The other currencies in my opinion will be exchangeable – but at a lower everyday – international rate – the rates that we are supposed to have on Dinar Dong etc will be higher for us for a period of time as tier 4B they will be higher – but after – unless they move the dates again – but as it is now – if the public were to start on Oct 1st for example – they would have much lower rates – no real opportunity for the Zim - just wanted to let you know in case you gifted anyone – let them know what the deal is – or they will not be able to take advantage of the value
Now everything I’ve said I know that things are moving behind the scenes lots of activity going on – we know of people that are being told to come in and they will get the balance of their SKR’s you know – yesterday – today – tomorrow - it’s close for a lot of people to get fully funded –
I think it’s really good that the Native American Tribes are handled – that is really positive and we can take that as a milestone – and go beyond that – Our timing – all I can say is close – we know it’s close – e know that we are moving through the groups slowly but we believe that we are almost there – we go after the Core gets paid out – Everybody stay tuned – stay positive for that pretend you are on the practice tee hitting balls or putts on the practice green and it’s almost ready for your tee time – Almost ready for your tee time – and when we get our tee time – we get on that first tee – we will be all set – ready to go - Everybody take that information tonight and utilize it – being prepared - being confident and lets all have faith for this to come through in the time frame that we believe it’s in -
Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK Intel Begins: 1:07:30
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 9-10-20
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 9-10-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Thursday September 10th and you’re listening to The Big Call - Thanks for tuning in everyone –
Let’s look at where we are on the intel front tonight – boy things were looking a little slow yesterday and today – we had a little information that came in yesterday – that came in after Tuesday’s call - which that usually happens Tuesday night – sometimes Wednesday – and then it got a little slow today – but we were able to get a surge of information that came in about 5 hours ago - that’s good –
So – here’s where we are – I try to let you know basically what I’m hearing and where I think we are as a result of gleaning the information trying to figure out what it means to us and where we actually are –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 9-10-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Thursday September 10th and you’re listening to The Big Call - Thanks for tuning in everyone –
Let’s look at where we are on the intel front tonight – boy things were looking a little slow yesterday and today – we had a little information that came in yesterday – that came in after Tuesday’s call - which that usually happens Tuesday night – sometimes Wednesday – and then it got a little slow today – but we were able to get a surge of information that came in about 5 hours ago - that’s good –
So – here’s where we are – I try to let you know basically what I’m hearing and where I think we are as a result of gleaning the information trying to figure out what it means to us and where we actually are –
Let’s go back and talk about – first of all – President Trump was nominated yesterday for a Nobel Peace Prize for peace between United Arab Emirates and Israel which was huge – and now we have maybe 1 or 2 or more other countries that are going to come to the party and subscribe to that peace agreement for their nation and it could be the kind of peace accord that actually lasts and takes all of the Middle East and puts them in a unified state of peace going forward
I think the formal signing – if I remember it right – for that peace agreement – is going to be Tuesday Sept 15th – and that could be an important date for us – we’ll see how it comes together – I think that will be good
Some people have said the President needs to be out of the country or removed while the RV is taking place – while the GCR is taking place and so on – it’s not true – it’s a mis truth – that has come out through the cabal - I never bought it – and you’re not supposed to buy it now – it’s not going to happen –
This is where we are – in terms of our timing – first of all – we did have a slight hold up - it might have been a 24 hour hold up - depending on how we look at it - here’s what happened - remember we talked about the QFS and the Real Time Gross Settlements - the system is tied to the Block chain technology – and in the quantum system it allows for banks to wire funds all over the globe – under 40 seconds – globally – here in the US it is 25-30 seconds – using that system –
Well guess what? Just when we thought we were completely off of the SWIFT System - We are NOT off the Swift yet – it is still in use – or able to be used - for the remainder of this month -
Why would they allow that system to run parallel to the QFS? Why would they let that happen? To catch the bad guys – that is exactly what they did today – This is why we were held up – there were certain entities (cabal) that were trying to fund the Democratic National Committee and Campaigns with wires using the SWIFT system globally and they tried to overheat the SWIFT System - literally over run it – with too many wires – so that in their minds they could not be trapped - fortunately for us that back fired –
They were able today because these started at 12:06 AM Eastern Day Light Time – all the way up to about 5 PM this afternoon – these wires were taking place – and they stopped the wire – they seized the funds – they have a number of “clean up” if you know what I mean to go with those individuals – this was global not just here – that is a very positive result that has occurred as a result of that – (hold please)
I just got a little intel update – and will bring it in just a moment - so – here’s what happened – the fact that SWIFT system was being used to do just what they wanted to catch more bad guys - they did it - and it happened today - so I was unsure how well that would work with that system but it worked beautifully - so all of that – we are talking 3,210 is a rough number that I have that were seized and stopped for doing what they were doing – and that money is seized and goes straight through our US Treasury – so good for us –
Now – here’s the other piece – we know that the Native American Tribes in the case of the Crow Indians in Montana – they have funds in the account – they were supposed to be ready to have access to them today – they actually because the Crow were told and this is a leader we’re talking about - for that Nation – on that reservation – at the bank at the reservation – they could see the funds in the account - but not able to get access to them until the remaining Native American – Tribes we made liquid – and that was supposed to happen the rest of today – to pay out the remaining Tribes – we heard that was the case with the other tribes – we got another report from someone pretty high up in ? Nation that they would receive their funds tomorrow – and this was a pretty big hunk of change – very nice - it is not the total they are going to get but it is what we would call much more than walking around money – that is supposed to occur tomorrow – for those Native American Tribes and I believe that’s a really good sign when I heard what was happening with them – I said – this is showing the kind of movement that we need to see
We know that the CMKX at least some if not all packages were supposed to start paying out 2:30 in the afternoon today – we heard that some had started to pay out last Saturday - but I cannot verify that - but we know they are supposed to start paying out – I guess it was yesterday at 2:30 - so that is a positive situation –
The other thing is we are hearing that there was a call from President Trump to the leader of the groups out west and that call went very well I believe because Trump is very much looking forward to this being over and getting it out and my latest information is saying that the groups out west – the upper groups – should be started 22 minutes after midnight tonight – and that’s Eastern time I believe – let’s call it 12:30 am Eastern – They should be beginning to pay out those groups finally –
What does it mean for us – in tier 4B – where do we stand now – I believe that – yes – I believe that President Trump wanted this to release on – at least for some groups – may not be us – but some groups to be released on 9/11 –
I believe we’re going to see that – I don’t know if we will hear about it – but I believe that is going to occur – overnight tonight – and I believe that it puts us in tier 4B in a situation to look very strongly toward this coming Tuesday for us – Maybe numbers on Monday afternoon (800 #) – evening is possible – I hope that is how it happens – that we get the numbers the day before our appointments start – but we’ll see how that happens - it may not be that way but it should be according to everything else by or on Tuesday the 15th
Tuesday is going to be a big day for us – what does this do to the public - the tier 5 – the public start has been pushed to Oct 1st - that means we’ll have at least 2 full weeks to do our exchanges – not that we need 2 weeks to do our Zim and to get in with our currencies and do the exchanges but that way the rates can stay up for us and we also can go back if we need to - they don’t want us to – but if we need to go back in for a second appointment we can do that with wealth managers that won’t be tied up with other things when the public starts –
So – we’ve got a very positive piece of information moving forward starting tonight - late late late tonight – of this moving forward with the groups over night tonight they are going to start paying those out and they will pay them what is called “healing funds” – or travel funds – to the tune of about $100,000 or up to - per account – it’s obviously not the big money but something they can have so the economy does not over heat –
We know there is traffic going in and out of Reno – we know that there are things happening with the Zim Platforms in different parts of our country and the world and get those platform groups ready in like next Tuesday or Wednesday – for the Zim – so I think we are in pretty good shape –
Yes I wish we would start tomorrow – I don’t see that right now based on my intel – I thought that it might be the case that we would get started on 9/11 but it seems the Admirals group will get started on 9/11 and we will follow them looks like Tuesday right now –
That is the over and under what we’re looking at – so our Native American Tribe has been taken care of we believe tomorrow and we should have liquidity taking place in some of the groups – overnight tonight – and also probably – probably some of the tier 3 SKR’s to be hydrated to the same extent
So we’re moving along – it’s coming – The SWIFT system worked to catch some bad guys – everything is like it should be - President Trump was I think pretty adamant about getting this thing started in some form or fashion for the groups tomorrow – and it looks like that is going to happen tonight after midnight tonight – that’s really what I wanted to tell you and about everything that I had planned to bring tonight – we did get that little bit of juice of intel right in the middle here – and I think it’s very meaningful – it shows movement and things starting shortly after midnight tonight –
Remember the emails are supposed to come out with the toll free number from Wells Fargo – should have the same number that I’m getting – Thanks everyone for listening -
Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK Intel Begins: 1:00:40
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 9-8-20
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 9-8-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Tuesday September 8th and you’re listening to The Big Call - Thanks for tuning in everyone –
Let’s talk a little about where we find ourselves from an intel point of view – This is one of those times when it is not dead quiet but pretty quiet - This is one of those times when certain bankers are just told not to say anything - to stay quiet - they are under a sort of gang order – certain people maybe under orders to not share anything anymore – so it’s a little tougher to find and get the information that you and I are interested in – especially on timing –
However - we did find some things out and I will share them with you now – I hope everybody had a wonderful relaxing weekend and you were able to do something may be that you couldn’t before - What I found was on Saturday we heard that some large amounts – this is coming from a very high source in Texas - high amounts of funds were being allocated to a number of accounts – that was on Saturday –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 9-8-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Tuesday September 8th and you’re listening to The Big Call - Thanks for tuning in everyone –
Let’s talk a little about where we find ourselves from an intel point of view – This is one of those times when it is not dead quiet but pretty quiet - This is one of those times when certain bankers are just told not to say anything - to stay quiet - they are under a sort of gang order – certain people maybe under orders to not share anything anymore – so it’s a little tougher to find and get the information that you and I are interested in – especially on timing –
However - we did find some things out and I will share them with you now – I hope everybody had a wonderful relaxing weekend and you were able to do something may be that you couldn’t before - What I found was on Saturday we heard that some large amounts – this is coming from a very high source in Texas - high amounts of funds were being allocated to a number of accounts – that was on Saturday –
What we don’t ever totally know is which accounts did they go to – I think – based on what I have been hearing and piecing things together they probably went to some tier 3 SKR’s – they could have gone to other groups but they did not go to the groups based out west that we put into tier 4A – certainly they did not go to tier 4B – that’s us –
So we saw money moving in that direction – going that way – we know that some of the prosperity packages have been delivered – we know that some CMKX was sent out and received - this was supposed to be the weekend where all of those groups were to be cleaned up - by yesterday – we know that we are looking at new rates on the screens as of this morning –
The redemption center staff had plans to go in today relatively early and still have plans to go in tomorrow with the full contingent of staff tomorrow morning in the 8:15 AM range – we understand from one very high up wealth management advisory source that we had a shot at going today around lunch time – but if we did not go today - then we were looking very strong for tomorrow –
There was also a piece in that talking about Steven Mnuchin or state treasury secretary getting in touch with AG Barr this afternoon with the justice dept - the question is – what was that involving ?? – Was it involving something to do with the stimulus package that seems to be going nowhere in Congress? At least in the House – The thinking is that – the situation – that problem was to have been solved today -
Now what I don’t know – and I’m only projecting here – does that mean if we don’t have something that could be agreed upon and acted upon in Congress to give the stimulus out under the guise of the CCP virus and all of that – that is going on - could it be that Pres Trump was checking the situation out to see whether or not the stimulus could be done through and executive order – as opposed to both houses of Congress coming together on a bill? I don’t know – I am only throwing it out there something that may be the case - I don’t have that - but supposedly today that action completed the idea of a stimulus package in some form or another – we’ll see –
The other bit of information that came in very positively today – was not only to suggest that the redemption center staff would be on full staffing tomorrow morning – but also that information went out saying don’t plan anything for the remainder of the week or the weekend – in other words we should have between 8-10 days under tier 4B to complete our redemption and exchanges of currencies –
At the same time the public what we call tier 5 – was supposed to start around the 15th of September – That time as you know - that can get pushed back a week – I don’t know that – I don’t have that - I’m just saying we have a time line now - today being Tuesday – I believe they want to get this thing started for us so that we can get in and get out – essentially we are the stimulus for the economy – the tier 4B - getting the funds to us and then out – and it could be said for everybody that’s receiving funds – because everybody that’s involved in the various programs – the Zim platform - the groups – all of that is stimulating the economy and you know as well as I do they have let this roll out very very slowly –
I think they have done it so the economy does not over heat - and we don’t – it doesn’t become so obvious to everybody - I think it going to be hard to keep this thing under wraps when certainly we go or the public goes after us - but I would say this - the idea of us going this week is something that I’m still being told – and whereas today I was told today or tomorrow - tomorrow is in play – it is not absolute – at least not to us –
I’m only telling you what I’m getting – I’m giving it to you like I got it – and they are saying from a very high bank source that tomorrow is looking very good – tomorrow morning
So let’s hope and pray that is the case – and if it’s not just be prepared for the possibility of it still going this week – I am not trying to put it way out there – I know that we are on a day by day basis – I believe – one thing they have completed and I don’t remember the exact day it was done – might have been Friday that President Trump brokered a peace treaty between Serbia – and Kosovo – I’m sure you have seen that on the news – This was a major deal and at the time I was told this was the last thing that needed to be done before GESARA – I can’t think of the wording for it right now - (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act) was complete – and that was done – I don’t know if that was made to be a very big deal but I think it is – I think it is a big deal - that Peace Agreement
So the systems are all there all intact – the QFS is good to go - the Real Time Settlements System is in place - everything is good – I don’t know that there is anything else that we know of that must occur other than making sure from the security point of view that the number of that the coast is clear – you know – that everything is set for us to begin
So I am going to say that the best thing that we can do is be prepared for the exchanges – I am going to suggest that we are very, very close – that we are looking quite possibly at tomorrow (Wednesday) but they really don’t want us to know and that is why it has been very, very quiet for the most part – we know we have new rates on the screens - we know that we’ve got an opportunity to exchange at very high rates – I am still encourage – very encouraged – yes I want it to be over just like you do – I’m ready to get started – I am ready to get going on projects – I’m ready to go from incremental to exponentially – and I think we all can agree that is where we are going with this –
Thanks everyone for listening –
Buce’s Big Call Replay LINK Intel Begins: 59:25
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 9-3-20
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 9-3-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Thursday September 3rd and you’re listening to The Big Call - Thanks for tuning in everyone – Let’s get our intel out tonight and see where we go tonight – Tuesday’s intel I think was fairly extensive but – what we did not have – we had a window – if I remember correctly – that of course right after I got off the call started getting additional intel -
So here’s kinda where we are – we had the concept Tuesday of being in the zone – “the go zone” between 4 PM Tuesday and 4 PM today (Thursday) – now it was “go” for a couple of things but not for us – Here’s what happened – Did we talk? I don’t think we did – on Tuesday night about the real time gross settlement system – RTGSS - This system is the way new bank wires or ledger to ledger transactions are being done – that system was put into play on Tuesday night at 12:01AM – and then it was to complete – completely be installed globally as part of the Quantum Financial System and using the Blockchain technology – it needed to complete that setup last night at 12:01 AM Wednesday –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 9-1-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Thursday September 3rd and you’re listening to The Big Call - Thanks for tuning in everyone – Let’s get our intel out tonight and see where we go tonight – Tuesday’s intel I think was fairly extensive but – what we did not have – we had a window – if I remember correctly – that of course right after I got off the call started getting additional intel -
So here’s kinda where we are – we had the concept Tuesday of being in the zone – “the go zone” between 4 PM Tuesday and 4 PM today (Thursday) – now it was “go” for a couple of things but not for us – Here’s what happened – Did we talk? I don’t think we did – on Tuesday night about the real time gross settlement system – RTGSS - This system is the way new bank wires or ledger to ledger transactions are being done – that system was put into play on Tuesday night at 12:01AM – and then it was to complete – completely be installed globally as part of the Quantum Financial System and using the Blockchain technology – it needed to complete that setup last night at 12:01 AM Wednesday –
That would allow for things to happen for wires starting today – now what happens on these wires – what happens on these money transfers is they occur domestically (inside US) in 25-30 seconds – 365 days a year 24 hours a day - that is really cool –
Then you take us internationally - what about global transfers – those can actually occur in less than 40 seconds – so it is so much faster that it ever use to be and there’s a series of satellites – I believe 16 that are being used for this system - with two of those as “extras’ – standby’s – in case there is a problem with one of the others – those are available – that is what the transactions are using to complete to happen –
What makes that system work is the fact that it’s not hackable – this is very big for us – as we move forward into our redemption period – because we’re going to have the ability to send these transfers anywhere we need to and the receipt of those should be very very quick –
This is where the RTGSS is replacing the SWIFT – that was not as swift as you would think – that is something that was tied to the central banks – Fed Reserve – and it was really a stopping off point for money to be parked and traded and used by those banks instead of it going where we sent it – it was not transparent – using “our” funds – so we have a new system now that is tied to the QFS and uses Blockchain technology –
What I said on Tuesday night was – one of the big benefits of the QFS is that it uses the unique signature that is created for each transaction – so that every transaction stands on its own and has its own security built in because of that –
The good news is that did get installed during that little 48 hr window – now what else is happening? According to what I am hearing - coming from the Canadian bank sources – with Royal Bank of Canada and Scotia - they do not celebrate Labor day – but we do – we understand from our sources – that Canada will send out notifications on Tuesday morning about 9:15 am Eastern time –
They do not celebrate Labor Day – they are doing it on Tuesday – We are coming in to the Labor Day weekend and my understanding is we may go parallel with Canada – I am just putting that out there as a possibility - this is what I’ve heard – I like the idea – I am not thrilled about going after the Labor day and losing this weekend for us – however – I do think we will not lose the weekend but rather the groups we’ve been talking about that are based out west – the intermediates – tier 3 – 4 – there is quite a bit of people that will be finished up over this weekend - it’s kind of a clean up weekend – for those groups - so I’m looking at us starting – I’m just hoping this comes through as I’ve heard – that we would start on Tuesday and then finish right before or on the 15th which is the following Tuesday - 7-8 days depending on how they do it - That is enough time for us to get in before the public starts – tier 5 is supposed to start on or about the 15th maybe the 16th -
That is a very likely time for us – the public will go when they go – which is probably the 15th or the 16th through at least to the end of the month – we do know this though – the redemption centers will probably close for the most part when we are done on the 15th - Because the tier 1 and tier 2 banks obviously can handle currency for the public
They obviously want the Zim to come in to the redemption centers and tier 1 banks – they are the only branches who can handle what is expected to happen for us in the Zim
Let’s cut to the intel about the redemption experience itself – we’ve got people who will be helping us at the redemption center – appointments should take from 50 – 90 minutes for Zim holders – what they want to do is to try to get us exchanged and redeemed of Zim at that first appointment so they do NOT have to bring us back in for a follow up appointment – understand me -- we would have just a week or 8 days to do this - they do not have the time to bring us back in for a follow up – that is why they want us to be content with the negotiation for the rate we would like to see for not only other currencies but for the Zim specifically –
You should be able to reach an agreement with your redemption staff for the Zim and no need for follow up - they don’t want us to come back for that –ok very clear - as clear as I can make it –
Here’s the other thing – we have heard a lot of things - we heard there are over 10,000 redemption centers in North America – we have plenty of places to do this in – but here’s the thing – who’s going to be at the redemption center to work with us – 1 – an agent from the US Treasury – 2 – private banker – or wealth manager – you will also have someone who will be counting and verifying the currency – all of them including the Zim – at that time - that’s 3 people – possibly 2 people counting and verifying on the delarue machine - that would be for people that have a lot of currency
If you only have a few notes 1 person can do that easily – so 3-4 people with the exchange – they do have – we understand is an 8 min video they can play for you - I think those of us who know what is on the video would still sit down and be polite and watch it - who knows we might glean something from it - so that is taking up 8 mins of our redemption time
The KYC know your customer will go fairly quickly because they know who the zim holders are with the exception of people that have been gifted – they know everyone that purchased - that is why we don’t need homeland security at the redemption centers anymore –
What we’re going to do is have an experience where we talk about our projects - we have 5-8 minutes to give presentation – demonstration for them - time for currency to be counted and verified and time to get totals – and time to discuss and agree on rates - and also time to set up new accounts – I am thinking we’re going to setup accounts in one or two banks maybe 3 but probably 2 at the most – maybe 2 at the main bank and one at a secondary bank – that will take a bulk of time – and remember the plan that I’ve got – you can do what you want - my plan is do the mother lode account with Wells - Abbott Downing overseeing it – then have a spillover account for the interest that the motherlode account earns - So that is 2 accounts at Wells and then maybe set up another account at another bank
The 3rd account for me is going to be for additional currencies - essentially the value that those currencies generated put into a 3rd account - you with me? Mother lode – spill over -- all at same bank and then a 3rd account for the currency proceed in a separate second bank
I told you how much you could ask for in the first 90 days - if you are a zim holder it is 500 million per account and up to 250 million per account for non zim holder - day 1 is day of exchange – 90 days later your first interest payment is coming in -
I am talking about interest based on your longevity of your structured payout and also based on the amount you have and so on – they would like to keep that money just like I plan to do - keep the motherlode there and use the interest earned - the only thing I’m going to do is seed from that master account – seed the spill over account with money maybe up to 1 B – when that interest starts kicking in – that is everything we’ll need for our projects -
I believe this thing is on its way – we should be in good shape on this – I cannot absolutely call it but you know it was close – we thought w=it was going to be there by today – we did hear some things were going to be released at 2 am tomorrow - I believe it is going to be dealing with the groups in some form or fashion – and I believe they want all of that stuff kicked and knocked out over the weekend - including Monday – so by Tuesday we are good to go –
Also Tuesday morning we will have all new rates for us - we’ve already got new rates on the screens - they came in Sunday night and into Monday morning - which was 4 days ago - we already have that - but on Monday night into Tuesday we will have all new rates for us on those currencies – 4B – if we do not go by the 15th the rates will change again - and back screens will go away – for tier 5 the public - that is what we’re looking for –
Regarding anything else NESARA will roll out probably in pieces and parts - I told you there was some debt forgiveness that was a test on the QFS – some people had all their previous debt wiped out and refunded the interest from it – some people had credit cards refunded to them - those were beta tests – and done sporadically across the country
What I’m understanding is that we will get our full debt forgiveness our debt jubilee through NESARA by the end of this year - after Christmas - so by the end of the year we should be paid on the debt we paid interest on - going back to at least the 1950’s maybe even further back - there is a lot to NESARA you should go and look it up – read about it to get well versed on all the different parts of it – there is a lot to it
When I first heard about NESARA and GESARA and I realized oh no we have to wait for that before we get our revaluation oh no it’s going to be a while - guess what – it’s been a while – but I do believe we are at the point where we’ve seen the first fruits of NESARA come in
President Trump by executive order reduced or limited payroll taxes and then he said this is going to happen where we don’t have any income tax – in other words he was giving us a hint that the income tax was going away – what we’re going to see instead of Federal Income personal or state income tax is an actual consumption tax – somewhere between 14 – 17% - I heard the President likes 15% - if that is what it is 15% would be added to the price of new goods but not to used items or food or medicine – collected at the state level they keep a portion and send the rest to the Treasury for the country –
I believe that means that all states will become no personal income tax states - like Texas is now – ad Nevada – and Florida and Tennessee and maybe 2-3 others so we’ll see how that shakes out
Its exciting that is taking place and there will be major changes – my gut is I don’t know this absolutely but my gut is that well make that tax change at the beginning of 2021 – so theoretically January 1 2021 we would be on the new tax system let’s see what happens
Hope we have a great Labor Day weekend – I feel my sources are very good -
Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK Intel Begins: 59:40
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 9-1-20
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 9-1-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Tuesday September 1st and you’re listening to The Big Call – I’m excited even though this journey is going longer than we all thought - I am still excited and can’t wait to let you know all about it - Thanks for tuning in everybody
Let’s get into where we stand on intel – Today is Tuesday September 1st where we thought 3 -4 days ago we would be today – it is to a point where the QFS would be fully operational – which I understand it is – where we would have the Swift system fully NOT operational or out of the loops – so to speak or the use of sending bank wires domestically and globally - now – we believe the Swift is gone for the very most part we have to confirm this but I believe it is –
What that means is 2 things – as far as sending money like wiring funds from one account to another – one bank to another – I use the term instead of bank wire - ledger to ledger transfer – because in the QF System it happens much much quicker – just like you’re doing a transfer within your own bank from one account to another – it happens instantaneously and that is really what’s happening in the QF System is that wires – especially international wires – they use to take up to 10 – 12 days to go through – in some cases the intermediate banks would hold these funds and trade on them and finally release them to the proper end –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 9-1-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Tuesday September 1st and you’re listening to The Big Call – I’m excited even though this journey is going longer than we all thought - I am still excited and can’t wait to let you know all about it - Thanks for tuning in everybody
Let’s get into where we stand on intel – Today is Tuesday September 1st where we thought 3 -4 days ago we would be today – it is to a point where the QFS would be fully operational – which I understand it is – where we would have the Swift system fully NOT operational or out of the loops – so to speak or the use of sending bank wires domestically and globally - now – we believe the Swift is gone for the very most part we have to confirm this but I believe it is –
What that means is 2 things – as far as sending money like wiring funds from one account to another – one bank to another – I use the term instead of bank wire - ledger to ledger transfer – because in the QF System it happens much much quicker – just like you’re doing a transfer within your own bank from one account to another – it happens instantaneously and that is really what’s happening in the QF System is that wires – especially international wires – they use to take up to 10 – 12 days to go through – in some cases the intermediate banks would hold these funds and trade on them and finally release them to the proper end –
The case of the QFS there is NO middle man – the sending bank would send the ledger to ledger through the system and the receiving bank on the other end would pick it up in approximately less than 1 minute – In domestic transfers the time is between 25 – 30 seconds to do a domestic transfer – which is phenomenal – and this could happen 24 x 7 x 365
So the speed of transactions is so much faster than it has ever been and like I said internationally sending funds and they have tested all of this so many times now in different transactions can be done in 45 – 58 seconds but let’s just say less than a minute
That is going to make a huge difference when everybody starts using this for commerce as far as sending funds from one place to another - Now when it comes to the QF System - one thing that I think is important to realize – that system allows each transaction that we do or anyone does has a digital footprint – it allows to have an actual signature to take place that stamps that transaction to where it’s uniquely different from anything else that’s out there – like a fingerprint or thumb print – or like a snowflake – no two alike –
The beauty of this because of that unique digital signature – that is made in the QF System through the Blockchain technology that we have an unhackable situation – we’ve got a system that is functioning without the ability of it being hacked that is a very positive thing for us moving forward - and I know that’s going to be very valuable
Now let’s cut to for a minute the mother lode account that we would have especially if you are holding Zim and you’ve redeemed your Zim - you have a mother lode account in the main bank that you want to work with – that mother lode account or master account – you access by yourself at the bank – not from your home- your phone or laptop - it is accessible with 2 things – you personally the rightful owner – is going to be giving a thumb print on a biometric reader - and if you do not have a right thumb they will go to the right index finger - this is true not a joke –
You take that thumb print and your titanium account access card – this is NOT a credit card – it is designed for access to the mother lode account – so you use that and it would read that card and your thumb print – and give you access to that account information – If you do not want anyone else to see it you do not give them access to the card –
Bank personnel will not be able to see into the account unless you give permission – and it’s true about anyone else you would want to see it – it is up to you to give permission –
Now here is the other thing about that – You know I have talked to you about the idea of a mother lode account – which I just leave in the bank in its entirety so that when interest is earned by that account - that it pays out every 90 days and the interest spills over into a secondary account –
I will do this within the “same” bank – I believe that the access titanium card and thumb print reader will give you access to both accounts – obviously you will have to enter an account number somewhere – for that to happen – or it may bring both accounts up at the same time – I don’t know –
When you do that – the theory is the bank obviously would love it if you would keep most of your money in with the original bank – right – and that’s why they are willing to pay you a very high interest per year – I am taking it quarterly – you do it however you want - that gives me a goal - I have XXX dollars under the USN – that I would like to get out and get into my projects – into the hands of people and into ministry and everything I can possibly do - because I know in 90 more days I am going to have the same ole problem all over again - I have more coming in – and that I want to get rid of – I mean that responsibly – I don’t mean taking it and dropping in bales from an airplane – I’m talking about feeding projects and people’s lives as a good trustee of all these funds not only in the US also globally - Surely you could find good places for this to go
What else? Beyond that the idea of the security of this QF System – there will no longer be FDIC insurance - $250.000 insurance would not do a whole lot – My understanding is that we will have protection basically from the US Treasury starting at 500 million Dollars – I don’t believe there is a real way for any company to insure all of these funds – it’s just not feasible – so our insurance essentially is coming from the fact that our funds are being mirrored in the US Treasury and because the fact that the digital version of our money that is visible on the screen actually backed by the physical assets of the USN which are not only held by the bank but by the treasury – and that is really the big difference –
The beauty is I don’t want to worry about it – I’m not planning on worrying about it – Once we understand the deal and we get the whole thing from the banks – the banks roles will change somewhat – ok to us – they are a service center in a very real sense – for our transactions – and for everything we need – where we are going to be is NOT at the retail bank locations – we are going to be working directly with a wealth management offices or Abbott Downing – in the case of Wells Fargo – and other private banking institutions – that are tied to these banks – that is a different way of banking –
That is more of a situation where you agree to meet your banker if you need to for any reason – at a place for dinner - and he picks up the tab – This is more of what it will be like – you are going to be working with the wealth management group at the bank you are also working with your family office - we talked a little bit about that – you want to look up what the family offices are all about - go to for example – many banks have them – go to Wells Fargo – and look up family office – under their website - I remember it was about 4 pages of information – maybe more – about how that relationship works –I want you to realize that banking for us is going to be different than it has ever been before
Let’s talk about where we are right now – with the timing of everything – Now because of the change over - to the new system – all bank screens went dark on the banks at 4 or 5 PM Eastern yesterday – on the 31st of August and they were going to stay dark until around 11 pm last night when the rates would be coming in and repopulating as all new rates for us front and back screens –
Now that period of time 4-11 PM – 6-7 hours of time – allowed the banks to have a final video conference call – a meeting – from 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm Eastern – and this happened last night (Monday) I know for one of the major tier 1 banks – my assumption is that many of the banks had this same tele conference going on - individually for their bankers and redemption center personnel –
All of them were on it - were supposed to be on it in North America – 6:30 – 9:00 to go over – what? The structured payouts for Zim holders - more detail about that - to talk about the follow up appointment – which is supposed to occur in 3-7 days after our initial redemption appointment – People that need to go to that appointment - for 1-2 or more reasons:
Look into the rate received – may want adjusted – based on projects - the other reason would be – when we do our presentation – they will scan in any material that we leave behind for them – which we should have for them – typed up - that they can scan in and then the computer will match that against the other presentations to see if there are duplicates or projects that seem too similar to be different –
They will look for that with an algorithm and spit it out and then they will contact you for a second appointment to discuss the fact that that might be the case –
I want to say this for Big Call listeners – that I’ve asked to do the same thing that I’m going to do with Rebuild America – With my leadership team with Rebuild – I remember asking maybe a couple years now - I have asked for 5,000 people that are listeners to the Big Call – over the last several years to help me rebuild America by doing the same basic things in your cities towns and communities that I am doing – in cities and towns and communities that I’m choosing –
I come up with my advisory group with a template work it through the leadership team – and give you a literal step 1 – 2- 3- 4- etc that you can do - and you say – Oh I see what they are doing – I see what Bruce is doing in this city and that town – he’s explaining what he’s going to do here and there – and when you get the gist of what that is – every city is going to look different – just like they do now - but the things that we do – a lot of the same things we will do in each city – town and community –
A lot of the venues we do will be the same - and listen – I threw 5,000 as a number out there looking for 100 people in each of our 50 states – that is where the 5,000 number came from – we know we might need as many projects as Hawaii - and there is likely to be a need in Alaska – but I don’t know whether I will have the need – I think people would love to be in Hawaii – to help do projects there – My point is our rough idea of trying to make a real dent throughout the country –
We know we have 8,761 opportunity zones in the US that is outlined by Dr Ben Carson so we’ll be partnering in a loose sense in quotes “partnering” with Dr Ben in these opportunity zones cities – most of them inner city areas – and we’ve got very specific ideas and plans for those areas
Here’s my whole point of this – when you go in and you say if you want to be a part of rebuild America which is the concept and I have the registered trademark – the website – ready for us – what I’m looking for you to do – is say yes I am going to do a project with Rebuild America in a number of different venues – you do not have to be explicit on that –
They will say – that is the same thing that Bruce is doing on The Big Call – They are not going to understand that unless you explain it – that you are trying to duplicate – a template – concept – a plan – that is what it’s all about -
Let’s talk about where we are on our timing – I talked about QFS – we talked about the conference call – and the new rates were to come up last night and overnight so they would be there on the computer screens this morning –
We understand that the roll out is to occur for all of us in this week the 1st – 8th which is Tuesday thru Tuesday – We also understand from a lead bank that the timing they have been told from their corporate office is for tier 4B to go between 4 pm today and 4 pm Thursday - there is a 48 hour window that we believe will be adhered to – we hope it will - for us to be notified and go –
Now – 90 minutes after the notifications go out – by email but to me with the number - the redemption centers will be ready for appointments – that means 90 minutes after the numbers come out to me the redemption center will be ready for first appointments in that time – hour and a half – alright – That is good to know –
So we have a rough time frame – we know that the boxes of bonds – the Zim bonds – are to pay out on the 2nd and 3rd – that’s tomorrow – Wednesday and Thursday – we know that the largest Zim platform in the world is die to – trading on it is already done – but they will send out their final contract to the holders in this platform – in this group – supposed to send out either 6th 7th or 8th - then they have a short period of time to send those back and shortly after those are received with verified signature – they will pay those out – with the first 20% payment –
That is a separate deal – not us – that’s a Zim platform – the largest one across the globe - that is the timing for it –to complete and send those contracts out – so a lot is going to happen between now and the 8th of September – that is very positive for all of us –
Beyond that new rates I don’t know what they are – but they are there for us – now the Joe Public which we call tier 5 is to start somewhere in the vicinity of the 15th or 16th - that’s 2 weeks from today or tomorrow – that should continue on for the public – but that means that we – tier 4B are to get in and complete our exchanges and Zim redemption before or by the 15th
You know we have UN operational rates changing on the 15th - that should be changing from where the public could actually see those on the UN operational website page – that may be the case –
The USN – I had a date for it and maybe right and maybe not – but maybe acknowledged on the 8th which is a week from today – I don’t know if we’re going to get major announcement on it or it will just appear and I think the word is we are not going to have to sweat it – all of our transactions will appear digitally and of course it will be just a matter of a change of a number/ letter to go from USD to USN - in terms of the computer
So we’ll have that hopefully by the 8th and in the meantime – when we go into the redemption center to get our – if you want some cash – I think they will have 50”s and 100”s – may not have anything lower than that – and yes you can take up to $14,000 at your redemption center but I want to caution you - if you do not need cash – you don’t need to do it – If you use a little cast that is fine but $14,000 is a number they put on it as a limit –
The money that you will get my understanding is will be the current USD – the $50’s and $100’s we have now – but they will still spend - but AFTER the USN comes out you will have about 2 months to spend it all or trade it out at the bank for the new USN’s
So that’s the concept of it – you understand about the second follow up appointment - in 3-7 days- and everything else is just pretty much straight forward - what we’ve had / known – and so I’m going to say that is everything that I wanted to bring to you tonight
Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK Intel Begins: 58:30
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 8-27-20
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 8-27-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday August 27th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody – Glad everybody could make it in again
Let’s take a look at where we are because we finally got some conclusive intel today that seems to make an agreement consensus with all intel sources that I am using - that I have – all different directions coming together on the same page
Now before I give you that particular area I want to say something about the redemption process and about the first 90 days – Sue referred to the first 90 days in her segment tonight and I am going to continue with that first 90 days and give you the reason why –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 8-27-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday August 27th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody – Glad everybody could make it in again
Let’s take a look at where we are because we finally got some conclusive intel today that seems to make an agreement consensus with all intel sources that I am using - that I have – all different directions coming together on the same page
Now before I give you that particular area I want to say something about the redemption process and about the first 90 days – Sue referred to the first 90 days in her segment tonight and I am going to continue with that first 90 days and give you the reason why –
When we go in and especially - I am going to talk to the Zim holder first and then I’m going to talk to the non zim holder – The Zim holder will be redeeming their Zim and setting up accounts – Now – in my case – I will tell you what I am going to do and you can do what you want - I am going to use a mother lode account – which is the big account that all the currencies are going to end up going into probably -
Let’s just say the Zim for now will go into a mother lode account with one bank – and then we’ve talked about secondary account which I’m using “spill over account” which is where the interest that the mother lode account earns - which spills over and pays into a secondary account with the same bank -
That is how I am going to try to do it – with that same bank – at least initially - and then I might have the currencies that I have even though the bank tends to look at everything when you’re redeeming as all going into one at least on paper I’ll have the total funds from the other currencies – dinar – dong etc - I’ll have that value whatever that is – I’ll probably put that into another bank and use that as sort of a personal account –
The other 2 accounts primarily actually the spill over account will be the one that will be used for the projects – You know how we use to talk in the terms of 80% / 20% and 70% / 30% you know breaking down the total – that is really gone - there is no template for what percentage of this to use for project or personal – it is totally up to you - It is your choice
I am looking at the Zim as going into the so called God Account - because my intention is to use the vast majority of the Zim redemption proceeds to go to humanitarian projects - that might include ministry as well - But certainly that aspect – that particular bond if you will is going to be designated – the proceeds designated for humanitarian projects – so in my particular case the dong and dinar and rial for example would probably be into a separate bank in another account and that would go toward what it is I want to do with personally –
So far I am talking about setting up 3 brand new accounts – now here’s the point of bringing all of this up - If you are a Zim holder and you have projects you will be able to set up for y our first days and put up to 500 million dollars – which is half a billion in each of your accounts that you set up - you obviously have well more than that in your mother lode account but you could see your spill over account for example with 500 million – in your spill over account – that is the one that is going to receive the interest from the mother lode account –
For that first 90 days you want to have some access to funds you could literally put 500 million in the first account – let’s say 500 million in the second account and 500 million in the 3rd or 4th account – or 5th account – do you see what I’m saying? You may not want to set up too many accounts but certainly 2-4 is within reason - That is what you can do – for y our first 90 days –
Now for non Zim holders / currency holders – you can set up to $250 million in each account for your first 90 days – These may be needed to go into separate banks to get that – but you’re going to have access to funds in your first 90 days to take care of you till the interest that you earn is beginning to be paid out – we are saying 91 days because the first day of your exchange and then 90 days from that day –
So 500 million for Zim holders with projects and 250 million with non project – non Zim holders – that is generally how it’s going to go –
I don’t know if there is a whole lot more I need to talk about as far as redemption – you know you are going to be prepared for 5-8 minutes to do your presentation
Now let’s go back to where the intel is taking us - It’s interesting because we do have a consensus from all of my sources – these are my sources that I talk to – or that I glean from my major source – Now – here’s the thing – we talked Tuesday night about the possibility of a Wed/Thurs/Friday timeframe – that is what I had at the time on Tuesday and we told you – and we said this for years I guess - that this is a moving target and things do change – sometimes I hate to say minute by minute but certainly hour by hour some things change -
Now we had the impression that this could go any day almost any minute – and to an extent somewhat true but not as true as it was Tuesday – Tonight – Thursday night – this is what it is – this is why I want you to watch President Trump give his acceptance speech for the nomination of President because my understanding is – and I don’t know if he’s speaking yet or when he is going to speak – it might be a little bit later as soon as we get off the call - but what he should be saying is – when he accepts the nomination it is for nomination for President of the Republic of America – He is going to use the term “The Republic” - I don’t think he will say new republic – but I think he will say for the Republic of America
This is different from the government we have been under which has been United States of America Cooperation - we are getting away from and out of – and obviously we have a new banking system with the Quantum Financial System in place and we are looking for the very last remnant of the Swift system to go away and we are looking for things to start moving in a whole new direction for us
Now – to complete the thought of President Trumps acceptance of the nomination – for President of The Republic – after he finishes his speech tonight – tier 1 will go and be made liquid – that takes us into and through tomorrow - - On Saturday tier 2 and 3 become liquid – remember most of these people we are thinking are SKR’s – that is when they will see their liquidity – Tiers 2 and 3 – are to start on Saturday – that leave tier 4A and 4B – we are supposed to be notified and start setting our appointments either Monday or Tuesday - this coming –
So we would start exchanges if we got started with numbers either Monday afternoon or Tuesday – If we start Tuesday that is the first of September – we should actually have a new USN currency in place by then because we understand the rates are going to come off the screen on Sunday and show back up for trading purposes and they may not be there on Monday until we are able to set our appointments and go – So Monday is a ?? question mark –
I don’t know that we would but I do believe we would start on the first day of September – that is Tuesday - Now how long would we get to go? Remember we talked about the John Q Public – Tier 5 – starting around the 8th or 9th but I think that has been moved – I heard the 15th – and that would afford us a 2 week period – not that we need 2 weeks for tier 4B to necessarily go in and do our exchanges and zim redemptions but if we do our first appointment in the first 5-6 days it would give us a chance to go back to the redemption center or our wealth managers – you see – and have a second appointment with them before the public would start on the 15th - That is what it would give us - it would afford us the ability to meet – to get redemption done – do our exchange and then come back within a week or so and meet with our wealth management and create our family office -
All of that is going to be something that you as tier 4B will get to do – tier 4A will do something similar – ok – but the public 0 tier 5 - would not have that same opportunity – Remember the rates that we’re going to get and the back screen rates are only available for tier 4A and tier 4B - I’m going to say Tier 4B – I don’t know if they are even available for the groups – but I’ll say this – what we see in that period is for us - and then the other thing that is possible is on the 15th of the month is when you get the update on the rates when it comes to the IMF and the other rate charts – that change on the 15th – so that on the 15th should reflect the new rates that the public will be able to see –
What about the Dinar? I’m not sure about Iraq – whether they are going to show that rate as early as Sunday – this coming Sunday - I’ve got information that says they may show the new international rate on Sunday – doesn’t really matter to us – we know it’s there - we know that the rates have already changed in country – least we have been told they have – and now we just wait and see what Iraq does in terms of the international rate –
They may have a rate that is already known within certain countries of the Middle East – that they are trading with – so it is nothing we have to worry about –
The main thing that we need to do is to keep an eye on what the President is doing – watch for what announcements might be made – and keep an eye out for the 800 numbers and the emails that would be delivered through the Wells Fargo Servers – should also come out Monday or Tuesday - and so we’re looking – they don’t want us to know obviously which it is – so we’ll just keep an eye on both and just chill out till we get both
So that is really what I wanted to bring to you - the nice thing is they all agree – very different sources from the highest banking sources – in corporate offices and all the other sources we talk to – seems to be absolutely what it is – Thanks everybody for listening – and be sure to listen to Trumps speech -
Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK Intel Begins: 41:55