Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 7-28-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 7-28-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday July 28th and you’re listening to The Big Call – We’re trying to get all our energy up and get it all together here and welcome regardless where you’re listening from all over this globe thanks for tuning in -

Well guys, let’s bring out a little intel – we always do that last – save the intel for last – and I want to bring out some things that have been happening since our last call on Thursday - there is always that 5 day gap – and we usually get a few significant things that happen – and then sometimes we get things that I forget – and then we get some intel in the last day or so –

This has been a little bit light in the last couple of days – However - I am going to string together a few things for you to consider –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 7-28-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday July 28th  and you’re listening to The Big Call – We’re trying to get all our energy up and get it all together here and welcome regardless where you’re listening from all over this globe thanks for tuning in -

Well guys, let’s bring out a little intel – we always do that last – save the intel for last – and I want to bring out some things that have been happening since our last call on Thursday - there is always that 5 day gap – and we usually get a few significant things that happen – and then sometimes we get things that I forget – and then we get some intel in the last day or so –

This has been a little bit light in the last couple of days – However - I am going to string together a few things for you to consider –

Alright – lets first just talk briefly about Iraq – Now you realize that we have basically held the puppet strings for Iraq for years – I hate to say it that way - it sounds rude but I know that Iraq has been responsive to the request of the US government and specifically to the Trump Administration –

We have a very good relationship overall with Iraq and there was something that was mentioned that I saw on a video clip today – it was interesting – because I saw it as something that was taken by an ABC reporter and this was a question to President Trump – I don’t know the background of it – but think it was fairly recent –

The President was asked about the facilities we built in Iraq – we built several bases there - I think 6 – maybe more – but we built some really humongous bases – the one in the green zone up north – there was supposedly one of the runways 15,000 feet long – and that seems a little excessive for the heavys 747’s and the airbus 320 – heavy large planes -  those types of aircraft don’t require much more than 7,000 feet to land on and some runways are in excess of 7,000 or 10,000 feet and this one was 15,000 – so it’s set up to probably land and take off in both directions I would think and that would work –

Remember this is “military” aircraft – primarily – coming in and out – the comment was President Trump said that to this reporter that we would be paid back by Iraq for the infrastructure there that we have built – and when the reporter asked how was that going to happen – President Trump said we have (and I believe this was the number)  25 billion dollars of their currency – meaning new Iraqi dinar – he put it as 25 billion - that may be an accurate number – or it may be more than that but the point was – it would easily suffice to pay the cost of the infrastructure that we built in Iraq –

Of course the point was – we have that in our treasury – that amount of dinar or more – my personal feeling is it is “more” – but that would easily cover that investment that we made in terms of – not the men’s lives that we lost of course – there is no amount of money that will pay for that – but the fact that we built what we built there –

What’s really cool is that he mentioned that we have 25 billion dollars of their money - that is just a hint to us who understand what that means – now here’s the other thing – remember the people that were bad guys – arrested – about to do exchanges or in the middle of an exchange – dinar / dong / etc – do you realize that when these people who were arrested – weren’t good people and they were going to do nefarious things with the money – do you realize that money was seized by our people and deposited in the US Treasury –

I have a feeling that we have quite a bit of currency and Zim in our Treasury – that will be exchangeable at some point – and redeemable when it’s Zim – at some point in time -

I have heard time and time again over the years that money was seized when certain people were arrested  - they were trying to do exchanges – some were coming in as specialties – VIP’s some were part of tier 3 blah blah blah  - so – it’s interesting to me – to try to realize how much of that foreign currency has been seized –

Now let’s cut to where the timing appears to be – we have heard from certain high up bank sources that are well elevated as part of the Wells Fargo crew – no no…not the right wording – negative – in other words – these are the high high high net worth individuals that are working in behalf of Wells Fargo – You know who I’m talking about –

So – these individuals are saying as early as  yesterday – we are looking really good and be ready for Tuesday or Wednesday -  well Tuesday is about over – so I don’t think we’re going to see anything for us in Tier 4B today – but maybe tomorrow is a different story – we’re just going to have to wait that out –

We are on – I would say – a day by day account right now – the information that I’ve received from one of our Forex people is pointing towards today/tomorrow or next week – Tuesday/Wednesday of next week

What happens in the 5 days in between? We’ve been told since the QF System has been in place that any particular day is as good as any other day – for a start – We know the bankers don’t typically go in on Sundays – some do – we know they work half days on Saturdays – I get that that – but the concept is that even if this doesn’t go tomorrow – could it go between tomorrow and next Tuesday/Wednesday?  I don’t think we can write off any particular day – there seems to be a push to get this done by the end of the month - which is Friday –

So – if we do that – we’ve made it!! We got it done within this month – I don’t know if that is going to be the case - it could be – there are things point to it happening kinda – like right away – and then we understand from some of the top group individuals that the groups that are based out west – are ready to go – once the last of the KYC (know your customer) information has been sent in – and that they have exactly an updated view of who everybody is within those groups – remember there are quite a few – there are 100 paymasters -  and an additional 20   - so that’s 120 paymasters – and that is beyond the core -  The core has 30 paymasters –

So my point is – there is more information evidently required  - once that info is brought in on the KYC on the individuals in those groups they should be ready to go –

Has that been something to hold us up a little bit? It could be – what about security?  You know – I told you on Thursday – that we had Federal Troops that had been Martialed - Martialized – or deputized as US Marshals to help in the cities around the country – we first stated with 24 and ended up being some 26 cities – Well as of two days ago – we’re down to 5 cities – they’ve done the work in 19 of the cities and there’s 5 to go – So that is moving along nicely –

Ultimately I believe that it is a question of security – Does DOD and Homeland Security – feel that we are ready to go  - and there may be a couple other agencies that obviously have to weigh in –

But once we get that nod that things are good and the green light is given that is when theoretically we should get our Tier 4 A and Tier 4B release of the toll free numbers – It will be the shotgun start that we’ve talked about – staggered slightly slow maybe – but not by much  maybe hours maybe a half day –

We don’t know – but I really believe we are that close to where we could go any day now – probably not start on Sunday … no ……But could we go between now and Friday – yes – does it have to flip over to next Tuesday/Wednesday - I don’t know that – I don’t see why – but we will see – we’ll keep an eye on it - I would say be ever vigilant –

What about the Military? The military started – they exchanged – this was months ago – they exchanged on the bases – it was dinar and afgahny - at the bases – because that is where they served –

Now many of the military bought the dong – and Zim – since that time –so they exchanged and were given SKR’s initially – and they also were not made liquid at the time but were made liquid starting last Saturday – a week ago – they started with liquidity – and they’ve been paid out on the Dong and Afgahny and 25% liquidity on Dinar – some of these guys had duffel bags full of dinar – and ended up being a lot – they will be paid out on the rest in the upcoming future –

Otherwise – so we know the military has been taken care of – we know that a lot of the SKR’s have been paid – we know that CMKX was to get started in the next day or so – we know that the Prosperity Packages started being delivered last Friday at 7 PM Eastern – and that the Prosperity Packages were going to go out – but that liquidity would not be available until the first week in august - so they are definitely staggering the payouts of some of these things –

The rest of the intermediate groups I don’t know where we stand on that but some of the intermediates may go at the same time as the tier 4A and tier 4B – it may be a shotgun start to that extent – we know there is pressure from China to get this thing done – every time we turn around – there is something about that – and I believe that is real – we do have that urgency to get it done -

I believe we are within days – but it is hard to say when – we don’t get it other than what I got – like I said yesterday about the timing of going today or tomorrow which today is too late – tomorrow is possible and then of course the Forex contact is talking about next Tuesday/Wednesday

So whenever it comes we will be vigilant – we’ll be ready – we will be there to get the numbers out and obvious sly the emails from Wells Fargo will be released at approximately the same time – that I get the number –

So all we can say is stay with your Plan A – embellish it if you need to – keep doing what you’re doing – I really think that over all  everything is moving through – we want to be in a good secure situation – which it is getting there and we definitely want the groups lined up and ready and fully vetted with their KYC information - and we want to be prepared before we go in to do our appointment exchanges and our Zim redemption – Everything is lined up – I don’t think we have too far to go – Thanks everyone for listening


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins:  1:04:24

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 7-23-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 7-23-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday July 23rd and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Now all we need is everything to go in the way of our blessing and then we can really move forward – Let’s figure out kinda where we are right now – Sue was talking in terms of practice and be ready with presentations over the next 4 days – What we had received last night was pointing toward something occurring in the next 4 days from last night – and it may still – it may still occur – 4 days from last night would be Saturday around 8:30

Now – does that still hold up where we could be notified in that period of time? I think we could – but we do have additional information that takes us a little further through the weekend – I am not going to call it or suggest it is going to happen this day or that day - because it really now is down to the point where the most important thing is for us to be prepared – and also to just be ready for any particular day when it might come – because #1 you don’t quit your day job – you don’t quit your plan A that got you here – if you do not have a plan A you should have one by now – and get one –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 7-23-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday July 23rd and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Now all we need is everything to go in the way of our blessing and then we can really move forward – Let’s figure out kinda where we are right now – Sue was talking in terms of practice and be ready with presentations over the next 4 days – What we had received last night was pointing toward something occurring in the next 4 days from last night – and it may still – it may still occur – 4 days from last night would be Saturday around 8:30

Now – does that still hold up where we could be notified in that period of time? I think we could – but we do have additional information that takes us a little further through the weekend – I am not going to call it or suggest it is going to happen this day or that day - because it really now is down to the point where the most important thing is for us to be prepared – and also to just be ready for any particular day when it might come – because #1 you  don’t quit your day job – you don’t quit your plan A that got you here – if you do not have a plan A you should have one by now – and get one –

The Plan B which I call your “blessing” – is right around the corner – but we don’t have it yet and until we have it keep doing whatever you’re called to do in the meantime –

Now let’s talk in general terms a little bit about money movement – there has been a lot of talk and you probably read something about a lot of money has been in movement – a lot of money is moving around – to me that is all good – and it’s true – but how does it affect us?

How does it relate to us?  Now we know that 3 super large tranches of funds were made yesterday - yes 3 separate tranches – and those were being paid out to hydrate and pay out to the global collateral accounts – among others and these are safe accounts throughout the globe and various countries to accumulate these funds that are going to be used to pay out certain groups – to pay out us – to pay out the bond – trading and so on that is going on – and I would say that is a good sign

Now – there was a meeting last night from 11 PM – 12:30 AM – Eastern time – and in that 90 min meeting they were to decide when to release the global collateral accounts – and we had   sort of a step one step two step  three simplification  of the process –

Step one – was to have Judy Shelton installed as part of the Federal Reserve – she is actually going to head the Fed Reserve – that was acknowledged yesterday –

Step two – was to release the global collateral accounts – which we don’t know if they are released yet but that is next to do –

Step three – and this is a simplified process- to notify us in tier 4A and 4B so that we could begin to set appointments and do our exchanges – and Zim redemption -

So…. Step one is complete – Step two is in process – but I don’t know what time they determined – they were going to determine the time last night during that meeting on when to release the global collateral accounts – I assume they agreed on a time  but I do not know what it is –

Alright – so that is where we are in that process – additionally there are other things that are happening – of course – behind the scenes – some of which we know – I remember there was information about the 24 different cities that needed to be assisted so that the looting / burning / whatever we want to call it that was taking place – in those cities – to come to a STOP – and that started early this morning –

So, how that’s going I can’t really say – but you remember we had the issue at the Chinese Embassy in Houston - and while that was happening – we also had something connected to it that was being prosecuted if you will with clean up over in the island of Awaho  in a major way – that was related to what was going on with the CCP Embassy

So there are things that are happening that we are aware of like that – Beyond that – something like currencies / rates / all of that - Let me tell you where we are -- #! We are not talking about currencies and rates – but we do talk about the fact that globally the QFS is completely on line – and all countries are now hooked up and a part of it –

The Swift System is gone – so that cannot be used anymore by the Cabal to try to move funds and the Blockchain protocol  is system for the Fencen digital and so on that involves Bitcoin and probably some other outfits like that is working and functioning fine –

So – we’ve had to wait for certain of these things to complete over the last few days – now – what else is required is hard to say – I’m sure there are some other things that need to happen – although I did hear that there is a possibility due to the pressure that’s being exerted on us to get this party started – to get it done by a certain time in the afternoon tomorrow –

That may end up being something of importance to us – However we do know the Military was being paid out for their exchanges that were previous on as early as last Saturday – so we have started I this country and the greatest smallest city out west is underway and things are happening there – flights are coming in – and money is moving there – what I don’t know is who its moving to – usually we do – but now things are so quiet it is hard to pin that down –

I can tell you this much – Money is moving in some major cities like Zurich – Hong Kong – Miami – London – and what’s happening there - in my opinion – is that these are cities where boxes of bonds are being made liquid – and being paid out – now today yesterday - 

Now those bonds being paid out could include Zim bonds – in large quantities – in so called table top meetings - it can be that funding that comes from those transactions are part of a greater move of funds into the system – so where do we stand? I believe what’s going to happen is that these intermediate groups that we’ve talked about for months now need to be paid – maybe ahead of us  or about the same time we get started – it may be more of a shotgun start than we even realize

We know the tier 4A and 4B will probably go virtually simultaneously - like a shotgun but it may also be that these individual – sovereign groups that are part of the so called intermediate groups – they may go when we go as well so there is no distinct advantage o one group over another – that is yet to be seen –

So we are going to have to watch out for that – we know the Military is getting squared away – and that they still may be in something where they have the accounts they can see maybe they’re pending -  they may not have full access in other words – they may have only partial access – so this is something that is hard to get the details on -  but I know that everything is moving forward and we’re in a different place now than we were Tuesday -  than we were last Thursday -  etc

Obviously we all want it to happen right now!!  But we know we have to wait for this to come through all the way – and you know that President Trump is doing the best he can to make sure this whole thing goes down exactly at the right time – when perfectly safe – for us to do our exchanges – and this has been a real problem in some of these cities having the burning / looting / destruction of buildings and so on – so be glad that the President is taking charge and is putting National troops in place – to help those cities where the governors and mayors are just watching it burn – not doing anything - 

Be happy that the President is doing that because we need every part of the country to be available for exchanges to begin – now certainly some places they’re going to do in different locations than they anticipated – we have over 16,000 redemption centers in the US alone – and so we’re going to be looking forward to getting our exchanges done as soon as it’s humanly possible –

I think we’re looking good between now and the weekend but there are also people I’m hearing from that are talking about early next week – so we could push to that point – I hope not - Every day now counts the same – there’s no advantage over a Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday  - verses  Friday / Saturday / Sunday – because under the QFS everything is different – and everyday can stand on its own as a possible day to start -  that is the difference we have now that we did not have a while back –

Let’s talk about something else we want to get out and that is the concept of Hot words – H O T words – When you go in for the redemption of your Zim and your currency exchange - you will be given a Non Disclosure Agreement – and that NDA is something you will read over / ask questions if you have any - make sure you understand what it says – and then you will sign – give your signature to it –

Now that means that anything regarding the exchange appointment or the location – or the people that worked with you -  ALL OF THAT – much less the concept of your currencies – the rate – all of that – is PRIVATE and IS NOT TO BE DISCUSSED  - so much so that not only are you under that NDA for what we believe will be 3 months – 90-91 days – under that NDA -  but there is also a period of time when NSA and probably CIA and god knows who else – will be listening to your phone calls they know who you are – they are going to be watching your  social media – any kind of social media that you are on – they are looking to hear HOT words –

Ok what are HOT words? – Zim – rates – currency rates – any of the currencies – the redemption center – the address – the people that exchanged you – the rate you received on your structured pay out – your structured payout -  your 25 yrs or ever how many you negotiated that to go -  everything that happens after the exchange is forbidden – so that means that you need to keep your mouth shut – after this exchange / redemption / or both –

You literally cannot talk about it with anybody - you can’t talk about it on the phone - no texting / messaging / or anything – You have got to keep this on the down low!!

Otherwise – what could happen? You could get your funds called back – pulled back away from you – and your future projects – This is NOT a time to go to the corner bar and buy rounds of drinks and celebrate like that – You CAN’T DO THAT!!  

This is going to be the quietest celebration you’ve never heard!! Because you cannot say these HOT words - they are going to be picked up like key words – on a search – and I am sure they have all the algorithms and all of that noise put together to pick up that stuff – and I don’t want anyone on the Big Call to lose anything because of what you might say or put out on a social network platform or anything –

I am trying to press this in – This is a time for silence – after this thing goes the only thing you can do is go into a closet and close the door and maybe scream – or go down on your knees and say a prayer of thanks because we don’t want anyone to lose this - we’ve all worked too hard to get here – to be here –

I cannot promise you it’s going to be this week or even by the weekend – but I know that things are moving forward – the funds are moving forward – certain people are being paid – I know – but not us –

So let’s just stay with it – let’s watch this thing come to us – let’s be prepared for it – I think it is exciting what is going on – most of it behind the scenes – we cannot see – but a few things we can see – and what we’re hearing is that things are moving forward and we will get this thing done for  us - let’s continue to believe for that


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins:  58:28

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 7-21-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 7-21-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday July 21st and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Well before you guys think its ground hog day again – and it’s sometimes felt like that – from week to week as we go with information that lends itself to a start – either the next few days – the next day – or whenever it is – we did get some pretty good information – actually last night –

We were expecting this thing to go today – we had several sources that were pointing for this to start – sometime mid to late morning – then we got clarification on “why” it wasn’t going to go today –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 7-21-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday July 21st    and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Well before you guys think its ground hog day again – and it’s sometimes felt like that – from week to week as we go with information that lends itself to a start – either the next few days – the next day – or whenever it is – we did get some pretty good information – actually last night –

We were expecting this thing to go today – we had several sources that were pointing for this to start – sometime mid to late morning – then we got clarification on “why” it wasn’t going to go today –

It is always important when we say – well it didn’t go – well why didn’t it go? – what happened? What took us off that course that was so strong?  Well – that information came in and with good reason –

Remember we talked about the Swift Financial System – the banking system that has been used for years – to send money from bank to bank – country to country etc etc – well that Swift System – countries and banks have been getting off of that system and going to the new QFS – Quantum Financial System - everything is much much faster and much more secure –

Well we had 3 hold outs – it turned out that we had 4 countries that were hold outs - slow to make the transition to the QFS – and those countries were – Iran – although we thought that Iran was already off last Thursday – they really weren’t - they’ve been doing some transactions with Venezuela that needed to be called back – let me put it that way –

So they went after that – they froze those accounts and they got Iran to comply and go to the QFS also Venezuela – also Lebanon and also North Korea – and those countries have all come on board – the Quantum Financial system - the Swift System was essential done away with – if you will at 3:30 am Eastern Daylight time – this morning

Then we were told it was going to take approximately 25 ½ hours from that time this morning – to bring everybody completely up on the QFS and for us to be able to be notified to begin as tier 4A and 4B – for our exchanges and redemption of our Zim

So if you do the easy math -  that puts us to a time frame of about 5am in the morning – Now we’ve heard 3 additional confirmations n that that take us from anywhere from 5am to 8 am  - it could be that the emails go out  and then the numbers come out – to yours truly – I’m not certain as to how they are going to bring it – but my understanding from someone who does precious metals – that works directly with the Finance Minister of China – this person was being told it comes tomorrow “come hell or high water”

Now I’m just saying this is what I’m getting – this is what I’m receiving – we’re believing that this is coming to a close – it’s coming to fruition – and manifestation is at hand - so we’re feeling very good about this fairly limited but  strong information that’s coming in that  points toward a conclusion for us here shortly –

Now the other thing is – we did get word that Judy Shelton – who many people have reported as being arrested or let go – or whatever from the treasury – I knew all along she was not part of that group and I think I told you that was the case - however – she’s still in the mix – in fact she’s been appointed to the head of the new Federal Reserve which is contained inside the auspices of the US Treasury –

Prior the Federal Reserve was owned by approximately 300 European bankers – and that is no longer what we have – what we have now is a new Fed that is inside the US Treasury – and Judy Shelton will be the new head of the Federal Reserve – I got that this afternoon –

So – what’s happened as a result of the Swift System going away at 3:30 am this morning - was we also had the coming in of the USN currency - our new currency - when the Swift went away our USN came on board  in the Quantum financial System –

We also heard we had a number which is an amazing number – 75 million quantum computers are to come on and be activated today – as a result – as a part of the QFS – so that’s really good and our funds should be completely secure – our transactions will be secure –

We will basically have access to  our funds – when we do our exchanges – the difference is when we take our currencies in - the Dinar – Dong - Rupiah – Rial – the proceed from our exchanges will be available to us at the time of our exchange appointment – whereas the Zim is such a large amount that only a percentage of that would be available right away – the remaining would go into a structured payout – we think the banks want to go up to 25 years but I think it is negotiable – I think if you could go in and possibly negotiate a longer period of time – I intend to do that – we’ll see how that goes –

I don’t want to have to worry about the investment side of this at all – I’m going to be concerned about the spending side of it - the investment that I care to make is peoples lives through our projects – through everything that we’re going to do – here in the US and also internationally after this goes – so realistically -  we are right there on the verge of life changes for all of us

I know there has been some chatter about additional stimulus - additional tax changes – which I’m not sure we’re going to get the tax payroll cut – or the elimination of that the President wants - seems like there’s not a real great majority of people that want to see that through – they don’t think it’s quite a big enough thing –

But whatever happens we are very close to hearing what will amount to is 8 days of disclosure - that was supposed to start today and it may have but if it was disclosed it wasn’t disclosed publicly – and that may be the case on some of this stuff for a while – I am looking for all of it to be disclosed publicly – it may not come out that way – we’ll see what that looks like –

The main thing I can say is –if this does come in early – we could have a start early first thing tomorrow morning – they may realize – and like I said - they may come out with the emails first and then the numbers to certain people – like me – and we’ll see how that goes 

I’ve got some friends who are under NDA’s now that are not able to really talk to us – I know we’ve got limited intel but the intel we’re getting is from very strong sources that could be at the top of the heap on this – so I’m excited – I am very excited about where we are - and even though we didn’t get it today - things are looking very good quite possibly for tomorrow – I’m trying not to call it – I’m just telling you the information I’m getting is very positive – so let’s stay in faith for it – let’s believe for it -     

I’m going to say there’s not a whole lot more I can bring tonight that I meant to – I think we’re really at that point – for now we just need it to manifest -          


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins: 57:37

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 7-14-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 7-14-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday July 14th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Ok let’s talk a little bit about the intel of where we are – Here’s the thing – remember of course the disclaimer – Bruce is not a CPA – not a tax accountant – not a tax attorney and I don’t play one on the Big Call – that being said - we do get questions occasionally – and people wonder about the tax situation or what about in this particular case – how would this affect my social security ?

Well - #1 income which is remember the exchange of the currency and the redemption of the Zim – notice I said that differently – exchange of the foreign currency and the redemption of the Zim Bond – those will create for you in a tax free event that creates money in the form of the exchange so that is NOT taxable –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 7-14-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday July 14th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Ok let’s talk a little bit about the intel of where we are – Here’s the thing – remember of course the disclaimer – Bruce is not a CPA – not a tax accountant – not a tax attorney and I don’t play one on the Big Call – that being said - we do get questions occasionally – and people wonder about the tax situation or what about in this particular case – how would this affect my social security ?

Well - #1  income which is remember the exchange of the currency and the redemption of the Zim – notice I said that differently – exchange of the foreign currency and the redemption of the Zim Bond – those will create for you in a tax free event that creates money in the form of the exchange so that is NOT taxable –

Now when you go to take that money we call the mother lode account – the main account –especially if you are a Zim holder - we consider that the master account or mother lode account – So… the mother lode account will earn you interest depending on how long you have it in a structured payout could be 25 yrs – I hope I can get them to extend that to go longer than 25 – I will just be getting started in 25 yrs –

That is paying interest out every quarter – which is every 3 months – at a prescribed rate – we know what that could be - and so when that happens – when that income is generated – it is passive income – it is what tax accountants – CPA’s – IRS refer to as “passive income” – it is not what you have worked for – called earned income – this is not “earned” income – this is passive income –

So this money that’s in the bank – generating interest – yes it is income to you – and you will pay taxes on it - under the current tax plan - but that’s all you do – you know – in other words – you’ve heard the term – let your money make you money – and that is what our money is going to do – it will make money – as it generates this passive income –

Why is it “passive”? Because you don’t have to do anything to earn it – you don’t have to do anything to receive it - that is why it is considered “passive”

What I’m trying to get to the question is this – that form of income – interest income or passive income does NOT affect social security – it is considered investment income and that interest does not affect your social security –

#2 Does it matter? Does it matter that you have a zillion dollars that you made on a currency exchange or a Zim redemption – does social security even matter ??????  The great answer is NO – you will still receive it – in fact I’m understanding that we’re going to see increase in social security as a result of this new influx of capital – coming into the country –

We could see up to a 30% increase in social security benefits – that is unofficial – I do not have that in writing - but is something I’ve heard that may be happening for us - social security – you know  it all adds up - - it’s gas money – that’s what it’s going to be for us – because when this thing happens- it’s not going to matter a whole hill of beans-  but we will still get it

So let’s talk about what’s happening today – President Trump spoke for about an hour in the Rose Garden at somewhere in the 6 pm range and got that interesting group of things said – there was nothing specific really said to us – other than he wanted a level playing field for all parties – and we’ve heard that level playing field analogy many times – in different ways – and I think what’s going to happen once this GCR thing take place where we see it

Now we had good confirmation pointing to today for us to start with our notification and subsequent exchanges - however – we did have a delay – which amounted to at least 14 hours - and this was caused by a particular banker that tried to get in / gain  the system between the point of our new deposits going in and the time they were fully protected under the Quantum Financial System – QFS –

The system that is being put together which was called the FenCen Digital System (??) being put together in Singapore - there were some people that were involved – and I don’t want to get into the specifics of who they are/were – but they were people who were trying to be able to siphon off funds from our newly deposited accounts – They got them – all that were involved in this – and they corrected any issue with the problem so that back door - if you will is sealed –

So we have a protocol that takes us from the deposit position to a fully protected state inside the bank with the back-up essentially being with the US Treasury in our case – it’s something that did slow us down for approximately 14 hours yesterday and for today our notifications not likely – now some people set appointments – we heard this a half hour before the call started –

I found that some people were able to set appointments – these more than likely were people that were called directly from the bank - because they had left word with the bank – hey when this thing is ready to go let me know – and some people were notified – and they set some appointments for tomorrow

Now – what does that mean for you and me that did not get a phone call from the bank saying they would like to set our appointment for tomorrow – It means #1 the 800 number is not put out yet and they did not use it - #2 it means that the emails with the 800 number from Wells Fargo – 527,000+ emails did not go out either –

Now – what I am hearing as late as an hour before the Big Call – tonight – it appears that tomorrow morning is our likely start – for notifications – and subsequent setting of appointments and following that – exchanges – all could begin on the same day- tomorrow –

Now – again – what does Bruce not do?  I’m not calling it – I’m just reporting what I heard from very good sources – very good sources also told me prior to the weekend that Tuesday was going to be our day - but so far Tuesday is NOT our day – that’s right now – but it does not mean that tomorrow is not a very good opportunity for this to all go –

We do have all new rates – they are very good – there’s no issue with that – you know that if you are a part of the 4B internet group – you are the only people that will be offered a very high rate of interest on your exchanges and this is particular to the Zim – this is for the Zim holders who are doing their redemption at the redemption centers – and remember – when you add all of the 13,810 redemption centers to the ones that are 2200 redemption centers that are part of tier 1 and tier 2 banks – either inside or adjacent to the tier 1 and tier 2 banks – that adds up to over 1 6,000 redemption centers  - and we have the ability to go all the way through the last day of July – which is July 31st from whenever our start date is –

Now – the 15th is typically an important day – important in the sense that Iraq’s payroll is done on the 1st and the 15th of the month - It should be that this gets done so that Iraq can pay their people at the new rate – starting tomorrow – in a matter of hours – because of the time difference between Iraq and here in the US – so that is another positive sign –

Also we had the new UN operational rate kicks in on the 15th and also so does the IMF rate as well -  the Forex will update as it does usually between 2:00 – 2:30 am – and I would think the new rate should reflect sometime after that – well before the banks open here in the US –

Everything is moving forward and I’m tired of hearing money is moving – If I ever see that expression again it is going to get a big X on a T shirt – don’t ever say money is moving – that is another phrase that is no longer you are going to be able to use  -

So yes – of course - I did hear that all of the funds that we need for the groups to be paid – that’s 4A – the Core and us 4B – are in place ready to be distributed – in other words ready to go to those individual participants in tier 4A and in the Core – and also ready for us when we set appointments and go in for our exchanges and Zim redemption – Everything is set and ready  to go as far as that goes – that is all set - I believe – based on what I’m hearing unless the groups go overnight tonight – meaning they received email notification overnight – I believe we are basically go at the same time – as a shotgun start – just like in a golf tournament –

Now that is probably what we’re looking at – If tier 4A and the Cores get a head start tonight – so be it – God Bless them – I hope they do – I don’t know that though –

Tuesday was to be liquidity day – that should mean that the groups get access to up to 20% of their funds tomorrow - they won’t get 100% but up to 20% - We would get a large percentage when we do our exchanges – in fact for us exchanging currency – Dinar – dong – Rupiah – Rial – we would receive access to that equivalent in USN dollars on the day of exchange – you would be able to have access to that money -  not that you need it all – but all of it available to you –

Now when it comes to the Zim – it has a much higher value – and the Zim will be accessible using something like a structured payout – you will get access to portions of it – if that’s your only currency – I have no intention of accessing any of it – mine is going to be held in a mother lode account with a structured payout – all I need from that is when the interest is paid and is spilled over into a secondary account –

That is the account I’m going to use for my projects and that will be coming every 90 days – with the structured payout - That is my idea – my plan – You do that – it doesn’t matter it’s whatever you want to do

Now – we are where we are – we know this thing has been a moving target since the beginning – we know they don’t want us to know when it’s going to go – even though I had really strong information for it rolling out today – because of this delay – because of this one banker and the whole plan he had put together we got delayed and it wasn’t going to happen today for us – tomorrow is looking good so.. we’ll see how that shakes out - 


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins:  1:06:15

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 7-9-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 7-9-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday July 9th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Ok let’s talk a little bit about where we are today – I kinda thought we had a shot on it going on the 8th which was yesterday – today is the 9th and what we have is valuable in the sense that getting good solid information – now – I’ll give you this first – this is something on the one hand I’m happy about and on the other hand I’m a little disappointed about –

This is what it is - we had confirmation that exchanges were being done and I mentioned this I believe on Tuesday’s call – I got more and more confirmation- there were exchanges and as far as I can tell they are continuing – in Canada – as well as a number of other countries around the globe – and it may very well be that we are the last country to come into the exchange and redemption process –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 7-9-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday July 9th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Ok let’s talk a little bit about where we are today – I kinda thought we had a shot on it going on the 8th which was yesterday – today is the 9th and what we have is valuable in the sense that getting good solid information – now – I’ll give you this first – this is something on the one hand I’m happy about and on the other hand I’m a little disappointed about – 

This is what it is - we had confirmation that exchanges were being done and I mentioned this I believe on Tuesday’s call – I got more and more confirmation- there were exchanges and as far as I can tell they are continuing – in Canada – as well as a number of other countries around the globe – and it may very well be that we are the last country to come into the exchange and redemption process –

There is a little bit of a reason for that – so let’s talk about it – we know for example what the rates were that people exchanged for in Canada – and I know of exchanges that took place since last Friday – that would have been the 3rd of July – we had word that they started the 2nd through the night (ninth?) Remember we had the 2nd through the 9th at the time that Canada was going to have their financial system shut down – or blacked out – ok –

Well we thought so they could connect to the QFS just like we are – right – no – they we already connected to the QFS – but that gave them an opportunity to do exchanges before we started – ok – and that’s what happened - there’s 2 reasons for that-

One – the border we have with Canada is closed to anyone who is not a dual citizen of US & Canada – or that has a house in the US or has a business in the US – other than that – you are not coming in –

What’s interesting is – Canada got a head start on us and maybe other countries around the globe – we talked about the Far East having started exchanges as early as the 1st of July – What it amounts to is it’s not that we’re not getting it done – this is a plan where we have the position of going last –

And you ask = why is that? Some of it is based on security concerns – and the other is that the rates that are neighbors to the north are picking up on that the dinar and dong are not going to be the same values that we are going to get – down here in the lower 48 – also include Alaska and Hawaii –

Because of our involvement with Iraq – Viet Nam – and so on – we have a different set of numbers – ok – and that is one reason - Because when we get started the rates will show differently –

When we get ready to go – which I will give you some information on that – in just a minute – In my opinion – when those rates come in – they will be different and they should be higher – I will tell you that much –

Now I know all of that does not alaye (explain) your fears about when we get to start – we know that the situation with Iraq is going to be manifest with Iraq sending a delegation of 5-6 people to the US to meet with President trump and to make an announcement  - coming in either on Sunday or Monday and they’re going to either announce that they are a sovereign nation  along with President Trump and I don’t know who else will be there but it might very well be the person that speaks - could be our old friend Sinan Al Shabibi  -

Remember when he spoke at the International Chamber of Commerce Meeting- in the United States – in DC in 2012 and Dr Shabibi was asked question by Bluestar – of which that video was – not sure if it is still out there but he asked what could the Iraqi Dinar support –

What would the dinar be worth in US dollars after the revaluation - Dr Shabibi answered his question something to the effect – the Dinar will be able to support a rate of at least $16.00 –

I remember that video – I remember the question – and I remember Dr Shabibi answering that and I thought WOW – because when we first started we thought man – if this could get to $2 or $3 or back to what the Dinar was worth before it was questioned value which I think was $3.96 something – I thought man that’s going to be awesome - This was 15 years ago – when we looked into it all - almost 16 yrs now –

So I was telling you this to let you know that maybe what Dr Shabibi spoke was prophetic

Now – beyond that – let’s go to what we’re talking about – so we’re looking for him to speak along with our President should be a pretty cool thing - either Monday or Tuesday  morning – and I believe that we will be able after that announcement is made – whether it’s made on Monday afternoon or Tuesday morning that should be the go ahead for the notifications to go out – regarding tier 4B – the internet group –

So – we have an idea of the “when” - we have an idea that this does occur before the 15th of July - we just know there’s some things that are due to happen on or about the 15th – now we believe we will start before then - we believe they want us started and want Zim exchanges to start well before – at least a day or two before – the 15th so I am going to hope that is the plan – that is what should happen –

Now – beyond that – there was a meeting in Washington last night – the President was on it – Steven Mnuchin was on it – I believe Mr Lighthizer was on it – I’m not sure – but the meeting was extensive – a little over 2 hours – with all the bank principals  of tier 1 & tier 2 banks - probably over 800 people –

The information that was put out is positive for us – so they who were on this call were actually put in a position to be up to speed - sometimes we know more than the bankers know – this is one of those situations - and so they let them know that this was real – that this is going and there were mentions about several more things having to do with next week - so we’ll see

I am very very excited about where we are right now – even though we thought it would be this week for us -  it maybe still be this week for our fellow tier 4A people in the groups that are based out west – because I think it’s very possible that they get started here anytime – could be today – tonight – tomorrow – we’re last but last for a good reason – if we can just accept that – realize that it’s coming to us – that will make us feel better I think –

The other thing I want to mention is the idea of the interest rate that  you would be able to request if you are doing projects that could go at least 1 generation – defining a generation of 80 years or more – now you say you don’t know if you will be around that long –

I don’t know either but I know the technology is there – it’s been suppressed – that would allow us to do that – go 80 years – and 150 yrs – the technology is there – it’s just not out to us yet – it works – it’s been there – we know about it – and it should be coming out in the next year or two – it really should – it should be coming out so it’s available to us – now I’m not going to dwell on that or go into it but I’m just going to say don’t write  yourself off as not being around – able to be there 80 -100 – 200 years into the future –

This is why you need to take care of yourself – NOW – before that technology is available – you’ve got to take it till  you make it – you’ve got to get as strong as you can with your immune system and muscular and everything else by walking – exercising – eating well and all of that so that  you can live long term –

I said you could negotiate that – this is the deal – let’s say you have a project you know you can take a structured pay out of at least 80-100 years – regardless of whether you are here or not – somebody is going to take over your project – you’ll set that up and give that information as your trust will allow –

When you set that up you would be able to ask for an interest rate that paid as high as 9.5% APR  on  your structured payout – if you are a Zim holder –

If you are not a Zim holder – this deal does not apply to you – but if you are and you have the structured payout – I am taking mine to at least 100 yrs maybe longer – and I am going to ask for that interest rate –

Now remember the currency side of your exchange is different than the Zim redemption – even though you do them both at the same appointment – you should have full access to your exchanged currency funds from day one and  your Zim you are going to negotiate that based on your world class presentation about your project/s that you do - and remember that presentation is only 5-8 minutes long – it is very compact – so when you do that – that will allow you to negotiate your rate and be able to have funds in your mother lode account or master account – that account is what you can earn interest on –

The banks would want you to keep your money in that exchange bank that you use for a long long period of time and are willing to compensate you in terms of a nice interest rate of 9.5% for a long period of time and they want you to leave your money with them in their bank –

Now your money may not be in the bank per say -  but in the treasury and this bank account that you have is actually mirroring the treasury account and that’s the only place because of the gold that backs up our USTN currency or USN – on the Forex –charts – that US treasury is the only place that could essentially keep and insure our safety of our currency – and remember its digital – once we turn it in we don’t see it again- our funds in USN are reported and those are converted digitally –

And when we have them on the screens – and we get access to them – we are going to have debit and credit cards – at the time of our exchange to gain access to our funds – and also later on a follow up visit – you’ll get a titanium account access card that allows you to use that and your biometric fingerprint to access your motherlode account YOU ALONE  can see the screens and gain access to that account and anyone else that you give access to is up to  you – It is designed for you privately to see –

So ----- where are we???? We are very very close – we know the rest of the world has started and we are taking up the rear – and finishing up with our best information from very high sources – we are looking at the announcement with President Trump and Alak “maybe” Dr Shabibi – I’m just hoping it is Shabibi that comes – but whatever it is we’re looking for release of toll free #’s and the emails after that announcement is made – we should see that – that should be televised –

So with that – I’m going to say do not quit your day job – stay with your plan A until plan B which is B for Blessing comes through – nothing has changed as far as we are concerned – we just keep doing it and continue to do it but I hope this is our last call – we shall see – Thank you everybody for listening – Have a wonderful weekend


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins:  1:02:14

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 7-7-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 7-7-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday July 7th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Let’s try to get our intel segment in – I had a couple questions that Bob talked to me about today – One was talking about prosperity packages – now I don’t have a great background in prosperity packages – When you ask people that have or that are in those – nobody that we know of has been paid on those yet – but we keep hearing time and time again that those are supposed to go out as part of the intermediate groups – in other words – they should go out before fines and penalties – adjudicated settlements - and so on –

It’s hard to say what the order is – now – it’s hard to say whether that’s going to hold true – is what I’m saying - so that one is a question mark for a lot of us –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 7-7-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday July 7th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Let’s try to get our intel segment in – I had a couple questions that Bob talked to me about today – One was talking about prosperity packages – now I don’t have a great background in prosperity packages – When you ask people that have or that are in those – nobody that we know of has been paid on those yet – but we keep hearing time and time again that those are supposed to go out as part of the intermediate groups – in other words – they should go out before fines and penalties – adjudicated settlements - and so on –

It’s hard to say what the order is – now – it’s hard to say whether that’s going to hold true – is what I’m saying - so that one is a question mark for a lot of us –

We also had another question that was dealing with taxes – here’s the deal – these exchanges that we’re doing are tax free -  they are not taxable – however – when you make money with your newly exchanged funds – let’s say you 100 million from your exchange – and you have that in an account – Zim holders will use a structured pay out

 if you’re holding dinar or dong or rupiah – rial - etc – my understanding is that you will have immediate access to those funds – that is something you would not wait for – so what I’m saying is let’s say you have this 100 million dollar account and that account is earning an interest rate of 9.25% - that interest rate is going to create what we know as “passive income” – meaning your money is earning money –

We all learned in high school and college – well maybe we didn’t learn it then – but we have learned it since to try to let your money make money – so if your money earns money that means it working for you – you don’t have to work if your money can make money for you –

Let’s say you have $100 million dollars and your 9.25% per year – that means you’re going to make 9.25 million dollars per year – on that $100 million – that money you would earn is called passive income – and you would actually pay taxes – as it is now – on that “earned” income –

if you have a business you have the opportunity to expense against the income – even this interest income – you have businesses set up properly – you can expense – take your expenses - and those are applied when you file your taxes against your gross income – which in our case we’re saying is 9.25 million in that one year –

So in other words will you pay taxes? Not on the exchange – but on the money that the exchange income produces – that the exchange amount produces for you in income you would pay taxes on that –

This is all subject to change with a new tax plan – that the President is talking about and it may be something to change with NESARA – which is supposed to be coming in and taking place –

We did not get the announcement that I thought we would hopefully get on the 4th of July – or on the 3rd of July out of Mt Rushmore – we did get a couple references though to the idea of the American Republic – I took that to refer to the Restored Republic – but we did not get the big announcements that we thought we might get –

Never know – I’m not holding my breath for any announcements – anymore – we’ll get them when we get them -  so I hope that answers the questions Bob had received by email –

Now- here’s the thing – we are in a position where things are getting quieter and quieter – usually from the banks – we have heard some things over the last 4 days or so – and actually we had heard that we would be able to get started today - but that did not happen – and this was from a very very good couple of sources –

But – listen – that information is good at the time but as you know things have changed so dramatically in this event that it’s hard to predict and hard to know whether yesterday’s intel or 2 days ago intel is still good for today – and so what we really realize is that the things that we get we have to verify – and what we try to do is verify and get at least verifications before we say anything specifically has happened –

Now – let’s talk a little bit about what has happened – and I feel good about this because of the sources that we’re getting this from – last night at 11 pm eastern – till 2 am eastern – there was a meeting – we are going to translate this over to pacific time – because it was held in Reno –

This meeting had Judy Shelton – some key figures out west – you know who I’m talking about – and it appears that – lets translate to pacific – 8pm last night – till 11pm last night Reno time – or pacific time – but after that time – the meeting was trying to get this thing pushed through – this was the 6th attempt that she has been in Reno – to try to get this done –

The word we had was that between 2 and 2:45 eastern time this morning – that it was released to go and what happened – what exactly happened?? That’s what we don’t know – we don’t know what that release involved – but I’ll say this – there was supposedly another decision making meeting today around 11 am – and at 12:30 – on the east coast – eastern time we had a schedule that was given for our tier 4B group –

No – what is the schedule?  I don’t know – I don’t know where it puts us – but it has to be closer – closer to the point where – maybe since we have the schedule something is going to happen tomorrow or Thursday  for us –

Now let’s go to what certain people are saying about Canada – our friends to the north – Did they get a head start on us? I have some confirmations that said yes they did some exchanges up there – and we heard some of the rates up there and that’s fine – and we also heard from sources that have people in Canada and they have not heard of any one starting yet in Canada – so that sort of off sets the confirmations  that we had that they had in fact started –

It’s hard to know exactly which it is – I’m calling it a toss up because we’ve got some saying yes and some saying no -  and I’m thinking if they did get started – our neighbor to the north that means they have a 2 day head start on us – in the lower 48 – ha ha ha ha –

How much longer can it be that we don’t go if that is true and they have already started? Here’s the situation – could Canada have started already – Monday & Tuesday – so that a certain population of Canada would not try to come down across the border to exchange here in the united states – I think that might be the case – it’s actually reasonable – that they might have started before so they could get exchanges done there and there would be no reason for anybody to come down south - it’s just an idea - could be true –

Now we do have the new schedule - we don’t know what it is – or when we start – but I think it’s encouraging that we did get that – it coming out of the meeting and was available – and came out at 12:30pm eastern –

So that’s a big question mark in general – Have 208 of our 209 countries already started? I find that very hard to believe  - I doubt that – very much – but we did hear that the exchanges have started in the Far East -  we did get that which – China could be over in a number of Far Eastern countries – maybe they did get started – can’t quite say – that’s what we’re hearing – doesn’t necessarily make it true –

I’m going to suggest that we on the Big Call kinda just take a chill pill- take a breath and let this thing manifest and come to us – it’s interesting that there’s word out there that things have happened – I know certain people already done exchanges -  they are getting access to some funds but not the bigger number  yet – might be a couple more days before they get access to funds – these so called private exchanges – maybe … I don’t even call the VIP exchanges but we’ve had a lot of that stuff happen in the united states already -  we’ve had certain people and most of the time they are SKR’s –

Let’s face it – they might get a little walking around money – we understand that some of these people have received travel funds - or emergency funds and that may have been true – especially in some of the groups that are based out west – but have they gotten to the BIG money?  No – Have they made liquid SKR’s yet? I don’t believe so –

Things could change with this – do you really think that 208 countries are going to get started with these exchanges and leave the United States high and dry?  I don’t see it - I just don’t see it – our President is far too sharp and too good of a negotiator to let something like that happen

We know that we need infusion of monies in purchases because we have 70% of our GDP in purchases – is buying things – and guess what  - when this comes to us – this blessing - we’ll have money to buy things – in a big way – and that’s why we think this roll of the blessing – the GCR has been slow so we do not over heat the economy - well we need to get started before we heat it up at all – then we can take our time and do what it is we need to do with our projects – purchase the things we wanted to purchase – help others –

That is over all where we find ourselves – right now – sort of questioning what really is happening globally – what really has or has not happened in Canada – and whether or not it puts us next to go – it’s a very good question and I’m hoping I find out more about it between now and Thursday - I should find out a lot more

Until that time all we can do is continue to pray and believe for this coming in and press in until this comes  - we really do – this is a time for us to really not only be leaders in terms of what we plan to do for ourselves – our families and communities – but this is an opportunity for us to be overcomers – to overcome the obstacles coming our way – to overcome the resistance that we have had to make this come through – and I think if everyone of us stays positive – in prayer – stays in faith -  then we can take that term overcomer and be very proud of it – that we have overcome stress – the weight – we have learned patience – perseverance – longsuffering  - and we’ve been better for it as a result

So--- that is the stage where we find ourselves in right now and I don’t know if there is a whole lot else that’s relevant – I will say this – remember we’ve talked about interest rates – that you can negotiate for – the latest thing I got – which was yesterday – was that they will be offering you 9.25% interest on the money that you keep in your structured pay out – I don’t know how many years you have to have to get that – I am thinking not necessarily 80 -90 – 100 -150 yrs or more – but here’s the reason – why would the bank give the incentive with a pretty high interest rate of 9.25% -

Well #1 a lot of people I’m talking to are planning to do what I’m doing – and that is leave the mother lode account intact – and let it grow the interest – so whatever  you take your Zim exchange for – whatever it comes out in total value  - if you had an interest rate of 9.25%  - and that amount was spilled into a secondary account – a spillover account – that allows you to get that interest paid every 3 months which is what most people want – and that continues to come in 4 times a year – so that allows the bank to continue to keep the mother lode account intact in its fullness without it being even touched –

My intention was to not even touch it – I would just use the interest that the mother lode account earned and spilled into the spillover account – that’s my plan – I’m going with that –

Any money that the currency in exchange for dinar dong and rial – I might would put that in a totally separate account all together – that money you have immediate access to – no waiting  90 days for an interest payment on that money – that money will be available for you to use – spend – do whatever you want – from day one – first day of your exchange – that’s what my understanding is –

Then the other thing that was of interest – people are always curious about whether there was a second Zim appointment – the answer is No - Unless you are part of a group – if you are and they know when you go in - 2-25 people or so – they will require you to go to a second Zim appointment – because they are going to vet you again -  to make sure your little group is not doing something that is not good – not funding something like terrorism – etc – so if you’re part of a group and they know you are you would get that second Zim appointment –

If you are an individual – like I am – you go in - done and done – do your Zim you have up to 90 minutes if you need it – you negotiate your rate – do your project presentation – and  you are done - do you go back and talk to a wealth management team – or Abbott Downing rep on a second follow up meeting? Yes – That’s if you need help with additional accounts – move money - etc maybe you need an attorney – or finish up your trust work – or help creating a family office – this is what some of these top tier 1 banks will do – you need to look that up and research that – so you can be aware of that before you go in –

When you go back for a second appointment that is not for Zim – but to go and see what perks on  your perk sheet are – some of these perks will be renewable yearly if you keep your money there – All tier 1 banks will have similar  perks – if  you have accounts at two separate banks you should have 2 separate perk sheets -

So where do we stand? We know things are moving forward – we know with the meetings that are going on – we know that the training that took place yesterday with the banks – they tested by computer all of the 800 numbers into all twelve call centers and then from the call centers to the redemption centers to complete appointments settings – that was done as a practice yesterday – from 10 am to 7pm – that is a long time – tested and satisfied with the 800 numbers

So what does that tell you? That tells us we are ready from what we can tell – security is always a concern and they are doing a wonderful job between DOD and Homeland Security – I am not going to sweat the security - I don’t care what you are reading – but I really think they are on top of it – and when we do get the toll free number we are going to be good to go –

When? That is the question  - the ultimate question – are we ready since the schedule has been put out to someone – we just don’t know what it is – maybe it has been given over to Wells Fargo already – so they can send out the emails and release the 800# - let‘s hope so -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins - 56:00 min mark

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 7-2-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 7-2-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday July 2nd and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Let’s go into a little intel and see if we can tighten this thing up and bring it home - Tuesday was just two nights ago – but in a way the way intel goes sometimes it is as if nothing changed and sometimes it’s as if everything changed – and in this case – we know that things have started- do we see them? Our perspective – not necessarily – yet –

Let’s talk about the reason we are and the reason that we’re not – First of all the indication that we’ve had from our sources and we have a variety of different banking sources and financial sources and other types of sources are telling us that everything did start –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 7-2-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday July 2nd and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Let’s go into a little intel and see if we can tighten this thing up and bring it home - Tuesday was just two nights ago – but in a way the way intel goes sometimes it is as if nothing changed and sometimes it’s as if everything changed – and in this case – we know that things have started- do we see them? Our perspective – not necessarily – yet –

Let’s talk about the reason we are and the reason that we’re not – First of all the indication that we’ve had from our sources and we have a variety of different banking sources and financial sources and other types of sources are telling us that everything did start –

Remember Tuesday night I was talking about it happening around 11 pm – it ends up at 12:01 am – internationally China released the GCR and started being able to do exchanges in the Far East – the last tally we had earlier this morning showed a start and showed exchanges exceeding 500,000 exchanges – in the Far East –

Now that’s great for them – but it doesn’t show much for us here yet – We had our start in the United States at 2:15 pm Eastern Wednesday – and what happened at that time was – again – groups – Admiral’s group - the Core - all of that was to be started –

I don’t have a good perspective now exactly on what happened but we know that travel funds and emergency funds were paid out – but not the big money – that I think we are all looking for – although they could have called it emergency funds and it could have been more like the Real McCoy –

So – what is happening is there are about 2-3 reasons why we have not been notified yet – Remember we had a time frame and they were talking about us getting notified either today or tomorrow -  and starting whenever -  We don’t exactly have our notifications  happening over the weekend – now we’re looking at this thing changing and we have a moving target – now we’re looking closer at the possibility of being notified with toll free numbers and with the emails - from Wells Fargo – Monday – Monday afternoon – or possibly Tuesday –

So we have been in a way – I think in a very real way – pushed to the other side of the 4th of July – even though we understand that we could see some announcements (don’t everyone roll your eyes) we could see or hear some announcements from President Trump regarding NESARA / GESARA  - the return to the Restored Republic – and common law – and the very possibility of a mention of the Gold Standard – returning to the Gold Standard – and to QSN as part of that announcement –

That could take place tomorrow when the President is doing his speech at Mt Rushmore – and fireworks to follow - but he’s also coming back to DC for the fireworks display over the Washington Monument – and we also think that could be an opportunity for a speech –

There was some discussion to whether Sec of Treasury – Steven Mnuchin – would make the announcement about the USN but he said no I want …this is  you know… a president took us off the gold standard – and off the silver standard as well – later – but it would be proper for the President to announce the return to the gold standard -  so Mnuchin was referring to the President to do that – which I think was great – I think it will be a wonderful thing for President Trump to announce – would it occur at Mt Rushmore?  Tomorrow? Possibly – my personal feeling would be it occurring in Washington if it’s going today - happen – on the 4th - great opportunity for us to essentially see our freedom regained on Independence Day

Now - what else has been happening is really something else – now – you know I’ve mentioned groups out west – we know the biggest little city in the west is located and we also know that last night/ overnight – we had 65 individuals picked up and dropped off – and you know that refers to clean up on aisle 3 –

We had this morning another additional 168 high value arrests to take place – these would be people affiliated with people that you know – people whose names you know – and these were to take place and complete by midnight tomorrow (Friday night) - could they complete sooner? Maybe – but it may take all the way till midnight tomorrow night –

There’s one other piece that seems to have influenced our release timing even though these banks these tier 4 these mom and pop banks – remember you have tier 1  the big four – we know plus HSBC – then you’ve got your 2 banks tier 3 and tier 4 -  well the tier 4 banks are the ones we call mom and pop – smaller banks – they are about 2200 banks – they are not connected to the QFS – and as such – they have become a target for some bad individuals who wanted to try siphon funds from transactions that are going to and would be going to these smaller tier 4 banks –

They know who these individuals were who perpetrated this - siphoning scheme – and they’ve gone after them and I believe they wrapped those up – at 12:05 am this morning –

So why is it a big deal?  About tier 4 banks that are not even going to be doing exchanges?  Not doing Zim – not doing currency exchanges – at least not with the 800 numbers right – it’s because the funds that we would have after our appointments  some people have relationships with these smaller banks and they want to continue to use a small tier 4 bank - and they would send money – wire money to those banks for those banks to be secure they need to have new server – and some of the server discussion that’s going on – let me clarify that – these banks are getting new higher speed servers so that they can connect to the QFS and that is supposed to complete in about 6 days – for the tier 4 mini banks –

All of that is great and dandy but it doesn’t really affect our start – so that is not a delay for us – we’ve been delayed more by the pick ups and drop offs that I was referring to the remaining 168 – that did slow us down and keep us from going yesterday – and today –because here it was July 1st yesterday – that’s when China started – that’s when it went internationally - the GCR was in play –

And Zimbabwe also has their new Zimbabwe Dollar valued on par with the US dollar – as of yesterday morning – so we’ve got another country’s currency on par with our dollar –

Now.. beyond that we have indication that we are supposed to get our 800 number either Monday afternoon or Tuesday to start our exchanges possibly – this is only a possibility – of Monday afternoon – but the more likely start would be on Tuesday –

So that kinda tells us roughly what has been happening – what’s been going on internationally – and I know for example Iraq is ready – there was a question as to whether Iraq would make payroll yesterday – my understanding is that they did everything they needed to do on the 1st so – we have – there is more that I am not remembering about other countries – but I know that we are positioned now we believe to go forward –

 Now – this holiday weekend – would it have been possible to start as early as tomorrow or Saturday - I think it would have been – but I think they will probably defer to starting Monday and Tuesday

BUT – I am very interested in what the President would say tomorrow at Mt Rushmore – we may glean something from that – we’ll see - but even if he does make a gold backed announcement about our new USN currency – that would be a major deal - whether it happens on Friday or Saturday - that would be very big for us –

Now – let’s talk about the coin shortage that’s been going on – I even experienced at a restaurant yesterday – they did not have change and they’re asking a lot of retails establishments  - if you have any loose change at home bring it in and buy something with it – so they will have some change because the change – the reason it’s happened is because the treasury is collecting silver dollars /  half dollars / quarters and dimes to melt down – to pull whatever silver is in those coins out – because the reason they haven’t received any change is because the mints are busy making new coinage – with the proper degree of silver -  in the silver dollars and half dollars – and quarter and dime –

They will have the amount of silver that they are supposed to – and those new coins – should be coming out this weekend – could be tomorrow but it probably will be Saturday or Sunday – so that is the story about the change shortage –

Now here’s another interesting thing – remember we have both gold and silver – gold is right under $1800 an ounce – I think silver is higher than it’s been in a while and should do really well as well as gold going up – here fairly soon –

Now here’s the thing – we are going to get new gold coins in high denominations – gold coins – and I’m hearing this – I don’t have this yet – but what I’ve been told that we will see a $5000 gold coin - $10,000 gold coin - $15,000 gold coin and a $20,000 gold coin – that would be really cool – made of pure gold –   

These would be US gold coins – US Treasury gold coins – these are supposed to be minted between after the election in November and before Thanksgiving – so that’s a nice 3 ½ week window there where we could see and actually experience and purchase if we wanted to these gold coins –

They are not commemorative coins but used for high dollar transactions and a lot of states are starting to take gold coins and bars and also silver coins and bars – as form of payment – they have been probably about half the country – maybe more maybe 30 states – obviously if it’s legal tender of the united states – then all states would take those –

I think it’s interesting that last Saturday the redemption center staff had a 2 hour meeting on the biometrics for precious metals – and they had a hand held device that they could measure the actual content of gold or silver in coins and bars – so they are gearing up for it

So that’s really where we’re going – moving forward – will we see anything pop before Monday or Tuesday here? That we don’t know – we should but we don’t know yet – that’s what we’re looking for because if in fact everything did cut loose and start yesterday in the Far East and it’s working its way across theoretically  speaking this should be releasing for us very soon -  

Have a safe and enjoyable weekend and be on watch for the President’s speech -  


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins: 56:50

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 6-30-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 6-30-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday June 30th the last day of the month and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

There are people that are coming on the call that are new and may not have been on the ride for the last nine years like we have – I have been in this thing for 16 years and I’m looking at this and saying well “What have I not said?” But it’s not what I haven’t said but it’s what do I need to say again because there are some people that have been it a few weeks – a few months and haven’t really heard everything –

So - I am going to try to recap where we are and what the exchange experience is going to be like – especially if you are a Zim holder – so let’s start first of all with – usually I bring in information from either China or Iraq to bring us up to speed where we are then I will go into the exchange and redemption center appointments – and what those might feel like –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 6-30-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday June 30th the last day of the month and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

There are people that are coming on the call that are new and may not have been on the ride for the last nine years like we have – I have been in this thing for 16 years and I’m looking at this and saying well “What have I not said?”  But it’s not what I haven’t said but it’s what do I need to say again because there are some people that have been it a few weeks – a few months and haven’t really heard everything –

So - I am going to try to recap where we are and what the exchange experience is going to be like – especially if you are a Zim holder – so let’s start first of all with – usually I bring in information from either China or Iraq to bring us up to speed where we are then I will go into the exchange and redemption center appointments – and what those might feel like –

First of all – here we are on the last day of June – this was to be the start dates far as I knew in the last 3-4 days - we were looking to something popping today (Tues) and it came from 4-5 different sources – Now – are they wrong? Maybe not necessarily – because the latest information I had has us starting with groups – and I’ll go over the groups - with groups as early as 11 tonight Eastern – so an hour or so – not much longer after the Big Call ends – those groups could be paid out –

We know the paymasters and the top gun with the Admirals group have received their release codes – so called final release codes – and supposedly those groups are set and prepared to release when they get the green light –

Now – is the green light tonight at 11 Eastern? It could be – we’ll see - I’ve heard that – but here’s the thing – you’ve got the intermediate groups – have not been paid out – that would be including CMKX – Fines and Penalties – Adjudicated Settlements – which would also be the Indian Claims – Farm Claims – etc –

Those so called intermediate groups between tiers 3 and 4 are set to kick out and go tonight – now we’ve heard it before – we’ve heard it many times before – and I’ve had times before – I’ve probably put them out many times on the call before – so what makes this different? What really makes it different is the position that the whole system is in to begin to release

We are up against some kind of time line here – whereby we should get started – I’ve heard people say it starts right after midnight Eastern (12:01AM) and I’ve heard the 11 PM – Either way we win –

What about the rate changes? There have been some rates that have changed – we’ve heard about them from Forex people that they’re seeing Dinar and Dong in really good rates on the forex –

We also know from our Iraqi/American citizens that they were expecting a rate change yesterday but they found out today and got word today that at 11 am they were within 12 hours of a rate change for them –

So that’s 11 pm tonight - that agrees with the start time of the other – Will that be the start? It could be – it really could be – but when will the rates change again so they are reflected on bank screens and redemption center screens – Between 2:30 and 3:00 am Eastern tomorrow morning – is when we are looking for the rates to update again – and be available on the screens at bank and redemption centers –

Remember we have 13,810 redemption centers that are not tied to tier 1 and tier 2 banks physically – being a part of them or attached to them – 13,810 independent redemption centers that are Zim capable – Bonafide Zim capable redemption centers –

In addition to that we have 2220 redemption centers – in the US- that are connected to tier 1 and tier 2 banks in some form -  either they are within the bank itself or attached next to the bank –

If you add all of that up you’ve got a little over 16,000 redemption centers – so they are ready for us to  go – There have been conference calls after conference calls – telling them about everything – they just had one Saturday -  about the biometrics of precious metals - that would mean having a little hand held device that can measure the validity of gold or silver coins or bars – and actually measure for the proper density – and viability  of those metals – they got through a two hour training from noon -  2 on Saturday for that – and I’m sure they had another meeting since then to kinda give them a final go through on what’s going on

We know the redemption center staff is on call – they can’t quite set their schedules till we get started – but after we get started they will set their schedules to go from 9 ½ hrs – in some of the questionable areas – all the way up to 12 or 16  hrs max – per day  - probably closer to 12

What my understanding is we’re going to go through  - we’re going to get this party started – and go through July 15th  - the other thing I’ve heard is – I take this to heart – let’s say we get started in the next day or so to go – we get the toll free number - the emails from Wells Fargo 527,000 of those have gone out – those that they have emails for – they get that email and the toll free number – if they don’t get an email they look to Big Call  and see it on our website – or it goes out in an email  to our members – who have registered their email on our site –

When those go out you have 1 week from the time it comes out to set your appointment – If you set your appointment you could take a longer time to exchange ……I don’t know why you would do that – unless you are dying in the hospital – and you need recovery time – so unless you are not really paying attention you probably would just set your appointment and go as soon as you could –

I think they are going to get the vast majority of the Zim in 4-5 days – cause I don’t know of any Zim holder that going to hold back and not go – and not go fairly soon – there are people on vacation right now maybe for the 4th of July – maybe traveling locally – cause they can’t fly to Europe – so if you’re on vacation – you call set your appointment for whenever you come back –

Ok so we’ve got our appointments – what is happening with that 800 number? When it comes out and I put it out you’ll have it – or you’ll have it from the email – either way doesn’t bother me - you call a call center which is one of 12 regional call centers – throughout the country – obviously when you call you will get the right one – don’t worry about that – the call centers are set up under a special platform which is secure which is a safe link platform for making the phone call so you cannot get listened to or hacked while you are trying to communicate

When you call you tell them you have currency and let them know you have Zim if you have Zim – you let them know that first – any other currencies you can tell after they acknowledge you are a Zim holder – So then what you do is set your appointment and you could get handed off to another person at the redemption center which is close to your zip code –

You are going to give them the zip code for where you live or where you work or where you want to exchange – you give them that zip code when you call initially and that will transfer you to a redemption center that can take  you (if you are a Zim holder)

If you are not a Zim holder and just have Dong or Dinar you let them know that and you will get routed to a tier 1 or tier 2 banks in your area –

Now let’s get into the redemption activity itself – you want to take something to identify yourself -  in the first part of the meeting they are going to evaluate you as the KYC  “know your customer” rules – they want you to have 2 forms of photo ID – if you can produce a passport great – driver license – Cosco card – whatever you’ve got – student ID – government ID – whatever you have you produce that – and 1 utility bill – could be cell phone bill – gas bill – to verify residential address –

So you are providing that first – they go through that – they generally know who the Zim holders are anyway – they’ve done the research – now here’s the thing – who they don’t know are the people who were “gifted” Zim – they do not have your email if you have been gifted Zim – that is where I come in – I have the toll free number and tell you what it is – or you rely on other people who have put it out online – I will have it on the front page of the website – you can get it there –

 Now in your appointment you have done your KYC – you leave your phone in the car – leave your firearms in the car – and you proceed to go in – they will probably/possibly take you through a metal detector – not sure they will frisk you but check you out -  to make sure you are not carrying and then just go in and sit down – you may or may not see 4-5 minutes of video presentation pending on which you have and whether they think you need it or not – the education – that is something with question marks still –

But you go through different stages in this redemption process – not to go into any detail but I’m going to tell you – you are going to have an opportunity to obviously say that you have currency – bring  your currency out – they are going to count and verify your currency through a Delarue machine – and you will have your totals already typed out –

You know what your total in Dinar – Dong – Zim is or Rupiah – or Rial -  or whatever it is - they run the currency through the machine and come up with a total – what I’m going to provide them a sheet that has what I say I have -  this is what I say I have - Let’s see what  you come up with and let’s hope it agrees with what I say I have – hopefully it will and I have counted correctly and the Delarue machine counts correctly – and validates and verifies the currency

Then we go from that point to talking about rate and our presentation for projects – we’re going tof make a presentation I n 5-8 minutes – you don’t have to go a half of an hour – just 5-8 minutes and you let them know what it is you’re going to do in terms of your project – you could have 2-4 people listening to your presentation – you do this at the first meeting

You have an idea what your rate is going to be – based on your project – the better your presentation and the longer longevity of your projects are the more you will get in terms of rate on the Zim – when you get that – when you present they are going to be giving you the option for you to negotiate for a certain rate up to “X” – and you know what “X” is

Then you’re going to have the opportunity for a structured pay out – and this means what the money actually sits in an account and creates interest that pays you – in my case I’m taking it every three months – or quarterly – that is an option you have to do – how long can your structured pay out go? Can it go 25? 50 years? – 100 yrs? 200 yrs?  Yes yes yes and yes – Will you be here 100 or 200 yrs from now? I don’t know – let’s see what technology does – I don’t see why not with the technology we know is out there –and is going to be released in the next 2-3 yrs from now – So yeah I’m going out on a limb and saying we might be here that long –

So set your projects up – one generation is 80 years – 2 generations is 150 -180 yrs – you decide how long your projects should/could last – and how long you’re going to be funded – because if you fund a project for 80-90 yrs you can get an interest rate of up to 6.75 % per yr - and not to confuse currency rate with interest rate – interest rate is what your currency having been exchanged will pay you out – every 90 days –

If you can go 60-180 yrs with your projects – you can negotiate up to 9.45% interest per yr – (APR)

So here is why I’m saying this – when you do the exchange – my case – I’m using the Zim for humanitarian projects and calling it the God Fund – that money goes into a separate account where the interest that it earns spills over into another account that funds the projects –

So I take what I need for the first 90 days out of the exchange and then after the first 90 days when the interest is coming in I will use that money for the projects – for that 3 month period – and I can budget accordingly – and use as much of it as I can because I know I will have that same amount coming back in - What I don’t use I will leave in the account and yes there will be a compounding effect with anything that is left in that account –

Now let’s go beyond that – you are going to have to set up 1-2 accounts – 1 account for sure – as the mother lode account - which ever bank is represented at your redemption center – if Wells is there you can set it up with them - or Chase – BOA – or CITI – Those are the main tier 1 banks that will be there at the redemption center – 

Wells Fargo will have an Abbott Downing – which is their high end high net worth individual management company - they will Abbott Downing reps there – 1 or 2 depending on the size of the redemption center and the demographics of the area – so you could meet a wealth management person from Wells Fargo – Chase – BOA / Merrill Lynch etc – so basically you’ve got 2-4 choices – In banking arrangements initially at the redemption center –

I am going to take 2 – I am going to have accounts with 2 of the banks – that’s it – initially – and then that way I can get everything started – You will also have a debit /credit card  which they can put money on the debit side – if you want – it’s not my choice – I would take credit card and make sure I have a line of credit on the card – a daily limit is good – a line of credit that would allow you to do some major purchases with it – I am not going to buy a house on the credit card - but you could buy a car – furniture - toys – other stuff that you want to do –

Now that’s how that works – that’s how it is laid out – you will also get on a subsequent appointment – you should get your master access card to your mother lode account – which will be a titanium  card – physically made of titanium – that will allow you to connect by a biometric fingerprint reader to it so you will get access to the mother lode account – and you will be the only one that can see it – you will be the only one  unless you designate someone to look at it with you – Even your private banker does not need to know how much you have – it is going to be up to you on how private you are with that – you keep that to yourself –

Ok so you have that at your second / follow up appointment – as well as any meetings you have with attorneys - if you want bank to provide attorneys – or a CPA firm – or a family office- which is a concept where you have concierge services for  your family – this could be travel – real-estate – vehicle purchase -  so many things that a family office can do – it was originally created so families that were passing down businesses to their children or heirs – could be properly educated and represented in transactions –

Now for us it’s not so much passing down or selling businesses off as it is just dealing with transfer of wealth and the management of this wealth over multiple generations –

We are looking for this to be a multi-generational opportunity for us – our families – our heirs – whoever it is – and we work with those trustees and beneficiaries to take our projects if we check out – but the projects can go on – legacy is continued – the job creation is continued – everything that you want to do in your projects is taken all the way to fruition and then to a maintenance level beyond that –

So that is the vision of what is going to take place – Will there be some cash? There should be some cash – that you can take if you want to be a cash holder – you can take up to $14,000 – and it comes from your total – it is just deducted from your total – But you are going to have a debit/credit card –

Now – the other thing is about perks – these are benefits that you’re going to receive as being a customer of the bank – these could be annual perks – that you select from 2-4 pages depending on the bank you’re interested in working with – each bank has their own perk sheets – and you’ll get those – and they are not supposed to be taxable to you – You will let them know what perks you would like on your follow up appointment –

This is a tax free exchange – you should not be taxed on any part of this exchange – where you will be taxed is on the “income” – called “passive income” which is earned from the “interest” that is paid on your account – you will create an income stream from your mother lode account that in my case will spill over into a spillover account  

Whatever that pays in I will have to pay quarterly taxes on – more than likely – I am not a CPA – I am not a tax accountant  - you will be learning to do things a lot differently – your money is going to come to you quarterly – if you’re in a structured pay out – I think all Zim holders would want that – how long will you go? 50 yrs? I think I will go 100 yrs with my structured pay out – I am going to try to set it up – we’ll see –

Beyond that – you know about the titanium card which is an access card – and you will want to keep that in a very safe place because that is what you need to access and see in your mother lode account or master account – you will need that and your fingerprint – for the biometric reader – I am not sure about a passcode –

So what I’m saying is you’re going to be working with some wealth management people and especially if you really do not know what you are doing – they are going to want to help you – to assist you – that’s okay – none of us have been in this position before – some of us have dealt with money before most have not – but what’s cool about it is you are going to get an education along with this and learn as you go –

I am excited – could we get this thing cranked out by 11 or midnight tonight? It looks like it but we’ll see- Now if that happens you know – how soon I could be notified – how soon the emails could go out – I don’t know – I’ve been told a couple of things – but I think the smart thing to do is be patient and be available to receive – and that is what I am asking you to do – be available –

I have done everything but call it before – I’m trying not to call it now – because what good would it do – ok – the best thing we can do is be prepared -  

That’s pretty much everything I wanted to bring tonight – You got a feel for what the exchange is going to feel like – what the redemption center is going to be like – it’s going to be a situation like you tell them if you are a big Zim holder or have a lot of currency - you let them know that – when you set your appointment that you might need 60 – 90 minutes for your appointment –

If you only have a few notes don’t sweat it – you will knock it out quickly  and if you have 10 notes or less it’s not a big deal – you’ll be able to get your exchange / redemption done in 30-50 minutes including  your accounts and all of that stuff

Everybody have a great night – have a wonderful 1st of July – and hopefully it will be the kind of day we can celebrate -  I know we are looking for some announcements regarding – from the President  somewhere in the Friday / Saturday  range so be aware – these are supposed to be about NESARA  / GESARA and going from constitutional  law to common law and also information about our new restored republic and may involve 3-4 other countries going to a democratic or constitutional republic in their country so we’ll see what happens on that -  


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins: 53:53   

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 6-25-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 6-25-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday June 25th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

What I was getting today – it had been relatively quiet – over the first – let’s say lunch time today or after lunch time today - and then I find some things that we thought would be happening today – actually started happening today – and we got word on that –

We know – if you back up a little bit the St Germain Trust is one that is a Global Trust – it is being used to fund the individual countries Central Banks - around the globe and the Rodriguez Trust which we’ve called the bottomless trust in past times – it is primarily given to fund North America -

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 6-25-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday June 25th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

What I was getting today – it had been relatively quiet – over the first – let’s say lunch time today or after lunch time today - and then I find some things that we thought would be happening  today – actually started happening today – and we got word on that –

We know – if you back up a little bit the St Germain Trust is one that is a Global Trust – it is being used to fund the individual countries Central Banks - around the globe  and the Rodriguez Trust which we’ve called the bottomless trust in past times – it is primarily given to fund North America - 

So we are the beneficiaries of that – and my understanding was for the next 2 years we would be receiving Tranches from that trust about every week – about once a week on average – and that would be filling in the gaps to go forward with who knows how many things = projects and everything –

The funds that we need to move forward with our Tier 4B has been in place for at least 2 ½ months  - in the banks ready to go - However we always hear the term the money is moving – that’s another one of those terms that’s going to be Xed out on the T-Shirt - money is moving – forget that –

Money is in place – and we need it to be in place – where it’s supposed to be – in paymasters accounts ready to give to the individual recipient and that’s what’s happening now –

My understanding is that is continuing to happen since approximately 1:15 Eastern time today – we’ve got a lot of movement and a lot of paying out of the Admirals group and some of the other groups and that’s what we finally want to see – and that is the information that I’m getting

So my understanding is we’re moving through that process now – with that wrapping up hopefully sometime tonight or overnight and we are supposed to be within a 24 hr period for us to receive our Tier 4B notification – emails released – 800 numbers – and so on –

So even though we can’t nail down a particular time and we did not have one for today but we knew things would be happening around 5 PM today eastern time - they did get started 2-3 hrs prior to that today - so they did hit that deadline – that we heard about in the past  and we could be in the vicinity tomorrow by lunch time to mid afternoon for the tier 4B – to be notified and setting up our appointments and so on –

There are things happening – definitely happening now – whereas in the past we thought only Tues – Wed Thurs would work for us with the QFS that theory is no longer valid – This thing can go at any time for us – even on Friday – even on a Saturday – so what I’m thinking is that we should stay tuned and see if this thing doesn’t pop – in the time frame I just suggested

You know that it’s something is a moving target – that’s an expression we’ve heard for a long time now – and some people have used the term what was true a few minutes ago - was true but it may not be true now - there is some truth to that statement too because things do change and the next thing you know - when you’re just ready to get going – something else pops up – or something else needs to be done –

You know that because we counted time and time again something else that needed to be done – and we know that we’ve got situations in various cities that need to be cleaned up – in terms of activity – not peaceful protests – but essentially looting – violence – and degradation of monuments and all that – but that is being attended to – and there’s a plan to eradicate that and clean it up – that plan is in place

Now – beyond that – the proximity that we have right now – we do know that rates are going to be good don’t worry about the rate - that is the least of your worry –

There was one thing I wanted to mention – we had a couple of people that were from down under – Australia  - and what happens is – people realize that even though we are in the United States - this is a Global Currency Reset – It doesn’t just affect North America or the US or Europe –

This is a GLOBAL thing that is happening - so even though I don’t talk a lot about what’s happening in other countries it is important to realize that other countries are going to be exchanging currencies as well

For example – if you are in Australia – I talked about this in terms of S Africa – I mentioned this years ago -  about Australia – when it comes to your exchange – and your Zim redemption – if you have a HSBC bank  that’s most likely the best bank you could use internationally – so check that out – see if you have a HSBC where you live – in  Australia – also Australia/New Zealand bank  - ANZ is also one that I believe is going to be one to do exchanges –

Any of your largest international banks – are going to be good candidates - now listen – will the 800 number work for you? No I’m sorry I don’t think so – It will help people in Canada - United States – and Mexico – but that system is not set up as a Global system - for exchanges – so what you’re going to need to do is to stay tuned to the blog sites on line – like Dinar Recaps – Dinar Chronicles – and a couple of the others - If you stay tuned and find out that we have gone then you need to get on the horn and talk to a HSBC or ANZ bank or any other large international bank regardless of where you are in the world –

You’re just going to have to know those banks and contact them about doing redemption of Zim Bonds - and exchange of your currencies if you have some – so that is the answer to that question that was posed to  us yesterday

And it would be true for a lot of different countries – for example – even in Mexico you have obviously  a number of Mexican banks – but you also have HSBC – that would probably be my first call – if I were in a major city in Mexico - so keep that in mind  where ever you are –

Now when it comes to us – again – this is a moving target – but – as of  5-6 pm this afternoon – (Thurs) things were moving forward for us  and we believe we are on our way to getting g started within 24 hours so that means we could set appointments and go on exchanges quite possibly tomorrow or Saturday

So – consider that and schedule your time accordingly - Obviously when the numbers come out – emails come out - it will be “GO TIME” – and this would be our last call – if this is true – and if this is what’s going to happen we won’t have any more calls like we have been Tuesday & Thursday nights and I just want to wish everybody the very best – God Speed as you go forward with your exchanges and projects

Stay tuned to any emails that come from The Big Call Universe because first of all we’re going to put the toll free number out in that email to goes out to about 40,000 or so that we have on our site – and then also we’re going to let you know when we come together and start creating our templates for our projects – how you can blend in – how you can be a part of what we’re doing -

 Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins 48:40 min mark

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 6-23-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 6-23-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday June 23rd and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Now – over the last 4 or 5 days there have been a few things that have come out – I believe it was even on Thursday or Friday we were already pointing toward early this week – and today is already Tuesday – So what I do folks as you know – is report basically what I hear – basically what I get – sometimes I can’t give you quite the amount of detail and you know what I’m talking about clean up on aisle 3 – or pick up and drop off - you know what I’m talking about – if you don’t just use your imagination –

So we came to find out late last night actually – there’s still a little bit of clean up that was needed for today - my understanding is that took place already – so I feel as though we’re in position where this could go and we could get notified – I doubt that I get notified tonight – some things may happen overnight tonight – I will say that – we did get new rates on the screens yesterday – on Monday morning and we had expected that – cause we knew that the new rates and the USN would show up to be tradeable on Sunday night - in Beijing and Hong Kong when those markets open – which was Sunday night around 9:30 our time – eastern

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 6-23-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday June 23rd and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Now – over the last 4 or 5 days  there have been a few things that have come out – I believe it was even on Thursday  or Friday we were already pointing toward early this week – and today is already Tuesday – So what I do folks as you know – is report basically what I hear – basically what I get – sometimes I can’t give you quite the amount of detail and you know what I’m talking about clean up on aisle 3 – or pick up and drop off - you know what I’m talking about – if  you don’t just use your imagination –

So we came to find out late last night actually – there’s still a little bit of clean up that was needed for today -  my understanding is that took place already – so I feel as though we’re in position where this could go and we could get notified – I doubt that I get notified tonight – some things may happen overnight tonight – I will say that – we did get new rates on the screens yesterday – on Monday morning and we had expected that – cause we knew that the new rates and the USN would show up to be tradeable on Sunday night - in Beijing  and Hong Kong when those markets open – which was Sunday night around 9:30 our time – eastern

So – that took place – and you know the thing is like ok – if that happened and we’re ready to go when are we going to get started? We did have some clean up to take place we didn’t know about – till late last night I found out about it - and here we are with that in the position of it having been accomplished –

So that points well for  us over the next couple of days – in fact – our understanding was today  that we could go tomorrow and if not we would go by Thursday – or on Thursday – Now I am not trying to call it – I’m not doing that – I’m just saying the information I have is pointing towards the next 48 hours –

So – I feel as though we have a lot of the basics already down – but let’s go through a couple of things that we may need to revisit – in terms of the redemption centers – I have told you we have a ton of redemption centers that are not even connected to Tier 1 or Tier 2 banks – these are independent places let’s call it – 13,810 that are set up to go –

This is in addition to the ones that are connected to the  tier 1 and tier 2 banks – the total number if I remember right is we had 3220 plus the other number puts us at over 16,000 total redemption opportunity centers

Now – these are all bonafide by the US Treasury as Zim locations – for Zim redemptions to take place – Now the – regarding the Zim – we have heard that we can exchange all the way up to and through July 6 –

I don’t have any idea to go anywhere near that long – I think we will have the majority of the Zim exchanged or redeemed in probably 3-4 days – and they would like it done as soon as possible – obviously –

When it comes to what we’ve talked about with the structured pay outs – we’ve had dates that would be 20 yrs – 30 yrs – 50 yrs – even 100 yrs - I think that if you had a structured pay out that would go 100 yrs you could still do that – I think my intention was to go 50 or 100 - I’ll opt for the 100 –

It doesn’t necessarily I’m going to be around that long and I would say that is the goal we want to have is have projects that go a long time – say we don’t make it quite that long  but with the technology out there I think anything is possible and we could go that long - I really do –

So – let’s look at this – When you set up your project – think in terms of an 80 yr generation - meaning a 80-90 year lifetime – they are using that term as being a generation – so if you have a project that you can go 80 – 90 years with that could allow you to get an interest rate of up to 6.75% APR on your structured pay out

Now if you could go 2 full generations  - 160 – 180 yrs with your project - you could qualify for up to 9.45% APR  interest rate on  your structured pay out and I’ve talked to several people that kinda want to do something that I’m doing and that is using the mother lode account – Master Account – and not really touching that account but letting the interest spill over into another account – in the same bank or another bank It’s up to you – but that interest would be what you actually use to fund your projects – every quarter – every three (3) months you have a certain amount of money that you know is going to be paid out based on the amount of your mother lode account times your APR divided by four (4)  1 per quarter – 1 pay out per quarter ( 3 months)  - that’s just the way I am going to do it – and I’m using the spill over account to name the account the interest is being spilled over into –

it’s just an easy way for me to keep the principal doing what it’s doing in the mother lode account and the interest doing what I want it to do and use that for the various projects - and do my very best to invest and spend that every single quarter –

Knowing that in 3 more months I’ve got another X amount of dollars coming in – so that’s going to be one thing that we’re going to do – we know the APR’s that are available based on the longevity of the project and you know some of these projects can go on for hundreds of years – maybe some of them are done in 20 yrs – I don’t know – it depends on the project – but what is your goal?

Your goal is to create jobs – to create new businesses – maybe where there weren’t before – and of course we’ve got opportunity zones – that we understand and have heard a little about over the last few weeks on the news – and that is something that Dr Ben Carson –is going to be heading up – and that is something that I’m going to be able to talk to him about – when it comes to Rebuild America – but so many things – projects are going to be available to go into – I think it is tremendous

Let’s think if there is anything else regarding – ok you obviously know to present your – if you are a Zim holder you let them know – when you call – this is what happened with the call centers – there’s been some chatter out about a safe/secure link - the safe link is the term they are using for the new all centers format 

Remember we have 12 call centers – now is tier 4B – everything we’re going to do to set appointments is on the telephone – in other words YOU will be calling the toll free number and you will be speaking after you tell them you have Zim - if you are a Zim holder – and then your other currencies after that – Zim is the first currency that you mention - that reroutes you to the actual redemption center – which is set up to take you and your Zim for redemption – and your other currencies too for that matter

So what happens is – you’re going to be able to set your appointment either through a manual operator or automated operator that connects you I believe if you’re a Zim holder you will be connected to a live – breathing person – at a redemption center of your choosing by zip code –

You will go in and do your exchange there – when the numbers do come out - and I put them out - get the word out – the theory is that we should be able to go in for our first appointment in 90 mins – 2 hrs –

I will have the number on the website and will be doing an emailing also of about 40,000 from our list

Basically when you set your appointment that’s it – I know there’s a little confusion out there about some of the groups may go about it differently - I think the admirals group will get a number and an email and they will proceed differently but remember the money in those groups have already been ponied up – They do have some people in the group that have loose currency and it’s up to them to figure out how they want to deal with that –

But in terms of us where they don’t have any of our currency – nobody has it – except us – we set our appointment and then go in and bring our currency to exchange and redeem if it’s Zim

Obviously when you go in they will be checking you out – unless you’ve been gifted  but they will find out who you are – and  you will go in with a couple forms of ID – driver’s license – passport – Sam’s Club card – whatever – go in with some photo  ID and also a utility bill from where you live so they can yes this is a real person with a real address –

It doesn’t take too long for them to go through that and confirm who you are with them – and then of course you will be presenting your currency for counting and verification – on the delarue machine and then  you’ll  have a tally of how much that is and you’ll be discussing the rates and so on – as you do that and then  you’re going to do your world class presentation with them – and 2-4 people – probably listening in – depending who you are and all of that - it could vary – you could have as many as 4  likely 2-3 people actually listening to the presentation – which is supposed to take 5-8 minutes overall

If you are a large Zim holder – and you know who you are – when you call to set y our appointment – let them know that you might need a little extra time – and you can get up to an hour and half for your session / appointment  meeting –

If you only have a few notes it’s not going to take long to do it – you won’t need more than an hour – If you have less than a dozen notes or so but if you’ve got a “bunch” then you’ll probably want a little more time – so let them know

You’ve got the opportunity to choose a bank or maybe 2 banks to set your accounts up in – that would be good – you might be able to make a wire transfer or 2 – I would not exceed 2 – maybe 1 or 2 – and the call them ledger to ledger transfers now with the new QFS and you should be able to get a sheet –

let’s  say  you have 2 banks you want to work with – you will want to get a perk sheet from each - probably a couple pages long – that will allow you to go through and say  as a qualified person -- I am going to ask for this and this and this – and this – I do not know what the limitations are – I know they are not supposed to be taxable to us – so that’s good – otherwise – the redemption part of it – the exchange part of the appointment is going to be pretty simple and straight forward –

The NDA is supposed to be about 2-3 pages –Zim holders may have a little longer – maybe 4 or more pages – but the Non-Disclosure Agreement is something they’re going to adhere to you for 90 days - Now you’re not off the hook in 90 days because they will surveil you and monitor your phone and any social medium that you are on - not on – but anything where you’re talking - they are going to see if you slip -

If you slip and you start talking about the exchange or violating your NDA in any way – you’re going to be monitored for at least 90 more days after your NDA expires – so you might as well look at it as if your NDA is at 6 months – you might as well look at it that way – even though it might say 90 days I think you’re going to be watched by Homeland – NSA – who knows? So you have to be wise and shut your mouth – don’t talk to anybody about this – keep it quiet – it’s your private business – and I would say if you do that you will be far better off in the future

You’ve got to keep your family quiet – if you have kids that are aware of what’s going on – you’re going to have to keep them quiet – it’s your private business that no one needs to know –

We are looking at very good rates – Don’t know what they are – I had an idea but they change –and so you’re going to be fine on that – don’t even sweat that – that is the least of your worries – and think in terms of how  you can make the best presentation – and be sure to leave a copy with them –

We are looking really good for the next 48 hours – you know we’ve been here before – I’m not going to lie to you  - I’ve told you we’ve been close many many times and you probably rolled your eyes – when it didn’t happen just like I did – I just feel like this thing is coming to an end –

China is ticked off – China is ticked off that we have not let this go yet – although there have probably been a few good reasons that it didn’t – but they are looking and giving us the 48 hr stink eye to get this thing done and I believe even though our President – you do not give him an ultimatum  - I don’t believe you do -  but I know he is trying to get this thing done and there have been some obstacles in the way - a lot of things have been out of his control but I really believe President Trump is going to do the right thing by us and get this thing done this week –

Beyond that I think I would just be repeating myself on everything – Have a great evening and thanks everybody for listening -

 Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link  Intel Begins 1:07:00 min mark

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 6-18-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 6-18-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday June 18th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

First of all – it was a very quiet Wednesday – there was a little bit coming out and a pretty quiet Thursday – But things opened up and started happening somewhere around 6:30 pm tonight – with information – some people were being told that things were happening for us – but I’m going to tell you something about emails because this was a big concern yesterday - and today – and did emails go out? The answer is “Yes” –

Some emails went out yesterday and today – but before you say “Well I didn’t get one” – Let me tell you what – the total number of emails was just over 3302 – But understand that 96% of those were targeted for Bad Guys - They were not for us - they were not for 4B - They were targeted and those emails that went out - once they were received and appointments were attempted to be made by people they knew in advance – would not be good people – they took care of the situation – Let me just say it that way – kinda like pick up and drop off –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 6-18-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday June 18th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

First of all – it was a very quiet Wednesday – there was a little bit coming out and a pretty quiet Thursday – But things opened up and started happening somewhere around 6:30 pm tonight – with information – some people were being told that things were happening for us – but I’m going to tell you something about emails because this was a big concern yesterday - and today – and did emails go out? The answer is “Yes” –

Some emails went out yesterday and today – but before you say “Well I didn’t get one” – Let me tell  you what – the total number of emails was just over 3302 – But understand that 96% of those were targeted for Bad Guys -  They were not for us -  they were not for 4B -  They were targeted and those emails that went out  - once they were received and appointments were attempted to be made by people they knew in advance – would not be good people – they took care of the situation – Let me just say it that way – kinda like pick up and drop off –

Now – there was a very small percentage that did actually set appointments – 4% - somewhere between 120 and 130 people – and guess when? They were allowed to set appointments for Tuesday – This coming Tuesday – so that should give you a clue right there –

So – I don’t know – you might want to call it a “sting”?  I guess – and yes it was very effective and it did work – so – moving on beyond that – no mass emailing – no 50,000 an hour – no 527,000 + that are on Wells Fargo servers – those did not go out – so you can just give a nice sigh of relief

Now – let’s go beyond that – let’s talk about this week – we are going to have some pay outs beginning today and tomorrow – when I say pay outs – these are for people in the groups – could be intermediate / CMKX – these are people already in line ahead of us (tier 4B/internet) and they are starting to pay out - I think it’s just primarily the intermediate groups – might be some tier 3 SKR’s –

Beyond that this is a very important week – and we’ve heard some specifics about tomorrow – they say tomorrow will be very – very – very – very – very – very – very good for us –

I checked to see if that meant a start date for us – I think it’s not – I think it’s something else – I’ll tell you what I believe that is – This week  you know that President Trump is doing a rally in Tulsa on Saturday – He was attempting – originally  to do the rally on Friday – but what he learned was that Friday in Tulsa is celebrated as Juneteenth – I’ve heard of it for  years and years – I did not know the full significance of it and neither did the president until he was informed –

What it is – is commemorating the abolition of slavery – in this country and June 19th is the day that is reflected and celebrated – I don’t know if it is celebrated everywhere – The President obviously did the right thing to move the rally to Saturday and I think as a result of what he knows about the Juneteenth – is that it is a day of liberation and celebration and I believe it will also be a day of liberation for all of us –

The reason I say that is I’m hearing that NESARA and GESARA will be – I don’t know if it will be announced – but I know it will be started tomorrow on Juneteenth which is the beginnings for first fruits of Debt Jubilee or Debt Freedom for all of us

You know I’ve talked to you about what is included in our Debt Jubilee – I’ve talked to you in the past about what happens  when  we receive that freedom from debt and the freedom from credit card debt and mortgage debt  and everything – and you know – this debt forgiveness – or debt jubilee has already occurred in many countries throughout the world – especially in China – Australia - Laos – a number of countries have already started with that –

People have received letters saying that their mortgages were wiped out – or this debt relived – it’s going to be interesting – so let’s see what happens tomorrow in that line up – in that vein of debt relief – It’s a big thing and it’s part of NESARA  and GESARA – and It’s going to be good for us – really good –

As far as our start – I’ve got to tell you – banks – and I know specifically Wells Fargo is having a conference call tomorrow morning from 8:45 to 12:15 at least on the East Coast –

Now – that is a call that is mandatory and during that call they should tell employees that are on the call tomorrow whether our release for our appointments to be set – whether our 800 number release is coming out either Monday or Tuesday –

I told you there was a very small percentage of appointments that were set for Tuesday already - very small like 4% of 3300 – so easy math is what?  128? 132? That is a very positive thing and the fact that they are being set for Tuesday lets us know we could possibly get the number Monday and set our appointments for Tuesday – Or – if we don’t get the number Monday  we will get it Tuesday and set the appointment on Tuesday –

Now that is what I’m hearing – this is not me calling it – this is me telling you what I’ve heard from extremely good sources - now – let’s go a little further – as far as our exchange appointments are concerned – especially for Zim holders – I told you if you were a Zim holder you can request an appointment that would last from 45 – 90 mins – especially if you have a lot of Zim – a lot of it – not just a few notes –

Now – here’s how that is going to work – you let them know when you call in – When  you call in you will get 1 of 12 call centers – because they are set up regionally across the country – and  you will tell them the kind of currency you have – not how much – and  you will tell them zip code where you want to do your exchange - and then – like I said you will get connected directly to the redemption centers that will do  your Zim and most likely connected to someone there that might be helping you at  the redemption center

After you are connected and so on – what you’re going to see when you do have your appointment and you go in for your appointment – you’re going to be able to do your full presentation and negotiate the value of your Zim and here is the clarification of what I said on Tuesday – I’ve got further clarification that actually sort of makes sense – and here is what it is –

You can negotiate your first quadrillion of Zim that’s assuming you have that much of less – what is a quad? A quadrillion is 10 x 100 T Notes – Now what if you have 10T notes? Or 50T’s? or Billion dollar denominations of Zim and  you might not have but 1 100T – What I’m telling you is the first – my understanding is the first quadrillion of Zim is negotiable –

Let’s just play a game here – Let’s say you have 5 quadrillion Zim – not a little not a lot – Your first quadrillion is negotiable based on your world class presentation that you give – and  your rate will be decided based on your presentation and the value you are going to bring to that exchange –

What happens to the rest of your Zim?  We started with 5 – we used 1 for negotiation – the other 4 quadrillion you are subject to the rate that they offer you – whatever that is – you are subject to that rate – on  your remaining Zim –

I think I have made it clear on how it’s going to work – I don’t like caps – I’m not going to use caps again – anything like that – but they are ….. you have to realize the rate that we’re talking about – that’s negotiable  as you’ve heard me say that  before so go back to your mind bank on that –

On that first quad – turns into some serious bucks – and it’s a LOT of money – we all know that – So…. What we’re hearing is you should not give them a hard time about this – just take that negotiated amount and then take the offer amount they give you for any remaining Zim that you might have –

Obviously if you have less than 1 quad it is not an issue – if you’ve got 2 x 50T notes or 3 notes or 4 notes – you can negotiate those based on your projects & presentation – I told you on Tuesday you would be able to negotiate longer interest rates on your structured pay outs if you could go 1 generation which is 80-90 years or 2 generations which is 160-180 years – and you’d be able to negotiate a higher rate of interest – interest is not the same as the rate of the currency as you know – So when you go in you should have a very good plan - 

I am excited about what we’re hearing – I think that the clarification on that Zim redemption is very important for us to understand – I think that the idea of having projects that would go – let’s say you are not going to live 80 -90 more years  or a 100 + years – you need to have people that can carry your projects on into  100 – 150 – 200 years – you may not have those people now – but you need to find them in the next 10-20 years –

The longevity of your projects is very important – the longevity – the hiring  - or job creation is extremely important and  you know to build infrastructure is also important but most of the infrastructure is going to be handled by the president and administration – that is their intent – they did not want us for example to say we’re going to build roads or bridges or whatever – they wanted  us to do other things for humanity  and there are a ton of other things that we can do – and you already know a lot of them –

The rates I’ve heard are going to be really - really good – and I can tell you based on some of the rates I’ve heard that I can’t put on the call – that I believe that’s true – I believe that’s very true – and I’m excited – we’ve got NESARA / GESARA kicking off – tomorrow in some way or form – you know we are going to get away from Federal personal income tax – it’s going away- don’t know how quickly  - but it’s going to be amazing – you are going to be amazed –

Now – will a lot of that stuff matter? Getting refunded the interest we’ve paid on credit cards – mortgages – loans – lines of credit – all of those things? Is that going to matter? It might add up - it will be money – but it will pale in comparison to what we have with our exchange proceeds – I told you that other currencies other than Zim are fully exchangeable when you get those – you will get access to 100% of those funds starting on Day One – the day of your exchange –

If you’ve got Venezuelan currency or North Korean – or a couple other countries they’re going to hold those for you in terms of a SKR  if you want to exchange or get rid of those – If  you’ve got Iranian Rial you should bring it – and you will probably get a value on that – if not they will give you a SKR  -  because it is next door to Iraq it could come out at a similar value to the Iraqi Dinar – it could be close – I don’t know if it will be on par – the same as – but I’m taking mine – let me put it that way –

In addition to that the only real question is will be get an announcement about the USN – it is a part of NESARA  so I would look for it maybe not tomorrow but maybe starting pretty soon – pretty soon –

As far as tomorrow goes should be a big day for us – could have some cool stuff coming out – and then Saturday the day of that rally – I just would not be surprised if President Trump brings something of major value – have  you seen on the news in the last couple of days where Pres Trump talked about  going out and getting one of those things – he did not even have the right word for it (RV)  Recreational Vehicle – and driving it around – he was making reference for us of the RV – the re-valuation – and when he asked – what is that thing called? – guess who answered?  Steven Mnuchin was the one who answered – it’s an RV – Mr President  - so there are clues out there that we’ve had that are very  interesting and that was one – was kinda fun -  and why was VP Pence at the Winnebago plant  yesterday? That was another sign – you know – because the Winnebago is a recreational vehicle – right?

So I think that is overall –the deal – I know some people thought it was going to be this week – I thought it was this week – but I can tell you this week that the pay outs did and will start – tonight and tomorrow – Pay outs – not to us though and won’t find out until either Monday or Tuesday one should be our start date and getting the numbers and setting our appointments starting Tuesday

I want everybody to have a great weekend – to chill – Have a great Father’s Day – have a great Juneteenth as we celebrate tomorrow the abolition of slavery which is wonderful to celebrate – and I think this is possibly a great opportunity for all of  us to be free – all of us – to be free – and sovereign individuals


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins: 40:10

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