Calls, Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20 Calls, Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20

Miracles Intel Call Sunday Night 6PM PST

.The next Miracles Intel Conference Call

SUNDAY NIGHT, DECEMBER 29, 2019 beginning approximately 6 PM PST.

We continue to have a massive amount of new listeners coming to our Sunday night Conference Call and we greatly appreciate your support with your donations. You will find links below to offer your support.  

 Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to you and yours. 

 For our upcoming call this Sunday evening we will welcome our very special Anon guests:

The next Miracles Intel Conference Call

SUNDAY NIGHT, DECEMBER 29, 2019 beginning approximately 6 PM PST.

We continue to have a massive amount of new listeners coming to our Sunday night Conference Call and we greatly appreciate your support with your donations. You will find links below to offer your support.  

 Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to you and yours. 

 For our upcoming call this Sunday evening we will welcome our very special Anon guests: 

InTheMatrixxx —

Shady Groove of The MatrixxxGroove Hour on YouTube —

 Matrixxx and Shady will be discussing some of the major developments from the year 2019 and what to expect in 2020. 

 2019 has been an extraordinary and historic year on many levels for President Trump, “Q” and the White Hat Patriots. Collectively, they have made an unprecedented amount of progress towards freeing the American people from tyranny from the New World Order cabal and Deep State as never before. 


 •  MASSIVE BREAKING NEWS: President Trump has retweeted a video from the One America News Network (OANN) on additional Ukraine corruption involving Nancy Pelosi and her son Paul.  And then, all hell broke loose on Twitter.

 • President Trump also retweeted several accounts who follow “Q” and then Twitter was caught engaging in a massive censorship campaign on those accounts including President Trump’s.

 • And CNN is definitely not happy that @realDonaldTrump is retweeting #QAnon accounts… LINK

• “Q,” who has been extremely prolific during these final two weeks of December 2019 with a constant barrage of drops -- more so than any other previous years — has commented on CNN with the words: "PANIC mode. People awake is their greatest fear."

 • The biggest news story of this past week remains the Democrats' fake and phony impeachment scam of President Donald Trump. The impeachment saga is nothing-less-than a gasping, desperate attempt by the Deep State Democrats to delay the spotlight turning on all of their corruption and criminality. In fact, it all began to really unravel for the Democrats from the moment the impeachment vote took place the House of Representatives on December 18.

 • At this hour, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has still refused to hand over the articles of impeachment to U.S. Senate as required by the U.S. Constitution. Pelosi is stalling for time, while attempting to manipulate the Senate process as the Democrats continue to withhold any evidence in favor of President Trump.

 • The impeachment scandal has resulted in a lot of boomerangs for the Democratic Party, including the loss of one of their fellow House colleagues in New Jersey Congressman Jeff Van Drew, who has switched over to the Republican Party and then pledged his “undying support” for President Trump!. As the SS Democrat Titanic takes on more and more water, we can expect even more Dems to follow suit and abandon the sinking ship to seek refuge in the GOP. 

 • Also, media reports are indicating Admiral Mike Rogers, the former Director of the NSA is now working directly with Special Prosecutor John Durham and Attorney General William Barr. This new development is yet another clear indication is another sign everything is now ramping up to take down the Deep State.

• For more information on our Special Guests InTheMatrixxx and ShadyGroove, please check out these additional links:



 Once again, we will have A LOT of breaking news to cover on this very important conference call. We really encourage you to join us this Sunday night!!

 Our conference call line is:

 Dial-in Number: 712-770-4598  Access Code: 767664#

Replay Number: 712-770-5402  Access Code: 767664# / followed by # again

 Thank you and God Bless America, 

 Scott M.


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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 12- 26-19

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 12- 26-19

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight on this day after Christmas December 26 on Thursday – thanks for coming in and I hope everybody had an enjoyable Christmas Day –

Let’s talk a little bit about where we are now - Now we all know , including me we expected to have something before Christmas and it did not come through   and you know we had a Christmas Eve call  on Tuesday   and now here we are two days later – the day after Christmas – It’s amazing how time tends to go faster than we even thought –

I really think that we’re at a good place even though  we heard some things and you remember Tuesday night’s call I said if we don’t go by Friday it looks like we may not get started till Monday/Tuesday –

We had some other information that’s come today since then and I really think that we can modify that somewhat – some people are talking about after the first of the year – this & that –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 12- 26-19

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight on this day after Christmas December 26 on Thursday – thanks for coming in and I hope everybody had an enjoyable Christmas Day –

Let’s talk a little bit about where we are now - Now we all know , including me we expected to have something before Christmas and it did not come through   and you know we had a Christmas Eve call  on Tuesday   and now here we are two days later – the day after Christmas – It’s amazing how time tends to go faster than we even thought –

I really think that we’re at a good place even though  we heard some things and you remember Tuesday night’s call I said if we don’t go by Friday it looks like we may not get started till Monday/Tuesday –

We had some other information that’s come today since then and I really think that we can modify that somewhat – some people are talking about after the first of the year – this & that –

Let me tell you why we have not gone in the last 4 or 5 days - That’s what I was trying to figure out – wait a minute – why didn’t we go??  Ok – we know for example - well let me just answer the question I just posed

We haven’t gone because we had at least 64 arrests of bankers this past week  and that was up until Tuesday, the last call --  Christmas Eve – at least 64 arrests and may be more – but what happened was because of that – these individuals in various ways were trying to stop this from going – they were holding it up –

Now the good news is they have replaced those bankers 90% of which came from the US -  and another 10% came from outside, from elsewhere of those bankers that were replaced -  and it could have very well been China –

But, let’s just say this – they have made those changes to their personnel and hopefully that will take care of that problem  -- I believe it’s complete in the sense that we heard that yesterday Christmas morning from midnight to 3 am in the morning the DOD released the – well they activated the release codes so it could be handed off to the treasury

Now the Dept of Defense would not have done that – handed it off -  had it not been ready / complete – I take that as a very good sign – now where do we go from here now that it’s in the hands of the Treasury  to release this??

We understand that there are a number of things / a number of procedures that need to be acted on or activated – if you will --  from that time until we get the toll free number to initiate our exchanges -  to set our appointments and initiate our exchanges –

Certain banks have had conference calls today – certain banks expected emails, last night and this morning that did not come to give them an actual idea  of when our start was going to be – perhaps they will come in tonight or tomorrow morning – that’s possible – We have people even within the same banks that think we may get tomorrow but we may not -  you know they’re sort of ambivalent about it  --

I’ve heard from other sources  the possibility as we had earlier – on Tuesday’s call – we had the possibility of starting  with  numbers coming out  Monday and starting Tuesday – I’ve heard another version oof that which is notifications on Tuesday and starting on Wednesday  the first of January – and it could be that occurs as well –

So we have to be open to this going at any moment any time – any day - Let’s be open to that possibility – Would it be possible to start this on the first of January? Could we actually start on that day? I would say it’s very possible

So let’s put it this way --  we know that the  -- you know how the public gets pushed back   - John Q public tier 5 gets pushed back – my understanding is the date for them to start – that’s tier 5 not us – is Jan 9th

It’s conceivable if we got started on the 1st  we have 8 days or 9 days to do our exchanges before the public went – so that’s very conceivable  - very possible --  we may not go into the new year other than the 1st  - we may not go far into it  before we get started -  it’s conceivable that we could go in the next several days

So I want everybody to consider that you’re under a  lot of stress during the holidays anyway -  and I would say it’s quite possible you’re under stress just being on this ride with all of  us on The Big Call – but I’m going to suggest that you reduce that stress and eliminate it if at all possible – and the real way to do that  is to be prepared for this –

I am very confident that this is going very, very soon even though we didn’t get by Christmas, and I feel sad about that – we did expect it --  I do feel that the stage is set and there is a timeline that is put out – it’s moving  - it’s moving in the right direction and we have I think things very much underway – so hang in there with us – be ready  at any time for this to go and I think  realistically  -- I don’t know about tomorrow (Friday)  I would say be ready – be completely ready one of the bankers said be ready for next week – I think that’s a good piece of advice let’s be ready for next week –

Otherwise everybody enjoy your night – enjoy the weekend and our next call would be scheduled for next Tuesday – let’s hope by then it would be a celebration call – Stay tuned to The Big Call

The Big Call Replay LINK  intel begins at 53:22 min mark

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 12-24-19

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 12-24-19

Call Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – Merry Christmas Eve to one and all - it is Christmas Eve Tuesday Dec 24th  and twas the night before Christmas – We’re just going to enjoy a short call tonight and let everyone go on with their Christmas plans but I felt like we needed to get together and talk a little bit about what’s going on and let you guys have some time with us tonight  -

So, thank you for letting us come into your home tonight as you get ready to celebrate the magnificent Christmas this year

Let’s talk a little bit about kinda where we are and why in the world we’re having a call on Christmas Eve – (laugh laugh)   Well, you know I wasn’t sure because we heard that we were supposed to have the best Christmas ever -- and I hope we all have the best Christmas ever -- but it won’t be for us with our RV blessing -- yet --   

But I don’t want to speak too soon  because what is going on is that yesterday we had, what I’m going to say is going on – is we’ve had so many more bank arrests –  and at least 4 or 5 different banks  3 from 1 bank – one from another – 2 from another - 11 from another bank that was hiding illegal alien accounts but they should have been released a long time ago to the authorities; that type of thing – and then we found out there another 17 arrests done today that we didn’t know – this was regarding banking by the way

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 12-24-19

Call Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – Merry Christmas Eve to one and all - it is Christmas Eve Tuesday Dec 24th  and twas the night before Christmas – We’re just going to enjoy a short call tonight and let everyone go on with their Christmas plans but I felt like we needed to get together and talk a little bit about what’s going on and let you guys have some time with us tonight  -

So, thank you for letting us come into your home tonight as you get ready to celebrate the magnificent Christmas this year

Let’s talk a little bit about kinda where we are and why in the world we’re having a call on Christmas Eve – (laugh laugh)   Well, you know I wasn’t sure because we heard that we were supposed to have the best Christmas ever -- and I hope we all have the best Christmas ever -- but it won’t be for us with our RV blessing -- yet --   

But I don’t want to speak too soon  because what is going on is that yesterday we had, what I’m going to say is going on – is we’ve had so many more bank arrests –  and at least 4 or 5 different banks  3 from 1 bank – one from another – 2 from another - 11 from another bank that was hiding illegal alien accounts but they should have been released a long time ago to the authorities; that type of thing – and then we found out there another 17 arrests done today that we didn’t know – this was regarding banking by the way

So nobody is immune to this – it seems to be widespread but that delayed us over the last several days from going prior to Christmas – and that is hard to talk about because it kinda is unsettling

 But now what “is” going on and that did get going is  that the CMKX deliveries started yesterday at  7:45 pm last night (mon night) and then 6 hrs later more of the  adjudicated  settlements fines and penalties – those type groups started and they were going to continue / are continuing  to pay – including at some point the inner and outer cores and the rest of the admirals groups  - They are all supposed to be paying out through Christmas and I would say  probably beyond Christmas day

Now, what does that do for us the tier 4B – First of all it shows momentum and it shows the movement finally some of the things that have been talked about for months are actually going –That’s a good thing – The bank screens, were gray scale for days last week we didn’t have rates on the front screen at all - Now we have front screen rates in green - so we have the green light so to speak on the front screen

Well it doesn’t do us any good if we’re not in there – it’s good to know that they are there and are populated – We also know that the Iraqi dinar is going to be increasing in value – continuing to increase – and it should be settled in at whatever time we tier 4B are finally released to come in for our exchanges

 Today we thought we were possibly going to go for one day before Christmas we found that no the banks were closing – well first, we knew that the markets were only going to be open for half a day for trading so they were going to close at 1 PM Eastern time but we also knew the banks were going to be closing at 3:15 PM today east coast time

 Now the redemption centers that were independent from the banks were staying open till 5:30 – but really everybody that was assigned to the redemption center staff – everybody that went in most of them left somewhere 12 to 2 pm range today because it’s Christmas Eve and because there wasn’t going to be any exchange activity starting today

So today was sort of a non starter I guess we could say – Now, Christmas is obviously a holiday without banks being open so we won’t do anything tomorrow - Thursday, the day after Christmas, would be the 26th has a completely different possibility – and what I’ve heard from bank sources today is that we should be in the driver’s seat by Thursday the 26th –

Now, are we going?  Possibly – Are we going to get notifications?  Quite possibly in the morning after 10:30 am yeah -- But if we don’t get them and we don’t start our exchanging by Friday then we are looking to Monday-Tuesday start –

That would be Monday for numbers (800) to come out and Tuesday for the start of our exchanging and redemption of Zim that would be on the 31st of December

So you know me and I hate the term “Back walls” – I hate that kind of concept / deadlines and so on --  but this is from a very, very strong authority

 Now, I hope, like you that we get notified Thursday and start Thursday - if we don’t get to start – realize that if we get notified Thursday we quite possibly will start Thursday or Friday

So, that’s really the gist of where we are with the schedule – now the banks and redemptions centers are going to get notified Thursday morning as to what their schedule will be and hopefully we find out soon thereafter what is going on and then maybe we’ll know whether we’re going to get our toll free number on that day or not

I’m trying to do my best to let you guys know not to already go into next year – Oh sure I’ve heard it’s not going to start until 2020 and ain’t nothing going to happen until blah blah blah  ----

Guys, this is a day by day scenario – we cannot project just because its towards the end of the year that we write off the week between Christmas and New Years – I do not believe we will have to do that based on the intel I’ve gotten today from several sources – from the major banks and others – I think it’s pointing toward a good possibility for Thursday/Friday and if not – then Monday/Tuesday – 30th/31st of December

Som let’s look at that – let’s consider that – we know that the John Q public ?? ( WiserNow: not sure of exact wording here - listened several times, sorry) is stated to go early January – I’ve heard the 3rd - it may get pushed a little bit – it could get pushed -- and we should have the new USN and I call it the USTN (US Treasury Notes) around the second week of January – and if I remember right the second week starts on the 12th as a Monday and it goes on from there

I just feel like you know, yes we did get delayed – there were a number of arrests that delayed us -  I don’t feel happy about that no more than you do – but that is why we’ve not seen it prior to Christmas day

I really feel like the good news is that CMKX and the groups got started last night (mon) even though they were delayed 6 hrs from their start – they did get started at 7:45 and continuing to work and pay out and should continue all the way through Christmas and quite possibly I think it could take a few more days beyond Christmas to get all those groups paid out – but it may not – they may wrap it up actually by tomorrow – we will see

 Now I just wanted everybody to know that we appreciate you and the fact that you’ve listened -  in four days we will have completed 8 full years of The Big Call --  We will not have another call until  -- if we have one - Thursday – which would be the 26th  -- if we have a call – if we have our numbers and we go we’ll have a celebration call  - quite possibly a short  half hour celebration call – ok  that is the protocol

Now, before we go I want everybody to realize that we have really appreciated the listeners over these last 8 years – I thank everybody on my team – Sue & Bob – Pastor Stevens - people behind the scenes -   people doing the call transcribing - all of that has been just a wonderful thing and I look forward to getting these numbers out to everybody and get us started

Everybody have a nice Christmas and we will see you on Thursday for a regular call or a short celebration call -- 

The Big Call Replay LINK  Intel begins at 40:45 min mark

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 1 2-19-19

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 12-19-19

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – It’s Thursday Dec 19th - one week away from Christmas and you’re listening to the Big Call - Thank you for listening from all over the globe where ever you are and we’re glad to have you once again

Okay, let’s talk a little bit about where we are – We talked to you Tuesday about what was going on to an extent we have in a way some of the sources are quiet -  banks are quiet – but we are able to gleam some information that’s pretty helpful I think --  even at this late stage so, let’s talk about it

President Trump spoke again to China about releasing this – yes, before Christmas -yes, and there is a plan to release it after the Forex rates repopulate which is 2:30 in the morning –

So, we are in a window after midnight tonight (thurs night) – I think for about 24 hours – that window is when things are supposed to be happening not at secret start time within that 24 hour period but things will be happening like groups will be paid out by paymasters in that time frame –

I believe our toll free number will come out in that time frame -- I believe we will start with our exchanges and possibly we could have a supper weekend – just a fantastic weekend and that is the gist of the latest I got –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 12-19-19

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – It’s Thursday Dec 19th - one week away from Christmas and you’re listening to the Big Call - Thank you for listening from all over the globe where ever you are and we’re glad to have you once again

Okay, let’s talk a little bit about where we are – We talked to you Tuesday about what was going on to an extent we have in a way some of the sources are quiet -  banks are quiet – but we are able to gleam some information that’s pretty helpful I think --  even at this late stage so, let’s talk about it

President Trump spoke again to China about releasing this – yes, before Christmas -yes, and there is a plan to release it after the Forex rates repopulate which is 2:30 in the morning –

So, we are in a window after midnight tonight (thurs night) – I think for about 24 hours – that window is when things are supposed to be happening not at secret start time within that 24 hour period but things will be happening like groups will be paid out by paymasters in that time frame –

I believe our toll free number will come out in that time frame -- I believe we will start with our exchanges and possibly we could have a supper weekend – just a fantastic weekend and that is the gist of the latest I got –

I will say this there was a decision made that needed to be made between Wells Fargo and the Treasury on whether to put an advance percentage out there for the groups and for us and fortunately that was voted down – now there is no minimum percentage that we can have access to we should have access to full exchange – although realistically, any one that is redeeming Zim will set it up in a structured payout

If you wish – you don’t have to – in my opinion it’s a wise thing to do, In My Opinion  -  to set it up – and this is just me guys, you can do whatever you want – but in my opinion I want to go at least – at least 12 or 15 years   -- probably 20 years with a structured pay out and then be able to earn a very strong rate of interest and get paid on it every  quarter –

So essentially I’m not getting in  (dipping in) and touching the principal in the mother lode account that is part of the structured pay out  but the interest pays out quarterly,  that I plan to have access to and utilize as much as I possibly can -  Now, that’s just my plan  for all of us who are going to be doing projects like the “Build America” -  like the “VRN” – like the “Pastoral Retreat Network” – like “Rebuild the Bahamas” -  like – keep going – whatever it is, right?

There are a lot of projects we could get into that we don’t even know about right now, or maybe we heard something about this technology or that but we don’t quite have it all together cause the technology has not been released yet, you know what I mean?  That is going to be coming out and we are going to say Oh Oh Oh I could do something in that area – I can make something happen in that –

What about Maglev Railway? What about Maglev?   What about ….. Oh gosh don’t get me started … anti grav….Did Bruce say anti grav? Anti gravity travel?  Really??  Oh yeah – Oh yeah -- (laugh laugh)

So there are plenty of things we will get into that we don’t really know too much about right now or we’re just getting started on But I would say this… I think this is going to work out where we’re going to have plenty to do and have the most fun doing it , you know – rebuild America .. can you imagine?  I’ve asked for 5,000 volunteers from The Big Call – maybe I’ll get more to be volunteers—to help me in 5000 cities, counties or communities all across the nation including Alaska and Hawaii -- -

Why 5,000? Because there are 50 states – (not so much in Alaska and Hawaii) times 100 cities, counties or communities - That would make a dent wouldn’t it? In every state, that would make a dent – a really big dent – I think it would be fantastic – I’ve got a plan for it I got it!!  

It’s coming together and you’re going to get it just as soon as we have the leadership groups formed and the advisory group meetings – a few things to get together and then “boom” and then we’ll put that out – a template for everybody to say Oh, Ok  I get it, I see what they’re doing – step 1 step 2 step 3  blah blah  you just go right through it, it’s going to be like paint by number you know,   

We’ll be in touch and there will be ways for you to communicate with us – don’t worry When the toll free number comes out we will be sending it to you

Now, I’m excited because President Trump wanted this to go down before Christmas – China wants it yesterday of course – and everything has come around where now that the USMCA was voted on today – that opens the door for this to be released

The other thing is the discussion, like I said, I told you about  there is no 2% or 5%  access to funds,  you’ll have full access to your funds for the exchange – I’m excited about that.. and I’m just going to say – I think we’re all set – The intention was.; This is what I’ve heard -- from several sources was --  for this to go – and you guys have heard it  - I’m not the only one – This is to go by FRIDAY --  Friday is the 20th –

I also heard it was going to go before Friday – well… it didn’t – we’re here – it’s Thursday night – it hasn’t happened yet but things are moving in that direction – getting ready for a wonderful 12 to 24 hour period -  starting at `12:08  -- after midnight tonight (thurs) –

So… that is basically, oh…. One other thing… we know that the Dinar rates have been jumping up – I don’t know if the rates are solid yet– I think they are waiting for that 2:30 in the morning Forex update for all the rates to repopulate and be on the screens solid – so let’s see what happens -- but I think this is one weekend  that could be the  weekend to end all weekends - Let’s sure hope so – That’s what I’m hearing –

I’m only giving you what I’m hearing – so let’s follow it out – Let’s be positive – Let’s be in faith for it and let’s believe that this final grand blessing is coming to us

President Trump wants us to have the best Christmas we’ve ever had so let’s believe that – We’ve got a lot of clean-up going on  - there will be a lot of clean-up through the weekend so just hang in there and let’s believe for this to come through alright?

Thanks everybody for listening so faithfully over these ….. do you realize that next week is 8 full years of The Big Call – complete – from start to finish – kinda interesting – you know how the Chinese love the number 8 – It’s the number of completion – prosperity  and it’s the number of years that The Big Call has been on the air – isn’t that wild? (laugh laugh)

Alright everybody thank you so much for being our faithful listeners -  I want to thank my team – the behind the scene team - those that I don’t’ even know that transcribe my call – I think Roses did it for so long and the new person that’s transcribing it now, Thank You – Thank you Sue & Bob – Thank  you listeners fall over the globe --  Good night everybody -

Bruce’s The Big Call Replay Link  -  intel begins at 53:33 min mark

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 12-17-19

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 12-17-19

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – glad to have you back again – It’s Tuesday Dec 17th and you’re listening to The Big Call – We’re happy to be back doing our thing every Tuesday and Thursday night

Let’s talk a little bit about where we stand today because I can tell you things are happening  -- We get a lot of different information from  a lot of different sources and one of the things we heard today was, man  you would not believe how much money is moving and how much moving is going on right now -

What’s interesting is we are at the point where; let me put it this way, we should be paying very close attention – I would say not starting tonight maybe but starting tomorrow – and I’ll tell you how we get there – yes, we did think things were going to happen today for us – we got some good information that was indicating the possibility of getting notified today 

But we also know that the tier 4; and some of the banks still refer to us as tier 4A and tier 4B – we are the ones known as internet group tier 4B – Some of the banks use that – Some of the banks generalize and call us all tier 4 – but really the tier 4A refers to the groups that were the inner core and outer core groups of some of the other groups there’s quite a few of them that are under the leadership out of Reno

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 12-17-19

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – glad to have you back again – It’s Tuesday Dec 17th and you’re listening to The Big Call – We’re happy to be back doing our thing every Tuesday and Thursday night

Let’s talk a little bit about where we stand today because I can tell you things are happening  -- We get a lot of different information from  a lot of different sources and one of the things we heard today was, man  you would not believe how much money is moving and how much moving is going on right now -

What’s interesting is we are at the point where; let me put it this way, we should be paying very close attention – I would say not starting tonight maybe but starting tomorrow – and I’ll tell you how we get there – yes, we did think things were going to happen today for us – we got some good information that was indicating the possibility of getting notified today 

But we also know that the tier 4; and some of the banks still refer to us as tier 4A and tier 4B – we are the ones known as internet group tier 4B – Some of the banks use that – Some of the banks generalize and call us all tier 4 – but really the tier 4A refers to the groups that were the inner core and outer core groups of some of the other groups there’s quite a few of them that are under the leadership out of Reno

Now, what’s interesting about this is we understood that everything was going to be moving forward today (Tues) for all of those groups to be taken care of – to be able to see in their accounts and access a portion of their funds – a small percentage in most cases that would end up being sort of an advance –if you will, against their mother lode in their account

Now what has transpired is we find out a little later on this evening there are two parts to the tier 4A – there was one round that took place earlier today and my understanding was the “go” was handed off by the Dept of Defense over to the Treasury and they were given instructions to the treasury to release at a specific time earlier this morning and then it ended up getting a time frame for mid afternoon – today – Eastern time for a start and I believe that did start off as expected --  

But it’s like getting the confirmation – even thought I had 3 confirmations of a particular time that it started – I still don’t have confirmation that individuals have received access or received that information yet (can see the funds) – but I know its ongoing – I know that we have started round 2 – Now, are there more than 2 rounds – I don’t know and I don’t think so – But I don’t know

I also know that we’ve been instructed to pay close attention because we are next and that’s what I mean by tier 4B – that’s us  - I’ve heard other information not only from the banks  but from redemption centers and other individuals that are in the know that are talking about this happening over the next couple of days  - meaning tomorrow or Friday – or rather tomorrow  (Wed) or Thursday  -- Wed or Thurs – that’s what I’m hearing

Now, we just have to realize that this has been a moving target and we have been disappointed when we have heard it was going and it didn’t – I’m just telling you – I’m bringing  to you what I’m getting

Yes I do weigh all the intel and information and try to discern the truth of what I get and I think we are finally at the point where we can’t go back 2 months 6 months a year 5 years and say something about that when we are looking at this today with what we know has happened yesterday and today

Every day brings new light to this situation and we are about to witness our turn or about to begin and Lord willing it’s over the next day or so

I do think  they have a deadline they actually want to stay with and I believe it’s going to be sometime this week;  so,  there’s a lot going on – I talked to you the last time about clean  up on isle 3 – that’s continuous – it’s going hot and heavy and I think it’s good and I think if at all we find that there’s a slow down or stoppage or restart – whatever – it could be simply because of clean-up  - Just cleaning the situation up –

They want to make sure everything is set for us in a very secure way and I know at the very highest level of security that  I know things are moving along very, very well in that regard

I’m here to say that the rates on the bank screens are in what they call grey scale – but we also heard from a forex source that the IQD is jumping up – up and up - jump jump jump  so it is moving and the back screen rates are not visible yet but I’m sure they will be and things are happening to make this all come –

Otherwise, from a political perspective which we don’t normally talk about or get into I think the timing is right  - you guys realize we’ve got the USMCA – we’ve got the first phase of the China deal agreed to – we have so many things that President Trump has done to put us in position to take full advantage of this – and I think we should be very, very happy that we are in the situation we’re in

I believe the President wants us to have a Merry Christmas and a Happy Hanukah  and I believe that the timing will allow that to take place – I really do – and NO I’m not looking for 2020 for this; certainly not yet

I feel really good about the information that we got today and I feel really good about the fact that we are this close – It’s fairly quiet out there – there’s not a whole lot but what we are getting is pointing to the proximity  of this being right there

One piece of information came in and said the second round of tier 4A was dining on the buffet and you’re next – What does that tell you? It tells us how really close we are – So let’s see where it goes – let’s see how we do over night and tomorrow and let’s all pray this in and believe for it tonight

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Replay LINK - Intel begins at 49:18 min mark

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 12-12-19

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 12-12-19

Transcribing By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – It is Thursday Dec 12th and you’re listening to The Big Call -glad you’re here from all over the globe to tune in with us and enjoy the full moon tonight – the last one of the decade – I think it has some serious significance not only for Iraq but also China and other countries and we are pleased we are moving in that direction

I look forward to giving you guys a good piece of intel right now -- I will say this – we are at a really good place because of the things that have happened in the last few days

Number 1 USMCA agreement – United States / Mexico / Canada trade agreement was passed and signed off in Mexico City, I believe that was Tuesday, 2 days ago – that was a great accomplishment to have that out of the way and moving forward because now that put additional pressure on China –

My understanding was a little after 4:22 Eastern time today there was something in the news about the China Trade Agreement having been signed off by President Trump –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 12-12-19

Transcribing By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – It is Thursday Dec 12th and you’re listening to The Big Call -glad you’re here from all over the globe to tune in with us and enjoy the full moon tonight – the last one of the decade – I think it has some serious significance not only for Iraq but also China and other countries and we are pleased we are moving in that direction

I look forward to giving you guys a good piece of intel right now -- I will say this – we are at a really good place because of the things that have happened in the last few days

Number 1 USMCA agreement – United States / Mexico / Canada trade agreement was passed and signed off in Mexico City, I believe that was Tuesday, 2 days ago – that was a great accomplishment to have that out of the way and moving forward because now that put additional pressure on China –

My understanding was a little after 4:22 Eastern time today there was something in the news about the China Trade Agreement having been signed off by President Trump –

And you know he leveraged everything that he could leverage to do the best possible deal including, it sounds like, - the reduction of tariffs on China to cut in half at least some or most of the items that have tariffs on them – and then also not raise tariffs on the 15th, which is Sunday of this month as was anticipated on the Chinese - so instead of getting a raise of tariffs – they are getting a cut of 50% on most tariffs and possibly they will go away completely under the new trade deal –

My understanding is the new trade deal will take 21 days to go into effect from the date of signing – so you guys do the math - 21 days from today – if today was in fact the day it was signed off

I believe we are going to hear an announcement from the president in the next few days about the trade deal and about the tariffs and what status those are in or will be in the future – so that is very positive for us - I will say this in addition to that – our understanding of the trade agreement with China being signed off is also saying that the GCR has begun has taken place today –

Those 2 go hand in hand The China trade deal which we were not sure we needed it before we move forward with either the GCR or the revaluation of all these currencies but it was apparently something we did need to happen and now we have it – So the GCR is in effect in place

Now, what else has happened? Remember we talked about the 27 Chinese Elder families that were expecting to draw down on their funds and we thought they would start and ends up they started at 3:40 this morning Eastern Standard time – and it is my understanding they completed that today –

They have all drawn down on their funds – That was also something we were looking forward to accomplish before the groups began to be paid out – and the groups, we’re talking the groups out west – we’re talking about the adjudicated settlements - which include fines & penalties and so on - and the CMKX – all of that my understanding, started – now I don’t know for sure if it started today or continued today but we think that’s in process already

Now as far as when people will start to see money in their accounts, when the group members will see funds in their account it’s hard to say but the tendency was for the groups to be paid out over night so maybe something will happen overnight – I think it’s a major accomplishment that the trade deal is complete and the GCR at least in principal is done

Now, the next piece is what we’re hearing from various bank sources / redemption centers / and other informed sources are looking for this to be a very important weekend for us

Now I know we all look at this in terms of nothing is going to happen over the weekend – it can only go on a Tues / Wed or Thurs – we’ve heard that before and I understand the reason for that – but look at this possibility and believe me guys this is not me calling it this is only taking the information and putting it out

We’re being told that everything is going to cut loose after market is closed tomorrow, let’s say 4 or 430 Friday and come in for us well before the markets open on Sunday night in China now, Sunday night on the East Coast 8 or 9 o’clock which is 8 or 9 o’clock morning in Beijing and Hong Kong

So you’ve got a wide open weekend there where anything is possible and maybe – just maybe we do get started on Saturday and maybe we don’t get full access to liquidity until late Monday afternoon or Tuesday - that’s fine with me and it may be the way this goes down

Now we know the public start date - and when I say “public”, I am talking about tier 5 not tier 4 which is us – tier 5 I understand from one bank source is supposed to start on Monday the 23rd of Dec – just a couple days before Christmas and also under the impression that the new USTN currency - United States Treasury Notes – our new money should be available at the same time that the public starts and it could very well start on that Monday the 23rd –

Now, we at the redemption centers when we go in, we are going to have the ability to take some cash up to 14,000 but it will the USD unless you request in advance USTN – realize this the USD will spend just fine and they actually want that to go out to us so we can spend it into the market place and then what will happen is the big box stores, the WalMarts / Home Depot/ whatever – will remit the old USD to the banks faster than we could take it to the banks and exchange it for new USTN’s

But remember we wont be able to do that until around the 23rd of Dec – So the theory is instead of insisting on USTN’s at the time of the exchange go ahead and take the USD fiat currency and spend that out – don’t take more that you need – take whatever you feel comfortable with and spend it – spend it back into the system – and that is the advice that the redemption center staff and the banks are telling us is a good idea to do –

Now, beyond that I think there was another point I wanted to make – one more thing I wanted to mention, oh yeah, here it is – there have been 2 major telecommunications with between our president Trump / the bank CEO’s / other people in the 3 letter agencies over the last couple of days – The first call was a very strong call to alert the banks to make sure that nothing is in the way to keep this from going – to let this go – do not try to inhibit it do not try to do anything to slow it down or there would be repercussions – Well they weren’t heeded evidently after the first call

The second call which I believe was yesterday evening the same basic group, maybe – a few added was more of a come to Jesus meeting - This was letting them know that they were absolutely serious about any more playing with this – to let this go – do not inhibit or stand in the way of this in any way or there would be serious repercussions

I believe the point was very well taken and I believe it was very well made and believe me – the repercussions were very serious and I think we are at the point of no more negative influence on moving forward with our exchanges / our redemption getting underway

Now in addition there have been clean up on isle 3 as I put it, pick up and drop off since and non stop since Oct 11 – and that is still going on today and will continue until they have everything they want cleaned up on Isle 3

I feel good about that – I feel really good about where that is going where its taking us - we know that the security is at the very highest level – We know they are ready for us from a security point of view and we believe that the green light for us will occur sometime this weekend

I don’t know when the toll free number is going to come out – Could it come out tomorrow? Could it be tomorrow evening - it could ----

We know that they want this to be a daytime event so maybe it’s Saturday but the point is whenever it is you need to be ready – you need to be prepared to not only set your appointments but go in and get the exchanges and redemption done

As far as the intel goes – we are pretty much there with everything – remember the 4 letter word we’re not going to use - (done) all the way down to the China Trade deal… USMCA was done a couple days ago…fantastic!! That put pressure on China to sign off on this thing and get it done and they did – President Trump worked this thing like a musician – this is what he does – he’s the Deal King --

Ok, so he did this – yes it took a little longer than we thought – yes it dragged out – yes I know – believe me I’m aware of it just like you are but you know what – ultimately it’s all going to be for our good and I think we should all look at it that way –

He wants us to have a great Christmas – we should have a fantastic maybe best ever Christmas we’ve ever had and hopefully we get our liquidity and get access to those funds and big funds and time to do anything we want to do for Christmas and the New Year as far as that goes

So with all that, I’m going to say thank you Big Call Universe for tuning in and for listening -- Have a wonderful night -- Bruce

The Big Call Replay Link intel starts at 53:00 min mark

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 12-10-19

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 12-10-19

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – I’m glad everybody is here – and thank you for tuning in once again - It is Tuesday Dec 10th -- and you’re listening to The Big Call -  I appreciate everybody tuning in from all over the globe – listening to see what might we might bring to you tonight and hopefully you’ll be happy and it will be a good call 

Now let’s determine if we can where we are in this whole thing – ok,  and, I’m just looking to see if  get my clock on this -- I might just get this done by the top of the hour --  

Here’s the thing – Number 1 -- let’s go to where we are right now – this is Tuesday – and five days since our last call – we put out some good information then and we talked about the 27 different event triggers that needed to be handled but…….

 We weren’t told what they were but that they were being handled – they were going through them – well guess what -- we find that the 27 triggers were the 27 Chinese Elders that needed to be satisfied with their payment –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 12-10-19

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – I’m glad everybody is here – and thank you for tuning in once again - It is Tuesday Dec 10th -- and you’re listening to The Big Call -  I appreciate everybody tuning in from all over the globe – listening to see what might we might bring to you tonight and hopefully you’ll be happy and it will be a good call 

Now let’s determine if we can where we are in this whole thing – ok,  and, I’m just looking to see if  get my clock on this -- I might just get this done by the top of the hour --  

Here’s the thing – Number 1 -- let’s go to where we are right now – this is Tuesday – and five days since our last call – we put out some good information then and we talked about the 27 different event triggers that needed to be handled but…….

 We weren’t told what they were but that they were being handled – they were going through them – well guess what -- we find that the 27 triggers were the 27 Chinese Elders that needed to be satisfied with their payment –

I can tell you as of today - this afternoon, they were on track to pay out all of the 27 Elders  by - the goal was 4:30 this afternoon – I don’t know if they reached it but I do know that the contracts that were there for all the Elders were sent out –

I think those were agreements made for the Elders to see how they were able to receive their payment and when and how much and so forth – I don’t know that – that’s just what I suppose would be the terms of this contract because obviously I don’t know – I haven’t seen it –

I haven’t even heard what’s in that but I would believe that if those contracts have gone out to all 27 Elders and if they made their time schedule for their timeline which was estimated to be done by 4:30 this afternoon Eastern time then maybe that aspect is complete and the event triggers are complete per say

Now, beyond that we have still been waiting to hear what the redemption center schedules are going to be like for the next 8 days and I know they are waiting for information from corporate offices to get that information out so they can staff redemptions centers as fully as they need to be for the next 8 or so days

Now, when it gets this relatively quiet, we look at it as a good sign – We know that people have been told to shut up – we know that there are gag orders - we know that there are NDA’s in place – We know that there is clean up ongoing that we know is going on behind the scenes – but we don’t really know the exact nuts and bolts of it all

That is where we are today – sources, I’m not going to say they are drying up but they are getting really less and less vocal – they’re getting less and less ability to communicate

Now, other than what I’ve just said  we know that some things have happened yesterday and today with the release of the IG Report – now the IG Report that we are looking for had some teeth in it and that’s the version – the un-redacted version  that the Chinese received to show that our administration was serious about taking care of some of those issues – and I believe that release according to the contacts that I have, have said that sufficed - that they were happy; that was a good thing  that  that was released

Now, in addition to that we did find out today that the USMCA – The US, Mexico, Canada trade agreement  is basically agreed to from the United States perspective and it was being signed off today in Mexico City by Canadian representatives, trade representatives and Mexican trade representatives – which is a very positive thing to have occurred today

Yesterday I found out, maybe it was this morning ,  I found out that one real benefit of this is that now Canada and indeed Mexico  is able to do full exchanges including Zim redemption – that is part of the NESARA /GESARA  and that is a cool thing because it is international  -

It’s not just the US  - and we know that the Zim is being handled in Zurich , probably in Switzerland  also in Hong Kong, you know, there are other cities, right – but this is a very positive step moving us into a first real significant thing NESARA/GESARA  in place for those countries, Canada & Mexico – so that is very cool

So, really, there is not a whole lot new to talk about – there are some things that I believe are going to be done with the groups out west I hope that the payout of the various groups is taking place tonight or overnight tonight as I suspect but I can’t say it’s absolutely been proven to me that is has happened yet or is happening

We’ve heard about adjudicated settlements being taken care of this would include fines and penalties, CMKX and other adjudicated settlements also the rest of the larger groups should be taken care of - even if it’s with  - in the case of the groups out west – even if it’s the 20-60% of what it is they have value exchange -- that alone would get a lot of people in a good mood – to even have access to 20-60%of their exchange

Beyond that – do I believe that it’s going down this week?  I’ve been told it is – I’ve been told we have a back wall – which I hate that term – forgive me for even using it on the call – because we know the back wall has been moved time and time again – but we also know that the Chinese have given us a “new” back wall - I believe it’s Saturday and I believe they’re content with where we are in this process

So, if that is the case, and if everything, quote unquote , is done, which is another 4 letter word, which we are not going to use in the future – if that is the case, then guys I don’t know what else has to be done – I really don’t – especially if these groups are paid tonight or overnight – I just --- I can’t tell you  --  If that is done and I hate to say that word – I believe we are – we are really there  - and we should be there this week

Now, if something else comes up I don’t know what it is and I’ll be upset just like you will - if that happens but for what I see right now – what I have right now  -  I feel good for where we sit - 

I feel really good about it occurring this week – Today is Tuesday, but we – you know we have to be as patient as we have ever been before to receive what it is that’s coming --

I feel like the bonds and the Zim platforms are going ahead this week and I believe it’s in the next day or so  and so I think we’re right there - we’re where we need to be for our 800 number to come out –

I will say this, we understand that it’s supposed to be a daytime event not only going in for first exchanges in the daylight but also the toll free number coming out in the daylight –

Those are daytime events from what I understand from the treasury – If that’s the case, so be it- and I’ll look for something in the day time

In the meantime all we can do is continue to be watchful and pray and look forward to the anticipation, the expectation of this incredible blessing coming through

I’m all excited about our projects – I’m excited about working with other people in the community that I’ve talked to about Rebuild America – also a little bit about the VRN and where we’re going with that –

It’s going to be just fantastic – I know a little bit about what it’s going to feel like after I come out of the redemption center  and where we’re going as a community – and I know many, many of you  will want to be a part of that and I’ve got plans for how  you can do that

I would say that with the information that we have; it’s all good; it’s all pointing toward finality; toward this coming to a logical conclusion and it looks good – I can’t call it – I don’t want to call it – I want to be patient and I want to be expectant for something good to be happening very soon and hopefully this week

So everybody take that and I look forward to talking to  you on the other side by email – I want everybody to stay in hope and prayer and let’s see where this goes – ok – I feel very good about it – let’s let it play out – let it come to us

Thanks everybody again for tuning in, we appreciate you – let’s see where this goes and everybody have a good night -- Bruce

Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK Intel Begins 46:20

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 12-5-19

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 12-5-19

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it is Thursday December 5th and you’re listening to The Big Call - thank you for tuning in once again   

Let’s push on into our intel segment and get started on that – here we are just two days out from our last call on Tuesday night – Sometimes we get a lot and sometimes we don’t get too much in just 2 days  but in this case what we can say is those 27 event triggers are all but complete

There’s one that we believe is left and that we believe is the release of the toll free numbers

Now, there has been some chatter out there online about 800 numbers or NO 800 numbers – I’m telling you I am getting direct from redemption centers – from banks – from people who are high, high up, saying “yes” I will get a toll free number to give you guys -- and so will 2 other people in the community that I am aware of that will get these to put out

So I am going to say “yes” we are going to get them and “yes” they’re still valid and let’s just watch this whole thing unfold in that regard –

Also, that one last thing that is the last event trigger is to complete; I believe is when the release of the toll frees are made –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 12-5-19

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it is Thursday December 5th and you’re listening to The Big Call - thank you for tuning in once again   

Let’s push on into our intel segment and get started on that – here we are just two days out from our last call on Tuesday night – Sometimes we get a lot and sometimes we don’t get too much in just 2 days  but in this case what we can say is those 27 event triggers are all but complete

There’s one that we believe is left and that we believe is the release of the toll free numbers

Now, there has been some chatter out there online about 800 numbers or NO 800 numbers – I’m telling you I am getting direct from redemption centers – from banks – from people who are high, high up, saying “yes” I will get a toll free number to give you guys -- and so will 2 other people in the community that I am aware of that will get these to put out

So I am going to say “yes” we are going to get them and “yes” they’re still valid and let’s just watch this whole thing unfold in that regard –

Also, that one last thing that is the last event trigger is to complete; I believe is when the release of the toll frees are made –

Now we had heard a couple of times today when we thought they might be coming out – we know that the tier 3 SKR’s  were in the process of being paid out today and tonight and they may actually  still be in the process of completing those 

But we know there are no more receipts to be pulled after the tier 3’s are complete and these also include the tier 4A groups that we use to call tier 4A that have been lumped into the tier 3 –

Why did they lump those in – what makes those tier 3 now – They were tier 3 because this is what we would call “pre-negotiated” rates – They had pre negotiated their group rates as part of the groups out west and that’s what made them part of tier 3

Those of us in tier 4B as we called it are the only group that have and we are a loosely defined group – we are the internet group  -- we’re the only ones who have “privately” negotiable  rates --  meaning we have some flexibility  on the rates that we get for not only our currencies but also our Zim – alright, just so  you know – and that is why our group tier 4B will be the last to go because they have new rates –that have  populated on the screens tonight for us that are very, very strong to start whenever it is that we are to start

We had thought that if we did not go today or by the time of the Big Call that we are looking at something possibly early in the morning so… that is yet to been obviously – and if we do get this thing in the morning and its early – it will go through Friday –Saturday- Sunday – it will just go right on through with no stoppage for the weekend, ok –

This is provided we get what we think we’re going to get  sometime tomorrow (Friday) It could be early morning – So, I have to be prepared for that myself –

There is one additional thing I found out today that is going to be important for us to know and that is an additional level of security – or for us to go through when it comes to our exchanges and redemption of  our Zim – and that is “all” Zim holders will be finger printed

and those will be checked against the data base to make sure that none of us are a part of any terrorist organizations  or anything that would be negative regarding indictments and so on and so forth –ok, So don’t be surprised if you are a Zim holder that you get finger printed

Now, if you are carrying a suitcase full of Dinar or Dong you may find the same thing – you could be finger printed as well - because the quantity that you are carrying is so great – so give that some thought-

 Realize that they are going to do this for our own security and to make sure that the money goes to people that are interested in helping humanity at large – like we are on The Big Call

So…… we have new rates that have shown up on the screens that are solid that are there – We have a new procedure that is in place for us with this finger printing – We have expectations to get this party started here pretty soon – and I’m looking forward to it just like everybody else –

This is our blessed hope -- that Great Expectation --  that we are all expecting in the way of this blessing  - It could not come at a better time, obviously many people are hanging their hopes on this  whereas we are supposed to stay with our Plan A  and if we don’t have a job – then get a job -- and it’s still the way we are to look at this until this blessing comes through

Now the other thing that we did learn is – we did tell you that the Wells Fargo servers have over 400,000 emails in them to be released with the toll free number – that is all set – and I don’t know when those are going to go out exactly –

We heard they were going out already but you’ve got to realize that there are numbers going out to the group numbers that are the groups out west, the admirals group, all of that – those guys will get numbers different from the number we are talking about because they will be exchanging any loose currency through that group dynamic they have set up already – or they have the ability to do that - ok that’s when they will be contacted directly by email with that information

Those of us in group or tier 4B will be getting the toll free number for our redemption centers of which there are about 7400-7500 throughout the continental united states – and we will be getting numbers for that I believe will also apply for Canada and Mexico and it could all be the same number  which is kina wild

It should be a two part process entering that number in an automated system and then getting if you’re a Zim holder getting switched over to a live person at the redemption center – that is the one you are expected to go to –

So in other words if you either get a new phone number in the process to call or get a transfer over to that based on zip code that you give them – ok you should be transferred over to a redemption center or staff person so you can set your appointment directly with that person whom you should meet for your appointment – that’s how they have it set up

I feel like we have a good shot at early morning tomorrow (Friday)  and then we’ll take it from there – I don’t think there’s a whole more I can think of that is relevant to us right now – You need to be ready – you need to be prepared –

This may be the last time – of course I know I’ve said that – I know -- but we keep getting a few false starts for different reasons but we believe the president was to sign off on the last minute grievance that needed to be done  that was a little time before The Big Call tonight then it was supposed to pave the way for us to get started hopefully tomorrow morning

Thank you everybody for listening and we will see you when we see you –

Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK    intel begins at 57:00

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 12-3-19

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 12-3-19

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – It’s Tuesday Dec 3 and you’re listening to The Big Call --  We’re happy you could join us all over the globe - thanks for listening in everybody again - and I hope everyone  had a wonderful thanksgiving and a mini holiday break – since we did not have a call last Thursday on thanksgiving we gave everybody a little time off – so here we are a week since our last call –

Okay, let’s talk a little about where we are and where we’re going – We are really at a crossroads tonight with the information that we have had over the last 3-4 days – really – it just never stops –

I mean somedays that they are just non stop on the phone with information and calls and some days it slows down a little bit – thanksgiving was a little slower but it picked up Friday and Saturday –

Here’s the basic reason – what is going on – there are things called “event triggers” – and these are releases – these are things that have to happen and this started at midnight – I believe it was Friday night midnight and it was going to go all the way through today (tues) and is going all the way through today – 27 different factors – different items of protocol

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 12-3-19

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – It’s Tuesday Dec 3 and you’re listening to The Big Call --  We’re happy you could join us all over the globe - thanks for listening in everybody again - and I hope everyone  had a wonderful thanksgiving and a mini holiday break – since we did not have a call last Thursday on thanksgiving we gave everybody a little time off – so here we are a week since our last call –

Okay, let’s talk a little about where we are and where we’re going – We are really at a crossroads tonight with the information that we have had over the last 3-4 days – really – it just never stops –

I mean somedays that they are just non stop on the phone with information and calls and some days it slows down a little bit – thanksgiving was a little slower but it picked up Friday and Saturday –

Here’s the basic reason – what is going on – there are things called “event triggers” – and these are releases – these are things that have to happen and this started at midnight – I believe it was Friday night midnight and it was going to go all the way through today (tues) and is going all the way through today – 27 different factors – different items of protocol

What’s interesting about it is – started out kinda slowly - got 1 here and 1 there and so on – we’re tracking these – to see how many were done – how many are left – and as of this afternoon (tues) we only had 2-3 left to go

The theory is that once these triggers – these event triggers are complete – which we think will complete tonight -  then we should be golden  and we should be ready for our notifications –

Our particular notification that you and I are looking for is a toll free number that I would receive by phone and then be able to put that out to everybody who registered on our website called The Big and also for the community to get those out so that people can see it while their looking up other sites

What’s interesting is I mentioned this I believe  last Tuesday’s call  - their intention – Wells Fargo is in charge of the email releases for Tier 4 – and we can call it Tier 4B that’s us –

They have amassed over 400,000 emails that appear to be valid /active from the Treasury and probably a few of their other sources for people who have purchased currency – And they know basically who the Zim holders are unless they have been gifted –

And what’s going to happen is 80-90 % of the people will get the toll free number by the Wells Fargo email

I can’t tell you exactly when that’s coming out   but I believe it could come out about the same time I get my toll free number - maybe it goes a little ahead of me – maybe it goes at the same time – It’s hard to say – and it really doesn’t matter to me  which it is –

My role in getting the number out is primarily for people who are Big Call listeners – and people that don’t have an email or have been gifted who are listening to the call and they just don’t have an email because they did not use one to purchase any currency  because they were gifted the currency to begin with

Now in those cases the email is not going to do them any good – What would help though if they are registered on our site and they get our email that’s going to go out – and also if they go to our website and see where the number is on the home page which is where we will put it – as soon as we get it –

So – that’s going to carry a lot of people who are not listed already with an email address – So that is happening  -- and the event triggers are taking place – and we think the final event triggers is going to be the release of the toll free numbers – and it may possibly be the release of the numbers and it may be the release of the emails  with the number in them –

Now, what I have understood was that the groups that are based out west – they are in the position now where they should have – they may not have completely but they should have liquidity - they should have been notified with their account information to at least be able to see their accounts – that’s about as close as we can tell right now = and they’re supposed to be able to  access and have liquidity –

I don’t know if it will be today or tomorrow (wed)  but I feel good about that and everything we’re hearing through the redemption center staff is that they’re ready to go late tomorrow morning and quite possibly receive calls that we would generate from the toll free number to set up appointments very late morning around lunch time or beyond tomorrow (wed) – that is the latest information that has come in

Now you know that what those on the Big Call can’t do is to guarantee it or call it – and I would be remiss if I tried to let you guys know that it’s absolute because even though when the question was pose “is there anything that could slow this down or stop this – the answer has been an emphatically “no” – this is it we’re going

In other news – the trade deal with China – I believe is an accomplished fact – which could be announced as early as tomorrow (wed)  and we have the USMCA trade deal between Mexico/Canada and the US – which my understanding that could be announced Thursday or Friday –

So, we’ve got a very busy news week I think coming with those good things coming hopefully starting tomorrow (wed) and we also have good news regarding clean up taking place even as we speak -  there’s still more clean up taking place and I don’t think it’s going to be over any time soon

From a security point of view everything is lined up and ready for us - We know that the Army is basically calling the shots - we say the Pentagon but it’s basically the army calling the shots –

We know that Pres Trump has been very busy flying hither and yon – not only a surprise visit to Afghanistan for Thanksgiving but a little side trip to Iraq and a few other places like that –

And on his trip over to Great Britain I believe he was on the phone probably with China trying to put some last minute touches on the trade deal

So we know that trade representative and Treasury representative have made their way into Reno to take care of last minute negotiations and sign offs over there and I think as a result things started to push through for us

Now, as far as we’re not going to do rates - we’re not going to talk about that – we’re all fine – we’re all set in that regard – and I just have a feeling that we’re going to be moving through here and going ahead and setting our appointments up fairly soon

I would say things could be happening from a notification point of view even tonight and overnight – Now I’m saying that primarily  for emails  - I don’t know that I’m going to get a call at 2 or 3 in the morning with a number – I don’t see it – but – could I get it in the morning ? – yea - I think so – could it be mid morning ? yea-

But, like I said guys this is what I’m hearing from several sources that are very positively pointing toward this type of time line – What’s really interesting is that we are down to just a couple of event triggers to go – and that’s it –

As far as we know there’s no receipts that have to be picked up anymore now – there’s nothing that has to be done except notified  by email or calling a few of us in the community wth the toll free number – then it’s all over – it’s all over

Now, what are we going to do on The Big Call? We’re going to meet – we’re going to have meetins of advisory groups – some leadership groups – I will be reporting to you with an email blast and possibly a podcast – along with that – that you can listen to – A Celebration Call --  that could happen – maybe Thursday night – if we have this – same time maybe a half hour call - 

And then as far as getting in touch with you after we meet and get these ideas formulated  and we’ll be in touch – In the mean time  you guys need to get ready

I would say guys we are really at the finish line – I believe we are there – I’m not going to call it as much as I would love to – but I’m going to say that everything is looking very very good –

We are getting this from a number of sources – so let’s go with this – let’s see what manifests - let’s be ready – and we’ll be in touch by email with a link for a podcast

Everyone have a wonderful night tonight – I’m excited - let’s have a week like we’ve never had before – Let’s all believe for the finality of this -- Good night


The Big Call Replay LINK  - Info begins at 48:00

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 11-26-19

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 11-26-19

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Dinar Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight wherever you are – This is Tuesday November 26 and you’re listening to The Big Call – Regardless where you’re listening from thank you for tuning in – We appreciate you   

Let me tell you something regarding Intel – I’m hearing this could be an excellent / happy Thanksgiving  for us Now, the intel is morphing, like it always does – we get possible dates – we get possible times for when we are to look for the toll free numbers – Now we are in a window right now  -- I just tell you the window – I’m telling you what I get – What I’ve got is from 9 PM tonight (Tues night) which was the start of the Big Call – all the way to Friday morning 9 AM  - That’s the day after Thanksgiving isn’t it?

Now that means we could be notified anytime within that window and get started – and I will tell you this – We had heard a couple of days ago – Sunday – that we would have 800 numbers and start either today or tomorrow - and we heard it from several sources that were unrelated – at least 3 or 4 sources  that were getting that information

Now it’s a little more refined than that and I gave you the window that we heard that was updated 9 PM tonight to 9 AM Friday morning

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 11-26-19

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Dinar Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight wherever you are – This is Tuesday November 26 and you’re listening to The Big Call – Regardless where you’re listening from thank you for tuning in – We appreciate you    

Let me tell you something regarding Intel – I’m hearing this could be an excellent / happy Thanksgiving  for us – Now, the intel is morphing, like it always does – we get possible dates – we get possible times for when we are to look for the toll free numbers – Now we are in a window right now  -- I just tell you the window – I’m telling you what I get – What I’ve got is from 9 PM tonight (Tues night) which was the start of the Big Call – all the way to Friday morning 9 AM  - That’s the day after Thanksgiving isn’t it?

Now that means we could be notified anytime within that window and get started – and I will tell you this – We had heard a couple of days ago – Sunday – that we would have 800 numbers and start either today or tomorrow - and we heard it from several sources that were unrelated – at least 3 or 4 sources  that were getting that information

Now it’s a little more refined than that and I gave you the window that we heard that was updated 9PM tonight to 9 AM Friday morning

Now, we’ve also heard that there are certain green lights – obviously green lights are a go signal - we heard there is a green light for the groups out west as I have called them in the past to begin – doesn’t mean they will go “right now”  - but they have received the green light earlier this afternoon to begin the paymasters actually remitting funds to individuals in those groups –

Now it doesn’t mean that its happened yet/ already but they’ve got the green light - Now sometimes the green light comes from the treasury and sometimes we get the green light that’s coming from the Pentagon – or the Military – more specifically the Army

Now, we have information from Redemption Centers that says that they are ready for long days 22 hour days, starting Friday, Saturday and maybe a little less like 18 on Sunday – That’s a very full Friday, Saturday, and Sunday - Is it possible that we receive a toll free number on Thanksgiving day and set appointments for the next day, Friday, which is Black Friday – I think it’s not only possible but maybe probable

Now, it is also possible that Thanksgiving comes and goes without that notification and we get it in the morning on Friday – Now do we have a killer thanksgiving if it doesn’t come on thanksgiving even the number doesn’t appear  No we don’t – Doesn’t the whole concept to have this “before” Thanksgiving day? Yes!  Wasn’t that what the President, President Trump wanted? I believe so – So we will see how that works out –

Now, let’s cut everybody some slack, If we get the number on Thursday after 2:30 in the afternoon for example – does that mean we have it for thanksgiving?  Yeeeeeahh – kinda / sorta -- we got the number – we’re setting up the appointment and maybe we start that day  - maybe we start on Friday  either way – We Win  - That’s how we have to look at it now guys – either way – We Win

And That’s how I take it – not only do we win but the world wins – people / humanity wins because we can get started with everything we’ve planned – and over the last few days especially over this past weekend I had some cool revelations on where to take  Rebuild America  and how to make it all come together –

I’m not going into it on this call but trust me to know it’s going to be really cool and you’re going to be able to participate along with The Big Call in the coming years starting in 2020 with it, ok - This is a project that could have tremendous longevity of 50 yrs 100 yrs  - plus hiring lots of people, employing people, creating jobs – creating opportunities for education – so many things – recreation – for health and healing – for food production  - all kinds of things you guys -  that are going to be rolled into Rebuild America

For the Veterans, similar things for veterans and veterans families – You guys have heard enough about it over the years to know the general idea of what we’re planning  -- I’ll be in touch with you by emails when we are ready, probably a few weeks away – there is a lot we can do together as a community

Let’s see, what else?  It’s not about rates, we’re not going to talk about that – it is about being prepared – like Sue said, with projects – it’s about getting the toll free number, which by the way – the toll free numbers will come out for 80 – 90% of the people by email from  Wells Fargo

Does that mean that I still get the numbers and put the out? Yes --  there will be a lot of people who will not be getting an email especially the people that have been “gifted”  currency -- ok, and those people will  need to know how to exchange /  and how to redeem –

I highly recommend you stay tuned in and when you see the number come out especially if you catch it from either an email or The Big Call Universe on our website or if you see it in the community – It should be the same number

Now, the people who are in the groups out west they get a different number or a couple of different numbers but they’re going to be emailed to exchange or to redeem their loose currency as it’s called something they have not ponied up yet but their loose currency at specific redemption centers known to the paymasters of those groups -- so try to consider the possibility of seeing a number that was designed for the Admiral’s group or other groups

Your number is the same as my number which is coming to me and then I’ll put it out – It might be flooded at a few different places but the point is you should use it to set your appointment

For right now Banks and Redemption Centers are closed on thanksgiving—If something does happen and we do get it tomorrow which is Wednesday – the day before thanksgiving is it possible that Redemption Centers could stay open that day -- It is possible – I’m going to say it is a low possibility right now as I do not see us starting tomorrow as we were told a couple of days ago -- It is possible though – They could do that

But, the idea of getting a number on thanksgiving afternoon or Friday morning is very highly plausible; that’s looking very good -- Now, I think we are going to make a nice dent in Black Friday purchases – I think we’ll do a lot of things they want us to do in bringing motion to the economy without overheating it right away – and it could be a really cool last few days of the month

Now guys, that’s about as close as we can bring it tonight with the information we currently have; as you know  it has been a moving target – I give you the information as I see it – as I get it from various sources and I think we are still very strong for the next few days – very strong

So I am going to say thank you to everyone – this should be our last official call – if it goes like I think it will we could have a celebration call Thanksgiving night – which would be a 20-30 minute call

Everyone have a wonderful thanksgiving –

Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link  Info Begins at 1:01:31

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 11-21-19

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 11-21-19

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – It’s Thursday November 21st and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in and listening yet again  --

Now let’s go into for what we have for the intel portion of the call tonight – it just never fails that after a call like we had on Tuesday night – I find out some things later after the call is over that I wished I would have had during the call –

 And this is one of those things remember guys that we’ve talked about tier 4 A and Tier 4B – remember that we talked; well, the banks are combining it to call it all just Tier 4 – well guess what else?  The Tier 4A’s – which we referred to as the groups that were based out west –

You guys know who they are – inner core – outer core -  upper/ lower core – whatever  you want to call them and all of those paymasters that have groups and there are quite a few of them --  well, come to find out that the Tier 4A is essentially a Tier 3 –

Why is it considered a Tier 3 now?  Because all of the rates in those groups were pre- negotiated - PRE –NEGOTIATED -- So we can look at those groups and those paymasters all of that with pre-negotiated rates as Tier 3 -- 

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 11-21-19

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – It’s Thursday November 21st and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in and listening yet again  --

Now let’s go into for what we have for the intel portion of the call tonight – it just never fails that after a call like we had on Tuesday night – I find out some things later after the call is over that I wished I would have had during the call –

 And this is one of those things remember guys that we’ve talked about tier 4 A and Tier 4B – remember that we talked; well, the banks are combining it to call it all just Tier 4 – well guess what else?  The Tier 4A’s – which we referred to as the groups that were based out west –

You guys know who they are – inner core – outer core -  upper/ lower core – whatever  you want to call them and all of those paymasters that have groups and there are quite a few of them --  well, come to find out that the Tier 4A is essentially a Tier 3 –

Why is it considered a Tier 3 now?  Because all of the rates in those groups were pre- negotiated - PRE –NEGOTIATED -- So we can look at those groups and those paymasters all of that with pre-negotiated rates as Tier 3 -- 

So that means we are the only Tier 4 – those in the so called internet group – We are the ones considered Tier 4 -- Why??  Because we are the only ones that will have privately negotiated rates – or privately negotiable rates -

Do you get the difference? The tier 3’s are considered pre negotiated and Tier 4 has the opportunity to be privately negotiable – and that’s the difference – that is why they fell under the so called Tier 3

So what difference does that make?   Well, what it means is the Tier 3’s started paying out yesterday and completed just before 3 AM this morning Eastern Standard Time --

So that process ; now, here’s the caveat -  even though they were paid out  my understanding is that those Tier 3 account holders  SKR’s – Safe Keeping Receipts -  they were SKR’s -- and those , my understanding were paid out up to 20% of their total that they would have so called advanced funds  - some people use the term – emergency fund -- I don’t  use the term emergency – I use “advanced” –

So they have received either up to 10 or 20% of their total funds and advance – now when will they see their remaining 80% or more of their funds? When will they see that?  They will see that when people in our internet group – tier 4 actually have appointments set and are going in for first exchange or redemption of Zim

 So, once that occurs that is when the Tier 3 funds will complete and they will have access – Now how’s that going to happen?   My understanding is -- now I’m not part of those groups but my understanding is they will receive emails from their paymasters that will give them coordinates to their new accounts and give them login information and password so they can go in and access those accounts and see their funds – and then, be able to go to the bank to execute anything they need to do at the bank

Now, we’re in a different situation; now, we will have a large majority of people in our group Tier 4 receive emails from Wells Fargo  - Wells Fargo is the one that has been chosen to send out all the emails that the Treasury was able to accumulate  for our group to be notified

Now that is in addition to some people in the community receiving the toll free number in person like me who will get it and put it out when we’re told and put it on the website  for example, and some people will put it out to the community – I’m not the only one getting the toll free number

Now, that’s fine – the main thing is to get it out enough so we can set our appointments and get in and do our exchanges – and get started with that

Now let’s tell  you  - you know some people say well, what’s the time line – what do we know that is factual -  and what I try to bring you guys are things we know – proven factual things that have happened or are happening

Now when is the release of the toll free number going to come out? That I can’t tell you definitively - I’ve been given estimates of when but I don’t have a time frame – and you know what?  When I get certain times to expect it guess what??  It has never happened that way -EVER

So the smartest thing to do is probably disregard time frames --  disregard the time frame for the toll free number to come out  because they don’t want  us to know when it’s coming out – They don’t want us to know – so it’s probably better that we don’t even worry about it  - right?

So here’s what we do know – this is what’s happened -  I told you that the Tier 3’s which were formally a portion were 4A’s  - the Tier 3’s were completed this morning by 3 AM

From 3 AM to 9 AM we went on a higher security alert – we went to the highest security we could go to probably since Pearl Harbor -- Maybe more that Pearl Harbor

But now we are in the situation where the Pentagon and specifically the Army is in the control of the release of everything ok in conjunction with America’s going back to the Constitutional Republic that we were when we set it up originally

Now here’s the thing that matters;  okay, as of 9 o’clock this morning (Thursday) we’re all set from the security point of view  that’s good - since that time - since 9 this morning and all the way through now   the way until … I’m going to say approximately 9 tomorrow morning 24 hrs -  we are in what’s called a group clarification – this is simply a term that’s used to make sure that there’s no cross over between  tiers 1 – 2 and 3  and our Tier 4 –

Group clarification – what they do is match up the information they have on group participants in the past and 1,2 and 3 tiers all the way with the people they have information on  which is us – they have our social’s – they have our contact information  / phone numbers / they have emails –

They have a lot of information and they know, they know based on the currencies that we bought – generally speaking what we have – And all of that is being crossed checked and compared over the next 8-10 hours – maybe 12 hrs

So, that is what’s going on now – then what happens?  Okay we got one more – Prosperity packages for the most part have been vetted already - Prosperity package holders that will receive these funds have already been checked out

However in the last year,  or more,  they have added  in addition to those over 1700 people to those which need to be vetted – they need to be vetted – some thought that some might not be legit – not legitimate US citizens – So that has to be gone through with a fine tooth comb as well   

Now what happens after that? It’s hard to say but I believe that would take place tomorrow (Fri) after 9 AM and shortly thereafter – I don’t know if it will be done by tomorrow – it could be  but we don’t know yet

The point is that’s the one more thing at this point – the one more thing that has to be done

Now, I feel good about the security level – I feel good about the Group Clarification process - I feel good about making sure that the people who are going to receive these Prosperity packages are legitimate – and we know obviously there’s continuing clean up on isle 3 throughout the country and I don’t look for that to be over any time soon

So where do we stand with the possibility of getting these 800 numbers or toll free numbers?   Is tomorrow possible? I think late tomorrow might be possible – I’m guessing – I don’t know -- guys, I don’t know – I think Saturday is a better option -- and may still be in the cards to go Saturday

I am still hoping we get notification tomorrow afternoon and we start on Saturday – it’s only what my desire is – but I don’t know that - and I have not had information  to suggest that is exactly what’s going to happen – But I’ve wanted to give you things that we definitely knew were happening – These are facts – these are things we can speak about—but  we know that the Tier 4 – our group -  is the one with  privately negotiable rates -- 

Alright now - Beyond that – I think that is probably the majority of everything -- all the rates are solid on the front screens -- I know that the redemptions center staff has been on sort of medium personnel  not overloaded -- not super stocked with people ready to start yet –

I really think guys we are going to get a little bit more information and maybe we find out something else  but this being Thursday – we won’t have another call until Tuesday  - if we have one then -- because we are looking for something to take place in the next few days

So, do they want this done now, before Thanksgiving?  And No, I have not heard anything about Monday or Tuesday yet -- there’s nothing that takes us there yet -- so just be at faith for this right now

I believe that our President wants this released and I believe he’s got something locked up with China as far as a deal – whether a trade deal or not – I don’t know but I believe he wants this to go and I think he wants it to go now -- I don’t think it will be tonight but it could be tomorrow and it sure could be on Saturday

So that’s as far as we can take it for intel right now you know what I know  so let’s see where it goes

So I am just going to thank everybody Sue, Bob ,  So lets me say you guys -  let’s see where this thing goes in the next couple pf days cause finally I think we have arrived – I want to thank all the listeners who have hung in there  - cause I know it’s not easy guys –

I’m in this day in and day out 24x7 – and I understand what a lot of you are going through – believe me I relate to it but – look at it this way  we are right there at the end and the finish line is set before us and we have to finish the race – So let’s finish strong let’s finish hard and let’s pray ourselves out   Good night everybody and have a great night

Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link – Intel begins at 57:00 min mark

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