Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20

Awake -in-3D: Iraq’s Economic Ability to RV their Currency is Impossible Today

Iraq’s Economic Ability to RV their Currency is Impossible Today

On July 3, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

We are told that Iraq is ready to RV, almost daily, out there in Dinar Land. Yet, when we examine Iraq’s current economic situation, it becomes clear that there is no logical or mathematical process that supports these frequent claims. Let’s take a look at the facts and see where they lead us.

Iraq’s Current Economy (May/June 2023 Reporting)

  • GDP:  US$264 Billion

  • Oil Exports:  100 million barrels/month

  • Oil Revenues:  US$7 Billion/month

  • Current Oil Price:  US$70 per barrel

  • M2 Money Supply:  173 Trillion IQD

  • FX Reserves:  143 Trillion IQD

  • Current Exchange Rate:  1310 IQD per 1.00 US dollar

Iraq’s Economic Ability to RV their Currency is Impossible Today

On July 3, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

We are told that Iraq is ready to RV, almost daily, out there in Dinar Land. Yet, when we examine Iraq’s current economic situation, it becomes clear that there is no logical or mathematical process that supports these frequent claims. Let’s take a look at the facts and see where they lead us.

Iraq’s Current Economy (May/June 2023 Reporting)

  • GDP:  US$264 Billion

  • Oil Exports:  100 million barrels/month

  • Oil Revenues:  US$7 Billion/month

  • Current Oil Price:  US$70 per barrel

  • M2 Money Supply:  173 Trillion IQD

  • FX Reserves:  143 Trillion IQD

  • Current Exchange Rate:  1310 IQD per 1.00 US dollar

M2 Money Supply is the measure of IQD held inside the country of Iraq including cash on hand and in Iraqi bank account deposits. It is not a measure of IQD held outside of Iraq (the notes we all have).

What if Iraq RV’s their Currency Tomorrow?

Let’s assume that we are all holding 5 Trillion IQD collectively in Dinar Land. If Iraq were to RV the IQD at $1.00 per IQD tomorrow, and we all decided to exchange at that rate, the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) would need 5 Trillion US dollars (or Euros, GBP, etc.) to cover those exchanges.

5 Trillion IQD x $1.00 = $5 Trillion to cover our exchanges.

Iraq’s entire GDP is only US$264 billion per year and they cannot just print or create other global currencies out of thin air to pay for our exchanges in our local currencies. Even if Iraq came out and declared that one IQD is now worth one US dollar, no Central Bank or Forex Platform in the world would recognize that new rate, much less cover IQD exchanges at that rate for any of us. The economic math doesn’t come close to justifying this newly “declared” exchange rate.

The simple fact is, Iraq’s economy would have to be 20 times larger than it is just to pay for our exchanges, much less cover their national operating expenses. By comparison, the United State’s GDP is over 76 times larger than Iraq’s GDP while the European Union’s GDP is over 64 times larger than Iraq’s.

What if Iraq Re-denominates (drops 3 zeros) the IQD Tomorrow?

If Iraq RD’s tomorrow, it would not be good for us international IQD holders under any scenario. Let’s assume that Iraq implements a new series of IQD notes without the 3 zeros. This means that the current 25,000 IQD note would be replaced by a new 25 IQD note.

As foreign holders of the old IQD notes, we would all have to trade in our 25,000 IQD notes for the new 25 IQD notes. This assumes that the Iraqi government would even allow foreigners outside of Iraq to trade in their old IQD notes – they most likely would not allow this to happen. But for this example, let’s assume that we are allowed to trade in our old notes at our local banks.

Now that we have the new 25 IQD notes, let’s also assume that the CBI revalues the new IQD notes a one-to-one for the US dollar. This means that we will receive $25.00 for one 25 IQD note. Furthermore, following the same math as above, the CBI would now only need US$5 Billion to cover our exchanges. This scenario is plausible since Iraq’s economy can afford this exchange rate with the new, lower denomination IQD notes.

5 Trillion in old IQD notes = 5 Billion in new IQD notes (deleting 3 zeros)

5 Billion new IQD x $1.00 = $5 billion in the new exchange rate

Clearly, this is not the IQD RV exchange scenario any of us want.

Bottom Line

Without the off-ledger gold deployed to collateralize and back the IQD (Our GCR), there is no possible way that we will benefit from any non-GCR revaluation or redenomination of the IQD. Without Our GCR fully released globally, Iraq cannot support an RV at $1.00, much less $3.00 or higher.

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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Awake-In-3D:  GCR Fast Lane: A Likely Merger Between BRICS and The SCO


GCR Fast Lane: A Likely Merger Between BRICS and The SCO

On July 2, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

Rather than posting endless, random news articles that leave you guessing about their relevance to Our GCR, I prefer to research global, real-world financial news and then break it all down with contextual meaning to Our GCR and its forthcoming reality. I endeavor to also provide the details in my articles that ground and support my GCR reports. My goal has always been to provide unique and thought-provoking content. The following is based on my latest research.


GCR Fast Lane: A Likely Merger Between BRICS and The SCO

On July 2, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

Rather than posting endless, random news articles that leave you guessing about their relevance to Our GCR, I prefer to research global, real-world financial news and then break it all down with contextual meaning to Our GCR and its forthcoming reality. I endeavor to also provide the details in my articles that ground and support my GCR reports. My goal has always been to provide unique and thought-provoking content. The following is based on my latest research.

A Continuing Backdrop to Bring Our GCR into Reality

We cannot ignore what’s happening in geoeconomics outside of the G7 Western world and its profound implications for Our GCR. The likely convergence of BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), along with the launch of a gold-backed cross-border currency, has the potential to trigger a global monetary system alternative to the US Dollar fiat system.

A BRICS and SCO merger, or strategic alliance, combined with an expanding BRICS+ membership and the widespread interest in joining, sets the stage for a transformative Global Currency Reset. As the world watches these developments unfold, the existing financial order may face unprecedented challenges, paving the way for a new era of international finance and a re-balancing of global economic power.

As we anxiously await the upcoming BRICS Summit in Johannesburg this August, rumors suggest that a groundbreaking announcement regarding a new trade settlement currency is on the horizon. This bold move, which could potentially challenge the dominance of the US dollar, aims to establish a transnational trade currency for BRICS, the SCO, and the Eurasian Economic Union.

By avoiding the constraints of individual member states’ interests, this currency would ensure a balanced reserve status. While the initial announcement may not explicitly mention gold, speculation abounds that tying the new currency to this precious metal is the most practical strategy. Brace yourself as we delve into the details and implications of this potential game-changer.

The Path to a New Currency

  • Preliminary Announcement: The upcoming BRICS Summit may witness the preliminary announcement of the new trade settlement currency, but it’s unlikely to delve into the specifics of gold-backed plans at this stage.

  • Designing the Currency: Expanding on the existing committee of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), it would be logical for China to play a more direct role in designing the currency. This collaborative effort would facilitate tying the currency to multiple commodities and national interests, with gold being a prominent candidate.

Expanding BRICS Membership

  • Diverse Political Interests: The Johannesburg summit highlights an increasing wave of nations seeking BRICS membership. However, agreement from the existing members may not come easily due to their diverse political interests. China and Russia might need to exert influence or establish a separate membership category, such as associates, to accommodate new applicants.

  • Growing Interest: Formal applications have been submitted by Algeria, Argentina, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Additionally, numerous nations including France, Afghanistan, Belarus, Comoros, Cuba, Congo, Gabon, and more have expressed an interest. In total, an expanded BRICS could encompass 35 nations, representing 64% of the world’s population and 33% of global GDP.

The French Factor

Macron’s Expression of Interest: President Macron’s reported application to attend the Johannesburg summit, though denied, sends a strong message of France’s desire to break away from the American line. Notably, French conglomerate TotalEnergies’ recent sale of LNG to China in yuan instead of dollars further signals France’s independence from petrodollars.

The SCO-BRICS Merger

  • China and Russia’s Advantages: Integrating the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) with BRICS would provide China and Russia significant advantages. This collaboration would establish a trade bloc far surpassing the US and EU in size and scope, potentially leading to an EU schism and strengthening Asian hegemony. Moreover, it would render Western sanctions futile and allow for complete independence from the dollar and fiat currencies.

  • Military and Intelligence Cooperation: Merging the SCO and BRICS would also facilitate military and intelligence cooperation in combating terrorism, drawing on the lessons learned from the Middle East conflict. The region’s peace was restored after Saudi Arabia aligned with China, influencing US policies.

Nations that have formally Applied for BRICS Membership

  1. Algeria

  2. Argentina

  3. Bahrain

  4. Bangladesh

  5. Egypt

  6. Indonesia

  7. Iran

  8. Saudi Arabia

  9. United Arab Emirates

Nations that have expressed Interest in Joining BRICS

  1. Afghanistan

  2. Belarus

  3. Comoros

  4. Cuba

  5. Congo

  6. Gabon

  7. Guinea-Bissau

  8. Honduras

  9. Kazakhstan

  10. Nicaragua

  11. Nigeria

  12. Pakistan

  13. Senegal

  14. Sudan

  15. Syria

  16. Thailand

  17. Tunisia

  18. Turkey

  19. Uruguay

  20. Venezuela

  21. Zimbabwe

Note that Iraq is absent from the above lists which likely indicates their continued domination by the United States and also their ongoing economic instability. It is also interesting the Kuwait is not on the list either given that Iraq and Kuwait are the only two OPEC member nations not pivoting towards BRICS+ participation.

Will this be a Potential Trigger for Our GCR?

The convergence of the BRICS and SCO alliances, coupled with the potential launch of a gold-backed cross-border currency, presents a compelling case for the establishment of a global monetary system alternative to the US Dollar and sets the stage for a true Global Currency Reset (Our GCR).

The following factors contribute to this argument:

  1. BRICS Expansion and Interest: The interest expressed by numerous nations, including formal applications from Algeria, Argentina, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, showcases the growing appeal and relevance of the BRICS alliance. With an expanded membership, encompassing a significant portion of the world’s population and GDP, BRICS is poised to challenge the existing financial order.

  2. SCO as a Catalyst: The inclusion of SCO member states and observer nations among the BRICS applicants highlights a coordinated effort to merge or integrate these two alliances. China and Russia, the driving forces behind BRICS and key SCO members, stand to benefit from integrating the two organizations. This collaboration would establish a massive trade bloc that transcends the size and influence of the US and EU, potentially triggering an EU schism and strengthening Asian economic dominance.

  3. Gold-Backed Currency: The potential launch of a gold-backed cross-border currency, primarily tied to the interests of multiple nations, signifies a fundamental shift away from the US Dollar fiat system. Gold, a historically recognized store of value, provides stability and mitigates the risks associated with currency manipulation. By pegging the new currency to gold, BRICS and SCO members aim to establish a credible alternative to the existing monetary system.

  4. Global Currency Reset (GCR): The combination of a unified BRICS-SCO alliance and the introduction of a gold-backed currency lays the groundwork for a broader Global Currency Reset – including the United States and the European Union. This reset would involve a revaluation of currencies, potentially leading to a realignment of global economic power and a redistribution of wealth. The GCR has been a topic of speculation and discussion, and the convergence of BRICS and SCO initiatives could serve as a catalyst for its worldwide implementation.


As the date of the BRICS Summit draws near, the anticipation for a groundbreaking announcement regarding a new gold-backed trade settlement currency intensifies. The expansion of BRICS membership, a potential SCO-BRICS merger, and the looming threat to the dollar’s dominance all contribute to the significance of this upcoming event. As the world watches, the balance of power in global markets could undergo a seismic shift, forever altering the landscape of international finance and trade.

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Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20

Awake-In-3D FedNow Unleashed: A Sinister Creation in the Shadows of Our Financial Freedom


FedNow Unleashed: A Sinister Creation in the Shadows of Our Financial Freedom

On  July 1, 2023  By  Awake-In-3D

The more I research FedNow the deeper my concerns become regarding the Federal Reserve’s latest creation. FedNow, the real-time payment system to be released later this month, may appear to be a technological marvel, but beneath its shiny exterior lies a sinister truth. We should question everything we think we know about financial privacy, individual liberties, and the potential dangers of a programmable financial system. Allow me to expose the alarming truth behind FedNow’s looming presence.


FedNow Unleashed: A Sinister Creation in the Shadows of Our Financial Freedom

On  July 1, 2023  By  Awake-In-3D

The more I research FedNow the deeper my concerns become regarding the Federal Reserve’s latest creation. FedNow, the real-time payment system to be released later this month, may appear to be a technological marvel, but beneath its shiny exterior lies a sinister truth. We should question everything we think we know about financial privacy, individual liberties, and the potential dangers of a programmable financial system. Allow me to expose the alarming truth behind FedNow’s looming presence.

Key Topics in this Article

  • FedNow: A revolution in constant real-time financial transactions

  • Concerns about financial privacy and oversight

  • QR codes as allies for rapid payment systems and CBDCs

  • FedNow as a programmable financial system

  • Safeguarding personal financial freedom in the face of FedNow

FedNow: A Pandora’s Box of Control

In a world where personal financial freedom is already under threat, a new player is emerging on the scene, ready to take control of our monetary exchanges. It goes by the name of FedNow, a real-time payment system developed by the U.S Federal Reserve. While some may see it as a revolutionary approach to banking, others are sounding the alarm bells, warning of its potential dangers. In this article, I delve into the depths of FedNow and uncover the truth behind its true intentions. It may leave you questioning the very foundations of your future financial privacy and individual liberties.

FedNow is not just another payment mechanism; it is a game-changer. The vision painted by its creators is one of constant real-time transfers, where money moves seamlessly between accounts in a matter of seconds. The implications of such a system are staggering, but what lies beneath the surface? It is no secret that the Federal Reserve has been working on FedNow since 2013, and the more I dig, the more I uncover a web of control and surveillance.

Transaction-level reporting, a feature made possible by FedNow, raises serious concerns about financial privacy. As the system tracks every transaction with meticulous precision, one can’t help but wonder: are we sacrificing our privacy for the sake of convenience? The absence of clear guidelines regarding privacy protection in FedNow only adds to the growing unease. Could it be that the Federal Reserve has a hidden agenda, one that involves complete oversight of our banking transactions? The line between conspiracy theory and chilling reality becomes increasingly blurred.

QR Codes: A Trojan Horse for Control

Enter the world of QR codes, the seemingly innocent symbols that have permeated our daily lives. Little do we know that these codes are the key to unlocking a future of swift transactions and, more importantly, the gateway to Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs).

QR codes have become the perfect allies for financial moguls, offering a seamless solution for rapid payment systems. But their compatibility with CBDCs is what truly sets them apart. As we move towards a digital currency era, QR codes emerge as the Trojan Horse, facilitating the transition and making control easier than ever before.

The Rise of a Programmable Financial System

FedNow is not just about payments; it is about redefining the very nature of our monetary exchanges. With the power to program and control transactions, the Federal Reserve holds the keys to our financial future. The intricate details of this system must be understood to safeguard our financial transactions and protect ourselves from becoming pawns in a larger game.

Conclusion: Safeguarding Our Liberties

In a world where personal freedom is already under siege, the emergence of FedNow raises significant concerns. The potential loss of financial privacy and the consolidation of power in the hands of the Federal Reserve are dangers that cannot be ignored. As individuals, it is our responsibility to stay informed and aware of the forces that seek to control us. The road ahead may be paved with uncertainty, but by understanding the implications of FedNow, we can navigate the treacherous waters and preserve our personal financial freedom.

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Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20

Awake-In-3D: The Biggest Monetary Shock in 52 Years is Coming 6-30-2023


The Biggest Monetary Shock in 52 Years is Coming

On June 29, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

The BRICS+ countries are on the verge of announcing a new currency linked to gold, which could trigger a global currency reset and mark the end of the US dollar’s reign as the exclusive global reserve currency. This move is expected to have far-reaching consequences for the international financial system, causing shockwaves that the world is unprepared for.

With gold prices being manipulated and the potential volatility of a gold-backed currency, questions arise about the stability and viability of such a system. However, the BRICS+ currency’s value will be determined by the price of gold, and China and Russia are likely to play a pivotal role in influencing the dollar price of gold to increase the value of their currency and undermine the US dollar.

The implications for investors and the long-term impact on exchange rates and capital markets remain uncertain.


The Biggest Monetary Shock in 52 Years is Coming

On June 29, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

The BRICS+ countries are on the verge of announcing a new currency linked to gold, which could trigger a global currency reset and mark the end of the US dollar’s reign as the exclusive global reserve currency. This move is expected to have far-reaching consequences for the international financial system, causing shockwaves that the world is unprepared for.

With gold prices being manipulated and the potential volatility of a gold-backed currency, questions arise about the stability and viability of such a system. However, the BRICS+ currency’s value will be determined by the price of gold, and China and Russia are likely to play a pivotal role in influencing the dollar price of gold to increase the value of their currency and undermine the US dollar.

The implications for investors and the long-term impact on exchange rates and capital markets remain uncertain.

I am summarizing a recent article written by Jim Rickards. He is an American lawyer, economist, and investment banker with 40 years of experience working in capital markets on Wall Street.

The article discusses the upcoming announcement of a new currency by the BRICS+ countries, which could have significant implications for the global financial system and the US dollar. The new currency is likely to be linked to gold, leveraging the gold reserves of BRICS members Russia and China. This move could potentially lead to a global currency reset, with the end of the US dollar as the exclusive global reserve currency and the rise of a gold-backed monetary system.

The article argues that the dollar’s strength should be measured in gold, as gold is not a central bank currency. The author highlights the manipulation of gold prices in the paper gold market, emphasizing the need for a fixed price for gold in a gold-backed currency. The potential volatility of gold as a currency is discussed, along with the US government’s possible motivation to sabotage a rival currency bloc.

The article concludes that the value of the new BRICS+ currency will be determined by the price of gold, with China and Russia likely to influence the dollar price of gold to increase the value of their currency and undermine the US dollar.

Key Points from the Article:

  • The BRICS+ countries are set to announce the creation of a new currency linked to gold.

  • Russia and China, the two largest gold producers in the world, have significant gold reserves.

  • Gold prices are subject to manipulation, supported by statistical evidence and expert testimony.

  • The author suggests that a gold-backed currency would require a fixed price for gold to ensure stability.

  • The BRICS+ currency will be valued in units of gold by weight, with a fixed value in gold.

  • The value of the new currency will fluctuate based on the dollar price of gold.

  • China and Russia are expected to have significant influence over the dollar price of gold and the value of the new currency.

  • The collapse of the dollar, measured in gold or the BRICS currency, could lead to inflation and a loss of purchasing power.

Original article link:

Website: Ai3D GCR RealTimeNews | Telegram: GCR_RealTimeNews | Twitter: @Real_AwakeIn3D

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Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20

Awake-In-3D: The Intersection of FedNow, SOFR, Basel III, and CBDCs. 6-29-2023


The Intersection of FedNow, SOFR, Basel III, and CBDCs: Unveiling the Fed’s Real-Time Control of the Financial System – Is This Our GCR?

On June 29, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

I would be untruthful if I said I knew where all of this is going…

I am not ready to speculate and claim that all of these changes to the Financial System indicate that Our GCR is about to be unveiled. The convergence of FedNow, SOFR, Basel III, and CBDCs marks a significant transformation in the financial system, granting the Federal Reserve real-time control over the economy, including private citizens. How do these interconnected changes shape the future of monetary policy and regulation?

On June 21st of this year, Fed Chair Jerome Powell addressed Congress and the House Financial Services Committee, navigating the complexities of monetary policy, regulation, and capital requirements amidst the impending launch of FedNow, the digital dollar system.


The Intersection of FedNow, SOFR, Basel III, and CBDCs: Unveiling the Fed’s Real-Time Control of the Financial System – Is This Our GCR?

On June 29, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

I would be untruthful if I said I knew where all of this is going…

I am not ready to speculate and claim that all of these changes to the Financial System indicate that Our GCR is about to be unveiled. The convergence of FedNow, SOFR, Basel III, and CBDCs marks a significant transformation in the financial system, granting the Federal Reserve real-time control over the economy, including private citizens. How do these interconnected changes shape the future of monetary policy and regulation?

On June 21st of this year, Fed Chair Jerome Powell addressed Congress and the House Financial Services Committee, navigating the complexities of monetary policy, regulation, and capital requirements amidst the impending launch of FedNow, the digital dollar system.

Let’s break down the profound implications of the inter-connectedness between FedNow, SOFR, Basel III, and CBDCs, unraveling the Federal Reserve’s ability to exercise real-time control over the financial system and the real economy, extending its influence to private U.S. citizens.

The New Dollar: FedNow & USTs, Not Retail CBDCs

The digitization of the dollar has been underway for some time, with platforms like Zelle and Venmo facilitating transactions in retail accounts. However, the underlying mechanisms for transferring Treasuries and reserve assets have remained antiquated. While retail stablecoins operate on centralized banker rails or Ethereum-based ERC-20 tokens, U.S. Treasuries remain the world reserve asset. These bonds, issued by the U.S. Treasury and sold to the private sector, incentivize the creation of dollars based on yields determined by the Federal Reserve’s federal funding rate. Concerns over surveillance and currency seizure have hindered the adoption of retail CBDCs, yet the existing financial surveillance by banks and their power to censor and expose retail to counterparty risk often goes unnoticed. The digitization of currency and reliance on centralized payment rails enable these actions, but the interbank communication network for asset trades has been slow and inefficient—until now.

FedNow: A Digital Lever for Real-Time Control

FedNow, set to launch next month, serves a multitude of purposes, but its most crucial function is to provide the Federal Reserve with a highly efficient lever for 365/24/7 control over overnight banking rates, such as SOFR.

This control enables the Fed to influence the cost of borrowing short-term liquidity between fractionalized private banks, ensuring they can meet depositors’ withdrawal demands. Through reverse repo agreements, banks lend cash to each other, collateralized by assets such as U.S. Treasuries. FedNow, facilitated by the internet, grants the Federal Reserve centralized control over the overnight rate for borrowing dollars and the seamless transfer of Treasuries between banks.

This initiative aims to bring dollar-denominated activities back to the United States from the Eurodollar market, placing them under the purview of the Fed and the Treasury.

Private-Entity Dollar Issuance – No CBDC for Public/Retail Use

Jerome Powell emphasized the Federal Reserve’s opposition to central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) for individuals, proposing that any CBDC should be intermediated by banks. Last fall, following FTX’s collapse, the NY Fed launched a digital dollar pilot program involving major banks and cooperating with SWIFT. Notably, BNY Mellon, the largest U.S. bank, holds Treasuries for the popular stablecoin USDC, and PNC Bank, a former owner of BlackRock, filed for a spot Bitcoin ETF. The SEC’s actions against Binance and Coinbase have reshaped the stablecoin landscape. Powell acknowledged stablecoins as a form of money, asserting the need for a robust federal role in their regulation. The U.S. government’s direct policy influence and regulatory oversight extend to offshore dollar creation, selectively choosing entities empowered to issue digital dollars.

Basel III: A Capital Requirement Amplifying Dollar Demand

As American banks embrace digital assets and stablecoins, ensuring on-sheet liquidity becomes vital. Basel III proposes that any bank holding bitcoin or other digital assets must also hold an equivalent value of dollars. This international capital requirement creates a net demand for dollars within the U.S. banking system, even in a high inflationary environment. To offset inflationary effects through alternative reserve assets like bitcoin, banks and investment vehicles would need to increase their dollar liabilities. The interplay between bitcoin and the dollar mirrors the petro-dollar system, as the Fed and SEC focus on regional banks and stablecoin issuers. Basel III ensures a permanent demand for dollars, even in a scenario of “hyperbitcoinization.” While specifics on capital requirements remain forthcoming, proposals are expected later this summer.

BlackRock ETF: Institutional Adoption and Digital Dollar Creation

BlackRock’s recent application filing for a bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) has ignited a flurry of filings from other institutional asset managers. With a track record of success in ETF approvals, BlackRock’s involvement signals a potential increase in digital dollar creation and the purchasing power of bitcoin as a reserve asset. The disclosure in BlackRock’s filing indicates the use of Coinbase for bitcoin custody and an affiliate’s equity interest in the issuer of USDC. The SEC’s shift hints at a significant shift in regulatory treatment, potentially bolstering the adoption of digital dollars. As the most influential investment firm and banking entity, BlackRock and Bank of New York Mellon’s actions have far-reaching implications, while the Fed and SEC hold substantial power over the global economy.

The Financial System Is Changing Dramatically in Real Time! It Is Unprecedented. Is This Our GCR Or Not?

The convergence of FedNow, SOFR, Basel III, and CBDCs signifies a paradigm shift in the financial system, endowing the Federal Reserve with real-time control over the economy, including private U.S. citizens. Through the seamless operation of FedNow, the centralization of overnight banking rates, the manipulation of dollar liquidity, and the imposition of capital requirements, the Federal Reserve gains unprecedented influence. As institutional adoption gains momentum, the future unfolds with a transformed financial landscape, driven by interconnected systems that redefine the relationship between monetary policy, private banks, and the real economy.

Based on the information above, it is not accurate to speculate that these combined changes in the financial system are setting up a digital US Dollar backed by gold, bitcoin, and other commodities.

While there are ongoing discussions and developments in the realm of digital currencies, including central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), it is important to note that the information available does not suggest a direct link between the changes mentioned and the establishment of a digital US Dollar backed by gold, bitcoin, and other commodities.

The changes mentioned primarily revolve around the digitization of the financial system, real-time control mechanisms, interbank communication networks, regulatory oversight, and capital requirements. These changes aim to enhance efficiency, improve monetary policy tools, and provide greater oversight and control over the financial system.

While certain institutions and entities may be exploring the use of digital assets like bitcoin and stablecoins, and there are discussions around the role of gold and other commodities in the financial system, it is not clear from the information provided that these changes are specifically leading to a digital US Dollar backed by these assets.

It’s important to approach speculation with caution and rely on concrete evidence to form accurate conclusions about the direction of the financial system.

The Rise of a New Petro-Dollar Alternative?

The reference to the Fed creating a new alternative to the petro dollar suggests a potential parallel between the petro-dollar system and the evolving financial landscape. The petro-dollar system, which emerged after the closure of the gold window, involved the U.S. pegging its inflating dollar to the demand for oil, essentially making oil transactions reliant on U.S. dollars.

In the context of the information provided, it is implied that the changes in the financial system, such as the increased demand for dollars through Basel III regulations and the potential influence of stablecoins, could create a similar dynamic. This would mean that the digital dollar could become a widely used reserve asset, backed by commodities like gold, bitcoin, and potentially other assets.

However, it’s important to note that the information provided does not explicitly state that the Fed is actively creating a new alternative to the petro dollar. It suggests that the regulatory landscape, along with institutional adoption and the interplay between digital assets and the dollar, may result in a similar effect.

Speculating on the specific outcome and the extent to which these changes will lead to a digital dollar backed by commodities requires careful consideration and further analysis. The evolution of the financial system is complex, and multiple factors can influence its direction.

The Bottom Line is that These Changes Enable Financial System Control Beyond Anything in Modern Economic History

Yes, the digitization tools and changes in the financial system mentioned above have the potential to allow near total control by central banks and governments over the global monetary system. Here’s an analysis of how these tools can contribute to that potential:

  1. FedNow and Real-Time Control: FedNow, as a real-time interbank communication platform, can provide the Federal Reserve with greater control over overnight banking rates and the cost of borrowing short-term liquidity. This control allows central banks to manage liquidity, influence economic conditions, and regulate financial markets more effectively.

  2. Basel III and Capital Requirements: Basel III regulations, particularly the requirement for banks to hold reserves in proportion to their investments in digital assets like bitcoin, can ensure that central banks and governments have increased oversight and influence over the financial system. By linking capital requirements to specific assets, authorities can shape the behavior and risk-taking of financial institutions.

  3. Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs): The rise of CBDCs can enable central banks to have more direct control over monetary policy and financial transactions. With CBDCs, central banks can track and monitor transactions in real time, potentially increasing financial surveillance. Additionally, CBDCs could provide governments with tools for implementing fiscal policies, such as programmable money and targeted stimulus measures.

  4. Intermediation of Digital Currencies: The emphasis on intermediation of digital currencies through banks, as mentioned by Jerome Powell, allows central banks to maintain a degree of control and oversight over the issuance and circulation of digital currencies. This approach ensures that private entities are subject to regulatory frameworks, reducing potential risks associated with direct issuance by central banks.

While these tools have the potential to enhance control over the global monetary system, it is important to note that they also raise concerns regarding privacy, surveillance, and individual financial autonomy. Striking a balance between effective monetary management and preserving individual rights and freedoms remains an ongoing challenge. The extent to which these tools will be utilized and the impact they will have on the global monetary system will depend on various factors, including both public acceptance and international cooperation.

It is going to get very interesting from here on out for sure!

Website: Ai3D GCR RealTimeNews | Telegram: GCR_RealTimeNews | Twitter: @Real_AwakeIn3D

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Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20

Awake-In-3D:  The Truth About the Kuwaiti Currency “RV” in 1991


The Truth About the Kuwaiti Currency “RV” in 1991

On June 27, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

I took the opportunity to research the Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) history both during and after the Iraqi invasion. It was not an easy task. I was surprised to uncover the truth about what really happened to the KWD and how it was not revalued as many people in Dinar Land believe.

The Technical Definition of a Currency Revaluation (RV)

A revaluation is a calculated upward adjustment to a country’s official exchange rate relative to a chosen baseline, such as wage rates, the price of gold, or a foreign currency.

In a fixed exchange rate regime, only a decision by a country’s government, such as its central bank, can alter the official value of the currency. Developing economies are
more likely to use a fixed-rate system in order to limit speculation and provide a stable system.


The Truth About the Kuwaiti Currency “RV” in 1991

On June 27, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

I took the opportunity to research the Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) history both during and after the Iraqi invasion. It was not an easy task. I was surprised to uncover the truth about what really happened to the KWD and how it was not revalued as many people in Dinar Land believe.

The Technical Definition of a Currency Revaluation (RV)

A revaluation is a calculated upward adjustment to a country’s official exchange rate relative to a chosen baseline, such as wage rates, the price of gold, or a foreign currency.

In a fixed exchange rate regime, only a decision by a country’s government, such as its central bank, can alter the official value of the currency. Developing economies are
more likely to use a fixed-rate system in order to limit speculation and provide a stable system.

A floating rate is the opposite of a fixed rate.

In a floating rate environment, revaluation can occur on a regular basis, as seen by the
observable fluctuations in the foreign currency market and the associated exchange rates.

For example, the U.S. had a fixed exchange rate to gold until 1971 when President Richard Nixon removed the United States from the gold standard and introduced a floating rate system. Furthermore, China’s currency had an internally fixed currency rate until 1995 when they revalued the Yuan, in a hybrid float/peg to the US Dollar in order to “maintain “manage” a low exchange rate to the Dollar to create low export prices of goods made in China.

Black Market Use of KWD

Certainly, the KWD was, and continues to be, the strongest currency in the world, trading at nearly $3.00 to 1 KWD before the Iraqi invasion in 1990. However, after the Iraqi forces invaded and occupied Kuwait, Saddam Hussein outlawed the use of the KWD in the country and declared the Iraqi dinar as the official currency of Kuwait. This meant that any Kuwaiti citizen caught using the KWD could be arrested.

Despite the ban on KWD, it continued to be available, albeit in a limited capacity, to Kuwaiti citizens via the local black market. They did not discard or destroy their KWD notes. The US dollar was also used locally as an intermediate trading currency, and this led to the KWD being sold on the black market for as low as $.05-$.10 per US dollar.

Consequently, United States military personnel, its allies, and private contractors were able to acquire “cheap”, pre-invasion KWD (Series 3 notes) locally during a brief transition period as they expelled Iraqi forces and assisted the reinstatement of the lawful Kuwaiti government.

Kuwait Issued a New Currency Note Series After Liberation from Iraq

After the expulsion of Iraqi forces, the Kuwaiti government released a new fourth series of KWD notes and allowed citizens to turn in their older KWD notes at a one-to-one value of the new KWD notes. This meant that anyone who held the previous KWD series notes, purchased at the black market rate, made a substantial profit when exchanging the old notes for the new ones, which they could then exchange for about $2.95 per KWD.

It is important to note that the KWD was never revalued (RV’d). The international exchange rate of the KWD was never below $2.90 during the crisis according to IMF exchange rate archives. There was no need for economic reforms, such as a currency RV, given that Kuwait has traditionally operated a very stable economy and was not economically sanctioned by international financial institutions or governments.

Misconceptions About the KWD “Revaluation”

It is surprising how the misconception of a Kuwaiti currency RV is so widely accepted. The truth is that Kuwaiti citizens, United States military personnel, its allies, and private contractors all made substantial profits by exchanging old, black market KWD Series 3 notes for new Series 4 notes. This fact is often overlooked when the financial impact of the Iraqi invasion on Kuwait is discussed.

The Gulf War did have an impact on the KWD exchange rate internationally. The Iraqi invasion led to the KWD’s depreciation to about $2.91 per KWD according to official archives by the International Monetary Fund. However, the KWD remained a relatively stable currency throughout the crisis and continued to be a valuable currency after the liberation of Kuwait.

The table below provides a summary of the KWD exchange rate from 1986 to 1995. It shows that at no point did any “Kuwaiti RV” or a substantial change in value or correction take place. The KWD did not fluctuate internationally in value by more than about 4% from Series 3 notes in pre-war 1989 to Series 5 notes in 1995.

Official IMF KWD Exchange Rates from 1989 to 1995:

Year USD/KWD Exchange Rate

1989 (Series 3 notes in circulation) $2.94

1990 (Iraqi invasion) $2.91

1991 (Kuwait liberated and Series 4 notes issued) $2.89

1992 $2.93

1993 $3.01

1994 $2.98

1995 (Series 5 notes issued) $2.98


The data above shows that the KWD exchange rate did not fluctuate significantly during the Gulf War crisis. The international exchange rate of the KWD was never below $2.90 during the crisis. After the liberation of Kuwait, the Kuwaiti government released a new fourth series of KWD notes and allowed citizens and foreign personnel to exchange old KWD notes for new ones at a one-to-one value. The KWD remained a stable currency throughout the crisis and continued to be a valuable currency after the liberation of Kuwait.

My research into the Kuwaiti Dinar both during and after the Iraqi invasion revealed that it was never revalued as widely reported. Instead, the Kuwaiti government reissued its currency notes, allowing the old notes to be exchanged for the new notes at a one-to-one value locally. A very low, black market rate of KWD to US dollar, allowed many individuals to make substantial profits when exchanging the old, low priced notes for new notes at the prevailing high exchange rate.

Awake-In-3D | GCR RealTimeNews

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Awake-In-3D: The Global Financial System is Being Restructured to Create a New Asset-Backed Currency System


The Global Financial System is Being Restructured to Create a New Asset-Backed Currency System

On June 27, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

The evidence is all around us. We are witnessing a real-time transition towards an orchestrated global currency reset (GCR) as the world’s financial system is being restructured to create a new asset-backed currency system. But is this Our GCR or the final phase of total Elitist control? In the later scenario, resistance is never futile!

New Monetary and Currency Activities on a Global Scale

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development advocated abandoning the U.S. dollar as the primary reserve currency, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is now working on a platform for central bank digital currencies to enable instant, 24/7 transactions between countries. These are specifically Project Ice-breaker and the UniCoin Universal Monetary Unit (see links below for details).


The Global Financial System is Being Restructured to Create a New Asset-Backed Currency System

On June 27, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

The evidence is all around us. We are witnessing a real-time transition towards an orchestrated global currency reset (GCR) as the world’s financial system is being restructured to create a new asset-backed currency system. But is this Our GCR or the final phase of total Elitist control? In the later scenario, resistance is never futile!

New Monetary and Currency Activities on a Global Scale

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development advocated abandoning the U.S. dollar as the primary reserve currency, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is now working on a platform for central bank digital currencies to enable instant, 24/7 transactions between countries. These are specifically Project Ice-breaker and the UniCoin Universal Monetary Unit (see links below for details).

With the new reserve currency expected to be backed with gold and other assets with intrinsic value, it is safe to say that hard money is coming back into the equation in the global financial system – in one form or another. Every Central Bank and country on earth know that the Global Fiat Currency experiment is coming to its logical conclusion as it collapses in on itself under mountains of unsustainable public and private debt. Of course, the BRICS has it’s plans for a new currency system as well.

As I have previously stated, the world is moving towards a global currency reset, and it seems like we are closer to that reality than ever before. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development’s report in 2010 advocated for a global reserve system based on a “basket” of currencies, which would create a more stable and predictable international monetary system. This was the catalyst for what we termed Our GCR over 13 years ago. A currency and monetary system reset beyond the RV of a few currencies and historical bonds.

Today, we are witnessing the swift development of central bank digital currencies as central banks stockpile gold at an unprecedented pace.

Asset-backed CBDCs and SDRs?

One hundred fourteen countries, representing 95% of global GDP, are exploring a CBDC. The International Monetary Fund is working on a PLATFORM for central bank digital currencies to enable transactions between countries, stressing that CBDCs should be backed by assets. This is an indication that the current financial system is reorganizing and moving towards a new asset-backed currency system.

The International Monetary Fund recently made $100 billion in Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) accessible to vulnerable countries. As countries worldwide experience debt issues, the dollar’s strength has been crushing many countries economically, leading to internal unrest. The United States has been exporting inflation worldwide, forcing numerous countries to deplete their foreign-exchange reserves. Some countries, such as Pakistan and Egypt, have even resorted to barter in desperation due to the economy beginning to break down.

The upcoming BRICS summit in August is expected to centre around the new reserve currency the trading block has been working on. The BRICS group is already advocating for utilizing local currencies in global trade, and the upcoming reserve currency could be a way for nations to navigate and protect themselves from sanctions. With the new reserve currency expected to be backed with gold and other metals with intrinsic value, it is safe to say that hard money is coming back into the equation in the global financial system.

Janet Yellen warned a few weeks ago that there would be a “slow decline” in the U.S. dollar as the global reserve currency. The greenback’s share in global reserves dropped last year at ten times the average speed of the past two decades. That does not seem like a slow decline. That seems dramatic. It is safe to say that the United States is aware of this situation, even though they will never telegraph it in a big way.

Good Guy or Bad Guy Reset

As the world moves towards a new asset-backed currency system, it will be interesting to see how the Western world adapts to these changes. It is time to embrace hard money and move away from fiat currencies. The global financial system is being restructured, and change is inevitable. It is time to focus on gold, as it will eventually crush the dollar. Time is on the side of gold, and we must prepare ourselves for an inevitable global currency and monetary system reset in one form or another.

The question remains, is this the architecture for Our GCR, or is it all part of the Elitist Bankster financial system reset? Honestly, it can go either way at this time. The new infrastructure being laid is simply a tool. Those who wield this new tool will determine its ultimate purpose. Will it be used to liberate humanity from financial debt enslavement? Or, will it further tighten the noose of total control under a new, global world order of programmable currencies utilized to enforce compliance with the policies of the few onto the lives of the many?

We must be prepared to act if things go the wrong way. The choice will ultimately be ours to make. Resistance is NOT futile…

Reference Links: BIS Project Ice-Breaker | IMF UniCoin Universal Monetary Unit

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Awake-In-3D: China and Russia are Leading BRICS Alliance to Introduce a Gold-Backed Currency: Can it Challenge the US Dollar?


China and Russia are Leading BRICS Alliance to Introduce a Gold-Backed Currency: Can it Challenge the US Dollar?

On June 22, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

What You Need to Know

As a precursor to Our GCR, the global financial landscape is witnessing a tectonic shift as nations increasingly turn away from the US dollar and seek alternatives that offer stability and trust. China and Russia, recognizing the erosion of faith in the US currency, are strategically positioning themselves within the BRICS Alliance to introduce a new gold-backed currency.

Below, I break this complex situation down into an easy-to-understand format. I discuss the rising trend away from the US dollar, the growing role of China’s yuan, the significance of gold in international trade, and how the BRICS Alliance could potentially challenge the dominance of the G7 Alliance and the US dollar.


China and Russia are Leading BRICS Alliance to Introduce a Gold-Backed Currency: Can it Challenge the US Dollar?

On June 22, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

What You Need to Know

As a precursor to Our GCR, the global financial landscape is witnessing a tectonic shift as nations increasingly turn away from the US dollar and seek alternatives that offer stability and trust. China and Russia, recognizing the erosion of faith in the US currency, are strategically positioning themselves within the BRICS Alliance to introduce a new gold-backed currency.

Below, I break this complex situation down into an easy-to-understand format. I discuss the rising trend away from the US dollar, the growing role of China’s yuan, the significance of gold in international trade, and how the BRICS Alliance could potentially challenge the dominance of the G7 Alliance and the US dollar.

Key Points:

  1. The erosion of trust in the US dollar and the search for alternatives

  2. China’s expanding influence and the role of the yuan in global trade

  3. The significance of gold as a trusted asset and settlement currency

  4. The strategic positioning of China and Russia within the BRICS Alliance

  5. Potential implications for the G7 Alliance and the future of the US dollar

Key Statistics and Figures:

  • Argentina has doubled its currency swap access to $10 billion, with the swap being in Chinese yuan (CNY) instead of US dollars.

  • Pakistan has signed a deal with Russia to buy crude oil, settling the bill in CNY rather than USD.

  • Global central banks have engaged in record-breaking levels of CNY currency stacking via FX swap lines, with 109 billion yuan stacked by the end of March.

  • Gold discoveries have been shrinking, with no major discoveries since 2019.

  • The US has been increasing interest rates amidst a massive debt bubble, raising concerns about solvency risk and potential dollar debasement.

In today’s global financial landscape, the US dollar’s role as the dominant reserve currency is being increasingly challenged. Nations around the world are seeking alternatives that offer stability, trust, and protection against geopolitical uncertainties. China and Russia, recognizing this paradigm shift, are strategically positioning themselves within the BRICS Alliance to introduce a new gold-backed currency that could challenge the G7 Alliance and the US dollar’s supremacy. This article delves into the underlying factors driving this trend and the potential consequences it may have on the global financial order.

The Erosion of Trust in the US Dollar

The history of bankrupt empires and regimes serves as a cautionary tale, highlighting the dangers of unsustainable fiscal policies and short-sighted political decisions. The Federal Reserve and the United States find themselves at a crossroads, where the choice between saving the system or sacrificing the currency becomes increasingly apparent. As nations witness the consequences of the US weaponizing the world reserve currency through politically motivated sanctions, they are turning away from the US dollar.

China’s Expanding Influence and the Rise of the Yuan

China’s emergence as a global economic powerhouse has been accompanied by a steady increase in its influence and stature. The Chinese yuan (CNY) is gaining prominence as a settlement currency, particularly in energy and real asset deals. Unlike the US dollar, the yuan is not seeking to become the world reserve currency but instead plays a significant role in trade settlement. China’s growing liquidity, established swap lines, and increasing gold reserves demonstrate its determination to shape the future financial order.

The Significance of Gold as a Trusted Asset

In times of financial uncertainty, gold has historically served as a safe haven for nations seeking stability. Unlike fiat currencies, gold has an intrinsic value and limited supply, making it a trusted asset. The abandonment of the gold standard by the US in 1971 marked a turning point, leading to the gradual erosion of trust in the US dollar as a reliable store of value. As demand for gold continues to rise while discoveries shrink, the price of gold is poised to increase, highlighting the importance of this precious metal in the evolving global financial landscape.

China and Russia’s Strategic Positioning within the BRICS Alliance

China and Russia, cognizant of the changing dynamics, are leveraging their positions within the BRICS Alliance to challenge the dominance of the G7 Alliance and the US dollar. The BRICS nations, comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, have been steadily enhancing their economic cooperation and diversifying away from the US dollar. China and Russia’s increasing gold reserves and their focus on strengthening relationships with other nations based on mutual interests and trust provide a solid foundation for the introduction of a new gold-backed currency.

Implications for the G7 Alliance and the Future of the US Dollar

The introduction of a gold-backed currency by the BRICS Alliance, led by China and Russia, poses significant implications for the G7 Alliance and the future of the US dollar as the dominant reserve currency. As nations gradually shift their focus away from the USD and seek alternatives, the US’s solvency risk and dollar debasement become increasingly apparent. The evolving global financial landscape may witness a redistribution of power, where China and Russia’s strategic maneuvering within the BRICS Alliance plays a pivotal role.


The gradual decline in trust and confidence in the US dollar has paved the way for a potential challenge from the BRICS Alliance, led by China and Russia, in the form of a new gold-backed currency. As nations seek stability, trust, and an alternative to the US dollar, the role of the yuan as a settlement currency and the significance of gold as a trusted asset cannot be overlooked. The strategic positioning of China and Russia within the BRICS Alliance indicates a shift in the global financial order and raises questions about the future of the G7 Alliance and the US dollar’s supremacy.

Awake-In-3D | GCR RealTimeNews

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Awake-In-3D: Declassified: DNA Molecule Quantum Computing – QFS Technology Finally Revealed?

Declassified: DNA Molecule Quantum Computing – QFS Technology Finally Revealed?

On June 22, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

Finally! I have been able to review 13-year old, DECLASSIFIED documentation on advanced, developments in quantum computing technology which provides what the QFS is potentially built upon. Unlocking the secrets of DNA-based quantum computing which details disruptive advancements that reshapes data management, computational power, and complex decision-making.

Below I have summarized the details and unparalleled advantages of this groundbreaking technology, where the future of financial systems meet the cutting edge of science.

As we step into the future of the global financial system, specifically Our GCR, one technology has loomed large – The QFS. Or, more accurately, Quantum Financial Data Management Computing.

Declassified: DNA Molecule Quantum Computing – QFS Technology Finally Revealed?

On June 22, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

Finally! I have been able to review 13-year old, DECLASSIFIED documentation on advanced, developments in quantum computing technology which provides what the QFS is potentially built upon. Unlocking the secrets of DNA-based quantum computing which details disruptive advancements that reshapes data management, computational power, and complex decision-making.

Below I have summarized the details and unparalleled advantages of this groundbreaking technology, where the future of financial systems meet the cutting edge of science.

As we step into the future of the global financial system, specifically Our GCR, one technology has loomed large – The QFS. Or, more accurately, Quantum Financial Data Management Computing.

While the development for this groundbreaking technology was being revealed as far back as 2010, it is now increasingly clear that significant breakthroughs in quantum computing for financial system data management are likely here today.

I have reviewed a declassified document that appears to be serious information. While I obviously cannot absolutely vouch for the validity of the declassified information, as an Electrical Engineer, the details are both compelling and technically competent. Here is my plain language assessment of a highly technical document in the context of Quantum Financial System Data Management applications.

An Introduction to DNA Molecular Quantum Computing

Unleashing the Potential of DNA Quantum Computing Technology: Advantages, Significance, and Capabilities

In the realm of quantum computing, an intriguing and highly promising technology stands out: DNA quantum computing. Building upon the principles of molecular computing and leveraging the unique properties of DNA molecules, this revolutionary approach offers a host of advantages and capabilities that make it a significant contender in the field. In this article, we will explore the significance of DNA quantum computing technology, delving into its advantages, capabilities, and the immense potential it holds for transforming the landscape of quantum computing.

Advantages of DNA Quantum Computing:

Massive Parallelism: Unlocking Computational Power

One of the primary advantages of DNA quantum computing lies in its ability to leverage the massive parallelism inherent in DNA molecules. DNA-based systems can perform a vast number of computations simultaneously, vastly exceeding the capabilities of traditional computing methods. This inherent parallelism allows for accelerated processing and enables complex calculations at an unprecedented scale.

Compact Data Storage: Efficient and Dense Information Encoding

DNA molecules possess an extraordinary capacity for storing information. With their ability to encode vast amounts of data in a compact form, DNA-based quantum computing systems offer unparalleled efficiency in data storage. This advantage becomes particularly significant in financial data management, where the ability to process and store large volumes of data is crucial.

Fault Tolerance: Resilience in the Face of Errors

Errors are an inevitable part of computing systems, and quantum computers are no exception. However, DNA quantum computing technology exhibits inherent fault tolerance. Due to the redundancy and self-correcting nature of DNA-based systems, errors that occur during computations can be detected and rectified, ensuring the reliability and accuracy of results. This fault tolerance makes DNA quantum computing resilient to errors caused by factors such as cosmic radiation.

Capabilities of DNA Quantum Computing:

Complex Computational Power: Tackling Complex Financial Problems

DNA quantum computing technology opens up new horizons for solving complex financial problems. The immense computational power of DNA-based systems allows for the efficient execution of intricate algorithms and simulations, enabling financial institutions to analyze vast datasets, perform risk assessments, optimize portfolios, and model complex financial scenarios with exceptional accuracy and speed.

Nanoscale Repair Mechanisms: Enhancing System Longevity

DNA-based quantum computing systems offer a unique advantage in terms of nanoscale repair mechanisms. Unlike traditional solid-state devices that are prone to wear and damage, DNA circuits can repair themselves at the nanoscale. This capability ensures the longevity and durability of the computing system, mitigating the impact of cosmic radiation and normal wear and tear, thereby reducing maintenance costs and enhancing system reliability.

Versatility and Scalability: Tailoring Solutions to Financial Needs

DNA quantum computing technology is highly versatile and scalable, offering the potential for tailoring solutions to meet the specific needs of the financial industry. The ability to design and engineer DNA-based circuits and logic gates allows for customization and optimization of computational processes, ensuring compatibility with various financial algorithms and applications. Moreover, the scalability of DNA-based systems enables seamless integration with existing financial infrastructures, paving the way for smooth adoption and implementation.

Significance of DNA Quantum Computing:

Accelerating Financial Computations: Real-Time Decision-Making

The significance of DNA quantum computing technology lies in its ability to accelerate financial computations, thereby enabling real-time decision-making. Financial institutions can leverage the parallel processing capabilities of DNA-based systems to process vast amounts of data rapidly, leading to more informed and timely decision-making. This advantage becomes particularly critical in high-frequency trading, risk analysis, and algorithmic trading, where split-second decisions can make a significant impact.

Data-Intensive Financial Analysis: Unleashing Insights

With the increasing volume and complexity of financial data, the significance of DNA quantum computing technology becomes evident in its ability to unleash valuable insights. DNA-based systems can efficiently process and analyze large datasets, detecting patterns, trends, and correlations that may go unnoticed with traditional computing methods. By extracting actionable insights from vast amounts of data, DNA quantum computing empowers financial institutions to make data-driven decisions with enhanced precision and accuracy.

Secure Financial Operations – Advanced Encryption and Security

Data security is a paramount concern in the financial industry. DNA quantum computing technology offers advanced encryption and security mechanisms, bolstering the protection of sensitive financial information. With the ability to develop quantum-resistant encryption algorithms, DNA-based systems ensure that financial data remains secure even in the face of quantum computing advancements that may pose a threat to traditional cryptographic systems.

Quantum Computing: Unleashing Unprecedented Computational Power

Quantum computing harnesses the fundamental principles of superposition and entanglement to unlock exponential computational power. Over the past decade, substantial progress has been made in developing practical quantum computing systems, moving beyond theory to concrete implementations. This progress, combined with advancements in hardware, algorithms, and error correction techniques, has brought us closer than ever to realizing the full potential of quantum computing.

While the source material mentioned the challenges associated with ion trap technology and cryogenic systems, significant strides have been made in addressing these obstacles DNA molecule circuit design. These developments bring quantum computing closer to becoming a practical tool for data management in the financial industry.

Quantum Computing and Financial Data Management: Redefining Possibilities

The financial industry thrives on data, and quantum computing presents an unparalleled opportunity to transform data management. The massive computational power of quantum computers enables the analysis of vast datasets in real-time, empowering the new financial and currency system to extract valuable insights, detect patterns, and make data-driven decisions with unprecedented speed and accuracy. Quantum algorithms specifically designed for financial applications were being secretly studied and developed well over a decade ago, promising to revolutionize risk analysis, fraud detection, and algorithmic trading platform management.

Data Security and Encryption: Fortifying Financial Systems

With the growing threat of cyberattacks, data security is of paramount importance in the financial sector. Quantum computing not only poses a disruptive force in data analysis but also in data encryption. The ability of quantum computers to perform complex mathematical calculations threatens current cryptographic systems. However, this challenge also opens the door for developing quantum-resistant encryption algorithms, ensuring the long-term security of financial data in an era of quantum computing.

Quantum Computing and Risk Analysis: Enhanced Decision-Making

Risk analysis is a critical aspect of financial operations. Quantum computing has the potential to accelerate risk calculations, allowing for more comprehensive and accurate assessments. Complex financial models can be simulated in real-time, enabling institutions to make informed decisions and mitigate risks proactively. The speed and computational power of quantum computers offer a significant advantage in managing risk, resulting in more robust financial systems.


DNA quantum computing technology represents a significant breakthrough in the field of quantum computing, with far-reaching implications for financial data management and computational capabilities. Its advantages, such as massive parallelism, fault tolerance, and compact data storage, coupled with its capabilities in tackling complex financial problems, nanoscale repair mechanisms, and versatility, make it a technology of immense significance. By harnessing the power of DNA-based quantum computing, financial institutions can accelerate computations, gain valuable insights, enhance data security, and make informed decisions in real-time. As DNA quantum computing continues to evolve and mature, its potential to reshape the financial landscape becomes increasingly apparent, offering new horizons of efficiency, accuracy, and reliability in financial computations.

Over the past 13 years, quantum computing has evolved from a theoretical concept to a technology on the brink of revolutionizing financial data management. From data analysis and encryption to risk analysis and portfolio optimization, quantum computing offers unparalleled potential for enhancing the efficiency, security, and real-time management of financial systems globally.

Awake-In-3D | GCR RealTimeNews

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Awake-In-3D: Commercial Real Estate: A Likely Trigger for Fiat Financial System, then US Dollar Collapse


Commercial Real Estate: A Likely Trigger for Fiat Financial System, then US Dollar Collapse

On June 20, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

CRE (Commercial Real Estate) debt is a ticking time bomb for the U.S. banking/financial industry. It’s forming a perfect storm with serious implications for the Fiat Dollar. Here’s what’s happening:

  • The FED has raised interest rates faster and higher that any time in history making CRE new loans far more expensive than a few years ago.

  • Tennant occupancy and lease revenues are are at an all time low due to the new work-from-home business landscape reality today.

  • As CRE Development and Property Management firms seek to refinance their properties, they no longer qualify for new loans due to the higher interest payments coupled with lower Tennant revenue streams.


Commercial Real Estate: A Likely Trigger for Fiat Financial System, then US Dollar Collapse

On June 20, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

CRE (Commercial Real Estate) debt is a ticking time bomb for the U.S. banking/financial industry. It’s forming a perfect storm with serious implications for the Fiat Dollar. Here’s what’s happening:

  • The FED has raised interest rates faster and higher that any time in history making CRE new loans far more expensive than a few years ago.

  • Tennant occupancy and lease revenues are are at an all time low due to the new work-from-home business landscape reality today.

  • As CRE Development and Property Management firms seek to refinance their properties, they no longer qualify for new loans due to the higher interest payments coupled with lower Tennant revenue streams.

  • Banks are increasingly tightening their lending standards to prevent further erosion of bank stability and risk aversion.

  • Many CRE properties will be forced into bankruptcy as loans dry up and foreclosures are ramping up each month right now.

  • Pension and Insurance firms holding CRE bonds for revenue (liquidity to pay beneficiaries and claims) will come under increasing operational stress as all perfect storm above plays out.

  • This will all culminate in U.S. Fiat Dollar weakness sparking a global fiat currency collapse.

U.S. CRE (Commercial Real Estate) assets grew to $6.0 trillion (23.0% of GDP) by the end of 2022. Life insurance companies hold 12% of that.

The U.S. Life Insurance sector holds about $900 billion, or 17% of their total cash and invested assets, in CRE – mostly in commercial mortgage loans (CMLs) and Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities (CMBS).

Over one-fifth of the industry’s total CRE exposure is to the office sub-sector, while another 16% is to retail.

Also, US Small Bank’s exposure to CRE has ballooned during the last few years. If CRE comes under stress as many fear, we will see a huge turmoil in the banking/financial sector.

There is growing concern over a potential commercial real estate (CRE) debt crisis that could trigger a collapse in the financial system and devalue the U.S. Dollar. While U.S. banks were viewed positively last year, the alarm has been raised due to smaller banks’ exposure to CRE, particularly commercial offices that have been financially impacted by the increase in remote work.

As downtown offices remain empty or underutilized, the value of office buildings is declining, and smaller banks hold a significant share of these assets. Unlike larger banks, which only have about 6% of their assets in CRE, many smaller banks have around 33% exposure to the sector. Small banks have historically faced challenges in commercial real estate, often leading to their failure. This creates additional stress on small banks and the associated risks to the economy. Banks are facing increased pressure to tighten credit standards while managing their declining CRE portfolios.

Furthermore, the Federal Reserve’s ongoing interest rate increases add to the concerns. While the decline in office occupancy hasn’t fully affected the CRE sector yet, many CRE loans are coming due in the coming months. This presents challenges for new lending and refinancing, as reduced rental revenues and higher interest rates for borrowing and refinancing pose significant obstacles.

The key problem is the potential impact of these risks on overall economic stability. Financial crises in specific sectors have historically spread through contagion to other sectors, causing dramatic economic pain. Past crises such as savings and loans, developing country debt, energy finance speculation, and the mortgage and securities crisis of 2008 have revealed the risks of speculative booms affecting the entire economy.

This time, the problem lies in a much larger financially driven crash associated with risky lending and contagion, primarily driven by small banks and CRE lending. If a contagion takes hold and spreads to other, already strained financial system sectors, the probability for a system-wide collapse increases exponentially. Then down goes the Fiat U.S. Dollar.

Awake-in-3D GCR RealTimeNews

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Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20

Awake-in-3D: "IMF’s Global CBDC Platform: Another Step Towards an Elitist Global Currency Reset?"

IMF’s Global CBDC Platform: Another Step Towards an Elitist Global Currency Reset?

On June 19, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

The IMF is developing a platform for central bank digital currencies to enable cross-border transactions, but this appears to be yet another step towards a global currency reset backed by fiat currency-based assets, including gold hoarded by central banks, leading to an elitist financial system. Is this the future of money, or a dangerous step towards economic inequality?

I have always held the view that there are two GCR scenarios heading our way. Our GCR and the Elitist Monetary Reset. This is obvious given that both sides know the current, global fiat system experiment is coming to its logical conclusion.

Both alternative systems will utilize assets. Our GCR is backed by off-ledger gold, their Reset will be backed by fiat currencies, perhaps SDRs (Strategic Drawing Rights), and perhaps some central bank gold reserves – which is why global central banks are buying gold in record amounts over the past 18 months.

IMF’s Global CBDC Platform: Another Step Towards an Elitist Global Currency Reset?

On June 19, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

The IMF is developing a platform for central bank digital currencies to enable cross-border transactions, but this appears to be yet another step towards a global currency reset backed by fiat currency-based assets, including gold hoarded by central banks, leading to an elitist financial system. Is this the future of money, or a dangerous step towards economic inequality?

I have always held the view that there are two GCR scenarios heading our way. Our GCR and the Elitist Monetary Reset. This is obvious given that both sides know the current, global fiat system experiment is coming to its logical conclusion.

Both alternative systems will utilize assets. Our GCR is backed by off-ledger gold, their Reset will be backed by fiat currencies, perhaps SDRs (Strategic Drawing Rights), and perhaps some central bank gold reserves – which is why global central banks are buying gold in record amounts over the past 18 months.

The IMF’s most recent announcement of their interconnecting CBDC payment platform initiative is their next step.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is developing a platform for central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) that will enable cross-border transactions. The IMF wants central banks to agree on a common regulatory framework for digital currencies to allow global interoperability.

Already, 114 central banks are exploring CBDCs, with about 10 having crossed the finish line. IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva emphasized that CBDCs should be backed by assets, and that cryptocurrencies are an investment opportunity only when backed by assets. Georgieva also suggested that CBDCs could promote financial inclusion and reduce the cost of remittances.

The creation of a global CBDC platform would prevent the rising popularity of decentralized cryptocurrencies from filling a regulatory void. Critics suggest that this is another step towards a global currency reset backed by fiat currency-based assets, including gold hoarded by central banks, leading to an elitist financial system.

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