Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20

Awake-In-3D "The Importance of the Gold Standard in Economic Freedom"


The Importance of the Gold Standard in Economic Freedom

On June 1, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

The benefits of a Gold Standard as written by a famous (or infamous) Senior Economist. his essay, written in 1966, argues the significance of the gold standard in promoting economic freedom and its role in a free society. Written by Alan Greenspan, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank from 1987 to 2006.

It’s difficult to believe a future FED Chairman actually wrote this definitive dissertation on true economic freedom being both maintained and protected via a Gold Standard for monetary policy. Too bad Mr. Greenspan abandoned his early roots when leading the United States, and the world, into the Great Financial Crisis of 2008-2011.


The Importance of the Gold Standard in Economic Freedom

On June 1, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

The benefits of a Gold Standard as written by a famous (or infamous) Senior Economist. his essay, written in 1966, argues the significance of the gold standard in promoting economic freedom and its role in a free society. Written by Alan Greenspan, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank from 1987 to 2006.

It’s difficult to believe a future FED Chairman actually wrote this definitive dissertation on true economic freedom being both maintained and protected via a Gold Standard for monetary policy. Too bad Mr. Greenspan abandoned his early roots when leading the United States, and the world, into the Great Financial Crisis of 2008-2011.

Alan Greenspan’s article highlights the significance of the gold standard in a free society. He argues that gold and economic freedom go hand in hand, as gold serves as a reliable medium of exchange and store of value. Greenspan criticizes the abandonment of the gold standard, which has led to excessive deficit spending and the erosion of wealth through inflation.

He suggests that the welfare state opposes the gold standard because it protects property rights and limits their ability to confiscate wealth. Overall, Greenspan’s article emphasizes the importance of the gold standard in promoting economic stability and safeguarding individual prosperity.

I have summarized Greenspan’s original essay below – without the sophisticated financial language.

The Role of Gold in a Free Society

Money is what we use to exchange goods and services. It needs to be widely accepted, have a stable value, and be a reliable store of wealth. Gold fulfills these criteria and is a luxury commodity that is universally accepted as a medium of exchange.

Advantages of Gold as a Medium of Exchange

Gold has several advantages as a medium of exchange. It is durable, meaning it does not easily wear out. It is also portable, homogeneous (each unit is the same as the others), and divisible. These qualities make gold superior to other goods as a form of money.

The Transition to a Single Medium of Exchange

In a developing money economy, different goods can be used as a medium of exchange. However, over time, one commodity tends to become more widely accepted until it becomes the sole medium of exchange. Gold, silver, and other goods have served as international media of exchange, with gold eventually becoming the predominant one due to its scarcity and advantages.

The Role of Banks and Credit Instruments

A banking system based on gold allows for the extension of credit. Banks can create bank notes and deposits, backed by the production requirements of the economy. With a fraction of the deposits held as reserves, banks can make loans and support economic growth.

The International Gold Standard

When gold is accepted as the medium of exchange by most or all nations, it fosters a division of labor and international trade. The economies of different countries act as one, with credit, interest rates, and prices following similar patterns. The gold standard helps maintain stability and balanced growth.

The Abandonment of the Gold Standard

The welfare state opposes the gold standard because it limits deficit spending. Under a gold standard, credit expansion is limited by the economy’s tangible assets. However, the welfare state relies on massive deficit spending, which requires borrowing money through government bonds. The abandonment of the gold standard allows for an unlimited expansion of credit and can lead to inflation and the confiscation of wealth.

The Importance of the Gold Standard

The gold standard serves as a protector of property rights and safeguards individuals’ wealth. It prevents the hidden confiscation of wealth and ensures stability in the economy. The welfare state opposes the gold standard because it hinders their ability to manipulate the financial system for their benefit.


The gold standard plays a crucial role in economic freedom and stability. It serves as a reliable medium of exchange, store of value, and protector of property rights. The abandonment of the gold standard allows for excessive deficit spending and wealth confiscation. Understanding the importance of the gold standard is essential for promoting individual prosperity and economic well-being.

Read Greenspan’s original 1966 Essay, “Gold and Economic Freedom” here:

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Awake-In-3D "Debt Jubilee: A Last Resort Before the Global Fiancial Collapse"


Debt Jubilees: A Last Resort Before The Global Financial Collapse

On June 1, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

A Debt Jubilee is coming. It will be introduced as a last resort before a global financial collapse. However, without a Gold-backed Currency Reset is a very bad idea. Here’s my take on the alarming rise of global debt and the potential consequences of Fiat Monetary System debt jubilees as the world teeters on the brink of a financial system collapse. Brace yourself for an unsettling glimpse into the Jubilee future without Our GCR.


Debt Jubilees: A Last Resort Before The Global Financial Collapse

On June 1, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

A Debt Jubilee is coming. It will be introduced as a last resort before a global financial collapse. However, without a Gold-backed Currency Reset is a very bad idea. Here’s my take on the alarming rise of global debt and the potential consequences of Fiat Monetary System debt jubilees as the world teeters on the brink of a financial system collapse. Brace yourself for an unsettling glimpse into the Jubilee future without Our GCR.

Debt Jubilees: A Historical Solution with Dire Implications

Ancient Babylonian rulers employed debt jubilees to prevent violent revolts caused by overwhelming debt.

Debt jubilees redistributed wealth and acted as societal pressure release valves.

The practice spread across different civilizations, even recognized in the Book of Leviticus.

Today, with unbearable levels of government, corporate, and personal debt, debt jubilees may make a big comeback.

Debt jubilees, a practice originating in ancient Babylon, were once employed to prevent social upheaval caused by overwhelming debt. Now, as modern society grapples with insurmountable levels of government, corporate, and personal debt, the revival of debt jubilees may appear enticing. However, the implications of such a solution are far from promising.

The Biggest Wealth Transfer in History: Imbalances and Unintended Consequences

Debt jubilees don’t create new wealth but redistribute it on a massive scale.

Examples like PPP (Payroll Protection Program) loan forgiveness and President Biden’s student loan forgiveness reveal the impact.

Student loan forgiveness alone could cost at least $590 billion.

Concerns arise regarding inflationary effects and setting irreversible precedents.

Debt jubilees, although touted as redistributing wealth, simply shift the burden from one party to another. Recent examples like PPP loan forgiveness and President Biden’s student loan forgiveness reveal the far-reaching impacts. These actions, accompanied by unprecedented costs, set dangerous precedents and sow the seeds of discontent among those who acted responsibly. The promised relief for some may come at the expense of others, intensifying social and economic imbalances.

The Rising Tide of Debt and the Precarious Breaking Points

Consumer debt, surpassing $16 trillion, is reaching unbearable levels.

Rising interest rates make servicing record debt increasingly challenging.

Biden’s student loan forgiveness sets the stage for future debt jubilees.

The pressure to provide debt relief before elections may become irresistible.

The staggering rise of consumer debt, soaring past $16 trillion, serves as a stark warning sign. As interest rates climb, the burden of servicing this record debt becomes increasingly unsustainable. The recent student loan forgiveness, fueled by political expediency, sets a precedent that could trigger demands for further debt relief. A significant portion of the population, burdened by car loans, mortgages, and credit card debt, may soon demand their share of debt forgiveness.

The Coming Federal Debt Jubilee: Unraveling the Global Financial System

The US federal government faces the biggest debt in the history of the world.

The debt is growing rapidly and reaching a financial endgame.

Even paying the interest expense becomes a daunting task.

The Federal Reserve is trapped between rising inflation and bankrupting the government.

The United States government faces an unparalleled debt crisis, with levels skyrocketing beyond comprehension. The sheer magnitude of the federal debt, accumulating at an alarming pace, points to an inevitable financial endgame. The interest expense alone threatens to consume more than half of current tax revenues. Even a return to average interest rates would prove insufficient to combat the surging inflation. The Federal Reserve finds itself trapped between a rock and a hard place, as raising rates to tackle inflation would push the government to the brink of bankruptcy.

Resetting the System: An Ominous Path Forward

A debt jubilee may be part of the US government’s strategy to reset the system.

Stealthily implementing inflation could be a means to repudiate the federal debt burden.

Inflation disproportionately benefits debtors, including the US government.

Consequences include devastating savers, eroding purchasing power, and global financial instability.

In the face of an impending financial collapse, governments often resort to drastic measures to “reset” the system. While the specifics remain uncertain, a debt jubilee of biblical proportions may play a significant role in the US government’s strategy. To avoid the appearance of default, they may implement a stealthy solution: inflation. Inflation disproportionately benefits debtors, making it an appealing choice for the largest debtor in history—the US government. However, the consequences of such a course of action will be far-reaching, devastating savers, eroding purchasing power, and shaking the foundations of the global financial system.

The resurgence of debt jubilees as a purported solution to overwhelming debt levels carries dire implications for the global financial system. The unequal redistribution of wealth, the normalization of debt forgiveness, and the unsustainable rise of debt in various sectors paint a bleak picture. As the US government grapples with an insurmountable federal debt burden, a looming financial collapse threatens the stability of the global economy. The path forward seems to involve a stealthy debt jubilee through inflation, exacerbating social, economic, and geopolitical tensions. The warning signs are clear—brace yourself for the turbulent times that lie ahead.

Combining a Gold & Commodity-backed Currency with a Debt Jubilee is the Solution

The current state of the global financial system, marked by soaring debt levels and the potential for a catastrophic collapse, necessitates a comprehensive solution.

While debt jubilees may provide temporary relief, a more sustainable approach lies in adopting a gold and commodity-backed monetary policy worldwide. By combining a debt jubilee with a return to sound monetary principles, governments can achieve a lasting solution that addresses the root causes of the crisis.

A gold-backed currency would restore confidence, provide stability, and prevent the rampant inflation associated with unchecked money printing. Additionally, coupling debt forgiveness with a commodity-backed system would ensure that wealth redistribution is more equitable and sustainable, avoiding the pitfalls of simply shifting the burden from one party to another.

By embracing such a holistic approach, governments can not only alleviate the immediate burden of debt but also establish a foundation for long-term economic stability, prosperity, and a resilient global financial system.

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Awake-In-3D "Texas Takes the Lead: A Golden Future for Sovereign Digital Currency"

Awake in 3D

Texas Takes the Lead: A Golden Future for Sovereign Digital Currency

On May 25, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

Could Texas (not Reno) be the actual location of the New Republic Sovereign US Treasury?

For several years now, multiple rumors in GCR Land implied that Texas, not Reno Nevada, will be the location of the New United States Republic’s Sovereign Treasury. I’ve always considered this as a fringe viewpoint. Yet, given the constant distraction and confusion coming out of Reno, what I see happening in Texas is truly exciting. Perhaps Texas is Ground Zero for US RV/GCR activities.

Let’s take a deep dive into what Texas is doing regarding a gold-backed digital currency and explore how it could spearhead this transformative change and the positive implications it may bring.

Awake in 3D

Texas Takes the Lead: A Golden Future for Sovereign Digital Currency

On May 25, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

Could Texas (not Reno) be the actual location of the New Republic Sovereign US Treasury?

For several years now, multiple rumors in GCR Land implied that Texas, not Reno Nevada, will be the location of the New United States Republic’s Sovereign Treasury. I’ve always considered this as a fringe viewpoint. Yet, given the constant distraction and confusion coming out of Reno, what I see happening in Texas is truly exciting. Perhaps Texas is Ground Zero for US RV/GCR activities.

Let’s take a deep dive into what Texas is doing regarding a gold-backed digital currency and explore how it could spearhead this transformative change and the positive implications it may bring.

Texas, the Lone Star State, is poised to revolutionize the world of finance with its groundbreaking proposal for a state-run digital currency. In a move that challenges the collapsing debt-based fiat currency system, Texas Senate Bill 2334 seeks to introduce a digital currency backed by gold and silver, offering an alternative that prioritizes transparency, privacy, and individual agency. This bold step has the potential to pave the way for a brighter monetary future, free from the grips of centralized control.

A Trailblazing Vision for a State-Backed Digital Currency

Texas Senate Bill 2334 is a visionary proposition that envisions a state-run digital currency backed by tangible assets like gold and silver. By adopting such a currency, Texas could become the first state in the nation to embark on this groundbreaking path, setting an inspiring precedent for others to follow. This bold move aligns with Texas’ previous establishment of a state gold depository, akin to the revered Fort Knox, which serves as a physical foundation for a gold-backed currency.

Unlocking Global Potential: Digital Currency for All

One of the most remarkable aspects of this proposal is its global reach. If the Texas digital currency becomes a reality, people from all corners of the world, not just within Texas, would have access to this innovative monetary system. Through a simple debit card, individuals could transact using this digital currency, transcending geographical boundaries. The proposed law empowers the Texas comptroller to create the digital currency, mint pure gold or silver coins based on weight, and declare them as legal tender for settling debts.

Democratizing Financial Freedom

Under the Texas digital currency plan, the debit card could be utilized worldwide wherever debit cards are accepted. This opens up a realm of possibilities for individuals outside of Texas, granting them the ability to create accounts and leverage this system, provided it complies with their local regulations. The state comptroller, supported by a trustee overseeing the program, would ensure that sufficient gold or silver reserves are held to back the digital currency units allocated to each account holder. This prudent approach strengthens the stability and credibility of the currency.

A Return to the Gold Standard: A Time-Tested System

To grasp the significance of a gold-backed digital currency, let’s delve into the gold standard. This monetary system anchors the circulating currency to gold reserves stored in government vaults. The convertibility of gold and currency prevents excessive currency creation by the government, safeguarding against market manipulation. With a return to the gold standard, money assumes a stable and unobtrusive role, no longer subject to the whims of economic policymakers. This shift diminishes economic inequality and curtails the undue influence of the wealthy over financial systems, fostering a fairer and more balanced society.

Bottom Line

Texas’ bold proposal for a state-run digital currency backed by gold and silver holds immense promise for a future founded on transparency, privacy, and individual empowerment. By spearheading this transformative change, Texas has the potential to reshape the financial landscape, inspiring others to explore alternative monetary systems that prioritize the common good. As the world looks on, the Lone Star State illuminates a path towards a golden future for digital currencies.

Reference Article

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Awake-In-3D "The Inescapable Financial System Collapse and The Elitist Reset Solution"


The Inescapable Financial System Collapse and The Elitist Reset Solution

On May 24, 2023 By  Awake-In-3D

There is Our GCR, and there is the Elitist Monetary Reset. This article will focus on the “bad guy” Reset so that it can be identified when ultimately revealed to the public.

The global financial system, built on debt-based currency creation, is teetering on the brink of collapse. As mounting evidence suggests an inevitable implosion, a planned Reset looms, but is it a move toward salvation or a descent into greater darkness?


The Inescapable Financial System Collapse and The Elitist Reset Solution

On May 24, 2023 By  Awake-In-3D

There is Our GCR, and there is the Elitist Monetary Reset. This article will focus on the “bad guy” Reset so that it can be identified when ultimately revealed to the public.

The global financial system, built on debt-based currency creation, is teetering on the brink of collapse. As mounting evidence suggests an inevitable implosion, a planned Reset looms, but is it a move toward salvation or a descent into greater darkness?

The impending transition to a Central Bank digital currency could trap individuals in a system of complete control, with negative interest rates and increased taxes stifling any hope of escape. Meanwhile, the surging demand for gold and alarming bank failures hint at the magnitude of the impending crisis. Are we hurtling towards a breakdown of the monetary system, or is there still room for redemption?

The Fragile State of the Fiat Currency System

For the first time in human history, the world exclusively relies on a Fiat Currency system, shackled by mounting debt. This debt-based financial economy now displays harbingers of an irreversible collapse, heralding the necessity, and inevitability of a global financial Reset.

The Planned Elitist Reset and Its Master Intentions

The envisioned Reset, courtesy of the global elites and banksters, aims to avert a cataclysmic implosion of the financial system. However, what lies beneath the surface is a transition from bad to worse. As the precipice nears, losing confidence in the currency would trigger profound changes, posing a threat to our intricate society intertwined with the banking system. This monumental crisis would provide the perfect cover and opportunity to execute the master Reset plan.

The Prelude to Crisis: Bank Failures and Revealing Statements

The initial tremors of crisis are evident in the wake of significant bank failures. Institutions such as Silvergate, Signature Silicon Valley Bank, and First Republic have fallen under regulatory control and been absorbed by influential entities like JP Morgan. The size and scale of these failures, dwarfing those commonly cited, expose the fundamental flaws within the banking system.

The orchestration of mergers and acquisitions by governments and central banks to salvage failing institutions does not negate the fact that a failure has occurred. Bank runs loom as a genuine threat, shining a spotlight on the fraudulent and enslaving characteristics of the current monetary paradigm.

Under the prevailing system, a privileged few benefit without contributing more than they consume. Entrepreneurs, business owners, and those who drive the economy forward find themselves carrying the weight of the system. The exposure of this system’s exploitative nature, enabling fraud, theft, and currency manipulation, is gaining traction and revealing its true face.

The Perils of Central Bank Digital Currencies and Possible Trojan Horse Bait-and-Switch

The desired reset entails the implementation of Central Bank digital currencies, enabling absolute control over the populace. Once ensnared in this system, individuals will find themselves trapped, burdened with the requirement of ever-increasing currency to fulfill debt interest payments.

The stark imbalance between the existing 20 trillion dollars in currency circulation and the staggering 93 trillion dollars of U.S. public and private debt, underscores the fallacy of our current monetary structure. Yet it would not be surprising if all the talk of a U.S. Federal Reserve Bank CBDC is a bait and switch scenario. The real threat that must be understood about the Global Elitist’s plans is the consolidation of bank deposits under a single, digital ledger system.

This single monetary ledger is the key mechanism for the Great Reset plan. It is perfectly foreseeable that the CBDC is a Trojan Horse gaining all the public attention and protests while behind the scenes, amidst a bank solvency crisis, the FED rides in to save the day by publicly announcing the abandonment of their CBDC plans while quietly consolidating a public and private deposits onto a unified monetary ledger via the few largest commercial banks that survive the crisis.

Who Owns the FED?

What most are not aware of is, who actually owns the Federal Reserve Bank? The FED’s shareholders own them. Who are the FED’s shareholders? The largest commercial banks such as JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs, Citibank, Wells Fargo, Bank of America and others, which are Member Banks under the FED’s umbrella, own substantial shares of the FED. Once these banking behemoths merge with the smaller, failing banks (with FED financial assistance of course), the stage is set for a consolidated monetary ledger giving them total access to all financial transaction data. They don’t need a CBDC for that – they only need a unified account ledger.

A Central Bank Gold Rush Amidst Uncertainty

While no country currently operates with real money, the actions of central banks speak volumes. Gold, recognized as a tier one asset, holds immense appeal as the safest and most reliable store of value. Record-breaking purchases of gold by Asian central banks, coupled with China’s ban on gold exports, signal their preparation for an impending global monetary system breakdown. This indicates that gold is considered the safest, most secure, and trustworthy asset.

Adding more gold signals that they are getting ready for something. However, they are trying to prolong this process as much as possible. China, being the world’s largest gold producer, has made it illegal to export gold from the country. Additionally, China is also the world’s largest buyer of gold. The reason behind this is that they are preparing for a worst case scenario. Don’t listen to what they say, learn by what they do.

In the past, when countries were connected through trade, recessions would spread from one country to another within a few years. Today, with the global interconnection of financial systems and derivatives, any crisis can quickly impact the entire world. It doesn’t matter where the crisis originates.


As the world hurtles towards a financial precipice, the escalating signs paint a vivid picture of an impending collapse. The debt-laden Fiat Currency system teeters on the edge, while elitist and bankster plans for a Reboot and Reset raise questions about the true intentions behind such measures.

The proposed transition to Central Bank digital currencies threatens to entrap individuals in a web of control, perpetuating a cycle of increasing debt and diminished freedoms, yet an actual CBDC is not necessarily a prerequisite for this deleterious Reset. Their true goal may to simply forge a unified, monetary ledger consolidating the majority of bank deposits and data mining.

The surge in gold purchases and alarming bank failures further underline the fragility of the current system. With mainstream attention turning toward the fraudulent nature of the monetary system, the stage is set for a reckoning that could reshape the global financial landscape.

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Awake-In-3D "Florida, Indiana Ban CBDC's: Gold As Money-A States Right


Florida, Indiana Ban CBDCs: Gold As Money A State’s Right

On May 17, 2023  By Awake-In-3D

Our GCR may eventually be realized by States exercising their Article 1 U.S. Constitutional powers through gold standard legislation

Florida and Indiana have taken decisive action by enacting laws that ban the use of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) as money within their states. The intention behind these laws is to address concerns about potential threats to economic freedom and security. While these laws do not directly target free-market cryptocurrencies, they do establish a regulatory framework that could impact the future of digital currencies in these states.


Florida, Indiana Ban CBDCs: Gold As Money A State’s Right

On May 17, 2023  By Awake-In-3D

Our GCR may eventually be realized by States exercising their Article 1 U.S. Constitutional powers through gold standard legislation

Florida and Indiana have taken decisive action by enacting laws that ban the use of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) as money within their states. The intention behind these laws is to address concerns about potential threats to economic freedom and security. While these laws do not directly target free-market cryptocurrencies, they do establish a regulatory framework that could impact the future of digital currencies in these states.


In Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis spearheaded the legislation, resulting in the introduction of Senate Bill 7054 (S7054) by Rep. Wyman Duggan. Governor DeSantis emphasized the importance of safeguarding consumers and businesses from what he perceived as the reckless adoption of a centralized digital dollar.

The legislation defines CBDCs as digital mediums of exchange or digital monetary units of account issued by entities such as the United States Federal Reserve System, foreign governments, and central banks. According to the Florida Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), “money” encompasses authorized mediums of exchange. However, S7054 explicitly states that CBDCs do not fall under this definition, effectively prohibiting their use as money. The bill received overwhelming support from the House and Senate and is scheduled to take effect on July 1.


In Indiana, a similar ban on CBDCs was introduced through Senate Bill 468 (SB468), which underwent significant revisions before being enacted. The initial version of SB468 would have allowed for the use of CBDCs in Indiana by including them in the definition of money. However, grassroots opposition prompted changes to the language during the legislative process.

 The final version of SB468 excludes CBDCs from the definition of money, taking a neutral stance on free-market cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. The legislation garnered broad support in both the House and Senate and is set to become effective on July 1, 2023, pending Governor Eric Holcomb’s signature.

While these laws specifically target CBDCs, they do not explicitly mention free-market cryptocurrencies. As a result, the use and classification of private cryptocurrencies remain unaffected by the legislation. This approach allows the current state of affairs regarding free-market crypto transactions to continue within these states.

What it Means – States May be Moving towards a Gold Dollar Standard and Our GCR

The enactment of these laws raises significant questions about the future of digital currencies in Florida and Indiana. Critics argue that the bans may stifle innovation, impede economic growth, and curtail personal freedom.

On the other hand, proponents contend that these measures protect individuals from potential government surveillance and centralized control over monetary systems and banning a Federal CBDC is a step in the right direction.

With more states introducing and passing legislation to protect gold and silver as sound money, in line with Article I, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution, which mandates their use as legal tender, a logical progression would be to implement a state-by-state path toward a gold standard dollar, both in physical and digital form. This would pave the way for a broader Gold Confiscation Resistant (GCR) release.

Many Blessings, | Ai3D

Source article:

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Awake-in-3D : Calculating the USD Value of 100T ZIM Bond in RZB Digital Gold-backed Tokens


Calculating the USD Value of 100T ZIM Bond in RZB Digital Gold-backed Tokens

Once Zimbabwe’s currency is stabilized, will the RZB eventually open their Golden ZIM Token for exchange internationally?

More specifically, will all of us legal owners of 2008 AA Series ZIM Bonds be able to redeem our bonds 1-to-1 for Gold-backed ZIM digital tokens at its current (or future) value?

Doing the math (based on published Gold Token value data from the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe May 12th, 2023):

A 100T ZIM bond will buy the equivalent of 991.375 billion milligrams of gold (purchased in ZIM digital gold tokens)


Calculating the USD Value of 100T ZIM Bond in RZB Digital Gold-backed Tokens

Once Zimbabwe’s currency is stabilized, will the RZB eventually open their Golden ZIM Token for exchange internationally?

More specifically, will all of us legal owners of 2008 AA Series ZIM Bonds be able to redeem our bonds 1-to-1 for Gold-backed ZIM digital tokens at its current (or future) value?

Doing the math (based on published Gold Token value data from the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe May 12th, 2023):

A 100T ZIM bond will buy the equivalent of 991.375 billion milligrams of gold (purchased in ZIM digital gold tokens)

Current valuation of gold set by RZB is equivalent to $0.0688 USD/mg (according to actual source data from Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe).

This means a 100T ZIM bond would be worth approximately $68 Billion (current) US Dollars in gold-backed digital ZIM token value (if redeemed 1-to-1).

Well ok then… When do we redeem?!!

Does Zimbabwe have access to that much gold (or equivalent gold certificates)?

 Right now they don’t. Or do they?


Many Blessings,

 Ai3D Real-Time News, [May 14, 2023 at 13:13]

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Awake-in-3D: The results are in for the first week of sales for the Golden ZIM Digital Token


The results are in for the first week of sales for the Golden ZIM Digital Token

Are you seeing this??

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RZB) sold nearly all of the 140kg of gold used to back the first-round auction of the ZIM digital token. A total of ZWD 139.6 million ($11.8 million USD) in the RZB Gold Token were sold last week.

Private Citizens were able to invest in the Digital Tokens for as little as $10 USD while businesses were held to a $5,000 USD minimum transaction amount.

Gold-backed digital tokens allow gold to be purchased in small fractional amounts and eventually making it usable for every-day purchases.


The results are in for the first week of sales for the Golden ZIM Digital Token

Are you seeing this??

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RZB) sold nearly all of the 140kg of gold used to back the first-round auction of the ZIM digital token. A total of ZWD 139.6 million ($11.8 million USD) in the RZB Gold Token were sold last week.

Private Citizens were able to invest in the Digital Tokens for as little as $10 USD while businesses were held to a $5,000 USD minimum transaction amount.

Gold-backed digital tokens allow gold to be purchased in small fractional amounts and eventually making it usable for every-day purchases.


Because it’s very difficult to bring physical gold coin (currently values over $2,000 USD) to a grocery store and buy only $100 of goods.

Perhaps Zimbabwe is now showing the way for utilizing gold to stabilize hyper-inflationary local currencies against a predatory US Dollar in their local markets.

So far so good!

I expect individual US States (like Texas and others) to eventually offer gold-backed digital tokens as an alternative to the FED’s malevolent CBDC US Dollar tokens.

@GCR_RealTimeNews Real-Time News, [May 14, 2023 at 12:29]

Many Blessings,


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Awake in 3D " California Defaults On $18.6 Billion In Debt, Saddling Employers With The Expense"

Awake in 3D:   May 7th, 2023 

There are US States that will lead us to a GCR the good way (see Texas gold-backed currency article ), and there are States that will lead us to a GCR the hard way - like the State of California.

California Defaults On $18.6 Billion In Debt, Saddling Employers With The Expense

The more CA lawmakers push their gross financial negligence (sheer fiscal stupidity) on businesses and taxpayers, the more business closings there are, leading to collapsing tax revenues.

This, in turn, increases unemployment, raises the everyday costs of everything, and pushes further stress onto banks (loan defaults), and the State Government’s daily expenses (unemployment insurance, healthcare and general welfare like food assistance).

Awake in 3D:   May 7th, 2023 

There are US States that will lead us to a GCR the good way (see Texas gold-backed currency article ), and there are States that will lead us to a GCR the hard way - like the State of California.

California Defaults On $18.6 Billion In Debt, Saddling Employers With The Expense

The more CA lawmakers push their gross financial negligence (sheer fiscal stupidity) on businesses and taxpayers, the more business closings there are, leading to collapsing tax revenues.

This, in turn, increases unemployment, raises the everyday costs of everything, and pushes further stress onto banks (loan defaults), and the State Government’s daily expenses (unemployment insurance, healthcare and general welfare like food assistance).

All of this then spreads in a financial contagion to other states, and eventually onto the US Federal Government.

This than increases inflation and a worsening national recession, which feeds into an increasing likelihood of total financial collapse.

Wash, rinse, repeat. A Financial collapse vortex.

Then a GCR.

@GCR_RealTimeNews Real-Time News, [May 7, 2023 at 19:07]


Many Blessings,


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Awake-In-3D "Texas Committee Passes Bill To Create 100% Reserve Gold and Silver Backed Transactional Currencies

Awake in 3D

Texas Committee Passes Bill To Create 100% Reserve Gold And Silver-Backed Transactional Currencies

As I reported earlier last week at GCR Real-Time News, individual states in the USA have a constitutional right to recognize gold/silver as legal tender. 

Over 30 states are currently proposing and passing legislation along this path.


Because under the US Constitution, states are bound to only recognize and use gold and silver as legal tender. Which means, they can technically reject the current “Federal” US Dollar as it is a fiat currency, not backed by gold or silver since 1971.

Awake in 3D

Texas Committee Passes Bill To Create 100% Reserve Gold And Silver-Backed Transactional Currencies

As I reported earlier last week at GCR Real-Time News, individual states in the USA have a constitutional right to recognize gold/silver as legal tender. 

Over 30 states are currently proposing and passing legislation along this path.


Because under the US Constitution, states are bound to only recognize and use gold and silver as legal tender. Which means, they can technically reject the current “Federal” US Dollar as it is a fiat currency, not backed by gold or silver since 1971.

With the growing possibility of the Federal, US Treasury introducing a fiat CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) which can enable unprecedented tracking and control over US citizens, a growing number of states are preparing to reject such Federal control and limitations of freedom.

Texas continues to lead the way with their latest legislation.

Details on latest Texas HB4903 State Legislation:

“On May 2, a Texas House committee passed a bill to create 100% reserve gold and silver-backed transactional currencies.”

“The comptroller would also be required to create a mechanism to use 100% backed gold and silver digital currencies in everyday transactions.”

The creation of state-issued gold-backed and silver-backed digital currencies would create currency competition with Federal Reserve notes and undermine the Fed’s monopoly on money. It would also provide a sound money-backed competitor if the Federal Reserve implements a central bank digital currency.”

Source: GCR Real-Time News Real-Time News, [May 7, 2023 at 16:01]

Many Blessings,


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Awake-in-3D "What Really Happened With First Republic Bank" 5-1-2023


What Really Happened with First Republic Bank

Big Banksters of the world rejoice…

- The FDIC (funded by everyone’s bank deposits nationwide) took over FRB this past weekend and conducted an auction with Big Banks to find a buyer.

- JPMorgan stepped in and offered to buy First Republic, but only if the US Government guaranteed to backstop any losses.


What Really Happened with First Republic Bank

Big Banksters of the world rejoice…

- The FDIC (funded by everyone’s bank deposits nationwide) took over FRB this past weekend and conducted an auction with Big Banks to find a buyer.

- JPMorgan stepped in and offered to buy First Republic, but only if the US Government guaranteed to backstop any losses.

- The FDIC agreed.

- JPM bought FRB, getting all the “healthy” assets and deposits for pennies on the dollar and the FDIC (meaning everyone with bank deposits nationwide) kept the toxic assets.

- The toxic assets consist of “interest-only” mortgages held by ultra-wealthy homeowners.

- The FDIC will likely bail out the wealthy homeowners leaving all of us to foot the bill.

You can’t make this stuff up! What a wonderful financial system we have…

If JPM-Chase wanted to buy First Republic in early February this year, they would’ve had to pay over $140 per share. They likely paid less than $5.00 per share today, without any of FRB’s toxic assets - thanks to the FDIC.

Jamie Diamond (JPM CEO) is laughing all the way to his bank.

I wonder which bank is next?

Source: @GCR_RealTimeNews

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Awake-In-3D: Can individual States initiate a GCR and Gold-back the US Dollar at the State level? Yes!

Awake in 3D:

Forget America’s Federal-issued Fiat currency - can individual States initiate a GCR and Gold-back the US Dollar at the State level? Yes!

We always hear that the USA is holding up Our GCR, yet individual States are moving forward with gold and silver legislation.

Can they do this?

The United States Constitution’s Framers (in 1787) were mindful of the hardships brought by continentals, the fiat paper money issued by the Continental Congress to finance the Revolution.

Awake in 3D:

Forget America’s Federal-issued Fiat currency - can individual States initiate a GCR and Gold-back the US Dollar at the State level? Yes!

We always hear that the USA is holding up Our GCR, yet individual States are moving forward with gold and silver legislation.

Can they do this?

The United States Constitution’s Framers (in 1787) were mindful of the hardships brought by continentals, the fiat paper money issued by the Continental Congress to finance the Revolution.

Notable Founders — including Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, James Madison, and Thomas Paine — warned about the ravages of issuing unbacked currency.

That’s why the Constitutional Convention overwhelmingly embraced gold and silver.

Washington wrote that paper money was “wicked.”

Madison called it “unjust” and “unconstitutional.”

Jefferson wrote that “its [paper money’s] abuses also are inevitable and, by breaking up the measure of value, makes a lottery of all private property.”

Following the example envisioned by the Founding Fathers and described in Article I, Section 10 of the United States Constitution, states should reaffirm gold and silver as a tender in payment of debts.

Article I, Section 10 of the United States Constitution:

“No State shall … coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts …”

That’s why sound money activists are launching exciting initiatives at the state level to challenge the monetary monopoly of the Fed. From Alabama to Wyoming, states across the U.S. continue to pass legislation to eliminate taxes on gold and silver, establish in-state depositories, protect state taxpayer funds with sound money, and more.

For USA residents - To research where your state is in all of this, click the link below.
Source: @GCR_RealTimeNews 


Many Blessings,


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