Awake-in-3D "What Really Happened With First Republic Bank" 5-1-2023


What Really Happened with First Republic Bank

Big Banksters of the world rejoice…

- The FDIC (funded by everyone’s bank deposits nationwide) took over FRB this past weekend and conducted an auction with Big Banks to find a buyer.

- JPMorgan stepped in and offered to buy First Republic, but only if the US Government guaranteed to backstop any losses.

- The FDIC agreed.

- JPM bought FRB, getting all the “healthy” assets and deposits for pennies on the dollar and the FDIC (meaning everyone with bank deposits nationwide) kept the toxic assets.

- The toxic assets consist of “interest-only” mortgages held by ultra-wealthy homeowners.

- The FDIC will likely bail out the wealthy homeowners leaving all of us to foot the bill.

You can’t make this stuff up! What a wonderful financial system we have…

If JPM-Chase wanted to buy First Republic in early February this year, they would’ve had to pay over $140 per share. They likely paid less than $5.00 per share today, without any of FRB’s toxic assets - thanks to the FDIC.

Jamie Diamond (JPM CEO) is laughing all the way to his bank.

I wonder which bank is next?

Source: @GCR_RealTimeNews

Many Blessings,



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