Rising BRICS Gold Reserves Could Trigger Worldwide Currency Revaluation (RV)

Rising BRICS Gold Reserves Could Trigger Worldwide Currency Revaluation (RV)

Awake-In-3D  October 18, 2024

BRICS countries are positioning themselves to redefine currency values across the globe by building massive gold reserves.

BRICS Gold Purchases Signal Global Financial Realignment

Over the past two years, BRICS nations—particularly China—have increased their gold holdings, collectively purchasing thousands of tons. China alone holds over 2,800 tons, with other member states following closely. Analysts increasingly suggest these BRICS gold purchases go beyond hedging against inflation, indicating a strategy to reshape the global financial order.

By reducing US Treasury bond holdings and dollar reserves, the BRICS bloc is building a multilateral financial framework to diminish the dollar’s influence. This strategy is not just about economic security; it lays the foundation for a more substantial financial transformation.

The Multilateral Shift: BRICS Gold and the Decline of Dollar Influence

The development of the BRICS mBridge payment system plays a central role in this shift. Designed to promote trade using local currencies and gold, it provides a practical alternative to SWIFT, the US-dominated financial messaging system.

With BRICS nations moving toward gold-backed trade, they reduce exposure to currency volatility and economic sanctions. This transition aligns with the concept of a Global Currency Reset (GCR), which envisions a financial system built on asset-backed standards, reducing reliance on fiat currencies.

The New UNIT Stablecoin and Currency Revaluation Outlook

The BRICS bloc is also developing the UNIT stablecoin, a digital currency backed by 40% gold and 60% BRICS currencies, all convertible to gold. The UNIT could serve as a catalyst for currency revaluation (RV), offering a new valuation standard tied to tangible assets.

Currency revaluation involves adjusting exchange rates to reflect a currency’s true value in the global economy. The transparency and stability offered by the UNIT may prompt other nations to realign their currencies with gold-backed models, reducing volatility and restoring financial trust.

How the Global Currency Reset (GCR) Could Unfold

The introduction of the UNIT and the BRICS mBridge platform signals a shift toward a new global financial system. Several key developments may shape the unfolding of the GCR:

  1. Gold-Backed Valuation Model
    Currencies linked to gold-backed systems will see their exchange rates recalibrated to reflect real asset values, driving revaluations worldwide.

  2. Diversification from the Dollar
    As more nations adopt gold-backed currencies, the decline in dollar reserves will lower the dollar’s value, encouraging others to redefine their exchange rates independently.

  3. Regional Currencies Anchored to Gold
    Countries outside the BRICS framework may restructure their currencies around gold-backed standards, creating a new global exchange rate system based on tangible assets.

  4. Impact on Developing Nations
    Emerging economies could benefit from joining the BRICS payment system, aligning their currencies with gold-backed models. This shift may trigger revaluations, reducing dependency on the dollar and increasing financial autonomy.

Challenges and Future Implications

The transition to a new financial system presents challenges. Resistance from countries heavily invested in the dollar-based system is expected, and the rollout of the UNIT and the BRICS mBridge must be carefully managed to avoid disruptions.

Geopolitical risks are also likely, as the US and its allies may respond with sanctions or other economic measures to defend the dollar’s dominance. However, with the BRICS bloc accounting for over 37% of global GDP, efforts to halt this shift may not be sufficient to stop the momentum toward de-dollarization.

The Bottom Line: A Period of Economic Realignment

The accumulation of BRICS gold reserves and the development of a gold-backed financial system mark the beginning of a global economic shift. As the group advances the UNIT stablecoin and the BRICS Bridge payment platform, the financial system is poised for a Global Currency Reset (GCR).

This reset will likely result in currency revaluations (RV) worldwide, as nations adopt gold-backed standards for greater financial stability and independence from the dollar. Though challenges remain, the BRICS gold-backed strategy represents the rise of a multipolar financial order that will redefine global trade, finance, and currency valuation.


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