Weekend News With MarkZ 11-26-2o22

Weekend News with MarkZ 11/26/2022

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions


Member: Hoping Everyone has had a Thankful but Peaceful Thanksgiving Weekend

MZ: This may be a shorter call….I feel great but for some reason my voice keeps quitting on me….

MZ: Let’s get to the news. “The system and the parallel system in Iraq” I think they got the big picture right but the small things wrong in this one…..one of the reasons I personally think we have not yet seen the revaluation is this parallel system in Iraq.

MZ: They blame the different factions in Iraqi politics….but I think they are missing that this parallel government in Iraq has caused so many issues in Iraq is the United States. Specifically the CIA with Maliki…..He is their errand boy and they have empowered him, put him in place and cased all kinds of divisions.

MZ: I believe this has kept us from seeing the revaluation of the dinar for the Iraqi people ….this is my analysis….this article talks about how they are actively removing that parallel system so they can move forward.  

MZ: “New judicial code of conduct launched in Iraq” This is part of that effort to clean up that parallel political system that has been keeping them from their revaluation…. 

MZ: I want to touch on rumors that have been spreading quickly from redemption contacts…..they are very squarely set for mid week of next week.  I know we have heard this before, but it’s very encouraging that I am hearing this from different parts of the country. They say that the logistics have been done for some time….and now they have pounded out the remaining political issues.  We shall see.  

Member: if it's supposed to happen before December there's not much time left!

MZ: This may be why we are seeing so much disinformation and recycling of old news right now. Some articles are word for word older articles that thy put a new date on it…..they want to cloud the timing of this thing as hard and as diligently as they can. Be prepared for that. Remember that this is a “when” not an “if”. We will never know the exact timing.

MZ: But redemption contacts are very squarely hearing it will happen Wednesday night into Thursday morning of next week….it could because they have desensitized us so much as to false alarms as to when it is happening. I just find it questionable that we have a specific date right now. I believe we are close though. I still can’t believe we are this far into November and don’t have it yet.

Member: Yup….classic “Boy who cried wolf”   But that boy was finally right……..

​Member: I have been noticing a lot of people using old information with previous RV glad Mark told us to double check.

MZ: There is a lot of world news that shows how close we are……soon the world has no choice but to reset…..not the bad one but the one we want.

MZ: “Gold miners ordered to sell 20% refined bullion to Ghana” So the government of Ghana is forcing this now. They are aggregating gold quickly. This is happening all over the African continent.

MZ: This is about commodity backed BRICS. BRICS has gained so much steam and so much power…which is what it was designed to do. BRICS was designed for the backup system …or safety net to force this reset to go. It was created to catch it when it imploded if they have not pulled the trigger. And that is exactly what it is doing.

Member: BRICS stops the bad reset

Member: Venezuela is part of BRICS now. That is a awesome thing.

MZ: “Brics embody model of genuine multilateral diplomacy : Sergey Lavrov” This is from the Economic Times and this is a nice deep dive on BRICS and why it is so effective. This is a system we all should have had a long time ago. This is the system we are going to. Sovereignty first then a group of sovereign countries that come together on an equal footing to make decisions that are good for all of them.

MZ: This is how it is supposed to work in the US. State rights first then the Federal government as an umbrella over them.

Member: will we have access to our money at RV redemption or will we have a wait period.

​Member: Mark has said-no waiting period

Member: Mark has said that we will receive a debit card that we can use to access funds immediately - but perhaps not at the RV location for security reasons. We can go to any ATM.

Member:  When the RV happens can we redeem at any location or does it have to be close to our homes?

MZ: Anywhere in your country….was what I was told. I suggest if you live in a small town that you go somewhere else to redeem…..go an hour, 2 hours, 3 hours away so that nobody in your home town knows…..Anonymity is your biggest safety mechanism. If nobody knows you have money….nobody knows to come after it.

Member: Absolutely stick to your NDA….loose lips sink ships.

Member: Even tho I would like to see the RV come out of the blue, I don't think anything will happen until there are arrests or deaths of certain people.

Member: Really looking forward to seeing justice for the evil ones who are trying to destroy our world.

Member: My Wells Fargo branch office recently changed out ATM for possible QFS compatibility! now all we need is the RV

Member: If this RV goes any slower it will be going backwards!  lol

Member: I don't know about you guys -- but I feel this thing is so close I haven't been able to sleep!! So excited to finally get on the other side of debt.

Member: I really hope the RV happens before Christmas for us all!!!

Member: thank you MarkZ and crew for all you do for us all!

Member: shout out to PDK. thank you for your tireless work.

(PDK:  You are welcome)

Member: Okie asked for prayers but he needs another treatment. Mark keep us informed where to donate. okie deserves to witness the RV GCR and those he's inspired

The CBD Gurus join the stream at the end…Please listen to replay for their information

Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.

 MARKZ DAILY LINKS: https://theoriginalmarkz.com/home/

The next stream is Monday at 10Am est……..unless.



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