Weaponized Dollar Pushing States to Gold and Sound Money

Weaponized Dollar Pushing States to Gold

Kitco News:  9-24-2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of finance and currency, the sound money movement is gaining ground across the United States. Recent conversations about this movement have been invigorated by an enlightening interview between Jeremy Szafron, Anchor at Kitco News, and J.P. Cortez, the Executive Director of the Sound Money Defense League.

This discussion shed light on key legislative victories and the broader implications of an economic shift that champions sound money as a means to secure financial stability for individuals and businesses alike.

One of the most impressive achievements highlighted in the interview is the removal of sales taxes on gold and silver in an astounding 45 states. This critical legislative victory reflects a growing recognition of the role precious metals can play in a sound monetary system.

By alleviating the tax burden on gold and silver transactions, lawmakers are incentivizing citizen engagement with these assets. This not only acknowledges their historical role as money but also empowers individuals with tools to protect their wealth from inflation and economic uncertainty.

The Sound Money Defense League has been at the forefront of these legislative efforts, advocating for laws that support the use of gold and silver as viable alternatives to fiat currencies. Cortez emphasized that reducing the tax burden on precious metals is essential for fostering a broader acceptance of sound money principles, thereby encouraging individuals to consider gold and silver as part of their financial portfolios.

Amidst growing global economic instability, the interview also touched upon the increasingly common trend of de-dollarization. As countries around the world seek ways to reduce their reliance on the U.S. dollar, there is an evident pivot towards alternative currencies, including gold.

This shift signals a fundamental transformation in the financial landscape, as nations explore the limits of fiat currencies and the potential stability offered by sound money.

Cortez rightly pointed out that gold has traditionally served as a hedge against the volatility of fiat currencies. In a world where inflation, fiscal policy missteps, and geopolitical tensions abound, the stability of gold becomes more appealing as individuals and countries alike search for safer investments. The growing recognition of gold’s relevance—both as a long-term investment and as a mechanism for financial resilience—is something Cortez emphasized throughout his discussion with Szafron.

As our economies become increasingly intertwined with technology and digital currencies, the necessity for a stable and dependable monetary system remains paramount. Gold’s status as a tangible asset, which has endured for thousands of years, provides a unique comfort in uncertain times. Whether individuals are investing to protect their savings or nations are re-evaluating their currency strategies, gold is emerging as a pivotal player in the evolving financial narrative.

Cortez’s insights serve as a reminder of the inherent value in diversifying one’s portfolio to include sound money options, especially amid turmoil in traditional financial markets. His belief that a robust sound money framework can lead to a more prosperous economy aligns with the growing awareness of the benefits that gold and silver can provide over ill-defined fiat currencies.

As Jeremy Szafron and J.P. Cortez discussed in their interview, the sound money movement is not just a niche interest anymore; it has grown into a significant movement with far-reaching implications.

The recent legislative victories regarding the sales tax exemptions for gold and silver reflect a shift towards recognizing the importance of sound money principles in everyday financial practices. With the world increasingly embracing de-dollarization and searching for safer investments, the role of gold as a hedge against fiat currency fluctuations has never been clearer.

As this movement continues to gain momentum in the U.S., it holds the potential to reshape the financial landscape in ways we are only beginning to understand. With organizations like the Sound Money Defense League leading the charge, the future of sound money looks not only promising but necessary for a more stable economic environment.





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