Warning- All Banks Are Insolvent- Bamk Runs Coming To America

The Atlantis Report

Warning: All Banks are Insolvent -- Bank Runs Coming to America

Premiered 4 hours ago

Warning: All Banks are Insolvent -- Bank Runs Coming to America

Bank runs, bail ins bail out It is estimated that the total outstanding financial derivatives in the world are in excess of $400 Trillion.

If just 3% of these very opaque and highly leveraged instruments implode and lose just 50% of their values in a matter of days, that is $6 Trillion coming out of the hides of investment banks, hedge funds, and global investors. Not an insignificant sum.

Capital ratios are very thin right now, thank you S.E.C. ;the Fed; and bank regulators (an oxymoron if there ever was one). This is just the tip of the Derivatives Iceberg, and the US and global financial systems are the Titanic headed for certain disaster.

That these instruments trade are under the radar is not surprising. If the Average Joe Investor knew how much dynamite was laying on the railroad tracks, he or she would have taken the bus to Cash and Out long before this.

 But Average Joe is dancing to the tune of record margin debt, so he or she does not want grim reality to ruin the party. BUT REALITY IS STARTING TO COME HOME.

This is just one Black Swan in a flock of Black Swans that have the potential to darken the Spring sky.

The monumental shift in overall confidence in these trades is already underway; the exit door to the burning theater is about to get jammed with “NOTHING DONE” TRADES.

For the full transcript go to https://financearmageddon.blogspot.com



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