Tuesday Morning Iraq Economic News Highlights 6-13-23

Tuesday Morning Iraq Economic News Highlights 6-13-23

(Baghdad Today) Publishes The Tripartite Budget Law In Its Final Version

Policy |Baghdad today - Baghdad   (Baghdad Today) publishes the Federal Budget Law for the years (2023-2024-2025) in its final version.   And the House of Representatives approved the general financial budget law for 3 years, after work that lasted for five consecutive days and months of controversy and discussions.

The last session related to the law was held on Sunday evening, June 11, about 7 hours after the scheduled date, as work began from Article 43 up to the last paragraphs of the law, before the Council returned to settling the postponed articles, most notably Article 15, which discussions took until the early morning hours. Monday.    Press here      LINK

The President Of The Kurdistan Region Welcomes The Approval Of The Budget And Regrets The "Incorrect Behavior"

2023-06-13 Shafaq News/ The President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, welcomed, on Tuesday, the approval of the tripartite budget for Iraq, while expressing his regret over the actions he described as incorrect that accompanied the process of discussing it in Parliament. He called for the implementation of the budget items in a fair manner, taking into account the status of the region as a constitutional entity within the Iraqi state.

President Nechirvan Barzani said in his statement, "We welcome the ratification of the Iraqi federal tripartite budget, and we hope that it will turn into a good road map for economic progress and political stability and pave a suitable ground for investment. We appeal to all the gentlemen who worked sincerely for the interests of citizens and equality among the people of Iraq." .

He added, "It is unfortunate that the discussions of the House of Representatives witnessed incorrect behavior towards the rights of the Kurdistan Region and the disputed areas on the part of some deputies," considering that "what happened is not consistent with the principles of the political agreement of the State Administration Alliance, and this approach and this method of dealing does not serve the political process." situation and the future of Iraq.

Barzani also stressed that "the general budget law should be implemented fairly, taking into account the status of the Kurdistan Region as a constitutional political entity, as well as the disputed areas and their rights and interests."

He pointed out that "there must be complete assurances that the financial dues and salaries of salary-bearers in the Kurdistan Region will not be hindered by obstacles and will not be neglected for political reasons."

And the President of the region continued by saying, "What we saw during the discussion of the general budget is a source of deep concern, and this fact proved once again that the division of the Kurdish parties harms the Kurdistan Region, and in addition to this."

He stressed, "We can, through the common political will and taking into account the public interest, take this as an opportunity to strengthen confidence between us, reorganize our home better, calm tensions and resolve differences in order to strengthen the strength of Iraq and the Kurdistan Region."

And the Iraqi parliament voted, at dawn on Monday, on the federal budget law for the years 2023, 2024, 2025, after discussions that lasted for five days.

The value of the current year budget is 197 trillion and 828 billion Iraqi dinars (about 152.2 billion dollars), with a total deficit of 63 trillion dinars (48.3 billion dollars), while the items of the 2023 and 2024 budgets have not been published.   LINK

Sudanese To The Iraqi Community In Egypt: After Approving The Budget, Your Country Will Turn Into A Workshop

TUE, 13-06-2023, KARRAR AL-ASADI   Prime Minister Muhammad Shia' al-Sudani met the Iraqi community residing in Egypt during his current visit to Cairo, where a dinner was held at the Iraqi embassy in Cairo.

And Al-Sudani expressed his pride in meeting the Iraqi community, who form a mini-Iraq of all sects and orientations, and reflect the kindness, values ​​and principles of the Iraqis.

He referred to the goal of visiting Egypt, and the desire to strengthen cooperation with brothers in various fields, and also touched on the government's orientation towards construction and reconstruction, to achieve the ambition and aspirations of all Iraqis, for a safe and stable Iraq, and its seriousness in transforming their country, Iraq, into a workshop to make up for what it missed and provide the best services to citizens. .

The Prime Minister stressed that "the relationship with Egypt is based on a common history, and the importance of the role of Baghdad and Cairo on the Arab and regional arena," appreciating at the same time "Egypt's standing after 2003 with Iraq at various stations, and its support in its battle against terrorism, as well as its moderate discourse." Al-Azhar Foundation.

He pointed out that "the Iraqi-Jordanian-Egyptian cooperation, and what was established by previous governments, is a matter of interest by our government, and it was included in the ministerial curriculum," adding, "We have seriousness and a real desire to enhance the horizons of cooperation with Egypt."

Al-Sudani continued, "We were accompanied on our visit to Egypt by a number of businessmen from the Iraqi private sector, which is an empowered and effective sector," noting that "the interest of the state and the direction of the government require that the private sector be a partner in economic and trade relations with brothers and friends, which is an approach adopted by the government." ".

And he added, "The government has developed a realistic, applicable program, and this was confirmed in a three-year budget, which is a reflection of the government program, and will be a catalyst for financial and economic stability in the country," stressing that "after approving the budget, there is planning for Iraq to be a workshop in all governorates for construction and reconstruction." .

On foreign relations, Al-Sudani said that his government adopted the "principle of productive diplomacy" in its foreign relations, and began drawing our relations according to the vision of "mutual respect, common interests, and economic partnerships."

The Prime Minister concluded his speech by noting that "Iraq has become a pivotal country in the region, through its role in resolving crises and bringing points of view closer." https://non14.net/public/157727

After The Budget.. Representatives Catch Their Breath During The Legislative Recess And Return With Four Important Laws

Tomorrow, the Iraqi parliament will enter a legislative recess that will last for a month, then it will resume its duties in the second legislative term of the second legislative year, as it intends to include four “important” laws on its agenda, according to one of the representatives.

The representative, Muhammad Al-Shammari, said in a press interview seen by Taqaddam, that “the parliament, after approving the tripartite budget law, will enter tomorrow, Tuesday, in the recess of the legislative term, which lasts for one month, and then resume its sessions again,” pointing out that “There are important laws awaiting their enactment, especially the oil and gas laws and the Federal Court.”

He added, "Parliament will resume its work with several laws that have been deferred for years, and the reason is that they are not subject to political agreement between the blocs."

He continued, "The laws that the parliament will work to legislate in the second legislative term are: oil and gas, the Federal Court, information crimes, and the amendment of the House of Representatives elections law," noting that "all these legislations need political consensus."

Yesterday, the House of Representatives ended its first legislative session of the second year, approving Iraq's tripartite budget, after months of tensions, disagreements, and anticipation.


The “Tripartite Budget” Is Awaiting Approval By The Presidency Of The Republic

The first  2023/06/13: Shaima Rashid   After Parliament finished voting on the draft general budget for the years (2023, 2024, 2025), the Iraqis are waiting for its provisions to enter into force within ten days after the end of the technical matters related to legally rewriting the budget according to what Parliament voted on, and the Parliamentary Finance Committee announced that the draft The budget and its amendments will reach the Presidency of the Republic for approval today, Tuesday.

The value of the current year's budget is 197 trillion and 828 billion Iraqi dinars (about 152.2 billion dollars).

For his part, Prime Minister Muhammad Shia' al-Sudani stated that the government based its submission of the "tripartite budget" on the clear reform vision adopted by the government program, while indicating that the amended items in the budget would be reviewed.

And the Prime Minister stated in a statement, yesterday, Monday, that “the budget that the Council of Ministers voted on last March 13, took into consideration priorities that affect the basic requirements of the individual and the family, and the livelihood of citizens, and seeks to meet their aspirations in what they expect from the government in terms of services, construction and infrastructure projects.” ".

Adviser to the Prime Minister Hisham al-Rikabi explained in a tweet on "Twitter", that "after the House of Representatives voted on the federal budget for three years, the (reconstruction campaign) that Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani promised to implement will be launched very soon, according to what was stated in the government program." He added "The features of the campaign will be construction, investment, combating poverty, raising the level of services, and implementing all reform packages," he said.

While the Advisor to the Prime Minister for Political Affairs, Fadi Al-Shammari, stated that "the tripartite budget will inevitably contribute to achieving economic stability and promoting development," and added, "We look forward to investing this event in transforming the country into a large workshop," stressing that "the time has come to work together to achieve the vision our country and achieve sustainable development and reconstruction.

And regarding the executive path of the budget, a member of the Parliamentary Legal Committee, Muhammad Jassem Al-Khafaji, explained, in an interview with “Al-Sabah,” that “there are articles that have been deleted from the budget, materials that have been added, and materials that have been modified, that is, there have become variables on them, so it must be rewritten again according to amendments and corrections. that took place during the voting session, as this revised version will go to the Protocol Department and be printed definitively and in a final legal form.

He added, "This copy of the budget will be submitted to the Presidency of the Republic for the purpose of approval and publication in the Official Gazette, and this procedure must not be delayed," suggesting that "approval of the budget copy takes between one week and ten days, and then it goes to the Ministry of Finance in order to issue instructions for its implementation and intervene." into effect.”

And he indicated that "the issue of appealing the budget items by the government is up to it, because Parliament voted on it and made changes and amendments to it in accordance with the constitution and according to the powers granted to it. As for any item that the government believes has no benefit in it, it can appeal against it."

Al-Khafaji added, "Parliament voted to start the budget from the beginning of the current year 2023, that is, retroactively and not from the date of the vote," noting that this paragraph was controversial in Parliament.

In addition, a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Representative Hussein Muanes, explained that the current budget will end 6,000 lagging projects, and added that “the number of failed and lagging ministerial projects has reached 6,240 projects, and therefore the committee decided to transfer the funds to the governorates because they will be elected governments and will have the oversight of the local councils that You will be elected in a few months."

Edited by: Muhammad Al-Ansari    https://alsabaah.iq/78892-.html


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