Tivon and KTFA Members Sunday Evening 6-19-2022


Samson:  Al-Kazemi's advisor talks in detail about the white paper: reforms in a professional manner

19th June, 2022

On Sunday, Adviser to the Prime Minister and Executive Director of the Reform Cell, Alaa Al-Saadi, set the goals of the white paper, while noting that it was written systematically away from politics, stressing that it is not linked to the next government

Al-Saadi said in a speech during the Sixth Energy Conference, according to the official news agency, that "the white paper aims to achieve two strategic goals: the first is to initiate a radical and immediate reform program to stop the budget's bleeding and deficit and to provide sufficient financial and time spaces to start reform, and the second goal is to develop the economy and the budget." On a sustainable path to the bright future options

He explained, "Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi launched the actual implementation of the white paper projects at the beginning of August of last year," stressing that "the Reform Department cell in the Prime Minister's Office will continue to follow up on the ministries behind in the implementation process. He added, "The white paper was written to diagnose economic problems accurately and systematically," noting that "work on it is not done spontaneously or on an individual project, but through plans that diagnose the problem and determine the appropriate treatments for it

He continued, "The paper was designed to present a mixture of strategies and policies to confront Iraq's economic problems," noting that it "sought to redefine the role of the economy in society, in application of the principles of the Constitution, as well as its endeavor to improve the state's management of public financial systems and create the appropriate environment to create a dynamic and dynamic economy." competitiveness, in addition to its endeavor to restructure the financial and banking system, and to address the factors that led to low productivity in all its forms through the implementation of works and through commitment to applications

And he added, "The white paper did not forget to protect the fragile classes in society, and this tool was achieved through several axes, including achieving sustainable financial stability, economic reforms, facilitating infrastructure, providing basic services, giving priority to fragile groups, in addition to developing governance and the environment." Legal and administrative capacity to enable institutions and individuals to implement reform

He stressed, "The white paper is a paper for economic reforms for Iraq in a purely professional manner, as it did not target political factors, that is, it was not drawn in a political way, but was written in a purely professional manner and provided the appropriate environment for the development process regardless of the form of the next government, and its political and intellectual orientations  LINK


Tivon:  Good evening KTFA. How is everyone?

Look at this article and ask yourself how many times do you have to hear it? How clear does it have to be? How many times have I gone over it? You know...the EFSL/Citizens Entitlements that is not contingent upon a seated government.

Why is it always reaffirmed days to weeks later from another political/financial figure that what is happening with the current movement aims to alleviate the economic hardships on the citizens that I constantly beat into your heads that they want this done irregardless of what is going on in the political realms.

The EFSL is designed as a bridge to the economy of the future well beyond this year which is why it was so secretive in it's process to the final vote. Which is why I think it's one of those tools operating inside the White Papers.

Everything that will be activated even in 2023 and beyond is predicated upon the EFSL. Why? Because the EFSL "Stabilizes All Contracts & Procedures". You understand the weight of that statement? Petra gave you a clue a couple of days ago.

 The EFSL is basically the official start of "The White Papers". And the Monetary/Economic Reform.

That's why in this article the guy says the "White Paper" is a mixture of strategies. Why do you think you are constantly seeing a roll out of articles about the ATMs? They didn't deploy any other time throughout your investment until the final vote on the EFSL was done. That's not a coincidence people.

 Think about what he said as far as creating the appropriate environment for everything. The Oil & Gas Law. The Contracts. The Iran Debt. The General Customs Authority. The corruption. All dealt with and reduced to zero thanks to the identification number system.

Not to mention the hard currency reserve being covered to protect against any inflation. Then to top it off he says the paper is designed for current radical immediate problems. What is the segue to the papers? The EFSL.

Guys if I was wrong about anything I have said up until this point why can't your favorite guru in Dinarland call it out to make you feel safe about their opinions in regards to them having a better alternative to what has been presented to you here over the last couple of months?

A couple of them tried. But none of them can't point to any article coming out of Iraq to support anything they have against my perspective.

Someone you guys know very well shared some monumental news with me. And it supports everything we have shared with you guys here. I was smiling from ear to ear. What a month we will have. IMO


Zeeman:  Tivon . you remind me of going to vegas and betting on a winner…. keep it up. we should know  quite a bit more either wed or thur when the 15 days are up. thanks for the great info

Clare:  Al Qirtas Islamic Bank - The first use of modern systems from DN SeriesTM ATMs in Iraq

18th June, 2022

Modern technology that provides the latest solutions available globally to provide the best services to banking customers

Diebold Nixdorff Corporation (NYSE: DBD), Ohio, USA, a world leader in retail and finance technology, announced the first use of the modern DN SeriesTM ATM systems in Iraq at Al-Qirtas Islamic Bank, in addition to using the Vynamic® View ATM monitoring program to ensure Provides service to bank customers, reduces downtime and reduces usage costs

The requirements and banking needs of bank customers are changing very rapidly these days. For this reason, the modern teller systems of Kartas Islamic Bank, one of the modern and advanced banks in Iraq, provide the ability to meet these needs through scalable systems and practical programs.

 Backed by multiple layers of cyber and physical protection, 19 inch interactive screens, and the ability to deposit funds and checks

Sara Sayed Mohammed, Public Relations Manager of Kartas Islamic Bank, said: "We are proud to be the first to launch modern teller technology in Iraq, and we are constantly looking to provide the latest services to our customers.

Modern money changers have received great interest from the bank's customers, and we are sure that the launch of cash deposit services in Automated teller machines (ATMs) in the near future will enable the bank to raise the level of services provided to our customers, and to deal with cash feeding with high efficiency

ATM cash deposit feature is an essential part of Diebold Nixdorff's modern design. Habib Hanna, director of the Middle East region at Diebold Nixdorff, said, "I am very pleased to choose Kartas Islamic Bank for the new ATMs from our company. The bank can use these ATMs to provide many advanced services to its customers

The project was implemented by Offtec Iraq - Diebold Nixdorf's partner in Iraq

About Al-Qirtas Islamic Bank

Al-Qirtas Islamic Bank aspires to be one of the most important banks in Iraq by providing modern, sophisticated and interconnected banking services, and contributing to the advancement of the banking sector in Iraq

For more information   : https://alqurtas.iq/

About Diebold Nixdorff

Diebold Nixdorf Corporation, New York (NYSE: DBD) is a leading global connected commerce enabler that automates and develops electronic payment systems in partnership with the world's largest global banking institutions, banks and supermarkets. The company has approximately 22,000 employees at corporate headquarters in more than 100 countries around the world


Clare:  Contributed to the approval of vital projects.. The Trade Bank of Iraq determines the importance of the white paper

19th June, 2022

Today, Sunday, the Commercial Bank of Iraq TBI , identified the importance of the white paper in influencing the Iraqi economy, while noting that this paper is an economic awakening for the country .

The Executive Director of the Bank, Salem Chalabi, said during the sixth energy conference, which was attended by the correspondent of the Iraqi News Agency (INA), that "the white paper is a good opportunity to open a financial dialogue with the Iraqi government, because the government effort stops the bleeding of the economy, which leads to spreading the peace resulting from individual sufficiency and therefore The prosperity of society,” noting that “the white paper contributed to the approval of vital projects since the first months of last year, and we are continuing to follow them on multiple levels, to ensure the implementation of the initial agreements .”

He added, "There are axes that must be considered for the sustainability of these projects, in order to keep pace with the major radical transformations," noting that "the white paper was written in a way that diagnoses problems, with methodological accuracy, and is necessary to establish appropriate relations away from spontaneity, but rather with a methodology that represents an evaluation of the preparation of the settings." occasion ."

He added, "This paper was formed with a mixture of policies that suit the Iraqi people and the market economy, so that they contribute to regulating public financial matters," explaining that it "addresses the factors that led to low productivity, including the commitment to protecting the individual and society ."

And he indicated that "these goals were achieved through a number of axes, the most important of which is financial stability in economic development, and giving priority to the needs of the people through financial and administrative governance to provide services that lead to reform that cannot be achieved without practical steps in the economy."

An economic awakening of the country, in a purely methodical way.”   LINK


Sunday Evening Iraq Parliament News Highlights 6-19-22


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