"Tidbits From TNT" Wednesday AM 12-21-2022


Tishwash:  Kurdistan suspends official working hours for a week on the occasion of Christmas

Today, Wednesday, the Kurdistan Regional Government set the New Year's holiday.

And the Information and Information Department of the Kurdistan Regional Government stated, in a statement, which (Baghdad Today) received, that "disrupting official working hours in all institutions of the regional government, starting from Sunday, December 25, 2022, until January 1, 2023."

And she indicated that "working hours in official institutions will be resumed, as of Monday, January 2, 2023."   link

Tishwash:  Vice President of Standard & Poor's expects oil to reach this level!

In an interview with CNBC on Tuesday evening, S&P Global Vice President Dan Yergin said that he expects oil prices to rise strongly during the coming period, and explained that there are also some factors that create a lot of uncertainty about the outlook for oil prices. oil.

Yergin stated that oil prices will receive a lot of support when China fully lifts its epidemic restrictions, indicating that Khan Brent may then rise to the highest level of $ 120 a barrel.

The Vice President of the International Research and Credit Assessment Agency added that the basic scenario for oil prices during the year 2023 is that the price of Brent crude will reach the level of $ 90 a barrel, but he pointed to several other factors that would change the volume of demand or supply for global oil supplies. 

Yergin added that if China bypasses its epidemic policies completely, and then contributes to a significant increase in the volume of demand in the oil market, which suffers from limited supply, this may be a single strong push for oil prices towards $ 121 a barrel.

On the other hand, Yergin indicated that oil prices may drop to about $70 a barrel in the event that the recession scenario for some major economies is realized.

Yergin warned that there is a lot of uncertainty that still surrounds the oil market as a result of three factors, namely; The upcoming US Federal Reserve decisions, the level of demand in China, and of course Russia's reaction to the oil price ceiling mechanism that the European Union and its allies imposed on Russian oil this month     link


Tishwash:  Parliament intends to hold an extraordinary session to read the 2023 budget 22:16

The Finance Committee in the House of Representatives revealed the parliament’s intention to hold an extraordinary session of the parliament for the purpose of starting the first and second reading of the budget, in the event that it was sent by the government to the legislative authority, while it indicated that the budget is still present in the corridors of the Ministry of Finance and was not sent to the Council of Ministers for the purpose of passing it.

Committee member Jamal Cougar told (Baghdad Today) that "there are obstacles that delay sending the budget, including the birth of a full government with full powers on October 27, while the law stipulates that the budget be sent on October 15, and accordingly the government was then to conduct business and this is the first reason.

As for the reason The second is the arrival of oil prices to approximately 79 or 80 dollars, and this confused the parties that prepare the budget, as they do not know how much the price they are currently setting in the budget, how much is the total value of it, and how much is the deficit in it. All of them are confusing accounts now.

Cougar added, "A country like Iraq lives on oil, which greatly affects it if prices drop from $100 to a number lower than that, and therefore we in the committee and parliament are waiting for the budget to arrive for the purpose of discussing and passing it, even if we are in the legislative season recess." link


Tishwash:  For the first time.. dollar cash sales to the Iraqi Central Bank exceed foreign remittances

The Central Bank of Iraq's cash sales of the US dollar increased today, Wednesday, to exceed for the first time foreign transfers, with the participation of 32 banks.

Shafaq News agency reporter stated that the Central Bank sold today, during its auction for buying and selling the US dollar, 126 million 67 thousand and 350 dollars, which the bank covered at a base exchange rate of 1460 dinars per dollar.

Our correspondent added that most of the sales went, for the first time, in the form of cash sales, amounting to 63 million and 70 thousand dollars, while the rest went to strengthening balances abroad (remittances, credits) and amounted to 62 million 997 thousand and 350 dollars.

Our correspondent indicated that the number of banks that bought the cash dollar amounted to 18, while the number of banks that met requests for strengthening balances abroad reached 14, while the total number of exchange and mediation companies participating in the auction was 186 companies. link

Mot:  . Ya Know! -

Mot:  .. Yeppers! - those Special Gifts!! ~~~


It’s Okay to Be in Debt, Just Not Okay to Stay in Debt


News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday Morning 12-21-2022