"Tidbits From TNT" Thursday Morning 12-29-2022


CandyKisses:  Officially.. Suspension of official working hours next Sunday

Suspension of official working hours on the occasion of the New Year  

It was decided to suspend official working hours in ministries and entities not related to the Ministry and all state institutions, next Sunday, corresponding to the first of January 2023, on the occasion of the New Year.  

General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers  

29 December 2022  

CandyKisses:  Al-Sudani: The government is working to make Iraq an attractive environment for investment in various fields

 Baghdad - Mawazine News

Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani affirmed today, Wednesday, his sponsorship of creative people, while calling for the repetition of activities that attract young energies.

The media office of the Prime Minister said in a statement, a copy of which was received by Mawazine News, that "Al-Sudani received a number of Iraqi creators participating in the TAX Baghdad conference."
Al-Sudani expressed his high appreciation and thanks on behalf of the government for the participants who have ideas and creative works.

The Prime Minister affirmed his sponsorship of the creators, calling for "repeating these participations and activities in Baghdad periodically, in order to attract more creative young energies to serve our dear country, and to create inspiring success stories through them."

He explained that "the government is working to make Iraq an attractive environment for investment in various fields, and ambitious investment projects that will attract innovators from the people of Iraq."

For their part, the creative participants in the conference expressed their desire to provide their services to Iraq, by presenting ideas to enter into strategic projects that make a difference and promote the country's renaissance.

And the Prime Minister directed to honor the creative members of the delegation. 


CandyKisses:  A banking expert blows up a major surprise: Iraq's reserves of dollars and gold are not in the coffers of the Central Bank

Baghdad - Iraq Today:

Banking expert Abdul Rahman Al-Sheikhly revealed that the cash reserves, gold and valuables are not deposited in Iraq, but in banks outside the country, explaining that Iraq cannot move a single dollar without the approval of the Federal Bank.

Al-Sheikhly said in a press interview, "The coffers of the Central Bank of Iraq do not contain any monetary mass for the total financial reserve, amounting to 90 billion dollars, but in the US Federal Bank, in addition to gold bullion, which is estimated at 70 tons, which were deposited in several foreign banks outside the country, and the reason for this is the application of a previous agreement concluded between Iraq and the United States in 2004, which restricted the movement of Iraqi oil revenues through the Federal Reserve exclusively."

He added, "Under the Iraqi-American agreement, the American bank gives Iraq its financial needs through official requests and at the same time does not allow it to invest this money except with the permission of the Fed, and after announcing its approval to exchange releases the specified amounts, but the United States did not do this agreement literally, but continued to release the amounts, especially with regard to the so-called (currency auction) in the Central Bank to cover the needs of the market, but today it returned to the implementation of the agreement literally after confirming that a lot of money goes In parallel with political moves to conclude alliances with countries that Washington had imposed restrictions on and were listed as rogue states, which prompted them to reconsider their policy with Iraq."

Al-Sheikhly pointed out that "Iraq cannot move a single dollar of the value of its oil revenues without the approval of the US Federal Bank for many reasons, including claiming to protect Iraqi funds from manipulation and loss and investing them commercially, as well as covering the expenses of sanctions and compensation for countries, companies and institutions affected by the occupation of Kuwait by the former regime."


Tishwash:  Economic war and direct blackmail.. America is waging a "dollar" war on Iraq

Changing the direction of the new Iraqi government, which is looking for the benefit of its people before submitting to international administration like its predecessors, disturbed Washington a lot, which prompted it to "punish" the country in new ways that differ from its usual strategic tools.

Al-Sudani's visit to the Arab-Chinese summit and his attendance at the Baghdad 2 summit in Jordan showed Washington well what the Iraqi government is trying to offer. Getting out of the US "commandments" is not easy, especially since the White House regards Mesopotamia as its "precious treasure."

* America's pressure
this time America will not come to Baghdad to occupy it with the military or warplanes to get rid of a government that caused it problems at the beginning of its era, but rather tried to thwart it and inflame the people against it through a paper that is considered the strongest and puts great pressure on it, which is the "economy" by raising the exchange rates dollar.

And speaking of the American interference in the policy of the central bank and the crisis of the rise in the dollar exchange rate, Jabbar Odeh, a member of the coordination framework, says in an interview with Al-Maalouma that “the recent dollar crisis was caused by Washington in an attempt to put pressure on the source of the decision in Baghdad in order to achieve several goals, the most prominent of which is the closure of 10 activities.” Private banks under the pretext that they are smuggling dollars outside the borders.

And he adds, "What is happening represents a transgression and violation of the country's sovereignty and an attempt to exploit Iraq's dollar reserves in America to weaken its economy and seek to implement a very dangerous agenda," calling for "changing the compass of reserves as many countries do to avoid any economic pressure from the White House."

Ambassador's movements 
Meanwhile, the leader of the Al-Fateh Alliance, Ali Al-Fatlawi, said in an interview with Al-Maalouma, that "the stage that Iraq has reached does not need additional problems as much as it needs calm and correction for the previous stage," stressing that "the movements and meetings of the American ambassador are suspicious."

And he added, "The legacies of the American ambassador will not affect Iraq's decisions, and dictates will not affect the political reality," noting that "Iraq needs to take sovereign decisions that serve its interests, away from all the pressures exerted by some countries."
And Al-Fatlawi continues his speech, "In this period, Iraq has become at the forefront of international sites and global agreements by virtue of its geographical location and the new policy pursued by the new government."

* American war on Iraq
On the other hand, a member of the Human Rights Movement, Hussein Al-Karawi, said in an interview with Al-Maalouma Agency, that "what the White House is practicing is a declared war on the Iraqi people," noting that "the policy of imposing wills by force that the United States is doing must put an end to it, since it has been for decades." The Iraqi people are being suppressed under various pretexts.”  
He adds, “There is clear inaction on the part of many Iraqi politicians, without any difference between them 

Crisis, and there are many methods and means of deterrence, and Iraq can take, for example, selling Iraqi oil in Iraqi dinars, stopping dealings in dollars, and forcefully introducing China and Russia into the Iraqi arena.

American plans and fixed interests in Iraq may hinder the Iraqi government's progress in the path of achieving the interests of the people. Going to China or countries hostile to Washington requires a strong administration and people who support its decisions to get rid of the White House's domination of Iraq  link

Mot:  ...... Ooooooh Nooooo - NOT Again!!! ~~~~~~

Mot: .. Remember When You were ~~~


News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday AM 12-29-2022


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