"Tidbits From TNT" Thursday AM 12-1-2022


Tishwash:  Iraq's oil generates more than 8 billion dollars in one month

The Ministry of Oil announced, on Thursday, the total exports and revenues achieved for the month of November, according to preliminary statistics issued by the Iraqi Oil Marketing Company (SOMO).

The ministry said, in a statement received by Mawazine News, that "the total quantities of crude oil exported for the month of November from the oil fields in central and southern Iraq amounted to 97,204,696 barrels, while from the Kirkuk fields through the port of Ceyhan, the exported quantities amounted to 2 million." And 363 thousand and 20 barrels.

The ministry indicated that "the average daily quantities exported amounted to 3 million and 329 thousand barrels per day," adding that "the average price of one barrel amounted to more than (82,417) dollars.  link

Tishwash:  Economist: Oil prices will range between 90-100 dollars over the next year

The economist, Dr. Safwan Qusay, suggested that oil prices will range between 90-100 dollars per barrel during the next year, pointing out that prices will not fall below 70 dollars per barrel, even if oil is pumped from the strategic storage of the United States.

Qusai told Al-Maalouma that "it is better for OPEC to keep the same policy and not increase or decrease production, especially since there are sanctions that will be imposed on Russian oil."

He added, "It is possible for oil prices to range between 90-100 dollars a barrel during the next year, so that there will be stability in the revenues of Iraq and other major oil producers."

And he indicated that "Iraq will be affected if the pumping of oil from the strategic storage is increased, and it is likely that prices will not fall below $ 70 a barrel even with the increase in the pumping of oil from the strategic storage by the United States," stressing that "China's control of the Corona pandemic will be a factor for price growth." oil and its height.  link


Tishwash:  An official source: The budget will reach parliament next Thursday

An official source in the House of Representatives confirmed, on Thursday, that the 2023 budget will reach the House next Thursday. 

The official Al-Sabah newspaper, in its issue issued today, quoted the source as saying, "The 2023 budget will arrive in the last hours of the eighth day of December." 

The source added, "The eighth of December is the last date before the House of Representatives announces the start of its recess for the legislative season, starting from the ninth day of this month and for a month." 

He explained, "After the budget is received from the government, the work of Parliament may be extended until it is approved."  link


Tishwash:  Including the budget and oil .. Announcing the details of the results of the negotiations of the delegation of the regional government in Baghdad

Jutiar Adel, a spokesman for the Kurdistan Regional Government and a member of the Kurdistan Regional Government delegation to Baghdad, said: "A positive atmosphere prevailed in the meetings with the federal government delegation, and we sensed that they wanted to reach an agreement, and in the end we must reach a middle solution, and the Kurdistan Regional Government delegation will go to Baghdad." whenever needed." 

Jutiar Adel added to the official website of the Kurdistan Regional Government: "We have been visiting Baghdad since last Sunday, according to the decision issued by the Council of Ministers and under the direction of the Prime Minister to form this delegation and go to Baghdad as soon as possible to participate in the formulation of the federal budget for the fiscal year 2023. That is why we visited Baghdad, where we stayed for four days, and today we returned to the Kurdistan Region.

The spokesman for the Kurdistan Regional Government confirmed, saying: "We discussed several issues in our meetings, including the budget and its details, in which two teams from the Ministries of Finance and Natural Resources in the Kurdistan Regional Government participated in preparing the numbers and notes that the Ministry of Finance has, and explaining the unclear points that need clarification or Reorganization, and these things were completed and prepared in two or three days. Lists of appointments and staffings and lists of expenditures of the Kurdistan Regional Government were submitted to the Ministry of Finance in the federal government.

He went on to say: At the beginning of our visit to Baghdad, we discussed the basis for reaching an agreement, of course the basis of the constitution and the ministerial curriculum paper, which became the basis for talking about issues such as the budget, oil, crossings and financial control. Today's meeting, Wednesday, November 30, was an important meeting with a high-level delegation from the Iraqi government. We discussed the four files and the necessary procedures to find out the responsibility of the Kurdistan Regional Government and the responsibility of the Iraqi government.

The spokesman for the Kurdistan Regional Government concluded by saying: "The meetings are continuing and will continue, and the delegation of the Kurdistan Regional Government is ready to visit Baghdad whenever necessary and may visit Baghdad again soon so that we can discuss the issue of the budget again, and we expect it to be ready within a month or less, and we hope that These discussions and visits will be fruitful, and finally the real share of the Kurdistan Region will be established according to the constitutional entitlements that must be adhered to or dealt with and other files

.It was a really positive atmosphere and we understood from the meetings that they wanted to reach an agreement, but how, what and in what way is the subject of discussion?And that in In the end, we must reach an intermediate solution according to the ministerial approach.”    link

Mot: ...... and just like that ~~~~~~~

Mot:  .. getting Ready fur that Christmas Vacation Movie I Thinks! ~~


Thursday AM Iraq Economic News Highlights 12-1-22


News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday Morning 12-1-2022