Tidbits From TNT Sunday Morning 2-2-2020


Saturday UPDATE for February 1, 2020

Iraq protests: Mohammed Allawi named Prime Minister

Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi, a former communications minister, was appointed by President Barham Salih.

His predecessor Adel Abdul Mahdi resigned in November, amid mass anti-government demonstrations. Hundreds of protesters have been killed.

Mr Allawi now has a month to form a new government, which he will lead until early elections. He immediately expressed support for the protests.

Protesters say they will not go quietly into the night.

Alf:  OH happy Ground hog/Bill Murray day to all

CarloJ:  Punxsutawney Phil didn't see his shadow this morning. Early spring.

Ivantulafitov:  Iraqi blocs select new PM-designate after weeks of jockeying … e choice comes as the country weathers troubled times, including ongoing anti-government protests and the constant threat of being ensnared by festering U.S.-Iran tensions. The selection of Allawi, 66, to replace outgoing Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi was the product of many back-room talks over months between rival parties.     https://apnews.com/4f87b8fcdc0869e86f6a25fe85be3855

Ivantulafitov:  Mohammed Tawfik Allawi  is an Iraqi politician who has been serving as the current Iraqi Prime Minister since February 2020.[1] He was the Minister of Communications in the Iraqi Government and was also Minister of Communications in the Al Maliki government from May 2006 until August 2007, and from 2010 to 2012. Both times he resigned from his position in protest against al-Maliki's sectarian agenda and political interference.

Allawi studied Architectural Engineering at Baghdad University, when he left mid-way through his studies as he was wanted by the government of Saddam Hussein. He went into exile and moved to Lebanon, where he completed his education and obtained a degree in Architecture from the American University of Beirut. He then moved to the United Kingdom.

While in higher education he co-founded the Tawfiq Allawi Cable & Electric Wire Factory which manufactured various raw materials including marble, concrete and PVC. His factories were confiscated by the Iraqi government in 1997. Allawi went on to found a cereal bar factory and a software company in England and to work in property development in Lebanon, Morocco and the real estate market in the UK.[4]   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohammed_Tawfiq_Allawi

Suggar:  This sounds like a guy that can bring the country back,,,,,industry is the way to really rebuild .....giving the people something to keep them busy and something to believe in with pride….Pride seems to be a large part of their life.....

1ladybirdNC:  Good morning SUGGAR....he certainly has a industrial record.... Our hopes depend on someone strong enough on many sides... If he has US support .....and can use it to protect and build -he may have a chance

Mocha2u:  I am encouraged by the selection, this guy seems to have fought to maintain his values in the midst of rampant corruption


Tishwash:  Allawi nominates members of the ministry within 30 days after the assignment

Legal expert Ali Al-Tamimi stressed the stages that will follow the constitutional mandate of Muhammad Allawi Al-Tamimi said in a statement to the obelisk, that the taxpayer, Mohammed Allawi, is required according to Article 76f II and IV to name the members of .the ministry and prepare the ministerial curriculum within a period of 30 days from the date of commissioning And Al-Tamimi indicated that the Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Allawi must present the names of his ministers and ministerial curricula to

 .Parliament, and he must obtain an absolute majority vote, that is, half of the attendance plus one after the quorum is achieved Al-Tamimi indicated that if Parliament voted for Allawi, he would take the constitutional oath with his ministers mentioned in Article 50 of the .Constitution Al-Tamimi concluded by saying that during this period, Abdul-Mahdi and his ministers will continue in the caretaker government until Mohammed Allawi, .who is appointed and his ministers, is sworn in 

Al-Halbousi and Allawi stress the necessity of forming a government that adopts reform steps   link

Cutebwoy:  Legal: Abdul-Mahdi will continue to conduct business until Allawi forms his government

February 1, 2020

Baghdad / Al-Ikhbaria:

Legal expert, Ali Al-Tamimi, confirmed on Saturday that the caretaker Prime Minister, Adel Abdul-Mahdi, will continue his duties until Parliament approves the prime minister-designate, Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi.

Al-Tamimi said in a statement to “Al-Akhbaria” that “the taxpayer, Mohammed Allawi, is required, according to Article 76f. Second and fourth, to name the members of the ministry and prepare the ministerial curriculum … within a period of 30 days from the date of assignment.”

He added, “For a person charged with Muhammad Allawi, he must present the names of his ministers and ministerial curricula to Parliament, and he must present with an absolute majority vote, that is, half of the attendance plus one after the quorum is achieved.”

He continued, “If Parliament voted for him, he would perform with the oath ministers included in Article 50 of the Constitution,” noting that “during this period, Abdul-Mahdi and his ministers will continue to conduct business until the performance of Muhammad Allawi, who is appointed and the ministers of the constitutional oath.”


Brod: 2/02/2020   Sunday's date is a rare palindrome that hasn't happened in over 900 years

Sunday is shaping up to be a unique day for reasons other than the Super Bowl and Groundhog Day: It's also a rare palindrome.

While various forms of palindrome dates are fairly common, 02/02/2020 has the unique distinction of reading the same backward and forward when written out in eight digits in multiple date systems, according to University of Portland professor Aziz Inan.

“We are so lucky to have such a special palindrome date occurring in our lifetime because it’s so rare,” Inan told USA TODAY Saturday.


.a rare day.jpg

KTFA Members "News and Views" Sunday 2-2-2020


IQD CALLS Chat Early Sunday 2-2-20