"Tidbits From TNT" Friday 11-25-2022


Tishwash:  Budget.. Iraqis are waiting for the law between anticipation and hope to end the two years of crisis

It is strange to say that Iraq in the last two years does not have a general budget to manage the affairs of the country, and perhaps if we speak outside its borders, no one will believe it, but it is true and for reasons known to everyone, and the victim is the citizen who lived during this period in a state of decline in the standard of living.

The Sudanese government, since it assumed the reins of leadership, has launched service campaigns and placed the service of citizens on its list of priorities, but it needs a budget to be able to implement what it planned for, and this is being worked on by the Ministry of Finance in order to complete the draft budget law as soon as possible, especially since the House of Representatives has extended current legislative term.

The total amount of the budget is 130 billion dollars

A source in the Ministry of Finance revealed the total amount allocated for the 2023 budget, while it amounts to approximately $130 billion.

The source told “Earth News” agency, “The committee for preparing a draft law for the draft budget law for the year 2023 continues its work on a daily basis, and it is composed of several ministries, including finance, planning and oil, in addition to the prime minister’s office and advisors specialized in financial and economic affairs.”

And the source, who asked not to be named, stated that “the preparation of a draft law for the budget bill for the year 2023 is in its final stages, and there is a possibility that the draft will be sent to the House of Representatives at the beginning of next month.”

He added, "The budget for the year 2023 will be different from previous budgets in terms of investment budget allocations, and this and allocations in this regard are still ongoing and ongoing work on them, and the general budget allocations will be approximately $130 billion."

Anticipation and hope

Citizens express their hope that a budget will be prepared that will rescue them from the weak economic situation that they have experienced during the past two years due to the lack of economic stability.

Citizen Ahmed Karim told Earth News Agency, “The past two years have been among the most difficult years that have passed for Iraqis in general and for them in particular,” noting that “the citizen, after enduring the problems of politicians, has come to bear its economic consequences.”

And he added, “We hope for the good of the current government by preparing a budget through which it will do justice to the middle and weak classes who are most vulnerable to economic damage from the policies of previous governments,” calling on “Parliament to cooperate with the government in order to end the suffering of citizens.”

Karim called on “the government to adjust the exchange rate of the dollar,   as it is the first reason for the decline in the standard of living of citizens.”

The price of a barrel of oil is between (70 to 75) dollars

For his part, Jamal Cougar, a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, told Earth News, “The House of Representatives, until this hour, does not know anything about the draft budget bill for the year 2023, as it is still with the Council of Ministers, and we have no contact with them in this regard.” .

And Cougar indicated that “according to the information that reaches us, the price of a barrel of oil will be in the 2023 budget, from (70 to 75) dollars, and the exchange rate will be the same without any change, and the law will include some jobs according to deletion and creation.”

He added, "We expect that the draft budget law will reach Parliament in the middle of next month, and we in the House of Representatives will work to legislate the law before the end of the current year, and the government should expedite sending this law so as not to delay its legislation."

For his part, the economic advisor in the Prime Ministry, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, apologized when contacted by our agency to comment on the issue,   especially with the presence of the new government.

And the general budget remains a hope for many citizens after waiting for two years to get out of the stifling economic crisis and get rid of its accumulations that cast a shadow over the majority of the Iraqi people  link


CandyKisses:  Parliamentary Finance proposes adopting a price of $75 per barrel in the budget

The Parliamentary Finance Committee clarified the priorities of the 2023 budget, and while it expected it to reach parliament at the beginning of next year, it was likely that its value would reach 150 trillion dinars, while it proposed fixing the price of $75 per barrel

Committee member Mueen Al-Kadhimi said, "The Ministries of Finance and Planning are serious about completing writing the draft budget for 2023, and there will be a discussion about it in the Council of Ministers, and we believe that it will be sent to the House of Representatives early next year

He added, "In the Finance Committee, we believe that the budget will translate the government program into health and electricity files, and try to reach production of 30 megawatts per day, support the social protection file, the investment and urban aspects, and infrastructure development. There are also expectations that its value will be 150 trillion dinars, especially with the rise in oil prices

Al-Kazemi stressed, "The necessity of adopting a reasonable price for a barrel of oil that takes into account the possibility of a drop in global prices, such as 75 dollars. Accordingly, the value of oil revenues will be only around 127 trillion dinars, while there will be other non-oil revenues with a value exceeding 20 trillion dinars

He stressed that "Iraq's current share in OPEC reaches 3,250 thousand barrels, and exports must increase, and Iraq's status as the third producer around the world is taken into account, and its share in OPEC has been reduced as a result of wars, and its current situation differs

. He pointed out that "preparing the budget will not need loans with a financial abundance, but on the other hand, a deficit may occur that will not exceed 10 trillion dinars


Tishwash:  The House of Representatives neglects to pass the laws that citizens are waiting for

The House of Representatives is still unable to legislate and approve the service and economic laws that citizens are eagerly awaiting, while the representatives attribute the reasons to the absence of political consensus on some laws.

Another session of the House of Representatives was absent from the most important and needed laws expected of citizens, and an agenda in which some laws were developed at a stage from previous sessions, while the legislation of important laws, whether related to the economic or service aspect, continues to be neglected

The obstruction was, and still is, caused by the absence of political consensus on some laws, such as the budget, adjusting employees' salaries, and other legislation related to financial issues in particular. Representatives confirmed that differences are still present within the parliamentary committees.

There are many draft laws between suspended and suspended, some of which depend on their approval at various stages of life, and others that contribute to solving problems and restoring a societal reality.


Mot:  ... Alright!! -- Found the Car!!! 

Mot:  .. Hay! - its Cooooold Out Side – Sooooooo 


KTFA Members "Friday News" 11-25-2022


MarkZ and Michael Cottrell Friday Morning Chat 11-25-2022