"The Velocity of Money" By Virginia Gentleman

From Recaps Archives

From Virginia Gentleman:   VELOCITY OF MONEY

I know I don’t have to state the obvious …GO HAVE FUN WITH SOME OF YOUR NEW FOUND WEALTH. However, I would like to pass on some words of wisdom.

As we get ready to punch it in, please remember to act like you’ve been in the End Zone before. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly as you collect yourself with the full intentions of acting with class and integrity.

Respectful treatment of others will be an inherent responsibility of your new status, as well as respectful treatment of your money and assets. You owe this to yourself, your family, your neighbors, and your heirs.

Don’t hoard it, and on the other hand, don’t waste it or give it all away. Save, invest, and spend wisely.

One of the single best things you can do with a small portion, and in effect a very small portion, is to be more generous over at least the next 18-24 months (or the longer) spending your money locally. What do I mean? The answer is the ‘VELOCITY OF MONEY’.
The Velocity of Money is a fairly simple financial concept where a ‘community’ can be positively impacted by the way a group of individuals increase the spending of their money in their economy, and in turn, the ripple effect of that spending as it accelerates throughout that same economy.

It can be local, regional, national, and even global. Velocity of money is most effective in a smaller market with the smaller more predictive population of a local economy, and it isn’t just effective, it is fun for the people spending their increased earnings, or in this case, significant returns on an investment. Yep, that is you!
Anyone who has ever lived in a small town or Suburban area where a new large company has come in and opened a large facility and hired a large amount of employees has witnessed this phenomenon.

Money gets pumped in and spending from increased disposable income begins to spread out through the entire community finding its way into the wallets of all the inhabitants.

An excellent example is in the Wall Street Journal.  The article “Workers benefit as Auto Sales Rise”. This bears witness to how auto workers throughout the USA light trucks manufacturing facilities at all Big Three Automakers are reaping big bonuses this year… Velocity of Money.
The goal is to spend your money at local establishments on services, appliances, home improvements, food, entertainment, and such.

More precisely on things like tipping an extra 5-15 percent, using a valet to park at the local steakhouse (tipping extra), go hear a local band (put money in the tip jar), buy cheese or pork or beef at a farmers market instead of 2 month old shrink wrapped processed cheese from a Big Box store or grocer, get an extra manicure or haircut (tipping extra!), get your car repaired at the mechanic down that side road instead of Walmart or the Dealer, buy those nicer hiking boots ‘Made In America’, get your computer cleaned up by that geek in the shop she set up in the old 7-11 building, buy your lumber from the local milled lumber supplier not the National Chain hardware store, deal with a local community bank or credit union with a substantial portion of your money… you get it now right.

Think about it. You may be spending either the same amount or perhaps an extra 10-20%, and you’re getting the same things… OFTEN WITH THE BONUS OF MUCH HIGHER QUALITY PRODUCTS WHILE GETTING TO KNOW YOUR NEIGHBORS ON MAIN STREET!!!
I personally look forward to trying some of the world’s best Craft Breweries in Richmond (tipping generously) and touring some of Virginia’s wineries (tipping generously)… jealous of you Kentucky folks that can tour the best ‘Bourbon’ distilleries on the planet, or you ‘Whiskey’ lovers in Tennessee just outside of Fayetteville down the Admiral Frank B Kelso highway or those in Nashville who can wander in a restaurant and catch a ‘local’ band like Kenny Chesney, lol. Believe it!
By doing this the dominoes of positive change begin to fall within your local community. The ripple effect is that the waiters, mechanics, manicurists, hairstylists, valet, carpenter, plumber, artisan cheesemaker, farmer, and others in your community begin to make more money.

And what do they do? They go out and spend more, tip more, consume more. Your local tax authority makes more sales tax revenue and spends it on improvements.

I’m in America, but the Velocity of Money is true in Canada, Great Britain, Iraq, Vietnam, or anywhere. And guess what? Since this is fun stuff you’ll be doing while spending your hard earned money, you will also be wearing a BIG smile.

There is nothing more infectious and quick to spread goodwill than passing on your smile accompanied by kind words. So be wise with your prosperity and have some fun …LOCALLY.
The fruit you bear will fall from your tree and spread its seeds…

Live and grow in the nine fruits of the Spirit and you will sow the nine fruits…

Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Faithfulness, and Self-Control.
Take care –Virginia Gentleman


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