"The Return of the Prince" by Pimpy Saturday 10-17-2020

The return of the Prince

Pimpy’s Investment chat:  Oct 17, 2020

Rumors all over the internet are that JFK jr. and his wife Carolyn will make an appearance tonight at the Trump Rally in Dallas.

Return of Camelot?  WWG1WGA ?  According to youtubers the new 2020 presidential ticket will be Trump and JFK Jr.

With all the crap we have been seeing and hearing…..anything is possible!

IF this is true it would change the entire world.  He is the one individual who could unite the US and the entire world.

This would end the One World Order dead in its tracks. 

What do you all think?   Is today the magical day that will change the world forever?



LGA and The Atlantis Report "IMF, Wallstreet and Banking News" 10-17-2020


News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday 10-17-2020