"The Fed has merged into the Treasury" Articles and Video 10-21-2020

(Note- This is an older article with a very good explanation in it …..The updated video is posted below)

We Did It – Trump Ends The Fed As We Know It

By John Michael Chambers | March 29, 2020

Those of us who are awake have been talking about this day for many, many years. I have written about it in my articles and in my book, “Trump and the Resurrection of America” as well having spoken about it on scores of media platforms including my own show, “News Behind The News“.

In, fact my friend and associate, Economist Dr. Kirk Elliott and I have dedicated weekly program titled the Global Financial Reset, or GFR for the past year, where each week we discuss this from many perspectives.

You can get up to speed there. We and others were right and now that day has finally arrived.

The Restructure Has Begun

Cue post 3904 dated March 27, 2020 stated that “The Patriots Are Now In Control of the Federal Reserve System” and indeed we are! This is part of the overall Global Financials Reset but is NOT a reset of the currency itself. That comes later. The restructure has begun.

 President Trump has brought the Fed actions into the treasury. Here it is, H.R. 748 CARE ACT. Bang! Zoom! The Fed and the Treasury have now merged. It’s the end of the Fed as we know it! 

 Here’s a commentary from the X 22 Report.  Economist, Dr. Kirk Elliott discuss the beginning steps of the nationalization of the Fed.

This move essentially merges the Fed and Treasury into one organization. So, meet your new Fed Chairman, Donald J. Trump.

Ha! Take that you globalists banksters! For all intents and purposes, the Fed was just bankrupted.

I was talking with Economist Dr. Kirk Elliott, nominated for two Trump committee positions, who basically stated that since this is occurring right now in real time and to date with no official announcement yet from Washington, this is what we know thus far.

The Fed (by previous mandate), was only able to buy official government securities and were autonomous to the White House. With the new arrangement the Fed was just neutered.

The Treasury department will now determine which markets / segments need capital (could be stocks, municipals, specific industries, even corporate debt—doesn’t appear there is a restriction). The Treasury department gets to tell the Fed to print money and how much. All the FED does is print that much money. No decision making or authoritative control. A third party (Blackrock) executes the trades that the treasury department dictates. This gets everything out of the hands of the FED except for the printing of money.

In the Bloomberg opinion article published by Yahoo yesterday, “The Fed’s Cure Risks Being Worse Than the Disease“, we have learned a few things. According to this article, the Fed will finance a special purpose vehicle (SPV), to allow them to buy commercial paper, asset-backed securities, corporate bonds and bond ETFs in the secondary market. The Fed will finance SPV (special purpose vehicles). The Treasury, and NOT the Fed, will buy all the securities to back stop the loans. The Fed is basically being nationalized.

 The Fed is providing the money to do it. Blackrock does the trades. The Fed merges with treasury. The CB is basically being taken over.

Ah yes, the Corona crisis. Never let a crisis go to waste. Nothing will stop us now. This is phase one of the Central Bank take down of the system. Don’t forget President has been lining up gold bugs to man these areas, with people like Judy Shelton for example.

So what’s next as part of this reset? The restoration of sound money and new policies on global trade.

The US Treasury will now own the secured assets and interest on our $22 trillion of Federal debt and the Fed will be the one who owes all of that $22 trillion.

This may take a few months to transition.

So the Fed has been reduced to a debt saddled private bank who for a period of time will simply process transactions like a wall street brokerage firm for small transaction fees, good luck with that business model.

Meanwhile the US Treasury will hold the collateral on that debt not the Fed and that makes the debt an asset to us. In essence, the Treasury is sort of raiding the Fed right now and of course this is legal, using their own tools against them as the President has done all along during the past nearly four years now. It took us 107 years to turn this around. Thank God it has begun.


We just restructured the Federal Reserve System. Basically the Federal Reserve will buy out the U.S. debt to the tune of over 2 trillion per month; making the U.S. debt-free by around the 2020 election. Then the Federal Reserve will possibly file for bankruptcy and be gone, along with their privately owned IRS. Possibly no more income tax. No more credit as a debt based monetary system. This will be replaced with perhaps as a first step, a revalued currency back by gold as a series of steps towards a new Quantum Financial System. 

Read Full Articles here: https://johnmichaelchambers.com/we-did-it-trump-ends-the-fed-as-we-know-it/

(Note: the First Video in this series from last week appears to be missing………)

(Reposted) The Great Reset vs. The Global Financial Reset

Dr. Kirk Elliott, Phd & Feature Guest James Grundvig

Making Sense of the Madness:   Premiered Oct 17, 2020



Judy, Pimpy, C365 and more Wednesday Afternoon 10-21-2020


New Monetary System, Silver, Gold, Nesara/Gesara and the GFR 10-21-20020