Thanksgiving "Kicks and Grins" Posted by Mot at TNT

Mot:  Lady: How much would you like for a tip? .....

This week has already been a lot on me and today at work I’m waiting on my tables the same as I always do.

I proceeded to check this table out and the lady asks

Lady: How much would you like for a tip?

Me: Whatever you give me is fine.

Lady: what do you need?

Me: Nothing

Man with the lady: How old are you?


Him: you have kids?

Me: yes a son, he’s 4.

Her: if he needed anything how much would it be?

Me: He needs a lot I’m not sure( I smile and walk away)

Her: you pay all your bills?

Me: yes ma’am

Her: if you had a pay a bill today what would it be?

Me: Rent

her: How much is your rent?

Me: $375

Her: Okay I’m leaving you a $375 tip, I’m paying your rent for august.

Y’all I couldn’t do anything but cry!!! This was a blessing in disguise!

Mot: .. You Can ALways Count on me~~~

Mot....... Just Because! ~~~~~

Mot: .. How do they Do That!!!??? ~~~~

Mot: ... Sure Glad we Worked that One out! ~~~

Mot: . Thanx fur the Cat!!

Mot: ~~~~ Can't Eat --- Another.... Bite .....

Mot: .... I'll Try!! –

Mot: . Will Be Right in there at Half Time! ~~~~~

Mot: then - To everyone who loves Charlie Brown have a Happy Thanksgiving.


4 Common Thanksgiving Myths And The Real Facts Behind Them


"Tidbits From TNT" Thursday Morning 11-24-2022