Sunday Afternoon Iraq Parliament News Highlights 6-19-22

Sunday Afternoon Iraq Parliament News Highlights 6-19-22

Deputy For The Framework: We Are In Contact With All The Blocs, And Our Goal Is To Form A Government Of Services

Political | 10:21 - 06/19/2022   Baghdad - Mawazine News   The representative of the Al-Fateh Alliance, which is affiliated with the coordination framework, Rafiq Al-Salihi, said on Sunday that the framework has intensified meetings in order to reach a solution to the political impasse.

Al-Salihi added in an interview with the official newspaper, which was followed by Mawazine News, that "political communication with all political blocs still exists at a high level and has not been interrupted, and the coordinating framework continues with everyone to establish a reality of convergence of views, so the meetings are intense and we are working not to alienate any party on the matter. third party account.

And he indicated, "The coordinating framework is working on the entry of the Shiite parties as a larger bloc in the House of Representatives and under its dome to choose the prime minister, in addition to bringing the views of the Kurdish parties closer to choosing the president of the republic."

He continued, "The goal of the coordination framework is to provide a government of services to the Iraqi people, and for it to be a strong government in which all political parties represent the people, and we also seek to end the political blockage."

Concern About The "Return Of Al-Sadr" Is Causing A Split Within The Coordination Framework Between The Maliki And Al-Amiri Wings

Posted On2022-06-19 By Sotaliraq   Baghdad / Tamim Al-Hassan  Although the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, confirmed his retirement from the political process twice within days, the coordination framework is still worried about the latter's return and "sabotaging" the euphoria of victory.

The "frameworkers" are trying to postpone the announcement of the success of the "consensus government" project, which was demanded after the last elections, for at least two weeks.

Parliament is supposed to resume its sessions around mid-July, after the legislative recess ends.

It is expected, during this period, that the Electoral Commission will send the names of the alternative representatives of the Sadrists, who number more than 70 deputies.

Until that moment, an informed source within the coordination framework said in an interview with Al-Mada: "We will have started the first steps to confront the new government."

And the leader of the Sadrist movement during the past eight months, stood against any attempts by the "coordinator" to implement the consensual project to form the new government.

And the source, who asked not to be named, adds: "We still expect the Sadrists to return at any moment... The current MPs may submit requests to Parliament to return before the names of the replacements arrive."

The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, allowed one of his bloc's representatives not to resign and remain in parliament after the mass resignations of the current's representatives.

A spokesman for the Sadrist bloc, Haider al-Haddad, said that "the number of the resigned parliamentarians is 73, which is the number of the Sadrist bloc."

Al-Haddad explained, "MP Burhan Al-Maamouri was nominated as an independent and won the votes of his audience, and then joined the Sadrist bloc. The man came with us and submitted his resignation, but an exception was issued by His Eminence."

The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, said last Wednesday that he had decided to withdraw from the political process "so that he would not participate in any way with the corrupt," in the second confirmation of his retirement.

-Sadr pledged, in a speech to members of his bloc who resigned from the House of Representatives in Al-Hanana, that he will not participate in the upcoming elections “with the corrupt,” stressing that “if we participate in the upcoming elections after removing the corrupt, you will remain in your position, so stay ready and wait and do not disperse. “..   READ MORE LINK

Member Of Wisdom: The Initiatives Will Continue Until The Replacements Of The Sadrist Bloc Swear The Oath

Posted On 2022-06-19 By Sotaliraq   Member of wisdom for Rudaw: Initiatives will continue until the replacements of the Sadrist bloc swear the oath

A member of the National Wisdom Movement, Rahim Al-Aboudi, stated that the measures to persuade the Sadrist movement to return to Parliament will continue, until the oath is sung by the Sadrist bloc's replacements.

Al-Aboudi told Rudaw Media Network, “The door of initiatives and dialogue for us in the Wisdom Movement will remain open until the oath is chanted by the Sadrist bloc’s replacements. The pillars of the Shiite house, secondly, have great weight in the Iraqi political arena, especially with regard to the stability of the country and the stability of the strategic vision of the political decision.

Al-Aboudi added that the third reason is that “the space occupied by the Sadrist movement is large and cannot be filled, as it cannot be left empty or no one will be able to fill it from outside the Sadrist bloc. Popularity for the thoracic bloc, and therefore this space must be filled with the same people.”

The coordination framework recently held a meeting at the home of the head of the Popular Mobilization Authority, Faleh Al-Fayyad, in the presence of the Iraqi Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazimi, and this meeting comes after the recent decision of the leader of the Sadrist movement to withdraw from the political process, and his call for the Sadrist bloc’s representatives to submit their resignations from the House of Representatives, in a step to resolve it The blockage that affected the political process in Iraq after the recent parliamentary elections.

Al-Sadr also met on June 15, 2022, with the resigned Sadrist bloc deputies, and confirmed during the meeting that “I decided to withdraw from the political process so that I would not participate with the corrupt in any form,” adding: “If the corrupt participate in the upcoming elections, I will not participate.” In which".

Al-Aboudi pointed out that “the Sadrist movement won 600,000 votes in the elections, and therefore this is the approach we take in dealing with the Sadrist bloc, which has a long history in the political process, and it is one of the authentic houses in the struggle against the tyrant and the buried Baath, and therefore this It is the orientation so that we always strive and urge steps to bring the points of view closer.”

As for the reason why the leader of the Sadrist movement took the decision to resign his deputies from Parliament, Al-Aboudi stated that “there is a vision that has been established among the Sadrist bloc through discussions among them as an internal matter, and this vision cannot intersect with it or change it, because this is a strategy and responsibility of a party, Therefore, it is respected by the Shiite political community, as well as by the rest of the political parties.”  READ MORE LINK:

Prime Minister: Building The Nation Requires Patience And Time

Posted On 2022-06-19 By Sotaliraq   Yesterday, Saturday, Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi said that nation-building requires patience and time, indicating that the 1,000 school project will be completed within the Iraqi-Chinese agreement and according to specific timings.

Al-Kazemi said, during the celebration of laying the foundation stone for the project to build 1,000 model schools across Iraq, according to a statement by his office: “I am happy to be among you and with you in this celebration, and to start laying the foundation stone for the project to build 1,000 schools in all governorates of Iraq.”

He added, "This strategic project is important for building society and developing our generations towards building leaders to serve Iraq in the future."

He explained, "We must cherish and be proud of the history and legacy of our ancestors, and we must be aware that education and science are essential parts for the advancement of any society, but unfortunately there has been no interest in education since 2003," stressing that "this project will be accomplished within the Iraqi-Chinese agreement, which was previously That many doubted the government’s lack of seriousness in implementing it.”   READ MORE LINK:

The Autonomous Administration Calls On The Iraqi Government To Clarify Its Position Regarding The Killing Of One Of Its Leaders In Kalar

Posted On2022-06-19 By Sotaliraq     The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria announced that the co-chair of the Executive Council of the Administration, Farhad Shibli, known as (Farhad Dirk), lost his life as a result of a Turkish air strike by a drone on the Kalar district in Sulaymaniyah in the Kurdistan Region, calling on the Iraqi government to clarify its position and take responsibility.

The statement issued by the Autonomous Administration, of which the Rudaw Media Network received a copy, today, Saturday (June 18, 2022), stated that “yesterday in Sulaymaniyah Governorate, a civilian car was targeted by a Turkish march, Doron, which led to the martyrdom of Mr. Farhad Shibli, Vice-President of the Joint Executive Council. for the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria.  READ MORE LINK


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