Special Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Tues. July 14, 2020 PM

Thank you Judy

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Tues. 14 July 2020

Compiled by Judy Byington

Judy Note: On Mon. 13 July directly after Judy Shelton and Oval Office Meetings, 800# notification and liquidity Shotgun Release timing was posted on the Dark Web in order for Cabal Operatives to disrupt the start. The issue was immediately resolved.

This morning Tues. 14 July the Deep State Cabal again tried to delay the RV release, the issue of which was also immediately resolved.

Prosperity Package adjudicated settlement deliveries were still scheduled to go out today Tues. 14 July. Although the exact timing of 800# notification and liquidity Shotgun Release would be kept confidential, everything would still move forward this week.

A. Tues. 14 July 8:07 am EDT Fleming Military Intel Contact:

On Mon. 13 July the security breach leak was resolved a few hours after Judy Shelton and Oval Office meetings when the leaked info was posted on the Dark Web for Cabal Operatives to disrupt the start this week.

In spite of the Mon. 13 July disruption the primary accounts for liquidity release continued being processed for release this week.

Prosperity Package adjudicated settlement deliveries were still scheduled to go out on Tues. 14 July.

Because 800# notification timing and liquidity Shotgun Release timing were part of what was exposed through the leak, for security he was not allowed to say anything about that 800# notification timing and liquidity shotgun release timing for this week.

He was not able to say anything more about currencies, except that the ZIM was still included in redemption in the USA and the Iranian Rial and Venezuelan Bolivar were still in the basket.

This morning Tues. 14 July the Deep State Cabal again tried to delay the RV release, so he asked for prayers that we get across the finish line this week as scheduled without any more Cabal interference and to thank God that the leaked info Cabal disruption was resolved earlier today for everything to move forward this week.


B. Schedule of RV/ GCR Events:

Fri. 10 July the Chinese Elders gave the “go” for Tier 4b (us, the international Internet Group) release on Tues. 14 July.

Sat. 11 July: Iraq International trade restrictions lifted.

Sun. 12 July at 9:30pm EDT: US Treasury, Department of Defense and HSBC decided to move forward with the release schedule.

On Mon. 13 July at 6:45 pm EDT the Department of Defense gave a final go for the international Internet Group’s receipt of a Secured Website and 800#s to make exchange/ redemption appointments on Tues. 14 July.

On Tues. 14 July Blackout Week could start while the fiat dollar would be replaced by a gold/ asset-backed system out of the new US Treasury in Reno. New gold-backed US dollars and newly minted coins were sitting at banks ready to circulate. Closings and the finance ministers from Iraq, Vietnam and Zimbabwe would meet with President Trump at the White House. Iraq would announce their sovereignty. Liquidity release, notifications, Tier 4b exchanges/ redemption start.

Fri. 17 July: Since the Zim Bonds were backing the entire Global Currency Reset, they hoped to get Zim holders in within the first four days after the Secured Website/800#s release.

Wed. 22 July: Q revealed

Fri. 31 July: Deadline to exchange at a Contract Rate.

Mon. 3 Aug.: Tier 5 general public could exchange at the new international Forex Rates

Labor Day Weekend Sat.-Mon. Sept. 5-7: John Durham was expected to act on high profile indictments of those in the Obama Administration. NESARA / GESARA being implemented behind the scenes, with ongoing arrests on over 1,800 sealed indictments filed in federal courts across the nation since Trump took office.

Tues. 3 Nov.: NESARA Law was scheduled to be fully in place by the Presidential Election.

C. July 14 2020 Bannon Claimed Wuhan Employees Working with FBI: Steve Bannon Claims Wuhan Lab Employees are Working with the FBI


D. July 12 2020 Q etc, Ward, Thrall: "Q etc. a Charles Ward and Chris Thrall Video 7-3-20" by Kat - 7.12.20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCKEpKT2vyk

Q was created by John F. Kennedy because he believed they were trying to kill him so he had a group of people that were confidants that he could trust with information, to get it out there in case anything happened to him… and they worked within-side the walls of the White House.

What actually got me was the fact that there were Q-drops coming in and then 2-days later Trump was saying exactly what was in the Q-drops a few days earlier.

Donald Trump right now is setting up a very similar system, based in Q, but instead of 1-outlet… he’s actually going to have 7-outlets of information so that 7 different people can form their own opinion based on the facts…

Q’s days are virtually at the end now… we’re in the latter days of it… where Trump wants to have a number of sources coming directly from him… and it’s based on the theory that the Mainstream Media is not telling the truth so he’s always reverted to Twitter… which has really annoyed the MSM because anything they say that’s derogatory he puts them right on Twitter and it comes straight from him…

Q is America orientated, but The Alliance, which is behind Trump, is 4 main countries: America, Russia, China and India… and when I say China, just be careful on the interpretation of that… I mean Xi Jinping the President… whereas the government itself is the deep state which is being removed right now and replaced, as we speak, with a Republic…

You’re looking at the three pillars of the illuminati, which is called the Deep State, and are:

1. The Federal Reserve
2. The British Royal Family
3. The Vatican

Now I know factually… that the Pope was arrested and he’s in house arrest and I know that for a fact because one of my Security guys who used to work with you is actually looking after him [The Pope] in his Holiday home… he was arrested many weeks ago… since before Easter.. the speech was done from his house and not the Vatican, hence the cockup with the hologram…

There were 350 members of the Vatican who have been arrested and taken away… and there has been a ridiculous amount of cash and gold taken out of the Vatican, and documentation… the place has been completely emptied… and I know that from the sources I deal with moving currency… because the guys that I use have been working with them to do that…

With regard to factual evidence in Buckingham Palace… the Queen has gone into voluntary quarantine indefinitely… what does that mean? Quarantine’s 40-days!? Then you suddenly say Prince Andrew steps down… not hearing anything from Prince Charles… and then Harry and Meghan suddenly disappear… Buckingham Palace is all boarded up… we’ve had witnessed go there and tell us it is all boarded up… the Gurkhas and the Air Force are the only guards manning it…

Exchange of Foreign Currencies and Redemption of Zim Bonds: The below was a compilation of information received about exchanging/redeeming and written in my opinion only. Official instructions would come out with release of the 800#s and could easily differ:

800 # Notification: Several Tier 1 banks would send out 527,000 + emails to currency and Zim holders containing a Secure Website link and coded 800 number to call for appointments and obtain redemption/exchange information.

The code was an individualized ID number connected to your Social Security number for you to take through the redemption process. Take that ID number to your appointment. Do not give out the coded 800# to anyone as it was connected to your Social Security number and personal banking account and could only be used once for your personal appointment.

If you did not receive an email, then you could find the Secure Website on the websites as below. That Secured Website would have instructions on how to obtain your personalized coded 800# ID number for the redemption process.

The Safe Link Website where you could obtain your own 800# would be on these links:

Dinar Chronicles: http://www.dinarchronicles.com https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com
Dinar Recaps: https://www.dinarrecaps.com/our-blog
MarkZ: https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz
Bruce: http://bigcalluniverse.com/callarchive/
TNT Tony: https://twitter.com/the_tnt_team
Dinar Detectives: https://dinardetectives.com/


The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid. A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to humble Wildfire Lady who was adept at exposing the truth; to Martha who worked around the clock to discern what was real in the fake news; to Brad who did great research and Ken who uncovered almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.

Divide They Try, Fail They Will; WWG1WGA to Support POTUS, Follow Q &Trust Plan

Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.

Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. Judy

Read full post here: https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2020/07/restored-republic-via-gcr-special_14.html


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