Some " International News" Posted by Samson at KTFA Sunday 11-27-2022


Note: After 6.5 years of posting the news at KTFA….Today will be Samson’s last day.   Thank you very much Samson for all your hard work and dedication. You will be missed at KTFA and by everyone in Dinarland. Good Luck and God Bless.

Samson:  Al-Araji: The Prime Minister will visit Tehran the day after tomorrow, Tuesday, to discuss several files

11/27/2022 12:17:04

The Iraqi National Security Adviser, Qassem Al-Araji, announced that Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani will visit Iran next Tuesday.

Al-Araji said in a press statement that Al-Sudani will discuss during the visit "several files, including the bombing of the Kurdistan region."

The media office of the Prime Minister announced yesterday that Al-Sudani received Tehran's ambassador to Iraq, Muhammad Kazem Al Sadiq, who conveyed to him the invitation of the Iranian president to visit Tehran.  LINK

Samson:  The Iranian Parliament ratifies Tehran's accession to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

27th November, 2022
Today, Sunday, the Iranian parliament voted in favor of a bill submitted by the government for Tehran's accession to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

The Iranian news agency Mehr reported that full membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization would allow for the strengthening of economic and trade cooperation with the Eurasian Economic Union, which would help Iran mitigate the impact of the economic sanctions imposed on it.

She pointed out the importance of this step in view of the international and regional standing of the organization, especially in light of the current developments on the regional and international arenas, the most important of which is the increasing intensity of competition between the United States on the one hand, and China and Russia on the other.

During the meeting held in the Tajik capital, Dushanbe, on September 18, 2021, the members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization agreed to grant Iran full membership in the organization, after it had enjoyed an observer status for many years.  LINK


Samson:  Al-Hakim outlines the "shortest way" to restore public confidence in the political system

11/27/2022 13:26:03

The head of the National State Forces Alliance, Mr. Al-Hakim, identified the "shortest way" to restore public confidence in the political system.

A statement from his office, of which {Euphrates News} received a copy, stated that Mr. Al-Hakim "received the head of the Azm Muthanna al-Samarrai coalition, in the presence of Khaled al-Obaidi, and during the meeting he reiterated the importance of supporting the government in its service paths and restoring public confidence in the political system," noting that "providing services represents the shortest way to achieve this goal." 

He called for "greater integration between ministries and local governments, achieving political balance and paying attention to liberated and disadvantaged cities."

Al-Hakim stressed "the importance of supporting the government, strengthening its success factors, and continuing Iraq's openness to its regional and international surroundings."   LINK


Samson:  Al-Sudani receives the commander of the NATO mission in Iraq

27th November, 2022

The Prime Minister, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Muhammad Shia' Al-Sudani, received the commander of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) mission in Iraq, Lieutenant General Giovanni Iannucci, and his accompanying delegation.

The media office of the Prime Minister stated: "The meeting reviewed the tasks of the mission, within the framework of security and military cooperation with Iraq, which includes providing advice and training, developing the capabilities of the Iraqi security forces, raising the level of their performance, and enabling them to face various security challenges, foremost of which is the fight against terrorism." 

During the meeting, Al-Sudani stressed the importance of cooperation and high coordination with the mission, as required by the national need, and within the framework of the requirements of the Iraqi government, and in a manner that preserves Iraq's sovereignty and enhances its security and stability.

For his part, Iannucci confirmed that the NATO mission in Iraq continues its cooperation and coordination with the various security services, within the scope of its tasks and duties, in developing the security sector in Iraq. LINK

Samson:  The President of the Republic: The government program needs everyone's cooperation to fight corruption

11/27/2022 15:02:58

The President of the Republic, Abd al-Latif Jamal Rashid, affirmed that the government program needs everyone's cooperation and coordination together in order to combat administrative and financial corruption.

A presidential statement stated that Rasheed received today, Sunday, at the Baghdad Palace, the head of the Office of Financial Supervision, Rafel Yassin Khudair.

The President of the Republic pointed out, "This requires seriousness in choosing the necessary mechanisms to achieve the desired goals and ensure that the citizens' aspirations are fulfilled."

Rashid stressed, "The need to support the oversight institutions in the country to ensure the progress of their work and avoid the obstacles they face, so that these institutions can perform their tasks and achieve their goals."   LINK


Samson: Move to build 20 dams in northern Iraq

27th November, 2022

Today, Sunday, the local government in Erbil Governorate revealed a move to build 20 dams in the east of the governorate, to prevent floods and recharge groundwater

The deputy administrative governor of Erbil, Hemin Qadir, said in a statement followed by "Al-Ghad Press", that "the areas located east of Erbil governorate include small hills and mountains, and small dams can be built on them through the Irrigation Directorate and the Ministry of Agriculture in Kurdistan," adding that "these dams, which number 20 Dam, it will be smaller than its large counterpart built with concrete, and an amount of eight billion dinars has been allocated for its construction

And he indicated that "the benefit of these dams for the province is represented in preventing floods from occurring in the province's neighborhoods, as they happen every year, in addition to protecting the valleys and roads inhabited by many citizens within the districts and districts of eastern Erbil, in addition to benefiting from them in feeding groundwater and for the purposes of agriculture, watering livestock and breeding." fish, as it will become a water and earthen reservoir, as well as maintaining a constant water level throughout the months of the year,” noting that “the small lakes formed behind the dams can be used to develop the tourism sector in the region  LINK


Sunday AM Iraq Economic News Highlights 11-27-22


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