"So, Just What Do You Want For Mother's Day!!!???" From Mot At TNT


Mot:  So just What Do You Want for Mothers Day!!!???


 Family: What do you want to do for Mother’s Day?

All Moms: Not have to decide what we are doing for Mother’s Day, for starters. — DonutHawk (@StruggleDisplay) May 12, 2023

 #2 A mom can dream…

 I don’t know what my husband is planning on doing for me for Mother's Day but I hope it's the laundry. — Sarcastic Mommy (@sarcasticmommy4) May 4, 2019

#3 Sounds about right!

 I went to my Mom's house for Mother's Day with a gift and a pie, I left my Mom's house with some junk mail, JCPenney coupons and a different pie. — Dan Regan (@Social_Mime) May 10, 2021

 #4 We definitely didn’t sleep through that…

 Thanks for always acting surprised by breakfast in bed like you slept right through the great pots and pans avalanche of 6:45 AM.Happy Mother’s Day  — Simon Holland (@simoncholland) May 13, 2018

 #5 Exactly…

 Telling a mom to relax while her family does everything on Mother’s Day is like telling a pilot to relax while the passengers fly the plane.  — SpacedMom (@copymama) May 14, 2017

 #6 I’ll have what she’s having…

 This Mother’s Day I would like a very cold hotel room, black out curtains, an Ambien, and no other human being present. Thank you in advance. — Lady Lawya (@Parkerlawyer) April 30, 2021

 #7 And they’re all huddled in the card aisle…

 Lots of men at Target today discovering that the store layout has changed since last Mother’s Day. — Amy Dillon (@amydillon) May 11, 2019

#8 Seriously…

 "What did you get my mom for Mother's Day?" — husbands — Julie Burton (@ksujulie) April 30, 2021

 #9 Wonder if this guy is still alive LOL…

 Letting my wife sleep in a little longer for Mother’s Day before I wake her up to ask what’s for breakfast — Rodney Lacroix (@RodLacroix) May 12, 2019

 #10 Kid’s got a point…

 4-year-old: Can I have some of your candy?
Wife: I got this for Mother's Day.
4: You're only a mom because of me. — James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) May 13, 2017

 #11 Gotta love toddlers…

 Yesterday I explained Mother’s Day to our toddler and this morning he burst into our room singing happy birthday and gave her a cup of cat treats. — The Dad (@thedad) May 9, 2021

 #12 Nothing beats buying your own Mother’s Day card…

 10 proudly showed me the Mother’s Day greeting card she “bought” my wife and when I asked her how she purchased it she said she slipped it to the grocery cashier while my wife was checking out, winked, told the cashier not to tell her about it and then “Mommy paid for it.” — NicholasG (@Dad_At_Law) May 5, 2022

 #13 So true – washers and dryers are working overtime the day before Mother’s Day…

 Shout-out to all the moms who went on a Rage Cleaning spree on the day before Mother’s Day, just so you could try to take a day off. You’re my people. — Goldfish and Chicken Nuggets (@gfishandnuggets) May 12, 2019

 #14 Thank you, now please let me sleep…

 If you’re not awakened by small children lovingly shoving handmade gifts in your face at 6am, is it even Mother’s Day? — Sara Says Stop (@PetrickSara) May 13, 2018

 #15 You had me at 9 straight hours…

 All I want for Mother’s Day is to sleep for 9 straight hours, wake up to the sound of coffee brewing and then have my husband say things like, “I’m gonna entertain the kids all day so you can sit on the couch in your pjs and buy your Mother’s Day gift in peace!” — Mommy Owl (@Lhlodder) May 2, 2020

 #16 Exactly…

 Young mom: I hope he plans something nice for Mother’s Day. Experienced mom: I booked my hotel room for Saturday night and will be back late Sunday. — Ramblin Mama (@ramblinma) April 23, 2022

 #17 Ah, the classic macaroni necklace…

 Mother's Day is a special day when I get to do the dishes and yell at people to stop making siren noises while I wear a macaroni necklace.— Walking Outside in Slippers (@WalkingOutside) May 8, 2016

 #18 That sounds perfect…

 for mothers day i would love to be left in bed with a bag of reeses cups and the remote — That Mom Tho (@mom_tho) May 5, 2022

 #19 Yessss!!

 Dads on father's day: let's go do something as a family!
Moms on mother's day: Can everyone just not talk to me today or touch me. — Meredith (@PerfectPending) May 9, 2016

 #20 LOL…she wants to make sure she looks GOOD on Facebook, folks!

 My mom said if we are gonna post her then POST HER 😂 pic.twitter.com/TBQnTx1fy1 — Jordan💭 (@jaytheghostt) May 9, 2021


Mot: ..... Hay Mum... Beeee Careful How Ya answers!!! ~~~~


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