Sierra, Fleming and PIR Friday 7-10-2020

"Green for Go..." by Sierra (NZ) - 7.9.20

Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 1:33 AM EDT on July 10, 2020

Tonight the White House is illuminated in green light, causing Anons to get busy digging for clues.

Here is Lisa Mei Crowley's tweet...

"Good and green".

— Lisa Mei Crowley 🇺🇲 (@LisaMei62) July 10, 2020

Lisa has linked to Q drop number 4384 from 1st June 2020...

'Roger ball has been called.
Good and green.'

Volgarian8301 entered 'Green Castle' into the Q Anon website search box. The search resulted in Q drop number 1433...

Potus on Hannity- nice “Green” lightening on the White House! Obama and Biden spied! #ObamaGate #TheMoreYouKnow

— Karli Q (@KarluskaP) July 10, 2020

Q refers to The White House as the Castle - therefore Green Castle could be the White House illuminated with green light. As Volgarian8301 points out, Q drop number 1433 adds up to 11. Could it be that 11th July is a significant date? This is week 10 of the Q countdown clock.

Wait, there's more...

Vincent Kennedy's Twitter banner changed today to a plain green color. Vincent Kennedy's Twitter account is often attributed to JFK Junior - he possibly has several Twitter accounts...

Investigative reporter John Solomon says that 'indictments are imminent' in John Durham's criminal investigation of the Obama administration. Check out this tweet by Lisa Mei Crowley...

.@jsolomonReports: "My sources tell me there’s a lot of activity. I'm seeing, personally, activity behind the scenes of the Justice Department.

I would look for a time around Labor Day to see the first sort of action by the Justice Department."

— Lisa Mei Crowley 🇺🇲 (@LisaMei62) July 10, 2020

'I'm seeing, personally, activity behind the scenes (showing) the Department of Justice is trying to bring those first indictments. I would look for a time around Labor Day...' (John Solomon)

BrunoBarking has uncovered a Q drop that seems to confirm Solomon's information...

"Labor" Day aka "Birth Day"@kanyewest and the Birth-day Party?

Time from Nov 8 2016 election to Sept 7 2020 Labor Day = exactly 46 months.
POTUS 45 + 1#significance?

— BrunoBarking (@Bruno062418) July 9, 2020

Excerpt from Q drop number 1052...

'...You elected us to do the heavy lifting.
Enjoy the show.

As BrunoBarking says in the tweet - What do 'heavy lifting' and 'birth' have in common? LABOR. It's Labor Day on 7th September this year in USA.

If you are wondering about Kanye West's sudden appearance in the Presidential election race, check out this tweet. Kanye has always been a Trump supporter. I believe the Anons are right - Kanye has entered the race to take votes away from the Democrats, knowing that he could never beat President Trump.

What ARE President Trump's odds of being re-elected in November...?

"The Primary Model gives Trump a 91 percent chance of winning in November,” Norpoth said. "This model gets it right for 25 of the 27 elections since 1912, when primaries were introduced."

— Pepedeluxe Digital Soldier in Flynn's Army (@Pepedeluxe4) July 9, 2020

'The Primary Model gives Trump a 91% chance of winning in November. This model gets it right for 25 of the 27 elections since 1912.' (Political Science Professor Norpoth)

That's good enough for me. Hillary has been loading up on Botox lately so she could be preparing to kick out Biden and take on President Trump. Forget it. GITMO is her new residence, not the White House.

Speaking of the Clintons, here is some black humor to end on. I love James Woods - add him to the list of Hollywood Alliance/Trump supporters...


— 𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞🇺🇸 (@Beer_Parade) July 9, 2020

Thank you, Jan, for the kind words in your little post - so appreciated!

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)

Emailed to Recaps [Forwarded from Nick Fleming]

Late last night our military intel contact confirmed Mr. Fleming's sources that redemption centers are still on call and ready with CDC required masks and gloves and 50 other CDC Covid-19 measures in place to start exchanges any time through this weekend; he is confirming Snake's London and HK bankers info that T4B start will be between now and before or by next Wed 7/15;

He confirmed that decisions were made by POTUS, DoD, and the RV teams to allow exchanges to happen in Canada (& the rest of the world) over the past week, BECAUSE (1) the RV rates will be HIGHER for T4B when started in this country and (2) to discourage USA-Canada cross-border security risks to currency holders that would try to cross to exchange (3) for DoD security teams to FINISH RESOLVING pandemic shutdown interference to starting T4B redemptions from the 9 Deep State Democrat governors in CA, NY, MI, VA, and 5 other Democrat Deep State controlled states--he said security teams are RESOLVING THIS NOW for currency holders to start exchanging SAFELY AND FREELY;

[11:54 PM]He is confirming Mr. Fleming's sources including Snake's banking and redemption center sources saying, "Folks even though we have seen delay after delay I pray you are noticing we are in fact moving forward, all the exchange centers that my banker is responsible for [in 5 states] will be fully staffed thru the weekend [Sat-Sun 7/11-12]."

He said IF AND IT'S A BIG IF they make us wait till next Mon-Tue 7/13-14 he said PLEASE HANG IN THERE, get another BLOCK OF ICE and rest if you can, remember Mr. Fleming and our guy and other intel providers are NOT THE DECISION-MAKERS but are just reporting what their current info is; our guy said he is JUST AS EXHAUSTED and AS FRUSTRATED as we all are in T3-4A/B.

He is confirming Mr. Fleming's source that reported, "Just learned that someone just got back from Canada and she exchanged her Dinar and could not transfer it out of Canada she got over $6. The banker told [her] that they are exchanging everywhere else in the world but the US"; and he confirmed Mr. Fleming's sources that American citizens are not being allowed to exchange in Canada.(edited)
[11:57 PM]

He said he is confirming Mr. Fleming's sources reporting that the UST & the banks are SIGNALING A HARD FINISH-DATE of SAT 8/1 to THIS INCESSANT PUSHING OFF OF THE START WEEK AFTER WEEK--our guy is confirming that there are no more extended allowance funds for the paymasters' rent costs for the month of August, the allowance that the paymasters have received every month till now for them to be ready for the start by their assigned banks--The lease agreements will not be renewed for August 2020.

He confirmed that THIS IS THE BEST NEWS EVER(!!!) that THIS WILL BE OVER WITH THIS MONTH OF JULY! He confirmed that this clearly shows the schedule of Judy Shelton, UST, & the banks firmly indicates that all paymasters will have done their jobs and will have gone home BEFORE SAT 8/1.

He said LESS than 3 WEEKS LEFT! And this week-to-week madness is ENDING FINALLY thank God! He said PRAYERS ARE GOING UP FOR ALL TO ENDURE TO THE END OF THIS GAUNTLET.
[11:57 PM]

His info is that the Paris treaty legal link that requires USA to lay down arms is NOT a hurdle accd to his info; for various reasons, he declined to comment on TDA accounts and the next wave of stimulus payments coming out to American citizens at the same time that exchanges are starting.

Patriot Intel Report

PIR 07 10 20


MarkZ and Michael Cottrell Friday Morning Chat 9-10-2020


Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Fri. July 10, 2020