Sierra and X22 Spotlight Sunday 7-12-2020

"Executive Order about to be Unleashed?" by Sierra (NZ) - 7.12.20

Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 12:55 AM EDT on July 12, 2020

Vincent Kennedy is tweeting the number 1221.

It refers to Executive Order 1221 signed by President Trump on 21st December 2017. The title: 'This EO Blocks The Property Of Persons Involved In Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption'...

This EO has the potential to financially devastate the Deep State. It is one of President Trump's most potent weapons. He will be waiting for just the right time to unleash its power on the satanists.

Here is a video tweet about the Wayfair child sex trafficking - it reminds us of the importance of the EO...

@Wayfair wtf is going on #wayfairchildtrafficking #Wayfair

— GeminiSZA♡♡ (@Gemiinii_Grande) July 11, 2020

Another video tweet connects a woman on the Wayfair Board of Directors to some VERY well-known Deep State names...

Just gonna leave this here....#WWG1WGA #wayfairtrafficking

— SavannahSavage (@SavannaSavage45) July 11, 2020

StormyPatriotJoe has tweeted something very interesting about Ghislaine Maxwell...

Want an example of what Military planning years in advance down to the smallest detail looks like?

Q 3431 7/14/2019 Maxwell

Exactly one year later

Maxwell Remote Court Appearance 7/14/2020#QAnon #MAGA #WWG1WGA #Maxwell #Epstein

CONTROL (Including of her for over a year)

— stormypatriotjoe (@stormypatriot21) July 11, 2020

He links Q drop number 3431 from 14th July 2019 - to Ghislaine Maxwell's remote court appearance on 14th July 2020. The Alliance has been controlling Maxwell for AT LEAST A YEAR.

It is believed that Maxwell was Epstein's handler, not the other way around - and both of them were MOSSAD spies working for Israel. They filmed famous people having sex with under-age girls then blackmailed them.

The US Navy is still keeping tabs on Tom Hanks. Maybe they are doing so, literally?

Tom Hanks "made mistakes"?

— BrunoBarking (@Bruno062418) July 11, 2020

'He learned from his mistakes!' (referring to Tom Hanks) US Navy tweet

Here is the light relief for today, thanks to Vincent Kennedy...

Isn't it odd that they add 'gate' to every scandal.
What happens when we get to Bill Gates?#Gatesgate.

— Vincent Kennedy (@VincentCrypt46) July 11, 2020

Finally, it is important that intel gets spread far and wide. We Light Warriors have a mission to inform as many people as possible. You are most welcome to share my posts - please always remember to attribute the post to me and include a link to acknowledge Dinar Chronicles. Thanks!

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)

It’s Time To Red Pill The People And Take Back The Country: Aubrey Huff

X22 Report Spotlight:  Jul 11, 2020

Todays interview is with Aubrey Huff. Aubrey breaks down the political agenda of the [DS] on how they are trying to get Trump out of office and change the country.

 We are in a fight and we need to red pill the people and take back the country.

Aubrey discusses how those who don't go along with the narrative they are treated differently in Hollywood, Sport etc.


Bix Weir, Pimpy and Currency 365 Sunday 7-12-2020


"Money Is Not Special - Living Life Without Pain Is Special"