More News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday PM 10-19-2024

 Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 19 Oct. 2024

Compiled Sat. 19 Oct. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Fri. 18 Oct. 2024 TNT: “Everything is a go. It’s going to be a super fantastic weekend. Some say by Sun. the 20th. Some say by Sat. the 19th.  Some say tonight, Fri. night. They fully plan it this weekend.”

Thurs. 17 Oct. 2024 Bruce: Bond Holders have been told they will receive their emails Thurs, Fri or Sat that would inform them of when they will have access to their accounts – which will likely be on Tues. 22 Oct. They are rolling out the toll free numbers to Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) likely by Mon. 21 Oct. and we will be able to set appointments on Tues. 22 Oct. BRICS are intending to bring out their Reserve Currency on Tues. 22 Oct.


Fri. 18 Oct. 2024 Wolverine:

We received intel saying things started. The green light was given in Zurich as sovereign whales are advancing rapidly and some receiving payment.

Last night I got intel that someone got paid from a close contact of mine. Things are actually moving forward in that side of the world.

Also hearing things in Reno as well.

We are expecting things to happen and blast off on Monday for our big D day in Reno. Bruce’s intel was in line with what we are hearing. 

They are putting the codes in to be started. Some sort mechanism that needs to be put in to release this.

The operative on the transfer of rights on historical items global recovery group, acting as representative of seller at the sovereign buyer level, statement on the status of asset recovery Friday Oct 18, 2024: We are pleased to inform you that we have achieved crucial milestone in our process. All sovereigns have given the green light for the official start, which implies the launch of the QFS as the payment vehicle system. This progress is a testament to our continued dedication and effort.

The authorization of all sovereign marks the beginning of a new era in the management and release of payments QFS implementation: The QFS has been officially established as our payment system. This innovative system guarantees security, transparency and efficiency in all transactions.

The new strong dollar on Nov 6: The USA will introduce the new strong dollar  which symbolizes the strength and stability of our economy.That came through a couple of hours ago.

The USN has started digitally. They are already doing trading using USN, but the ones in the states will be the physical note. The commercial digital dollar is now being used as Swift system is gone.

Reno is moving the money to Zurich paymasters so they will be ready to start Monday.

There are reports that German bond holders are getting funds. Not known if funds are fiat or new USD. Holders are told to get their paperwork ready.

One of the main intel providers who comes from the Latino community/Spanish speaking community, has basically signed off, and he said this will be his last audio. He knows we are in the final stages right now, so he has given us his “good bye” He is a great intel provider, the same way Bruce is. Take care guys we are nearly there. Wolverine


Fri. 18 Oct. 2024 Saudi Arabia is making bold moves that could reshape the global financial system—and they’re doing it quietly. Through secret purchases in Switzerland, the Saudi central bank has accumulated 160 tons of gold. This shift suggests more than just a hedge against uncertainty. It looks like the kingdom is gearing up for a Global Currency Reset (GCR) and possible currency revaluations (RV)

Fri. 18 Oct. 2024 BRICS nations—led by China—are buying gold at unprecedented levels, paving the way for a massive currency revaluation that could change how money works across the globe.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Militia Man  The evidence is abundant.  Iraq is finalizing her reforms.  With what?  The support of American partnerships especially with large economic reforms and financial aspects in Iraq...These things are going to be linking the East to the West and they told you, via what Iraq's Development Road Program.  They're going to need the freedom of capital movement That's going to be the Real Effective Exchange Rate.

Frank26   Remember when...Alaq went to the United States Treasury and then he came back and then Sudani went to the Untied States Treasury in New York...Do you know where the United States Treasury is right now? ...In Baghdad at the CBI...During this meeting, IMF probably, WTO, well of course, they're there...What did they discuss? The financial inclusion plans in Iraq and about the digital transformation.  This is all part of the monetary reform...

BRICS New Payment System “BRICS Pay” Successfully Tested & Launched! | What's Next?

We Love Africa:  10-19-2024

In what is a massive moment for the economic alliance, BRICS Pay has officially been unveiled.

At the BRICS Business Forum taking place in Moscow, participants received brand new cards for the long-awaited payment system.

The cards are the first official debut of the landmark project. Russian State Media originally reported the demo cards contain 500 rubles that can be used for payment throughout three locations at the World Trade.

Moreover, participants will be able to spend the funds throughout the Thursday and Friday events.

 Throughout the last two years, the BRICS bloc has sought increased financial autonomy. Specifically, they have sought increased de-dollarization in an effort to lessen international reliance on Western currencies.

With the bloc’s annual summit just a week away, it has made a massive step toward that goal already. The bloc’s BRICS Pay system has officially been unveiled at the collective’s Business Forum in Moscow.

Those who participate in the event have received a demo version of the payment system card. They have been giving funds to spend through the blockchain-based system.

The card can be registered through a QR code, according to firsthand reports. Additionally, the funds already placed on the card are reportedly valid for the purchase of beverages or souvenirs at the event.

The arrival is like a preview of what could come at next week’s summit. The BRICS 2024 Summit is poised to see the full launch of the payment system. There, the world should get better insight into how it will work and, more importantly, who will participate.

 It provides a clear opportunity for the global south. Specifically, it allows increased local currency trade and challenges US dollar dominance.


Saudi Gold Accumulation: Preparing for Currency Revaluations and Dollar Decline


Rising BRICS Gold Reserves Could Trigger Worldwide Currency Revaluation (RV)