Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of May 4, 2020

Note from Recaps: When posted earlier today, this post was incomplete. It should now be viewable.

Thank you Judy

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of 4 May, 2020

Compiled Mon. 4 May 2020 12:01 am EDT by Judy Byington

Divide They Try, Fail They Will, WWG1WGA to Support POTUS, Follow Q & Trust Plan

Judy Note: Sun. 3 May 2020 Intel Military Contact via Fleming: “All prayers going up are appreciated that the intended start any time between now and Tues. 5 May would not encounter any more obstacles and that the RV teams (all 40 in DC, Reno and the Elders) would be given success by Divine Power to get this done for the whole world.”

Iraq, Zimbabwe, China and Vietnam were no longer accepting the fiat US dollar and using their own asset/gold backed currencies. In the US on Thurs. 30 April Trump entered authorization codes for the RV release, so the Admiral could process the new asset-backed US Note – that had been accepted for international exchange.

As of Fri. 1 May the new asset-backed digital dollar was on all trading platforms – that was highly important as all other countries would peg their RV rates to the USN rate. Paymasters became liquid and Intermediate accounts such as CMKX, Farm Claims, Native American settlements and sovereigns were being paid out. The 800s# release for Tier 4b was expected to begin on or before Tues. 5 May.

There would be around 12 days of Tier 4b redemption-exchanges for Contract Rates at special Exchange Center locations. The General Public could exchange foreign currencies at the new international rates at local banks around 1 June.

On Thurs. 30 April President Trump signed an Executive order instigating Martial Law. The next day on Fri. 1 May Trump activated the International Emergency Economic Powers Act and National Emergencies Act, and then left for Camp David.

This past week there were a series of high level arrests tied to both military courts and civilian Common Law courts. Some under indictment were Brennan, Comey, McCabe and Mueller. The Department of Defense security teams, military and NSA Intel have been arresting over 12,000 of these types over the past couple of months, while over 184,000 federal indictments on global and political elites were being unsealed and served.

Globally GESARA was established and started legally and financially through debt forgiveness to African nations and other countries. GESARA / NESARA would be fully implemented over the next 3-6 months until about Nov 2020.


A. Recent History of the GCR/RV Rollout:

The White Dragon and Chinese Elders would not tolerate any more delays. President Trump, the Alliance and their teams of about 40 (DoD, UST, WH, State Dept) were trying to expedite and speed up the release sequence tasks from the security, legal, administrative and political sides that would stop or delay the release timing. All were pressing for start by first half of next week so that contract dates did not have to be changed again. An attorney who works with the Admiral said: “The RV is done. The final release starts with Yellow Dragon Bond Notes, then Petchilli Bonds, then ZIM.”

By Wed. 22 April Iraq, Zimbabwe, China and Vietnam were using their own asset/gold backed currencies and no longer accepting the fiat US dollar.

On Thurs. 30 April Trump entered authorization codes for the RV/GCR release, which gave the Admiral a green light to process the new asset-backed US Note – now accepted for exchange internationally – and Paymasters became liquid.

Over the past week funds have been transferred by the Elders into the master accounts for disbursement. As of Fri. 1 May the financial, legal and political framework of the GCR/RV release had been established globally and the reset preparations were done. It would roll out slowly so that they could catch the bad guys. There would be a lot of disinformation to throw the bad guys off track.

As of Fri. 1 May the new asset-backed digital dollar was on all trading platforms – that was highly important as all other countries would peg their RV rates to the USN rate. Intermediate accounts such as CMKX, Farm Claims, Native American settlements and sovereign accounts, were being paid out and Trump started formally reopening the country. The Department of Defense security teams confirmed that payouts began but there were some issues (among other things freezing and reversing Deep State currency holder funds transfers), but they said the problems were not major so all things should stay on schedule.

Over the weekend there were a series of audits and reviews moving forward. On Sat. at 12:30 pm 2 May security and other audits passed, allowing all to move forward. Historical Bonds were being paid out, creating liquidity for down line disbursement. This weekend they were trying to get all priority payments to intermediate accounts so by Mon. 4 May it could be firmly established when Tier 4b would start redemptions-exchanges and the shotgun start funds sequence initiated.

Overnight Sun. night 3 May there would be one more RV rate lock-in. The current UST schedule called for 800# notification release as soon as the Intermediate Accounts priority payments were made.

HSBC and Wells Fargo were being told by the US Treasury, under Department of Defense supervision, that Wells Fargo was to prepare to send out the 500,000+ 800# notification emails by Mon.- Tues. May 4, 5. The timing depended on agencies cooperating & barring obstacles.

Between Mon. 4 May and Fri. 15 May there would be at least 12 days of 800#s out for Tier 4b redemption-exchanges, so starting Tier 4a,b was intended by Tues. 5 May unless significant obstacles arose.

By Fri. 15 May they had to get the shotgun start done, including the bulk of Tier 4b redemptions, so that the IMF could start the public Tier 5 by Mon. 1 June.

B. Restored Republic:

By Sun. 26 April Trump’s podium no longer contained the Presidential Seal and he stood in front of seven US Flags with no gold trim on them – meaning the US Corporation was no longer in charge and we were back to functioning under the original Constitution.

Those seven flags were believed to represent 7 trumpets, or the 7 broadcasts that would lay out information on the New Restored Republic. The first trumpet sounded with release of Wikileaks documents on the Internet. The second trumpet sounded with Trump’s announcement of the exoneration of General Flynn. Flynn had been falsely accused, tried and imprisoned by the Deep State it was believed, because he knew where all the bodies were buried.

The Department of Defense security team had flagged over 1,000 Deep State Operatives currency and Zim holder accounts which were found to be money-laundering RV/GCR funds into Deep State front companies, or the personal accounts of Deep State bad actors like Soros, Pelosi, Obama, Holder, Dorsey (Twitter CEO), Zuckerberg (Facebook CEO), Bezos (Amazon CEO) or Brennan etc.

The operatives were arrested, accounts frozen and fund transfers reversed. This past week behind the scenes, there were a series of high level arrests tied to both military courts and civilian Common Law courts. The Department of Defense security teams wanted to carefully choose which arrests would be made public this next week, but it would be on the level of Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Mueller, etc. The Department of Defense security teams, military and NSA Intel have been arresting over 12,000 of these types over the past couple of months, while over 184,000 federal indictments on global and political elites were being unsealed and served.

On Thurs. 30 April President Trump signed an Executive order instigating Martial Law, and the next day on Fri. 1 May activated the International Emergency Economic Powers Act and the National Emergencies Act, and then left for Camp David.

Globally GESARA was established and started legally & financially through debt forgiveness to African nations and other countries. GESARA / NESARA would be fully implemented over the next 3-6 months, through about Nov 2020.


C. Fri. May 2 2020 Q-isma, Dinar Recaps, Kat: "Q-isms and a Quick Review" by Kat - 5.2.20

May 2 2020 Q No. 9002095

BOOM Week Ahead Treason doesn’t pay well in the end. Q


D. International Child Sex Trafficking:

Nov. 21 2016 Tim Ballard Operation Underground Railroad Talks at Google:

Harvard Faculty On Epstein Plane After His Sex Conviction:

Ireland Child Sexual Abuse Cover Up:

UK: We can’t prove six with children does them harm says Labour Leader:

Q Anons Find Andrenochrome Factory in Canada, Trudeau An Adrenochrome Farm was located in Victoria, BC, less than an hour from “Bunny Island” in Whitney Washington. Why did #QAnon say the Canadian Prime Minister was so important? He's the part of the #Keystone needed to take the Monarchs and Jesuits down. This explains the connections of Justin Trudeau and why he is a slave to the Cabal. The instant he pledged allegiance to the Queen he was bound by law to protect the Cabal and their Crimes.

E. Must-Watch Videos:

“The Fall of the Cabal Parts 1-10”:

“The Storm: Saving the Children from the Hands of Evil”: THE STORM: Saving the Children From The Hands of Evil Since last October and under direction of the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force, US Military and Marines have brought out of underground tunnels, over 50,000 tortured children, babies and teens, some deceased.

“Cabal Tunnels”: run throughout the US from Mexico to Canada and California to New York.

“ITNJ Judicial Commission Inquiry into Child Trafficking,” Robert David Steele:

“Trump vs. the Deep State”:

“Epstein Network Map Published”:

“Satanic Pedophilia Network Exposed,” Fiona Barnett:

“Pedogate 2020 an in-depth Exploration”:

“Out of Shadows, Official”: How the Mainstream Media and Hollywood manipulate and control the masses using CIA Mind Control propaganda.

America: Freedom to Fascism [Full] Federal Reserve Act:

“Adrenochrome”: Secret super drug obtained by drinking blood of tortured children. The

“The Storm is Here”: The Illuminati started the world pandemic for a New World Order, while White Hats used it to rescue over 50,000 tortured children and arrest their perpetrators.


May 1 2020 No Fringe on American Flag, No Flags at the UN: NO FRINGE on American flag! NO FLAGS at U.N.!

F. Currency Exchange/Bond Redemption: Please treat the below as my guess. Official instructions would be available upon RV liquidity and 800# release.

WARNING: DO NOT give your foreign currency or Zim Bonds to anyone else to exchange or redeem for you. If a Group Leader was telling you that they could obtain better rates for you, or saying not to go to your appointment at an Exchange Center, they were not telling the truth.

Anyone could exchange and redeem their own currencies and would have the same ability to obtain the higher Contract Rates as anyone else, as long as they did it at a licensed Exchange Center as per appointment through the 800#s.

I am not aware of how someone outside the US could redeem Zim Bonds. That question should be asked to the person who set your appointment.

An hour or so prior to 800# release, Wells Fargo and HSBC Banks would send out over 508,000 emails to currency and Zim Bond holders worldwide, along with instructions on how to exchange and redeem within your own country. Those emails would include links to a secured website. Clicking on that website with your computer or phone would automatically generate a code that identified your individual exchange/redemption as you set your appointment.

Exchange information would also be available on certain websites as below:

Dinar Chronicles:
Dinar Recaps:
MarkZ Twitter:
TNT Tony:
Dinar Detectives:

G. Currency and Zim Bond Redemption: This information applied to redeemers in the US. Different countries would have their own regulations and rules. Please treat as my opinion only:

Fleming: They wanted currency holders, especially ZIM holders, to go in as quickly as possible to the first appointment that would last 20-25 minutes.

The Elders wanted currency and Zim holders to get the highest rates for doing humanitarian projects. Every currency holder would get an equal chance at the highest Contract Rates for their project presentations. It would be a level playing field.

First Appointment: You would receive a debit/credit card with millions on it to draw on between the first and second appointments. Over the first ten days after your first appointment your assigned Wealth Manager would help you choose one of the six vetted US Treasury-sanctioned trust companies (Abbott Downing & equivalent trust companies).

Second Appointment: The Wealth Manager and private banking team you choose would assist you going forward with your humanitarian and job creation project outlines. They would be happy to take your project presentation to the US Treasury to get the higher rates for your ZIM and/or the highest Contract Rates for your currencies. They would have six months (180 days) after redeeming / exchanging to seek the higher rates for your project outlines from the US Treasury.

MarkZ: The CMKX, PP’s, F&P’s, settlements redemption process would be done in two parts. The banks already had one part of your package. The second part would be delivered to you. You then go to the bank to finish your redemption process. I have spoken to bankers that claim they have physically seen the banking part of the packages.

On your first appointment at a Redemption Center you would exchange currencies at Contract Rates and redeem Zim at the default rate. Those monies would be put in your account. If you wanted higher rates than offered on your currency and/or Zim, you could ask for such at your second appointment with your Wealth Manager and banking team.

We have been told that the default ZIM rate of $11 million per 100 T Zim Note would be offered at that first appointment.

President Trump has given US banks a list of 250 humanitarian and job creation projects to invest in. Your Wealth Manager and banking team could explain the details at your second appointment. They would explain the international humanitarian projects you could invest in and you could present a Humanitarian Project. It was recommended that you go for those higher rates at your second appointment so you could help those in need.

If you had any amount of Zim Bonds up to 9 100T Notes, didn’t have a Humanitarian Project and wanted a higher than default rate, then at your second appointment, your Wealth Manager and team would be happy to show you the list of 250 humanitarian and job creation projects to invest in for higher-than-default rates on the ZIM.

If you had any amount of Zim Bonds up to 9 100T Notes and had a humanitarian project, and/or if you wanted to invest in the sanctioned international projects, then at your second appointment, your Wealth Manager and team would help you obtain a higher Zim rate.

Many ZIM holders had 10 or more 100T ZIM Notes, so the default rate would be considered adequate without being awarded higher Contract or Zim rates.


Judy Note: I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.

To inquire about our International Child Abuse Recovery, Trauma Survivors (CARTS) Humanitarian Program, email:

If you wish to help save children from international sex trafficking, contact Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad:

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) investigates more than 400 violations of criminal law, ranging from child exploitation to transnational gangs inside and outside the US. This would include the rape, torture and murder of children by Satanic worshippers. Use this form to report suspected criminal activity:

The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid. A Thank You to those dedicated and brave intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to humble Wildfirelady who is adept at exposing the truth; to Martha who works around the clock to discern what is real in the fake news; to Brad who does great research and Ken who uncovers almost unlimited intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.

Divide They Try, Fail They Will, WWG1WGA to Support POTUS, Follow Q & Trust Plan

Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.

Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. Judy

Courtesy of Dinar Chronicles


IQD CALLS Chat Early Monday 5-4-20


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