Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of May 21, 2020

Thank you Judy

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 21 May 2020

Compiled Thurs. 21 May 2020 12:01 am EDT by Judy Byington

Divide They Try, Fail They Will, WWG1WGA to Support POTUS, Follow Q & Trust Plan

"People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it."

Judy Note: The start date for Tier 4a,b emails with 800#s to set redemption appointments has been changed to any time from now to Fri. 22 May, possibly Sat. 23 May. Contract Rates would be available until Mon. 1 June when the general public would be able to exchange at the new international rates.

A.Wed. May 20 2020 5:00 pm EDT Fleming’s Military Intel Contact:

The Judy Shelton schedule for Tier 4b (us, the Internet Group) to be started has been modified and extended by 24-36 hours. Tier 4a,b emails with 800#s to set redemption appointments could be started at any time from now to Fri. 22 May, possibly Sat. 23 May. Liquidity had to be in effect by Fri. or Sat, but 800#s release could happen sooner.

The delay was caused by three countries which as of Mon. 18 May, were being included in the RV release and which were signing off on the USN right now. Including these three countries in the RV was a priority of POTUS, Judy Shelton, the Chinese Elders and the Alliance.

Mon. 1 June was still the IMF target date (and that of Trump, Elders, Judy Shelton, et al.) to have the USN digital and physical currency positioned for public use in the US and globally to start public (Tier 5) exchanges. To have at least 10 days of 800#s out and exchanges by 1 June meant they had to start Tier 4b by this weekend.

All essentials were done to release the final payouts and exchanges to Tiers 3, 4a, b.

Money-of-account funds (seeable but not yet transferable until Tier 4b appointments start) were still being proliferated into Tier 3-4a accounts right now. Some of those account holders could see funds in their accounts, while others could not because funds were still being proliferated.

On Tues. 19 May POTUS signed an Executive Order to give his cabinet and agency heads the ability to waive, suspend and limit regulations that impeded economic recovery (meaning impeding the RV release). The EO actually gave Trump's administration and the RV teams the power to stop Deep State interference to delay the RV release at the Federal, State, and local levels.

Wed. and Thurs. 20, 21 May there were key Restored Republic GESARA related, common law measures that could now be implemented under this EO, including additional arrest warrants being served behind the scenes, to stop remaining Deep State politicians, bureaucrats, judges, courts, law enforcement operatives from delaying or interfering (as they have for weeks and months) with the final RV release sequence happening this week.

The Restored Republic was now in place and a team of 9 leaders (between POTUS and DoD) were running the govt, while Judy Shelton and the RV teams of about 40 people (DoD, UST, State Dept, White House teams) were getting the final release sequence out this week.

Other operations may be preceding our Tier 4b start (some financial payout activity like the Historic Bond transactions since last weekend to provide down-line liquidity, some completion activities surround the three countries pegging to the USN and included this week in the RV release, and some legal-political measures being implemented stemming from the Tues. EO.

Behind the scenes further arrests were deemed necessary and underway right now today and tomorrow Wed-Thu 20, 21 May.

Contract Rates would be available until the general public started exchanging at the new international rates on Mon. 1 June.

Zim holders should expect to present project outlines in the first appointment that would last from 30 min. to 90 min.

Zim rates could go up to 1:1 based on the humanitarian project.

We could have a single appointment with extended time frame, but if we presented ourselves and assets properly and with basic project outlines shared, we would have little resistance to getting a higher rate for all we brought in.

If you were not satisfied with the first appointment rate offered for the ZIM you would have 180 days (6 months) to work with a Wealth Manager and trust company private banking team, which would represent us to the US Treasury for higher rates than those we received in the first appointment. The Wealth Managers and trust company would be happy to help us.

Though Giles was sincere, he was incorrect to claim that the US Treasury would not be involved in the redemption of the ZIM. The new US Treasury under the Restored Republic was the banking regulator of banks post-RV. Otherwise, Basel III and Basel IV would be meaningless.

The US Treasury would not control account funds, only you would, but the Treasury would be the servicer of our QFS accounts and the banks would be financial service providers that would serve us as account holders and not control us, or our account funds post-RV.

Giles was wrong in claiming that there would be "no laws restricting your financial activities" post-RV. On the contrary, if you or I used the funds for Deep State purposes like drug running, child trafficking, gun running, or other criminal activities, the NSA would find out and freeze accounts on the QFS faster than we could blink. There would be far less control of your money post-RV if you stayed within GESARA/NESARA boundaries of use of your funds.

It was Deep State politicians like Pelosi and Schumer et al. and Deep State Democrat governors like Newsome CA, Whitmer MI, Northam VA, Cuomo NY, etc, who were trying to limit ZIM redemption rates to us in Tier 4b because they did not want us to have this kind of money.

On Tues. 19 May Trump’s EO stripped their power to press for lower ZIM rates for us, and to tax Zim redemption.

Because we were at the end there was a lot of disinformation out there and the one about not going until mid-June was disinformation. There were teams in the Department of Defense and other agencies cooking up disinfo to seed into the currency holding community to throw off the bad guys and hide the final release sequence, that was happening right now.

He said again to BUCKLE UP and appreciated that we kept prayers going up for all to go as planned in this week's release sequence.


B. This Week’s RV Events:

Evidently over last weekend President Trump signed an Executive Order making the new gold/asset-backed US Note liquid; Dubui 1 and Dubui 2 were fully funded from Yellow Dragon bonds and Historic Bonds were moving in Zurich.

Over that same last weekend liquidity was paid out in final disbursements – which meant that Tier 3, 4 a,b exchanges and payouts must start this week. Some SKRs were already made liquid, with recipients gone dark under NDAs, while other SKR holders were about to be made liquid.

On Mon. 18 May at 11:30 pm EDT the final payout and exchange sequence started.

On Tues. 19 May POTUS signed an Executive Order which gave RV teams the power to stop delays of the RV at federal and local levels, stripped power to press for lower ZIM rates for us, and to tax Zim redemption. Deep State politicians like Pelosi and Schumer et al. and Deep State Democrat governors like Newsome CA, Whitmer MI, Northam VA, Cuomo NY, etc had been trying to limit ZIM redemption rates to us in Tier 4b because they did not want us to have this kind of money. Now GESARA issues could be implemented, including Deep State warrants and arrests of those interfering with the RV release this week. On that same Tues. 19 May three countries that had held out pegging into the new gold/asset-backed US Note signed the papers and the green light was given for the core groups to send out notifications for appointments. The Admiral, his team, those with SKRs and Tier 4a could see full exchange amounts in their accounts, though those accounts had a hold on them and wouldn’t be liquid until Tier 4b exchanged.

As of Thurs. 14 May at 4:30 pm EDT the gold/asset-backed US Note could be seen on Bank screens.

Iraq announced that their new Dinar rate would be international on Tues. 2 June, meaning their new in-country rate would likely be made public this week.

President Trump, Judy Shelton, the US Treasury and Department of Defense were obligated to start Tier 4b this week so as to give enough time for currency exchanges and Zim redemption to finish before the IMF mandated start of public foreign currency exchanges at the new international rates now set for Tues. 2 June.

C. International Child Sex Trafficking:

CIA, Blackmail, Smuggling Drugs, Guns and Small Children for the Elite, Robert David Steele: Jeffrey Epstein was a Mossad agent who created Lolita Island and a no-name elite hotel in NYC — both are wired for audio and video and his mission was to collect videos of US elites raping children of both sexes. He got both Clintons and likely has Chuck Schumer on tape. The Saudis have bribed everyone — they bought Syria and Yemen from the Clinton Foundation.

The USA is the greatest purveyor of violence on the planet. We need to close the 1,000 overseas bases whose real function is to facilitate the smuggling of drugs, cash, gold, guns, and small children for the elite, by CIA using conscripted military aircraft.


D. Currency Exchange/Bond Redemption: Please treat the below as my guess. Official instructions would be available upon 800# release.

WARNING: DO NOT give your foreign currency or Zim Bonds to anyone to exchange, or redeem for you. If a Group Leader was telling you that they could obtain better rates for you, or saying not to go to your appointment at an Exchange Center, they were not telling the truth.

Anyone could exchange and redeem their currencies and/or Zim Bonds, and would have the same ability to obtain the higher Contract Rates as anyone else, as long as they did it at a licensed Exchange Center as per appointment through the 800#s.

I am not aware of how someone outside the US could redeem Zim Bonds. That question should be asked to the person who set up your appointment.

An hour or so prior to 800# release, Wells Fargo and HSBC Banks would send out over 530,000+ email notifications for appointments to currency and Zim Bond holders worldwide, along with instructions on how to exchange and redeem within your own country. Those emails would include links to a secured website. Clicking on that website with your computer or phone would automatically generate a code that identified your individual exchange/redemption as you set your appointment.

Exchange information would also be available on certain websites as below:

Dinar Chronicles:
Dinar Recaps:
MarkZ Twitter:
TNT Tony:
Dinar Detectives:

E. Currency and Zim Bond Appointments: This information applied to redeemers in the US. Different countries would have their own regulations and rules. Please treat as my opinion only as deducted from Military Contact Intel reported by Fleming and Bruce:

The Elders wanted currency and Zim holders to get the highest rates for their humanitarian projects and/or investing in national and international humanitarian projects. Every currency and Zim holder would get an equal chance at the highest Contract Rates for their interest in humanitarian work and project presentations. It would be a level playing field with one appointment, not two.

Currency exchanges not asking for Contract Rates: At your appointment if you didn’t have Zim, nor a humanitarian project and didn’t want to invest in the national and international humanitarian projects, your currency would be validated, you would be given a specific rate (higher than what would be offered on foreign currencies after June 2), your account would be set up, you would be given a debit card with a percentage of your monies immediately available and then receive the rest within 48 hours. You would have no restrictions on how you spent your monies. Your appointment would last around 30 min.

Zim Redemption and Currency exchanges asking for Contract Rates: At your appointment if you had Zim and/or a specific humanitarian project and/or wanted to invest in the national and international humanitarian projects, your currency and Zim would be validated, you would be offered Contract Rates, the amount of which was dependent upon your humanitarian project and/or investment interest in national and international humanitarian projects, your account would be set up, you would be given a debit card with a percentage of your monies immediately available and receive the “rest” within 48 hours. The “rest” would be dependent on the long term payout (except for seniors) placed on your Zim.

That payout would be placed on your choice of a quarterly, semi quarterly or yearly payout period. The amount of earned interest on monies left at the bank during your payout period would be dependent on the amount of monies you had and length you chose for your payout period. A certain percentage of your Contract Rate monies would be for your own use, the rest dedicated to humanitarian work. Your appointment could last up to 90 min.

US Taxes: The IRS was severely downsized as it folded into the new US Treasury at the end of March 2020. We had 4-6 IRS agents per state to collect a flat tax of 15-17%. There would be no capital gains tax on the exchange or ZIM redemption, just a tax on interest earned from exchange/redemption proceeds.

The new US Treasury under the Restored Republic was the banking regulator of banks post-RV. The US Treasury would not control account funds, only you would, but the Treasury would be the servicer of our QFS accounts and the banks would be financial service providers that would serve us as account holders.

If RV funds were used for Deep State purposes like drug running, child trafficking, gun running, or other criminal activities, the NSA would find out and freeze accounts on the QFS faster than we could blink.


Judy Note: I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.

If you wish to help save children from international sex trafficking, contact Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad:

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) investigates more than 400 violations of criminal law, ranging from child exploitation to transnational gangs inside and outside the US. This would include the rape, torture and murder of children by Satanic worshippers. Use this form to report suspected criminal activity:

The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid. A Thank You to those dedicated and brave intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to humble Wildfirelady who is adept at exposing the truth; to Martha who works around the clock to discern what is real in the fake news; to Brad who does great research and Ken who uncovers almost unlimited intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.

Divide They Try, Fail They Will, WWG1WGA to Support POTUS, Follow Q & Trust Plan

Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.

Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. Judy

Courtesy of Dinar Chronicles


Today's Smile Post-Great Feel-Good Stories--An Angel in Disguise


News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday Morning 5-21-2020