Restored Repubic via a GCR-Rumors as of Nov. 14, 2019

Thank you Judy

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Nov. 14 2019

Compiled 14 Nov. 2019 12:01 am EDT by Judy Byington

The below is a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the individual reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it is valid.

Judy Note: As of Wed. 13 Nov. evening, HSBC, Bank of America and Wells Fargo had not yet received a green light and the Admiral had not been funded.

MarkZ: On Wed. Morning 13 Nov. Redemption Centers reported that they were expecting Settlement and CMKX Package delivery to start that day. The 800#s should soon follow, perhaps within the next couple of days, or by Fri. 15 Nov. Though, a contact in Zurich was called in to exchange that Wed. 13 Nov. and MarkZ was told that the holdup on Tues. 12 Nov. was for security reasons on threats surrounding a certain Redemption Center and that such delayed the reset for only 24 hours. If you picked up Zim prior to Feb. of 2018 you could be eligible for a higher redemption rate.

TNT: On Mon. and Tues. nights 11, 12 Nov. some exchanges were made at a bank where they received cash, not SKRs. Redemption personnel at the Banks were on a 30 min. alert and were told that the reset could happen at any moment. A major bank said that updated rates came back up on the screens on Tues. 12 Nov.: Dinar: Contract Rate of $28.50, with a cap of 10 million, after which $3.91would be paid on the rest. Dong: Contract Rate of $ 8.00, with a cap of 10 million, after which $.47 would be paid on the rest, although you could get up to $2 on the rest depending on how much you had and how long you agreed to leave your monies at the bank.

Bruce: Redemption personnel were on standby, while we were on a minute to minute watch.

Sean Hannity on Fox News confirmed Q’s hint that the Horowitz FISA Abuse Report would be released on Mon. 18 Nov. and was expected to be followed by arrests of high profile individuals.

The Mainstream Media continued to cover up thousands of ongoing pedophile Mass Arrests that have taken place since Trump took office in Jan. 2016.

Restored Republic: President Trump appeared to be guilty of making what was supposed to be a highly secured phone call between the leaders of two nations, asking the Ukraine President to help him look into questionable actions of a former US VP who appeared to fill his own family’s pockets at US Taxpayer expense. For that offense Trump ought to be re-elected so he could continue to clean up the Washington DC Swamp and hold Democrats accountable for their partisan impeachment stunt, perverting the Constitution for purely political purposes and perpetrating acts of Treason by trying to negate The People’s votes for a duly elected US President.

In connection to the reset, on Tues. 12 Nov. the Stock Market Dow stayed at 0.00 all day, and then on Wed. 13 Nov. it remained in or near the red – as it had since Oct. 2018 when it lost all gains for the year. Could this be a manipulation in connection to the soon-to-be announced bankruptcy of the German Deutsche Bank which held the majority of Cabal derivatives? The Deutsch’s bankruptcy announcement was expected to start an implosion of Central Banks worldwide – unless the Global Currency Reset came into play.

It’s about time. Since at least 1871 US Taxpayer dollars have financed the UK Crown, Vatican and Central Banks worldwide: New Republic via GCR -- 235 Points of Fact as of June 3, 2016

WARNING: There were continued reports that counterfeit Zim Bonds and currency were being sold by individuals, businesses, Ebay and Etsy. If You Feel You May Be a Victim – Refuse to Be One and Don’t Expect Others to Correct the Problem For You – Take Action. See #H

A. Nov. 13 2019 TNT

1. Iraqi demonstrators gave them until today Wed. Nov. 13 to announce the monetary reforms, or they would start burning buildings. The UN stepped in and were in the process of making an agreement today Wed. Nov. 13.

2. Redemption personnel at the Banks were on a 30 min. alert. They were told it could happen at any moment.

3. Yesterday Tues. 12 Nov. a major bank said that updated rates came back up on the screens:

Dinar: Contract Rate of $28.50 with a cap of 10 million, after which $3.91 would be paid on the rest.

Dong: Contract Rate of $ 8.00, with a cap of 10 million, after which it would be $.47 on the rest, although you could get up to $2 on the rest depending on how much you had and how long you agreed to leave it at the bank.

4. On Mon. and Tues. nights 11, 12 Nov. some exchanges were made with cash, not SKRs.


B. Nov. 13 2019 Morning Chat with MarkZ: "Ramped up" - MarkZ Q&A Intel Stream Highlights 11-13-19

1. They were ramped up at Redemption Centers and expecting a long weekend of exchanging.

2. Redemption Centers were expecting Settlement, PP’s, F&Ps and CMKX Package delivery to start today Tues. 13 Nov.

3. The 800#s should soon follow within the next couple of days, perhaps by Fri. 15 Nov.

4. I think we were going to see it in the next few days at our level. No one knew the exact date. All we could do was guess based on sources, intel and world news.

5. MarkZ was told that the holdup yesterday Tues. 12 Nov. was for security reasons around a threat against some paymasters that they took seriously and delayed things for a day.

6. Isaac was still waiting in Zurich. I have another source that was expecting it today Wed. 13 Nov. and another was moved from Lucerne to Zurich to do his exchange today Wed. 13 Nov.

7. If you picked up Zim before Feb. of 2018 you could be eligible for a higher redemption rate.

8. MarkZ would go back to holding daily streams at 10 am EDT.


C. Nov. 12 2019 8:48 pm EDT It’s a Clown Op, RedPill78: RedPill78 -- Red Pill News: Confirmed, it's all a Clown Op!

1. IG report was apparently over 600 pages long and would contain few redactions, exposing not only the Clowns in America like John Brennan, but also the complicit media!

2. Recent Q Drops indicated Trump was Q, America was soon to be united again, there was calm before the storm of Huber (began investigation Feb. 2016) and Durham (began investigation 28 Oct. 2017) who were investigating pedophiles, the CIA and crime families.

3. Project Looking Glass was a Montox project (MKULTRA) that through use of reverse extraterrestrial technologies enhanced psychic abilities to remote view a probable future and allowed Q to predict moods of the Deep State.


D. Nov. 13 2019 10:24 pm EDT Congress Finds FR Theft, RY: "Congress Finds Federal Reserve Theft" by RY - 11.13.19 Congressional Bill Explained Federal Reserve theft, recommended Gold Standard.

G. Predicted Restored Republic – Global Currency Reset Events:

Nov. 18 2019: The Justice Department Inspector General's report on Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Abuses (FISA Abuse) would be released. The report was said to be as thick as a phone book and contain charges against 80% of the Democratic Congress, plus several prominent Republican political elites. Dramatic changes and reforms within the US government were expected to take place thereafter.

Jan. 1 2020: A National Retail Sales Tax Code would become effective, replacing the bankrupt Federal Reserve and IRS tax system. A 17% tax was expected to be levied on new items only, with no tax on earnings, food or medicine. On 3 July 2019 President Trump signed an Executive Order, content unknown, covering tax laws until 1 Jan. 2020.

March 2020: Arrests of anti-constitution/NWO/Cabal/against President Trump would be expected to wrap up by March 2020.

End of the year 2024: Restoration of the US Republic completion was planned for the end of President Trump’s second term in 2024.


H. Judy Note: WARNING on Counterfeit Zim and Currency:

There was concern that counterfeit currency and counterfeit Zim Bonds were being sold through individuals, businesses, eBay, Etsy and especially Zimbabwe Currency Collectibles.

Don’t Be a Victim – Take Action: It was advised that if you suspected your Zim and/or currencies were counterfeit, do not expect others to rectify the problem for you – Take Action: verify the counterfeit bonds or currency through one or more of the below instructions, purchase more from a valid dealer or bank (suggested dealers for Zim by readers shown below) and then report it to the US Department of Justice:

It would also be helpful if you let Dinar Chronicles know where you bought it: Email, subject line: “Insert Post: Counterfeit Zim, Currency.”

To Authenticate Zim Notes as per Templeton Collectibles: Not all authentic Zim notes pass the black light test: 20% of authentic earlier serial numbered Zim Notes do not pass. There were 21 unique features we used to authenticate notes in our service and a black light test was a minor one since it was not reliable. email or call 631-867-2677 Cost: $19.95 for authentication of up to 10 notes, or during Nov. say “Friend of IDC” or “Friend of Judy” and the fee would be waived.

Authenticate Zim or Currency ($15.00):

Homemade Methods (not considered completely valid, see above):

Wrap a blue plastic bag and a violet plastic bag over a flashlight, and shine through the bond in a dark room. Fluorescent specs should show up.

Metallic Strip and half circles that said '100 000 000 000 000' when held up to the light.

Rayovac UV (ultraviolet) flashlight $10 in the sports section of Walmart.


I. On the 800#s:

Judy Note: The below was a compilation of information from various sources and should be considered rumor. When the 800#s were released official instructions on Zim redemption and currency exchanges was expected to be published on the approved websites as below.

As of Oct. 9 2019 the 800#s were in place and operational. Each country and region has been assigned certain 800#s. The US Treasury and the banks would be emailing Zim holders an 800#. Call the 800# for your region or bank, tell them the bank you wanted to exchange with (Zim holders would need to redeem with either HSBC or Wells Fargo unless your bank had made special arrangements to redeem Zim. HSBC ran the Exchange Centers and would have representatives there). They would then transfer your call to the proper Exchange Center to talk to a live person and make your appointment.


J. WARNING: When you call an 800# DO NOT give out the serial numbers of your currency or bonds, nor how much you had. The only things the person or computer on the other end of the line would need to know was the bank and zip code where you wanted to exchange and what you had (Zim, Dinar, Dong, etc.) so you could be directed to a Redemption Center in the proper area to speak to a live person and make your appointment.

K. Currency Exchange and Zim Redemption Appointments:

Important information on how to exchange and redeem for participants worldwide would be on certain websites authorized to publish the 800#s so you could have a firm grip on appointment strategy prior to going in.

If you obtained your appointment through an 800# you would automatically receive the Contract Rates (with the exception of Zim holders, whose bonds were worth so much that Contract Rates would likely be saved for others).

The 800#s for currency exchanges would be out for 8-10 days. You would have those 8-10 days to make your currency exchange appointment and then 30-45 days to go to your appointment at a Redemption Center. After that you would need to exchange at a regular bank at a rate appearing on the Forex at the time of your exchange, plus Contract Rates would no longer be available.

The 800# appointments for Zim redemption would only be available for a short period of time, said to be ten days. After that you would need to make special arrangements to redeem your Zim. You could exchange both your currency and Zim at the same time, though only at a certified Redemption Center.

You don't need a project to redeem Zim. Zim would have a walk away rate (default package) for those without specific Humanitarian Projects.

With the exception of those over 70 years of age, all Zim would be paid out on a long term contract, with your choice of five to fifty years. The longer your contract period, the higher the interest rate you would be paid on your monies left at the bank during your contract period.

Seniors over 70 could receive all their money up front with no reduction in currency rates, though would be given the lower default rate on their Zim.

Your Humanitarian Project could run up to 25- 50 years.


L. WARNING: Make sure any 800# you received through phone, email or otherwise was also present on these approved Twitter Accounts and Websites:

Dinar Chronicles:
Dinar Recaps:
MarkZ Calls:
MarkZ website:
MarkZ Twitter:
TNT Tony:

Courtesy of Dinar Chronicles



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