"Re-Post RV Dates, and Michael Cottrell" by Ron Giles 9-11-2020

"Re-post RV Dates, and Michael Cottrell" by Ron Giles - 9.11.20

Entry Submitted by Ron Giles at 8:49 PM EDT on September 11, 2020

For those who choose to not follow the sheeple ahead of them and want to go a better way in life, what good does it do to go to IDC and follow their wolves in sheep's clothing they call gurus? The things the gNN (guru News Network) is saying now was the same thing they said yesterday, and last week, and last month, and last year.

If you don't believe me, go back a year ago and see what they were saying then. They can just copy and paste for new posts this year.

Yet the gurus do not seem to care what they say as long as they get to say it. If you question their validity, they may threaten to sue you as I have so effectively found out with two of my posts being deleted as a result of their threats. There is no value in being truthful if you end up in a court of law with all the drama and court costs, and attorney’s fees, and the endless anxiety that hangs out, in and around a courthouse.

So, I’ve learned my lesson; don’t you poke the birdies or they will squeal like a stuck pig and call their attorney to write you a threatening letter. Regardless that you have the Constitution on your side, you still have to pay and pay and pay to defend yourself. So again, I have learned my lesson, I'm not poking at the birdies, just ruffling their feathers a bit.

On a more serious note, I am writing this post at the behest of my integrity. I have made an unfortunate mistake and brought into question the integrity of a man named, Michael Cottrell from MarkZ's conf call.

I listened to others who reported that Mr. Cottrell has computer codes that were to begin the RV process. After watching a video of him talking about one of my posts and saying that I was correct, I learned what he is really saying about the computer codes. and that is, the codes he has will shut down the banking computers that support the Central Banking System (CB).

 If I understood correctly from what he said in that conference call, then I was wrong and need to take back the negative things I said about his importance in the RV setting, because what he said in this conference call is correct.

I have not researched how the CB will end but this is as good as I need to know for now. The Alliance has no problems with Mr. Cottrell or me as I have been corrected.

Michael Cottrell on MarkZ conference call around the 13 min mark.


In another aspect of the RV, he said there is a conditional use of the Elder’s gold to gold-back all currencies in the QFS. Mr. Cottrell mentioned that a major condition for the use of the Elders GOLD is the requirement that Full Disclosure of the Central Banking System must be publicly released. I assume that Full Disclosure will come around the time Mr. Cottrell puts in his codes.

There is one person who is in charge of the Elder’s Gold and that is the one who I affectionately call, Grandfather. Michael says his name is the “Golden Dragon.” Grandfather or Golden Dragon is part of the Alliance. This highly evolved man is over 400 years old. He has mastered the physical plane and spends much of his time in the Inner Plane where many Masters like him reside, including Yeshua, Mary M, Mother Mary, and St Germain. They have all been doing some serious planning for this event.

So, the question to ask yourself is this: in light of the constant prediction of dates and other speculations of how things are supposed to proceed by the always-get-it-wrong gNN, when will the RV really take place? The answer is found in the conditions the Elders have put on the use of their gold. There must be Full Disclosure before or at the same time the RV is released. The RV will wait until then.

I agree with Mr. Cottrell that dates are ineffective when it is a set of co-operative components that will determine when the RV takes place, not a specific date. There are no back wall dates or Elder’s demands for Trump to release the RV or there will be hell to pay. There is no Zimbabwe agency nor any other country that will dictate whether the defunct Zim Bonds have a redemption date beyond which they can not be redeemed. Zimbabwe was finished with their Zim Bearer Bonds when they internationally declared the Bonds to be a defunct currency.

The Zim Bonds are useless in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe has no say about the Alliance's use of the Zim Bonds for our redemption. We buy them, the Alliance redeems them. Where in that process is there a place for their control? When one knows the plan, it is easy to see the hidden agenda that the guru Trolls and their fake news sources are working toward. Correcting their lies could be a full-time job if anyone is interested?

Many have claimed they know of an RV back wall and yet these dates go by without a new reason for the RV to be continued. If they were truthful about their being a back wall, why would they continue to forecast new dates and rates after that back wall date? "Never let the truth get in the way of a good story," says the gNN. This diatribe will never end until the Zim Bond notes are redeemed by the Alliance with funds put into our accounts in the Quantum Financial System.

Why are our funds not deposited into any CB bank, you ask? When the RV takes place it will be the demise of the CB Banking System with the accompanying Full Disclosure. Why? Because the CB Banking system must be unplugged and the QFS takes over before the RV can take place.

The QFS will eventually be the only financial system in the world as the CB is slowly shutdown. The banks will have a degree of use as the transition takes place and the banks go out of business. The QFS can interface with banks on a one-way system. The banks can receive, but cannot transfer to the QFS.

The bank computers can not transfer digital gold certificates, nor can they access any of the QFS accounts, unless they are QFS agent banks or individual agents with a need to access QFS accounts. When the QFS is activated there is no longer any profit in banking to keep banks afloat. They will go into receivership. Is this so hard to understand?

Banks may be around during the transition and one can use them if they want but it is risky putting money in a bank after their plug is pulled. The QFS is where our funds will safely be put for our use. With this reality, how can one still be caught up in the gNN garbage and believe in predicted RV dates? The Alliance will never give out RV dates. The RV will happen without foreknowledge; it will be a surprise. That's why we need to always be prepared. Meantime, the Troll Ants will continue to try to stop us from getting our funds, but when the dam breaks, they will be washed away.

BTW, With the Zim Bond rates for redemption being a function of the Humanitarian Projects and the person's abilities to do their projects, how can a rate be forecast by any banker Trolls, when they are to be negotiated at the redemption appointment. The interviewer will not "offer" you a rate, you give them the list of your requests that includes the rate you want to do your projects.

That starts the "Negotiation" for the negotiated rates we will receive. These gurus have been getting this wrong for a long time. It is getting close to where we are to be engaged in the RV process. Each of us has to get our own act together instead of letting the gurus dictate what we are going to get. They have no clue but want to pretend that they are the authority and we will have to take what the Banker Bots tell us. We are the Sovereigns and we dictate what we will get by simply requesting it and then justifying why.

As mentioned above, the Zim is a defunct currency and is of no value except to the Alliance as a vehicle to get funds into the hands of the Zim Holders. The Deep State Trolls don’t want this to happen, thus the never-ending diatribe we have to endure from the guru Trolls here on IDC and other sites. It is disgusting that we have to put up with their attempts at limiting our funds through their lies. I suppose we should love them for the bad examples and contrast they provide us, but it is hard. I have friends that have given up and no longer want to be involved.

I used to send them posts about predicted dates. I stopped doing that two years ago. The damage continues with false predictions for this last weekend and perhaps next weekend - but who cares they're all lies. They are so predictable, just like a petulant child, we just have to shake our heads and wonder why they do this when they know they are just lying. The past proves the present wrong for them, and the present proves the past wrong for them. One might say, "they are just wrong."

For those who complain that I am not coming from love for these gurus, I only post about them on the tenth time I am asked to clarify something IDC readers have heard from the gurus. Birds of these feathers just need some tar.

The information in this post is accurate to my understanding and is given as my second witness to Mr. Cottrell. Please accept my apologies, Sir. And if I have concluded things from what you have said that you do not agree with, I would appreciate knowing what they are.

Keep in mind the Alliance is the only entity that can release the 800#, in coordination with Grandfather. Not Trump, not the Treasury Department nor any other government agency in the US or in any other country in the world. Their job is to become GESARA Compliant before the RV takes place or their country will be left out of the QFS.

 Trump and these Departments cannot afford for the RV to take place until the US is GESARA Compliant, so gurus quit lying about Trump and the Treasury Department personnel. Most governments of the world including the US, have been part of the worldwide Deep State and are being taken down with the goal of each nation becoming GESARA compliant.

The QFS, the RV, the GCR, and GESARA is the future we are working for. I left out Banks on purpose, they will eventually be bought out and turned into Financial Service Centers to serve the public's financial needs for loans and cash transactions. This will be done by certain Zim Benefactors who have expertise in the financial institution's arena and who have the funds necessary to sustain this activity over time.

Be prepared to endure the delays until full disclosure. Our time will come when we and the Alliance are ready, ... which equals “Divine Timing.”

Blessings to all, and to all, be a blessing

Ron Giles



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