News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday PM 3-18-2020


Dan:  I believe that Trump having declared a national emergency is a good thing.
It gives Trump control over money which he is giving to businesses & people NOT THE BANKING SYSTEM.

Under a national emergency Trump can order companies back to the US. It will be done in a discussion format.

Things will appear as companies decided to come back on their own.

I believe Trump is using this event to help people financially as we transition into a new system. 
He is stating a big bounce back because the landscape will not be the same coming out the other side.
Trump is using this as a cover as a rearrangement is taking place.

Ah yes... never let a good disaster  go to waste...

I for one would love to see the fed lose control. Nothing Federal about it, global elites rich families own and run the fed.

Josie:  YUPPERS,,,,Been hearing also  about a "Debt jubilee"   Interesting indeed

ChrisC:  Kim Clement is getting every chance he could have asked for today.  The market is dancing all over 20,000.  Come on Kim, daddy needs a new pair of shoes and some more toilet paper.

Samson:  Trump announces the closure of the borders to Canada

17:12 - 3/18/2020

US President Donald Trump announced, Wednesday, the border with Canada closed to the non-essential movement.

Trump emphasized expanding telemedicine services to counter the emerging corona virus.

He added, in a press conference from Washington, that movement and gatherings should be reduced and travel avoided, pointing out that 13 airports witnessed examinations of the disease.

The president also called on Americans to work from home.   LINK


Samson:  Report: Iraq is in a good position to pay off its external debt

12:37 - 3/18/2020

A report of the Australian economic newspaper Investor Daily, specializing in investment, confirmed on Wednesday that Iraq is in a good economic position that enables it to meet its external debt.

The report, which was translated / information / in an interview with the economic analyst Mark Baker, the director of investment and emerging market debt at the Aberdeen Standard Investments Group, in response to a question about the bonds issued by the Iraqi government, stated that “Iraq is a net external creditor and this means that its external assets are greater than its external debts which It means the country is in a good position to stick to its debts.”

"Each country is subject to a unique set of macroeconomic engines. There are no emerging markets or similar borders.  In the case of Iraq, regional political geography and internal politics are key factors. But at the same time, it is considered Iraq is a net external creditor, which means that its external assets are greater than its external liabilities. This means that the nation is well placed to service its debt obligations.

He pointed out that "border markets tend to take on more credit risk than the prevailing emerging markets. However, it does not necessarily follow that volatility is higher, especially for local currency bonds.  Border bonds in local currency are less accessible and require very careful analysis and oversight, which some international investors may be unwilling or unable to implement. As a result, most of these markets suffer from a significant lack of ownership and are therefore less sensitive to global risk factors affecting the more common emerging markets.  LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  ...apparently according to the media they're got these time frames and apparently in about 3 weeks they're gonna reopen the restaurants, the gathering places, the schools.  How do they know that in 3 weeks everything's gonna be okay?   I think it's because it's tied to the Iraqi dinar timeframe...

Pimpy  ... somebody want to explain to me how it is that you can say the rate is never gonna increase and get up to where it was at one time when in fact it used to be above $2.  There's no reason for it not to be reinstated up there again.  Now I've made my pitch for why I think it's gonna be $1.34 and I'll stick to it still.  Don't get me wrong I would love to see it go up above $2...I would love to see it be reinstated as $3.20/$3.22 rate.  The point I'm trying to make is this, the sanctions happened which caused it to lower the rate.  It's the 9th wealthiest  nation in the world.  It has tons of oil reserves as well as a bunch of other raw materials that are just not being tapped into right now.  There's no reason for this rate not get back up to where it was before...once they are back onto Forex and people are investing in their currency on a known foreign exchange platform this is gonna benefit...


RVAlready:  I think it is time to kill the fed. Give $10,000 checks, then implode the fed, and write it all off. The total debt amount is already totally unsupportable. Time for the GCR and a new currency basis and a fresh start. The current system cannot continue.

Harambe:  CNBC: Oil plummets to near 18-year low, on pace for worst month ever​ce-for-worst-month-ever.html

RockoDinar:  Harambe...just heard oil could go to $18.00 per barrel....crazy stuff going on at this time...come on RV


Tishwash:  After the price collapse to 27 dollars .. Russia is looking at Iraq’s oil proposal

Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Moscow is closely monitoring the situation in oil markets, and is analyzing and determining its position on the Iraqi proposal to hold a meeting of OPEC + countries.

This was stated by Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov to reporters today, Wednesday.
Asked if the price of $ 27 a barrel was appropriate for Russia, Peskov said: "Of course, this is a very low price, we would have liked it if the price were higher."

The price of a barrel of Brent oil is currently trading at the level of $ 27 a barrel, after it was traded earlier this year at the level of $ 66 a barrel.

Riyadh and Moscow had earlier failed to reach an agreement to maintain production cuts after March 2020, as Russia rejected a proposal to cut further by 1.5 million barrels per day until the end of 2020, while Riyadh refused to extend the current agreement with the current conditions.

After that, news came about the kingdom's intention to increase its oil production and to provide large price discounts to buyers in Asia and Europe, and experts considered that this is a declaration of the "oil price war" against Russia.


Lynette Zang and Bix Weir Wednesday PM 3-18-2020


Okie Update 3-18-2020 "The Best of Times and the Worst of Times"