News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday AM 1-25-2023

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts and Rumors from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 25 Jan. 2023

Compiled Wed. 25 Jan. 2023 12:01am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Tues. 24 Jan. MarkZ: There are some European bond connections that were expecting FULL liquidity (not pieces or parts) tomorrow Wed. 25 Jan, which means that things will move forward. Hoping this is really it. The news coming out of the bond side has been exceptional overnight.  Reprint from Iraq: I believe the original story was on Bloomberg. “The US holds Iraq hostage with the dollar” 

 It talks about how since 2003 Iraq is required to send all it oil revenues to a single US bank account, and how Washington is weaponizing Baghdad’s own dollars against Iraq – devaluing its dinar currency and hindering payments.

Mark Cont…….This is why Iraq needs to revalue quickly and separate completely from the United States. The US has been manipulating them ….This is the last corner stone to somehow keep the RV from happening. My belief is the US has been leaning on politicians over there …bribing, threatening them and that could be why Sudani has removed the CBI president. The US has been keeping a thumb on the Politicians and Iraq banking system.

Tues. 24 Jan. Bruce: Bond Holders should receive their notifications by email 7am EST Wed. 25 Jan. Tier 4b (us, the Internet Group) could obtain our notifications up to 12 hours after Bond Holders – that meant we could get them on Wed. 25 Jan. If so, appointments should start Thurs. 26 Jan.

Tues. 24 Jan. RV Update by Okie (not OkieOilman) via Twitter: There is major bank activity. We are receiving multi-source reports regarding US Bank Screens going blank, which could mean that rates were being loaded at this time.

Charlie Ward on the new Global Financial System: “Everything will be finished in Jan. 2023.”

Sun. 29 Jan. 2023 “I hear the Dinar Rate will be live on the 29th.” …Shiela

Any time from now through Tues. 31 Jan, Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) should receive notification to set foreign currency exchange and Zim Bond redemption appointments.

As of Tues. 31 Jan. 2023, the US will officially transition from the US Inc’s fiat Dollar to the new gold/ asset-backed US Note. Banks were expected to be on the new system by Fri. 3 Feb.

As of Wed. 1 Feb. 2023, any fiat US Dollar printed prior to 2021will no longer be accepted as legal tender anywhere in the world according to a US Treasury Letter, although this date may be moved further back a few days. …Bruce, MarkZ

By Thurs, Fri. Feb. 2, 3 fiat currencies were set to be pulled out of banks and stores. …Bruce

GESARA and NESARA (that includes debt relief and universal basic income) started Thurs. 19 Jan. and will be complete by Wed. 1 Feb. …Bruce

Fri. 3 Feb.: Rumor was that Banks were set to go public with the new currency exchange rates.

March 2023 was the deadline to have all 209 major countries’ currencies of the world be on a gold/asset-backed standard and exchanging at a 1:1 with each other – a situation expected to last up to five years.


Tues. 24 Jan. 2023 The Big Call, Bruce: 667-770-1866 pin123456#

There were 35 countries that have asset-backed currencies including the US.

The US was printing the new US Note at three locations. 100s and 50s were already at the banks. The other denominations 20s, 10s and 5s were un-rapped in the Redemption Centers last Sun. 22 Jan.

They don’t want us to have more than $6,500 in cash at our appointments.

The Tier 1 banks will introduce the new US Notes in the next couple of days.

Those countries that were Basel 4 Compliant would have their currencies RV. The deadline to do that was Tues. 31 Jan.

This coming Sunday 29 Jan. the Forex will be trading the new currencies including the Iraqi Dinar.

Bond Holders should receive their notifications by email 7am EST Wed. 25 Jan.

Tier 4b (us, the Internet Group) could obtain our notifications up to 12 hours after Bond Holders – that meant we could get them on Wed. 25 Jan.

Appointments should start Thurs. 26 Jan.

The Iraqi Dinar rate was at or above what Shabbi predicted years ago.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Walkingstick   [via Frank26]    It is not a shock.  It is not a setback.  This process that Sudani did with the CBI is because the governor of the CBI was not being transparent enough.  And the education to the Iraqi citizens of the monetary reform was not fast enough.  The new governor Alaq he was the student of Dr. Shabibi, the author of the monetary reform of Iraq's currency.  IMO Alaq is a lot better to take the monetary reform to its promised land of an international float.  Under his tutelage was when they printed the new small category notes.

Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  FIREFLY: There's going to be a national day of protest Wednesday at the CBI...We people are mad at the CBI because they're not doing anything... thousands are going to show up.  FRANK:  ...Your voice must be heard by the CBI that you need this new exchange rate now, not tomorrow ...your new governor of the Central Bank Alaq knows exactly what the monetary reform plan was and he knows exactly what Sudani wants...Let Wednesday be a form of communication...

The Federal Reserve: Friend or Foe?

Stansberry Researh:  1-24-2023

The market's strong start to the year has a lot of folks wondering if this rally will last.

So on this new episode of Making Money With Matt McCall, Matt dives into the charts. He takes a look at what's going on in the S&P 500 Index – which has recently broken through some important levels that we just can't ignore.

 At this point, there's only one thing that could slow down the S&P 500's upward trend – the Federal Reserve.

Will the Fed be our friend moving forward... or our enemy? Then, Matt shares five stocks that you need to put on your watch list now. Don't wait to tune in.

The Great Silver Smash & Stash | Andy Schectman

Liberty and Finance:  1-25-2023

Is China cornering & draining the world’s gold & silver markets, as well as stockpiling the most strategic commodities in history?

Andy Schectman, CEO of Miles Franklin Precious Metals, returns to Liberty and Finance to connect the dots from dwindling COMEX & LBME physical inventories in the face of unnaturally low prices, and the “long game” strategy being waged by China and the other BRICS+ nations in the East vs. the short-sighted and self-destructive implosion by the western financial and governmental powers


"Tidbits From TNT" Wednesday Morning 1-25-2023


Explaining Inflation to a 5 Year Old