News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday AM 11-15-2022

RV Excerpts and Rumors from the Restored Republic via a GCR as of Tues. 15 Nov. 2022

Compiled Tues. 15 Nov. 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

The Storm Rider:

The U.S. Deep State Banking system was trying to buy as much gold as they could and put into ledgers and false books to falsely show that they had enough gold to start their own Digital Banking System backed by Gold.

The Western financial crash was happening and the escalation was becoming evident. As most ANONS, PATRIOTS Freedom Fighters knew last year had already begun the Economic COLLAPSE with MSM, Wall Street, Western governments hiding the Real economic numbers and Collapse.

Blackrock filed for bankruptcy, while the Rothschilds/Rockefeller Banking System collapsed.

On the Global Currency Reset: On Fri. 11 Nov. a private banker’s US Treasury Contact informed Bank of America that Gold and Gold-backed assets’ opening day was Fri. 11 Nov. German and Yellow Dragon Bond liquidity would soon follow, with the redemption process beginning in Miami, Zurich and the Philippines early this coming week.

Global Economic Crisis:

Europe and the UK will fall into recession this winter. Brussels officially warns of a recession in the EU amid a decline in production in Germany. The Euro Zone is facing a gloomy winter, according to the European Commission. The Bank of England expects the UK recession to be the longest since records began in the 1920s, and says unemployment will almost double.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  FIREFLY: All these deals with other countries can't stay at a program rate.  We feel it will...not mess around with any of this 1190 mess but straight to 1 to 1 and then float from there.  Too many deals with too many countries that are taking major investments here.  FRANK:  There you you're understanding and you are applying logic to what you are seeing with your own eyes from your leaders...things are moving at a very fast pace...when you see the international contracts being activated right in front of your eyes, before the 2023 budget is even open that tells me your new exchange rate is solid and as strong as titanium.

Walkingstick  [via Frank26]  All past budgets of Iraq have had a rate line item to calculate the budget's expenditures.  When you see the historical 2023 budget its goals are not a reality with a program rate.  That's why the CBI now educates the citizen at a faster quicker pace about the new exchange rate and about the new small category notes to match that new rate.  That new rate is coming to a bank near you.


Countries by Gold Reserves 2022 - Comparison

Mega 3D:

Gold reserves by country data compiled statistics.Gold reserves of largest gold holding countries worldwide as of 2022 (in metric tons).

Big Big Trouble! DE-DOLLARIZATION Speed UP in Developing Countries, Refusal to trade via USD.

Deepin Moments:  11-14-2022

The US Federal Reserve announced another 75 basis point rate hike on the 2nd of this month. Since March this year, the Fed has raised interest rates six times in a row and the level of the US federal funds rate rose to its highest level since January 2008.

The Fed's aggressive interest rate hikes and the sharp appreciation of the US dollar have had serious and damaging consequences globally. Many countries have suffered currency depreciation, capital outflows, rising debt servicing costs, increased imported inflation and some have even fallen into currency or debt crises.

For a long time, the US has often used the hegemonic position of the US dollar in the international monetary system to transfer domestic crises, harvest world wealth and undermine the economic and financial stability of other countries.

The hegemony of the US dollar has become an important destabilising factor threatening the world economy. Warplanes whistling, missile barrage, building destruction, civilian casualties ......

In March 2011, the US and its allies launched airstrikes against Libyan government forces to help the Libyan opposition overthrow the Gaddafi regime. Some experts have pointed out that in addition to geopolitical factors, Khamis al-Gaddafi's previous offer not to use the US dollar for trade settlements, thus challenging the hegemony of the US dollar, was one of the reasons why Libya incurred the blow.


"Tidbits From TNT" Tuesday Morning 11-15-2022


Tuesday AM Iraq Economic News Highlights 11-15-22