News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday AM 7-20-2023

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of Thurs. 20 July 2023

Compiled Thurs. 20 July 2023 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington,

What We Think We Know as of Wed. 19 July 2023:

On Tues. 18 July monies began flowing out of Zurich, Paymasters were given liquidity and Whales were beginning to be paid.

On Wed. 19 July the Iraqi budget with the new Dinar Rate in it was implemented in Iraq.

Tier 4b (us, the Internet Group) were likely looking at notification by Fri. 21 July or the weekend.

The last week of July US citizens would receive restoration allowances that paid them back illegal interest paid to the Cabal and SS payments would increase.

On Tues. 29 August the new Quantum Financial System will be official and made public.

The Quantum Financial System’s Global Currency Revaluation

Wed. 19 July Wolverine: Everything is ready. Whales are getting ready. The notifications were supposed to come out last night (my night) and hopefully it might be later on today. The 4B group is looking like it might be the weekend

TNT Call: Contacts are saying the rate change could happen tonight or tomorrow, but it’s a holiday in Iraq today and tomorrow, so Tony doesn’t expect it until Friday after 4 pm Eastern. He was told later on in the call that he might be wrong about that, that it could happen any minute. The bank managers are working this weekend. The budget was released yesterday to the provinces and the funds have been positioned for distribution.

Tues. 18 July Bond Holder in Zurich: money is flowing confirmed. Whales paid.

Wed. 19 July Iraqi budget implemented in all state institutions:

Wed. 19 July Masters of GCR/RV: Information War, Golden Age, QFS, Zimbabwe Dollar, Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong, Tier 4B, Tier 5, NESARA GESARA Act – American Media Group (

The Real News for Wed. 19 July 2023:

Texas going gold-backed

Read full post here:


GCR Real-Time News, [7/18/2023 ]         

Just a reality check for everyone here. A country cannot simply “declare” a new value of its currency and suddenly the global FX market accepts the revaluation. It doesn’t work that way.

If Iraq RVs her currency arbitrarily (because it says so), no global exchange market or financial institution would accept it. They certainly wouldn’t trade other currencies and pay the arbitrary price differential. They would simply force Iraq to conduct trade in dollars or euros, etc.
This would actually collapse the IQD further in Iraq’s domestic economy.

Currency values in foreign exchange markets are determined by GDP, GDP per Capita, Foreign Investment Capital Inflows (as a ratio to GDP), and overall government stability ratings.

For instance, when you compare all of the above economic metrics between IRAQ and Kuwait, you’ll discover that Iraq is well below Kuwait in every category. Even if Iraq pegged the IQD to a basket of currencies such as the USD, Euro, and British Pound, Iraq’s financial situation cannot afford to buy enough of those currencies (as FX reserves) to maintain a high, revalued peg..
Iraq would become insolvent very quickly.

This is why Iraq has not RV’d. The same goes for Vietnam.

The only way forward is to participate in a gold-backed currency unit and RV the price of gold vs that new currency unit. Hopefully, this is what BRICS are going to do at some point in the future.


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Militia Man  The advisor to the prime minister says we received requests from countries from three continents to do business.  Did we ever see that before No we have never seen it before.

Petra  I am sure there are folks who don’t want this to happen. Fortunately, there are a lot more powerful and influential people who want this to go…like 44 million Iraqi’s who have been promised more PP and a new rate!  And there are many “influential and powerful” people in Iraq that are mad that this has “not” occurred!

Reason for Their restriction of 14 banks

Nader:  7-20-2023

Russia Just Unleashed Economic Hell

Sean Foo:  7-20-2023

Russia has terminated the Black Sea Grain deal shocking the world. This move will make the inflation crisis worse and is an escalation of the economic war. Here's what you must about Russia's big gambit against the West using the food supply.

Timestamps & Chapters:

0:00 Russia Does The Unthinkable

2:31 The Black Sea Grain Deal

5:16 Weaponizing Commodities

6:54 Sponsor - Osome

8:04 Food Inflation Crisis

 11:38 Russia's End Game

14:17 Is China Screwed?


"Tidbits From TNT" Thursday Morning 7-20--2023


Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News for July 19, 2023