Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News for July 19, 2023

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News for July 19, 2023

RJ:  Good evening Dinar Recaps,

Goldilocks posted comments and links on global economics:

On June 23rd, 2023, "BP Ventures Wins Stellar Community Fund Award for LightEcho Oracle." BP Ventures is a leading fintech and blockchain consulting firm.

They were given liquidity and the permission to move forward with their LightEcho Oracle - an
oracle utility developed for Stellar’s Soroban smart contract platform. Smart contracts secure funding for both sides of a trade and are there to move forward.

Soroban smart contracts are part of the quantum technology developed to activate Protocol 20. They are developers of decentralized financing and are currently engaged in new project solutions that secure digital asset custody and tokenize digital assets.

This venture is transforming the old Financial System into a new digital asset-based trading system. 

© Goldilocks

Read more:

"The Financial Stability Board  (FSB) has now finalized its recommendations to establish a global regulatory crypto framework."

The framework gives two recommendations:

"High-level recommendations for the regulation, supervision, and oversight of crypto-asset activities and markets."

"Revised high-level recommendations for the regulation, supervision, and oversight of “global stablecoin” arrangements."

These new guidelines are designed to govern and ensure a healthy integration into our financial system.

Stablecoins are at the heart of these new guidelines. They represent the new digital-asset payment system going forward, and a standardized protocol will enable the new digital-asset-based economy to thrive inside a generational wealth potential never seen before in history.

© Goldilocks

"U.S. bank regulators are readying the launch of proposed capital requirement changes on July 27 to bring the country's rules in line with the international Basel III accords, Bloomberg reported."

This will help level the playing field between large Banks and smaller Banks, especially in mortgage transactions.

And more importantly, July the 27th, 2023 will enable us to move forward to the implementation phase of Basel 3 requirements.

This marks a global shift in the way our new collateral-based (SOFR) banking system will now conduct business transactions.

© Goldilocks


It is now official. "Cboe to List and Trade Shares of the VanEck Bitcoin Trust Under BZX Rule 14.11(e)(4), Commodity-Based Trust Shares" Just in the nick of time too as we approach the implementation of Basel 3 accords on July 27th.

© Goldilocks


7 billion people on the planet and all will have a stellar account on the QFS.

Protocols 16 and 17 are in place to assist the Quantum Compliant Banks the ability to assist in helping set up your accounts and transfer your fiat to digital for you.

The fear of trying to do all of this yourself should not be of concern.
QC Banks will have the ability to assist here and educate.

The Quantum System is not being set up for just banking but for the military, elections and so much more.

Far larger than one can fathom, especially if one is to believe what gurus are pushing. Larger than the information providers are informing you of.

Most on these boards only have a very small piece of a much larger subject.

Come with an open mind and leave your preconceived notions outside of this chat and write down the things that don't make sense. As we move along in discussions, these things will have new understandings as we talk about what is coming and processes.

The systems of old have to be dismantled so that there is never the option of going back to them. (Bridges being built and Bridges being dismantled at the same time)

They are taking steps to remove influencers/criminal behavior in all of this. Punishable for certain, not the old system or ways. Finally, this is some of the best news for all involved.

The future is brighter for everyone. Not just a certain few.


It has come to my attention that several people still want to know who I am. Some are saying that I am the Goldilocks who spoke to dinar land over 10 years ago, this is just a rumor that is not true. There are no connections between us.

For the last two-plus years of being on this journey with you, it has been my intention to give you information that is backed up with facts in an article that proves what I am talking about is true. This way, you will know it is not about me. It is about truth, and truth, will set us free.

There are times when I have to wait on information to go public before I can write about some of the information I do receive ahead of time. If it is a pressing piece of information you need to know, I will share it ahead of the articles coming out.

We have been building an economic system from the ground up these last two years, and it is important to understand it as much as you can from those who are trying to do the same.

Over time, many of you have realized that what is important are the truth principles that I share with you, of which, no one can deny. I will not call an RV until there actually is one, and I will know sooner than most because of the level of contacts I have on the level we need to hear information leaked to us.

This is a global event and technology is leading the way. I would encourage you to find leaders who can tell you about Protocol 20 and its activation of the new digital and physical economy going forward such as your paper currencies.

Banking protocols of the future will be done through artificial intelligence and smart contracts. The activation of Global Quantum Technologies around the world are what we are looking for going forward.

You have to be on the right baseball field in order to play the game, and there are rules and regulations that guide every sport you decide to play.

The new digital asset-backed economy is not the same baseball field we used to play in and knowing the difference can make all the difference in how your game turns out.

© Goldilocks


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Thank you Dinar Recaps


News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday AM 7-20-2023
