News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday AM 11-24-2022

RV Excerpts and Rumors from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 24 Nov. 2022

Compiled Thurs. 24 Nov. 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday I will not be sending out another Restored Republic via a GCR Report until Monday morning 28 Nov, unless important Intel emerges, in which case I will be sending out Special Reports.

What We Think We Know as of Thurs. 24 Nov. 2022, Thanksgiving:

The Iraqi Dinar appears to have revalued at around $4.81-$4.83 in-country Rate. By Saturday night 19 Nov. all remaining US troops had been withdrawn from Iraq, after which the new Iraqi Dinar rate was released

The BRICS nations of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, plus 14 (perhaps over 100) other countries including Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Kuwait and Iraq now had gold/asset-backed currencies and were functioning and trading under the Global Currency Reset Financial System. Although the US Note was gold-backed, printed and sitting in banks, it was said that it would be the very last to go.

Global Currency Reset:

MarkZ on Tues. 23 Nov: “A Redemption Center Contact in Texas was told that the Call Center part of the Redemption Center would be on call on Thanksgiving Wed. 24 Nov, but not the Redemption Center itself. I find this interesting because they were told they would be on a short “call in” or notice and this was changed earlier today. So this is potentially exciting. Remember the rest of the world keeps operating even if we have Thanksgiving.”

Bruce: According to my Bank Contacts, the RV won’t happen before the Thanksgiving Holiday Thurs. 24 Nov, but could directly after.

According to Elon Musk (who owns and was running the Star Link Satellite System) the Quantum Financial System would be officially running sometime between right now and mid-December. The new Internet would be up and running on the Quantum System by the end of December.

Last Saturday night 19 Nov. all remaining US troops were withdrawn from Iraq, after which the new Iraqi Dinar rate was released in Iraq.

The Iraqi government was supposed to expose their international rates last Mon. 20 Nov, but the IMF wouldn’t allow them to do so.

The Iraqi government did (allegedly) release the new Iraqi Dinar rate on Tues. 22 Nov. That Iraqi Dinar in-country Rate was $4.81. International Rate was $11.90 US dollars, though it could be higher in other countries.

On Wed. 23 Nov we expected to see the new rates on the Forex, though it probably wouldn’t happen until Sunday 27 Nov.

The new Dinar was called the Golden Dinar because it was gold-backed.

The Kuwaiti government also has this Golden Dinar with the new rate.

The Golden Dinar will give stability to the Mid East and Iraq has repaid Kuwait for the invasion by Saddam Hussein.

The new money was printed on bonds in contrast to the currencies we are using right now.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  Banks around the world are getting ready to receive the 3-zero notes.  Private banks around the world are already ready.

Walkingstick [via Frank26]  There was $800 million flowing per week out of Iraq from the CBI banks illegally.  It was being done by the political exchangers... Maliki... auctions...fake contacts or directly stealing it and not caring if they were caught.  Only the CBI can supervise their banks and they have done a superior job.  That is why the international world is willing to pour into Iraq with their currency converted into Iraqi dinars.

ALERT! My 5 Best Assets to Hold AFTER "The Crash!" HINT: 2 Are Different KINDS of SILVER!

(Bix Weir) 11-24-2022

You should be "on the sidelines" watching this chaos unfold. All assets should be in your own possession. It's very unnerving to buy anything these days as you don't know if it will end up in your own hands. Here are my 5 favorite assets that I think will survive and thrive AFTER THE CRASH!

"This Financial CRASH Will Be WORSE Than The GREAT DEPRESSION" | Peter Schiff

Zero Sum investing:  11-23-2022

In a recent interview, Peter Schiff, the renowned gold bug, stated that he expects the United States will experience a financial crisis worse than the ‘Great Recession’ of 2008 and possibly even the Great Depression of 1929. Schiff added that the United States has far more debt than it did in 2008, and that the country's economic downturn "will be a much worse problem when the defaults begin."


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