News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday Morning 12-29-19


Sooneriam:  Prayers for the Iraqi people. Health, peace and prosperity. Running water, electricity, comfortable homes, schools education and a future for their young people. Revalue of the Iraqi dinar

Sooneriam:  Prayers for Okie for full healing, health and may he share the RV and new wealth with the TNT family

Deslocc:  Here is a video about the GCR beginning.... Enjoy...

WeRe Bank of England Announces Commencement of Global Debt Jubilee Roll Out

Dec 29, 2019

Global Financial Reset and Debt Jubilee Begins! PLEASE ATTEND THE WEBINAR on the 15th January 2020 19:00 hrs London –

This video announces the Global Debt Resolution and Reset Project initiated by WeRe Bank of England and White Hat benevolent entities.

“You sell it – We Buy it!” WeRe Bank of England commenced activities in the UK in March 2015 and spread to over 25 countries within 10 months by showing the people that one did not have to rely upon a Central Banking Control Agenda in order to pay off debts.

All you needed to do was create your own “money supply” via issuance of a promissory note, then attach a payment modality to it, namely a cheque book. Many successes were achieved – much trolling and shill activity, combined with massive “false reporting and innuendo” from the fake Main Steam Media, still could not stop the momentum.

PLEASE ATTEND THE WEBINAR on the 15th January 2020 19:00 hrs London - Visit SHOP []

Over the past 5 years, now as we rest on the cusp of 2020, the debt burden has increased and as no Central Bank, political process, politician, pressure group or Governing/Regulatory body has stepped up to try to resolve the situation – WeRe Bank of England has taken upon itself Christic-Self- Governance Principles to arrange to do what Man has refused to do!

The struggle is of Biblical proportions – The toxic, usurious, Debt Death spiral must be broken and WeRe Bank of England has arrived to effect the solution. Five (5) years on from WeRe Bank’s launch, Peter of England unveils WeRe Bank 2.0 for the year 2020.

WeRe Bank of England’s Post BREXIT offer to the world Simply put this allows you to SELL any debt to WeRe Bank of England, an ALTERNATIVE SERVICE PROVIDER, and walk away from your supposed “debt obligations” FREE AND CLEAR.

You free yourself from the debt – WeRe Bank of England increases its asset book by ACCUMULATING DEBT, as in this Alice in Wonderland nonsense world of “globalist Zionist Kontrol” debts are ASSETS and not “money” – “money (so called is a liability).

WeRe Bank of England has established itself as an ASP (Alternative Service Provider) and can now assume your debt burden in all debt classes.

WeRe Bank of England is a private bank and so is not restricted by regulatory authorities, governing agencies or corrupt and criminal Central Banking organisations. WeRe Bank of England (it) further shows you that at the time of the contractual agreement whereupon you signed for an “extension of credit” you were defrauded of your rights under a contract as not all “material information” was revealed to you – just the opposite! You were never loaned money BUT simply has “credit” extended to you.

Money is not credit AND credit can never be money. Banks do not take deposits and banks do not make loans. Freeman Legal Services is the legal catalyst for the Debt Assumption and Debt BUY-OUT

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26   [If they adjusted the rate higher than a 1 to 1 value (5 to 1) would there still be a different rate for out of country or just the single rate.]  A DINAR IS A DINAR IN COUNTRY...A DINAR OUT OF THE COUNTRY IS GOVERNED BY THE MARKET RATE.    THESE ARE TWO DIFFERENT... POSITIONS... RATES.

chattels  With all due respect to those who believe that the GOI is not as important as the CBI, I ask what monetary or banking policy can exist if there is no functional government ?


AWK News Dec. 28: They are fighting for their lives. Big [DS] players continue to resign. PANIC.

And We Know:  Dec 28, 2019

A Stunning Look At The Retail Apocalypse Over The Past Few Years, 100,000's Of Retail Jobs Lost

Silver Report Uncut:  Dec 29, 2019

Today we are focusing on the retail apocalypse that has been taking place over the past few years and we only focused on some of the most notable retailers there was actually a lot more than the store closures detailed here.

This list is in alphabetical order and not chronological due to how the data was compiled, but nevertheless, the truth is we need to take a look at the retail apocalypse for the US retail sector.

The troubling part is that many analysts just point to internet sales well to some degree the may be true but the question we pose in this video is could it be the rise of internet sales is partially due to less brick and mortar retailers after record years of store closures?

 If it is internet sales would it matter? not really as we cover here the tax implications are real the loss of jobs in the areas affected by store closures and property values both on the local area and commercial real estate. P.S. there is still a ton of Toys R Us stores available for lease.



Restored Repubic via a GCR- Rumors as of Dec. 29, 2019


IQD CALLS Chat Saturday 12-28-19