News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday Morning 1-16-2022

RV Excerpts/Rumors from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 15 Jan. 2022

Compiled Sun. 16 Jan. 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Tentative Schedule of Events as of Sun. Morning 16 Jan. 2022:

Countries across the globe were preparing for an imminent blackout due to Cyber Attacks.

Banks in North America including Canada, US and Mexico were no longer exchanging foreign money unless it was sent digitally and was from a tracked account.

On Thurs. 13 Jan. the UN announced that in their new Dinar Rate, Iraq paid Kuwait what was owed for the war, a requirement before the Global Currency Reset could be released.

The Kingpin of the Global Currency Reset – the Iraqi Dinar’s new International Rate – was set to be announced on Sat. 15 Jan. and begin trading on Forex the next day, Sun. 16 Jan.

Redemption Center Staff have been told they would begin working full time on Sun. 16 Jan.

As of Thurs. 13 Jan. the US Supreme Court Building in Washington DC was closed to the public until further notice.

On Fri. 14 Jan. 2022 the US Government was closing schools across the nation for around a week.

By Thurs. 20 Jan. the Law of War Manual 11.3 called for activation of Martial Law. Also the Quantum Banking System using the new Starlink Satellite Internet was set to begin for the general public.

Good Saturday morning. If you are in Izzy’s path make sure you have food and water. Severe ice storms mean power lines go down. Stay safe! Stay warm. …Whiplash347

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26    [Iraq boots-on-the-ground TV update] FIREFLY: The television Channel 1 news is saying that Iraq has been removed from the European Union high risk of countries.  This is a huge step for us they're saying for Iraq...and then the Foreign Affairs Minister is on our Television talking about how far Iraq has come to exit the European Union risk list.  He talks about the future Wealth and growth.  FRANK26:  Everybody wants that kiss from the prettiest girl at the county fair that is selling her kisses for one dollar apiece.  Everybody wants a piece of Iraq now.  That is the biggest telltale sign...

Frank26  [Iraq boots-on-the-ground TV update] FIREFLY: Two federal lawsuits that the Federal Court is going to listen to have stopped the work of the current parliament session according to Baghdad Channel 1 News...these 2 lawsuits must be addressed until any further action can be taken by parliament...meanwhile citizens are demanding more that the exchange be set back to previous rate...  FRANK It appears once again the Iranian jerks are sticking their foot in there and saying we got 2 doesn't matter what your tactics are.  The monetary and economic reforms are going forward...things are really looking good IMO...

Real Estate Market The Mother of all Crashes is Coming on a Global Scale

The Nomad Economist:  Jan 15, 2022

Existing Home Sales Tumble In September, Despite Low Mortgage Rates. The mother of all crashes is coming on a global scale. And the Fed knows it. They are already starting QE. It's like putting a bandaid before getting cut.

But it won't matter when the whole arm is going to get cut off. In fact, this wound will be fatal to financials, but we already knew this, didn't we? I'd say by the end of next year. We'll be in the storm.

You already see the true health of the economy; the numbers are bad and heading lower in every sector. The Fed can't spur optimistic sentiment in consumers

Despite historically low mortgage rates, sales have not commensurately increased. September existing-home sales in the Northeast fell 2.8% to an annual rate of 690,000, a 1.5% rise from a year ago.

The median price in the Northeast was $301,100, up 5.2% from September 2018. In the Midwest, existing-home sales dropped 3.1% to an annual rate of 1.27 million, which is nearly equal to August 2018.

The median price in the Midwest was $213,500, a 7.2% jump from a year ago. Existing-home sales in the South decreased by 2.1% to an annual rate of 2.28 million in September, up 6.0% from a year ago.

 The median price in the South was $237,300, up 6.3% from one year ago. Existing-home sales in the West declined 0.9% to an annual rate of 1.14 million in September, 5.6% above a year ago.

The median price in the West was $403,600, up 4.5% from September 2018.

There is a lack of supply because banks are sitting on inventory, and they have been doing so since the 08 crash. If they were to release the houses in their stock, it would surely bring down the market. It's supply and demand engineering.

No different than the inventory car dealerships are saddled with at this time. Anyone out hunting for an affordable home today knows that the pickings are slim – and they are about to get slimmer.


"Tidbits From TNT" Sunday 1-16-2022


More Iraqi News Saturday PM 1-15-22