News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday Afternoon 2-7-2021

RV Excerpts from Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 7 Feb. 2021

Compiled Sun. 7 Feb. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

“As of last Sun. 31 Jan. the fiat SWIFT system was no more and as of Mon. 1 Feb. the Quantum Financial System was in place. Tier 4B notification to set redemption/ exchange appointments was imminent”… Charlie Ward

“Bond payments were going out Fri. 5 Feb. Redemption Center Personnel were to be in place at noon Mon. 8 Feb.…Bruce

Read full post here:

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Courtesy of Dinar Guru

MilitiaMan   The can kicking of the 2021 Budget is by design.. imo.. It appears they have had to massage the timing to fit in line with many things and the hurry up and wait from parliament looks to be to me that they were in a hurry, yet, now they have to sit tight for the moment with having completed all but the best for last... imo..

MilitiaMan  Article quote:  "The Central Bank of Iraq had previously signed an agreement with a number of local banks and completed the technical requirements to participate in the project in coordination with the Arab Monetary Fund,Get ready for digital currency...Digital currency will need to be able to communicate on a level playing field. It is said they have this next week to be interconnected with the BUNA system that the AMF has launched for clearing and settlements. They say the TENTH!!!



Tishwash:  The Iraqi budget. Doubling the petrodollar and allocating new financial to the capital's entrances

The Iraqi parliament's finance committee decided On Sunday to add a new financial allocation for the rehabilitation of the entrances to the capital Baghdad.  

The parliamentary media department said in a statement to The Twilight News that the Finance Committee decided to add a financial allocation in the 2021 budget to rehabilitate the entrances to the capital Baghdad.

The statement said that the Finance Committee decided to double the petrodollar allocations in the 2021 budget to (one trillion) going to oil-producing provinces.

A parliamentary source told The Twilight News on Sunday that a preliminary agreement had been reached between all political forces to pass the 2021 budget bill early next week.

Earlier in the day, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi held a meeting with members of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, during which the 2021 federal budget was discussed and the joint cooperation between the executive and legislative branches continued to be adopted.

The Kurdistan regional government delegation is due to return to Baghdad this week with the aim of resuming a fourth round of negotiations, which it said will be crucial in stabilizing the region's budget share.

The regional government delegation reached an agreement with the federal government to deliver 250,000 barrels of crude oil per day and half of the financial revenues generated from border crossings in exchange for Baghdad to give 12.67 percent of the budget to Kurdistan after the deduction of sovereign and ruling expenses, which was confirmed by the draft budget bill, but the delegation, in its last visit, was informed that the agreement was no longer valid. link


Silver Report Uncut: 

Dollar Collapse! The Global Order Prepares To End The Dollars World Reserve Currency Status

Feb 7, 2021

Dollar Collapse! The Global Order Is Preparing To Abandon The Use Of The Dollar As The World Reserve Currency We have been discussing the global rush to the bottom devaluation spree going on around the world.

We suggested there was limited attempts to preserve the value of the Dollar, almost as if they had no intention of it surviving.

Now some came to me suggesting this was all a part of the plan and it was good. We now see that the plan is coming into view it is quite diabolical indeed.

Taboola ad for the very bottom only

Silver Squeeze Market Update for gold, silver and bitcoin for the week ending 5th Feb

Miles Harris:  Feb 6, 2021

Market update for gold, silver and bitcoin for the week ending the 5th February. Today, we explore the key numbers behind the silver squeeze.


MilitiaMan, Pimpy and Lynnette Zang Sunday PM 2-7-2021


China Looks To Take Its Digital Currency Global