News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday Afternoon 12-4-2022


Clare:  Parliamentary Finance suggests that the Iraqi Council of Ministers vote on the "2023 budget" in its next session


The Finance Committee in the Iraqi Parliament suggested, on Sunday, that the Iraqi Council of Ministers will vote on the federal budget law for the year 2023 in its next session.

A member of the Finance Committee, Nermin Maarouf, told Shafaq News agency; "The general budget law for the year 2023 is supposed to reach Parliament in October, but the delay in forming the government caused a delay in its approval by the Council of Ministers and sending it to Parliament."

And she added; "The Ministry of Finance will complete the preparation of the draft general budget law, and during the coming days, the Finance will send the budget law to the Council of Ministers for approval." 

Maarouf continued; "The Council of Ministers may vote in the Tuesday session of this week on the draft budget law."   LINK

Godson:  IMO.... Vote.. Pass... Gazette/ president signature... Law is activated... IMO.

Henig:  Minister of Oil: The “OPEC +” alliance decides to keep the oil production policy unchanged

Baghdad / NINA / - Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs and Minister of Oil Hayan Abdul-Ghani affirmed the "OPEC Plus" alliance's adherence to the previously established production agreement and the rate of reduction until the end of next year 2023, taking into account emergency changes and developments.

After his participation in the ministerial meeting of the "OPEC Plus" alliance, Abdul-Ghani said: The meeting emphasized taking more necessary measures regarding developments in the oil market, if required, in order to maintain the required balance and achieve more stability in light of the circumstances and challenges facing global markets.

The minister referred to "the agreement on all the issues that were discussed, including those related to the Ministerial Committee to monitor production and the call for urgent and necessary meetings, and the importance of full compliance with the agreement and the compensation mechanism." LINK


Clare:  With the jump of the dollar.. the Sudanese directs to provide foreign currency locally


 Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani met, this morning, Sunday, the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mustafa Ghaleb Makhaif.

A statement by the media office of the Prime Minister said that Al-Sudani "listened to a briefing on the progress of organizational work and the policies of the Central Bank in the financial and monetary sectors."

Al-Sudani directed "to conduct the necessary treatments to provide foreign currency in the local market in accordance with the mechanisms and legal systems of the Central Bank, and also to provide it to citizens wishing to travel or receive treatment outside Iraq."

The Prime Minister affirmed "the continuation of the financial and economic reform program for the financial and banking system, which was included in the ministerial curriculum, to lead the national economy to steady growth, which will reflect positively on the citizens' livelihood and their level of financial empowerment."

It is noteworthy that the local markets are witnessing a rise in the exchange rates of the dollar against the dinar, as it exceeded for the first time - since the central bank raised - the exchange rate to 1500 dinars per dollar.  LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26 [ Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: All the main banks in Iraq are saying they are keeping up with modern technology and...lined up with International standards and acceptance proceedings.  FRANK: Holy cow!

Mnt Goat  Welcome to the month of December! This is a very critical month for us investors in the IQD for if we are going to see any action by the CBI to reinstate the dinar anytime in January 2023. We must begin to hear news from them over the change out of the paper currency in circulation to the lower denominations to accommodate the new rate which they call the “project to delete the zeros”, which we all hope will be finally out of the program rate and to a much higher once on FOREX. Yes, a rate reflecting the true VALUE of the IQD, a rate we are all looking for.

Putin’s About To Flip The World Order - Russian Reset Will Shock The West!

Sean Foo:  12-4-2022

The price cap on Russian oil is coming and Putin is going to flip the sanction on its head. The G7 has agreed on a $60 price cap and a coalition is formed, however, there's a good chance this will backfire and split the world into two camps, BRICS versus the west.

Here's what you must know about Russia's plan to build a new order and system independent of the West.

RED ALERT! PROOF US Mint is Naked Shorting COMEX Silver! Loss of $111.7M on Hedge Book!!

Bix Weir:  12-3-2022

Well now we KNOW what CFTC Commissioner meant when he said in early 2021 "We had to Tamp Down the price of silver!" The US Mint is playing with MASSIVE amounts of Naked Silver Shorts on the COMEX and lost $111.7M in doing so!

It's all in the Mint's 2021 Annual Report. This is a disgusting display of the criminal US Government rigging operations that have been going on for decades.

We will see how long this lasts but the LIGHT OF DAY is shining down on these criminals...AND THEY HATE THAT!


Ultimate Guide To Your Us Bank Routing Number


Peter Schiff, Rafi Farber and more....Sunday 12-4-2022