News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday Morning 11-23-19


PaulW: VP Pense makes unannounced visit to Iraq

Diamondd: It appears the VP Pence is in Baghdad today ... hmmmmm

Alf:  Well let's see so Pence is in Iraq let's see what transpires now.

Mr.Bigg:  So since VP Pence is in Iraq does that give us an even better chance for this to happen this weekend???

Tishwash: US Vice President arrives in Iraq

 Mike Pence, US Vice President Donald Trump, arrived in Iraq on Saturday to visit US soldiers, security sources said.

 World - America

The US media confirmed that Pence will inspect his country's forces at the "base of Assad's eye" in the western province of Anbar.

This is Pence's first visit to Iraq, and the first by a US official at this level since President Donald Trump's visit to al-Qaeda itself in late December 2018 for only hours, sparking controversy for not meeting any Iraqi official.   link


OkRocks: SkynewsArabia, I added to tish's Pence post... excerpt = The visit coincides with the US Vice President, as a number of political forces meet to discuss important matters, including the fate of Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi. An informed source told "Sky News Arabia" that the meeting will also discuss the proposal of early elections, and the assertions of religious authority.

OKRocks: There are always important reasons for VP to be anywhere... they aint talking LOL

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Jeff  ...complete the 2020 budget.  Then change the rate.  Then implement the demonstrators demands.  That’s how it has to happen.  That’s what they’re telling you factually within the news.  They have to do those steps…That’s where we’re at…we look amazing but the factual news from a truth poll perspective tells us that a little bit more time is needed

Jeff   …the citizens are not going to tolerate this much longer.  There is a huge revelation in this…the government is showing you through the action with the demonstrators how their hands are just tied.  There’s absolutely nothing that the government can do right now to satisfy the demonstrators.  They’re showing you  as clear as day.  They have to change the rate fairly soon…fairly soon could mean over the next few months…they have to change the rate in a reasonable amount of time…I love the news it could not be any better…



Samson:  Trump's deputy arrives in Baghdad

2019/11/23 14:55

US Vice President Mike Pence arrived in Baghdad on Saturday.

"Pence arrived in Baghdad just before," a well-informed political source said.

The source did not disclose the reasons for the visit, expecting to go to the base of al-Assad in Anbar.



Samson:  The government reveals the files it will discuss with Trump's deputy

2019/11/23 16:14

The Iraqi government unveiled on Saturday the files it will share with US Vice President Mike Pence, who arrived in Baghdad this afternoon.

Iraqi government spokesman Saad al-Hadithi said in a press statement that "Iraqi talks with the US vice president will discuss bilateral relations and the fight against terrorism and developments in Iraq." LINK


Samson:  Trump reveals the fate of Pence and Pompeo with him

23rd November, 2019
US President Donald Trump has announced that Vice President Mike Pence will run again with him in the 2020 presidential election, adding that he does not rule out Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's candidacy for the Senate.

Speaking to Fox News, Trump said of Pence: "He's a fan and a friend." He said the former US ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Healey, "would be great" but Pence had done "an exceptional job."

As Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is running, Trump has said he may want to run for the Senate from Kansas in the 2020 partial legislative elections.

According to Trump, Pompeo "likes what he does" as secretary of state, but if there is a threat that Republicans could lose Kansas in the Senate in next year's election, Pompeo could run and "win a big margin."

The State Department denied news circulated by US media about Pompeo's intention to resign and run for the Senate from Kansas.  LINK

Samson:  Iraq’s Parliament approves changes to pension, anti-corruption laws, debates new election legislation

21st November, 2019

Iraq’s Council of Representatives (Parliament) approved several draft laws and amendments submitted by the Iraqi government, parliamentary committees and MPs.

The new laws and amendments reduce the retirement age of public sector workers, remove financial and other privileges from senior officials, introduce new rules on illegal financial gain, and grant greater powers and a wider remit to the Integrity Commission, Iraq’s anti-corruption watchdog.

The Council of Representatives also concluded the First Reading of a draft electoral law and a draft law abolishing the current body overseeing elections in Iraq and replacing it with a new Independent High Electoral Commission.

Parliamentary approval of the new laws came as the Iraqi government continues to implement a series of measures to meet the legitimate demands of the protests and address the long-term aspirations of all Iraqis.

Summary of the new laws and amendments approved by Iraq’s Parliament

The amended Unified Pension Law No. 9 of 2014:

Reduces the retirement age from 63 to 60 years, with exemptions for rare skills in certain sectors

Guarantees a minimum monthly pension of 400,000 Iraqi dinars

It is estimated that these and other changes will create more than 200,000 new vacancies in 2020

The amended Integrity Commission Law No. 30 of 2011 & the Illegal Gain Provision:

Extends the remit of the Integrity Commission to cover trade unions, non-governmental organisations and professional associations

Tightens conflict of interest rules for officials

Prohibits officials from using their position or title to gain personal financial benefits; any benefit obtained this way shall be regarded as (illegal gain)

Financial Privileges of Officials Law:

Abolishes the Financial Privileges of State Officials Law No. 13 of 2005

Removes a wide range of financial, health, housing, transport and security benefits from the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister and the Speaker of the Council of Representatives, ministers, MPs and other senior officials

The draft Federal Electoral Law (First Reading):

Reduces the age of candidacy from 30 to 25

Reduces the number of MPs from 329 to 251

Bans successful candidates and political blocs from creating a different coalition or form a new bloc until after the formation of the new government

The draft law establishing a new Independent Election Commission (First Reading):

 Establishes a new Independent High Electoral Commission

 Decrees that the work of Commission will be overseen by 7 Commissioners

 Authorises the Commission to seek international election advice

The Iraqi government will submit other draft laws to Parliament over the coming weeks.   LINK


Economic Collapse News -Dudley Corporate Debt Warning, GM Racketeering Lawsuit Against Fiat Chrysler

SliverReportUncut:  Nov 23, 2019

Economic collapse news November 23, 2019. First we look at the recent op-ed from William Dudley the former president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York warning about corporate debt. He referred to this "BBB Bulge" that could magnify the next recession.

The issue is Many of the corporations in the BBB catagory have already exhausted all means to keep their tentative Investment Grade label.

So the issue is what do they do when things get rough that's why Bill Dudley is suggestion these prolonged expansions could also increase the severity of a recession.

He also anticipates we see forced selling of corporate debt after mass downgrade to High Yield. Next we look at another PG&E blackout coming for northern California.

GM has filed a federal racketeering lawsuit against Fiat Chrysler for allegedly bribing UAW officials to stretch for solutions that benefit Fiat in negotiations with GM. They say the suit seeks to hold Fiat Chrysler accountable for damages.


Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Nov. 23, 2019


5 Financial Tasks To Tackle Now