News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday 12-31-2022

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RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 31 Dec. 2022

Compiled Sat. 31 Dec. 2022 12:01am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Bruce received confirmation that Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) will be notified Mon. afternoon 2 Jan, or Tues. before noon, with exchanges beginning Tues. afternoon 3 Jan.

Several Intel providers including Snake and Capt Kyle, were saying that everything (on the Global Currency Reset) was programmed to go right after Jan. 1st 2023 when Basel 4 hit, along with the QFS and NESARA/ GESARA.

Tues. 27 Dec. MarkZ: “The Central Bank of Iraq has frozen accounts and were not letting people withdraw or deposit until 2 Jan. 2023.”…Thurs. 29 Dec. Mark Z: “I am still hearing great things that this will be our last few days and our last poor weekend. None of us know for certain but the chatter is exceptionally good.” …“Medical Debt was being erased in Ohio and Illinois. Is your town next? Rumors are its going to spread to Pennsylvania. They are buying your debt at a discount. Where is the money coming from? Perhaps this is a slow roll out of NESARA.” Fri. 30 Dec. MarkZ: “Still hearing everywhere from us in the banks on the 2nd, to us in the banks by the 14th …we just know its close. We know they are moving forward quickly.”

Iraqi citizens have been celebrating their revaluation according to their domestic News Announcements.

NESARA/GESARA was said to have started Sun-Mon 25, 26 Dec. Many Social Security recipients have received letters showing a significant increase in their checks beginning Jan. 1 2023.

Sunday 1 Jan. 2023 would begin the Golden Jubilee Year across the Globe.

It was the goal to have all currencies of the world exchanging at a 1:1 with each other by March 2023 – a situation expected to last up to five years.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  Question: "Anything on the Dong?I don't believe the dong is ready.  I believe it will go in a basket first.  But I believe the Iraqi dinar has priority.

Mnt Goat   Article:  "WHAT IS MEANT BY CURRENCY FLOAT? WHAT ARE ITS ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES?"  This article is a VERY GOOD lesson in what it means to FLOAT a currency. ...they can’t float the dinar in the program rate with the currency auctions and must reinstate it to the global markets. Mainly it’s because hint hint…to float you need access to the markets and traders. This will be when we go the bank to exchange...floating the IQD on FOREX can solve much of the issues with the dinar monetary policy in Iraq. This once again proves the move to FOREX should have happened a decade ago when Dr Shabibi, then the CBI director, lined up the dinar to go to FOREX in January 2013...I ask, why now publish such an article?

ALERT! Last Silver Delivery SURPRISES With Mystery 3.3M oz Delivery on LAST DAY by JPM!!

(Bix Weir)  12-30-2022

You can't make this up! With only 250k ounces due on the last day of the COMEX Silver Deliveries JP Morgan supplies a 3.3 MILLION ounce silver delivery! WTF?!

Clearly this is a desperate move by the silver market riggers to fill physical silver gaps for maybe their final delivery month!


Ten Words for 2023


Weekend Coffee With MarkZ "Crazy Chatter" 12-31-2022